• 沒有找到結果。

A Bottom-up Approach to Promoting Reading across the Curriculum

Appendix III: Setting Up a Collaborative Mechanism for Reading across the Curriculum

Exemplar 2: A Bottom-up Approach to Promoting Reading across the Curriculum

Current Collaborative Situation:

The teachers realise that the learning contents of some subjects in P2 are related in some way.

In order to raise the learning and teaching effectiveness, they propose organising activities for Reading across the Curriculum on the theme "Getting Close to Nature".

The teachers’ proposal is taken on board. The Primary School Curriculum Leader and the subject panel chairpersons then deliberate on the details.

The following subject departments agree to take part in the Reading across the Curriculum activities and decide on the learning contents and collaboration focus:

Chinese Language: "I Love Nature" - To guide students to use reading strategies such as locating key words, topic sentences and understanding the author's love for nature General Studies: "Good Spots for a Stroll in the Countryside" - To help students develop the values of treasuring resources and loving the environment

Visual Arts: "A Collage: the Fun of Stroll in the Countryside" - To guide students to make the most of waste to produce a collage

The Primary School Curriculum Leader gives full support to the implementation of the

Primary School Curriculum Leader


Subject Panel Chairpersons and Subject Teachers (Chinese Language, General Studies, Visual Arts)

School Head and Deputy Head

above-mentioned activities through flexible allocation of resources as manifested in time-tabling, staff deployment, book purchases.

The Teacher-librarian provides support, e.g. making suggestions on reading materials, purchasing books, organising theme-based book exhibitions.

The teachers of the various subjects mentioned above provide students with guidance on reading and learning, and help them construct knowledge and develop their communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking skills.

The Primary School Curriculum Leader, all subject panel chairpersons and the Teacher-librarian review the effectiveness of the scheme and consider how to improve it.

The teachers agree to gradually expand the scale of the activities for Reading across the Curriculum:

Vertical expansion: To consider activities for Reading across the Curriculum at more year levels

Horizontal expansion: To promote more cross-subject collaboration at each year level Special Features:

A bottom-up approach: The teachers take the initiative in proposing the implementation of activities for Reading across the Curriculum, and the School Head take on board the proposal.

The details of the scheme are then deliberated on by the different subject departments.

Designating a year level for the tryout: The school chooses P2 for the tryout and involves the subjects of Chinese Language, General Studies and Visual Arts

Empowering teachers: The school empowers the teachers to develop the school-based curriculum and provide them with additional support through administrative arrangements and resource allocation.

Sustainable development: Learning from experience, the teachers promote Reading across the Curriculum both vertically and horizontally within the school.

The following references are by no means exhaustive and listed for reference only.


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香 港 大 學 教 育 學 院 中 文 教 育 研 究 中 心 :PIRLS 全 球 學 生 閱 讀 能 力 進 展 研 究


EDB:Reading to Learn


EDB:Parents-child Reading is Fun - For Parents of the 0-9-year-olds

<http://www.edb.gov.hk/tc/curriculum-development/major-level-of-edu/primary/materials/par ent-child-reading/index.html>

EDB:Parents-child Reading is Fun - For Parents of the 0-3-year-olds



EDB:Parents-child Reading is Fun - For Parents of the 3-6-year-olds



EDB:Parents-child Reading is Fun- For Parents of the 6-9-year-olds

<http://www.edb.gov.hk/attachment/tc/curriculum-development/major-level-of-edu/prim ary/materials/parent-child-reading/reading_6-9.pdf>

EDB:School Library Services



EDB One-stop Portal for Learning & Teaching Resources


Programme for International Student Assessment Hong Kong Centre:“Programme for International Student Assessment”


OCED: Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)


Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS 2011): IEA International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement: PIRLS 2011
