• 沒有找到結果。

Books on curriculum content

Using interactive activities in teaching “Modernisation of China”

A. Books on curriculum content

1. The Making of the Modern World

Buxton, S. (1997). Worlds apart: The twentieth century (The action history series). London:

Hodder & Stoughton Educational Division.

Farmer, A., & Sanders, V. (2002). An introduction to modern European history, 1890-1990 (The Access to History series). London: Hodder & Stoughton Educational Division.

Freeman, G. (1999). Discover history: The twentieth century world. London: Hodder &


Gilbert, M. (2001). The history of the twentieth century (1st US Edition). New York: W.


Glenon, L. (Ed.). (1995). The 20th century: An illustrated history of our lives and times.

Atlanta: Turner Pub.

Hamer, J. (1992). History in the making: The twentieth century. Glos: Nelson Thornes.

Huntington, S. P. (1997). The clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order (1st Touchstone Edition). New York: Simon & Schuster.

Matthews, A. (2000). Nationalism, 1789-1945 (The Access to History series). London:

Hodder & Stoughton.

Morris, T., & Murphy, D. (2004). Flagship history: Europe 1870-1991. Glasgow: Collins Education.

Moss, P. (1987). History scene in the modern world. London: Collins Educational.

O’Callaghan, B. (1987). A history of the twentieth century. London; New York: Longman.

Overy, R. J. (Ed.). (2000). The Times history of 20th century (New Edition). London: Times Book.

Scott, J. (1989). The world since 1914. Oxford: Heinemann Educational.

Watson, J. B. (1989). Success in world history since 1945. London: John Murray.

Welch, D. (2000). Modern European history 1871-1975: A documentary reader (2nd Edition).

London; New York: Routledge.

Wolfson, R., & Laver, J. (2001). Years of change: European history, 1870-1990 (3rd Edition).

London: Hodder & Stoughton Educational Division.







金永華(1997)《戰後世界歷史長編 10》,上海:上海人民出版社。

金重遠編(2001)《20 世紀的世界︰百年歷史回溯》(共兩卷),香港:三聯書店(香港)


吳於廑、齊世榮編(2003)《世界通史:當代篇》,台北:五南圖書出版公司。(國際書 號: 9571131636)

吳繼德(1995)《當代世界史 1945-1993》(修訂本),昆明:雲南大學出版社。


梁維平(2002)《榮耀與苦難:20 世紀文明的歷史見證》,北京:東方出版社。


程玉海、曹勝強(2000)《20 世紀的世界革命》,北京:中國社會科學出版社。

資中筠(2000)《冷眼向洋:百年風雲啟示錄》(共兩卷),北京:生活 · 讀書 · 新知 三聯書店。


劉同舜、姚椿齡(1994)《戰後世界歷史長編 1954》(第九冊),上海:上海人民出版社。


龐君豪編(1998)《Our Times:20 世紀史》(第 2 版修訂版)(譯自 Our times: The illustrated history of the 20th century),台北:貓頭鷹出版社股份有限公司。

【美】塞繆爾‧亨廷頓 (Samuel P. Huntington) 著,周琪等譯(1998)《文明的衝突與世

界秩序的重建》(譯自 Clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order),北 京:新華出版社。

【美】斯塔夫裏阿諾斯 (L.S. Stavrianos) 著,吳象嬰、梁赤民譯(1999)《全球通史:

1500 年以後的世界》(譯自 The world since 1500: A global history),上海:上海社 會科學院出版社。

【美】保羅‧甘迺迪 (Paul Kennedy) 著,陳景彪等譯(1992)《世界強權的興衰》(修 訂版)(譯自 Rise and fall of the great powers: Economic change and military conflict

from 1500-2000),香港:中華書局(香港)有限公司。

【美】理查‧布利特 (Lichade W. Bulite) 等著,陳祖洲等譯(2001)《20 世紀史》(譯 自 The Columbia history of the 20th century),南京:江蘇人民出版社。

【英】布賴恩‧拉平 (Brian Lapping) 著,錢乘旦、計秋楓、陳仲丹等譯(1994)《帝國

斜陽》(譯自 End of empire),香港:三聯書店(香港)有限公司。

【英】艾瑞克‧霍布斯邦 (Eric J. Hobsbawm) 著,鄭明萱譯(1996)《極端的年代

1914-1991》(共兩冊)(譯自 Age of Extremes),台北:麥田出版股份有限公司。

【英】馬丁‧吉爾伯特 (Martin Gilbert) 著,齊世榮譯(2001)《二十世紀世界史》(全 三卷六冊)(譯自 History of the twentieth century),西安:陝西師範大學出版社。

【加】弗萊 (Northrop Erye) 著,盛寧譯(1998)《現代百年》(譯自 The modern century),


【法】夏爾‧佐爾格比伯著 (Charles Zorgbibe),朱邦造譯(1995)《一九四五年以來的

世界》(譯自 Monde Depuis 第 4 版),北京:商務印書館。

2. Modernisation and Transformation in Twentieth-Century Asia Hong Kong

Bylth, S., & Wotherspoon I. (Ed.)., with a foreword by Baroness Thatcher. (1996). Hong Kong remembers (Chinese title:《說吧,香港》). Hong Kong: Oxford University Press (China).

Chan, M. K. (Ed.). (1997). The challenge of Hong Kong’s reintegration with China. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

Cheng, J., & Leung, B. (Eds.) (1997). Hong Kong SAR: In pursuit of domestic and international order. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.

Cheng, J., & Lo, S. (Eds.) (1995). From colony to SAR: Hong Kong's challenge ahead. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.

Chung, S.Y. (2001). Hong Kong's journey to reunification: Memoirs of Sze-yuen Chung (Chinese title《香港回歸歷程:鍾士元回憶錄》. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.

Cohen, W., & Li, Z. (Eds.) (1997). Hong Kong under Chinese Rule: The economic & political implications of reversion. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.

Courtauld, C., & Holdsworth, M. (1997). The Hong Kong story. Hong Kong; New York:

Oxford University Press.

Enright, M. J., Scott, E., & Dodwell, D. (1997). The Hong Kong advantage (Chinese title《香 港優勢》. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press (China). (Chinese Edition. Added) Faure, D. (Ed.). (2003). Hong Kong: A reader in social history. Hong Kong: Oxford

University Press (China).

Gordon, M., & Lui, T.L. (Eds.) (2001). Consuming Hong Kong (The Hong Kong Culture and Society series). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

Hung, H.F. (1998). Rethinking the Hong Kong cultural identity: The case of rural ethnicities Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Jones, C. (1990). Promoting prosperity: The Hong Kong way of social policy. Hong Kong:

Chinese University Press.

Lau, C.K. (1997). Hong Kong's colonial legacy. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.

Lau, S.K. & Kuan, H.C. (1988).The ethos of the Hong Kong Chinese. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.

Lau, S.K. (Ed.). (2000). Social development & political change in Hong Kong. Hong Kong:

Chinese University Press.

Leung, B.K.P. (1996). Perspectives on Hong Kong society. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press (China).

Li, P.K. (Ed.). (1997). Political order and power transition in Hong Kong. Hong Kong:

Chinese University Press.

Lim, P. (2002). Discovering Hong Kong's cultural heritage: The New Territories (With 13 guided walks). Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.

Lim, P. (2002). Discovering Hong Kong's cultural heritage: Hong Kong and Kowloon (With 19 guided walks). Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.

Lin, J. Y., Cai, F., & Li, Z. (2003). The China miracle: Development strategy and economic

reform (Revised Edition). Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.

Sinn, E. (Ed.). (1990). Between East and West: Aspects of social and political development in Hong Kong (Centre of Asian Studies Occasional Papers and Monographs No. 88).

Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong.

Sinn, E. (Ed.). (2001). Hong Kong, British crown colony, revisited. Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong.

Sung, Y.W. (1991). China-Hong Kong connection: The key to China’s Open-Door Policy.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Tsang, S. (Ed.). (1995). Government and politics (A Documentary of Hong Kong series).

Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

Wang, G.W., & Wong, J. (Eds.) (1999). Hong Kong in China: The challenges of transition.

Singapore: Times Academic Press.

Wang, G.W. (2000). Joining the modern world: inside and outside China. Singapore:

Singapore University Press, World Scientific.

Wing, S.K.C., & Tai, L.L. (Eds.) (2000). The dynamics of social movement in Hong Kong (The Hong Kong Culture and Society series). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

Yau, L. (Ed.). (1999). Photo Hong Kong (1950s-1970s) (Bilingual Edition) (Chinese title:《香 港照相冊》). Hong Kong: Joint Publishing Company (Hong Kong).

Yeung, Y.M. (Ed.). (2002). New challenges for development & modernization: Hong Kong &

the Asia-Pacific Region in the new millennium. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.



白莎莉 (Sally Blyth)、 胡品德 Ian Wotherspoon) 著,戴卓爾夫人序(1999)《說吧,香

港》(譯自 Hong Kong remembers),香港:牛津大學出版社(中國)有限公司。








湯開建、蕭國健、陳佳榮編(1998)《香港 6000 年:遠古至 1997》,香港:麒麟書業有


恩萊特 (Michael J. Enright)、司各特 (Edith E. Scott)、杜大偉 (David Dodwell) 合著,



鄭德良(1992)《香港奇蹟:經濟成就的文化動力》(商務玖什叢書系列),香港:商務 印書館(香港)有限公司。





吳俊雄、張志偉編(2002)《閱讀香港普及文化 1970-2000》(修訂版),香港:牛津大 學出版社(中國)有限公司。






Bailey, P.J. (2001). China in the twentieth century (2nd Edition). Oxford; Malden, Mass.:

Blackwell Publishers.

Cheng, J. (Ed.). (1998). China in the post-Deng era. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.

Fairbank, J.K. (1997). China watch. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.

Fairbank, J.K. & Goldman, M. (1998). China a new history (Enlarged Edition). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Hsü, I.C.Y. (1990). The rise of modern China. New York: Oxford University Press. New


Ladany, L. (1992). The Communist Party of China and Marxism, 1921-1985: A self-portrait (With a foreword by Robert Elegant). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

Lin, J.Y., Cai, F., & Li Z. (2003). The China miracle: Development strategy and economic reform (Revised Edition). Hong Kong: Chinese University Press.

Moise, E.E. (1994). Modern China: A history. London: Longman.

Spence, J.D. (1999). The search for modern China (2nd Edition) (Chinese title《追尋現代中 國》). New York: Norton.

Wang, G.W. (1999). China: Two decades of reform and change. Singapore: Singapore University Press: River Edge, N.J.: World Scientific.

Wasserstrom, J.N. (2003). Twentieth century China: New approach (The Rewriting Histories series). London; New York: Routledge.

Wilson, D. (1997). China: The big tiger: A nation awakens. London: Abacus.

Zhang, L.J., & Macleod, C. (1999). China remembers (Chinese title 《說吧,中國》). Oxford;

New York: Oxford University Press.

Zheng, S.P. (1997). Party vs. state in post-1949 China: The institutional dilemma. Cambridge;

New York: Cambridge University Press.

中國中央檔案館編(2001)《中國共產黨八十年珍貴檔案》(上下冊),北京:中國檔案 出版社。


李穀城(1992)《中共黨政軍結構:世界最龐大的人治政權》(第 4 版修訂版),香港:












吳家慶著(2000)《封閉大裂變:中國對外開放 20 年透析》,長沙市:湖南師範大學出 版社。


徐中約著,計秋楓、朱慶葆、茅家琦譯(2001-2002)《中國近代史》(共兩冊)(譯自 The rise of modern china),香港:香港中文大學出版社。



郭廷以(1986)《近代中國史綱》(共兩冊)(第 3 版),香港:香港中文大學出版社。


黃遠林編(2000)《百年漫畫:1898-1999 中國漫畫點評》(共兩冊),北京:現代出版社。





張玉法(2001)《中國現代史略》(第 12 版),台北:台灣東華書局股份有限公司。

張家敏(1997)《建國以來 1949-1997》(共兩冊),香港:香港政策研究所。


湯應武(1998)《抉擇:1978 年以來中國改革的歷程》,北京:經濟日報出版社。





劉創楚、楊慶堃(2001)《中國社會:從不變到巨變》(第 2 版),香港:香港中文大學 出版社。




【美】費正清 (John King Fairbank) 著,劉尊棋譯(2000)《偉大的中國革命(1800 - 1985)》

(譯自 The great Chinese Revolution),北京:世界知識出版社。

【美】費正清 (John King Fairbank) 編,楊品泉、劉敬坤譯(1998)《劍橋中國中華民 國史 1912-1949》(兩卷)(譯自 The Cambridge History of China, vol. 12, Republican

China, 1912-1949.),北京:中國社會科學院出版社。

【美】麥克法誇爾 (Roderick MacFarquhar)、費正清 (John King Fairbank) 編,謝亮生等 譯(1990)《劍橋中華人民共和國史:革命的中國的興起 1949-1965》,北京:中 國社會科學出版社。

【美】麥克法誇爾 (Roderick MacFarquhar)、費正清 (John King Fairbank) 編(1992),《劍 橋中華人民共和國史:中國革命內部的革命 1966-1982》(譯自 The Cambridge History of China: The People’s Republic, vol. 15, part 2: Revolution within the Chinese Revolution, 1966-1982),北京:中國社會科學出版社。

【美】史景遷 (Jonathan D. Spence) 著,溫洽溢譯(2001)《追尋現代中國:從共產主義

到市場經濟》(共三冊)(譯自 The search for modern China),台北:時報文化出 版企業股份有限公司。

【美】迪克‧威爾遜 (Dick Wilson) 著、封長虹譯(2003)《毛澤東》,北京:中共中央



Allinson, G.D. (1997). Japan's postwar history. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.

Beasley, W.G. (2000). The rise of modern Japan (3rd Edition)(Chinese title《現代日本的崛 起:簡明日本現代史》. New York: St. Martin's Press.

Beauchamp, E.R. (Ed.). (1998). Dimensions of contemporary Japan 1: History of contemporary Japan, 1945-1998. New York: Garland Publishing.

Beauchamp, E.R. (Ed.). (1998). Dimensions of contemporary Japan 6: Japan's role in international politics since World War II. New York: Garland Publishing.

Benson, J., & Matsumura, T. (2001). Japan 1868-1945: From isolation to occupation. Harlow, England; New York: Longman.
