• 沒有找到結果。

Children’s Behaviours that Require Concern

Appendix 8

Age Behaviours

1 month 1. Seldom moves his arms or legs.

2. Appears excessively fl oppy or stiff.

3. Does not blink to bright light.

4. Does not focus or follow your face briefl y at near.

5. Does not respond to loud noises.

3 months 1. Appears fl oppy or too stiff on handling.

2. Does not move much and not support his head temporarily.

3. Keeps his hands fi sted all the time and does not hold rattle put in his hand.

4. Does not look at his own hands.

5. Does not follow moving objects with his eyes at near.

6. Does not respond to loud noise.

7. Does not make any sound.

8. Does not smile in response to your voice or face.

7 months 1. Does not move much or move asymmetrically.

2. Does not support his head well in sitting position.

3. Does not bear some weight on legs when being held up.

4. Does not reach and grasp objects.

5. Does not visually follow objects at near and far distance.

6. Has one or both eyes consistently turn in or out (i.e. squinting).

7. Does not respond to calling.

8. Does not turn head to locate sound.

9. Does not show affection to the person(s) who care for him.

10. Does not vocalize.

9 months 1. Does not sit alone.

1 year 1. Does not stand holding onto furniture.

2. Does not cruise along furniture.

3. Does not walk when led by hands.

4. Does not pull himself up from sitting position.

5. Has not developed pincer grasp.

6. Does not search for hidden object.

7. Does not respond to calling of his name.

8. Does not respond to command with gestured cues e.g. wave “bye-bye”, “clap your hands”.

9. Does not use gestures or pointing to indicate needs.

10. Does not babble.

11. Appears not hear or see well.

Age Behaviours 1.5 years 1. Cannot walk alone.

2. Does not play meaningfully but still engage in throwing and mouthing of objects.

2 years 1. Still being unsteady (after walking for 6 months or so).

2. Unable to identify common household objects and body parts.

3. Does not follow simple instructions.

4. Does not speak single words.

5. Does not use gestures or speech to direct your attention to his interest.

6. Does not show any pretend play.

7. Does not show interest or understanding to what you have taught.

8. Appears not hear or see well.

3 years 1. Falls frequently or has diffi culty with stairs.

2. Appears clumsy in manipulating small objects e.g. unwrap paper from a candy.

3. Fails to understand simple instructions e.g. “put the coat into the room”.

4. Fails to communicate in 2-3 words phrases (e.g. “drink juice”, “want the ball”).

5. Shows no interest in other children.

6. Does not participate in pretend play.

7. Shows extreme diffi culty in separating from mother in most situations.

4 years 1. Appears clumsy in movement or manipulating simple tools such as spoons, forks, etc.

2. Has diffi culty in following verbal instructions.

3. Does not speak in sentences.

4. Has unclear speech and diffi culty in being understood.

5. Shows excessive or persistent aggressive behaviour.

6. Still clings and cries excessively whenever you (or the main caregiver) leaves him.

7. Shows no interest in interactive games with others.

8. Ignores other children and prefers playing on his own.

9. Appears not to see or hear well.

10. Has learning or behaviour problem at school.

5 years 1. Shows excessively aggressive behaviour.

2. Is excessively timid, fearful, or emotionally labile.

3. Is easily distracted and inattentive when compared to others in class.

4. Shows little interest in other children and not joining in games.

5. Cannot follow instructions at home or in school.

6. Cannot relate simple events.

7. Cannot speak in sentences.

8. Has unclear speech.

9. Shows defi nite problem in learning concepts.

10. Appears clumsy in movement.

11. Appear clumsy in pencil skill or in using simple tools.

12. Does not see or hear well.

13. Has any other learning or behaviour problem at school.


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