• 沒有找到結果。

number of forest reserves to restrain mudslide. Nevertheless, this comparison serves again as a reference for the legacy left by the colonial period.

Table 7: Numbers of Taiwan’s forest reserves in 1942 and 1948


In 1942 In 1948

(1) (2)

To restrain mudslides 142 170 164

To conserve water sources 125 129 123

To break up flying sand 96 87 97

Windbreak 42 28 42

Landscape 31 32 31

Fishing 31 27 31

To reduce tidewater 8 8 8

To prevent flooding 5 5 5

To prevent falling stones 3 3 3

Total 446 489 504

Source: 1942 (1): Taiwan Ringyō Nempō (1943), p. 19.

1942 (2): Wang Tzu-ting, “Taiwan chih pao-an-lin,” p. 62.

1948: Hsieh Wen-chao, “Taiwan chih pao-an-lin ching-ying Taiwan’s forest reserves,”

in Economic Research Division of the Bank of Taiwan (ed.), Taiwan chih lin-yeh ching-ying (Taipei: The Bank of Taiwan, 1968), p. 229; Wang Tzu-ting, “Taiwan chih pao-an-lin,” p. 62, has the same numbers.

Finally, it may be mentioned in passing that in December 1937, the colonial government established three national parks in Taiwan: Ta-t’un-shan 大屯山 (8.265 hectares), Tz’u-kao T’ai-lu-ke 次 高 太 魯 閣 (272.590 hectares) and Hsin-kao A-li-shan 新高阿 里 山 (185.980 hectares). In addition to those forest reserves designated for the purpose of preserving landscape, these national parks demonstrated that Taiwan was not only strategically important for Japan’s movement southwards, but also valuable for the exploration of tourist resources.34 Although the Japanese plan to establish more national parks in Taiwan was interrupted by the war, it also laid a foundation for later development.35


Scholars who have studied Taiwan’s forest reserve in the post-war period often trace its origin to the Japanese colonial period, however, they tended to say that there

34 Nagasaki Kō, Taiwan kokulitsu kōen shashin shū [An album of national parks in Taiwan], (Taipei:

Taiwan Association of National Parks, 1939).

35 Yao He-nien, Taiwan-sheng lin-wu-chu chih, p. 20, p. 110.


was no consistency in the policies and division of works concerning forestry affairs as the office in charge changed hands frequently.36 This paper finds that, indeed, the office in charge did change hands several times, but most policies were carried on by the succeeding offices rather than discarded. Moreover, new programs were added up until 1942. These policies reflected that the colonial authority not only paid attention to the investigation and management of forests and woodlands as well as the disposition of forest products, but also made many efforts to do research and experiment. More important, the colonial authority initiated the establishment of Taiwan’s forest reserves where natural geographical conditions made such a measure indispensable for territory security and public benefit.

In 1945 when Taiwan returned to the Republic of China, a Forestry Bureau (Lin-wu-chu 林務局) was set up below the Agriculture and Forestry Division (Nung-lin-ch’u 農林 處 ) under the Taiwan Provincial Governor Office (Chang- kuan-kung-shu 長官公署). In 1937 the Taiwan Provincial Governor Office was reorganized as the Taiwan Provincial Government and the Forestry Bureau was reorganized as the Taiwan Forestry Administration (Lin-ch’an kuan-li-chu 林產管理 局). In regard to forest reserves, it was recognized that an emergent work was to recover those destroyed during the war. The Forestry Administration was responsible to carry out four categories of reforestation: the economic forests, the coastal forests, the forest reserves, and the flood-control forests.

The new Forestry Administration had taken over from the Japanese colonial authority 366,800 hectares of forest reserves, which consisted of 15 percent of Taiwan’s woodlands and forests totaled in 2.5 million hectares. Of these forest reserves, the new administration decided to designate 13,800 hectares as coastal forests and 179,300 hectares as local forests to be subjected to the program of economic forests. As for the rest of the 147,900 hectares of forest reserves located in the lowland and scattered among villages and cities, they were to be reforested as soon as possible.37 This new categorization reflected continuation as well as shifts in emphases. For example, a program to be conducted in 1948-1950 showed that 48,267 hectares would be planted for economic forests, 14,758 hectares for flood-control forests, 8,500 hectares for forest reserves, and 116 hectares of trees and 5,836 hectares of grass for coastal forests.38 It is understandable that during the period of post-war reconstruction, an emphasis was put on economic forests. However, it should be noted

36 Liu Sheng-hsiao, “Taiwan chih sen-lin ching-ying [The management of forest in Taiwan],” in Taiwan chih lin-yeh ching-ying, pp. 39-128; Wang Ziding, “Taiwan chih lin-yeh cheng-ts’e,” pp.


37 Taiwan-sheng cheng-fu nung-lin ch’u, Taiwan lin-ch’an kuan-li kai-k’uan [General situation of the management of Taiwan’s forest products], Taipei (1938), p 4, pp. 135-139.

38 Taiwan-sheng cheng-fu nung-lin ch’u, Taiwan lin-ch’an kuan-li kai-k’uan, p. 199.


that between 1954 and 1972, Taiwan encountered a great loss of forests. During the eighteen years, the area deforested reached 104,800 hectares. This lost of forests consisted of 3 percent of Taiwan’s total land area, or 5.3 percent of where the forests stood in 1954.39 Fortunately, the principle of forestry management was shifted back to stress the forest reserves again in 1975 with a forestry reform program, and the area was increased to 408,555 hectares in 1981.40

It should also be noted that this paper is only a preliminary study of the history of environment conservation regarding Taiwan’s forest reserves. It has not been attempted to look into the benefit of the forest reserves in Taiwan’s economic development. For instance, some reports said that rice product per unit of cultivated land increased 30-40 percent in the area along the coast with windbreaks; sugar products increased 80 percent.41 To what extent was this benefit realized? What was the cost? Moreover, what is the comparative advantage of keeping or canceling forest reserves when a decision should be made for a change in land utilization?42 In recent years, serious landslides and mudslides occurred frequently in Taiwan, particularly after the 1999 September 21 earthquake, a retrospect of the history of forest reserves might provide some lights in the consideration of reconstruction. Further studies are undoubtedly required not only for other aspects related to the forest, but also for those related to ecological and environmental changes in Taiwan.

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本文的重點在於探討日治時期臺灣保安林的設置與成長。日本殖民政府在臺灣設 立的第一個保安林是在 1900 年,位於二林附近的一個村庄,占地 26.07 甲。在 1942 年,臺灣保安林面積達 373,694 甲,約占臺灣林野總面積的百分之十五。以 現有的統計資料加以分析,我們發現保安林的成長情形大致可以 1927-1928 年間 為轉捩點分為前後兩期。前期成長率高於後期;然而,前期的成長趨勢呈現漸減,


然其推動之政策並未因官署之異動而放棄,直至 1942 年都還有新的計畫提出。

日本殖民政府不但致力於臺灣林野的調查,林產的經營,也注意相關的研究與試 驗。更重要的是推動保安林的設置。以臺灣的地形條件觀之,保安林的設置對國 土保安與公眾福祉是絕對必要的。臺灣的保安林在第二次大戰後期曾受到損壞,

但其面積在戰後數年間即恢復到戰前的水準,故保安林可視為殖民地時期的一項 遺產。



* 作者分別是中央研究院臺灣史研究籌備處研究員、研究助理。
