• 沒有找到結果。

5. Management of the Wealth Management Business

5.4 Conclusion

立 政 治 大 學

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5.4 Conclusion

Despite of the financial storms and structured note disputes crisis that stroke Taiwan wealth management business industry, the stringent laws and regulations imposed by local government in the sales of foreign financial products or structured products, we still find opportunities that Bank may develop its wealth management business in the Taiwan market.

In view of the low interest rate market conditions that exist and the needs for wealth advisory services from the Taiwan affluent that increase every year, I believe that Bank by adopting proper management strategy and policies , such as banks to equip with proper and adequate internal control and monitoring process, e.g. application of robust IT systems in the management of the sales process in its wealth management business to overcome any possible errors or fraud in manual operation, enhancement of the professionalism, knowledge experience and proficiency of staff or PM ability in the innovation of investment products types and commitment from the Bank to treat customer in fair manner, Bank may retrieve customer‟s trust and confidence again for the services provided via their wealth management Business license.

In additionally, the assistance from Banks to devote their efforts also in the upgrading of customer‟s financial knowledge standard, I believe that it will be a win-win condition for both customers and banks conducting Wealth management Business in the coming future. I look forward to expecting a more developed and mature wealth management business environment in local Taiwan Banking financial Industry and expect that authorities may review their governing policies and make necessary adjustments on any irrelevant or inappropriate laws and regulations limitations to assist the establishment of a sound and mature environment for Taiwan wealth management industry.

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