• 沒有找到結果。

In this study, we designed a Web-based self-management system, eAsthmaCare, on e-Healthcare services for the children with asthma in Taiwan. The system was constructed by five-tier framework with real time clinical decision support functions for immediate online analyses by asthma diary, QOL assessment and health educations. Five multi-disciplinary portions, including online asthma diary, remote asthma assessment, instantaneous asthma alert, asthma health education, and diagrammatical clinic support, were created by online diagram in an expandable infrastructure. Details of the design and development methodology are explained in this paper, thus the diagrammatical interfaces are performed as the results.

The proposed system was implemented in hospital to examine satisfiability and feasibility of the self-management functions. Thus, an assessment of satisfiability within the using system was offered for approving the development. As a result, the average scores of seven domains were scaled in the acceptable range to ensure feasibility of the system. In conclusion, the developed system can enhance healthcare in self-management for asthmatic children and their parents.

Authors and Contributions

Hsueh-Chun Lin: conceived of the study, and contributed in system design, development and manuscript writing.

Li-Chi Chiang: collaborated to advise the graduate student for professional studies and plan the healthcare schedule.

Tzu-Ning Wen: interacted with patients to collect the clinical data and perform the statistical analysis.

Kuo-Wei Yeh: participated in the clinical practice integration and consulted the knowledge of asthma medicine and healthcare.

Jing-Long Huang (corresponding author): coordinated the hospital and institution for the research program and consulted the medical informatics in pediatrics.


The authors would like to appreciate the research support from the Ministry of Science and Technology (former National Science Council) in Taiwan with the Grant numbered NSC 100-2625-M-039-001 and NSC 101-2625-M-039-001.

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