• 沒有找到結果。

Note: Researchers involved in the international research team on student migration will employ the same framework of interview questions, with some minor variations in detailed questions.

I. Personal Details:

A. Demographic background B. Educational background C. Language competence D. Family background

E. Previous history of mobility

II. Accounts for moving (to Taiwan) and the experience of migration:

A. Factors involved in the migration decision-making process B. Context of migration decision making

C. Agents participating in the migration decision-making process and their respective roles

III. Migration experience

A. Channel(s) of migration and settlement B. The condition of living and learning in Taiwan C. The experiences of adjustment and maladjustment D. Modes and sources of support

1. financial 2. emotional 3. social 4. other

E. The thoughts and feelings of being a foreign student in Taiwan 1. The view of self

2. The view of the higher education in Taiwan 3. other

IV. Future plans

A. Study plan in the new future and the reasoning for having (or not having) a plan as such.

B. Post-graduation plan and the reasoning for having (or not having) a plan as such.




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