Director: Hou Hsiao-Hsien (侯孝賢)
Writer: Hou Hsiao-Hsien, Chu Tien-wen (朱天文) Year: 2005
Setting: Kaohsiung, 1966; Dadaocheng, 1911; Taipei, 2005
Title: Days Looking at the Sea (看海的日子) (Flower in the Rainy Night) Director: Tung Wang (王童)
Writer: Chunming Huang (黃春明) Year: 1983
Setting: Yugang, late 1970’s
Title: Monga (艋舺)
Director: Doze Niu (鈕承澤)
Writer: Tseng Li-ting (曾莉婷), Doze Niu Year: 2010
Setting: Monga district, Taipei, 1986-87
Title: The Fourth Portrait (第四張畫) Director: Chung Mong-Hong (鍾孟宏) Writer: Chung Mong-Hong, Tu Hsiang-Wen
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Year: 2010
Setting: North Taiwan, present day
Title: Stilt/My Dear Stilt (候鳥來的季節)
Director: Tsai Yin-Chuan (蔡銀娟), Isaac Li Zhi-Chiang (李志薔) Writer: Tsai Yin-Chuan
Year: 2012
Setting: Taipei/South Taiwan, present day
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