• 沒有找到結果。

4.4 Grouping Approach

4.4.3 Hybrid Recommendations

Table 4.7: Performance on complete feature vector

Features MAP@10 Recall Note

U + S 0.3817 0.5216 Base-line

U + S + C* 0.5120 0.6614

U + S + C* + S* 0.5236 0.6684 Hybrid

U + S + C* + S* 0.5251 0.6708 Hybrid + Grouping Note: C* denotes all the categorical features, and S* de-notes all the extracted similarity features.

Table 4.8: Coverage scores with top-k similarity information

Features Coverage

We studied if we can further boost the accuracy by integrating all the proposed similarity features, including categorical ones (denoted as C* collectively) and similarity features (denoted as S* collectively). As Table 4.7 shows, using more data generally leads to bet-ter accuracy. When all the features are considered (U+S+C*+S*), we are able to obtain 0.5251 in MAP@10 and 0.6708 in recall, both of which are the highest ones in our eval-uation. This result confirms again the ability of the proposed method in incorporating multiple similarity information.

4.5 Recommendation Diversity

Every user has his/her own habit of music listening. In other words, the motivation of choosing a type of music to listen to may depends on user’s mood, the weather or the oc-casion. That is why we generally consider the utilized features as more as possible while building the recommender system. From a different perspective to handle the problem, some users may want to discover the musics they never know before. Base on such sit-uation, we seek to investigate the recommendation diversity in this section. The goal is to recommend the diverse songs to the user who only focus on specific domain of music.


Figure 4.5: Recommendation diversity with top k similarity information

In our experiments, the basis of diversity rests on a k-means clustering result of audio information. Consequently, all the musics are partitioned into 10 clusters according to the 53-dimensional audio feature. The clustering results are denoted as K in our exper-iments. Finally, we filter out the users who already listened to various clusters, because our objective is to help the users discovering the types of song they never listen to before.

Similarity and Diversity are two sides of one thing. By integrating different numbers of similarity information, our proposed method is able to control how diverse the rec-ommended musics are. Table 4.8 lists the coverage scores while different numbers of similarity information had been considered. The result show that we build the recom-mendation results with coverage score from 0.19 to 0.55. Moreover, the lower amount of similarity information we use, the lower coverage score we get. The higher amount of similarity information we user, the higher coverage score we get. As the growth of similarity information, the proposed method is able to find out more domains of music.

Figure 4.5 can help us finding the tendency via comparing to the base-line result (i.e., U + S + C). It implies that controlling the number of similarity information can indirectly control the recommendation diversity.



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Chapter 5 Conclusions

In this paper, we have presented a novel approach that incorporates multiple feature simi-larity to factorization model via feature engineering. The simisimi-larity computation captures the similar patterns from the objects and enhances the convergence speed and accuracy of FM. The proposed method is applicable to many kinds of features, which means we can obtain the higher level information from multiple aspects. Our experimental results show that feature similarity indeed benefits the recommendation performance. We also pro-pose several features, including CF-based, content-based and context-based ones. Among these features, we try to capture the relationship between users and songs by matching users’ emotions. The results show that the idea is able to enhance the quality of recom-mendations. Moreover, by integrating different number of similarity information, we are capable of controlling how diverse the recommendations are. Then, in order to avoid the noise within large similarity features, we adopt the grouping FM as the extended method to model the problem. The unnecessary connection can be eliminated if the features are within a same group. With the aforementioned technical contributions, we are able to im-prove the Mean Average Precision in music recommendation for a real-world, large-scale dataset from 0.3817 to 0.5251, comparing to the tradition CF-based baseline. In addi-tion, via combing different number of similarity informaaddi-tion, we can make the prediction results from 0.19 to 0.55 in terms of Coverage.

Diversity becomes an important issue for real-world Recommendation Systems. Al-though our proposed similarity features can diversify the prediction results, to go one step further, we seek to start the work from the core of model. That is, we are looking for-ward about developing a recommendation model that is capable of generating a diverse recommendation list without feature engineering.


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