• 沒有找到結果。

6 Online technology news not founded and operated as an extension of a media group (i.e. AOL founded websites)

5.3 Limitation and Future Research

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but not to rely on customers’ brand loyalty because consumers’ brand attachment is not enough to help them deal with crisis.

If negative events involve low severity and come from a less credible source, or low severity from a more credible source, brand managers can simply ignore the attack since consumers know that the accusation in the negative events is not true. If negative events involve high severity and come from a less credible source, managers should try to lower the severity level in the events, such as explaining the situation and take

corresponding responses. If negative events involve high severity and come from a more credible source, managers should not only explain the situation in public, but actively response to the crisis to sustain consumers’ trust.

5.3 Limitation and Future Research

Every research has its own limitation; this study is not an exception. One of the limitations is the control of brand attachment in this survey design. Since this research adopts online surveys in order to include a huge number of cell phone brands with random assignment of brand attachment levels and scenario cases, it is hard to measure respondents’ actual brand attachment levels and to drive out unqualified responses that resulted with fewer survey responses. Future research can work on making a better control on the brand attachment measurement, by either set up interactive website or pre-selection process to ensure quality response in terms of brand attachment levels.

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Also, future research can try to provide cross-product comparison, by replicating this research using other products that may provide different functions and benefits to consumers, and see if there is any difference.

In addition, since brand attachment is not so well controlled in this research, brand commitment is not used for analysis in this research. Future research that has good control on brand attachment may further analyze consumers’ brand commitment types and study consumers’ behaviors accordingly.

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Original Survey in Chinese




這是一份學術性的研究問卷,研究的主要目的在於了解「手機品牌事件及其嚴重 性對消費者的品牌態度及購買意願的影響」。為了使研究資料更具代表性,本研究將 針對品牌手機使用者(不限品牌)做情境式的訪問,您的協助與賜答是本研究成功的最 大關鍵,懇請您撥出寶貴的幾分鐘協助填答。

此項調查採匿名方式,您所填寫的所有資料僅作為學術研究之用,絕不對外公 開,敬請安心填答。為了感謝您的抽空填答,研究單位將從填答完整的「有效問卷」

中抽出 30 位左右的受測者,贈送 7-11 $200 商品卡作為獎品。因此,請務必留下您的 真實姓名與聯絡方式。視最後問卷量而定,中獎率一定維持在 10%上下,希望各位踴 躍參加。後續抽獎事宜,會採公開、公正的方式進行抽獎,並有公正的第三者監督,


敬祝各位 萬事如意

國立政治大學國際貿易研究所 指導教授: 邱志聖 博士 研究生: 許綺芬 敬上

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57 第一部份:品牌依賴程度

1. 請從以下手機品牌名單中,選出你最依賴或連結程度最高(低)的一個品牌

□Acer(宏碁) □Alcatel(阿爾卡特) □Apple(蘋果)

□ASUS(華碩) □BenQ(明碁) □Blackberry(黑莓機)

□Docomo □GPlus □HTC(宏達電)

□LG(樂金) □Moto(摩托羅拉) □Nokia(諾基亞)

□OKAWAP(英華達) □Panasonic(松下) □Philip(飛利浦)

□Samsung(三星) □Sony Ericsson(索尼愛立信) □Sharp(夏普)


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58 第二部份:情境內容

1. 第一組

假設你是個很關心 3C 新聞和趨勢的人,這天你到連鎖書局去,走到雜誌區,隨手 拿起一本銷售前 10 名的當期的科技類雜誌,看到該雜誌的封面標題,是關於手機 的報導。




手機已成為現代人不可或缺的產品,但它也可能成為不定時炸彈,輕則受傷,重責死 亡,消費者人人自危。中國已傳出有一個因為手機電池爆炸而死亡的案例,台灣也有人 因為手機爆炸而受傷。


在正常使用情形之下,僅oo 牌的某個型號電池有過熱現象,可能導致不明原因的爆炸,

造成人員傷亡。專家表示,電池過熱有數種可能,也許是電池內部缺陷,例如充電孔的 設計不良,使得電池本身在不充電及不放電的情況下爆炸,也可能是使用劣質的電芯,



詳細導致該品牌電池過熱的原因還需要進一步研究,截至目前為止,記者聯絡該品牌的 公關部門,也無法得到確切的說明。

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59 2. 第二組

假設你是個很關心 3C 新聞和趨勢的人,這天你到連鎖書局去,走到雜誌區,隨手 拿起一本銷售前 10 名的當期的科技類雜誌,看到該雜誌的封面標題,是關於手機 的報導。




手機已成為現代人不可或缺的產品,推陳出新的速度也愈來愈快,功能也越來越多。由 於推出新產品的速度太快,難免會有沒有注意到的細節,導致產品瑕疵的產生。

根據本雜誌發放的 1000 份問卷顯示,最被消費者詬病的就是簡訊輸入顯示速度過慢,特 別是oo 牌手機的某個型號,不滿意的比例遠高於其他品牌。這群集中於 20-30 歲的消費 族群,不約而同地表示,經常字都打了好幾個,螢幕還顯示不出來。

由於很多人都習慣透過收發簡訊聯絡朋友,該品牌手機的瑕疵造成他們溝通上的不順 暢。建議消費者在購買前多加比較,以免買到自己不喜歡的產品。

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60 3. 第三組

假設你是個很關心 3C 新聞和趨勢的人,這天你收到一位沒有專業 3C 背景的朋友 轉寄來的信件,是關於手機的報導,趕緊點閱。


FW: 注意!你的手機安全嗎?

From: delimma@hotmail.com To: azhai@hotmail.com




我用的是oo 牌手機的某個型號,機身和電池都是原廠的。話說中午時,我用手機講個電 話,也沒多久,之後手機摸起來有過熱的感覺。剛好我同事曾經在通訊行工作過,我問 他手機過熱的問題,他告訴我,手機過熱十之八九是電池有問題的警訊,可能會造成不 明原因的爆炸,造成傷亡,還叫我不要再用了。在正常使用情形之下,但是造成手機過 熱的原因很多,可能是電池內部缺陷或電芯品質差,還需要再進一步檢查。

這牌的手機也太恐怖了,好個暗藏爆炸殺機的電池。如果大家有這品牌,建議不要再用 了。萬一在講手機時真的炸開來,頭可能會破一個洞吧@@

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61 4. 第四組:

假設你是個很關心 3C 新聞和趨勢的人,這天你收到一位沒有專業 3C 背景的朋友 轉寄來的信件,是關於手機的報導,趕緊點閱。


FW: 買手機,你看清楚了嗎?

From: delimma@hotmail.com To: azhai@hotmail.com



我不久前才買了一台oo 牌手機的某個型號,就是看中他出新款的速度很快,功能也很 多,可是這樣的瑕疵真的也太誇張了,大家一定要多注意。

我最不喜歡就是他簡訊輸入顯示速度過慢,我身邊好幾個也用這個品牌的朋友也有類似 的情形,經常字都打了好幾個,螢幕還顯示不出來。

由於我平時都習慣透過收發簡訊聯絡事情,大家在購買前多加比較,以免買到自己不喜 歡的產品。

Translated English Scenario Case

* Please notice that since the questions in the survey have been provided in the content of the research, the appendix will provide only translation of the four English scenario cases used in the survey.

Scenario case 1

Please imagine yourself as someone who pays attention to technology news and trend. On one day, you go to a chain bookstore and visit the magazine section. You pick up one of the 10 best sold technology magazines, and are attracted to the title on the cover page about cell phones. Then you go to the appropriate page to read more about the story.

The whole story of the cover story is as the following:

Is your cell phone safe enough?

Written by Jei-Ru Wang

Cell phone has become a must product for almost everyone nowadays, but it could become an unstable bomb threatening your life and causing injuries or death.

Consumers have increased awareness of the safety issue from a series of recent cell phone battery explosion events causing one person reported death in China, and several injuries in Taiwan.

Our magazine has randomly selected about 20 cell phone brands in the market, and sent them to the professional laboratory. Under normal usage following the cell phones’ instruction guides, battery overheated problem is founded in oo brand, which may cause explosion of unknown reasons, and consequence of injury or death. According to the experts, there are several possible reasons causing the battery overheated. For example, circuit design flaw in the charging hole may cause the battery to explode under non-charging and discharging conditions. Also, poor quality of battery cells may cause lithium battery to release non-normal electric current under certain temperature, humidity or undesired contact, and make batteries to self-burn or self-exploded.

The real cause of the battery of this oo brand still needs further in depth investigation. We were unable to get any response or explanation before the release of the magazine.

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67 Scenario case 2

Please imagine yourself as someone who pays attention to technology news and trend. On one day, you go to a chain bookstore and visit the magazine section. You pick up one of the 10 best sold technology magazines, and are attracted to the title on the cover page about cell phones. Then you go to the appropriate page to read more about the story.

The whole story of the cover story is as the following:

Have you made a right choice selecting a cell phone brand?

Written by Jei-Ru Wang

Cell phone has become a must product for almost everyone nowadays. The demand of consumers has caused brands to release new cell phones with better styles or functions in shorter and shorter time. However, faster releasing speed or more models may be sacrificing at the price of of product defects.

According to 1000 surveys conducted by our magazine, consumers dislike slow text messaging speed the most, especially to certain model of oo brand.The respondents of the surveys are mostly in the 20-30 age range, and they express that slow text messaging speed annoys them the most, such that word appearance on the screen does not catch up with word typing speed.

Since many people like to communicate with friends via text events, text messaging defect will definitely affect communication efficiency. We suggest consumers to compare functions among different brands before making their purchasing decision so that they will not regret in the future.

Scenario case 3

Please imagine yourself as someone who pays attention to technology news and trend. On one day, you got a forwarded email from a friend who has no expert knowledge about the technology. The content in the forwarded email is about cell phones. You scroll down the page to see the whole story.

The whole story is as the following:

FW: Have you made a right choice on selecting a cell phone brand?

From: delimma@hotmail.com To: azhai@hotmail.com

Please pass this on to more friends and remind them when using cell phones.


This is what really happened to me, and I would like to share the story with you and help you avoid similar incidences.

I use a certain model of oo brand, in which the cell phone and battery are both from original brand. This afternoon, I was making a phone call with my cell, and felt it overheated after hanged up the call for a while. I felt weird about the situation.

Fortunately, I happen to have acolleague who worked in a telecom before, so I asked him about the overheated problem of my cell. He told me that eight out of ten cases, overheated cell phone is a sign of the problematic battery, which may cause explosion for unknown reasons, resulting of injuries or death. He asked me not to use this cell anymore, because there are so many reasons causing poor battery quality, such as circuit design flaw, and we just don’t know what will happen even under proper usage.

It’s definitely not a good idea using a cell phone that threatens your precious life. If you have a cell phone of this brand, I would strongly recommend you stop using it! Who knows when you’ll bomb your head a hole while on the phone? @@

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69 Scenario case 4

Please imagine yourself as someone who pays attention to technology news and trend. On one day, you got a forwarded email from a friend who has no expert knowledge about the technology. The content in the forwarded email is about cell phones. You scroll down the page to see the whole story.

Please imagine yourself as someone who pays attention to technology news and trend. On one day, you got a forwarded email from a friend who has no expert knowledge about the technology. The content in the forwarded email is about cell phones. You scroll down the page to see the whole story.
