• 沒有找到結果。

Man-made polymers fit for different purposes


3.4 Man-made polymers fit for different purposes

• Polymers as large molecules made up of the same repeating unit

• Synthesising polymers for desired properties

Obtaining building blocks:

by-products from petroleum refining process

Making polymers: polymerisation, vulcanisation

Properties: thermal, mechanical and their relationships to microstructure

Modifying the properties of polymers for various purposes:

garment, packaging, parts for making tools

• Environmental issues related to the use

• Read about how Fawcett and Gibson invented polythene

• Prepare some GLUEP from water, borax and glue

• Use ball-and-stick models to illustrate the process of polymerisation

• Make models to show the structures of cross-linked polymers, reinforced polymers and plasticised polymers

• Prepare nylon fibres

• Carry out a fair test to compare the strength and thermal insulating properties of different plastics

• Information search on the codes on plastic articles used for recycling purposes

reuse, recycle, replace and remediate

• Development of degradable plastics • Perform Life Cycle Assessment of paper bags and plastic bags

• Information search on smart materials and their applications

Module highlights

In this module, students have opportunities to:

• recognise that a chemical reaction takes place in a system in which the reactants interact to give the products under certain conditions

• realise the importance of catalysts in chemical reactions in our body (e.g. enzymes in metabolic reactions) and in chemical synthesis (e.g. iron in the Haber Process)

• realise that, in a chemical reaction, the atoms of the reactants are not destroyed but are reshuffled to give the products (conservation of matter)

• recognise that the molecular structure of detergent enables it to become an emulsifying agent in cleaning processes (form and function)

• appreciate that the form in which an element exists determines its function (e.g. most plants can utilise nitrogen in nitrates in making amino acids but not nitrogen in molecular form; and chlorine gas is a disinfectant, while chloride is not)

• appreciate how scientists manipulate the reaction conditions to optimise the synthesis of products using their understanding of dynamic equilibrium

• realise that the serendipitous discoveries of useful chemicals (e.g. celluloid, Teflon) are often a result of scientists’ creativity and the use of logic

• realise that advancements in science, as illustrated by the development of different plastics, are often driven by the need to solve problems

• appreciate that scientists use molecular models to explain the properties of plastics and design better materials

• appreciate how scientists and chemical engineers apply chemical principles and scientific methods to solve authentic problems in industry

• appreciate that the production of chemical products, while satisfying the needs of consumers, may create environmental problems

• realise that the synthesis of useful chemicals and development of new plastics are influenced by technological advances, consumer needs and economic factors

• develop a sense of responsibility to maximise the usefulness of plastic products and contribute to the sustainable development of our society

2.4 Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, students are expected to have developed scientific literacy and be capable of demonstrating the following competencies:

2.4.1 Knowledge and Understanding

Students should be able to

• show an understanding of a range of phenomena, facts, principles, concepts, laws and theories, and key ideas in science;

• apply a range of practical techniques and process skills, terminologies and conventions specific to the study of science in solving problems;

• recognise the explanatory frameworks of science and the ways in which reliable knowledge of the natural world is obtained;

• identify the unifying concepts in science and use them as conceptual tools for thinking and making sense of the world; and

• apply scientific knowledge, concepts and principles to explain phenomena and observations, and to solve problems in everyday life.

2.4.2 Skills and Processes Scientific Thinking Students should be able to

• critically examine scientific evidence;

• recognise how the interpretation of data, using creative thought, provides evidence to test ideas and develop theories;

• recognise the importance of evidence in supporting, modifying and refuting proposed scientific theories;

• use data in developing arguments for or against claims of cause-effect links;

• formulate generalisations in the light of both first- and second-hand evidence;

• recognise that the application of inductive and deductive logic leads to the emergence of new scientific theories, which are then tested empirically;

• recognise how explanations of many phenomena can be developed using scientific theories, models and ideas;

• recognise the fundamental role of models in exploring observed natural

about the same data;

• recognise that there are some questions that science cannot currently answer, and some that it cannot address; and

• apply the concept of a system in analysing changes and equilibrium, and solving problems. Scientific Investigation Students should be able to

• identify problems from observations and formulate hypotheses for investigation;

• design and conduct experiments for testing the hypotheses set;

• select appropriate methods and apparatus to carry out investigations;

• record observations, interpret experimental data, and interpolate and extrapolate from data collected;

• look for patterns in data, as a means of identifying possible cause-effect links and working towards explanation;

• use graphical techniques appropriately to display experimental results and to convey concepts of science;

• draw conclusions from the findings of investigations;

• evaluate the validity and the reliability of experimental results and identify the factors affecting their validity and reliability; and

• evaluate the conclusions, and plan for further investigations if appropriate. Practical Skills Students should be able to

• follow procedures to carry out experiments and field work safely;

• handle chemicals and apparatus safely and properly;

• recognise the need for accurate measurements, select appropriate instruments and realise the limitations of the instruments used;

• build models to aid comprehension; and

• evaluate experimental methods and suggest possible improvements. Problem-solving Students should be able to

• clarify and analyse problems related to science;

• apply knowledge and principles of science to solve problems;

• think critically, and suggest creative ideas and solutions to problems;

• propose solution plans and evaluate their feasibility;

• devise appropriate strategies to deal with issues that may arise; and

• tolerate the uncertainties and ambiguities faced during the course of resolving difficulties. Information handling Students should be able to

• search, retrieve, reorganise, analyse and interpret scientific information from a variety of sources;

• use information technology to manage and present information;

• evaluate the accuracy and credibility of information from secondary sources; and

• distinguish among fact, opinion and value judgment in processing scientific information. Informed Decision-making Students should be able to

• collect evidence, and judge the validity and reliability of the data in making decisions on issues related to science;

• discuss and critically evaluate scientific issues that have social, economic, environmental and ethical implications;

• make decisions based on the examination of evidence and arguments;

• recognise that assessing and comparing the risks of an activity, and relating these to the benefits we gain from it, are important in decision making; and

• support judgments using appropriate scientific principles. Independent Learning Students should be able to

evidence or finding and analysing scientific information; and

• develop learning habits, abilities and attitudes that are essential to lifelong learning. Communication Skills Students should be able to

• use symbols, formulae, equations and conventions appropriately;

• interpret scientific information from text and data presented in verbal, diagrammatic, numerical, tabular and graphical forms;

• organise, present and communicate ideas and arguments in a clear and logical manner;

• communicate scientific ideas in a meaningful and creative way;

• read and understand articles involving contemporary issues in science; and

• use information technology to process and present scientific information. Collaboration Students should be able to

• participate actively, share ideas and offer suggestions in group discussions;

• liaise, negotiate and compromise with others in group work;

• identify collective goals, and define and agree on the roles and responsibilities of members in science projects requiring team work;

• act responsibly to accomplish allocated tasks;

• be open and responsive to ideas and constructive criticisms from team members;


• build on the different strengths of members to maximise the potential of the team.

2.4.3 Positive Values and Attitudes Students should

• develop curiosity and interest in science;

• develop personal integrity through objective observation and honest recording of experimental data;

• develop a habit of self-reflection and the ability to think critically;


• recognise the importance of the safety of oneself and others in the laboratory and be committed to safe practices in daily life;

• develop open-mindedness and be able to show tolerance and respect towards the opinions, decisions and value systems of others even in disagreement;

• develop informed and healthy scepticism based on recognition of limitations of science;

• accept the provisional status of the knowledge and theory of science and develop a willingness to tolerate uncertainty;

• appreciate the wonders of Nature and show respect and care for all forms of life;

• recognise the imminent need for conservation and act responsibly in conserving the environment;

• develop a positive attitude in enhancing personal and community health;

• recognise the social, ethical, economic, environmental and technological implications of science and develop an attitude of responsible citizenship; and

• be willing to contribute to the betterment of mankind in local, national and global perspectives based on the acquired scientific knowledge.
