• 沒有找到結果。

months/action taken to find such job Whether having taken any action in the months

在文檔中 Report on Manpower Projection to 2007 (頁 113-133)

to find a job which might require the job-holder to be stationed in the Mainland for a relatively

long period of time/action taken to find such job No. of persons

('000) (%)

Yes 14.8 38.9

Searched information on job vacancies through the Internet

4.8 (32.7)

Sought assistance from relatives/friends 3.9 (26.2)

Placed/answered advertisement 3.4 (23.2)

Attended career exhibitions 1.4 (9.2)

Others 1.3 (8.6)

No 23.2 61.1

Total 38.1 100.0

Note : Figures in brackets represent the percentage shares in all economically active persons in respect of those who had taken action in the past six months to find a job which might require them to be stationed in the Mainland for a relatively long period of time.

Source : Thematic Household Survey Report No. 13 : Employment Concerns and Training Needs of the Labour Force, Census and Statistics Department.

Annex 37

Economically active persons having intention to work in a job which might require them to be stationed in the Mainland for a relatively long period of time in the coming 12 months by perception on whether skill upgrading and

training/retraining would be required/type of skill upgrading and training/retraining required

Perception on whether skill upgrading and training/retraining would be required/type of

skill upgrading and training/retraining required No. of persons

('000) (%)

Required 16.4 43.2

Putonghua 6.5 (39.8)

Computer skills 2.6 (16.0)

China-related knowledge 1.9 (11.9)

Job-specific skills 1.7 (10.2)

Basic academic qualification required for entry 1.1 (6.9)

Management skills 1.1 (6.8)

Others 1.4 (8.5)

Not required 21.6 56.8

Total 38.1 100.0

Note : Figures in brackets represent the percentage shares in all economically active persons in respect of those who had intention to work in a job which might require them to be stationed in the Mainland for a relatively long period of time in the coming 12 months and perceived that skill upgrading and training/retraining would be required for them to do so.

Source : Thematic Household Survey Report No. 13 : Employment Concerns and Training Needs of the Labour Force, Census and Statistics Department.

Annex 38

Economically active persons by whether having attended any job-related training/retraining courses arranged by employers and/or

on own initiative in the past 12 months

Whether having attended any job-related training/retraining courses arranged by employers and/or on own initiative in the past 12 months

Yes No Total

No. of persons No. of persons No. of persons

('000) (%) ('000) (%) ('000) (%)

Job-related training/

retraining courses arranged by employers

338.9 9.9 3 091.2 90.1 3 430.1 100.0

Job-related training/

retraining courses attended on own initiative

242.2 7.1 3 187.9 92.9 3 430.1 100.0

Overall+ 499.2 14.6 2 930.9 85.4 3 430.1 100.0

Note : (+) A person might have attended both the job-related training/retraining courses arranged by employers and those on own initiative in the past 12 months.

Source : Thematic Household Survey Report No. 13 : Employment Concerns and Training Needs of the Labour Force, Census and Statistics Department.

Annex 39

Percentage distribution of economically active persons by whether having plan to attend job-related training/retraining courses in the coming 12 months and type of job-related training/retraining courses to be attended

Notes : (#) Multiple answers were allowed.

Figures in brackets represent the percentage shares in all economically active persons in respect of those who had plan to attend job-related training/retraining courses in the coming 12 months.

Source : Thematic Household Survey Report No. 13 : Employment Concerns and Training Needs of the Labour Force, Census and Statistics Department.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

others china-related knowledge communication job-specific language skill management skill It skill

Type of course to be attended#

IT skills 145.8 (26.2%)

Management skills 126.8 (22.7%)

Language skills 138.5 (24.8%)

Job-specific skills 92.2 (16.5%)

Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills required for workplace 32.3 (5.8%)

China-related knowledge and world vision 14.2 (2.5%)

No. of persons ('000) No

83.7% Yes


Whether having plan to attend job-related training/retraining courses in the coming 12 months

Other skills 72.1 (12.9%)

Annex 40

Number of persons engaged as at mid-2002 by occupation category by employment type

0 100 200 300 400 500

Elementary occupations Plant and machine operators and assemblers Craft and related workers Service workers and shop sales workers

Clerks Associate professionals Professionals Managers and administrators

Number of persons engaged ('000)

Full-time permanent

Full-time non-permanent


Source : Report on 2002 Establishment Survey on Manpower Training and Job Skills Requirements, Census and Statistics Department.

Occupation category

Annex 41

Distribution of employees recruited from outside Hong Kong by country/territory of recruitment

The mainland

of China (34.8%)

Japan (9.2%) The United

Kingdom (8.3%) The United

States (6.9%) Other countries / territories


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Community, social and personal services Financing, insurance, real estate

and business services Transport, storage and communications

Wholesale, retail and import/export trades, restaurants and hotels

Construction (with 10+ persons engaged) Manufacutring, electricity and gas

% of employees recruited from the mainland of China Economic sector

Source : Report on 2002 Establishment Survey on Manpower Training and Job Skills Requirements, Census and Statistics Department.

Annex 42

Proportion of persons engaged as at mid-2002 (actual) and mid-2007 (projected) by economic sector

Economic sector

Proportion of persons engaged

Change (% points) Mid-2002 Mid-2007

Manufacturing, electricity and gas 9.2% 8.7% - 0.5

Construction (with 10+ persons engaged)

4.2% 4.2% 0.0

Wholesale, retail and import/export trades, restaurants and hotels

48.7% 49.3% + 0.6

Transport, storage and communications 11.4% 11.3% - 0.1 Financing, insurance, real estate and

business services

20.7% 20.8% + 0.1

Community, social and personal services

5.8% 5.7% - 0.2

Total 100.0% 100.0%

Notes : (1) All information collected in the survey, including factual data and employers’ opinions, refers only to the businesses of the sampled establishments rather than that of the respective sectors they were engaged in. As such, the survey findings may not fully reflect the situation of those growth sectors with new establishments joining, and those declining sectors with existing establishments closing down or changing trade.

(2) Quite a number of respondents found it difficult to forecast the manpower requirement as at mid-2007, as they did not have such long-term plans in face of rapid changes in the economy. Hence, care should be taken in interpreting the survey findings in respect of the projected manpower requirement as at mid-2007, which may just represent the respondents’ manpower requirement in broad terms in the foreseeable future.

Source : Report on 2002 Establishment Survey on Manpower Training and Job Skills Requirements, Census and Statistics Department.

Annex 43

Proportion of persons engaged as at mid-2002 (actual) and mid-2007 (projected) by occupation category

Occupation category

Proportion of persons engaged

Change (% points) Mid-2002 Mid-2007

Managers and administrators 16.8% 16.7% - 0.1

Professionals 6.3% 6.9% + 0.6

Associate professionals 9.6% 9.6% + 0.1

Clerks 19.1% 19.4% + 0.3

Service workers and shop sales workers

20.2% 20.2% 0.0

Craft and related workers 6.1% 6.0% - 0.1

Plant and machine operators and assemblers

7.1% 6.8% - 0.3

Elementary occupations 14.8% 14.4% - 0.4

Total 100.0% 100.0%

Notes : (1) All information collected in the survey, including factual data and employers’ opinions, refers only to the businesses of the sampled establishments rather than that of the respective sectors they were engaged in. As such, the survey findings may not fully reflect the situation of those growth sectors with new establishments joining, and those declining sectors with existing establishments closing down or changing trade.

(2) Quite a number of respondents found it difficult to forecast the manpower requirement as at mid-2007, as they did not have such long-term plans in face of rapid changes in the economy. Hence, care should be taken in interpreting the survey findings in respect of the projected manpower requirement as at mid-2007, which may just represent the respondents’ manpower requirement in broad terms in the foreseeable future.

Source : Report on 2002 Establishment Survey on Manpower Training and Job Skills Requirements, Census and Statistics Department.

Annex 44

Proportion of persons engaged as at mid-2002 (actual) and mid-2007 (projected) by educational attainment

Educational attainment

Proportion of persons engaged

Change ( % points)

Mid-2002 Mid-2007

Postgraduate 1.9% 2.6% + 0.7

First degree 15.3% 21.6% + 6.3

Sub-degree 3.8% 4.7% + 0.9

Technician 3.0% 3.1% 0.0

Craft 1.8% 1.7% - 0.1

Matriculation 8.2% 12.1% + 4.0

Upper secondary 33.0% 29.6% - 3.4

Lower secondary and below 33.0% 24.5% - 8.4

Total 100.0% 100.0%

Notes : (1) All information collected in the survey, including factual data and employers’ opinions, refers only to the businesses of the sampled establishments rather than that of the respective sectors they were engaged in. As such, the survey findings may not fully reflect the situation of those growth sectors with new establishments joining, and those declining sectors with existing establishments closing down or changing trade.

(2) Quite a number of respondents found it difficult to forecast the manpower requirement as at mid-2007, as they did not have such long-term plans in face of rapid changes in the economy. Hence, care should be taken in interpreting the survey findings in respect of the projected manpower requirement as at mid-2007, which may just represent the respondents’ manpower requirement in broad terms in the foreseeable future.

Source : Report on 2002 Establishment Survey on Manpower Training and Job Skills Requirements, Census and Statistics Department.

Annex 45

Distribution of establishments by whether having plans to recruit employees from the mainland of China over the next 5 years

Not specified


No (82.9%)

Yes (13.9%)

Occupation category of employees to be recruited

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Others Professionals Managers and administrators

% of establishments having such plans

Preferred educational attainment of employees to be recruited

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Others First degree Postgraduate

% of establishments having such plans

Source : Report on 2002 Establishment Survey on Manpower Training and Job Skills Requirements, Census and Statistics Department.

Annex 46

Distribution of establishments by whether having plans to deploy persons to work in the mainland of China over the next 5 years

Not specified


No (80.9%)

Yes (16.3%)

Occupation category of persons to be deployed

0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

Others Professionals Managers and administrators

% of establishments having such plans

Preferred educational attainment of persons to be deployed

0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

Others First degree Postgraduate

% of establishments having such plans

Source : Report on 2002 Establishment Survey on Manpower Training and Job Skills Requirements, Census and Statistics Department.

Annex 47

Views on business prospects over the next 5 years in view of Hong Kong’s economic restructuring and China’s accession to WTO

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Community, social and personal services Financing, insurance,

real estate and business services Transport, storage and

communications Wholesale, retail and import/export trades, restaurants and hotels Construction (with 10+ persons

engaged) Manufacturing, electricity and gas

Very optimistic


Neither optimistic nor pessimistic


Very pessimistic

No comment

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Large Medium-sized


% of establishments Size of establishment

% of establishments Economic sector

Source : Report on 2002 Establishment Survey on Manpower Training and Job Skills Requirements, Census and Statistics Department

Annex 48

Impact of Hong Kong’s economic restructuring and

China’s accession to WTO on business turnover over the next 5 years

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Community, social and personal services Financing, insurance,

real estate and business services Transport, storage and

communications Wholesale, retail and import/export trades, restaurants and hotels Construction (with 10+ persons

engaged) Manufacturing,

electricity and gas Significant increase

Some increase

No change

Some decrease

Significant decrease

No comment

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Large Medium-sized


% of establishments Size of establishment

% of establishments Economic sector

Source : Report on 2002 Establishment Survey on Manpower Training and Job Skills Requirements, Census and Statistics Department.

Annex 49

Distribution of establishments by whether having investment in the mainland of China

Not specified


No (81.6%)

Yes (16.8%)

Type of investment project

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Real estate Wholesale Retail Import/export Manufacturing

% of establishments having investment in the mainland of China

Source : Report on 2002 Establishment Survey on Manpower Training and Job Skills Requirements, Census and Statistics Department.

Annex 50

New business opportunities brought about by China’s accession to WTO

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Community, social and personal services Financing, insurance,

real estate and business services Transport, storage and

communications Wholesale, retail and import/export trades, restaurants and hotels Construction (with 10+ persons

engaged) Manufacturing, electricity and gas

Would bring about new business opportunities Would not bring about new business opportunities Not specified

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Large Medium-sized


% of establishments Size of establishment

% of establishments Economic sector

Annex 51

Implications for Hong Kong's business environment over the next 5 years upon China's accession to WTO

0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

Hong Kong's middleman role likely to diminish More inducement to conduct business

in the mainland of China upon more objective and transparent rules and regulations

More companies to relocate their business operations to the mainland of China

Need to better understand the market and changes in investment environment in the mainland of China

Face keener competition from enterprises in the mainland of China

% of establishments considering that specific concern to have implications Concern

Source : Report on 2002 Establishment Survey on Manpower Training and Job Skills Requirements, Census and Statistics Department.

Annex 52

Measures to be adopted by the company over the next 5 years to cope with Hong Kong’s economic restructuring and China’s accession to WTO

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Increase intake of skilled workers Search for working partners or commence

business in the mainland of China Expand business in the mainland of China

Diversify the business of the company Restructure the organisation and/or business process to stay competitive Upgrade the capability of the workforce in terms of technology and language skills

Upgrade the skills of existing staff Focus on the core business and reduce the peripheral business with lower value-added

Increase the use of IT within the company

% of establishments to adopt the measure Measure

Source : Report on 2002 Establishment Survey on Manpower Training and Job Skills Requirements, Census and Statistics Department.

Annex 53

Distribution of establishments having employees

by whether having training plans and/or training budget for employees

Yes (13.1%)

No (82.3%)

Not specified


(i) Whether having training plans (ii) Whether having training budget

Yes (11.2%)

No (84.2%)

Not specified


Source : Report on 2002 Establishment Survey on Manpower Training and Job Skills Requirements, Census and Statistics Department.

Annex 54

Distribution of establishments having employees by whether having plans to increase training for upgrading knowledge and skills of employees

Yes (29.1%) Not specified


No (66.0%)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Increase training slightly Increase training moderately

Increase training considerably

% of establishments having such plans

Source : Report on 2002 Establishment Survey on Manpower Training and Job Skills Requirements, Census and Statistics Department.

Annex 55

Most popular types of skills to be enhanced

Occupation category Most popular type of skill to be enhanced Managers and administrators Management skills

Professionals IT skills

Associate professionals IT skills

Clerks Language skills

Service workers and shop sales workers Language skills

Craft and related workers Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills for the workplace

Plant and machine operators and assemblers

Job-specific skills

Elementary occupations Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills for the workplace

Source : Report on 2002 Establishment Survey on Manpower Training and Job Skills Requirements, Census and Statistics Department.

在文檔中 Report on Manpower Projection to 2007 (頁 113-133)
