• 沒有找到結果。


5.3 Recommendations for Future Research

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comments were sometimes ambiguous, and some respondents challenged the significance of this study and were somehow reluctant to the comparison between Taiwanese and French college admission systems. A better explanation of the aim of this study to respondents would have eventually prevented misunderstandings. Hopefully, the researcher managed to collect data with the help of Taiwanese students.

5.3 Recommendations for Future Research

Based on the findings of this study along with the limitations noted, there are several recommendations for researchers for future research in this field.

Firstly, Taiwanese and French college admission systems should be at first analyzed separately to determined differences that might appear in the process of admission in their different tracks of higher education institutions. It would help to provide a clearer picture of both systems processes and in which ways they might be similar or different. It will also help future researcher to organize their research.

As mentioned in this study, the researcher has only analyzed universities in Taiwan and France which didn’t provide a general picture of the enrollment process into higher education. Future researchers then have many avenues to build upon to find a more comprehensive picture of college admission in Taiwan and France. More research needs to be conducted on differences between public and private universities in Taiwan, as well as between the three tracks of higher education in France. Additionally, it would be noteworthy to examine in details the factors justifying the failure to get admittance into a specific college.

Future researchers should also attempt to conduct more quantitative data collection and analysis on students’ perception of college admission as it cannot be determined based on a small percentage of students enrolled in higher education. If the college admission process appears to be different from on college to another thereby favoring some students to the detriment of others, then reasons hiding behind such differences should be examined.

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In terms of policies, it would be interesting for French college admission system to provide a new framework which could offer the same process of college admission for candidates to university, technological institutions and preparatory classes (which conduct to the Grandes Ecoles) in order to offer all students with the same opportunity to enroll in higher education within a specific social background.

At the very least, this study has provided evidence that students in Taiwan and France have different ideologies on higher education. All human knowledge is socially constructed since values and beliefs always predicate it. As individual attitudes and opinions reflect social ideologies, further research on Taiwanese and French ideologies and beliefs regarding higher education could help researchers understand the complex issue of higher education.

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