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Chapter 4 Empirical Results

4.2 Results of Cointegration Test

4.2 Results of Cointegration Test

In order to explore the long-run relationship between T-REITs and other variables, this study applies cointegration test to determine whether the long-run equilibrium relationship exists between T-REITs and macroeconomy as well as T-REITs and commercial real estate market. If cointegration exists in the variables, we can directly use the standard value to do the VECM estimation. However, if the variables are not cointegrated, we will apply the VAR approach to test the stationary series at first-order differential. This study applies the Trace test and Maximum Eigenvalue proposed by Johansen to examine the cointegration relationship. The Johansen cointegration test is based on the VAR approach, so the lag order of an unrestricted VAR must be determined in the first place in order to avoid the individual lag impact of inconsistencies affecting the final determination of cointegration. In this study, we use AIC and LR values to select the optimal lag order. The results can be seen from table 4-2.

Table 4-2 The Optimal Lag Order

T-REITs and Stock Price Index T-REITs and Inflation Rate


0 NA -3.493597 0 NA 1.661338

1 137.451 -6.827504 1 109.68 -0.960493

2 19.39852 -7.161313 2 23.59547* -1.407732*

3 2.131034 -7.031723 3 0.166688 -1.222019

4 16.42720* -7.339041* 4 8.7205 -1.2958

T-REITs and Interest Rate T-REITs and Commercial Rent


0 NA -2.341604 0 NA -5.814883

1 138.5813 -5.704494 1 226.4817 -11.43163

2 17.68494* -5.991989* 2 38.93902 -12.29356

3 3.534391 -5.902495 3 1.518963 -12.14648

4 5.433225 -5.876662 4 17.76841* -12.49444*

T-REITs and Commercial Price


0 NA -3.512245 3 8.502966 -5.073092

1 57.68971 -4.800992 4 11.64293* -5.235432*

2 15.17407 -5.020626

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After selecting the optimal lag order, we can carry out the Johansen cointegration test, and the results are listed in table 4-3. The results of cointegration between T-REITs and stock price index can’t reject the null hypothesis of r=0 under the Trace test, but it can be rejected under Maximum Eigenvalue test, meaning that T-REITs and stock price index are cointegrated. The results of cointegration between T-REITs and commercial rent as well as T-REITs and commercial price indicate that the cointegration relationships do exist between the variables at the 5% significant level, ,meaning the variables have long-run relationship. However, the statistic values of Trace test and Maximum Eigenvalue imply that the cointegration relationships do not exist between T-REITs and inflation rate or T-REITs and interest rate at the 5%

significant level, indicating that according to Johansen cointegration test, T-REITs and inflation rate as well as T-REITs and interest rate are not cointegrated.

Therefore, the discussion of long-run equilibrium relationship among T-REITs, macroeconomic and commercial real estate market shows that the equilibrium relationship exists only in T-REITs and the stock price index, T-REITs and commercial rents, as well as T-REITs and commercial price, meaning there is a long-run stability movement between T-REITs and those three variables. Interestingly, the result in this study suggests that T-REITs and stock price index are cointegrated, which is contrary to other relevant domestic results. The possible answer may be that the previous study period only contains the first two to three years information of T-REITs, so the cointegration results were not significant. In this study, we obtain four years information, so the long-run relationship becomes significant.

Table 4-3 Results of Cointegration Test

T-REITs and Stock Price Index

Null hypothesis : Trace 0.05 Prob. Max-Eigen 0.05 Prob.

No. of CE(s) Statistic Critical Value Statistic Critical Value

r=0 25.5522 25.87211 0.0547 22.39063 19.38704 0.0178**

r≦1 3.16159 12.51798 0.8568 3.161591 12.51798 0.8568 T-REITs and Inflation Rate

Null hypothesis : Trace 0.05 Prob. Max-Eigen 0.05 Prob.

No. of CE(s) Statistic Critical Value Statistic Critical Value

r=0 15.9394 25.8721 0.4974 11.8301 19.3870 0.4311

r≦1 4.1093 12.5180 0.7262 4.1093 12.5180 0.7262

T-REITs and Interest Rate

Null hypothesis : Trace 0.05 Prob. Max-Eigen 0.05 Prob.

No. of CE(s) Statistic Critical Value Statistic Critical Value r=0 15.3827 25.8721 0.5429 13.3592 19.3870 0.2999

r≦1 2.0236 12.5180 0.9672 2.0236 12.5180 0.9672

T-REITs and Commercial Rent

Null hypothesis : Trace 0.05 Prob. Max-Eigen 0.05 Prob.

No. of CE(s) Statistic Critical Value Statistic Critical Value

r=0 33.1480 25.8721 0.0052** 26.4742 19.3870 0.0039**

r≦1 6.6738 12.5180 0.3798 6.6738 12.5180 0.3798 T-REITs and Commercial Price

Null hypothesis : Trace 0.05 Prob. Max-Eigen 0.05 Prob.

No. of CE(s) Statistic Critical Value Statistic Critical Value

r=0 30.1791 25.8721 0.0136** 23.5554 19.3870 0.0117**

r≦1 6.6237 12.5180 0.3854 6.6237 12.5180 0.3854 According to the cointegration results of T-REITs and other variables, they

confirm the equilibrium relationship exists in T-REITs and the stock price index, T-REITs and commercial rents, as well as T-REITs and commercial price. Among them, although the statistic of T-REITs and the stock price index is at significant value only under Trace test, we still view the variables as cointegrated. The results indicate that even if the short-term changes are different between variables, but eventually they will return to a long-term equilibrium value. The results also show that T-REITs and inflation rate, and T-REITs and interest rate are not cointegrated, implying the inflation and interest rates do not have a single long-term impact on T-REITs.

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Comparing the cointegration results and the Figure 3-2 and 3-6, the suggesting of the long-run relationship from the linear trend between T-REITs and stock price index as well as T-REITs and commercial price consist with the cointegration results. The result also indicates that the inflation rate does not cointegrate with T-REITs, which is the same result as we suggest.

We could not determine whether T-REITs have long-run relationship with interest rate and commercial rent from Figure 3-3 and 3-4, but the trends of the variables are similar. In Table 4-3 we confirm that T-REITs and interest rate are not cointegrated, but T-REITs are cointegrated with commercial rent.