• 沒有找到結果。

Sports Survey and Report



Conducting a Survey

The following are the suggested procedures for conducting a survey:

1. Set the objectives of the survey and choose a topic What topics can you survey on? Here are some examples:

a. Sporting likes and dislikes

What kinds of sports do you like watching? Which sports stars do you like best?

b. Sports participation

Which sports do you play most often? How often do you play?

2. Decide your target group and the number of subjects you will survey

Who will answer your questions?



Profession? (Teachers/Students/Parents) How many people should you survey?

10 – 20 (recommended)

3. Decide on the survey method(s) and when to conduct your survey How to conduct the survey?

Face-to-face interviews

Paper-and-pencil questionnaire

Electronic questionnaire

4. Set/develop questions for the questionnaires What kind of questions can you ask?



Multiple choice – single answer

Multiple choice – multiple answers

Multiple choice – scale and degree


Rank and order

(More examples will be provided on the next page) 5. Collect and analyse the findings and results

Gather your results

Organise your results in a readable form (e.g. bar chart, line graph, pie chart and table)

Analyse the figures and findings and draw conclusions/make recommendations if necessary 6. Present the survey results

a written report; and/or

an oral presentation with visual aids


Common Types of Survey Questions 1. Open-ended

What is your favourite sport?

How much money do you spend on sports activities each month?

2. Yes/No

Do you go to a district sports centre?

3. Multiple choice – single answer

Who do you think is the best athlete?

a) David Beckham b) Liu Xiang c) Guo Jing Jing 4. Multiple choice – multiple answers

Put a “√” next to the sports activities you regularly do (at least once a month).

basketball cycling

football volleyball

tennis wind-surfing

squash skateboarding

badminton ice-skating

running dancing

gymnastic exercises tai-chi

swimming kayaking

table-tennis diving

martial arts other (please specify: ________)

5. Multiple choice – scale and degree (usually for opinions)

Put a “√” in the appropriate box.

6. Rating

How interested are you in the following sports? (5= very interested; 1= not interested) Canoeing ( ) Fencing ( ) Cycling ( ) Karate ( ) 7. Rank and order

Which of the following sports would you like the school to provide? Rank the choices from 1 to 5 in importance (1 being the most important and 5 being the least important).

Squash ( ) Tennis ( ) Bowling ( ) Golf ( ) Hockey ( ) Strongly

agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Winning is

the point of a game.

I do not get enough exercise.

S48 B. Analysis and presentation of survey results

After you have collected the completed questionnaires and analysed them, there are several ways you can visually present your survey and/or questionnaire results. You may present information and findings using charts, tables, or written statements or summaries. Some examples are given below.

1. Information on people surveyed given in pie charts Gender

Female: 58%

Male: 42%

Female Male


Below 20: 45%

21-30: 15%

31-60: 30%

60+: 10% Below 2021-30

31-60 60+

Ethnic Background Chinese: 48%

Southeast Asian: 14%

North American: 16%

European: 22% Chinese

Southeast Asian North American European

(*You may also use bar charts or line graphs to present your information.) 2. Summary of results given in a table


agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Male 24 16 14 36 10 Winning

is the point of

a game. Female 8 24 14 42 12

Male 36 16 16 22 10 I do not

get enough

exercise. Female 16 12 30 22 20

S49 3. Written summary

40 S5 students (equal number of males and females) of Great Learning Academy were surveyed to learn about their favourite sports and sports stars.

Basketball was the favourite participatory sport (male 65%; female 70%), and also the favourite spectator sport (male 50%; female 55%). The second choice varied between male and female.

25% of the males gave football as their second choice for participation and 35% for spectatorship. For females, the figures were 25% for participating in tennis and a balanced 10%

each for watching tennis, athletics and golf.

C. Discussing findings and drawing conclusions

After organising the results and presenting them visually, it is also important to discuss the figures and findings as well as their implications. A conclusion can be drawn to address the survey objectives:

In general, girls show a greater liking for racquet games than boys do.

There also seems to be an age progression in liking for various sports: the young – basketball; the middle years – tennis; the elderly – golf.

All in all, local teenagers show a remarkably high level of awareness of sports goods and brands available on the market. They spend heavily on such goods, and are eager to obtain more as they are regarded as giving status to their owners.

D. Making recommendations

You may want to make recommendations after you have presented your conclusion(s). For instance, if your investigation shows that young people in Hong Kong spend too little time doing sports, or that they often fail to find suitable and affordable venues for playing sports, you can make recommendations such as the ones below:

Young people could lead a healthier and more balanced life by spending less time in front of the computer and spend at least one to two hours doing sports every week.

The government should provide a greater variety of sports facilities and charge fees that are affordable by the general public. For instance, more sports complexes could be made available or some cycling trails could be built in the city centre.

Learning Activity 2 Speaking

Your group will now give an oral presentation to the class. The presentation should include the following information about your survey:


target group

number of people surveyed/questioned

survey methods

a sampling of the questions (and question types) asked

results and findings


You may refer to the unit on “Presentation on Sports” for some tips and reminders on how to plan and practise for the presentation.
