• 沒有找到結果。

Chapter 5 Conclusions and Suggestions

5.4 Suggestion for Future Research

There are several suggestions for future research in the following. In this study we only explore congruence of product image and consumer personality; maybe it could add variables of product attributes and color and explore consistency of them


and consumer personality respectively in the future. If users of various products or brands have different personalities and thus respond more to appeals structured to their particular needs, they might purchase the same product for different reasons. If product attributes that determine their choices are somehow related to their personality structures, specific appeals might be aimed at particular personality types.

Ideally, an entire marketing mix could be designed for different psychological segments, particularly if different types of people want different attributes in a product.

Color can also be used to differentiate a product. Many consumers have favorite colors, a phenomenon that may have been created via an association with a favorable stimulus. Color could express different meanings to dissimilar people and be used to explain human physiological response. Like The Big-Five trait, it includes extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism and so forth. The person has extraversion and agreeableness traits, he or she behaves optimistic, lively and energy. The color yellow gives people the feeling of sunshine. There is the relationship between the extraversion and agreeableness person and the color, yellow. For this reason we suggest the research will investigate toward the direction in the future. Second, we adopt Type A/B personality and product image (hard vs. soft) to research congruent relationship in this study. It could research variety of consumer‟s personalities and product images in depth and explore their relationship.



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Appendix A:Questionnaire


我是國立高雄大學經營管理研究所的研究生,目前正從事有關「消費者與 產品之關係」的研究,請您協助填寫問卷,而您寶貴之意見,將成為本研 究之重要參考依據,感謝您撥冗參與本階段之研究,謝謝。敬祝

平 安

國立高雄大學經營管理研究所 指導老師: 吳毓麒 博士 研 究 生: 羅佳芸 敬上

第一部分 問卷說明

本問卷提供 2 類形容詞分別加以描述產品風格,請針對以下 2 組沙發樣本進 行評量之工作,在您認為適當描述產品風格的空格內打勾。

產品風格的定義:使用者對產品本身體驗出的一種直覺感受,此種感受藉由產品 的造型、線條等產品外觀因素所組成。

 堅硬/男性/理性的風格

 柔軟/女性/感性的風格

A 沙發

堅硬、男性、理性的 風格□

柔軟、女性、感性的 風格□


B 沙發

堅硬、男性、理性的 風格□

柔軟、女性、感性的 風格□



01. 我吃飯的速度比一般人快... □ □ □ □ □ 02. 我喜歡在同一時間內完成許多事情... □ □ □ □ □ 03. 我說話的速度比一般人快... □ □ □ □ □ 04. 我會掛著記著事情的完成期限... □ □ □ □ □ 05. 我的好勝心很強... □ □ □ □ □ 06. 我很有幹勁... □ □ □ □ □


非 不 沒 同 非 常 同 意 意 常 不 意 見 同 同 意 意



A 沙發

請針對下列的敘述,以「ˇ」表達您對 A 沙發的看法:

01. A 沙發之產品風格和我個人的人格特質相符

一致... □ □ □ □ □

02. 就你個人的人格特質和 A 沙發之產品風格作

比較,彼此間有相似性... □ □ □ □ □

03. A 沙發之產品風格很像我個人的人格特質... □ □ □ □ □


非 不 沒 同 非 常 同 意 意 常 不 意 見 同 同 意 意


B 沙發

請針對下列的敘述,以「ˇ」表達您對 B 沙發的看法:

01. B 沙發之產品風格和我個人的人格特質相符

一致... □ □ □ □ □

02.就你個人的人格特質和 B 沙發之產品風格作比

較,彼此間有相似性... □ □ □ □ □ 03.B沙發之產品風格很像我個人的人格特質... □ □ □ □ □


非 不 沒 同 非 常 同 意 意 常 不 意 見 同 同 意 意



A 沙發

請針對下列的敘述,以「ˇ」表達您對 A 沙發的看法:

01. 我認為 A 沙發很好看... □ □ □ □ □

02. 我想要擁有 A 沙發... □ □ □ □ □

03. 我認為 A 沙發吸引我... □ □ □ □ □

04. 我認為 A 是一張好的沙發... □ □ □ □ □


非 不 沒 同 非 常 同 意 意 常 不 意 見 同 同 意 意


B 沙發

請針對下列的敘述,以「ˇ」表達您對 B 沙發的看法:

01. 我認為 B 沙發很好看... □ □ □ □ □

02. 我想要擁有 B 沙發... □ □ □ □ □

03.我認為 B 沙發吸引我... □ □ □ □ □

04.我認為 B 是一張好的沙發... □ □ □ □ □


非 不 沒 同 非 常 同 意 意 常 不 意 見 同 同 意 意


第五部分 基本資料

1.請問您的性別 ○ 男 ○ 女

2.請問您的年齡 ○ 25 歲以下○ 25~34 歲 ○ 35~44 歲 ○ 45~54 歲○ 55~64 歲 ○ 65 歲以上

3.請問您的學歷 ○ 國中小以下 ○ 高中職 ○ 大專院校 ○ 研究所以上

4.請問您的月收入 ○ 15000 元以下 ○ 15000~25000 元 ○ 25000~35000 元

○ 35000~45000 元 ○ 45000~55000 元 ○ 55000 元以上

5.請問您的職業 ○ 學生 ○ 軍警公教 ○ 服務業 ○ 製造業 ○ 農林漁牧

○ 退休 ○ 其他_______________



Appendix B:Questionnaire in English


This part displays two different product images. According to your feeling, please evaluate the appropriative product image of two sofa’s samples.

The definition of product image:Image as the sum of all product meanings

conveyed to the consumer and linkages between characteristics and

feelings/emotions. It also as a combination of product aspects that are distinct from the physical product characteristics but are nevertheless identified with the product.

A sofa

hard image

soft image

Dear subjects:

I am a postgraduate and now study in National University of Kaohsiung.

This questionnaire is designed to investigate the relationship of consumer and product. Please evaluate the degree of options and check mark according to your perspectives and opinions.

Thanks very much!!

National University of Kaohsiung Institute of Business and Management Adviser:Dr. Yu-Chi Wu

Postgraduate:Chia-Yun Lo


B sofa

hard image

soft image


This part is to measure your personality. According to your understanding, please evaluate and answer each of the following items that correspond most closely to your desired response.

1. I eat faster than other people ……… □ □ □ □ □

2. I like to keep two jobs moving forward at the same

time……… □ □ □ □ □

3. Feels like hurrying speaker……… □ □ □ □ □

4. I often sets own deadlines……….. □ □ □ □ □

5. Others rate as hard-driving and competitive……….. □ □ □ □ □

6. Others agree-more energy than most people……….. □ □ □ □ □

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree



A sofa

This part is to measure congruency of your personality and A sofa’s product image. According to your perception, please evaluate and answer each of the following items that correspond most closely to your desired response.

1. A sofa‟s image matches my own personality……….. □ □ □ □ □

2. If you consider your own personality and compare it to the description of A sofa‟s image, to the extent are they similar? ... □ □ □ □ □

3. A sofa‟s image is like my own personality………. □ □ □ □ □

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree


B sofa

This part is to measure congruency of your personality and B sofa’s product image. According to your perception, please evaluate and answer each of the following items that correspond most closely to your desired response

1. B sofa‟s image matches my own personality……….. □ □ □ □ □

2. If you consider your own personality and compare it to the description of B sofa‟s image, to the extent are they similar? ... □ □ □ □ □

3. B sofa‟s image is like my own personality………. □ □ □ □ □

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree



A sofa

This part is to measure A sofa’s product evaluation. According to your perception, please evaluate and answer each of the following items that correspond most closely to your desired response

1. I think A sofa is good-looking………. □ □ □ □ □

2. I would like to have A sofa……….. □ □ □ □ □

3. I think A sofa is attractive me……….. □ □ □ □ □

4. I think A sofa is a good product………. □ □ □ □ □

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree


B sofa

This part is to measure B sofa’s product evaluation. According to your perception, please evaluate and answer each of the following items that correspond most closely to your desired response

1. I think B sofa is good-looking………. □ □ □ □ □

2. I would like to have B sofa……….. □ □ □ □ □

3. I think B sofa is attractive me……….. □ □ □ □ □

4. I think B sofa is a good product………. □ □ □ □ □

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree


PART 5:Personal Information

1. What is your gender: □ Male □ Female

2. What is your age: □ Below 25 years old □ 25-34 years old □ 35-44 years old □ 45-54 years old □ 55-64 years old □ Upon 65 years old

3. What is your education level: □ Less than senior high school □ Senior high school □ University □ Master or Above

4. How much is your monthly income:□ Below 15000 NT dollars □

15000~25000 NT dollars □ 25000~35000 NT dollars □ 35000~45000 NT dollars □ 45000~55000 NT dollars □ Upon 55000 NT dollars

5. What is your current occupation:□ Students □ Public servants □ Servicing business □ Manufacturing industry □ Agriculture □ Retirement □ Other vocations

