• 沒有找到結果。

What does Billy NOT say about his sweater?

在文檔中 語 言 訓 練 測 驗 中 心 (頁 26-32)


28. What does Billy NOT say about his sweater?

A. He likes the color.

B. He wears it to school.

C. Cathy likes it too.

D. It keeps him warm.

29. What has the weather probably been like?

A. Warm B. Cold C. Rainy

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

Thank you so much for the sweater you sent me for Christmas! It fits perfectly, and purple is my favorite color! It’s very warm, too – just perfect for the weather we’ve been having here recently. All of my classmates want one like it!

Cathy really likes the doll you gave her. She plays with it every day, and she tries to take it everywhere!

I hope you are both doing well.

30. What is the purpose of this ad?

A. To sell an exercise machine B. To sell a package tour C. To sell big-name clothes D. To sell sunglasses

31. What does “HOT” mean here?

A. Warm B. Angry C. Popular D. Expensive

32. What is the last word, “oval”?

A. A shape B. A color C. A size

D. A number 請 翻 頁

High-fashion sunglasses in super colors, like rich red, beautiful blue, and great green! Perfect for tennis, running, or just spending time in the sun.

All in this season’s HOT shapes, square and oval.

Questions 33-35

The Martin family took a two-week vacation last summer. The day before the trip, all of the family members helped with the preparations. Mr. Martin asked the neighbors, the Smiths, to check the mailbox every day and take out any letters or advertisements. After lunch, Mrs. Martin took all the extra food out of the

refrigerator; she gave some to the Smiths, and she threw away the rest. Paul Martin put several cans of dog food in a bag, and he took his big dog Roxy over to his friend’s house. Mary and Susie Martin cleaned the whole house. They swept and washed the floors in all of the rooms, dusted the furniture, and cleaned the bathroom.

That evening, the Martin family ate dinner at a restaurant. When they arrived home, Mr. Martin told the family to take off their clothes and put on T-shirts and shorts. Then his youngest daughter Cindy began to wash and dry everyone’s clothes.

“Now,” said Mr. Martin, “we can begin to pack our suitcases for the trip.”

33. What is a good title for this story?

A. Family Holiday Fun B. Preparing to Leave Home C. A Trip to the Store

D. A Party for the Neighbors

34. How many people are there in the Martin Family?

A. Eight B. Seven C. Five D. Six

35. Why did the family change their clothes?

A. To clean the house B. To wash the clothes C. To prepare for visitors D. To go to a restaurant



Appendix B

[Adapted from Longman Dictionary of English collocations (1995), p. 1297.]

Appendix C

The Efficacy and Advantages of Learning Formulaic Sequences

Why is learning “collocations” so important to you?

1. --I usually go to school with my feet. Vs. I usually go to school on foot. (我通常 走路上學)

“Well, it’s not wrong. But there is just nobody would say that……”

Collocations make you express your ideas more native-likely and successfully.


2. -- 請試著用英文說”你好嗎?”, “我愛你”和”我可以去洗手間嗎?”

Language is composed of chunks. Don’t try to over-analyze the language and break it into so many individual words, or then you will find it even harder to reassemble the parts into a comprehendible whole. Learning and also using the language in chunks can help your language become more fluent and accurate.

語言是由好幾個區塊所組成的, 不要試著去”過度分析”它, 把它拆成一個個獨立

Besides the fixed phrases or sentences, there are still lots of relatively fixed

prefabricated expressions that are easy for English users to borrow to generate. The generative power of the prefabricated expressions makes an English speaker speak both with conventions which leads to fluency, and with creativity which leads to personalized uses of the language.

更重要的是, 英文還有”衍生”和”創意”兩項特質, 也就是說, 你可以藉助一些比

4. -- 下面的這些搭配用語有哪些是你認識或是有印象的呢?

make friends ( ), make money ( ), make a film ( ),

make coffee ( ), make a face ( ), make my dream come true ( ) In real life, native speakers function perfectly well using a limited vocabulary with which they are collocationally competent. On the other hand, an English learner who is equipped with a vocabulary of 2,000 words and six collocations with each, know 12,000 expressions! By using these collocations one can think more quickly and communicate more efficiently.

For the native speaker, knowledge of acceptable and unacceptable collocations is largely instinctive. However, when one is learning a second language, he/she has to learn them one by one—they are not predictable (Journal of Reading). ESL students need additional, explicit awareness raiser and instruction in collocations. Learning collocations enable the learner to use them to their advantage in building their mental lexicons in a systematic way (Conzett, in Lewis, 2000).

真討厭啦! 搭配字詞的選擇不論是在中文或是在英文中, 都是難以預測, 而且 是”沒有什麼道理”的, 他們都只是一些習慣性的用法. 像是對以中文為母語的我 們來說, 要回答本題的第一個小問題, 幾乎是我們的直覺反應, 但是換到第二個 英文的小問題時, 以英文為外語的我們而言, 可就要傷腦筋了. 所以當我們在學 習像英文這樣的外語時, 關於搭配字詞這方面一些明確的教學就是必要的囉!

Appendix D

在文檔中 語 言 訓 練 測 驗 中 心 (頁 26-32)
