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Mining generalized fuzzy association rules from web pages


Academic year: 2021

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Mining generalized fuzzy association rules from web pages

Yi-Tsung Tang, Master Student

Hung-Pin Chiu, Assistant Professor

Department of Information Management, NAN HUA University

Department of Information Management, National Taitung University




The discovery of fuzzy association rules is an

important data-mining task for which many algorithms

have been proposed. However, the efficiency of these

algorithms needs to be improved to handle real-world

large datasets. In this paper, we present an efficient

method named cluster-based fuzzy association rule

(CBFAR) to discover generalized fuzzy association

rules from web pages. The CBFAR method is to create

fuzzy cluster tables by scanning the browse

information database (BIDB) once, and then clustering

the browse records to the k-th cluster table, where the

length of a record is k. The counts of the fuzzy regions

are stored in the Fuzzy_Cluster Tables. This method

requires less contrast to generate large itemsets. The

CBFAR method is also discussed.

Keyword:Fuzzy data mining; association rules


模糊關聯法則的挖掘是資料挖掘(Data Mining) 中一個重要的部分,也有許多的方法相繼被提出。 然而,這些演算法對於處理實際資料上的效率仍然 有改進的空間。本研究提出了一個有效率的方法 (Cluster-Based Fuzzy Association Rule:CBFAR)來 從許多網頁中找出模糊關聯法則,並改進挖掘的處 理效率,此方法以分群表(cluster table)的關念來儲 存網頁瀏覽次數之模糊值,在大項目組的產生過程 中,只需掃描瀏覽資料庫一次並去除許多不必要的 資料比對時間,有效的減少處理時間,改進效率。 關鍵詞:模糊資料挖掘、關聯法則

1. Introduction

The discovery of fuzzy association rules is an

important data-mining task. Association rules are used

to discover the relationships, and potential

associations, of items or attributes among huge data.

These rules can be effective in uncovering unknown

relationships, providing results that can be the basis of

forecast and decision.

Deriving association rules from transaction

database is most commonly seen in data mining. [2][4]

It discovers relationships among items. In the past,

Agrawal and Srikant proposed the Apriori association

rule algorithm.[5] It can discover meaningful itemsets

and construct association rules within large databases,

but a large number of the candidate itemsets are

generated from single itemsets. This method also

needs to perform contrasts against all of the

transactions, level by level, in the process of creating

association rules. The database is repeatedly scanned

to contrast each candidate itemset, that performance is

dramatically affected.

After Agrawal et al. proposed the Apriori

association rule, Tsay et al. have used cluster-based

association rule (CBAR) approach.[8] This method

used cluster-based table to reduce the number of

database scans and requiring less contrast. Recently,

the fuzzy set theory[3] has been used more and more

frequently in intelligent systems. It’s simplicity and

similarity to human reasoning.[1] Hong et al. also

proposed a fuzzy mining algorithm.[7] The items


relationships. However, items in real-world

applications are usually organized in some hierarchies.

Mining multiple-concept-level fuzzy rules may lead to

discovery of more general and important knowledge

from data.

In this paper, we present a new method called

cluster-based fuzzy association rule (CBFAR), for

efficient fuzzy association rules mining. We

considered the hierarchical relationships to discover

the generalized fuzzy association rules from the

browse information database (BIDB) and used the

cluster-based concept to reduce the number of

database scans. When the customer clicking the web

pages, then the click times stored in the browse

information database (BIDB).This method not only

needs only one database scans, but also requires less


2. CBFAR Mining Framework

The hierarchical relationships and cluster-based

concepts are used to discover generalized fuzzy

association rules from browse information database

(BIDB). We propose a CBFAR mining framework for

discovering generalized fuzzy association rules. The

proposed framework is shown in Fig. 1.

We proposed mining framework maintains fuzzy

association rules, and uses the hierarchical

relationships and cluster-based fuzzy table to derive

the fuzzy association rules. Previous studies on data

mining focused on finding association rules on the

single-concept level. However, relevant web page

taxonomies are usually predefined in the networks

structure and can be represented using hierarchical

trees.[6] Terminal nodes on the trees represent actual

web pages appearing in networks structure; internal

nodes represent main or sub-main web pages formed

by lower-level nodes. A simple example is given in

Fig. 2.

In this example, the main page falls into two

sub-pages: page A and page D. Page A can be further

classified into page B and page C. Similarly, assume

page D are divided into page E and page F. The web

pages (A, B, C, D and E) can appear in browse

information records. The CBFAR mining method is

divided into four phases.

In the first phase, all of web pages in each given

browsed records are added according to the predefined


In the second phase, transform the quantitative value v of each browsed dataij D (i=1 to n), for eachi

expanded item nameIj appearing into a fuzzy set


f .The fij are represented as

( fij1/Rj1





fij1/R ) using the givenj1

membership functions, where h is the number of fuzzy regions forI .j R is the lth fuzzy region ofjl I , 1jlh, and fijl is v ’ij s fuzzy membership value in region


R . Calculate the value of each fuzzy region Rjl in

the browsed data. (

1 n jl ijl i count f  


In the third phase, creates M cluster tables. Scan

the browse information database once and cluster the

Page B Page C Page E Page F

Page A

Page D


Figure2: An example of taxonomic structures

Fuzzy membership functions and web structure relationships Fuzzy Cluster_Table(1) Fuzzy Cluster_Table(2) Fuzzy Cluster_Table(M)

Fuzzy Mining Fuzzy association rules Browse

Information DataBase


browsed data. If the length of browsed data is k, the

browsed record and the fuzzy region value of items in

this browsed record will be stored in the table, named

Fuzzy_Cluster Table (k), 1kM, where M is the length of the longest browsed record in database.

In the fourth phase, the set of candidate itemsets Cn is generated. When the length of

candidate itemset is k, the support is calculated with

reference to the Fuzzy_Cluster Table(k).If the fuzzy region value of Cn is greater than or equal to the

predefined minimum support value, the candidate itemsets becomes the large itemsets, put C in then

large itemsetsL . Otherwise, it is contrasted with then

Fuzzy_Cluster Table(k+1). The large itemsets is

max | max ,1

n j j

L  Rcount  j m . Until the large itemsets L is null, this process terminatesn

when the calculated support is greater than or equal to

the predefined minimum support or the the end of the

Fuzzy_Cluster Table(M) has been reached. Finally, use

the predefined minimum confidence value to discover

fuzzy association rules. If the candidate fuzzy

association rule is larger than or equal to the

predefined confidence value, put it in the rule base.

3. An Example

In this section, an example is given to illustrate

the proposed mining method. This is a simple example

to show how the proposed method can be used to

discover fuzzy association rules from browsed data.

There are six browsed records and five items (web

pages) in a browse information database: A, B, C, D,

E and F. An example browse information database is

shown in Table 1. The taxonomy tree is shown in Fig.

3. All of items (web pages) appearing in the browse

information database (BIDB) according to the

predefined taxonomy tree.

Table 1. Six browsed records in this example BID Items (Web Pages, Click times)

B1 (A,3) (B,4) (C,2) (D,3) (E,4) (F,2) B2 (A,3) (B,7) (C,7) (D,3) (E,7) (F,7) B3 (A,4) (B,2) (C,5) (E,6) (F,5) B4 (B,9) (C,10) (D,9) (E,10) B5 (B,3) (F,3) B6 (B,8)(D,4) (E,8) (F,4)

In this example, assume that the fuzzy

membership functions are the same for all the items

and are as shown in Fig. 4. The fuzzy membership

function is represented by three fuzzy regions: Low(L),

Middle(M) and High(H), and three fuzzy membership values are produced for each item according to the

predefined membership function.

The length of the longest browsed record in this

database is six, and creates six fuzzy_cluster tables as

shown in Table 2. The fuzzy region value of items in

this browsed record will be stored in the

Fuzzy_Cluster Tables.










Figure4: The membership function in this example

Page B Page C Page E Page F

Page A

Page D



Table 2: Fuzzy_Cluster Tables

Assume the minimum support value is 2.4. We can discover the Large-1 itemsets (L ) which is large1

than or equal to the predefined minimum support

value according to the fuzzy_cluster tables. The itemsets of L are {B.Middle = 3.0}, {E.Middle =1

3.2}, {F.Middle = 2.8}.

Generate the large 2-itemsetsL . Combining the2

items ofL in order to generate candidate 2-itemsets1


C . The procedure is similar to the candidate generation of Apriori algorithm[5]. The itemsets of


C are {B.Middle,E.Middle}, {B.Middle,F.Middle},

{E.Middle,F.Middle}. In order to generate L , it is2

necessary to compute the fuzzy region values of each

candidate itemset in the Fuzzy_Cluster Table(2). If the

value is larger than or equal to the predefined minimum support value, put C in the2 L . Otherwise,2

compute the fuzzy region values in the next cluster

table (Fuzzy_Cluster Table(3). The other large itemsetsL are in the similar way.n

Therefore, the large itemsets in this example are


dle},{E.Middle,F.Middle}. Then, we can transform

each large itemsets into a fuzzy association rule. In the

electronic commerce (EC) environment, we can use

the association rules to fascinate the customer. Then

the customer relationship management (CRM) can

make a better profit.

4. Conclusions

In this paper, we have proposed a generalized

fuzzy association rules mining framework for

extracting fuzzy association rules from browse

information database (BIDB). In the electronic

commerce environment, we can use the association

rules to fascinate the customer. Then the customer

relationship management (CRM) can make a better


The cluster-based fuzzy association rule (CBFAR)

method creates Fuzzy_Cluster Tables to discover the

large itemsets. Contrasts are performed only against

the partial Fuzzy_Cluster Tables that were created in

advance. It only requires a single scan of the browse

information database, and contrasts with the partial

Fuzzy_Cluster Tables. This method not only needs

only one database scans, but also requires less


In the future, we will continuously for the huge

database, and discussing with the performance of

CBFAR method.

5. References

[1] A. Kandel, Fuzzy Expert Systems, CRC Press,

Boca Raton, FL, 1992, pp. 8-19.

[2] J. Han, Y. Fu, Discovery of multiple-level

association rules from large database, The Internet.

Conf. on Very Large Databases, 1995.

[3] L.A. Zadeh, Fuzzy sets, Inform. and Control 8(3),

1965 pp. 338-353.

[4] R.Agrawal, T. Imielinksi, A. Swami, Mining

BID A B C D E F Fuzzy_Cluster Table(1) NULL Fuzzy_Cluster Table(2) B5 0 L,0.6 M,0.4 0 0 0 L,0.6 M,0.4 Fuzzy_Cluster Table(3) NULL Fuzzy_Cluster Table(4) B4 0 M,0.4 H,0.6 M,0.2 H,0.8 M,0.4 H,0.6 M,0.2 H,0.8 0 B6 0 M,0.6 H,0.4 0 L,0.4 M,0.6 M,0.6 H,0.4 L,0.4 M,0.6 Fuzzy_Cluster Table(5) B3 L,0.4 M,0.6 L,0.8 M,0.2 L,0.2 M,0.8 0 M,1.0 L,0.2 M,0.8 Fuzzy_Cluster Table(6) B1 L,0.6 M,0.4 L,0.4 M,0.6 L,0.8 M,0.2 L,0.6 M,0.4 L,0.4 M,0.6 L,0.8 M,0.2 B2 L,0.6 M,0.4 M,0.8 H,0.2 M,0.8 H,0.2 L,0.6 M,0.4 M,0.8 H,0.2 M,0.8 H,0.2


association rules between sets of items in large

database, the 1993 ACM SIGMOD Conf.,

Washington, DC, USA, 1993.

[5] R. Agrawal, R. Srikant, Fast algorithm for mining

association rules in large databasaes, Proceedings

of 1994 International Conference on VLDB, 1994

pp. 487-499.

[6] R. Srikant, R. Agrawal, Mining generalized

association rules, The Internat. Conf. on Very

Large Databases, 1995.

[7] Tzung-Pei Hong, Kuei-Ying Lin, Shyue-Liang

Wang, Fuzzy data mining for interesting

generalized association rules, Fuzzy Sets and

Systems, 2003 pp. 255-269.

[8] Yuh-Jiuan Tsay, Jiunn-Yann Chiang, CBAR: an

efficient method for mining association rules,


Table 1. Six browsed records in this example BID Items (Web Pages, Click times)
Table 2: Fuzzy_Cluster Tables



Srikant, Fast Algorithms for Mining Association Rules in Large Database, Proceedings of the 20 th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 1994, 487-499. Swami,

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