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103 01國三英文


Academic year: 2021

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彰化縣私立精誠高級中學 103 學年度 第一學期 第一次段考 國三 英語科 南一 B5 L1~Review 1 單字 1200 U35 ※本卷共四頁 另附答案卡、卷 紅文法 U25,16~21,42 Reading for Comprehension P82~P89

I.Vocabulary: 15%

1.The man with a ___ arm was sent to the hospital.(A)breaking(B)broken (C)missing (D)lost

2.Dogs usually ___ cats when they meet each other. (A)attend (B)attract (C)attain (D)attack

3.We ___ to our teacher when we start class. (A)bow (B)wave (C)blow (D)wait 4.Mother cleans the clothes with a ___. It always takes her a lot of time to clean up the dirt on the clothes.(A)bucket (B)brush (C)hammer (D)shovel

5.Let’s ___ a line on the blackboard. (A)paint (B)picture (C)draw (D)write 6.Boys, ___ your answers on your test paper.(A)collect (B)correct (C)cooperate (D)combine

7.The mountains are ___ed with snow. (A)cover (B)bottom (C)conduct (D)turn 8.Don’t forget to ___ your letter, which will be easy for me to put on file. (A)date (B)order (C)look (D)understand

9.We always think businessmen make a great ___ of money. That’s not always true. (A)lot (B)number (C)kind (D)deal

10.There is a(n) ___ of water on the table. (A)act (B)raise (C)drop (D)break 11.When he was a kid, he ___ with other kids in the neighborhood. They never got along well. (A)found (B)fought (C)forced (D)forbade

12.We ___ed in our assignments to our teacher. (A)hand (B)watch (C)list (D)miss 13.They ___ a picture on the wall before. (A)minded (B)mopped (C)hung


14.Typhoons usually ___ Taiwan in summer. (A)come (B)hit (C)attend (D)meet 15.They ___ their children very well. (A)raised (B)visited (C)grew (D)planted


16.There should be notebooks and erasers on the desk, ___? (A)should there (B)shouldn’t there (C)should they (D)shouldn’t they

17.Thousands of doves were flying out of the castle when the king arrived. How ___! (A)surprising (B)inspiring (C)surprised (D)inspired

18.___ his love to his girfriend, the man bought a diamond ___ her. (A)Show; for (B)Showing; with (C)To show; for (D)Shown; with

19.___ notes in class helps students learn better. (A)To taking (B)Taking (C)Taken (D)Take

20.Mary likes to put her pictures on the Net, and I like to put ___ in the photo book. (A)my (B)me (C)myself (D)mine

21.It ___ a long time since the first Olympic Game ___ in Rome. (A)has been; has held (B)have been; has held (C) has been; was held (D)have been; was held 22.Mom: Grandparents are coming. Clean up your room. Joseph: Don’t worry. ___ I put all my dirty stuff under the bed. (A)That sounds difficult. (B)It feels comfortable (C)It looks tidy now. (D)It sounds like a good idea.

23.Nelson: ___ Kate: For years. It’s really hard for us. (A)How often do you travel abroad? (B)How long have you planned to buy a mansion? (C)How soon will you come back? (D)How far is it from here to the woods?

24.Anne: ___ the students finished their poster? Terry: Not yet. (A)Do (B)Did (C)Are (D)Have

25.Taiwanese Opera becomes more ___ with the help of modern technology. (A)interested (B)satisfying (C)interesting (D)satisfied

26.Kevin: Tom doesn’t eat meat. Jenny: ___? Does he eat fish? (A)He does (B)Does he (C)He doesn’t (D)Isn’t he

27.Rose: __ to Ken-Ting? Susan: Yes, we ___ there on vacation two years ago. (A)Have you ever gone; have gone (B)Have you ever been; went (C)Did you ever gone; were (D)Do you ever been; have been

28.Love stories, like Romeo and Juliet, always make me ___. (A)touch (B)touching (C)to touch (D)touched

29.The kids had little water left in their bottles now, ___? (A)was there (B)wasn’t there (C)did they (D)didn’t they


___? (A)didn’t he (B)did he (C)was he (D)wasn’t he

31~35(Choose the right one)

31.(A)You’ve been to Chile, haven’t you?

(B)You won’t tell her what I said, didn’t you?

(C)Don’t kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, do you? (D)It’s raining again, hasn’t it?

32.(A)I have washed my hair before breakfast this morning. (B)Gloria isn’t here. She’s gone out.

(C)Where have you been in 1998?

(D)The letter has arrived in the office yet.

33.(A)He’s just gone to the gym. He needs a shower now.

(B)Ted and Alice haven’t told anyone they have getting married. (C)I just ate a big dinner, so I’m not hungry.

(D)Did you given the mailman our new address yet?

34.(A)My brother and his wife don’t live here anymore. They had moved to Seattle.

(B)Rachel has a headache because she took her medicine. (C) When have you studied hard for your lessons last time? (D)I don’t need to call them. I have written them a letter.

35.(A)Luis has been sick since a long time. He has been in the hospital for October.

(B)How long has she been in Brazil? She has been in Brazil for three days. (C)Linda and Frank got married for 20 years.

(D)Amy is reading the newspaper. She is reading it for two hours.

III. Cloze: 25%

(1) Bella: I’ve just read a story. It makes me _36_ the differences between needs and wants.

Sean: Oh, really? What was the story?

Bella: It’s a mermaid story. A beautiful mermaid felt _37_ and swam to the water’s _38_. There she fell in love with a handsome prince. A sea witch

gave her a magic potion _39_ she could grow two legs. But at the same time, she would lose her voice. After she drank the potion, she swam to the beach but couldn’t speak to the prince. Later, the prince _40_ a

princess, and that broke her heart. She went back to the sea and became a water _41_.

Sean:That is a sad story, _42_?

Bella:You shouldn’t give up a _43_ for a _43_.

36.(A)to think for (B)thinking of (C)thought over (D)think about 37.(A)interesting (B)bored (C)interested (D)boring

38.(A)surface (B)survey (C)support (D)surprise 39.(A)because (B) ,and (C)though (D) ,so

40.(A)married (B)married to (C)got married with (D)has married 41.(A)master (B)fan (C)spirit (D)wizard

42.(A)does that (B)isn’t it (C)doesn’t it (D)isn’t that

43.(A)dream; story (B)reality; lie (C)need; want (D)show; practice

(2)In 1775, the 13 American _44_ went to war _45_ Great Britain. They wanted _46_ their own country. But they didn’t have a flag yet. A year later, the country wat still _47_ war. People began to plan their new flag anyway. Part of it would be blue. On that field, there would _48_ 13 white stars. The rest of the flag would be 13 red and white stripes. In 1818, a new rule was made. The flag would only have 13 stripes.

44.(A)areas (B)places (C)colonies (D)nations 45.(A)without (B)against (C)for (D)over 46.(A)run (B)ran (C)to run (D)running 47.(A)under (B)from (C)through (D)at

48.(A)have (B)were (C)has (D)be

(3)Fables often use animals to teach _49_ . Children like to read them because they like animals. Here _50_ a fable about _50_ friends. There was going to be a fight between the Birds and the Beasts. The bat didn’t _51_ a side because he wanted to be _51_ the winner’s side. The bat told a bird that he was a Beast.


However, he didn’t answer the call from the beasts. He said, “I’m a Bird. I fly, _52_? Soon after the fight, there was peace between the Birds and the Beasts. Both sides were celebrating. The bat came to join the Birds, but they _53__ him leave. Then he went to join the Beasts, but they also _54_ him. He understood that sitting on the fence was not a good way to make friends.

49.(A)reasons about living (B)lessons for life (C)points of view (D)thoughts with light

50.(A)has; to be (B)is; make (C)has; being (D)is; making 51.(A)stand; for (B)choose; in (C)take; on (D)lie; with 52.(A)am I not (B)aren’t I (C)do I (D)don’t I

53.(A)asked (B)wanted (C)made (D)told

54.(A)turned away from (B)left behind (C)looked up to (D)put up with

(4)Have you ever heard of Taiwanese Opera or Taiwanese Puppet Show? They are our _55_. In the past, people liked to sit in front of the temple and enjoyed the show with their family on special holidays. The stories, the music, and the

costumes were _56_ people at that time because they brought a lot of joy. The _57_ on the stage stood _57_ people’s history and their real life. People would learn something important, like love or honesty, by _58_ the show. Even when they _59_, they may forget the story, but they will remember the happy times they once had during the show. That’s the reason why the Taiwanese are so _60_ Taiwanese Opera and Taiwanese puppet Show.

55.(A)art work (B)traditional art (C)culture taboo (D)mask changing action 56.(A)exciting to (B)excited about (C)boring to (D)bored with

57.(A)players; up (B)characters; for (C)actors; on (D)actresses; with 58.(A)to see (B)going (C)being seen (D)watching

59.(A)twist the head (B)keep the secret (C)change their masks (D)grow up 60.(A)surprising to (B)surprised at (C)interesting to (D)interested in

V. Reading Comprehension: 11%

In 1860, Abraham Lincoln ran for president of the United States. At that time, he did not have a beard. But one young girl thought that he should. Her name was

Grace Bedell. She was 11 years old.

Grace wrote a letter to Mr. Lincoln. She told him that she hoped he would become president. She also said that his face was very thin. She thought he would look better with a beard.

Mr. Lincoln answered Grace’s letter. He told her that he had never had a beard. And people might think that he was silly to grow one now. Yet, a month later, there was a beard growing on his chin.

Mr. Lincoln did not forget Grace. One day he was on a train that stopped in Westfield, New York, where Grace lived. Many people came to see him. He asked to talk to Grace. He told her, “I let these whiskers grow for you, Grace.” A young girl had changed the face of a president.

61. How did Grace meet President Lincoln? (A)Mr. Lincoln stopped where Grace lived. (B)Mr. Lincoln invited her to the White House.

(C)Grace went to the station and waved at Mr. Lincoln. (D)Grace gave Mr. Lincoln a call and got accepted. 62. The bottom part of a person’s face is his or her ___.

(A)mouth (B)beard (C)chin (D)teeth

63. Why did Garce think Mr. Lincolin should wear a beard? (A)He was too old. (B)He liked the words that the girl wrote. (C)She was the daughter that Mr. Lincoln lost many years ago. (D)She thought his face was too thin.

64. What was Mr. Lincoln afraid of?

(A)Having to meet the girl. (B)Being silly to grow a beard. (C)Looking good when facing people. (D)Taking a train. 65. Which is true?

(A)Mr. Lincolin’s children were all boys.

(B)Mr. Lincoln was in danger when wearing a beard. (C)Mr. Lincoln never shaved again.


People have known Pluto as the ninth planet in the solar system since it was found in 1930. On August 24, 2006, however, the IAU changed the whole story.

  Many astronomers have been arguing about whether Pluto is a planet or not. Some think that it is too small to be called a planet-it is even smaller than the moon. So, at a meeting in 2006, the astronomers decided to take Pluto out of the list of planets in the solar system.

  Now, there are eight planets in the solar system. But don’t worry if you are a fan of Pluto. Astronomers change the rules sometimes. Perhaps they will change their mind at the next meeting. Who knows?

66. What is the best title for the reading? (A) The Nine Planets.  (B) Pluto and Astronomers.  (C) Pluto and the Moon.  (D) Too Small to Be a Planet.

67. What does it stand for?

(A) Earth. (B) The moon. (C) Pluto. (D) The solar system. 68. Why ISN’T Pluto a planet?

(A) Most astronomers don’t like it. (B) It is not part of the solar system. (C) It does not move around the sun. (D) It is not big enough to be a planet.

 Reading is an activity people enjoy a lot in their free time. Some like

reading newspapers, and others enjoy novels or comic books. I like reading about the lives of great people. This always gives me a lot of ideas on how to make my own life better.

  Great people are remembered not because they were handsome or beautiful, but because they did not give up when their lives were difficult. They used every opportunity to change their lives and make the world better.

  One good example is Orville and Wilbur Wright, the two brothers who invented the airplane. The plane has made the world into a small village. Hard work, not good luck, is the reason why Wright Brothers could invent this convenient machine and become remarkable people. Today we still remember them when we see planes in the sky.

  When I feel sad, stories of great people always help me feel better. This is why I enjoy reading about great people’s lives.

69. What does “This” mean in the first paragraph? (A) Being a great person.  (B) Living in a special way. (C) Reading about the lives of great people. (D) Reading newspapers, novels, or comic books.

70. Which book might the writer be most interested in? (A) How to Build a Strong Plane. 

(B) Ten Books That Have Made Our World Better.  (C) Use Every Opportunity to Read in Your Free Time. 

(D) Michael Jordan : The Man Who Changed Basketball History. 71. What does “remarkable” mean in the third paragraph?

(A) Nice and polite. (B) Tall and handsome. (C) Special and famous.  (D) Lucky and interesting.

VI. Translation: 14% (第 1~4 題 3% ; 第 5 題 2%) 1. 你已完成英文課的報告了嗎? 2. 我需要用橡皮擦除去鉛筆的痕跡。 3. 面具的快速轉換常使人們感到驚訝。 4. 你的看起來很棒,但我對我自己的還不滿意。 5. 我們應該三思而後行,不是嗎? 103 國三英語解答 Listening


1. BBCAD 6. EADCB 11. CBABB Writing 1.BDABC 6.BAADC 11.BACBA 16.BACBD 21.CCBDC 26.CBDCD 31.ABCDB 36.DBADA 41.CBCCB 46.CDDBD 51.CDCAB 56.ABDDD 61.ACDBD 66.BCDCD 71.C 66. B or D 彰化縣私立精誠高級中學 103 學年度 第一學期 第一次段考 國三 英語科 班級________ 座號______ 姓名____________ VI. Translation: 14% (第 1~4 題 3% ; 第 5 題 2%)

1.Have you finished your report for English class?

2.I need an eraser to get rid of the pencil marks.

3. The quick change of masks always makes people surprised.

4. Yours looks great, but I am still not satisfied with mine.



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