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AppReco: 基於行為識別的行動應用服務推薦系統 - 政大學術集成


Academic year: 2021

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(1)國立政治大學資訊管理學系. 碩士學位論文 指導教授:郁方博士. 立. 政 治 大. ‧ 國. 學. AppReco: 基於行為識別的行動應用服務推薦系. ‧ y. Nat. 統. n. sit. er. io. AppReco: Behavior-aware Recommendation for v iOSa l Mobile Applications i n Ch engchi U. 研究生:方子睿 中華民國一零五年六月.

(2) 摘要 在現在的社會裡,手機應用程式已經被人們接受與廣泛地利用,然而目前市 面上的手機 App 推薦系統,多以使用者實際使用與回報作為參考,若有惡意行 為軟體,在使用者介面後竊取使用者資料,這些推薦系統是難以查知其行為的, 因此我們提出了 AppReco,一套可以系統化的推薦 iOS App 的推薦系統,而且 不需要使用者去實際操作、執行 App。 整個分析流程包括三個步驟:(1) 透過無監督式學習法的隱含狄利克雷分布 (Latent Dirichlet Allocation, LDA)做出主題模型,再使用增長層級式自我組織映射. 政 治 大 析程式碼,去找出其應用程式所執行的行為。(3)透過我們的評分公式對於這些 立. 圖(Growing Hierarchical Self-Organizing Map, GHSOM)進行分群。(2)使用靜態分. ‧ 國. 學. App,進行評分。. 在分群 App 方面,AppReco 使用這些應用程式的官方敘述來進行分群,讓. ‧. 擁有類似屬性的手機應用程式群聚在一起;在檢視 App 方面,AppReco 透過靜. sit. y. Nat. 態分析這些 App 的程式碼,來計算其使用行為的多寡;在推薦 App 方面,. al. er. io. AppReco 分析類似屬性的 App 與其執行的行為,最後推薦使用者使用較少敏感. v. n. 行為(如使用廣告、使用個人資料、使用社群軟體開發包等)的 App。. Ch. engchi. i n U. 而本研究使用在 Apple App Store 上面數千個在各個類別中的前兩百名 App 做為我們的實驗資料集來進行實驗。 關鍵詞:推薦系統、手機應用程式、主題模型.

(3) ABSTRACT Mobile applications have been widely used in life and become dominant software applications nowadays. However there are lack of systematic recommendation systems that can be leveraged in advance without users’ evaluations. We present AppReco, a systematic recommendation system of iOS mobile applications that can evaluate mobile applications without executions. AppReco evaluates apps that have similar interests with static binary analysis, revealing their behaviors according to the embedded functions in the executable. The. 政 治 大 Latent Dirichlet Allocation立 for topic discovery and Growing Hierarchical. analysis consists of three stages: (1) unsupervised learning on app descriptions with. ‧ 國. 學. Self-organizing Maps for hierarchical clustering, (2) static binary analysis on executables to discover embedded system calls and (3) ranking common-topic. ‧. applications from their matched behavior patterns.. sit. y. Nat. To find apps that have similar interests, AppReco discovers (unsupervised) topics. al. er. io. in official descriptions and clusters apps that have common topics as similar-interest. v. n. apps. To evaluate apps, AppReco adopts static binary analysis on their executables to. Ch. engchi. i n U. count invoked system calls and reveal embedded functions. To recommend apps, AppReco analyzes similar-interest apps with their behaviors of executables, and recommend apps that have less sensitive behaviors such as commercial advertisements, privacy information access, and internet connections, to users. We report our analysis against thousands of iOS apps in the Apple app store including most of the listed top 200 applications in each category. Keywords: Recommender System, Mobile Application, Topic Model.

(4) Contents 1 Introduction. 1. 2 Literature Review. 4. 2.1. Mobile Recommendation System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5. 2.2. Recommendation System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5. 2.2.1. Content-based Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6. 2.2.2. Collaborative Filtering Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7. 政 治 大............... 2.2.4 Comparison of Recommendation Systems Topic Model . . . 立 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9. 11. 學. Latent Semantic Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. 2.3.2. Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. 2.3.3. Latent Dirichlet Allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. 2.3.4. Comparison of Topic Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16. ‧. 2.3.1. sit. y. Nat. 2.4. 11. Behavior Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16. io. er. 2.3. Hybrid Recommendation System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‧ 國. 2.2.3. 2.4.1. Sensitive Behaviors of Mobile Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16. 2.4.2. Analyzing Behaviors of Mobile Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. n. al. 3 Methodology. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 19. 3.1. System Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. 3.2. Same-Interest Application Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. 3.3. 3.2.1. Using Descriptions to Discover App Interests . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20. 3.2.2. Synthesizing Topic with LDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21. 3.2.3. Clustering Same-Interest Applications with GHSOM . . . . . . . . 24. Behavior Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.3.1. Identifying Sensitive Behaviors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27. 3.3.2. Collecting Private API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28. 3.3.3. Checking Behaviors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.

(5) 3.4. Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.4.1. Concept of AppReco Recommendation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. 3.4.2. Recommending Based on Ranking Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32. 4 Evaluation. 33. 4.1. Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33. 4.2. The cluster of Clear Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. 4.3. The cluster of Google Translate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36. 4.4. The cluster of SoundCloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38. 4.5. The cluster of PicCollage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40. 立. 5 Conclusion. 政 治 大. 41. ‧ 國. 學. 5.1. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41. 5.2. Limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43. ‧. io. sit. y. Nat. n. al. er. References. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. 43.

(6) List of Figures 1. Number of Available Apps in the Google Play Store . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1. 2. Number of Available Apps in the Apple App Store . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1. 3. New Android Malware Sample from G-Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2. 4. New Mobile Malware from McAfee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2. 5. Model of pLSA. [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. 6. Model of LDA. [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. 7. Architecture of AppReco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20. 8 9. 政 治 大 Sample topic #2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 立. Sample topic #1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 23. GHSOM tree structure for clustering applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. 11. Sample patterns for advertisement implement on iOS 9 . . . . . . . . . . . 29. 12. One of private API in iOS 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. 13. The concept of recommendation of AppReco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31. 14. Cluster 26-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. 15. The topic distribution of cluster 26-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. 16. Cluster 0-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37. 17. The topic distribution of cluster 0-0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37. 18. Cluster 4-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38. 19. The topic distribution of cluster 4-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38. 20. Cluster 5-18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40. 21. The topic distribution of cluster 5-18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40. 22. AppReco Website Index Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42. 23. AppReco Website App Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. 10. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v.

(7) List of Tables 1. Topics of one of the experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23. 2. Sensitive behavior lists in iOS 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28. 3. Topic result in iOS 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34. 4. The cluster of Clear Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36. 5. The cluster of Google Translate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38. 6. The cluster of SoundCloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39. 7. The cluster of PicCollage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v.

(8) 1. Introduction. Mobile applications on iOS and Android platforms have been increasing remarkably in the past decade and have become the dominant software applications in history. According to the reports of Statistics [2, 3], both Google Play and Apple’s App Store have over 1.5 million apps available for public download. In the recent annual Apple conference, WWDC 2015, Tim Cook announced that the number of app downloads in Apple’s App Store has crossed 100 billions.. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. io. sit. y. Nat. n. al. Figure 2: Number of Available Apps in the Apple App Store. er. Figure 1: Number of Available Apps in the Google Play Store. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. To help users find suitable mobile applications, various recommendation systems have shown up and most likely the important one, e.g., Editor’s choice of Apple’s App store, could dominate the trend of mobile applications. Most common recommendation systems are based on user experiences, using writers reviews or users’ ratings to judge apps’ performance [4, 5, 6]. These systems can be classified as three types according to how they work. The first group is content-based filtering recommendation systems, which recommend apps based on how app descriptions, features and contents match the preference of target users. The second group is collaborative filtering recommendation systems, which recommend apps by focusing on a target users interests similarity with other users. The last group is hybrid filtering recommendation systems, which mix the concepts of contentbased and collaborative filtering technique, recommending apps from the both different 1.

(9) aspects. Recommendation systems that are based users’ reviews are limited to users’ observations. It requires users to use the app before evaluating the apps. It is hence rather hard to scale out to handle a numerous number of apps that appear together in a limited time. That is to say, less popular apps would lack of reviews to be evaluated. It is also hard to have the same standard from different views of article writers or users without systematic recommendation mechanisms. Furthermore, users may not be able to observe all the behaviors of apps, particularly for those behaviors that may not show up in the. 政 治 大. user interface or are only triggered under a specific circumstance. A famous example is a very popular iOS application, called PATH, which is used to record location paths. 立. of users in daily life. Path has been reported to upload user’s address book to its re-. ‧ 國. 學. mote server without authorization from users [7]. Note that PATH is popular and widely recommended before its malicious behavior is revealed.. ‧. In fact, the number of malicious software on mobile platforms has kept increasing. sit. y. Nat. in recent years. A recent mobile software analysis report which shows in Fig. 3 from. io. er. Germany [8] shows that from January 2015 to September 2015, the reported malware has crossed the number of the whole 2014 year. The report from McAfee [9] also pointed out. n. al. Ch. i n U. v. a remarkably increasing rate in growth of mobile malware.. engchi. Figure 3: New Android Malware Sample from G-Data. Figure 4: New Mobile Malware from McAfee. We propose in this work a systematic recommendation system that takes app behav2.

(10) iors into account. We summarize four behaviors of apps that may raise serious concerns of users or app publishers: (1) taking user’s privacy data,(2) using third party SDK (Software Development Kits), (3) prompting advertising, and (4) using private APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). The privacy information of a user such as address book, calendar, photo, has been considered to be one of the most important concerns for mobile users [10, 11]. Mobile applications equipped with the third party SDKs may be used to access user data from the third party web services, e.g., Facebook and Google plus, both offer iOS SDKs to developers to develop functions to fetch data. While mo-. 政 治 大. bile ads play an important role in creating revenue for developers, e.g., in 2013, mobile revenue has reached over 17 billion [12], and analysts reported that revenue from mobile. 立. advertisements would have surpassed television advertising in 2017 [13], those ads may. ‧ 國. 學. also cause negative effects to users [14]. Finally, private APIs are designed for internal usage of Apple developers. To vet applications for the usage of private API, Apple creates. ‧. a system, called App Review, to detect iOS applications for their usage of private APIs.. sit. y. Nat. However, recent researches have indicated that there are still some Apps using private. io. er. APIs in the Apple Store [15].. The above behaviors may not show out in app descriptions or user interface. They. n. al. Ch. i n U. v. could be triggered under certain conditions and could not be observed by users. Rec-. engchi. ommendation systems that depend on user experiences are not be able to take these behaviors into account without being aware of these behaviors. We adopt static binary analysis to reveal potential behaviors that are embedded in the executable. First, we extract out executable code that includes class, method names from each application with IDA Pro. These function calls are primary from Objective-C, several from C. Second, we construct the behaviors and private API list from Apple developer library and iOS runtime headers [16, 17]. Third, we compare the executable code from application and pattern list. We could detect whether applications perform these behaviors or not. We have realized the idea in AppReco, a novel behavior-aware recommendation service for iOS mobile applications. AppReco ranks similar interest apps via risk evaluation. 3.

(11) according to their behavior and the weighted formula that is designed under the idea of term frequency and inverse document frequency. To find similar interest apps, AppReco adopts unsupervised topic discovery and clustering to cluster similar applications. This is done by systematic downloading application information of each application from Apple App Store, including name, description, genre and ratings. The descriptions of applications are then pre-processed to terms-document matrix and then be used to extract topic models via Latent Dirichlet Analysis. The extracted models identify the topics of app descriptions, as well as the topic (in the format of a percentage distribution among topics). 政 治 大. of each app. We then apply the unsupervised clustering (the GHSOM algorithm) on apps according to their topic distributions. Apps that fall in the same cluster have similar topic. 立. distribution in their descriptions and are considered to have the same interests.. ‧ 國. 學. We have evaluated AppReco against thousands of apps that are directly downloaded from Apple App Store. These applications are automatically downloaded, decrypted and. ‧. analyzed, where most of which were from the top download list. The preliminary results. sit. y. Nat. show that without expertise and user interventions, we are able to recommend users. io. er. mobile applications that have similar topics with less undesired behaviors.. n. al. 2. Ch Literature Review engchi. i n U. v. For the purpose of building behavior-aware recommendation system, we have to find an access to generate ideal recommendation results. In related work, at first, in order to construct a mobile recommendation system, we investigate mobile recommendation system and common recommendation systems techniques. Second, we study some topics model techniques of natural language processing to convert applications’ descriptions to vectors so that we could cluster applications with vectors. Finally, we study what is the sensitive behaviors of mobile application and how to find out behaviors of mobile applications.. 4.

(12) 2.1. Mobile Recommendation System. Nowadays, due to a huge number of mobile applications, recommendation system for mobile applications is influential because users look for apps that meet the requirements through it. Mobile application recommendation systems have been increasing not only at the industry but also at the research community [18, 6, 4, 5]. AppBrain [18] is an application discovery tool on Android platform. It monitors the installation history of applications of users and provides the recommendation in the same category. It also provides all-time popular applications to users.. 政 治 大 recommendations are sorted within app categories. 立. The Sweet Setup [6] provides mobile application discovery service for iOS users. Their. Apps4Review [4] is a community, where developers submit their iOS or Android ap-. ‧ 國. 學. plications to the authors of a website. The authors will write the application reviews and. ‧. articles.. AppJoy [5] makes personalized application recommendations on Android platform. Its. Nat. sit. y. function is based on measuring how users operates their installed applications. With the. er. io. usage data, it practices item-based collaborative filtering recommendation systems.. al. v. n. After surveying recommendations of mobile applications, we find out there are little. i n C amount of systems focusing on behaviors h e n gofcapplications. hi U. For example, authors of rec-. ommendation systems review applications manually, but it is hard to tackle a large scale data. Therefore, we develop a novel recommendation system, that automatically takes mobile behavior into consideration for recommendation.. 2.2. Recommendation System. Recommendation system is a platform that provides users with suggestion of items. With recommendation systems, users save their times on searching similar items and approaching items ratings and comments. In recent years, recommendation system technique has been widely applied to movies, music, games, books, news, products and so on [19, 20, 21]. Suggestions from recommendation systems may be based on users preference for items, 5.

(13) similarity within items, rating and etc. Balabanovi´c and Shoham [22] classified recommendation systems according to how they recommend items. They divided these recommendation systems into three categories: content-based recommendation system, collaborative filtering recommendation system and hybrid recommendation system. The first type is content-based recommendation system which recommends items similar to those a given user prefers. The another type is collaborative filtering recommendation system which identifies users whose tastes are similar to those of given users and recommends items they like. The other. 政 治 大. type is hybrid recommendation system which combined the content-based with collaborative filtering recommendation system to incorporate the advantages while inheriting. 立. the disadvantages of neither side. In the following section, we investigate these three. ‧ 國. 學. recommendation systems. Content-based Recommendation. ‧. 2.2.1. sit. y. Nat. Content-based recommendation systems suggest items based on a users preference, inter-. io. er. est and description of an item. For example, this kind of systems would recommend an item if the item is similar to some items that a user has preferred before.. n. al. Ch. i n U. v. The content-based approach roots in information retrieval and information filtering. engchi. research [23]. First, with technique in information retrieval and information filtering, system could transfer item attribute, description, and content to a set of feature vectors from item. Then, it computes cosine value between two items with their vector to measure the similarity. If their cosine similarity is close to 1, it means that they are similar to each other. In contrast, if their cosine similarity is far away from 1, it means that they are totally different. Content-based system uses text mining techniques and focuses on text-based item, such as news, websites, documents, and etc. The most used text mining approach is Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF), it uses term frequency in document to export the characteristic of document. After the information retrieval, content-based. 6.

(14) recommendation systems also consider the information about users tastes, preferences, and needs. There are some popular recommendation systems adopting content-based approaches such as Rotten Tomatoes a movie recommendation platform and Pandora Radio a personalized music platform. Some research and study apply content-based technique to their systems. Pazzani, Muramatsu and Billsus [20] developed a content-base recommendation software, Syskill & Webert, recommending websites which might interest a user. First, they. 政 治 大. created a user profile which contained user’s preference by training data such as interested pages and uninterested pages. Second, they indexed each website with topics, so. 立. they could understand user’s latent topic interest. Finally, they could recommend user a. ‧ 國. 學. website based on the topic preference.. Van Meteren and Van Someren [21] also built up a websites recommendation systems,. ‧. called PRES by using cosine measurement between user profiles and documents vector.. sit. y. Nat. They constructed user profiles by a learning algorithm, which considered the users con-. io. n. al. er. sumed time on reading a website. 2.2.2. i n U. Collaborative Filtering Recommendation. Ch. engchi. v. Collaborative filtering recommendation systems suggest items to a user based on opinions from other users. For example, systems would recommend an item to a user because another user with similar tastes and preferences has picked this item before. Generally, collaborative filtering is to predict the taste of a particular user from a database of user votes from a sample or population of other users. According to different predict approach, Breese, Heckerman and Kadie [24] have grouped collaborative filtering recommendation system into two types, 1. Memory-based collaborative filtering 2. Model-based collaborative filtering. In memory-based collaborative filtering algorithms, they predict the preference of a user based on partial information regarding the user. By applying the similarity between. 7.

(15) users or items, memory-based collaborative filtering can be separated into user-based type and item-based type. User-based collaborative filtering is based on users preference similarity. If some users have similar preference on some items, system would consider that the users would also share similarity on other items preference. For example, Resnick, Iacovou, Suchak, Bergstrom and Riedl [19] developed GroupLens which was a long history of user-based collaborative filtering and had lots of recommendation system projects. In the original GroupLens, they used the technique to. 政 治 大. make a news article platform to help people find news and articles in which they are interested. At first, they asked users to assign their numeric ratings after reading news. 立. or articles. These ratings would be used in two ways. First, they computed the ratings. ‧ 國. 學. to determine the preferences of users to find out which users ratings were most similar to each other. Second, they would predict what kinds of users would be interested in news. ‧. or articles, based on ratings from similar users. Finally, they could suggest the user news. sit. y. Nat. and articles which met the users interest.. io. er. In order to determine the preferences of users, if the number of users has increased, the computing time of user-based recommendation system would be comparatively long. Sar-. n. al. Ch. i n U. v. war, Karypis, Konstan, and Riedl [25] proposed item-based collaborative filtering which. engchi. was based on item feature similarity such as rating history. First, they computed the similarity between different items. Then, they used the data of user rating on different items to predict the user’s preference for the specific item. For example, if there were high-rated histories of item A and item B, the system would recommend users item A when users were viewing item B and vice versa. Memory-based collaborating filtering approaches use many storage space to store customer preference data, but it is hard to deal big data in real-time. To conquer the above weakness, there is the other type of memory-based collaborating filtering, model-based collaborating filtering [24]. Model-based collaborative filtering is based on using some data mining, machine learning algorithms to train data, and then using results to make recom-. 8.

(16) mendation. In contrast to memory-based collaborating filtering, model-based approach calculates the expected value of a vote with training model. With proper models, it can discover some latent factor behind observed users ratings, and make a good recommendation. There are many algorithms able to perform model-based collaborative filtering, such as Latent Semantic Analysis [26], Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis [27], Latent Dirichlet Allocation [1] and so on. Krestel, Fankhauser and Nejdl [28] developed a tag recommendation system by using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and proved their performance better than using traditional. 政 治 大. association rules. First, they used LDA to elicit latent topics from resources and then made a set of tags to recommend topics for new resources with only a few tags. Second,. 立. they sorted out the tags belonging to topics so that they could recommend tags to a. ‧ 國. 學. specific topic. Finally, the recommended tags are specified for a particular resource, and thus useful for searching and recommending resources to other users.. ‧. Hofmann [29] used probabilistic latent semantic analysis to apply to movie data and. sit. y. Nat. convinced that model-based collaborative filtering using pLSA would perform better than. io. er. memory-based technique. He used the probabilistic latent semantic models to compress the data into a compact model that could automatically identify user communities and. n. al. Ch. i n U. v. interest groups and then compute preference prediction in constant time.. engchi. When dealing with large data sets, model based collaborative can show up higher performance and lower processing time for a recommendation. 2.2.3. Hybrid Recommendation System. Both content-based and collaborative filtering recommendation systems have their advantages and disadvantages. To combine the advantage of the above two approaches, hybrid recommendation system was invented. Adomavicius and Tuzhilin [23] grouped hybrid recommendation system into four types: 1. Implement collaborative and content-based methods separately, using linear function to combine result and deciding final recommendation result.. 9.

(17) 2. Incorporate some content-based characteristics into a collaborative approach, using the users’ before preference as data to calculate the similarity within users. 3. Incorporate some collaborative characteristics into a content-based approach, using some dimensionality reduction technique to content-based profile to create a collaborative view of a collection of user profiles. 4. Construct a general unifying model that incorporates both content-based and collaborative characteristics, e.g. adopting probabilistic model or Bayesian mixed-effect regression models to combine two approaches.. 政 治 大. Some researchers try to combine content-based and collaborative filtering to gain performance in some cases [30, 31]. De Campos, Fern´andez-Luna, Huete, and Rueda-. 立. Morales [31] presented a new Bayesian network model to deal with the problem of hybrid. ‧ 國. 學. recommendation system by combining content-based and collaborative features. They used Bayesian network to construct the relationships between users, items, features, and. ‧. then used the strength of these relationships to recommend movies. First, they sorted. sit. y. Nat. out the active user votes the items to construct the user profile, which would include the. io. er. information that content-based and collaborative approaches needed. Then they built up relationships related to the target item with user profiles. In the end, they could make. n. al. Ch. i n U. v. predictions and recommendations to active users with relation models.. engchi. Yoshii, Goto, Komatani, Ogata, and Okuno [30] developed a hybrid recommendation system for music by combining content-based and collaborative filtering technique. They used probabilistic models to unify content-based and collaborative filtering approach to get their advantage. With content-based technique, the system could deal with music without rating situation which might make collaborative filtering perform badly. With collaborative filtering approach, the system could consider users’ preference in terms of music contents which were hard to be fully investigated.. 10.

(18) 2.2.4. Comparison of Recommendation Systems. After listing the above methods of recommendation system, we have to choose the most suitable approach on our research. We find a research in 2005 by Adomavicius and Tuzhilin [23], it compared the three recommendation methods, and pointed out their advantage and disadvantage respectively. The main difference between content-based and collaborative filtering system is that the former approach focuses on measuring the similarity between vectors of items, while the latter targets on calculating the similarity between vectors of the actual user-specified ratings. In AppReco, we focus on how the. 政 治 大. similarity within the applications, so we decide to choose content-based approach as our. 立. main method.. After surveying some content-based recommendation systems, we find out that some of. ‧ 國. 學. them use topics model to make a recommendation model. For example, Godin, Slavkovikj,. ‧. De Neve, Schrauwen and Van de Walle [32] used the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to model the underlying topic assignment of language classified tweets. They used over. Nat. sit. y. 1.8 million tweets as data set, and randomly picked 100 tweets of them for constructing. al. er. io. model. They ended up proving that they could recommend hashtags for tweets in a fully. v. n. unsupervised manor. In our research, we are going to find out topic model approaches to. Ch. engchi. construct our recommendation model.. 2.3. i n U. Topic Model. AppReco uses the topic model technique in natural language processing (NLP) to convert the applications’ descriptions into a vector of word appearances. The result of topic model can reflect a collaborative shared view of the application and popular vocabulary of the topics to describe applications. In addition, topics model explains the feature vector of data so that we can perform clustering approach. In this part, we investigate three popular topic model methods. They are used to dig out latent keywords in a document.. 11.

(19) 2.3.1. Latent Semantic Analysis. Deerwester, Dumais, Furnas, Landauer and Harshman [26] proposed Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), a famous information retrieval technique in 1990. The purpose of LSA, also called Latent Semantic Indexing(LSI) is analyzing documents to find the latent meaning or concepts behind the documents. LSA assumes that terms will have high-related meaning in similar documents and that terms will have high association with concepts and meanings. However, the problem is difficult, because a word often bears multiple meanings. Lex-. 政 治 大 hard time dealing with the received information. For example, the term ”case” means a 立 ical ambiguity obscures concepts of a single term. Even native speakers would have a. criminal institution when it was used around ”murder”, ”police”, and ”victim”. In con-. ‧ 國. 學. trast, when it was used around ”package”, ”luggage”, and ”travel”, it probably indicates. ‧. a suit case.. In order solve the ambiguity, LSA maps both terms and documents into a matrix. Nat. sit. y. space and does the comparison in this space at first. Then, LSA uses a mathematical. al. er. io. technique, called Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) model to reduce the number of. v. n. rows while preserving the feature of structure with the large matrix. The core formula of SVD is Eq.(1).. Ch. engchi ′. X = T0 S0 D0. i n U. (1). In Eq.(1), X represents a t × d matrix of terms and documents, decomposed into the ′. product of three matrix. T0 and D0 have orthonormal columns and S0 is diagonal. In ′. SVD, T0 and D0 are the matrices of left and right singular value vectors and S0 is the matrix of diagonal matrix of singular value. At same time, the singular values of S0 are ordered by sized. They mean the eigenvalues of the terms and documents. After SVD decomposing the matrix, LSA uses the number of the dimension k to reduce dimensional representation of the matrix. It can emphasize the strongest relationships and throw away. 12.

(20) the noise. Thus, the Eq.(1) would be change to Eq.(2).. ! = T k Sk D ′ X≈X k. (2). With Eq.(2), it reserves large k entries in Eq.(1) and the product of the result matrices, ! which is approximate to X. The number of dimensions k is very important. a matrix X If k is too small, it would cause important pattern to be dropped out. In contrast, if k. is too big, it would let noise word creep in. In the end of SVD, Tk would become the ′. term-topics matrix while Dk would become the topics-documents matrix.. 政 治 大 a popular academic encyclopedia in the United States. They used 60,768 terms and 30,473 立. Landauer, Foltz and Laham [33] applied LSA to knowledge with Grolier Encyclopedia,. ‧ 國. 學. documents from Grolier to construct a terms - documents matrix. Then, they applied SVD to reduce the high-dimension matrix and to reconstruct with a low-dimensional matrix.. ‧. Finally, they could compute the latent concept behind terms with the low-dimensional matrix. They concluded that LSA would perform well around 300 dimensions, and perform. y. Nat. er. io. greatly improve the extraction and representation of LSA.. al. n. 2.3.2. sit. comparatively poorly below 100 dimensions so that dimensionality-optimization could. i Probabilistic Latent C Semantic AnalysisU n hengchi. v. Hofmann [27] proposed a Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA), also known as Probabilistic Latent Semantic Indexing (pLSI) in 1999. In contrast to LSA, a document is represented as a mixture of the topics in pLSA. The pLSA uses the aspect model to show a low-dimensional representation of the co-occurrence data, associated with hidden variables. The creation of pLSA model differs from LSA, which usually uses a singular value decomposition to reduce down a high dimension matrix. pLSA is based on a mixture decomposition derived from a statistical technique, latent class model. The model of pLSA is Fig. 5. d and w represent observable documents and words index variable. z represents a latent variable which is the topic distribution of documents and words. M means the 13.

(21) Figure 5: Model of pLSA. [1] number of the documents and N means the number of words of one of documents d.. 政 治 大. The process of pLSA can be divided into 3 steps and represented as an Eq.(3): P (d, w) = P (d)P (w|d) " P (w|d) = P (w|z)P (z|d). 學. ‧ 國. 立. (3). z. ‧. 1. Select a document d with probability P (d).. sit. y. Nat. 2. For each words in document d, select a topic z with probability P (z|d).. io. er. 3. Select word w on the previous chosen topic z with probability P (w|z). In order to estimate the latent variable in pLSA, Hofmann [27] uses Expectation. n. al. Ch. i n U. v. Maximization (EM) algorithm. EM can be divided into three steps: 1. computing poste-. engchi. rior probabilities for the latent variables z with the current estimates of the parameter 2. using the parameter computed in the previous step to maximize estimation parameter, and 3. repeat step 1 step 2 until convergence. In the conclusion, Hoffman proved that pLSA could take advantage of statistical standard methods for model better than traditional LSA. pLSA could be applied to language modeling, collaborative filtering. 2.3.3. Latent Dirichlet Allocation. Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), a type of topic model was proposed by Blei, Ng and Jordan [1] in 2003. The general idea of LDA is based on a hypothesis that a document may be viewed as a mixture of various topics. LDA constructs topic model with probabilistic 14.

(22) statistic model. LDA is very similar to pLSA, but LDA assumes two Dirichlet priors to the topic distribution. In practice, LDA reduces more executing time than pLSA because pLSA has to estimate lots of parameters. If a user gives a uniform Dirichlet prior to the LDA model, it would be equivalent to the pLSA model. The model of LDA is Fig. 6.. 立. 政 治 大. ‧ 國. 學 Figure 6: Model of LDA. [1]. ‧. In the Fig. 6, parameter α is the Dirichlet prior of topic distributions of documents. β. y. Nat. sit. is the Dirichlet prior of word distributions of topics. K is the number of topics. M is the. n. al. er. io. number of documents. N is the number of words in a document i. θ is a M × K matrix. i n U. v. which means topic distributions for each document. ϕ is a K × W matrix which means. Ch. engchi. word distributions for each topic. z is a set of topics of the document i, and w is the only observable variable, a set of word of topics in the document i. The following is the generative process of LDA, which would be applied to each document in corpus: 1. Choose N , the number of words in a document i. 2. Choose the topic distribution θ of the the document, with the Dirichlet prior α. 3. Choose the word distribution ϕ of the the topic, with the Dirichlet prior β. 4. For each word j in the document i, choose a topic zi,j with multinomial distribution θi . 5. For each word j in the document i, choose a word wi,j with multinomial distribution ϕzi,j . 15.

(23) After repeating the generative process of LDA, it would reach a convergence and steady result model. As a result, they proved that LDA model had a better prediction result than the mixture of unigrams model and the pLSA model. 2.3.4. Comparison of Topic Models. After the instigation of approaches of topic model, it is obvious that each approach has its unique strength and inevitable weakness. In order to find the most qualified method for our research, we filter out the less suitable methods with the comparison step by step.. 治 政 For statistics, LDA and pLSA have strong enough 大background to graph their model 立 in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. They both use the concept of probability and their advantage is Each points of comparison would be discussed separately in the following paragraphs.. ‧ 國. 學. that the topics, extracted by these models are invariably interpretable. LDA and pLSA facilitate the analysis of model output, unlike the uninterpretable directions produced by. ‧. LSA.. sit. y. Nat. For efficiency, LSA has the lowest executing time than LDA and pLSA because it. io. er. doesn’t need to calculate the probability of model. LDA is the second efficient method because it estimates the probability fast with its hyper-parameter Dirichlet priors to the. n. al. Ch. i n U. v. topic distribution. On the contrary, pLSA has to estimate all probability in their equation. engchi. so it has the lowest efficiency among all the methods. After comparing, we first filter out LSA because its lack of statistical model. Second, we filter out pLSA because LDA has better efficiency on executing. As a result, we use LDA as our topic model method.. 2.4 2.4.1. Behavior Analysis Sensitive Behaviors of Mobile Applications. Nowadays, there are lots of mobile applications in the markets for satisfying users need. Besides, an application often bears multiple functionalities, called mobile behavior of the mobile application. Mobile application developers design these mobile behaviors to cater 16.

(24) to users and gain profit recently. However, if a developer placed a malicious behavior into an application or misused the user information from an application, user’s privacy information would be leaked or be recorded to database which is handled by hackers or malicious developers. Felt, Finifter, Chin, Hanna, and Wagner [34] classified mobile threats model into three types: Malware, Personal Spyware, and Grayware. They evaluated the malicious mobile applications of different platforms, such as iOS, Symbian, and Android, and classified their malicious behavior as follows: Novelty and Amusement, Selling User Information,. 政 治 大. Stealing User Credentials, Premium-Rate Calls and SMS, SMS Spam, Search Engine Optimization and Ransom.. 立. Enck, Octeau, McDaniel, and Chaudhuri [35] classified malicious behavior of mobile. ‧ 國. 學. application into two categories as follows: information misuse and phone misuse , where information misuse means that privacy sensitive information on the devices (e.g. geo-. ‧. graphic location, IMEI, IMSI, ICC-ID, and etc.) has been being leaked outwards, and. sit. y. Nat. phone misuse means that the interface of the smart device has been manipulated in a. io. API, and accessing the list of installed applications.. n. al. 2.4.2. Ch. engchi. er. wrong way, including telephony services, background recording of audio and video, socket. i n U. v. Analyzing Behaviors of Mobile Applications. There are two main approaches to analyze the behaviors of applications: the dynamic approach and the static approach, where the dynamic approach is used to perform the analysis through executing the application and the static approach is used to analyze the source or binary code of the applications without executions. Enck, Gilbert, Han, Tendulkar, Chun, Cox, Jung, McDaniel, and Sheth [36] proposed a dynamic approach, TaintDroid for tracking and analyzing application behaviors in Android applications. TaintDroid automatically labels the privacy and sensitive data and tracks labels along with the propagation of the data through program variables, files, and interprocess messages. When the labeled data are transmitted via the Internet, or left to. 17.

(25) the system, TaintDroid would log the data’s labels, the responsible application, and the destination where the data ate transmitted. It also produces real-time feedback to user so that user could know the security status on time. TaintDroid is limited to track data flows but not control flows. Mann and Starostin [37] used static analysis to detect leakage of privacy data in Android applications. They sorted out private information into five categories: ”location data”, ”unique identifiers”, ”call state”, ”authentication data”, and ”contact and calendar data”. Their framework put signatures on the methods and parameters of the method. 政 治 大. which could be used to extract and transmit users private information private information. The framework was also restricted to track explicit information flow merely. The leakage. 立. of user’s privacy data via implicit methods still could not be tracked.. ‧ 國. 學. Egele, Kruegel, Kirda, and Vigna [38] presented PiOS, the first static binary analysis that could analyze iOS applications, and automatically determine if these applications. ‧. would leak user’s private data. They decrypted binary of iOS applications, disassembled. sit. y. Nat. the binary to initialize the control flow graph of method calls of the binary, detected data. io. er. flow analysis and found out potential privacy leaks. They evaluated the approach against more than 1,400 iPhone applications. This work briefly showed the feasibility of binary. n. al. analysis for iOS applications.. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. Werthmann, Hund, Davi, Sadeghi, and Holz [39] proposed PSiOS, a framework for privacy data security. They constructed a protection layer between iOS runtime environment and the applications with MoCFI [40], which is a tool for iOS control flow integrity on the iOS platform. Deng, Saltaformaggio, Zhang, and Xu [15] presented a hybrid approach that combines static and dynamic analyses. Their tool iRiS is capable of checking the abuses in private API in iOS applications. They used IDA Pro disassembler to generate control flow graph (CFG) on the target application, and then performed further analysis on the CFG. Once the static approach could not resolve call targets, they went on to use the dynamic approach to analyze the targets. This is done by extending the Valgrind [41].. 18.

(26) We adopted the static approach presented in [42] to analyze the behaviors of iOS mobile apps. The proposed risk evaluation techniques are orthogonal to behavior analysis techniques and can be integrated with other analysis tools as well for systematic recommendation.. 3 3.1. Methodology System Architecture. 政 治 大 plications to the users, we could divide architecture into three parts: 立. The architecture of AppReco is shown in Fig. 7. Before rating and recommending apThe first part,. behavior analysis is from collecting application to checking application performing a cer-. ‧ 國. 學. tain behavior. It contains decrypting applications, disassembling applications, sensitive. ‧. behavior lists, private API list, checking applications perform behaviors; The second part, application clustering is from gathering description to clustering applications with GH-. Nat. sit. y. SOM clustering algorithm. It contains description preprocess, topic analysis with Latent. er. io. Dirichlet Allocation, GHSOM clustering. The last part, rating sums the results before and. al. v i n C hmentioned aboveUin the following sections. We would elaborate the three parts engchi n. gets recommendation apps. It contains our rating formula and computation processing.. 3.2. Same-Interest Application Discovery. Apple has divided applications into genres and sub-genres to help users to find out applications they interested in. Although genres could help users find out similar applications, some problems have arisen. For instance, some of the applications may share similarity with other applications but they are in different genres. In addition, if a genre is too general to effectively classify dimensional applications. There is a possibility for different types of applications labelled with same genres. Thus, we use machine learning clustering techniques to cluster the applications based on their descriptions. First, we use Latent Dirichlet Allocation algorithm to fetch the topics among applications and get the topic 19.

(27) 立. 政 治 大. ‧ 國. 學 Figure 7: Architecture of AppReco.. ‧. distribution about each application. By using the topic distribution as the input to GH-. y. Nat. sit. SOM clustering algorithm, we can cluster the applications with similar topics. Finally, we. n. al. er. io. get the clusters of applications sharing with the similar descriptions. We will introduce the clustering process in detail. 3.2.1. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. Using Descriptions to Discover App Interests. To discover app interests, we download the official description of the target app. This can be systematically crawled from Apple App Store. To extract the interests of apps, we perform the following preprocess operations. First, the descriptions of applications in App Store are often displayed in various languages, so we translate all the descriptions to English. We then are able to have the same base for word tokenizing, stemming and topic analysis afterwards. Word tokenizing removes punctuation marks and breaking sentences into words and elements. Word stemming, on the other hand, then removes morphological affixes from words so that only the word stems are left. For example, fight, fighting, fought, and fights would be reduced to the same stem, ”fight”. For each token in the list, 20.

(28) we use NLTK package in python to do word stemming. After the stemming process, for each token, we further filter and delete stop words: words that are commonly appearing in documents without meanings, such as the, is, at, which,”who”,”I.” The following is an example part from a weather application, Weather Motion after preprocessing description:. weather motion take mobile weather apps whole new level stun high definition hd graphic sound effect see hear weather indoors head outdoors appadvice com feature macworld appguide re need soothe alarm clock way listen watch weather without. 治 政 information style stylishipadapps tumblr comweather 大motion beautiful way check 立 ipod touch application show local condition report top weather information iphone go outside weather motion another way experience weather padvance com weather. ‧ 國. 學. soothe video representation current weather condition description see current forecast weather gorgeous hd video high quality video footage different weather condi-. ‧. tion completely optimize iphone amaze retina display real time weather information. y. Nat. base current location gps wifi wherever world local condition report temperature. n. al. Ch. er. io. slide finger screen see forecast temperature. sit. high low wind speed direction humidity level day local weather forecast every city. i n U. v. Finally, we could generate a corpus from the list of processed descriptions. Then the. engchi. corpus would be used as an LDA input to analyze the topics of whole descriptions in the following section. 3.2.2. Synthesizing Topic with LDA. To analyze sets of topics for the applications, we apply Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to discover topics. LDA is based on the hypothesis that each document could be viewed as a mixture of various topics. For example, the sentence,”learning English through sports communication”, might be divided into language topics and sport topics in LDA model. Then LDA relies on statistical models to discover the elicit latent topics that occurs in a collection of unlabeled texts. A ”topic” in LDA consists of a set of words that occurs together frequently. For instance, if we analyze lots of applications with sport genre with 21.

(29) LDA, the result would group words like ”baseball”, ”fastball”, ”pitcher”, and ”catcher” into one cluster, and ”basketball”, ”NBA”, ”dunk”, and ”FIBA” into another cluster. Some applications such as ”MLB”, ”Fantasy Baseball” would be associated with the former topic, others like ”NBA Game Time”, ”Pro Basketball Pocket Reference” would be assigned to the latter topic, and still others like ”ESPN”, ”Yahoo Sports” would be connected to both topics. There would be another application not belonged to the two topics. There are some different algorithms to implement LDA, such as EM algorithms and. 政 治 大. Gibbs Sampling. We choose the open-source LDA implementation - JGibbLDA as our tool [43]. LDA takes a corpus file and three input parameters:. 立. (2) β, the number of terms to represent a latent topic. 學. ‧ 國. (1) α, the number of latent topics to represent a document. (3) The number of topics, the overall number of latent topics to be identified in the. ‧. given corpus.. sit. y. Nat. We have set the first two parameters by Griffiths and Steyvers’ research [44] which. io. er. discussed about choosing appropriate values for alpha and beta in LDA. The value of α is 50/the number of topics, and the value of β is 0.1. After some experiments with α and. n. al. Ch. i n U. v. β, we fix the number of topics at a value of 25. With the value of parameters and the. engchi. corpus which we have produced from the previous step(processed descriptions), we could discover the topics of apps and the topic distributions in these applications with LDA. After LDA processing, we could collect the word distribution for each topic and the topic distribution for each document. The following Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 show two topics and their top terms as word clouds. While the word distribution in topics show up, we could assign a name to each topic. For instance, we could assign ”medical” topic to Fig. 8, and assign ”calendar” topic to Fig. 9. Table 1 shows a set of topics assigned name and words of topics of one of the experiments. At same time, we also retrieve topic distribution in each application. For instance,. 22.

(30) Figure 8: Sample topic #1. y. sit. ‧ 國. n. Ch. ‧. io. al. of one of the experiments Most Representative Words iphone, ipad, support, touch, device video, watch, tv, news, live photo, share, facebook, picture, friend color, design, create, app, tool word, english, learn, language, chinese time, weight, body, day, workout service, card, phone, call, information app, free, com, get, apps weather, time, day, location game, player, play, live, score music, sound, song, play, sleep child, learn, fun, baby, kid food, recipe, store, eat support, file, download, view, share medical, health, include, care, app life, name, good, love, people shop, buy, find, new, good subscription, issue, purchase, period read, news, new, magazine, content version, screen, full, set, tap application, please, app, update provide, book, taiwan, information contact, data, use, message, calendar information, stock, service, market map, travel, search, car, information. 學. Table 1: Topics Assigned Topic Name iOS Device Video Photo Design Language Fitness Contact Free Application Weather Live Sports Music Child Food File Commander Medical Love Story Shopping Newsstand News Screen Application Taiwan Information Calendar Finance Travel. Nat. ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25. 政 治 大. er. 立. Figure 9: Sample topic #2. engchi. 23. i n U. v.

(31) we could find a popular application named ”Google Translate.”. Its topic distribution is extremely high in topic #5, the language topic(62%) while no more than 5% in other topics. In contrast, some of applications cross two topics with both more than 10%. For example, there is an application named ”Fruits and vegetables flashcards quiz and matching game for toddlers and kids in English” assigned to the following two topics. 1. Topic 12 (Child) with a probability of 35.1% 2. Topic 5 (Language) with a probability of 12.1%,. 政 治 大 learn the names of various fruits and vegetables, related to two different topics. 立 following is its preprocessed description:. By viewing its official description, we aware that the application could help child to The. ‧ 國. 學. help child learn name various fruit vegetable encounter daily life use interactive. ‧. picture book match game quiz game english language remember parent child first teacher app make child help discover learn name picture use interactive flash card. y. Nat. sit. different way feature beautiful eye catch picture professional pronunciation many. er. io. language simple intuitive navigation apps flashcard match game quiza perfect kid. al. n. v i n baby mind simple intuitive C navigation picture feature fruit banana orange h e n different gchi U book pronunciation voice early learn phone tablet app specifically design toddler. melon lime mango pineapple strawberry app real picture much easier baby relate. compare draw animate image non native english speak app use teach child name common fruit vegetable thereby get good start learn english second language esl may also benefical child autisme asperges continuously expand range theme learn apps game child want get. 3.2.3. Clustering Same-Interest Applications with GHSOM. After topic modeling with LDA, we could retrieve each application with probability of topic distribution, then the application could be identified by a vector of probabilities for each feature(topic). Then, we could do a clustering process to group applications with 24.

(32) similar vector fields. We cluster applications with GHSOM algorithm, famous clustering algorithm for the feature of the dynamic and hierarchical structure. In AppReco, we use GHSOM in Matlab with GHSOM toolbox. We use GHSOM clustering to applications so we could get the proper size of group and the result of GHSOM is shown as Fig 10 and introduce the processing in detail in following paragraph.. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. Figure 10: GHSOM tree structure for clustering applications. 1. We used τ1 as 0.5 and τ2 as 1.5 to GHSOM cluster algorithm. 2. Start at the layer 0, computing as the average of all input data as the weight vector and then calculate the mean quantization error of the map as mqe0 . The following formula is mqe0 Eq.(4):. mqe0 =. 1 ∥w0 − x∥ d 25. (4).

(33) In Eq.(4), d means the number of inputs data, m0 represents the weight vector, and x is the value of the input data. 3. The train of the GHSOM starts with its first layer SOM, after computation of mqe0 . The first layer map would consist of a rather small number of units, such as a grid of 2 × 2 units. 4. Evaluate the result of SOM map, if each unit i of the map does not fulfill growingstopping equation, it would continue growing to the next layer. The Eq.(5) is the stop growing formula.. 治 政 mqe < τ · mqe 大 i. 立. 2. (5). 0. ‧ 國. 學. The Eq.(5), mqei means the value of mqe of the unit i. τ2 represents the parameter to control the growth of GHSOM. If τ2 is smaller, it is comparatively easy to subdivide. ‧. to multiple layers.. 5. When growing to next layer, GHSOM uses breadth parameter as τ1 to control. y. Nat. n. al. er. io. increases the nodes of the map until fulfilling the Eq.(7).. sit. the growing map. GHOSM uses the Eq.(6) to calculate the mqe of the map, and then. Ch. i n U. 1" mqei M QEm = µ i. engchi. v. (6). In Eq.(6), M QEm represents the value of the map, while µ refers to the number of units i, contained in the map m.. M QEm < τ1 · mqe0. (7). In Eq.(7), M QEm means the value of mqe of the map, and τ1 represents the parameter to control the growth of GHSOM. If τ1 grows, M QEm would increase positively. It would cause a relatively small number of the nodes of the map. In contrast, if τ1 is reduced, M QEm would decrease and then lead to a relatively large number of the nodes of the map.. 26.

(34) 6. Repeat step 4 to step 5 until all the units of map fulfill the Eq.(5). The flexibility and hierarchical feature of GHSOM make it more capable of generating the hierarchical visualizing representation and tackling dynamic, growing and large data than SOM. With the result of the research, they proved GHSOM model able to uncover hierarchical structure. In recently years, GHSOM has been used in data mining, text mining and image recognition fields. Finally, we get lots of sub-clusters with fewer applications sharing more similar topics than the first clustering. We use this cluster result to make ratings and recommend applications to the user.. 3.3. Behavior Analysis. 立. 政 治 大. AppReco uses static binary code analyzing check behaviors of applications. In order. ‧ 國. 學. to analyze applications, we collect iOS applications from iTunes App Store, the official resource for iOS applications. However, downloading application is not enough. Apple has. ‧. developed some security rules in the design of iOS so that users can not directly extract. Nat. sit. y. and analyze applications without root permission. Thus, we also decrypted applications. n. al. er. io. to do binary code analyzing. We would discuss these parts in the following sections. 3.3.1. Ch. Identifying Sensitive Behaviors. engchi. i n U. v. We identify some behaviors in applications which are sensitive to users such as gathering calendars, reminders information and connecting the internet. We put these behaviors into the third categories: The first category is gathering and collecting privacy information of users through their devices (e.g. Photos, Reminder, Calendar, Location, Camera, Map, etc.); The second one is the usage of third party software development kit from famous social networking websites. It may gather user information from the websites, or post and share something on the websites. (e.g. Facebook, Google, etc.). The other one is promoting advertisement for users (e.g.Google AD, iAD, etc.). The detail of sensitive behavior lists in iOS 9 would be shown in Table 2. We list some common framework and class to achieve these behaviors as patterns, and. 27.

(35) Table 2: Sensitive behavior lists in iOS 9 Framework List Bluetooth, Calendars and Reminders, GameKit, HealthKit, HomeKit, Location, User’s Privacy Information Microphone, MapKit, Photos and Camera, StoreKit Third Party SDK Faceook, Google, Twitter Advertisement iAD, GoogleAD, AmazonAD Behavior. then get these framework from iOS developer library and other third party framework. There is a sample pattern to promote advertisement with iAD framework shown in Fig. 11. 3.3.2. Collecting Private API. 立. 政 治 大. AppReco not only check the behaviors from public API and third party frameworks but. ‧ 國. 學. also investigate applications for the usage of private API. Private API is only used for Apple’s built-in applications and public frameworks because it could provide powerful. ‧. functionality that could threaten the security of the system. Some method in private API. sit. y. Nat. such as [AADeviceInfo appleIDClientIdentifier] which could obtain the Apple ID of the. io. er. device user, [AADeviceInfo serialNumber] which could obtain the serial number of the device, and so on. We extract private APIs from the dynamic shared libraries in the iOS. n. al. Ch. i n U. v. software development kit. There are 372 private API frameworks in iOS 9.0 version and. engchi. among the 21,159 different classes. There is a sample one of private API gathering detail information of devices in iOS 9 shown in Fig. 12. If an application detected the usage of private API, it would not be not recommended to users during the later rating and ranking process. 3.3.3. Checking Behaviors. In this section, we scan the application ASM files with behavior patterns and private API lists. ASM file is written in assembly language, a low level programming language that can be converted to machine language. We could find out class, method names in the application. If the occurrences of a set of the certain function call, defined as the pattern, matches with the target application, it’s possible that the target application may 28.

(36) 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. i n U. v. Figure 11: Sample patterns for advertisement implement on iOS 9. Ch. engchi. contain the certain pattern and have the possibility to perform a certain behavior. If an application has the possibility to practice a certain behavior, AppReco would give it 1 score on the behavior. In contrast, if an application doesn’t have the possibility to practice the behavior, AppReco would give it 0 score on the behavior. These ratings would be weighted in the rating section.. 3.4. Recommendation. To evaluate our behavior-aware method for application recommendation, we apply a ranking formula for application recommendation. With ranking equation, we could suggest user applications from behaviors of applications.. 29.

(37) Figure 12: One of private API in iOS 9. 學. 3.4.1. ‧ 國. 立. 政 治 大. Concept of AppReco Recommendation. ‧. AppReco would calculate application behavior score for users. AppReco collects sensitive. Nat. sit. y. behavior patterns such as using a calendar, location, Bluetooth, and etc., and then detects. er. io. what kinds of behavior an application would perform. Then we would use weighting. al. function to adjust the score. The weighting function not only represents the behavior of. n. v i n C h within the U an application but also reflects differences e n g c h i applications in a same group and the. applications in a dataset. AppReco uses the idea of term frequency and inverse document frequency statistic method for our risk evaluation. The detail concept illustration is in Fig. 13. First, we find out that behavior 1 takes an important role in app 1. It means that behavior 1 is more important than other behaviors in app 1. We could use the term frequency in this part to emphasize which behavior is more important than other behaviors in an app. Second, we could discover that the usage of behavior 3 is rare in cluster 1. In contrast, the usage of behavior 4 is common in cluster 1. We could use the inverse document frequency in this part to reflect that app uses a rare or common behavior in this cluster. Finally, we could see that behavior 1 is widely used in many apps, it means that behavior 1 is a popular behavior. We could use the inverse. 30.

(38) document frequency in this part to reflect if an app uses a rare or common behavior in the dataset.. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. Figure 13: The concept of recommendation of AppReco. sit. y. Nat. io. er. TF-IDF approach can reflect how important a word is to a document in a collection. al. or corpus. Therefore, TF-IDF approach is widely used in text mining and information. n. v i n C variants There are several h e n gofcTFh iandUIDF weight schema, and different. retrieval field.. combination between TF and IDF can reach different results. Salton and Buckley [45] used several different data collections (ACM, TIMES, INSPEC, NPC, 12864 docs (largest at that time)). They proposed the best TF-IDF weighting combination as Eq.(8):. wi,d =. #. 0.5tfi,d 0.5 + max tfd. $ # # $$ N · log +1 dfi,D. (8). It could be separated into two parts by multiplication dot. The first part is TF weighting function. tfi,d means term frequency, the number of times that a term i appears in a document d. max tfd is the most common term times of a document d. It uses 0.5 as normalization vector and raw frequency, divided by the maximum raw frequency to prevent a bias toward longer documents. The second part is IDF weighting function. dfi,D 31.

(39) means the number of documents which contain a specific term i and N is the total number of documents. Afterwards, we use logarithm to scale down the number to avoid a huge number. In the meantime, to avoid dfi,d equals 0, which would lead to a division-by-zero, we adjust the denominator to add 1 to the equation. 3.4.2. Recommending Based on Ranking Formula. AppReco calculates the three types of risk by the corresponding categories of behaviors. Then, it would sum the score of three risks as the total risk. The higher the risk an appli-. 治 政 AppReco also highlights applications which are detected 大 the usage of private API. Once 立 an applications private API calls are revealed, it would not recommend it to user. Ap-. cation gets, there is more possibility of performing sensitive behavior in the application.. ‧ 國. 學. pReco adjusts Eq.(8) to calculate behavior score. The following formula is our behavior. ‧. $ # # $$ # # $$ NC N · log +1 · log +1 dfb,C dfb,A. y. 0.5bfb,a 0.5 + max bfa. Nat. wb,a =. #. (9). sit. score Eq.(9).. n. al. er. io. First, AppReco reflects app behavior score on how many function calls under the. i n U. v. behavior pattern. AppReco uses TF weighting function to distinguish behaviors which. Ch. engchi. take an important role in application, and then it replaces tfi,d with bfb,a . It means behavior frequency, the number of times that a behavior b appears in an application a. max bfa is the most common behavior times of an application a. Second, AppReco compares an application’s behavior with other applications in the same cluster as a weighted basis. AppReco applies IDF weighting function to measure whether a behavior is rare or common in the cluster. NC means the number of applications in this cluster, and dfb,C means the number of applications, which behave in the cluster. We could get the number which presents the behavior risk in the cluster by dividing NC by dfb,C . If there is a behavior which is seldom adopted in the cluster, it means that the behavior is not really required in the cluster. Thus, an application in the cluster, which executes the seldom-performed behavior, would receive greater number. In contrast, if 32.

(40) there are lots of applications practicing the same behavior in the cluster, it means that this behavior is required in the cluster. An application in the cluster performing the common behavior would receive lower number. Finally, AppReco performs IDF weighting function the second time to check whether the behavior is rare or not. N is the number of applications in AppReco, and dfb,A is the number of applications performing a certain behavior in AppReco. If there is the majority of applications using the behavior in AppReco, it implies that the behavior is widely-used by developers, so the potential risk evaluation would be low. On the contrary, if there. 政 治 大. is the minority of applications using the behavior, it indicates that the behavior is used by a small number of developers, so the potential risk evaluation would be comparatively. 立. high.. ‧ 國. 學. Evaluation. ‧. 4. y. Nat. We have implemented the tool AppReco that integrates our previous work AppBeach [42].. io. sit. We report some analysis results against iOS 9 applications in this section. The complete. n. al. er. analysis result can be found online [46].. 4.1. Data Set. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. We have collected around 6840 iOS applications, covering over twenty genres such as Social Networking, Utilities, Reference, etc. from the official App Store. The complete data can be found in our website [46]. We download these applications from iTunes top free and top grossing charts, that categorize applications. In this way, it is easy to reach famous and popular applications. For example, ”SoundCloud” is at the top of music genre charts. ”Google Translate” is at the top of reference genre charts. ”Pic Collage” is at the top of photo & videos genre chars. The extracted topics are listed in Table 3.. 33.

(41) Table 3: Topic result in iOS 9 ID. Assigned Topic Name. Most Representative Words. 1. Information. information, provide, service, user, market. 2. Music. music, sound, play, song, feature. 3. Design. color, use, create, design, screen. 4. Sport. live, sport, event, app, team. 5. Language. word, english, learn, language, chinese. 6. Fashion. love, friend, fashion, face, beauty. 7. Video. 8. Children Book. 9. Children Game. 10. Food. shop, food, recipe, find, store. 11. Life. life, name, good, people, day. 12. Exercise. 13. Weather. weather, time, location, information, day. 14. Recommend. app, get, make, best, like. 15. Game. 16. Subscription. 17. Apple. iphone, device, use, ipad, contact. 18. Baby. application, baby, design, product, group. 19. News. news, read, content, new, ipad. 20. Travel. map, travel, car, offline, information. 21. Health. medical, include, system, care, health. 22. Time. record, use, time, data, list. 23. Finance. service, card, provide, information, bank. 24. Photo. photo, share, file, image, support. 25. Free. app, com, free, please, http. 立. video, support, 治 watch, tv, view 政 大 book, story, child, first, read fun, game, child, learn, kid. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. body, weight, workout, exercise, time. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. v i n C hsubscription, issue, e n g c h i U purchase, period, account game, can, play, level, get. 34.

(42) Then, we apply GHSOM for a two-layer-clustering. We used τ1 as 0.5 and τ2 as 1 to GHSOM cluster algorithm. Each cluster can be indexed with C-S, where C indicates the cluster in the first layer and S indicates the sub-cluster of the C cluster. After GHSOM processing, we have generated 27 clusters, and 1100 sub-clusters. We apply the static behavior analysis on apps within the same cluster and also rank apps within the same cluster to recommend less risky apps to users. The following is some clusters including famous applications, that can serve as the examples to demonstrate our analysis results.. 政 治 大. The cluster of Clear Day. 立. 學 ‧. ‧ 國. 4.2. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Figure 14: Cluster 26-1. Ch. engchi. i n U. v. Figure 15: The topic distribution of cluster 26-1. This cluster is mainly composed of Weather topic (45.3%), ”Free” topic (8.5%) and other topics are lower than 8%. The most famous application in this cluster is ”Clear Day - Weather HD - Live Weather Forecast with NOAA Radar Free”, which provides users with weather information through real weather condition videos. Other applications in Table 4 are also weather or weather-related applications. After detecting the behaviors of these applications, we find out that ”Clear Day” uses more functions than the others. For example, it uses the third party package, ”Facebook” function calls.. 35.

(43) Among thus cluster, we recommend the weather applications, ”wetter.com Weather HD Lite” and ”Weather On - Push Notification” to users because they use less function calls and have similar functionality. Table 4: The cluster of Clear Day App ID 412489722. App Name. Genre. Clear Day - Weather HD -. Privacy 3rd Party Ad.. Total. pAPI. Weather 2.0. 2.92. 0.67. 5.59. -. Weather 0.8. 0.0. 1.11. 1.91. -. 0.66. 4.55. -. Live Weather Forecast ... 554438153. Weather On - Push Notification. 711410889. Weather Mate - Live. 立. 政 治 大 Weather 2.28 1.61. wetter.com Weather. 學. 379403071. ‧ 國. Current Conditions ... Weather 2.62. 0.0. 0.0. 2.62. -. Weather 4.25. 0.0. 1.11. 5.36. -. HD Lite. Weather Motion Free. ‧. 476662435. sit. y. Nat. ”App ID” indicates an application ID that uniquely identifies an iOS application.. io. er. ”App Name” indicates an application name.. ”Genre” indicates an application category that gives by developers.. n. al. Ch. i n U. v. ”Privacy” indicates the total point gained from the privacy behavior category.. engchi. ”3rd Party” indicates the total point gained from the third party SDK behavior category. ”Ad” indicates the total point gained from the advertisement behavior category. ”Total” indicates the total point summed of ”Privacy”, ”3rd Party” and ”Ad” points. ”pAPI” indicates the usage of ”Private API”.. 4.3. The cluster of Google Translate. ”Language” topic (60%) is the dominant topic in this cluster while other topics take the proportions less than 5%. The most popular application is ”Google Translate”, which is an application for translating within languages. There are also other translator applications, for example, ”PONS Online Dictionary - Your free online translator” is an application for language translator, and ”iLingo Translator” is a well-known application 36.



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