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行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫 成果報告


計畫類別: 個別型計畫 計畫編號: NSC92-2213-E-002-103- 執行期間: 92 年 08 月 01 日至 93 年 07 月 31 日 執行單位: 國立臺灣大學電機工程學系暨研究所 計畫主持人: 王凡 報告類型: 完整報告 處理方式: 本計畫可公開查詢

中 華 民 國 93 年 12 月 15 日




※ ※

※ 即時系統全符號式驗證工具的底層基礎技術(3/3)※


計畫類別:■個別型計畫 □整合型計畫

計畫編號:NSC 92-2213-E-002-103-

執行期間:92 年 8 月 1 日至 93 年 7 月 31 日

計畫主持人: 王 凡



中 華 民 國 93 年 5 月 30 日




Fundamental Technologies for Verification Tool of Real-Time System

計畫編號:NSC 92-2213-E-002-103

執行期限:92 年 8 月 1 日至 93 年 7 月 31 日

主持人:王 凡 副教授

國立臺灣大學 電機工程學系暨研究所

一、中文摘要 感謝國科會三年的長期支持,我們更 深入發展能將數學模型、問題分析、邏輯 驗證等相關技術加以結合,而開發出的軟 體工具 RED。除了利用功能強大的資料結 構有效節省許多空間與時間,並可自動進 行高效率複雜即時系統驗證之外,對其底 層的基礎技術,更加入了涵蓋率的應用, 以預測執行效能,找出合適乃至最佳化的 驗證方式,向自動化驗證邁進了一大步, 亦提高在業界實務上的應用價值。 關鍵詞:即時系統、驗證、涵蓋率、模型 檢驗、全符號式模擬 Abstract

Thanks to the support of National Science Council for the long-term support of three years, we were able to develop the fundamental technologies of the verification tool, RED ( Region-Encoding Diagram ). By using new data-structures, analysis techniques, and verification techniques, this tool can carry out efficient state-space representation and manipulations. Besides, we add the application of coverage estimation in the tool to predict the performance and efficiency of strategies. According the data , we can find the best or the adaptive methods to execute. We improve the applicability and value of RED in industry.

Keywords: Real-time system, verification , coverage, model checking, symbolic simulation


Presently, with verification and integration costs increasing to more than 50 percent of the development budget in real-world projects, it is more and more difficult to use traditional simulation technology to acquire enough trace coverage to confidently create system designs. As well, application of the new formal verification technology is still hampered by its intrinsic complexity. In the foreseeable future, we expect that simulation and formal verification will be combined for verification of large-scale real-time systems. Symbolic simulation is such a combination . It uses symbolic techniques of formal verification to represent space of simulation traces so that abstract (as opossed to concrete) behaviors can be observed in a trace.

Current simulation technology for real-time systems is still not as developed as that for untimed systems like Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. For one thing, the important concept of coverage can be used to both estimate the value of a set of traces and to direct the generation of new traces. In short, coverage is how much has


been verified of the target to be verified. The importance of this concept is that, in

real-world projects, it is usually the case that we lake enough resources to either run enough traces to obtain confidence, or to complete formal verification tasks. Product designs usually need to be released

before we can have 100% confidence in the designs. Therefore it is important

that we have some types of coverage metrics to evaluate confidence in our designs


A good coverage estimation should tell us what proportion of a target function has been covered.

After experimenting with various coverage metrics and their computation methods, we identified the following four criteria for effective numerical coverage metrics.

accountability: This ensures that each

portion of the target function is accounted for once and only once. If accountability is not maintained, we may run into two bizarre situations. First, some portions may not be accounted for and thus engineers simply cannot trust the metrics to check if all

function portions have been covered. Second, it may happen that some portions are

counted more than once and thus full coverage estimation is greater than 100% which makes no sense at all. Thus, accountability is the most important criterion.

• coverability: This means that _pV _(p) =

_pF _(p) can be expected at the end of a

symbolic simulation if enough traces have been generated. This is desirable in that 100% coverage can be the goal for

verification. Moreover, if engineers decide to stop verification at 80% coverage, they can roughly estimate confidence in their


• efficiency: This criterion measures the

overhead in the computation of both the f and the v in procedure

Symbolic Simulate(). If complex formal reachability analysis is used to compute these two estimations, it is not worthwhile to estimate the coverage. In this work, we base our coverage estimation on

transition-countings and state-space abstraction techniques and can efficiently calculate estimations in our three metrics.

• discernment: This criterion assesses the

capability of a metric to discern risk states. This can be an issue when, in some metrics, risk states and nonrisk states are likely to fall in the same portion. A metric that frequently fails to detect existing risk states at a high numerical coverage may give users unjustified and false confidence on their system designs.

We use three methods of coverage metric:

1. TA arc coverage metric (ACM)

This is a straightforward adaptation from the technology of VLSI simulation and testing. In the computation of FSM arc coverage for VLSI, we conceptually

transform a circuit to a finite-state automaton (FSM) and use the set of alreadytriggered transitions as V and the set of executable transitions as F to compute coverage estimation. The same definition of FSM arc coverage can be readily copied for the simulation of timed automata (TA). That is, we can also use the arcs of TAs to estimate coverage in the TA arc coverage metric

(ACM).Each portion corresponds to an

executable transition and the estimation function_ACM() maps every portion to 1. The numerical estimation f of the whole targetfunction of procedure Symbolic Simulate() can be |T |, where T is the set of transitions in the TA.

Lemma 1. ACM for dense-time systems

satisfies the accountability criterion.


every executable transition in F, and we directly use the sizes of already-triggered and executable transition sets to calcualte the coverage. _ The criterion of full coverability is not guaranteed. But as can be seen from our experiment data in section 8, with a tight estimation of the set of executable transitions, it is possible to get very close to 100%

coverage. As for the criterion of efficiency, in each iteration, the overhead is a set-union operation and a size calculation of a set with a high efficiency rate. Finally, ACM may not have much discernment since a transition can very often be used in both a safe trace and a trace that ends in a risk state. This means ACM may reach 100% coverage without discovering the risk state even if it exists.

2. Back-and-forth region coverage metric (RCM)

ACM can very often be too coarse to

discern risk states. Another extreme that can also be adapted from VLSI verification technology is the visited-state coverage metric, which uses the reachable state set in FSM to estimate coverage. The challenge to incorporate the concept into our framework arises from the fact that in VLSI’s model, the states are discrete and countable while in timed automata, the states are dense and uncountable. A solution is to use equivalence classes in the dense-time state-space as portions. An equivalence relation to partition dense-time state-space is the

region-equivalence relation between states.

timing constant used in A and the safety state predicate . In this way, we consider in this section the concept of region coverage

metric (RCM), in which a basic portion is a

region, for the simulation of real-time

systems. This coverage metric can have extra leverage with symbolic simulation since, in one step, we may generate a huge proportion of the state-space represented by a set of symbolic constraints.RCM has enough discerning power to discover reachable

risk states whereas ACM lacks such discerning power.

3. Triggering-condition coverage metric (TCM)

RCM has the advantage in accountability and discernment. But it may result in low coverability since our estimation of the reachable region sets can be imprecise.

On the other hand, ACMcan suffer from low discernment. In this section, we propose a balanced approach called

triggering-condition coverage metric (TCM),

in which we use the triggering conditions of all transitions as the body of the whole target function. TCM estimates the proportion of the covered triggering conditions of all transitions. It is accounted as the summation of triggering condition coverage for each transition. Formally speaking, a basic portion in TCM is a pair like (e, γ) where e is an executable transition and γ is a region in subspace τ(e) (the triggering condition of e). The numerical estimation f of the whole target function in procedure.



Symbolic simulation combines the advantages of both simulation and formal verification and can be an important

verification approach before fully automatic formal verification becomes applicable. In this paper, we present techniques for

coverage estimation for dense-time systems. We hope such techniques can be the solid stepstone toward the development of powerful symbolic simulators for industry real-time systems. Many issues raised in this work also deserve future research. For example, it will be interesting to see the design of quantitative metrics for our criterion of discernment in the symbolic simulation of dense-time systems. With such metrics, the criterion becomes equivalent to the notion of observability.


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• Strange metal state are generic non-Fermi liquid properties in correlated electron systems near quantum phase transitions. • Kondo in competition with RVB spin-liquid provides

1) Ensure that you have received a password from the Indicators Section. 2) Ensure that the system clock of the ESDA server is properly set up. 3) Ensure that the ESDA server

* All rights reserved, Tei-Wei Kuo, National Taiwan University, 2005..

State value function: when using