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 To strengthen the Science, Technology and


Academic year: 2022

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Curriculum Development Council November 2015


What is STEM Education?

 STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

 Introduced in 1990s by the National Science Foundation, USA, now variously used for initiatives in education, industry, economy, etc.


Aim of STEM education

 To strengthen the Science, Technology and

Mathematics Education to nurture diversified talents with different capabilities and at different levels in the science and technology fields for enhancing the

international competitiveness of HK


i. Learner-centred approaches

Suiting the needs and interests of students ii. Essential learning experiences

STEM-related learning opportunities as part of the essential learning experiences (that include those beyond classroom)

iii. Balance among different purposes, views and interests

With considerations of students’ interests & needs, teachers’ views and partnerships with community stakeholders

iv. Building on strengths

Building on school experiences and other conducive factors, such as flexible use of learning time, life-wide learning experiences, etc.

v. Continuous development process A dynamic improving process

Reference has been made to the local, the Mainland and international experiences, the current education trends as well as ongoing renewal of school curriculum, in response to macro changing social, economic and demographic contexts:


To develop among students a solid knowledge base and to enhance their interests in Science, Technology and Mathematics for further studies and careers in meeting the changes and challenges in the contemporary world

To strengthen students’ ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills, and to nurture students’ creativity, collaboration and problem solving skills, as well as to foster their innovation as required in the 21st century

To strengthen the professional capacity of and collaboration among teachers in schools and the partnerships with community stakeholders

To nurture talents and develop experts in STEM areas so as to contribute to the development of Hong Kong and the nation.

Subject Knowledge Integrate & Apply



Attitudes Skills



Approaches for STEM Learning Activities 


Approach One  

Learning activities based on a topic of a KLA



Genetic Code

Science Education

Science Education

Structure of DNA

Model Design

Technology Education

Model Making

Ratio Mathematics Education


Picture Source: Nature Education

DNA Model Making


Rubber Band Powered Car

General Studies General Studies



Mathematics  Education  Mathematics 


Design  and build 



Measurement by GPS Tracking Apps and Investigating the Errors of Measurement

GPS  tracking 


Technology  Education  Technology 


Using tablet  computers




Education Mathematics 



Science  Education

Science  Education

Rate and  ratio


Approach Two

Projects integrating relevant learning elements of  different KLAs 




Food Pyramid

Science Education

Science Education

Food Substances

Technology Education Technology


Food Preparation

Food Hygiene

Collect  and  organise 


Mathematics Education

Estimate  and  measure

Healthy Diet

• Design menu

• Design mobile application  for calculating calorie value

• Food research and  development

Food Research




4. Enhance professional development

of schools and teachers

2. Enrich learning activities for

students 1. Renew


3. Provide learning and

teaching resources

5. Strengthen partnerships

with community key players

6. Conduct reviews and disseminate

good practices


Update Curriculum Framework

 Update Science (Secondary 1-3) Curriculum (e.g. on area of life science)

 Further strengthen the applications of science and the relevance of science to daily life contexts

 Promote pedagogies facilitating students to integrate and apply knowledge and skills (e.g. scientific investigation,

problem-based learning, design-and-make activities)


Update Curriculum Framework (Secondary 1-3)

Ensure at least 30% of curriculum time under ICT to teach programming concepts (including coding)

Cover six knowledge contexts, namely ICT, Materials & Structures, Operations

& Manufacturing, Strategies & Management, Systems & Control, and

Technology & Living are grouped into 16 core and 10 extension modules to ensure students to acquire common and concrete knowledge base

All schools are recommended to offer core modules with 8% of the curriculum time (4 periods per 6-day cycle). Some schools - offer extension modules to meet different needs of students (up to 15% of the curriculum time)

Promote theme-based, design-and-make learning activities to enhance

integration and application of knowledge and skills through project learning among students

Cultivate students’ interest and curiosity through hands-on and minds-on STEM-related activities, allowing students to solve problems and create new solutions for the well-being of humankind


Update Curriculum Framework

Holistic and multi-stage review of Mathematics curriculum (P1-S6)

To address the issues like enhancing vertical continuity/progression in maths

learning, lateral alignment with other KLAs, STEM education, and incorporation of elements of ongoing curriculum renewal

Fine-tune learning and teaching sequence

Strengthen the learning and teaching of Data Handling and Probability, so as to develop students’ ability to make informed decision based on calculated risk.

Promote project learning, mathematical modeling, and problem-based learning to strengthen the ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills, and make

calculated judgment Remarks:

Updates of curriculum content of Mathematics for P1-S3 (2016)

Updates of curriculum content of Mathematics for S4-S6 (2017)


Update Curriculum Framework

Update curriculum contents (e.g. low carbon living, global warming)

Enrich activities related to the applications of science and

technology in solving everyday life problems (e.g. energy use in daily life, the use of simple machines)

Promote pedagogies for applying knowledge and skills through different learning activities (e.g. scientific

investigation, project learning)

Develop students’ basic science process skills (e.g.

observing, measuring, classifying, communicating)


2.1 Organise signature event to serve as hub – Education Fair for students

2.2 Use effectively school-based flexible time of central time allocation / outside classroom learning for engaging

students in worthwhile learning experiences (e.g. cross- curricular and cross-KLA project learning or competitions) 2.3 Broaden learning opportunities for students through their

participation in local/national/international competitions and projects

2.4 Nominate students with special talent to apply for local and overseas scholarships


3.1 Develop resource packages for teachers’ reference, including cross-disciplinary activities, project learning (e.g. new L&T resource packages for primary GS)

3.2 Recommend e-resources (e.g. e-library, online courses, e- textbooks) for effective learning and teaching

3.3 Enrich the learning and teaching resources on “EDB One-stop Portal” (OSP) hosted by HKEdCity

3.4 Promote learning and teaching resources and life-wide learning activities provided by various organisations (e.g. HK Science

Park, HK Science Museum)


AFCD Lions Nature Education Centre

Hong Kong Observatory

Hong Kong Space Museum Hong Kong

Wetland Park

Aviation Discovery Centre

Caritas Chan Chun Ha Field Studies Centre

Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre

Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics


Hong Kong Maritime Museum

Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (MoCC) Kadoorie Farm &

Botanic Garden

Ocean Park Academy Hong Kong Sik Sik Yuen

Biotechnology Mobile Laboratory Program

WWF The Mai Po Nature Reserve

Hong Kong Technology Education Association

Hong Kong Science Museum

Arts & Technology Education Centre Hong Kong Science &

Technology Parks

Hong Kong Productivity

Council The Hong Kong

Academy of Gifted Education

The Young Entrepreneurs Development Council The Hong Kong

Institute of Education

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education Hong Kong

Baptist University City University of

Hong Kong

City Gallery

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Airport Authority Hong Kong

MTR Corporation Limited The Hong Kong

Polytechnic University

Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association British Council

Hong Kong

Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

Non-government Organisation

Government and Related Organisation Post-Secondary



4.1 Organise event to serve as hub - Symposia for school heads and curriculum leaders

4.2 Organise PDPs for middle managers and teachers of ALL

primary and secondary schools in the coming three years[∎]

4.3 Build learning communities to enhance knowledge exchange (e.g. “Professional Development Schools (PDS) Scheme” and

“QEF Thematic Network (QTN)”)

4.4 Enhance teachers’ exposure to cutting edge development in science and technology fields through exchange with

academics/partners in the territory and from the Mainland and overseas


STEM Education Community

EDB and Curriculum

Advisory Committees

Primary and Secondary


Professional Bodies (e.g.


Government Departments /

Government- related Organisations Government Non-

Organisations Tertiary Institutions


6.1 Conduct research and evaluation studies on the

implementation and review the curricula as appropriate 6.2 Identify good practices and consolidate experience

6.3 Disseminate evidence-based practices through PDPs, Centre of Excellence (CoE) (e.g. PDS of Education

Development Fund)


STEM Education – “project learning” as a means to nurture

creativity, innovation, collaboration and problem solving skills, and entrepreneurial spirit

Information Literacy – effective and ethical use of information

Language across the Curriculum (LaC) /Reading across the Curriculum (RaC) – including effective communication of innovative ideas

Refined Generic Skills – basic skills, thinking skills, personal and social skills

Values Education – nurturing positive values and attitudes e.g.

through solving authentic problems to improve living and contribute to society and the nation

EDB Website>Curriculum Development>Topic Highlights>Ongoing Renewal of the  School Curriculum

URL address: http://www.edb.gov.hk/renewal


Subject Curriculum KLA/

Guides Consultation Begins ConsultationEnds Announcement

STEM Education (SE, TE, ME)

5 & 6 Nov 2015

(SE - 9 & 25 Nov ) (TE – 20 & 30 Nov) (ME - 10, 11, 23 & 26 Nov)

4 Jan 2016 mid 2016

Primary General

Studies Feb 2016 Mar 2016 late Jun 2016


Promotion of STEM Education


an Ongoing Development



Thank You



These strategies include hands-on and minds-on exploratory activities that allow students to integrate and apply knowledge and skills, sustain their interests in science

These strategies include hands-on and minds-on exploratory activities that allow students to integrate and apply knowledge and skills, sustain their interests in science

This project aims to cover a range of learning targets and objectives in the Knowledge, Interpersonal and Experience Strands/Dimensions, language development strategies and

- strengthening students’ ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills (including skills related to hands-on experiences) within and across the KLAs of Science, Technology

As each school has its unique school context, including its organisation of the JS and SS curriculum, experience in conducting PL, self-directed learning atmosphere,

To promote Chinese history and culture, EDB will strengthen teachers’ professional development and provide a one-off grant of $100,000 and $150,000 respectively to each

Strands (or learning dimensions) are categories of mathematical knowledge and concepts for organizing the curriculum. Their main function is to organize mathematical

stating clearly the important learning concepts to strengthen the coverage of knowledge, so as to build a solid knowledge base for students; reorganising and