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Twenty-seventh Congregation - Session 4


Academic year: 2021

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(4) Session 4 第四節 3:00pm 2019 • 11 • 8.

(5) 目錄. President’s Address by Professor Wei SHYY. 4. 校長史維教授的祝辭. Graduate List 畢業生名錄 School of Science (PhD, MPhil, MSc, BSc) 理學院 (哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、理學士) Interdisciplinary Programs Office (PhD, MPhil, MSc, BSc) 跨學科課程事務處 (哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、理學士). 6. 18. Appendices 附錄 Degrees Conferred 頒授學位 Titles of PhD Theses Completed in 2018-19 2018-19 年博士畢業論文題目. i. iii.

(6) President’s Address. Professor Wei SHYY. Distinguished guests, graduates, parents, friends. and friends, who have dedicated themselves to. and colleagues,. nurture and unleash that potential in each of you during your studies, and also our alumni who have. Today is a joyous occasion for the HKUST. provided valuable support to help you get ready. community, families, and loved ones to celebrate. for the next level. In the future, it is your turn to. what our graduates overcame to receive their. help and support HKUST students as you are now. hard-earned degrees as a result of hard work,. part of our alumni family.. commitment, and perseverance. Graduation marks an ending of one chapter in Class of 2019, your years at HKUST have been an. your life and a beginning of another. The path. intense and dedicated journey, one which I hope. that lies ahead may not always be smooth, but. has helped you expand yourself intellectually and. it’s important that you enjoy every step along the. personally, and develop a greater sense of purpose. way. Your alma mater will always root for you. in life. The qualification you receive today will. during every victory and setback in your life and. empower you to make a positive difference no. career.. matter what your role is after graduation. The world is yours to make better.. I bid you adieu as you prepare to get a fresh start. Let’s stay in touch.. Your achievements are the result of the concerted efforts of our faculty and staff, and your family. 4. PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS BY PROFESSOR WEI SHYY. Thank you..

(7) 校長祝辭. 史維教授. 各位嘉賓、畢業生、家長、親友及同事:. 發揮。前輩校友的鼎力支持,助你們早作籌謀, 為邁向人生下一階段做好準備,功不可沒。我期. 在今天這個喜慶的日子,科大同仁、家長親友聚. 望大家成為科大校友社群一員後,能夠薪火相. 首一堂,共同慶賀畢業同學以勤奮不懈、全力以. 傳,給予學弟學妹同樣的支持和鼓勵。. 赴,最終學有所成。 畢業象徵人生的一個章節圓滿結束,亦意味另. 2019 年度畢業的同學們,我衷心希望大家在經歷. 一章節徐徐展開。前路也許蜿蜒崎嶇,關鍵在. 忙碌緊湊、專心致志的學習歲月過後,能夠取得. 於你是否懂得享受沿途每一步。人生順逆,在. 更豐富開闊的視野,找到人生的目標。你們畢業. 所難免,不論何時何地,母校都會為你加油打. 後的崗位雖或有別,但憑著今天達到的里程碑,. 氣。. 日後必能學以致用,貢獻社會,締造更美好的世 界。. 作別之際,祝願各位在新天地裡事事順遂,並與 母校保持聯繫。. 各位學業有成,實需感謝各位師長、同儕、家 人,以及親朋的支持和鼓勵,讓大家的潛能得以. 謝謝!. 校長史維教授的祝辭. 5.

(8) 理學院. SCHOOL OF SCIENCE Postgraduate Degrees 研究生學位. Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry 哲學博士 (化學). GAO, Qingqing HE, Xuewen JIANG, Yiping LAI, Joshua Yuk Lin LEUNG, Nelson Lik Ching LI, Yunke LIN, Manfei MA, Tingxuan NISAR, Madiha QIN, Mingming SUNG, Hoi Pang WU, An WU, Linlin XU, Changhuo YANG, Guofang YANG, Yinglong YAO, Huatong ZHANG, Jianquan ZHANG, Jingxuan ZHANG, Renwei. 高青青 何学文 姜誼平 黎旭年 梁力政 李云柯 林曼菲 馬庭軒 秦鸣铭 宋海鵬 吳 岸 吴淋琳 徐昌活 楊國芳 楊英龍 姚化桐 張健全 張靖軒 张人伟. Doctor of Philosophy in Life Science. MA, Fulin MA, Tianji SONG, Xuan SU, Yiting SUN, Xulun TIAN, Ye TYAGI, Iram Shazia WANG, Hao WANG, Kai WANG, Xiujiao WU, Shuting YANG, Chao YANG, Zhou YOU, Yingying YU, Chenglong YU, Xiaojie YU, Youqian ZHOU, Qingqing ZHU, Beika. 马福林 马天骥 宋 煖 蘇怡汀 孫序倫 田 野 王 昊 王 凯 王秀娇 吳淑婷 楊 超 楊 洲 尤莹莹 于成龍 于晓婕 于友錢 周青青 朱貝卡. Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Environmental Science 哲學博士 (海洋環境科學). FANG, Xiaoting. 方晓婷. 哲學博士 (生命科學). 6. AN, Yanru AU, Kin Chung Franco CAO, Zhe CHEN, Weitao CHEN, Xibing CHEUNG, Man Hei DING, Wei HE, Yunyun HU, Weihui HU, Xiuhua HUANG, Yun JI, Zeyang JIANG, Huadong LAI, Ho-chun LI, Jiahua LI, Zhifang LIU, Riyue LIU, Yunle LONG, Mengping. 畢 業 生 名 錄 GRADUATE LIST. 安艳茹 區健聰 操 哲 陳衞濤 陈曦炳 張文熙 丁 維 何云運 胡伟慧 胡秀华 黄 云 紀澤陽 蔣華東 賴皓鎮 李家華 李志方 刘日月 刘韵乐 龙孟平. Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics 哲學博士 (數學). CAO, Zhiqiang CHAN, Chin Hei CHEUNG, Ho Man JI, Xing LI, Ting MAK, Hugo Wai Leung TANG, Haoyun WU, Fung Leung YE, Yushi ZHANG, Lian. 曹志强 陳展熙 張浩文 姫 興 李 挺 麥偉樑 唐浩耘 胡逢亮 叶雨时 张 炼. Doctor of Philosophy in Nano Science and Technology 哲學博士 (納米科學與技術). MICHAEL, Sean Alan TONG, Rui. 佟 蕊.

(9) Doctor of Philosophy in Physics 哲學博士 (物理學). CUI, Xiaohan DONG, Xiaoshi HU, Chuandeng ISLAM, Md Torikul LI, Wei LI, Yingying LIANG, Jing MA, Rong QIN, Xianan SONG, Bo WANG, Mingkang YANG, Yafei YU, Ka Man YUNG, Tsz Kit ZHANG, Ran ZHANG, Yin ZHOU, Siyi. 崔晓晗 董晓詩 胡传灯 李 卫 李英英 梁 晶 馬 蓉 秦夏楠 宋 博 王銘康 楊亞飛 余嘉文 翁梓榤 張 冉 張 引 周思益. 陈子昕 葛 瑶 林子聰 温浩銓 黃偉豪 闫季尧. Master of Philosophy in Life Science 哲學碩士 (生命科學). AW, Jacqueline Theeng Mei CHA, Jun Young DANG, Thi Lieu DENG, Mingxi FONG, Chun Ki FUNG, Cheuk Wang HENG, Youshan JI, Dengyu JING, Qiuyu KE, Ying LAU, Pwu LESNIAK, Agnieszka Monika LEUNG, Chun Yat. 吳柳茵 吳佩琳. 潘 文 譚嘉汶 譚聿斐 田晓震 王锦辉 王睿蓉 王欣蕾 吴俊强 杨少柏 周秋霞. Science 哲學碩士 (海洋環境科學). 哲學碩士 (化學) BENDEL, Lars Erik CHEN, Zixin GE, Yao HA, Thi Thuy Hoa LAM, Tze Chung WAN, Ho Chuen WONG, Wai Ho YAN, Jiyao. 李 扬 梁雁婷. Master of Philosophy in Marine Environmental. Master of Philosophy in Chemistry. LI, Yang LIANG, Yanting LIU, Kendra Eileen NG, Lau Yan NG, Pui Lam NGUYEN, Thi My Linh NGUYEN, Trung Duc PAN, Wen TAM, Ka Man TAM, Lut Fei TIAN, Xiaozhen VO, Thi Hoai Thuong WANG, Jinhui WANG, Ruirong WANG, Xinlei WU, Junqiang YANG, Shaobo ZHOU, Qiuxia. 歐婷梅. 邓明熙 方臻淇 馮卓宏 衡友山 纪登宇 敬秋雨 柯 盈 刘 璞 梁俊鎰. CHIANG, Ho Yin LIU, Yaxin SHI, Zhiyuan. 蔣皓然 刘雅馨 史志远. Master of Philosophy in Mathematics 哲學碩士 (數學). CHAN, Chi Ho CHAN, Yan Long SUN, Jiaze TAN, Haiyi TSANG, Wai Pang WANG, Qiuqi WEI, Siyang YANG, Qing ZHANG, Yifeng. 陳智灝 陳恩朗 孫家澤 譚海儀 曾偉鵬 王秋淇 魏斯扬 楊 卿 張逸楓. Master of Philosophy in Physics 哲學碩士 (物理學). BU, Qi CHU, Shek Kit HE, Pingge LAU, Cheuk Lun Joshua MA, Guofu. 卜 奇 朱碩傑 何平歌 劉卓麟 马国富. 畢 業 生 名 錄 GRADUATE LIST. 7.

(10) . NG, Wai Kit TSUI, Yan Lok Enoch YANG, Chen YIP, Chun Yin. 吳偉傑 徐恩樂 杨 晨 葉俊延. Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry. 理學碩士 (分析化學). 8. ALNAFISAH, Mohammed Sulaiman I CAI, Jiatong CHEN, Xi CUI, Chenyu GAO, Tianyu GAO, Zenghui HAN, Qi HUA, Rui HUANG, Lin HUANG, Yating LEUNG, Ho Ting LI, Ka Ki LI, Luling LI, Shuxiao LI, Xiangyi LIN, Jiong LIU, Yiling LUO, Xiaofei LUO, Yuchen MA, Chantal Chor Yiu MA, Yue MAK, Tze Kwan NING, Yulu PEI, Lingyu RU, Zhiqing SHU, Chang SI, Wen WONG, Ting In WU, Chaojian WU, Jing WU, Xiangrong XIE, Huilin XIE, Li XU, Hui XU, Ziyun YANG, Wei YANG, Zihan YOU, Wudi YUE, Xinjuan YUEN, Yiu Hang ZHANG, Dongdong ZHANG, Jiechao. 畢 業 生 名 錄 GRADUATE LIST. ZHANG, Lu ZHANG, Yimiao ZHANG, Zhuojun ZHAO, Zirui ZHOU, Zhou ZHU, Guanyi. 张 璐 张意邈 张倬俊 赵梓蕊 周 舟 朱貫一. Master of Science in Biotechnology 理學碩士 (生物科技) 蔡佳桐 陈 曦 崔晨宇 高天雨 高增辉 韩 奇 花 蕊 黄 琳 黄雅婷 梁皓婷 李嘉祺 李璐伶 李抒潇 李相仪 林 炯 刘依凌 罗晓菲 罗宇尘 马 悦 麥芷筠 宁禹路 裴灵毓 茹芷晴 舒 畅 司 文 黃婷嫣 吴超健 吴 婧 吴香蓉 谢会琳 谢 莉 徐 卉 许紫云 杨 薇 杨紫邯 游武迪 樂心隽 阮堯鏗 张冬冬 张杰超. BAI, Panzhu CHAN, Wing Man Christy CHAN, Yu Hin DAI, Niyu DAI, Rui FANG, Jiacheng GUO, Hanlong GUO, Suisui HE, Zhuolun HUANG, Chun HUANG, Lili IP, Wing Ling JIANG, Mingsheng JU, Yunzhu LAW, Chun Fai LEUNG, Daphne Yik See LI, Wentao LIANG, Wanwen LIU, Baoyi LOU, Shuang LUO, Xuefen LUO, Yan LUO, Yayun MA, Kar Hon Felix MAN, Tak Ka PAN, Jie PAN, Qianying QIU, Fufang RICHMOND, Corey Stewart Tame SAM, Tsz Wing TANG, Chengjifu WANG, Ye WONG, Hoi Yee Yuki WU, Huiwen WU, Lei XU, Dongkun YANG, Jiawen YIP, Wong Kei YUAN, Lanfeng ZENG, Baoyi ZHOU, Ziyi. 白磐竹 陳詠雯 陳譽軒 戴霓羽 戴 睿 方嘉诚 郭瀚隆 郭穗穗 何卓伦 黄 淳 黄丽丽 葉穎寧 姜明昇 居芸竹 羅鎮輝 梁亦詩 李文韬 梁婉雯 刘宝仪 楼 爽 罗雪芬 骆 妍 罗雅云 馬嘉漢 萬德加 潘 捷 潘芊颖 裘芙芳 沈紫穎 唐成吉夫 王 烨 黃凱怡 伍惠文 吴 蕾 徐东堃 杨佳雯 葉皇琦 袁兰凤 曾宝仪 周子仪.

(11) Master of Science in Environmental Health and Safety 理學碩士 (環境健康及安全). CHAO, Yang CHEN, Jingshan CHOW, Hok Man Joyce CHUNG, Pak Hin GE, Keru HE, Zhongming HU, Shuqi HU, Yijia HUANG, Weiyin HUO, Nan JIANG, Weijie JIANG, Zehui KALIA, Paavnee KWAN, Yuk Yan LEUNG, Shut Hei LI, Juelei LI, Yijun LI, Ying LIN, Shao LIU, Wenchao LO, Shing Him LU, Yaqi POON, Chung Yan SHUM, Melody TONG, Xiangyue WANG, Haoyue WANG, Ruiyu WANG, Yuting WANG, Yuxian XIAO, Dian XIE, Chongxuan XIE, Siyuan XU, Xiaotian YANG, Danting ZHANG, Shuting ZHANG, Xizhe ZHANG, Yuxin ZHAO, Zitong ZHENG, Shiyu ZHENG, Yuxia ZHONG, Yige ZHONG, Yuxing. 巢 洋 陈静珊 周學敏 鍾柏軒 葛柯汝 何仲明 胡書啟 胡逸佳 黄苇殷 霍 楠 姜伟杰 江泽慧 關玉恩 梁述羲 李珏磊 李怡君 李 颖 林 梢 刘雯超 盧承謙 卢雅祺 潘仲欣 沈雅媛 童祥月 王昊月 王瑞宇 王雨婷 王雨娴 肖 典 谢崇暄 谢思远 徐晓天 杨丹汀 张淑婷 张玺喆 张誉馨 赵梓彤 郑诗雨 郑钰霞 钟一格 鐘宇星. Master of Science in Financial Mathematics 理學碩士 (金融數學). BI, Huarui CHEN, Chunying. 畢華瑞 陈春颖. CHEN, Haohua CHEN, Hui CHEN, Jiadian CHEN, Renchao CHEN, Siyu CHEN, Xueqian CHEN, Zechun CHEN, Zhishuang CHENG, Di CHENG, Mengqi CHENG, Yu DONG, Yue FANG, Chen FANG, Daren FENG, Detian FU, Lifeng FU, Ruoxuan FU, Zijie FUNG, Ming Yan GAO, Chen GAO, Wanyu GE, Xudan GUO, Xiaoting HAO, Yu HE, Minmin HE, Xiaojin HU, Bianyue HU, Xinlin HUA, Neng HUANG, Hengyi HUANG, Xiaoda HUANG, Xuan JIA, Chenyang JIANG, Hongyi JIANG, Tao KE, Chiyuan LAN, Yilu LEI, Zhuo LEUNG, Chun Yin LI, Anqi LI, Jiayu LI, Junyi LI, Ka Lun LI, Meng LI, Qingtong LI, Ye LI, Ye LI, Yu LI, Yuefeng LI, Zehuan LI, Zenan LI, Zhentong. 陈灏铧 陈 辉 陈佳钿 陈仁超 陈思羽 陈雪倩 陈泽春 陈致爽 程 笛 程梦琪 成 雨 东 月 方 晨 方达人 馮德添 傅立峰 付若璇 傅梓杰 馮銘恩 高 晨 高万雨 葛旭丹 郭晓婷 郝 雨 何敏敏 何小锦 胡邊月 胡昕霖 华 能 黄恒毅 黄晓达 黄 玄 贾晨阳 江泓逸 江 焘 柯驰原 蓝怡璐 雷 焯 梁津然 李安琪 李家毓 李君仪 李嘉倫 李 萌 李青桐 李 晔 李 椰 栗 雨 李岳峰 李泽环 李泽南 李贞桐 畢 業 生 名 錄 GRADUATE LIST. 9.

(12) . 10. LI, Zhepei LIANG, Weijie LIN, Maozheng LIN, Zongyan LING, Chen LIU, Tong LIU, Ya Qing LIU, Yaru LIU, Yixuan LIU, Zhao LU, Jihua LU, Wanli LU, Yuan LUO, Jiyuan LUO, Mengxin LUO, Siwei NG, Wai Ming NIU, Yayun PAN, Jiaxiong PAN, Shiyu PAN, Yuxuan QIAN, Jing QIN, Keyu REN, Aijia SHEN, Lue SHI, Bohui SHI, Xuebing SHI, Yujie TAN, Jingfu TAN, Junhong TIAN, Lei WAN, Cheuk Hei WANG, Ke WANG, Lei WANG, Shuting WANG, Zida WANG, Ziqian WONG, Yun Sum WU, Tong XIANG, Shiyu XIAO, Ruolin XIAO, Yuxiang XIONG, Hao XU, Mingwei XU, Sijia XU, Weisheng XU, Yue XU, Zijun XUE, Renqiang YANG, Yu YAO, Junfei. 畢 業 生 名 錄 GRADUATE LIST. 李哲佩 梁伟杰 林茂政 林宗延 凌 晨 刘 通 刘雅青 刘雅茹 刘一璇 劉 昭 鲁济华 卢宛莉 卢 苑 罗吉媛 罗梦欣 罗思威 吳偉銘 牛雅韵 潘嘉雄 潘诗雨 潘宇轩 钱 婧 秦珂钰 任艾佳 沈 略 史博慧 石雪冰 史玉洁 谭敬夫 谭俊鸿 田 蕾 尹卓希 王 可 王 磊 王舒婷 王孜达 王子千 黃潤森 吴 桐 向诗雨 肖若林 肖玉祥 熊 浩 徐铭玮 徐斯佳 许维升 许 悦 徐紫珺 薛仁强 杨 宇 姚駿飛. YAO, Ziyu YIM, Tsz Him YU, Jiacheng YU, Jiaolong YU, Jiaqi YU, Jingtian YUE, Shun ZHANG, Jiarui ZHANG, Leqiao ZHANG, Xiaqing ZHANG, Xinyue ZHANG, Yishu ZHANG, Yiting ZHANG, Yunhao ZHAO, Jing ZHAO, Xi ZHAO, Yong ZHAO, Zhonghao ZHENG, Yuhan ZHOU, Huaxiao ZHOU, Yunzhi ZHOU, Zhifan ZUO, Zhongfan. 姚姿宇 嚴梓謙 俞嘉成 余姣龙 郁佳琪 余竞天 岳 舜 張家瑞 张乐桥 张夏卿 张新月 张亦纾 张怡婷 张云豪 赵 静 赵 皙 赵 泳 趙中豪 郑玉函 周华潇 周韵致 周之凡 左中凡. Master of Science in Mathematics for Educators 理學碩士 (教育數學). CHEN, Xiaohang CHEN, Yihao CHEUNG, Chi Chung CHOW, Wing Kei DENG, Jiahui DING, Fengming FAN, Siu Chung HUI, Chun Yeung LAM, Chun Yam LIANG, Luqi LIU, Xinyu PAN, Yajun SUN, Yinying TAI, Yi TU, Yizhendan WANG, Siyuan WANG, Xiaojie WANG, Zichun WEI, Yunqi ZHANG, Zhao ZHENG, Yufeng ZHU, Huayan. 陈小杭 陈亦浩 張慈中 周詠琪 邓佳慧 丁凤明 樊兆聰 許晉揚 林俊欽 梁璐琪 刘心宇 潘雅君 孙银英 邰 怡 涂益震旦 王思源 王肖杰 王子淳 魏蕴祺 张 钊 郑裕丰 朱华炎.

(13) Undergraduate Degrees 本科生學位 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 學業成就獎 #* CHANG, Bing An . BSc in Mathematics, and in Computer Science. # DING, Mucon 丁牧聪 #* HARB, Elfarouk Yasser Farouk Mohamed Aly . BSc in Mathematics, and in Computer Science BSc in Mathematics, and in Computer Science. #* LIN, Zizheng. BSc in Mathematics, and in Computer Science. 林子铮. #* XU, Feiting 许斐婷 #* NEPPOLEON, Gowtham Amirthya #* HASSAN, Shaoli . BSc in Mathematics and Economics, and in Computer Science BSc in Physics, and in Mathematics BSc in Biochemistry and Cell Biology. #* YE, Ziyun. 叶子运. BSc in Biochemistry and Cell Biology. #* MA, Chi-hsuan. 馬啟軒. BSc in Biotechnology. #* CHEUNG, Man Hong Andy 張文康 #* SABRINA, Jacqueline Cheryl #* HOANG, Do Kien . BSc in Chemistry BSc in Chemistry BSc in Mathematics. #* CHEN, Weili. 陈维立. BSc in Mathematics and Economics. #* OUYANG, Jing. 欧阳靖. BSc in Mathematics and Economics. #* ZHAI, Qinwen. 翟沁雯. BSc in Mathematics and Economics. #* CHEUNG, Long Him 張朗謙 #* CHUA, Wan Zhen . BSc in Physics BSc in Physics. #* LEE, Mang Hei Gordon. 李孟希. BSc in Physics. #* ZHU, Lingbang. 祝令邦. BSc in Physics. *. * *. Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, and in Computer. Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management 理學士 (生物科技) 科技及管理學雙學位課程. Science 理學士 (數學及計算機科學). HU, Justin J LIU, Kwok Yu LU, Wenxin LUNG, Tsz Kwan. 廖國儒 芦文昕 龍梓君. Bachelor of Science in Physics, in Mathematics, and in Computer Science 理學士 (物理學、數學及計算機科學) *. CHUNG, Yuen Ting. 鍾婉婷. #* #* *. #*. * #*. * * *. CHANG, Bing An DING, Mucong FANG, Haoyang GAO, Huaxuan HARB, Elfarouk Yasser Farouk Mohamed Aly LIANG, Geyu LIN, Zizheng LIU, Cheng WAN, Ching Pui XU, Xiaofeng YIP, Chi Hoi. 丁牧聪 方昊扬 高华轩. 梁戈宇 林子铮 刘 诚 温政培 许晓峰 叶智愷. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Economics, and in Computer Science 理學士 (數學與經濟學及計算機科學) #* XU, Feiting. ZHOU, Yusheng # Academic Achievement Awards 學 業 成 就 獎 First Class Honors 甲 等 榮 譽. *. 许斐婷 周雨生 畢 業 生 名 錄 GRADUATE LIST. 11.

(14) Bachelor of Science in Physics, and in Computer Science 理學士 (物理學及計算機科學) * *. *. CHENG, Man Hin SUN, Yusen WANG, Ziqi WONG, Yat. 鄭文軒 孫毓森 王子祺 黃 日. Bachelor of Science in Physics, and in Mathematics 理學士 (物理學及數學) #* NEPPOLEON, Gowtham Amirthya. TAM, Tsz Yan. YAU, Wan Yee. 譚子欣 邱韻儀. Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Cell Biology 理學士 (生物化學及細胞生物學). * *. * #*. 12. CHAN, Chun Hung CHAN, Chun Wah CHAN, Hao Yi CHAN, Hei Wing Natalie CHAN, Lok Chun CHAN, Si Kei CHAN, Sum Wing CHAN, Wing CHAN, Wing Mei CHAN, Yuen Ki CHAN, Yuet Kiu CHAU ZHONG, Belkis CHAU, Ho Yi CHIANG, Nim Hang CHOI, Hon Fung CHOI, Nga Ting CHOW, Tsz Ting CHOY, To To CHOY, Yu Hon CHU, Hiu Nam CHU, Siu Ki CHUNG, Shiu Ting Calvin DAI, Zi Xi DIU, Hoi Ying FAN, Ching Yeung FAN, Wing Chak FUNG, Chi Yeung HASSAN, Shaoli HO, Yuen Hung HUI, Chuen Kei. 畢 業 生 名 錄 GRADUATE LIST. 陳振雄 陳俊華 陳巧儀 陳曦穎 陳樂晉 陳偲琦 陳心穎 陳 穎 陳泳薇 陳琬淇 陳悅翹 鄒碧銀 周可怡 蔣念衡 蔡翰峰 蔡雅婷 周芷婷 蔡陶陶 蔡儒漢 朱曉楠 朱兆淇 鍾劭庭 戴子犀 戴海盈 樊清颺 樊永澤 馮智楊 何沅虹 許傳麒. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. #* *. IU, Shing Huk David JIM, Cheuk Ying KO, Cheuk Kei KWOK, Man Yi KWOK, Ting Yan KWOK, Yik Chung LAI, Yik Hoi LAM, Wai Man LAM, Yee Wa LAU, Sin Leung Paul LAU, Tsz Man LAW, Wai Kin LEE, Joo Yeon LEE, Tsz Tsun LEE, Wing Yin LEUNG, Hiu Yu Cherie LI, Dazhi LI, Ngo Shing LI, Tsoi Lam LI, Ying Ki Jason LO, Ka Man LO, Wai Yan LOI, Shek Chun Danson MAN, Wai Chi MOK, Tsz Shuen NG, Chui Man NG, Pui Ki NGAI, Ning Yee SETYA, Michael Gani SIU, Kin Pong TAM, Ga Kei TAM, Sing Ting TAM, Tsz Kin TSANG, Ka Chun WAI, Geena WAN, Cheong Fai WAN, Siu Hei WONG, Chun Yuen WONG, Fung Yu WONG, Ka Kit WONG, Ka Man WONG, Tsz Fung WONG, Yeuk Man WONG, Yuk Ming WU, Wei YAM, Lok Yiu YANG, Xin YAU, Yuet Sum YE, Ziyun YEE, Shui Shan YEUNG, Choi Ying. # Academic Achievement Awards 學 業 成 就 獎 First Class Honors 甲 等 榮 譽. *. 姚誠鵠 詹卓瑩 高卓琦 郭曼怡 郭庭殷 郭奕聰 賴奕愷 林慧汶 林依樺 劉善良 劉梓汶 羅偉健 李梓浚 李泳姸 梁曉瑜 李达智 李翺成 李采霖 李應祈 勞嘉敏 羅慧殷 呂錫進 萬尉芝 莫子璇 吳翠雯 吳佩其 倪寧簃 蕭健邦 谭嘉琪 譚升婷 譚子健 曾家駿 惠聖芯 尹昌輝 温兆禧 黃俊源 黃楓愉 黃家傑 黃嘉汶 黃梓楓 黄若雯 王煜銘 吴 惟 任樂瑤 杨 馨 邱悅心 叶子运 余瑞珊 楊彩盈.

(15) . YEUNG, Hiu Fung YIP, Hiu Tung YUNG, Ping Tak. 楊曉峰 葉曉彤 翁平德. *. Bachelor of Science in Biological Science. YIP, Ching Yee YU, Hoi Wai YUEN, Chi Chung YUNG, Kit Wing. 葉靜儀 余海偉 阮智聰 翁潔穎. Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology. 理學士 (生物科學). 理學士 (生物科技). *. *. CHAN, Edmond CHAN, Hau Lam Angela CHAN, Hei Yuen CHAN, Yin Kwan CHENG, Yuk Lin CHEUNG, Chi Kit CHEUNG, Ho Tin CHEUNG, Kin Ching CHIU, Fung Chiu CHIU, Wan Yee CHOI, Yuen Kiu CHUI, Cheuk Yin CHUNG, Cho Yu FOK, Ka Kiu Canice FUNG, Sze Wai HA, Tung Tung Co Co HO, Nga Ying HUI, Chung Man Jessica HUI, Kwan Yin KWOK, Chun Fung LAI, Yau Chun LAI, Yu Ching LAM, Chun Man LAU, Choi Ping LAU, Sin Tung LEE, Sze Wai LEUNG, Hiu Wai LIN, Mingjie MACARAEG, Mark Lancelot G. NG, Mo Lok SING, Wing Sheung Jobie TAM, Cheuk Pui TANG, Chun Yin Jackie TSE, Tung Ching WONG, Alice Chung Mann WONG, Ching Hin WONG, Ho Ning WONG, Hoi Shan WONG, Man Yi Rachel WONG, On Ying WONG, Sze Man WONG, Sze Pui XU, Wanrong. 陳凱峰 陳巧霖 陳熙元 陳彥君 鄭玉蓮 張智傑 張浩天 張堅程 招鳳潮 趙韻儀 蔡琬翹 徐綽姸 鍾楚瑜 霍嘉蕎 馮詩瑋 夏彤彤 何雅瑩 許頌汶 許均硏 郭俊鋒 黎友俊 黎雨晴 林俊文 劉賽冰 劉倩彤 李思慧 梁曉惠 林銘捷 吳慕洛 成詠湘 譚焯培 鄧俊彥 謝冬晴 王頌文 黃浧搴 黃晧寧 黃凱珊 黃文懿 黃安瀅 黃思敏 黃詩蓓 徐婉蓉. * *. *. AU, Shek Huen CHAN, Hiu Tung CHAN, Ka Chun Jeffrey CHAN, Ka Hon CHAN, Lok Man CHAN, Po Hong CHAN, Yan Hei CHAU, Hoi Ning CHENG, Chung Ling CHENG, Yan Chi CHEUNG, Chi Kin Alvin CHEUNG, On Yiu CHEUNG, Yan Tsing CHOI, Ming Wai CHU, Kin Kwan DOROTHEA, Mike ERESTA JAYA, Luna FUNG, Tsz Wai GUO, Jiayi HAN, Gyucheol HO, Ka Sing Horace HUNG, Mei Yan JALANI, Aqssa JAYAKANDAN, Aishwarya KEUNG, Pei Ying KHUNAKORNBODINTR, Sirinant KIM, Beuel KIM, Nawoo KONG, Chak Yau KWAN, Ho Lam KWOK, Chui Shan KWONG, Yui Chung LAI, Rachel Huai-en LAM, Wing Tai LAM, Yik Hang LAU, Ho Wai LAU, Shun Hei Ivan LAU, Yuen Tung LAW, Ka Yin LEE, Ha Young LEE, Sze Ka LEUNG, Chun Yin. 歐碩烜 陳曉彤 陳嘉峻 陳家康 陳樂雯 陳寳康 陳殷希 周凱寧 鄭頌齡 鄭殷慈 張子健 張安瑤 張恩澄 蔡明慧 朱健君. 馮芷慧 郭嘉懿 何嘉昇 孔美欣 簡亞莎 姜姵瑩 吳譪恩. 江澤佑 關浩林 郭翠珊 鄺叡翀 黎懷恩 林穎泰 林翊行 劉浩維 劉信羲 劉苑彤 羅嘉賢 李思嘉 梁俊彦. 畢 業 生 名 錄 GRADUATE LIST. 13.

(16) . * #*. LEUNG, Hui Ching LI, Jiahua LIN, Yat Chu LOT, Man Ying LUI, Yin Lam LUKMAN, Raymond Sumitra MA, Chi-hsuan MA, Ka Yan MA, Wing Chi MOK, Chun Hin NG, Hok Him NG, Ka Wai NGAN, Lok Pui PANG, Chung Him SADAK MEERAN, Aysha SERAFICA, Arlyn Gayle SIT, Pui Shan SIU, Cho Yee TAM, Hoi Wai TANG, Cheuk Him Raymondo TANG, Yu Kiu Yuki TONG, Foon TSANG, Tsz Ling TSOI, Sze Tung WONG, Ka Ching WONG, Po Ha WONG, Tsz Wai WONG, Yiu Hong WOO, Cheuk Hin WU, Hei Nang YEUNG, Ngar Wing Bonita YEUNG, Sin Yee YIU, Wing Lam YOO, Jae Won YUEN, Ka Wing Gary. 梁昫晴 李家樺 練一柱 葛文英 呂彦霖 馬啟軒 馬家欣 馬穎姿 莫雋軒 吳學謙 吳嘉慧 顏諾蓓 彭頌謙 曾雅蓮 薛霈姍 蕭楚儀 譚凱蔚 鄧卓謙 鄧宇喬 湯 歡 曾子玲 蔡詩彤 王嘉晴 黃寶霞 黃祉瑋 黃曜康 胡卓軒 胡希能 楊雅穎 楊倩儀 姚詠琳 袁家榮. Bachelor of Science in Chemistry 理學士 (化學) *. 14. CHAK, Man Him CHAN, Cheuk Ying CHAN, Chiu Tung CHAN, Chung Man CHAN, Hei Yuen CHAN, Hoi Lam CHAN, Ka Yi CHAN, Kwok Chong Alex CHAN, Oi Yan Michelle CHAN, Siu Man CHAN, Wai Lam CHAN, Yeuk Hai Kelly. 畢 業 生 名 錄 GRADUATE LIST. 翟文謙 陳卓盈 陳昭彤 陳頌汶 陳熙元 陳愷霖 陳嘉儀 陳國昌 陳靄欣 陳小文 陳慧琳 陳若曦. *. #*. *. *. CHAN, Yuen Yung CHEN, Rui CHENG, Chui Ying CHENG, Miu Sheung CHENG, Wai Fung CHEUNG, Man Hong Andy CHEUNG, Pak Lun CHEUNG, Tsz Long CHEUNG, Yuen Tsz CHIN, Man Lung CHOI, Lap Chun CHOI, Wing Tsun CHONG, Ka Wa CHOW, Ting Fung CHOY, On Ting CHUI, Wing Ki CHUN, Wai Fan CHUNG, Cheuk Lam CHUNG, Hiu Yan FUNG, Wai Shing IP, Hung Kwan IP, Ka Man KEI, Hoi Shan KIM, Jin Hyoung KOO, Wai Hang KU, Chun Long Alvin KWOK, Yin Hei LAI, Ka Wing LAI, Wai Lung LAM, Kwan Kit LEE, Charles Kong Jaing LEE, Chin Yuk LEE, Ho Wun LEE, Po Che LEE, Seungyeon LEE, Shuk Yan LEI, Chin Wang LEI, Ho Fung LEUNG, Li Heng Hector LEUNG, Sze Long Hercules LEUNG, Wing Ki LI, Wing Ho LO, Hei Tung LO, Wing Hung LUI, Yuen Wai MAK, Wing Hei MAN, Lok Hoi NG, Chung NG, Hei Man Hayes NG, Mau Shing NG, Wing Yiu NGOK, Wing Ki. # Academic Achievement Awards 學 業 成 就 獎 First Class Honors 甲 等 榮 譽. *. 陳宛溶 陈 锐 鄭翠盈 鄭妙嫦 鄭偉鋒 張文康 張柏麟 張子朗 張炫梓 錢文龍 蔡立駿 蔡榮焌 莊嘉樺 周庭楓 蔡安婷 徐泳棋 秦慧芬 鍾卓霖 鍾曉昕 馮偉成 葉鴻堃 葉嘉雯 祁海珊 高慧行 顧俊朗 郭彥希 黎嘉詠 黎偉龍 林鈞杰 李剛正 李展旭 李灝桓 李普哲 李淑欣 雷千泓 李澔豐 梁力衡 梁詩朗 梁頴淇 李詠豪 勞䤭彤 盧詠虹 呂宛蔚 麥詠希 文樂凱 吳 松 吳晞彣 伍茂盛 吳詠堯 岳穎琪.

(17) #*. * *. *. *. *. SABRINA, Jacqueline Cheryl SEY, Nga Yue SIN, Chun Wing SY, Hei Lam TANG, King Hung Nigel TSANG, Chung Ki TSANG, Tsz Chun Victor WEN, Chi Ho Ethan WONG, Carlos WONG, Hung San WONG, Kam Yui WONG, Kee Hang WONG, Pak Wah WONG, Wai Ting WONG, Yu Sho WU, Wai Ming XIA, Ruiqin YAU, Man Ying YAU, Yin Wah YEUNG, Tsun Ho YOU, Chae Young YUEN, Ngan Hei ZHENG, Meijuan. 施雅愉 冼俊穎 梁希藍 鄧景鴻 曾頌淇 曾子雋 温智豪 黃嘉諾 黃鴻申 黃甘睿 黃己倖 黃栢鏵 黃慧婷 王榆莎 胡偉明 夏睿勤 邱文瑛 丘燕華 楊浚浩. 理學士 (環境科學) AU-YEUNG, Lok Yin CHAN, Hung Nga CHAN, Ka Man CHAN, Yik Kui CHENG, Pui Wan CHEUNG, Hiu Ying CHEUNG, Yuen Ying CHOW, Hoi Ching CHUNG, Cheuk Yu FAN, Ming Shan HO, Johnny Chun Yin HUNG, Ling To KAN, Chun Hin KONG, Hoi Hei LAI, Ching Yin LAM, Bo Yin Bonnie LAU, Chak Bon LEUNG, Hei Man LEUNG, Sze Yui LI, Sin Yi Suky LING, Zhiheng LIU, Lok Yee Adelaide LUK, Denleo Shun Lok MA, Sau Fung. MOK, Hoi Shan MOK, Wing Sum NG, Chau Ling PANG, Hoi Kwan PEI, Bite TAM, Chun Kit TAM, Wai Ho TANG, Hong Ting TO, Sai Hong TSANG, Tsz Fung WONG, Hiu Shan WONG, Kin Pong YIP, Ka Chun YIP, Ngo Him YU, Hiu Yan YUEN, Ho Yin YUNG, Tsz Yan. 莫海姍 莫詠深 吳秋玲 彭凱筠 裴彼特 譚進傑 譚偉豪 鄧康亭 杜世康 曾梓豐 黃曉姍 黃建邦 葉嘉俊 葉傲謙 余曉茵 袁浩然 楊芷恩. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics 理學士 (數學). 袁銀希 鄭美娟. Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science. *. *. *. *. *. *. 歐陽樂延 陳鴻雅 陳嘉敏 陳奕鉅 鄭佩云 張曉瑩 張沅瑩 周海晴 鍾芍渝 樊銘姗 何俊賢 孔令陶 簡駿軒 江凱晞 黎政言 林寶燕 劉澤邦 梁曦文 梁詩睿 李善宜 凌知珩 廖諾兒 陸信諾 馬秀鳳. *. *. #*. *. AQIL, Muhammad Alber AU, Tsz Shan CHAN, Hiu Hong CHAN, Ka Yan CHAN, Kin Hang CHAN, Ming Yui CHAN, Sum Yi CHAN, Wai Hin Benedick CHAN, Yee Wong CHEUK, Yan Yan CHEUNG, Kam Choi CHEUNG, Wai Shun CHIU, Siu Lung CHOI, Fung Ling CHUNG, Chi Him Jeremy CUI, Ningshan FAN, Sai Fai GUPTA, Ayush HO, Chun Hong Keith HO, Ka Ho HO, Ka Yiu HOANG, Do Kien HUNG, Chun Kit HUNG, Sze Man IP, Ka Chun JIANG, Bo JOO, Minhyung KAN, Wai Wa KIM, Don Dyu KIM, Hyun Suk. 區子山 陳曉康 陳嘉茵 陳建衡 陳明睿 陳心怡 陳瑋軒 陳倚凰 卓恩恩 張錦財 張偉信 招小龍 蔡豐寧 鍾智謙 崔宁姗 范世暉 何鎮匡 何嘉豪 何家瑤 熊俊杰 洪詩敏 葉家俊 姜 博 簡慧華. 畢 業 生 名 錄 GRADUATE LIST. 15.

(18) . *. *. * 16. KWAN, Wai Ho KWOK, Ka Wing KWONG, Tsz Man LAI, Cheuk Man LAI, Ho Yan LAM, Hei Chun LAM, Ka Hin Terry LAM, Tsz Chung LAM, Tsz Fung Jeffrey LAM, Yi Pan LEE, Kam Ling LEE, Kyungtae LEUNG, Cheuk Yiu LEUNG, Chin Fung LEUNG, Kwan Ho LEUNG, Yiu Hong LI, Xiuhan LIN, Chun Man LO, King Hei LONG, Zhong LUI, Ka Yung LUO, Jiayi MAK, Prudence MAK, Tze Wing Tiffany MAN, Chun Hin Derek MAN, Kin Fai MARGARETHA, Flavia NG, Chun Lok NG, Sau Yee NG, Sze Chun Andrew NG, Tsz Wing NG, Wang Ho POON, Man Sze SHEK, Wai Chung SIU, Kam Yi SO, Chi Wai Andy SO, Tsz To TANG, Shing Chun TANG, Sze Chai TO, Lok Nam TONG, Chun Ho TSAI, Yuan-ting TSANG, Ho Ching TSANG, Ki Yuen WONG, Chun Fung WONG, Chun Kit WONG, Chun Wai WONG, Hiu Wai WONG, Siu Ki WONG, Yat Yui WU, Haonan XIAO, Yidi. 畢 業 生 名 錄 GRADUATE LIST. 關偉豪 郭家穎 鄺梓文 黎焯文 黎可恩 林熙俊 林嘉軒 林梓聰 林梓豐 林宜斌 李金玲 梁卓瑤 梁展烽 梁軍灝 梁曜匡 李修涵 練俊文 羅景曦 龙 众 呂嘉勇 羅嘉儀 麥鈞誠 麥子詠 文雋軒 文健暉 伍進樂 伍秀儀 吳思俊 伍梓穎 吳宏浩 潘敏詩 石偉聰 蕭金宜 蘇志維 蘇籽滔 鄧承進 鄧思齊 杜樂男 唐進浩 蔡沅庭 曾皓程 曾淇源 黃振鋒 黃駿杰 黃俊偉 黃曉威 王肇麒 黃逸銳 武昊南 肖祎迪. YANG, Anita YAU, Kwok Wai YEUNG, Ka Pik YEUNG, Lap Shing YEUNG, Pak Yin YIM, Tsz Kin YOU, Long Yi Longvia YU, Kai Yung YUEN, Siu Nga Janice YUEN, Tsz Chung YUNG, Ho Fung YUNG, Wing Hang ZHU, Lining. 楊文婷 邱國威 楊家碧 楊立成 楊柏賢 嚴子健 尤朗怡 俞啟鏞 袁小雅 源梓聰 容可楓 翁穎衡 朱俐凝. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Economics 理學士 (數學與經濟學). #*. *. #*. * #* *. CHAN, Chi Chun CHAN, Kin Man CHEN, Weili CHENG, Tak Chi CHOI, Fung Hei DENG, Jiahua FAN, Ka Wing HO, Ka Lai KURNIAWAN, Leo LAM, Chun Lok LAU, Chi Yuen LI, Siqi LIU, Ka Man MA, Wing Keung MOK, Siu Chun OUYANG, Jing SUEN, Yiu Fai WONG, Koi Wa WU, Jiayue YAO, Mianjia ZHAI, Qinwen ZHAO, Liang. 陳祉臻 陳健汶 陈维立 鄭德智 蔡豐禧 鄧嘉華 范家泳 何家禮 林俊樂 劉志遠 李思奇 廖嘉敏 馬榮強 莫紹晉 欧阳靖 孫耀暉 王溉華 吴嘉悦 姚棉嘉 翟沁雯 赵 亮. Bachelor of Science in Physics 理學士 (物理學). AKHTAR, Hassan Ali AMANOV, Dovran ATANOV, Omargeldi CAI, Qianhang CHAN, Chun Ming CHAN, Ho Yin CHAUDHRY, Mukund. # Academic Achievement Awards 學 業 成 就 獎 First Class Honors 甲 等 榮 譽. *. 蔡千杭 陳俊銘 陳浩然.

(19) #*. #* *. *. #*. *. * *. *. *. #*. CHEN, Ranzhuang CHEUNG, Long Him CHOI, Kwun Cheong CHUA, Wan Zhen GAO, Yuxiang HO, Ho Yin HO, Sui Lun LAU, Tsz Fung LEE, Jeong Yeob LEE, Mang Hei Gordon LEE, Min-hsun LI, Veronica Qin Ting LO, Chi Chung MAN, Kat Nam MIN, Kyungyoon NG, Cheuk Long NG, Cheuk Yin NG, Hon Him Enoch NG, Lok Wa NG, Wai Lok NG, Yat Hei NGAI, Tsz Ue POON, Pak Ho SO, Chin Long TO, Ka Kit TSO, Yee Ming WAN, Chi Fung WAN, Chi Yu Brian WANG, Tong WANG, Yingran ZHU, Lingbang. 陳染庄 張朗謙 蔡冠昌 高宇翔 何浩賢 何瑞麟 劉子峯 李孟希 李旻勳 李沁庭 羅致中 文吉男 吳卓朗 吳卓彥 吳侃謙 吳樂華 吳偉樂 吳溢曦 魏子御 潘栢豪 蘇展朗 杜家杰 曹義銘 溫智峯 温梓儒 王 桐 王穎然 祝令邦. 畢 業 生 名 錄 GRADUATE LIST. 17.

(20) 跨學科課程事務處. INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS OFFICE Postgraduate Degrees 研究生學位. Doctor of Philosophy in Atmospheric Environmental. Master of Science in Environmental Science and. Science 哲學博士 (大氣環境科學). Management 理學碩士 (環境科學及管理). WANG, Yuchen ZHANG, Yumiao. 王羽琛 張玉苗. Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science, Policy and Management 哲學博士 (環境科學、政策及管理). FARID, Awais LI, Junlu LIU, Qianyun. 李俊魯 劉茜雲. Master of Philosophy in Atmospheric Environmental Science 哲學碩士 (大氣環境科學). CHUNG, Pui Yin LIU, Yushuo WONG, Sum Kok. 鍾珮妍 刘宇烁 黃琛壑. Master of Philosophy in Environmental Science, Policy and Management 哲學碩士 (環境科學、政策及管理). LEUNG, King Wai LOUIE, Phillip Yan Kit MAK, Fu Ki TANG, Bijian TANG, Yao WOO, Chun Fai ZHU, Lanyu. 梁璟偉 雷恩傑 麥富棋 唐碧剑 唐 瑶 胡駿輝 朱蓝玉. Master of Philosophy in Public Policy 哲學碩士 (公共政策). 18. LIU, Canhui. 畢 業 生 名 錄 GRADUATE LIST. 刘灿辉. CHAN, Kwan Yung Denise CHEN, Liuxiao CHEN, Silin CHEN, Wanying CHEN, Ying CHENG, Kiu Chun CHENG, Ryan CHEUNG, Ka Hei CHU, Mengyuan DING, Wenqi DING, Yuexin FANG, Panwen FEI, Xueyi FONG, Man Wah FUNG, Chun Yi GUO, Ben HO, Yue Hang HU, Chengjin HU, Zhenyu JIA, Minyu JIA, Ru JIANG, Jiaao KWOK, Ting Yan LEE, Kwan Wai LI, Linyi LIN, Yuxin LIN, Zhiqi LIU, Qiuyue LIU, Weiming LIU, Yihe LONG, Yue MA, Jin NG, Chiu Yi OU, Wanyi RUAN, Qinfeng SHEN, Xiaoxian SHEN, Zheyuan SIRANI, Chiara SO, Hor Kay Holly SO, Wing In SUN, Chang WANG, Zhaorui WONG, Tsz Cheung. 陳均蓉 陈柳潇 陈思霖 陈婉莹 陈 蓥 鄭喬進 鄭禮恩 張家曦 褚梦圆 丁文祺 丁玥昕 方攀文 费雪祎 方敏華 馮俊宜 郭 犇 何汝珩 胡程锦 胡镇宇 贾珉语 贾 如 江家傲 郭庭欣 李均惠 李林一 林羽馨 林之琪 刘秋月 刘玮鸣 刘益和 龙 玥 马 进 吳昭怡 歐婉儀 阮沁峰 沈小闲 沈喆远 蘇可奇 蘇詠妍 孫 昌 王兆瑞 黃梓彰.

(21) . WONG, Tsz Shing WU, Bingxiao XU, Xiaotian XU, Yunfan YANG, Yilin YUAN, Yixuan ZHANG, Shaolizhi ZHANG, Yinyun. 黃旨成 吴冰霄 徐晓天 徐云帆 杨艺麟 袁艺轩 张少丽智 张茵韵. 畢 業 生 名 錄 GRADUATE LIST. 19.

(22) Undergraduate Degrees 本科生學位 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 學業成就獎 #* HUI, Yiting 回亦婷 #* JONATHAN, Audrey Elizabeth . BSc in Environmental Management and Technology BSc in Risk Management and Business Intelligence. #* WEN, Xin 温 馨 . BSc in Risk Management and Business Intelligence. Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management. Bachelor of Science in Individualized Interdisciplinary. and Technology 理學士 (環境管理及科技). Major (Bioenergy Management) 理學士 (跨學科自選主修- 生物能源管理學). #*. *. *. 20. CHAN, Wang Shan CHEN, Yen Ting Nicolle CHEUNG, Ka Shek Gareth CHEUNG, Yip Leung CHING, Tsz Ying FAREN, Reitha HUI, Gordon Sun HUI, Yiting IP, Chui Ming IP, Wing To Victor KONG, Ka Ki KWOK, Kristie Ka Hei KWOK, Man Chun Nathan LAM, Lok Hei Donald LAM, Pui Yiu LAU, Yin Ting LEE, Ching Lam LEUNG, Chi Chung LI, Wai Kei Vicky MAK, Ka Man PAK, Wing Yan SO, Yat Kwan TAM, Cheuk Wing TAM, Tsz Ho TAN, Youru TANG, Wai Fung TSE, Fong Fong Florence WONG, Ching Fung Janice WONG, Hazel YAN, Chun Sun Jason YAU, Hoi Ying YAU, Hon Chung YEUNG, Chi Chung YU, Tze Wai. 畢 業 生 名 錄 GRADUATE LIST. 陳弘珊 曾妍婷 張家碩 張業良 程芷瑩 許 燊 回亦婷 葉翠明 葉穎濤 江嘉琪 郭嘉希 郭文進 林樂曦 林佩瑤 劉彥廷 李靖淋 梁志聰 李煒錡 麥嘉雯 白穎欣 蘇日君 譚卓詠 譚子灝 譚佑儒 鄧慧楓 謝方芳 王晴楓 黃日希 甄晉燊 邱凱營 丘瀚棕 楊智中 余梓維. *. LI, Yongyi. 李永毅. Bachelor of Science in Individualized Interdisciplinary Major (Bionics) 理學士 (跨學科自選主修- 仿生學). NARAYANA SWAMY, Thomas Rohit. Bachelor of Science in Individualized Interdisciplinary Major (Computational Cognitive Science) 理學士 (跨學科自選主修- 計算認知科學). CHO, Tze Hei. 曹子僖. Bachelor of Science in Risk Management and Business Intelligence 理學士 (風險管理及商業智能學). *. *. *. * *. AU, Ting Fai CHAN, Ming Yan CHAN, Sau Man CHEUNG, Hei Wa CHEUNG, Pui Kwan CHIU, Hok He Angus CHOU, Chi-chun CHUM, Man Hei CHUNG, Hon Kit FONG, Ho Pui HUI, Chi Sang HUI, Ching Fung HUI, Ka Hin HUNG, Yuen Ying. # Academic Achievement Awards 學 業 成 就 獎 First Class Honors 甲 等 榮 譽. *. 區庭暉 陳明恩 陳秀文 張熙樺 張佩君 趙學希 周祺鈞 覃汶希 鍾漢傑 方浩培 許智生 許程峰 許嘉軒 洪婉迎.

(23) #*. * *. *. *. * *. #*. *. *. *. JONATHAN, Audrey Elizabeth KUNG, Wai Tat LAM, Chun Hei LAU, Ching Yan LEUNG, Yu Hong LI, Chin Wa LI, Mei Ling LO, Fung Oi LUO, Jiefu MALIK, Ujjwal MOK, Kai Hin NG, Hoi Fai PANG, Yuting PUN, Ho Ting SHAO, Yuqing SZETO, Yi Nei TAI, Chi Fai TAM, Sze Chai TSANG, Chiu Yu TSE, Man Lai WANG, Liyao WEN, Xin WONG, Koon Ting Tiffany WONG, Tsz Ki WONG, Yuen Ting WU, Chun Kit XU, Jiaman XU, Wen XU, Yingran ZHANG, Weilin. 龔偉達 林進希 劉靖欣 梁裕康 李芊嬅 李美玲 盧馮愛 罗杰夫 莫啟軒 吳海暉 庞禹霆 潘浩婷 邵雨晴 司徒伊旎 戴志輝 譚思齊 曾昭宇 謝文麗 王坜尧 温 馨 黃冠婷 黃梓祺 王婉庭 胡俊傑 徐嘉曼 许 文 徐颖然 张玮琳. 畢 業 生 名 錄 GRADUATE LIST. 21.

(24) DEGREES CONFERRED SCHOOL OF SCIENCE. 理學院. PhD in Chemistry PhD in Life Science PhD in Marine Environmental Science PhD in Mathematics PhD in Nano Science and Technology PhD in Physics MPhil in Chemistry MPhil in Life Science MPhil in Marine Environmental Science MPhil in Mathematics MPhil in Physics MSc in Analytical Chemistry MSc in Biotechnology MSc in Environmental Health and Safety MSc in Financial Mathematics MSc in Mathematics for Educators BSc in Physics, in Mathematics, and in Computer Science BSc in Mathematics, and in Computer Science BSc in Mathematics and Economics, and in Computer Science BSc in Physics, and in Computer Science BSc in Physics, and in Mathematics BSc in Biochemistry and Cell Biology BSc in Biological Science BSc in Biotechnology BSc in Biotechnology # BSc in Chemistry BSc in Environmental Science BSc in Mathematics BSc in Mathematics and Economics BSc in Physics School Total. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. 附 錄 APPENDICES. 哲學博士 (化學) 20 哲學博士 (生命科學) 38 哲學博士 (海洋環境科學) 1 哲學博士 (數學) 10 哲學博士 (納米科學與技術) 2 哲學博士 (物理學) 17 哲學碩士 (化學) 8 哲學碩士 (生命科學) 31 哲學碩士 (海洋環境科學) 3 哲學碩士 (數學) 9 哲學碩士 (物理學) 9 理學碩士 (分析化學) 48 理學碩士 (生物科技) 41 理學碩士 (環境健康及安全) 42 理學碩士 (金融數學) 128 理學碩士 (教育數學) 22 理學士 (物理學、數學及計算機科學) 1 理學士 (數學及計算機科學) 11 理學士 (數學與經濟學及計算機科學) 2 理學士 (物理學及計算機科學) 4 理學士 (物理學及數學) 3 理學士 (生物化學及細胞生物學) 84 理學士 (生物科學) 47 理學士 (生物科技) 77 理學士 (生物科技) # 4 理學士 (化學) 87 理學士 (環境科學) 41 理學士 (數學) 95 理學士 (數學與經濟學) 22 理學士 (物理學) 38 學院總人數 945. 工學院. PhD in Bioengineering PhD in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering PhD in Civil Engineering PhD in Computer Science and Engineering PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering PhD in Environmental Engineering PhD in Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management PhD in Mechanical Engineering MPhil in Bioengineering MPhil in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering MPhil in Civil Engineering MPhil in Computer Science and Engineering MPhil in Electronic and Computer Engineering MPhil in Environmental Engineering MPhil in Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management MPhil in Mechanical Engineering MPhil in Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship MSc in Aeronautical Engineering MSc in Big Data Technology MSc in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering MSc in Civil Infrastructural Engineering and Management MSc in Electronic Engineering MSc in Engineering Enterprise Management MSc in Environmental Engineering and Management MSc in IC Design Engineering MSc in Information Technology MSc in Intelligent Building Technology and Management MSc in International Air Transport Operations Management MSc in Mechanical Engineering MSc in Telecommunications BSc in Computer Science, and in Quantitative Social Analysis BSc in Computer Science, and an additional Major in Electronic Engineering BSc in Computer Science, and an additional Major in Mathematics BEng in Electronic Engineering, and in Computer Engineering ^ BEng in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering ^ BEng in Chemical Engineering ^ BEng in Civil Engineering ^ BEng in Computer Engineering ^ BEng in Computer Science ^ BEng in Logistics Management and Engineering ^ BEng in Mechanical Engineering ^ BEng in Computer Engineering, and in Electronic Engineering BEng in Electronic Engineering, and in Computer Science BEng in Mechanical Engineering, and in Computer Science BEng in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and an additional Major in Mathematics BEng in Civil and Environmental Engineering, and an additional Major in Mathematics BEng in Computer Engineering, and an additional Major in Mathematics BEng in Computer Science, and an additional Major in Mathematics BEng in Electronic Engineering, and an additional Major in Computer Science BEng in Electronic Engineering, and an additional Major in Mathematics BEng in Aerospace Engineering BEng in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering BEng in Chemical and Environmental Engineering BEng in Chemical Engineering BEng in Civil and Environmental Engineering BEng in Civil Engineering BEng in Computer Engineering BEng in Computer Science BEng in Electronic Engineering BEng in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management BEng in Logistics Management and Engineering BEng in Mechanical Engineering School Total. i. 頒授之學位. 哲學博士 (生物工程學) 7 哲學博士 (化學工程及生物分子工程學) 14 哲學博士 (土木工程學) 31 哲學博士 (計算機科學及工程學) 40 哲學博士 (電子及計算機工程學) 47 哲學博士 (環境工程學) 2 哲學博士 (工業工程及物流管理學) 8 哲學博士 (機械工程學) 25 哲學碩士 (生物工程學) 6 哲學碩士 (化學工程及生物分子工程學) 16 哲學碩士 (土木工程學) 18 哲學碩士 (計算機科學及工程學) 28 哲學碩士 (電子及計算機工程學) 25 哲學碩士 (環境工程學) 3 哲學碩士 (工業工程及物流管理學) 4 哲學碩士 (機械工程學) 15 哲學碩士 (科技領導及創業) 12 理學碩士 (航空工程) 49 理學碩士 (大數據技術) 107 理學碩士 (化學工程及生物分子工程學) 63 理學碩士 (土木基建工程及管理) 123 理學碩士 (電子工程學) 72 理學碩士 (工程企業管理) 87 理學碩士 (環境工程學及管理) 71 理學碩士 (集成電路設計工程) 48 理學碩士 (資訊科技) 79 理學碩士 (智能建築物技術與管理) 83 理學碩士 (國際航空運輸營運管理) 11 理學碩士 (機械工程學) 97 理學碩士 (電信學) 80 理學士 (計算機科學及定量社會數據分析) 1 理學士 (計算機科學) 及電子工程學主修 1 理學士 (計算機科學)及數學主修 14 工學士 (電子工程學及計算機工程學) ^ 1 工學士 (化學及生物分子工程學) ^ 1 工學士 (化學工程學) ^ 1 工學士 (土木工程學) ^ 3 工學士 (計算機工程學) ^ 2 工學士 (計算機科學) ^ 9 工學士 (物流管理及工程學) ^ 5 工學士 (機械工程學) ^ 1 工學士 (計算機工程學及電子工程學) 2 工學士 (電子工程學及計算機科學) 1 工學士 (機械工程學及計算機科學) 1 工學士 (化學及生物分子工程學)及數學主修 1 工學士 (土木及環境工程學)及數學主修 1 工學士 (計算機工程學)及數學主修 1 工學士 (計算機科學)及數學主修 1 工學士 (電子工程學)及計算機科學主修 3 工學士 (電子工程學)及數學主修 1 工學士 (航空航天工程學) 30 工學士 (化學及生物分子工程學) 24 工學士 (化學及環境工程學) 24 工學士 (化學工程學) 14 工學士 (土木及環境工程學) 20 工學士 (土木工程學) 141 工學士 (計算機工程學) 89 工學士 (計算機科學) 184 工學士 (電子工程學) 121 工學士 (工業工程及工程管理學) 33 工學士 (物流管理及工程學) 44 工學士 (機械工程學) 121 學院總人數 2167. ^ Graduates from the Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management earn two degrees, BEng and BBA. 修畢科技及管理學雙學位課程之畢業生同時獲頒授工學士及工商管理學士學位。 # Graduates from the Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management earn two degrees, BSc and BBA. 修畢科技及管理學雙學位課程之畢業生同時獲頒授理學士及工商管理學士學位。.

(25) SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT PhD in Accounting PhD in Economics. PhD in Finance. PhD in Information Systems PhD in Management PhD in Marketing MPhil in Accounting. MPhil in Economics. MPhil in Finance. MPhil in Information Systems MPhil in Management MPhil in Marketing MPhil in Operations Management MSc in Accounting MSc in Business Analytics MSc in Economics. MSc in Financial Analysis MSc in Global Finance MSc in Global Operations MSc in Information Systems Management MSc in International Management MSc in Investment Management Executive Master of Business Administration Master of Business Administration * Master of Business Administration BSc in Quantitative Finance, and in Computer Science BSc in Economics and Finance BSc in Quantitative Finance BBA in Information Systems, in Operations Management, and in Professional Accounting BBA in Operations Management, in Finance, and in Professional Accounting BBA in Economics, and in Finance BBA in Economics, and in Information Systems BBA in Economics, and in Management BBA in Economics, and in Marketing BBA in Economics, and in Operations Management BBA in Economics, and in Professional Accounting BBA in Finance, and in Information Systems BBA in Finance, and in Management BBA in Finance, and in Marketing BBA in Finance, and in Operations Management BBA in Finance, and in Professional Accounting BBA in Global Business, and in Economics BBA in Global Business, and in Finance BBA in Global Business, and in Information Systems BBA in Global Business, and in Management BBA in Global Business, and in Marketing BBA in Global Business, and in Operations Management BBA in Global Business, and in Professional Accounting BBA in Information Systems, and in Management BBA in Information Systems, and in Marketing BBA in Information Systems, and in Operations Management BBA in Information Systems, and in Professional Accounting BBA in Management, and in Marketing BBA in Management, and in Operations Management BBA in Management, and in Professional Accounting BBA in Marketing, and in Operations Management BBA in Marketing, and in Professional Accounting BBA in Operations Management, and in Professional Accounting BBA in Economics BBA in Finance BBA in General Business Management ^ BBA in General Business Management BBA in Global Business BBA in Information Systems BBA in Management BBA in Marketing BBA in Operations Management BBA in Professional Accounting BBA in World Business School Total. SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE PhD in Social Science MPhil in Humanities MPhil in Social Science MSc in Global China Studies MA in Chinese Culture MA in International Language Education MA in Social Science BSc in Global China Studies: Humanities and Social Science School Total. INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS OFFICE PhD in Atmospheric Environmental Science PhD in Environmental Science, Policy and Management MPhil in Atmospheric Environmental Science MPhil in Environmental Science, Policy and Management MPhil in Public Policy MSc in Environmental Science and Management BSc in Environmental Management and Technology BSc in Individualized Interdisciplinary Major (Bioenergy Management) BSc in Individualized Interdisciplinary Major (Bionics) BSc in Individualized Interdisciplinary Major (Computational Cognitive Science) BSc in Risk Management and Business Intelligence Interdisciplinary Programs Office Total. UNIVERSITY TOTAL * This program is jointly offered by Northwestern University and HKUST. 此學位課程由美國西北大學與香港科技大學合辦。. 工 商 管理 學 院 哲學博士 (會計學) 4 哲學博士 (經濟學) 10 哲學博士 (金融學) 4 哲學博士 (資訊系統學) 1 哲學博士 (管理學) 1 哲學博士 (市場學) 4 哲學碩士 (會計學) 1 哲學碩士 (經濟學) 3 哲學碩士 (金融學) 1 哲學碩士 (資訊系統學) 1 哲學碩士 (管理學) 1 哲學碩士 (市場學) 1 哲學碩士 (營運管理學) 1 理學碩士 (會計學) 58 理學碩士 (商業分析) 61 理學碩士 (經濟學) 107 理學碩士 (金融分析學) 11 理學碩士 (環球金融) 43 理學碩士 (環球運營管理) 59 理學碩士 (資訊系統管理學) 61 理學碩士 (國際管理) 51 理學碩士 (投資管理學) 102 高層管理人員工商管理碩士 62 工商管理碩士 * 48 工商管理碩士 320 理學士 (量化金融學及計算機科學) 1 理學士 (經濟及金融學) 38 理學士 (量化金融學) 31 工商管理學士 (資訊系統學、營運管理學及專業會計學) 1 工商管理學士 (營運管理學、金融學及專業會計學) 1 工商管理學士 (經濟學及金融學) 8 工商管理學士 (經濟學及資訊系統學) 15 工商管理學士 (經濟學及管理學) 2 工商管理學士 (經濟學及市場學) 13 工商管理學士 (經濟學及營運管理學) 12 工商管理學士 (經濟學及專業會計學) 11 工商管理學士 (金融學及資訊系統學) 36 工商管理學士 (金融學及管理學) 3 工商管理學士 (金融學及市場學) 7 工商管理學士 (金融學及營運管理學) 15 工商管理學士 (金融學及專業會計學) 36 工商管理學士 (環球商業管理及經濟學) 8 工商管理學士 (環球商業管理及金融學) 13 工商管理學士 (環球商業管理及資訊系統學) 8 工商管理學士 (環球商業管理及管理學) 3 工商管理學士 (環球商業管理及市場學) 8 工商管理學士 (環球商業管理及營運管理學) 2 工商管理學士 (環球商業管理及專業會計學) 1 工商管理學士 (資訊系統學及管理學) 34 工商管理學士 (資訊系統學及市場學) 49 工商管理學士 (資訊系統學及營運管理學) 43 工商管理學士 (資訊系統學及專業會計學) 56 工商管理學士 (管理學及市場學) 73 工商管理學士 (管理學及營運管理學) 9 工商管理學士 (管理學及專業會計學) 26 工商管理學士 (市場學及營運管理學) 21 工商管理學士 (市場學及專業會計學) 9 工商管理學士 (營運管理學及專業會計學) 25 工商管理學士 (經濟學) 22 工商管理學士 (金融學) 13 工商管理學士 (綜合商業管理學) ^ 27 工商管理學士 (綜合商業管理學) 16 工商管理學士 (環球商業管理) 4 工商管理學士 (資訊系統學) 22 工商管理學士 (管理學) 23 工商管理學士 (市場學) 33 工商管理學士 (營運管理學) 11 工商管理學士 (專業會計學) 24 工商管理學士 (全球商業管理) 36 學院總人數 1865. 人文社會科學學院 哲學博士 (社會科學) 2 哲學碩士 (人文學) 3 哲學碩士 (社會科學) 13 理學碩士 (環球中國研究) 49 文學碩士 (中國文化) 38 文學碩士 (國際語言教育) 63 文學碩士 (社會科學) 48 理學士 (環球中國研究:人文及社會科學) 54 學院總人數 270. 跨學科課程辦事處 哲學博士 (大氣環境科學) 2 哲學博士 (環境科學、政策及管理) 3 哲學碩士 (大氣環境科學) 3 哲學碩士 (環境科學、政策及管理) 7 哲學碩士 (公共政策) 1 理學碩士 (環境科學及管理) 51 理學士 (環境管理及科技) 34 理學士 (跨學科自選主修-生物能源管理學) 1 理學士 (跨學科自選主修-仿生學) 1 理學士 (跨學科自選主修-計算認知科學) 1 理學士 (風險管理及商業智能學) 44 跨學科課程辦事處總人數 148. 全大學合計. 5395 附 錄 APPENDICES. ii.

(26) Titles of PhD Theses Completed in 2018-19 Candidate, title of thesis, with thesis supervisor(s) in brackets. SCHOOL OF SCIENCE. AU, Kin Chung Franco, Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Centrosome Disjunction (QI, Robert Zhong). Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry. CAO, Zhe, Dietary Fatty Acids Promote Lipid Droplet Diversity through Seipin Enrichment in an ER Subdomain (MAK, Ho Yi). GAO, Qingqing, Development of Novel Polymerizations Strategies to Functional Alkyne-Based Polymers (TANG, Benzhong) HE, Xuewen, AIE-Based Multifunctional Nanosystems for Bioimaging, Sensing and Therapeutics (TANG, Benzhong) JIANG, Yiping, Investigations of the Catalysis and Membrane Association of Phosphate Acyltransferase PlsX and the Dynamics of Membrane Regions of Increased Fluidity (GUO, Zhihong) LAI, Joshua Yuk Lin, Synthesis and Characterisation of non-Fullerene Small Molecule Acceptor for Organic Photovoltaics (YAN, He) LEUNG, Nelson Lik Ching, Exploring the Mechanism behind AggregationInduced Emission for the Development of New Functional Materials (TANG, Benzhong) LI, Yunke, A Structure-Property-Performance Relationship Study on Highly Efficient Organic Solar Cells (YAN, He) LIN, Manfei, Assessment of Interactions between Transition Metal Ions and Atmospheric Organics and their Impacts on Oxidative Potential of Particulate Matter (YU, Jianzhen) MA, Tingxuan, Material Design and Synthesis for High-Performance Organic Solar Cells with Enhanced Open-Circuit Voltage and Good Stability (YAN, He) NISAR, Madiha, Anti-malarial Compounds and Cocrystals based on 11-Azaartemisinin (WILLIAMS, Ian Duncan) QIN, Mingming, Mechanistic Investigation of a New Catalytic Mode of Thiamine Diphosphate-Dependent Enzymes (GUO, Zhihong) SUNG, Hoi Pang, Design and Synthesis of Luminogens with AggregationInduced Emission Characteristics for Biological Applications (TANG, Benzhong) WU, An, Synthesis of Medium Rings, Naphthalene Derivatives, Oxazoles and Vinyl Sulfides from Electron-rich Alkynes (SUN, Jianwei) WU, Linlin, DFT Studies on Mechanisms for Dearomatization of Pyridine and Reactions Involving o-Carborane, Borylene and Diborane(4) Compounds (LIN, Zhenyang) XU, Changhuo, Development of New AIE Probes for Selective Cancer Cell Imaging (TANG, Benzhong) YANG, Guofang, Morphology Characterization and Understanding in Organic Solar Cells Based on Temperature Dependent Aggregation Property (YAN, He) YANG, Yinglong, Materials Design and Interface Engineering for Carbonbased Perovskite Solar Cells (YANG, Shihe) YAO, Huatong, Material Design for High-Efficiency Polymer Solar Cells (YAN, He) ZHANG, Jianquan, Molecular Design and Synthesis of High-Performance Materials for Non-Fullerene Organic Solar Cells (YAN, He) ZHANG, Jingxuan, Development of Methods for Analyzing Structure and Bonding in Chemical Systems (LIN, Zhenyang) ZHANG, Renwei, Construction of Five-membered Heterocycles by Intramolecular Oxetane Ring Opening (SUN, Jianwei). Doctor of Philosophy in Life Science AN, Yanru, The Molecular and Cellular Basis of Drosophila Neuroblast Delamination (YAN, Yan). iii. 附 錄 APPENDICES. CHEN, Weitao, Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Is Required for Sensory Axon Regeneration and Functional Recovery (LIU, Kai) CHEN, Xibing, Function and Rab37-mediated Regulation of TMC1 in Mammalian Cell Lines and Auditory Hair Cells (HUANG, Pingbo) CHEUNG, Man Hei, The Roles of hNOC3 in DNA Replication Initiation in Human Cells and Characterization of Anticancer Drug Candidates (LIANG, Chun) DING, Wei, Microbial Diversity and Function in Marine Biofilms (QIAN, Peiyuan) HE, Yunyun, Biochemical and Structural Characterization of Usher Syndrome I Protein Complexes and Intermicrovillar Adhesion Complex (ZHANG, Mingjie) HU, Weihui,Identification of Active Compounds from Chinese Medicine Interacting with VEGF by HerboChips: Drug Development in Angiogenic Regulation (TSIM, Karl Wah Keung) HU, Xiuhua, Application of Inteins to the Production of Commercially Valuable Proteins and Studying of Intein-like Proteins (WONG, Wan Keung) HUANG, Yun, Differentiation of the “Yin-Yang” properties of herbs with spleen-meridian tropism by chemical and pharmacological profilings (TSIM, Karl Wah Keung) JI, Zeyang, Super Strong and Exquisitely Specific Target Recognitions Achieved by WW Domain Tandems from Kibra and MAGI (ZHANG, Mingjie) JIANG, Huadong, Functional Studies of FOP in Ciliogenesis and Centrosome Duplication (LIANG, Chun) LAI, Ho-chun, Role of PICK1 in Aggresome Formation and Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3 Pathogenesis (XIA, Jun) LI, Jiahua, Generation of New Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease by Expressing Wild-type Alpha-synuclein Specifically in the Dopaminergic Neurons (CHUNG, Kenny K) LI, Zhifang, Activity-Dependent Ubiquitination of NL2 Regulates Inhibitory Synapses (XIA, Jun) LIU, Riyue, Marine Viruses Infecting the Cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus Exhibit Rhythmic Infection Patterns under Light-dark Cycles (ZENG, Qinglu) LIU, Yunle, Transcriptional Regulation of Acetylcholinesterase by Targeting Various Transcriptional Factors in Different Cell Types (TSIM, Karl Wah Keung) LONG, Mengping, A Novel Histone H4 Variant H4G Regulates rDNA Transcription in Breast Cancer (ISHIBASHI, Toyotaka) MA, Fulin, Full Length APP Regulates the Size and Cellular Location of the Axon Initial Segment with Implications for Alzheimer’s Disease (HERRUP, Karl and BANFIELD, David Karl) MA, Tianji, Investigation of Molecular Mechanisms that Regulate Surface Delivery of a Planar Cell Polarity Protein, Frizzled6, in the Secretory Transport Pathway (GUO, Yusong) SONG, Xuan, Neurotoxic Consequence of Microglia Promoted Inflammation in Neurodegenerative Disease (HERRUP, Karl and BANFIELD, David Karl) SU, Yiting, Elucidation of The Functional Roles of α2-chimaerin in Adult Neurogenesis (IP, Nancy Yuk-Yu).

(27) SUN, Xulun, Functional Characterization of a Nucleolus-localized Histone H4 Variant—H4G (ISHIBASHI, Toyotaka) TIAN, Ye, Multiple Waves of T Lymphopoiesis and Characterization of Hemogenic Endothelium in Zebrafish (WEN, Zilong) TYAGI, Iram Shazia, Ongoing Phenotypic and Genotypic Variation in Cancer Cell Lines under Varied Culture Conditions (XUE, Hong) WANG, Hao, In Vivo and In Vitro Cleavages of Inteins through Modifications of Terminal Regions and Revisions of Environmental Factors (WONG, Wan Keung) WANG, Kai, Quantitative and Functional Phosphoproteomics Study Reveals New Signaling Components Mediating the Force-Induced Bolting Delay in Arabidopsis Thaliana (LI, Ning). YE, Yushi, Deep Learning for Financial Market Simulation (CHEN, Kani) ZHANG, Lian, Decoupling Strategies for Multi-Physics Applications (MU, Mo). Doctor of Philosophy in Nano Science and Technology MICHAEL, Sean Alan, Microfluidic and Bioprinting Platforms for Singlecell Protein Measurement and Immunology Studies(WU, Hongkai) TONG, Rui, Studies and Applications of Microfluidics and Microsystems for Molecular Detection (WEN, Weijia). Doctor of Philosophy in Physics CUI, Xiaohan, Non-Hermitian Photonic Crystals (CHAN, Che Ting). WANG, Xiujiao, Role of IL-33/ST2-dependent Regulation of Microglial Function in Alzheimer’s Disease (IP, Nancy Yuk-Yu). DONG, Xiaoshi, Mode Coupling and Self-Sustained Oscillations In Micro-/Nano-Electromechanical Systems (CHAN, Ho Bun). WU, Shuting, The Ontogeny and Heterogeneity of Microglia (WEN, Zilong). HU, Chuandeng, Multifunctional Metasurface (WEN, Weijia). YANG, Chao, Roles of mTOR in Regulating Mammalian Central Axon Regeneration (LIU, Kai). ISLAM, Md Torikul, Magnetization Reversal by Field Pulse & Current and Domain Wall Dynamics under Thermal Gradient (WANG, Xiangrong). YANG, Zhou, Decoding WW Domain Tandem-mediated Target Recognitions in Tissue Growth and Cell Polarity (ZHANG, Mingjie). LI, Wei, Shear Strain Assisted Grain Coarsening and Solid-Solid Phase Transitions in Colloidal Crystals (HAN, Yilong). YOU, Yingying, Structural and Functional Study of Human Orc6 Binding with DNA (ZHU, Guang). LI, Yingying, Higgs Physics: from “Naturalness” to Collider (LIU, Tao). YU, Chenglong, Exocytosis of Synaptic Vesicles and Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Containing Vesicles in a Huntington’s Disease Mouse Model (PARK, Hyo Keun). LIANG, Jing, Studies of the Underlying Mechanism of Two-Dimensional Superconductivity in Topological Insulator / Iron Telluride Heterostructures (SOU, Iam Keong). YU, Xiaojie, Physical and Functional Interactions between TMC1 and LHFPL4/5 in Cochlear Hair Cells (HUANG, Pingbo). MA, Rong, The Fabrication of Low-loss Multifunctional Magnetodielectric Composites and the Study for Their Structure-Properties Relationship (WANG, Jiannong and WANG, Hong). YU, Youqian, Stk24 Promotes Early Myogenic Differentiation Through p38 MAPK and Limk2/Cofilin2 (WU, Zhenguo). QIN, Xianan, Development and Applications of Single-Particle TrackingFRET Microscopy (PARK, Hyo Keun). ZHOU, Qingqing, Structural Organization and Enzymatic Regulation of the Postsynaptic Density (ZHANG, Mingjie). SONG, Bo, Topological Matter in Ultracold Ytterbium Quantum Gases with Spin-Orbit Coupling (JO, Gyu Boong). ZHU, Beika, From Ocean to Pharmacy: Searching Marine Natural Products for New Drugs for Neurodegenerative Disease (HERRUP, Karl). WANG, Mingkang, Measuring Casimir Force and Electromagnetic Stress on Metamaterials Using Microelectromechanical Systems (CHAN, Ho Bun). Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Environmental Science. YANG, Yafei, Melting and Crystallization of Small Colloidal Crystals (HAN, Yilong). FANG, Xiaoting, Transcriptomic and Proteomic Study on Host–Phage Interactions of Marine Cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus (ZENG, Qinglu). Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics CAO, Zhiqiang, Statistical Methods for Dealing with Measurement Error in Covariates: EPIC-InterAct Study (WONG, Man Yu). YU, Ka Man, Structural and Dynamical Properties of Two Dimensional Hexagonal Materials Investigated by LEEM/LEED (ALTMAN, Michael Scott) YUNG, Tsz Kit, Characterization of Thermal Bump and Surface PlasmonInduced Reflection Phase Shift in Surface Plasmon Resonance (TAM, Wing Yim). CHAN, Chin Hei, On Randomness Properties of Linear Codes over Finite Fields (XIONG, Maosheng). ZHANG, Ran, Investigation of Low-Dimensional Conjugated Nanostructures on Metal Substrates Using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (LIN, Nian). CHEUNG, Ho Man, Geometric and Algebraic Parameterizations for Dirac Cohomology of Simple Modules in OP and their Applications (HUANG, Jingsong). ZHANG, Yin, Dynamic Magnetic Susceptibility and Spin-Orbit-Torque Magnetic Random Access Memory (WANG, Xiangrong). JI, Xing, High-order Non-compact and Compact Gas-kinetic Schemes (XU, Kun) LI, Ting, Network Data: from Analysis to Applications (JING, Bing-yi) MAK, Hugo Wai Leung, Improved Remote Sensing Algorithms and Data Assimilation Approaches in solving Environmental Retrieval Problems (FUNG, Jimmy Chi Hung) TANG, Haoyun, Essays on Stochastic Local Volatility Model, Option Market Making and Data-Driven Option Hedging (WU, Lixin) WU, Fung Leung, Some Geometric Aspects of Polyhedral Graphs from Perspective of Combinatorial Curvature (CHEN, Beifang). ZHOU, Siyi, Primordial Non-Gaussianity as a Probe of High Energy Physics (WANG, Yi). SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING Doctor of Philosophy in Bioengineering DEHGHANBANIANI, Dorsa, Fabrication of Novel Injectable ChitosanBased Scaffolds Reinforced with Drug-Loaded Starch Particles for Cartilage Tissue Engineering (WU, Hongkai and BAGHERI, Reza). 附 錄 APPENDICES. iv.

(28) GAO, Bo, Micro-Electrochemical Sensors and Extended-Gate FET Sensors for pH Detection: Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study (LEE, Yi-Kuen) LI, Xiaofen, Localization and Function of TMC1, LHFPL5 and FLRT3 in Mammalian Auditory Hair Cells (HUANG, Pingbo) LIU, Xiaotian, Developing New Protein Self -Assembling Strategies for Biomaterials Design and Synthesis (SUN, Fei) XU, Jingting, Bacteriophage based Micro Electrochemical Sensors and Extended Gate FET Sensors for Bacteria Detection (LEE, Yi-Kuen and CHAU, Ying) ZHANG, Zhiling, Design and Development of AIE-based Biosensors for Selected Biomedical Diagnoses (NG, Ka Ming) ZHANG, Zhuo, Nucleic Acids-based Molecular Diagnostics in Genetic and Epigenetic Biomarkers (HSING, I-ming). Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering CAO, Yujie, Developing Functional Biomaterials via Directed Protein Assembly (SUN, Fei) CHEN, Weiyang, Preparation, Characterization, and Applications of Graphene Aerogels and Composites (YEUNG, King Lun). CHAN, Kit, Erosion-Fluidization Mechanisms and Slope Instability due to Leakage of Buried Pipes (ZHANG, Li Min) CHEN, Keyu, Application of Mixed Reality Technology for Operations and Maintenance of Building Facilities (CHENG, Jack Chin Pang) CHEN, Weiwei, Integration of Building Information Modeling and Internet of Things for Facility Maintenance Management (CHENG, Jack Chin Pang) CHEN, Xinxing, Development of crack growth sensors using moiré technique (CHANG, Chih-chen) CHEN, Yixin, A Novel Repair Method for Reinforced Concrete Structures with Significant Steel Corrosion Using High Strength StrainHardening Cementitious Composites (LEUNG, Christopher Kin Ying) CHEUNG, Ka Ho, Effects of particle breakage on the impact of granular flows against a rigid barrier: centrifuge modelling (NG, Charles Wang Wai and CHOI, Clarence). DING, Qiqi, Development of graphitic carbon nitride-metal oxide composites as efficient catalysts for antibiotic degradation in dark Fenton system (HU, Xijun). CHOW, Jun Kang, Applications of Revolutionary and Transferable Technologies in Characterizing the Soil Behaviour During Consolidation and Health Monitoring of the Civil Infrastructures (WANG, Yu-Hsing). FENG, Teng, Polymeric Nanoparticles for Co-delivery of Peptide Inhibitors into Central Nervous System (CHAU, Ying). CUI, Yanxiang, Sulfide-oxidizing Autotrophic Denitrification in a Movingbed Biofilm Reactor (CHEN, Guanghao and WU, Di). GAO, Tianpeng, Transition Metal-based Electrode Materials for Fast Lithium Storage (NG, Ka Ming and LAM, Henry Hei Ning). DE FILIPPO, Michele, Pseudo-Lower Bound Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Slabs (KUANG, Jun Shang). HE, Kailin, Metal Organic Frameworks In Microfluidics (YEUNG, King Lun). GUAN, Dao, Scale-Up of Self-Forming Dynamic Membrane Bioreactor (SFDMBR) Through Exploration of Filtration and Chemical Cleaning Mechanisms and Module Optimization (CHEN, Guanghao and DAI, Ji). LI, Quan, Process Development: Recycle of Lithium-Ion Battery Cathode Materials (LAM, Henry Hei Ning and NG, Ka Ming) LIM, Khak Ho, Bottom-up Based Synthesis and Characterization of Thermoelectric Composite Materials (LAM, Henry Hei Ning and NG, Ka Ming) MAJUMDER, Soumyadip, Transition Metal Sulfide Composites as Sulfur Hosts for High Performance Lithium Sulfur Batteries (SHAO, Minhua and CHEN, Guohua) QIN, Xueping, First-Principles Density Functional Theory Studies on Electrochemical Reactions (SHAO, Minhua) QU, Hongyi, Process Control of Mass Production: From Conventional Standalone Mode to Peer-wise Information Sharing Mode (GAO, Furong) WANG, Qingyue, Environmental Catalysts for Remediation of Volatile Organic Compounds (YEUNG, King Lun) YANG, Zhongguang, Developing Entirely Protein-Based Hydrogel Materials with Dynamically Tunable Properties via Uncommon Protein Architectures (SUN, Fei) ZHANG, Xiang, Product Design: Accounting for Government Policy, Corporate Social Responsibility, Supply Chain, Sustainability, and Human Senses (LAM, Henry Hei Ning and NG, Ka Ming). Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering AKINNIYI, Damilola Bashi, Compressibility and Shear Behaviour of Saturated and Unsaturated Lateritic Clay Rich in Sesquioxide (NG, Charles Wang Wai and CHAO, Zhou) ARCHER, Andre, Climate Change Impact on Unsaturated Embankments Considering Temperature and Humidity: Centrifuge Modelling (NG, Charles Wang Wai). v. CHAN, Chung Richard, Evaluation of an Integrated Food Waste Treatment Strategy for Hong Kong with the Potentials for Reduced Greenhouse Gas Production and Increased Energy Recovery (CHEN, Guanghao). 附 錄 APPENDICES. HUANG, Yuchen, Seismic Behaviour and Strength of Reinforced Concrete Exterior Wide Beam-Column Joints (KUANG, Jun Shang) KIM, Bubryur, Aerodynamics and Structural Performances of Windexcited Tall Buildings with Structural Link Connections (TSE, Kam Tim) LIU, Haiming, Impact Mechanisms of Debris Flow against Multiple Rigid Barriers with Basal Clearance (NG, Charles Wang Wai and CHOI, Clarence) LIU, Hengdou, Effects of Mesh Size on the Impact Mechanism of Debris Flow on Net Barrier (NG, Charles Wang Wai) MA, Qijie, Performance of Floating Energy Pile Groups Subjected to Nonsymmetrical Cyclic Thermal Loading in Sand (NG, Charles Wang Wai) MOGILI, Srinivas, Seismic Behaviour and Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Knee Joints (KUANG, Jun Shang) PARTHASARATHY, Pavithra, Microstructure and Mechanism Investigation of Seawater Cementitious System (LI, Zongjin) SEDEHI, Omid, Data-driven Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation in Structural Dynamics Inverse Problems (KATAFYGIOTIS, Lambros) SHEN, Ping, An Integrated Distributed Numerical Model for RainInduced Slope Failures, Debris Flows, Floods and Multi-Hazards (ZHANG, Li Min) TANG, Yili, Managing mass transit congestion with Pareto-improving and revenue-neutral strategies (YANG, Hai) TARIQ, Salman, Failure Mechanisms in Water Infrastructure PublicPrivate Partnerships (ZHANG, Xueqing).

(29) WANG, Haiguang, Denitrifying Sulfur Conversion Associated Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (DS-EBPR) Process for HighTemperature, Saline Sewage Treatment (CHEN, Guanghao) WANG, Mingzhu, Automated Defect Detection, Condition Assessment and Management of Underground Sewer Pipe Systems using Computer Vision and Deep Learning Techniques (CHENG, Jack Chin Pang) WANG, Xueying, Tension-stiffening Fixed-angle Truss Models for RC Membrane Elements in Shear (KUANG, Jun Shang) XUE, Weiqi, Biological Treatment of Sulfate-laden Wastewater and Recovery of Bioactive Sulfated Polysaccharides (CHEN, Guanghao and HAO, Tianwei). LIU, Dongyu, Combining Automated Analysis with Interactive Visualizations for Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis (QU, Huamin) MAO, Yuchen, Resource Allocation in a Fair Manner (CHENG, Siu Wing) NTAFLOS, Eleftherios, Multi-Criteria Partitioning and Influence Maximization in Large Graphs (PAPADIAS, Dimitrios) QIU, Shuang, Parallelizing De Novo Assembly with Heterogeneous Processors (LUO, Qiong) RAJKHOWA, Pritom, VIAP − An Automated System for Verifying Integer Assignment Programs with Loops (LIN, Fangzhen) SHEN, Tianwei, Efficient and Accurate Data Association in Large-Scale Structure-From-Motion and Beyond (QUAN, Long). YAO, Jie, Multi-Scale Modeling of Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites Based on Beam Theory (LEUNG, Christopher Kin Ying). SHI, Xingjian, Exploring Deep Learning Architectures for Spatiotemporal Sequence Forecasting (YEUNG, Dit Yan). YASEEN, Sarah Abduljabbar Yaseen, Elucidation of Microstructural Features of Chemical Interaction of Graphene Derivatives with Calcium Bearing Phases in Hydrated Portland Cement (LI, Zongjin). SHU, Jiayu, Building Intelligent Mobile Camera Systems: Visual Privacy by Design Meets Social Interaction (HUI, Pan). ZHU, Fan, Multiscale Modeling of Grain Crushing in Granular Media (ZHAO, Jidong). Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science and Engineering CATTLE, Andrew Grant, Improving Humour Recognition Using Mental Lexicons, World Knowledge, and Joke Structure (MA, Xiaojuan) CHAN, Kai Ho, Spatio-Textual Data Analysis via Co-Location Mining and Collective Spatial Keyword Queries (WONG, Raymond Chi Wing) CHEN, Yu, Random Sampling and Size Estimation over Relational Joins (YI, Ke) CHEN, Yuanzhe, Visual Analytics of Temporal Event Data (QU, Huamin) CHEN, Zhourong, Learning Dynamic and Static Sparse Structures for Deep Neural Networks (ZHANG, Nevin Lianwen) GIANNAKOPOULOS, Konstantinos, Effective Topic Detection over Social Media (CHEN, Lei) HE, Mingming, Synthesizing Images and Videos from Large-Scale Datasets (SANDER, Pedro) HONG, Yu, Emotional Equalizer: An Emotion-Based Real-Time Music Arrangement System (HORNER, Andrew Brian) HOU, Lu, Network Compression via Quantization and Sparsification (KWOK, James Tin Yau) HU, Shuihai, Towards High Speed Data Center Network: Challenges and Solutions (CHEN, Kai) HU, Xiao, Massively Parallel Algorithms for Acyclic Joins (YI, Ke) KIM, Jindae, Automatic Patch Generation with Context-based Change Application (KIM, Sung Hun) KIM, Mi Jung,Towards Practical Automated Software Testing (KIM, Sung Hun and CHEUNG, Shing Chi) LEE, Lik Hang, Embodied Interaction on Constrained Interfaces of Wearable Computing (HUI, Pan). THANYADIT, Santawat, Mixed Reality for Collaborative Learning and Collaborative Problem Solving Environment (PONG, Ting Chuen) WANG, Yaqing, Learning Convolutional Sparse Representations (NI, Lionel Ming-Shuan and KWOK, James Tin Yau) WANG, Yue, Efficient Algorithms For Simrank Computation (CHEN, Lei) WANG, Zeyu, IoT Architecture Design: Network, Security and Application (ZHANG, Qian) WEN, Ming, Utilizing Code Change Information for Better Automated Debugging (CHEUNG, Shing Chi) WONG, Wang Kit, Optimization of User Association for Wireless Local Area Networks (CHAN, Gary Shueng Han) XIE, Min, Analyzing Data with Regret Minimization Query (WONG, Raymond Chi Wing) ZHANG, Hong, Towards Efficient and Practical Network Optimization for Big Data Analytics (CHEN, Kai) ZHANG, Wenxiao, Practical Mobile Edge Computing: In the Cases of Augmented and Virtual Reality (HUI, Pan) ZHAO, Huan, Enhancing Recommender Systems with Rich Side Information (LEE, Dik Lun) ZHAO, Xun, Visual Explanation of Black Box Algorithms on MultiDimensional Data (QU, Huamin and LEE, Dik Lun) ZHENG, Libin, Order Dispatch for Online Car-Hailing Services (CHEN, Lei) ZHENG, Shuai, Large Scale Optimization Methods for Machine Learning (KWOK, James Tin Yau). Doctor of Philosophy in Electronic and Computer Engineering ATTA, Muhammad Asim, Improving Robustness and Channel Length of Visible Light Based Optical Links for Low-SNR Transmitters (BERMAK, Amine). LI, Quan, Interactive Visual Analytics on Representation and Dynamics of Online Game Community (MA, Xiaojuan and QU, Huamin). AUGUIN, Nicolas Jean Leopold Pierre, Random Matrix Analysis of Gram Matrices and Large Robust Covariance Matrix Estimators with Applications (MCKAY, Matthew Robert and MORALES, David). LI, Shiwei, High-Fidelity Reconstruction and Semantic Understanding of Mesh Surface (QUAN, Long). BERTERO, Dario, Conversational Humor Recognition and Generation Through Deep Learning (FUNG, Pascale). LI, Siyi, Learning Perception and Control for Robot Intelligence (YEUNG, Dit Yan). CAI, Songfu, Estimation and Control over Wireless Communication Networks (LAU, Vincent Kin Nang). LI, Xiaopeng, Harnessing the Synergy between Neural and Probabilistic Machine Learning: Data Representations and Model Structures (ZHANG, Nevin Lianwen). CHEN, Shuyue, Crosstalk Reduction and Power Minimization in Optical Switching Networks (LEA, Chin-Tau). LIU, Bo, Transferable Bandit (YANG, Qiang). FENG, Liang, Architectural Exploration and Memory Management for Emerging CPU-FPGA Systems (ZHANG, Wei). 附 錄 APPENDICES. vi.



Write the following problem on the board: “What is the area of the largest rectangle that can be inscribed in a circle of radius 4?” Have one half of the class try to solve this

11[] If a and b are fixed numbers, find parametric equations for the curve that consists of all possible positions of the point P in the figure, using the angle (J as the

In a nonparametric setting, we discuss identifiability of the conditional and un- conditional survival and hazard functions when the survival times are subject to dependent

An alternative way to proceed would be to directly estimate that one of the unknown constants C 1 :::C 4 which is appropriate to the context (e.g. C 1 if we were using the excess

We propose two types of estimators of m(x) that improve the multivariate local linear regression estimator b m(x) in terms of reducing the asymptotic conditional variance while

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Conditional variance, local likelihood estimation, local linear estimation, log-transformation, variance reduction, volatility..

In the hydrologic cycle, water from oceans, lakes, swamps, rivers, plants, and even you, can turn into water vapor. Water vapor condenses into millions of tiny droplets that