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新 北 市 某 高 職 學 生 節 食 行 為 及 其

相 關 因 素 研 究






本研究旨在了解高職學生背景變項、體型意識及節食行為間的關係,期 能作為學校衛生工作之參考。本研究採橫斷式研究,以新北市某高職學生 (不含體育班及特教班)為研究對象,採分層集束抽樣法,以自編結構式問 卷為工具,共得有效問卷327份。主要發現如下:一、研究對象之體型屬過重 或肥胖者約占三成,而過輕者約占一成多。其社會支持以家人支持度最高, 師長的支持度最低。其受媒體的影響屬中低程度,其中以「明星身材」對其 影響最大。二、研究對象之體型意識為中等偏正向,但對自己體型偏不滿 意。男生、體型過輕者比女生、體型過重及肥胖者有較正向的體型意識。受 媒體影響愈大者,其體型意識愈負向。三、研究對象之節食行為並不嚴重, 以省略一餐及限制食量的行為居多。研究對象背景變項及體型意識預測節食 行為時,可解釋其總變異量的45.9%,主要預測變項為肥胖體型、媒體影響 健康促進與衛生教育學報 第 46 期,頁 93-122,2016 年 12 月

Journal of Health Promotion and Health Education No. 46, pp. 93-122, December 2016 * 國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系研究生 ** 國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系教授(通訊作者),E-mail: t09004@ ntnu.edu.tw 通訊地址:臺北市和平東路一段162號,聯絡電話:02-77341709 投稿日期:105年2月16日;修改日期:105年5月13日;接受日期:105年10月12日 DOI: 10.3966/207010632016120046004 04-4-趙婷蕙+陳政友_p093-122.indd 93 2017/2/10 下午 04:29:06





學報 第 46 期 及體型意識,且以「體型意識」最具影響力。以女生、過重及肥胖者、受社 會支持愈多者、受媒體影響愈大者、體型意識愈負向者,愈容易出現節食行 為。 根據研究結果,建議學校積極辦理體型意識與飲食行為相關課程活動, 以澄清刻板的體型意識、增進學生健康飲食行為。 關鍵詞:高職生、節食行為、體型意識 04-4-趙婷蕙+陳政友_p093-122.indd 94 2017/2/10 下午 04:29:06


趙婷蕙、陳政友 新北市某高職學生節食行為及其相關因素研究


參 考 文 獻


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趙婷蕙、陳政友 新北市某高職學生節食行為及其相關因素研究


Study on the Related Factors Contributing to

Dieting Behaviors among the Senior Vocational

School Students in New Taipei City, Taiwan

Ting-Hui Chao


Cheng-Yu Chen



This study aimed to explore the correlations of demography, body image and dieting behaviors among the senior vocational school students, provide school health job as a reference. By using a cross-sectional survey, the study population consisted of the students excluding sports classes and special education classes from one of the senior vocational schools in New Taipei City. The sample was generated using stratified cluster random sampling. Respondents were asked to complete a self-structured questionnaire, and a total number of 327 valid questionnaires were collected. The main results are as follows: 1. The body shape with approximately 30% of respondents belong to overweight and obesity, and more than 10% of respondents was underweight. The social support of respondents to the highest degree of family support, and teacher support was the lowest. The media affect to the respondents was medium-low level, which was most affected by acting star body shape. 2. Overall body image of respondents was medium level tend to positive, but not satisfied with their own body. Male students and underweight had a more positive body image than female students, overweight and

* Graduate Student, Department of Health Promotion and Education, National Taiwan Normal University

** Professor, Department of Health Promotion and Education, National Taiwan Normal University (Corresponding author), E-mail: t09004@ntnu.edu.tw





學報 第 46 期

obesity. The respondents by the media, and the greater affect, the more negative body image. 3. The dieting behaviors of respondents was not serious, more for skipping meals and reducing food intake. Personal background and body image can predict dieting behaviors which can explain 45.9% of the total variance. The main predictors were obesity, media affect and body image, and the most predict variance was body image. Female students, overweight and obesity, the more social support, the more media affect, and the more negative body image, the more prone to dieting behavior. Based on the finding, suggest that implementation of educational programs to enhance students body image and health dietary behaviors.

Key words: the senior vocational school students, dieting behavior, body image



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