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社群協同合作平台之推薦問題研究-以GitHub為例 - 政大學術集成


Academic year: 2021

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(1)↵À?ª'x«⌦—x˚ Department of Computer Science National Chengchi University ©Î÷á Master’s Thesis. >§T. \sK®¶OLv  GitHub ∫ã. A Study of Recommendations on Social Collaboration Platforms: Using GitHub as an Example.  v ⇢ P ⌥ Yà⇢!òZÎ ãÁ9ZÎ. -Ô⌘↵ ~ˆm t ] September 2017.

(2) 106. © Î ÷ á. > § T \ s  K ® ¶ O L  v \ Â GitHub ∫ ã. ? ª ' x « ⌦ — x ˚.  P.

(3) >§T.  GitHub ∫ã. \sK®¶OLv. A Study of Recommendations on Social Collaboration Platforms: Using GitHub as an Example v. ⇢. P. Student⇢Chia-Yu Tsui. ⌥ Yà⇢!òZÎ ãÁ9ZÎ Advisor⇢Dr. Ming-Feng Tsai, Dr. Chuan-Ju Wang. 立. ↵À?ª'x 治 «政 ⌦—x˚. 大. ©Î÷á. ‧. ‧ 國. 學 sit. y. Nat. A Thesis submitted to Department of Computer Science. n. er. io. National Chengchi University in partial afulfillment of the Requirements iv l C n forhthe i U e ndegree g c h of Master in Computer Science. -Ô⌘↵ ~ˆm t ] September 2017.

(4) Ù. v@Ñit( CLIP ÊW§. Ñx“0à⇢⇥ñHÅ. !ò. +⌥ãÁ9 + v ÊW§µxBfÜ⌘⇡↵_⇤ ì⌘⇡it ˝ (iM +Ñ0√Y ↵⇣w ( CLIP U /⌘Bx ØEÊÑit⇥Ê À. dÜ. +. Ñ1/ÊW§Ñxws◊ ⌥óÚ 治 政 大 ⇢Ñ∫⇥ Ñ /f⌘( mÂX⌦k©. Åy% ÷⌘U. 立. ‧ 國. ∫. v@it `⌘Ña⌘j4 Ô⌦˛ìk©⌘⌥yU⌘Ñ. 學. ⌥⌘ F S¸ÑÊW§}%4 çõÊ_Ô™õ!N⇥ å. _/‡∫ `⌘⌘M˝ ⇣w Ô⇥. . ‧. n. al. er. io. sit. y. Nat. ↵À?ª'x«⌦—x˚ September 2017. Ch. engchi. 1. i Un. v. P.

(5) \sK®¶OLv  GitHub ∫ã. >§T. -áXÅ ,÷á–˙ .(>§T\s GitHub ⌦Ñ®¶π’ )(>§ T\s⌦Ñ«⌦º⌃„_h ( Factorizaction Machines !1 FM ) ! ã-⇥ ñH ⌘⌘Ω÷ HÑT\‹¬ HgÑáW⌥↵✏º v \/yµ«⌦†e!ã-◆Ù 2 Â!ãÑ◆ÙPúªZ®¶⇥⌘ ⌘)( GitHub s⌦ ã|⇧ HÑL∫ ( Ç fàÑ _ ‹ Ë ã⌃/Ë/⌥¢{ ) ª˙Àã|⇧ H £U⇢ &" (⇧⌥ HÑ‹¬ÈcÜv\⌘⌘Ñx“Ó⇡⇥ …1⇡#Ñπ’ ⌘⌘ ≈˝ k©!ã6ÇÑ˝–G®¶ÑPú ⇡.✏N xœÑ¯<yµπ’ÑÔk©(⇧•¯0Ù⇢b⌘Ñi¡⇥(ÊW ÷/†eáWyµÑ/↵✏ºyµ ¯⇤º≥qÑ®¶π’T N˛ ⌘⌘(sGæ∫G< ( Mean Average Precision, MAP) Ïfi á ( Recall ) ⌥ F1 ⌃x ( F1 score ) ↵U0↵˝ ⇤*¿Ñh˛⇥ å ÊWPúo: (⇡.T\ã| HÑ GitHub >§T\s⌦ dÜ ,áW«⌦ ↵✏º«⌦(®¶⌦/Ù k©Ñyµ«⌦⇥. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. 2. i Un. v.

(6) A Study of Recommendations on Social Collaboration Platforms: Using GitHub as an Example. Abstract This paper proposes a recommendation approach based on Factorization Machines (FM) for GitHub, a social collaborative platform for program development. This work first extracts several features related to collaboration relationship and textual information within the project and the codes, and then incorporates the features into the FM model for training and learning. After the training, the learned models are utilized for recommendation. This work utilizes the behaviors of developers toward a project, such as the star labeling, watch, fork, and contribution, to establish the degree of interest of a developer toward the project. Then, the proposed approach follows the construction of User-Item matrix for conducting the FM learning process. This approach not only expedites the convergence speed and the accuracy of FM, but it also enables users to explore the objects from different aspects. In the experiments, we compare the proposed approach with the traditional collaboration filtering methods in terms of Mean Average Precision (MAP), Recall and F1 measures. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the traditional user-based and item-based collaboration filtering methods. Furthermore, the experiment shows that, for social collaboration platform for program development, the incorporation of code feature is of greater enhancement than textual feature in the task of recommendation.. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. 3. i Un. v.

(7) Ó⌅ Ù. 1. -áXÅ. 2. Abstract , ‡ À9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 vÓÑ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,å‡ ¯‹á{¢ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 ®¶˚q ( Recommendation Systems ) . . . . . . . 2.1.1 T N˛ ( Collaborative Filtering ) . . . . . 2.1.2 ˙ºgπN˛ ( Content-Based Filtering ) . 2.1.3 ˜ ãó’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 ⌃„_h ( Factorization Machines ) . . . . . . . . , ‡ vπ’. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 ,Ñ⌃„_h ( Standard Factorization Machine ) 3.2 >§T\sÑ®¶F∂ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 ˙ºgπyµ ( Content-based Feature ) . . . . . . 3.3.1 ,áWÑyµ«⌦ . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 ↵✏ºÑyµ«⌦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,€‡ ÊWPú⌥ ÷ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 ÊW-ö . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.1 «ôê∆ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.2 ÊW«ô∆ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.3 U0⌥⇡ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 >§T\s®¶˚q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.1 ˙ºT N˛Ñ®¶ . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 ⌃„_h†eáWyµ . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.3 ⌃„_h†e↵✏ºyµ . . . . . . . . . 4.2.4 ⌃„_h†eáWyµ⌥↵✏ºyµ . . . 4.3 O ¶,f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.1 ±⌘œÑ≠¶ k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2 !ã˜LÙ !x . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 ÊWPúK9ÑÕÅ'¢, . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 yµ⌦Õ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,î‡ P÷ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 立. 政 治 大. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. n. al. er. io. sit. Nat. y. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ch. engchi. 4. i Un. v. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 7 7 7 9 10 11 13 13 13 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 21 22 22 24.

(8) Ó⌅ 2.1 T. N˛Çı:✏. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.1 GitHub s⌦ HÑ £«⌦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 (⇧⌥i¡Ñ £U⌃ ⌥⇣-⌦Õ< . . . . . . 3.3 >§sÑ‹¬≤a ⌥(⇧åi¡Ñ‹¬ÈcI€ 3.4 H™ ሠREADME.ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 ↵✏º (˝✏´Gµ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 立. ‧ 國. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. 5. i Un. v. . . . . . .. ‧. «ôê∆∂À . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Awesome Python Logo . . . . . . . . . . . ±⌘œ≠¶ k ⌥ MAP U0Ñ‹¬Ú⁄ . . ±⌘œ≠¶ k ⌥ Recall U0Ñ‹¬Ú⁄ . ±⌘œ≠¶ k ⌥ F1 score U0Ñ‹¬Ú⁄ !ãÙ !x⌥ .U0π’Ñ‹¬Ú⁄. 學. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6. 政 治 大. . . . . . .. 4. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. 8 9 9 10 11. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. 14 14 19 20 20 21.

(9) hÓ⌅ h 3.1 ↵✏ºyµÑ˝✏´˙˛;áq x⁄ Top 10 . . . . . . . . . . . h 3.2 áWgπ ó TF-IDF ⌦Õ< Top 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 12. h 4.1 t‘ÊWPú . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h 4.2 T ¢,Pú . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h 4.3 ˝✏⌦Õ Top 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 22 23. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. 6. i Un. v.

(10) ,. ‡. À9 1.1. M. 政 治 大. 立. ‧ 國. ¡Í⇥⇡.✏NT Ñú} [11]. N˛Ñπ’. d∫®¶˚q-. (˙ºG-í¯·˚Ñ(⇧w. ¯. ^<. ∫≥qÑ\’⇥. ‧. Ê. 學. ®¶˚q⇠flÑv—tÜ÷óܯv↵¶Ñ2e $v/( 2006 t Netflix ' NKå⇥ÓMÑπ’'⇢˙º(⇧ìÑ·˚‹¬⌥Ù∫ [2, 12] (Ü–G®¶Ñ. ®W>§≤Ô ( Social Network ) T\s寋…( ( ãÇ⇢Github. y. sit. Ñ(⇧åi¡KìÑí’. er. H ( Repository ) ÜÊ˛⇥. io. \. Nat. Quora ) Ñ˙˛ (⇧ãÀ(>§≤ÔT\s⌦⌥v÷(⇧q Ê\ /⌃ ´Û’ ÂÊ˛q ÑÂ\Ó⇡⇥( Github ⌦ ⇡õq ÑÓ⇡⇢8✏Nq Ê. al. ⇢8≥T(⇧. ⇣u'Ñq v i n Ch ˇ [3, 6, 7] ⇥⌘⌘ÑÂ\2 e–˙(⇧" Ñá∆⌥üÀº ( Source code ) U i e h n g c N˛ ( Collaborative Filtering ) å ˜÷yµ &⌥⇡õÃoyµt 0≥qÑT ⇡#Ñ«⌦Ô˝⇤. T\≤Ô-Ñv÷(⇧. n. [(Ñqˇõ«⌦. ˙ºgπ ( Context-based ) Ñ®¶π’-⇥ ¯<'/T. N˛(®¶-Ñ8√Çı⇥fö(⇧úaÑi¡. É⌘˝. ⌃Ñ®¶(⇧v÷úaÑi¡⇥ i¡Kìѯ<↵¶Ô/✏N⇢.π✏2L ,œ ãÊ⌦ Ñ,œ¯<¶π’/ÔÂí‹Ñ⇥ãÇ º>§T\s . õ(⇧úa^<ÂX⇠flÑi¡. Ñi¡⇥⌘⌘ ˙p⇥d ß6 ûÊ. ¯<¶(. v÷(⇧Gúa^<ã|⇧®<. dbÑ«⌦äÜä⇢. ⌘⌘1ä. Ô˝–˙⇣üÑ. ¯<'Ñ«⌦◊0 a ( ãÇ⇢(⇧ /i¡ ) Ñyµ ( feature ) ↵“¶Ü↵ ⇡✏sW ↵ aÑhy'⇥ Qº⇡↵y' ⌘ÔÂ. ✏Nøt¯<¶«⌦ÑĪÜ˙À ↵⇢CÑ®¶˚q⇥ Çú¯<¶/9⁄i¡q´ ´ç∫/˙ºT ¯<. ¯. N˛Ñ!ã⇥ Ê. ¡sÑ∫xÜaœ πb. Çú(i¡(yµzì-,œ‹¬. G@ó0Ñ!ã⇢8´1∫˙ºgπÑ!ã⇥˜ 1. G@ó0Ñ!ãÔ ⌦Xi.ј. ✏!.

(11) ã_(á{-2Lv⇥y%/—tÜ˙˛Ü⌃„_h ( Factorization Machines ) [14] \∫˜ ✏®¶ [õÑF∂⇥✏NivÑyµ ⌃„_h˝ !ˇ1 ⇢˙ºT N˛ ˙ºgπN˛Ñó’⇥⌘⌘(á{-øÂ|˛ (˛ ˙º ⌃„_hÑπ’-. i¡. µ⌘œÜ,œ⇥6. (⇧Kìѯ<'⇢8✏Ni¡å(⇧h:Ñy. Êõ⌦ÔÂÈcÑb✏ró¯<Ñ«⌦⇥ (⌃„_hF∂. ↵ ÔÂ)(i¡-œ↵q ˙˛Ñ!✏ ( pattern ) ÜróÙ⇢«⌦⇥d ‡∫ Èch: ÅM Ñ–÷yµ⌘œÑ¯<'«⌦ @ÂÈch:Ô‘Æhh: ↵i¡Ù⇢Ñ«⌦ v✏N⌃„_h1˝ T⇣⇥. 1.2  v ÓÑ ∫Ü ˙Ü. 政 治 大. HÑ)(⇡õ>§T\s-(⇧[(ÑÑqˇ«⌦ (÷á-⌘⌘– .F∂ dF∂ÔÂ)(⇡õM Ñ«⌦Ü–G®¶˚qÑHú⇥⌘⌘✏. 立. N◆Ù!ãª⇣,(⇧⌥i¡ìí’[(Ñ‹¬' &˙º_h⌃„Ñπ’⇥. ‧ 國. £Ñ↵¶. ,á–˙ÑF∂↵. T. N˛. /®¶-. œ. œ↵(⇧. 學. ¡Ô˝. 2. ↵⇤„€´(Ñπ’. i. (6. y. ÔÂ9⁄(⇧ A ÑÂÄÑઓc. ˙À. sit. w‹o'⇥ ãÇ. N˛⇡↵b✏ÃåÑÇı/…1(⇧úa^<Ñi¡. Nat. ˙º(⇧ÑT. ‧. i¡Ñ✏ã /‹¬˝ÔÂ8ef®¶˚q⇥ T N˛Ñi. 8ãÑb✏/˙ º(⇧ ( User-based ) ÑT N˛ [5] ⌥˙ºi¡ ( Item-based ) ÑT N˛ [16]⇥ (⇧ A Ñ. ⌅Üö. er. io. ú} 6å✏N⇡õ«⌦Ü↵~0Ê ↵w ¯<ઓcÑ(⇧ B 6å⌥ (⇧ B àªi¡®¶f(⇧ A ⇥(⇧⌥(⇧ìÑT N˛'⇢(º®¶. al. n. iv n C i¡f(⇧ G˙ºi¡Ñ®¶ÔÂ✏N˙ºi¡ÑT hengchi U ¯<↵¶Ü®¶¯<⇤ÿÑi¡⇥. 2. N˛. ì1. ói¡.

(12) ,å‡ ¯‹á{¢ 政 治 大 T N˛/ ◊aŒ Ñ!ãK ⇥ T N˛!ãN˛âí ✏© ÕÅÑ«⌦ &›Y↵¯<w 立 ✏©Ñ!✏Ü⇣,(⇧L∫⌥ú}⇥—tÜ _hx“ÑÄS–õÜ [õ ®¶˚qÚì´„€Ñ((Fm-⇥(®¶!ãF∂-. ‧ 國. 學. Ñπ✏ܘL®¶ dÜT N˛⌥˙ºgπN˛Ñπ’ Ñ ⌥i.π’P ј ✏π’⇥(,¿- ⌘⌘9⁄ Ñ¿fi › ¯‹v2LøÂ⇥. ‧. N˛ ( Collaborative Filtering ) å˙ºgπ. er. io. ≥qÑ®¶π’ÔÂ⌃∫i'^⇢T. sit. y. Nat. 2.1 ® ¶ ˚ q ( Recommendation Systems ). n. a l ) ⇥ 1⇢W ÑFm®¶˚q˝/˙º⇡õπ’ ÑN˛ ( Content-Based Filtering iv n C Ç Youtube Amazon [4, 10] (Ñπ’⇥ ÷Â⌦i.≥ h e n g c(⇡↵✏¿⌘⌘⌃% hi U qÑπ’. ✏N›Y⇡#i.π’Ñ*fiÜí‹ü. Ñ. ≥. ˆ8˙. .˜. . ó’⇥. 2.1.1 T T. N˛ ( Collaborative Filtering ). N˛Ñπ’/6∆'œ. ‹(⇧ÑL∫. ˙º^<Ñ(⇧ª⇣,v÷. (⇧Ô˝_ £Ñ⌦o⇥⇡.π’˙º(⇧Nª £ /O} ªG-* ÜÑ(⇧(^<ãi⌦ÑL∫h˛ [17] ⇥1⇢ó’(º®,®¶˚q-( ⇧⌥i¡KìÑ‹¬⇥ ãÇ fi(º. s⌘⌘. k ↵¯—Ñ0E ( k-nearest neighbor ) ⇥T. Ü„(⇧⌥i¡Ñgπ⌦o. N˛*. ⌘⌘Õ6ÔÂ2L®¶⇥ ã. Ç Û⇥®¶ ‚⌘⌘ Ü„Û⇥Ñgπ ⌘⌘ù6ÔÂ⌘(⇧®¶≠>⇧ Æ⇥Çı/H1>§s⌦ (⇧⌥i¡KìÑú}‹¬˙Àw>§≤Ô ç⌥≤Ô. 1(⇧⌥i¡ÑÈch:. å↵~⌥´®¶(⇧¡ 3. ¯. ú}.

(13) 2.1: T. Ñ(⇧ &⌥d(⇧(´®¶ / 5(⇧ ˚q £Ñ‹¬. N˛Çı:✏. aí Ñú}Ü2L®¶⇥Ç ( 2.1 ) ⇡ - q A B iM(⇧⌥ X Y Z. 政 治 大 Ë˚q ⌘⌘ÔÂ↵0 A B iM(⇧˝ X Y ˚q £ ⌘⌘˝ ⌥ 立 ⇡iM(⇧ñ∫¡ ^< £Ñ(⇧ &ùT N˛ÑÇı⌥ A £Ñ˚. ‧ 國. ˙ ºg πN ˛ ( Content-Based Filtering ). Nat. y. ‧. 2.1.2. 學. q Z ®¶f B (⇧⇥. ⌘⌘˜÷i¡-. al. (w. £Ñ∞i¡. /⌫. Çı^<. er. N˛⇥F(N↵-. n. T. £Ñi¡ª®¶(⇧_Ô˝. io. fùg(⇧Nª. sit. ˙ºgπN˛;Å/✏Ni¡Ñgπ«⌦Ü2L®¶⇥ ˙ºgπN˛Ó⇡. √⇤˘<Ñyµ ( Ç:áW⌦. i Un. v. o...II ) I€⇣⌘œzìÑyµh:b✏⇥6å ⌘⌘✏N i¡ÑU⌃Ü ˙À˙ ↵ì(⇧" Ñi¡⌫h⇥⇢N⇡õyµ⌘œÑ⌦oª↵~ ¯<y. Ch. engchi. µÑi¡ ⌥⇡#Ñ∞i¡ñ∫(⇧Ô˝. 2.1.3 ˜. ãó’. ‡∫˙ºáWgπN˛Ñπ’/˙º(⇧ (⇧NªÑ(ìW ⇧ѧíqˇ⇥Ê P ÜT. £Ñi¡2L®¶⇥. i¡↵%«⌦. É:O⇤nv÷. ‡d:O ºi¡Íœ ®< ¿fi⌥^<(ìW( É:⌘(⇧Ñ↵'U0⇥∫Ü„zÂ⌦⇡õ:fi ✏N. N˛Ñπ’ó0Ü9Ñ. (⌘⌘ÑÊWv-. Ù2. ¡ ( item-item ) ⇢Û/(⇧. ‡. M ˙ܘ. ãÑó’⇥. e¢v(⇧⌥(⇧ ( user-user ). i¡⌥i. i¡ ( user-item ) ѧ틬⇥ ✏NT. N˛Ñπ. ✏ ˙Àw(⇧⌥(⇧ì1i¡˙ÀwÜÑ⌥‹‹¬ †⌦˙ºgπN˛Ñ Çı û-˜÷˙ÕÅw qˇõÑyµ†e!ã◆Ùv- ó⌘⌘Ñ®¶ 4.

(14) Pú ÙSäÑh˛⇥ '⇢ —ј ãó’Ñv ˝/⌥T N˛⌥˙ºgπN˛Ñπ’P ⇥T N˛ÑÓÑ/N˛â ⇢∫åx⁄êKìÑT\Ñ⌦o !✏ ( patterns ) ⇥ ⌃„_h/ÓM ÄS. ‡∫É. H2Ñπ’K. ≈˝. !ÏT. [14] ⇥ró’Úì⇣∫®¶˚q-;AÑ. N˛Ñπ’. Ù˝. πøÑ⌥©«⌦†e!. ã-x“⇥. 2.2. ⌃„ _ h ( Factorization Machines ). (⌃„_h-. ↵Ü⇠⌅(⇧⌥i¡KìÑ^%. ⇢% ( (⌘⌘Ñπ’. £Ñ↵¶ ) Ñ‹¬Èc⇥ 1º'⇢>§⌦Ñx⁄. ö©∫. è Ùí U 治 政 ↵§íÈcÜh:*ÂÑI⇢⇥ ⇢⇥ ∫ÜK ⇡↵OL ⌃„_h" ãÇ 大 (⇧ A }ÜÛ⇥ X Fí立}Û⇥ Y §íÈcÔÂ!Ï@ (⇧å@ i ⌃„_hÔÂ⇠O(⇧ A. F∂. Û⇥ Y. £⇥ 9⁄⇡↵. 學. ‧ 國. ¡KìÑI⇢⇥ 6å. ⌘⌘ÔÂ1(⇧⌥i¡Ñ‹¬ÈcÜh:>§≤a⇥⌘⌘⌥U⇢ñ∫. (⇧åi¡KìÑ‹¬⇥ ãÇ. Çú(⇧ A úa q´ÜÍ(⇧ B ÑÛ⇥. er. ⌥(⇧. )# ) Ü!Ï. '⇢x˙ºÈc‡P⌃„ ( Matrix Factorization ) ÑÄS. io. (⇧L∫⇥˛ . û⌅✏⌅#Ñ«⌦ ( ãÇ⇢Mn. sit. Nat. 1⇢v [9, 13, 18, 19] f. y. ‧. G⌘⌘((⇧⌥i¡Ñ‹¬Èc-⇠⌅⇥ €Âq™ ⇡✏sW(⇧ B ✏Nr Û⇥qˇÜ(⇧ A ⌘⌘ç∫§íÈc!ÏÑ˘</(º[(Ñqˇõ⇥. al. i¡ÑÈcÙc⇣5œb✏ ( [(⇧,i¡,⌦↵á]. É. CD⇣ ) (º. n. iv ⌦↵᮶⇥,á⌫f✏N(⇧ n C h ⇣ÑáW⌦o⌥(>§T\s⌦Ñí’‹ e n g c h i U ⌃„_h ( Factorization ¬˙!⇥ ∫d ⌘⌘°(˙ºÈc‡P⌃„Ñó’ Machine ) [15] \∫⌘⌘Ñx“F∂ ãÇ. û>§T\s⌦. ÉÔÂûpÍÑÜê-–÷'œÑyµ⇥. i¡(T\s⌦Ñ´ö©⇠flyµå¯‹áWyµ. ⌦o⇥ ⌃„_hÚ´I ã⇥ ãÇ e(º*. /—tÜ⌅.®¶˚Ÿ [9] ↵. Jason et al. [19] vÜ‹º✏NbO. H;w. ˆ-õÑ!. ⌘(⇧®¶i¡ÑOL. &. чP!ã⇥ Istv´an et al. [13] °(˙ºÈc‡P⌃„Ñπ’. (. Netflix Prize x⁄∆⌦°(!ÆÑU⌃å⇣,⇥ÔÂ|˛ ⌥⌃„_h^<Ñ!ã 8ãÑOL/ Å ˚ŸÕ∞- ⇣,!ã˚Ÿ⇥∫Ü„z⇡↵OL Rendle œ Ü. ↵1∫ libFM [15] Ñ⇢(F∂. É˝. ⇣üÑ!ã⇥Ç [15] @: libFM ÇÏܲ. ✏Nyµì⌃„_h!Ï1⇢v÷ Ñπ’. Ç⇡ñÈc⌃„ Pairwise. Interaction Tensor Factorization å SVD ( Singular Value Decomposition ) ++⇥ Liangjie et al. [8] Ó9ÜüÀ!ã  B⇢πbU⌃x⁄∆⇥ ¯⇤K↵ (⇡⇧Â\ -. ⌘⌘Ó⇡/⌥¯<'«⌦ue libFM 5. ⇤. F∂2LÕ'ÓÜ9›Y.

(15) libFM Ñ*fi⇥. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. 6. i Un. v.

(16) ,. ‡. vπ’ ⌘⌘–˙Ñπ’. 2. ÓÑ⇥Â↵⌘⌘2. et. 政 治 大 ,Ñ⌃„_h ( Factorization Machine ). ¯<⌦o⌥F∂ÜUI¯<Ñ!✏ ( pattern ) ÜT0. 立. eÑœ. ⌘⌘π’å( FM Ñ®¶F∂ W2. º. eÑ™ ⇥. ‧ 國. 學. , Ñ ⌃ „ _ h ( Standard Factorization Machine ). ‧. Nat. ⌃„_h ( FM ) ÔÂ✏N⌅.^ÑyµÜT0 ѧí⌦Õ. io. al. n. !Ïœ. y. ,Ü™Ñ⌃„_hÔö©∫: u X. u X u X. i i=1 j=i+1 n C i=1 U hengchi. yˆ(x) = w0 + v-ˆ y ∫Ó⇡˝x. x“. sit. yµKì@. ,⌃„!ãÑHú⇥É˝. er. 3.1. &. w i xi +. w0 ∫h@OÓ ( global bias ). v. (3.1). wˆij xi xj ,. wi /yµ< xi Ñ⌦Õ. yµ<Kìѧí\(⇥§í\(Ñ√x wˆij Ô´⌃„⇣⇣. G wˆij. ѧí√. x wˆij =< vi , vj >=. k X. (3.2). vif vjf .. f =1. §í¯√xG/∫iù±⌘œ vi ⌥ vj ÑgM. ±⌘œ≠¶ k zö!ãÑ⌥‹↵. ¶⇥ ⌃„_h ( FM ) –˙Ù}ÑF∂(®¶OL⌦ ⌥ ,Èc⌃„ Ñ/ ÉÔÂÙπ◆цe Ñyµ<&–G®¶Hú⇥ ⌃„_h ( FM ) Ñ0¿À√ ⇤ [15] ⇥. 3.2 T. >§T\sÑ®¶F∂ N˛/®¶˚q8´°(ÑÄS⇥(⌘⌘ÑÂ\7. ›. T. N˛Ñ*‚⌥.

(17) ˙º⌃„!ãP. ⇥1º⌃„_hw. û(⇧å⇧Ó-–÷˙⌦o Le0yµ⌘œ-⇥. o}Ñ8eyµ˙!F∂. ⇡.π✏w. T. ⌘⌘ÔÂÙ•. N˛^<ÑÇı. ÔÂπ◆Ñ. ⌘⌘–˙(>§T\s ( Github ) ✏Ni¡ ( repository ) Ñ⌦oª˙À (⇧⌥i¡KìÑ‹¬Èc⇥&⌥⇡↵‹¬Ècv\!ã◆ÙBÑÓ⇡<⇥ ( Github Ñ>§T\s⌦ ( 3.3 ) ⇧+Â↵€⇧:. ⌘⌘x«Ü!Ï(⇧. £U⇢Ñi¡Ñ⌦o. Ç. 政 治 大. 立. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. Ch. • Star⇢(⇧Ô i¡fà. engchi. £«⌦. er. io. al. HÑ. sit. y. Nat 3.1: GitHub s⌦. i Un. v. ⇥ãÇ>§s⌦Ñfiö⇥. • Watch⇢(⇧Ô i¡fi ‹Ë⇥ãÇ>§s⌦Ñ˝dºá⇥ • Fork⇢(⇧Ô i¡ã⌃/0ÍÒÑzì↵2LÓ9 • Contribute⇢(⇧Ô çÔ⇣∫¢{⇧⇥. ⌘⌘ç∫(⇧dÜfi  Star. Ë/⇥. i¡⌦≥ÍÒÓ9ÑGµ↵✏º. Fork. / Watch ⇡õ⇤˝. &✏Nü\⇧. h:(⇧. i¡. £Â (>§s⌦ÑÑT\‹¬_˝ h:(⇧ i¡ ( repository ) –.↵¶ ⌦Ñ £ (⌘⌘ÑF∂-M Ñ⇤n0⇡.(⇧✏Ni¡ÑT\ ‹¬ÜhT–.↵¶⌦Ñú}⇥⌥⇡#Ñ«⌦†e⌘⌘Ñ!ã ¶ Âk©!ãÑx“⇥ ⌘⌘⌥(⇧ F (i, j) =. ⇥ si,j +. û†«⌦ÑPÃ. £ÑÑ↵¶ö©Ç↵⇢. ⇥ wi,j + ⇥ fi,j + ✏ ⇥ ci,j 8. (3.3).

(18) v F (i, j) ∫(⇧ i. j i¡Ñ. £↵¶. s, w, f, c ⌃%∫ Star, Watch, Fork,. Contribute Ñ⇤ó< ( i¡ j í dL∫ ) ⌦Õx< Üøt⌅⇧⌦o7¶⇥Ç ( 3.5 ). , , , ✏ Â⌦€⇧↵%Ñ. Ê. User. Star (0, 1). Watch (0, 1). Fork (0, 1). 3.2: (⇧⌥i¡Ñ. £U⌃. Contribute (0, 1). ⌥⇣-⌦Õ<. 政 治 大 vu ∫, i ↵(⇧ r. )(Â⌦>§s⌦Ñ⌦o. ∫,j↵i¡ ⌘⌘˝ 立 ⌥⌘⌘ÑÓ⇡‹¬ÈcgπÑö©Ç↵⇢ ⌘⌘✏N>§T\s⌦o˙À‹¬ ç1 ( l✏3.3 ) ⌥‹¬. ‧ 國. 3.3 (a) ). j. I€⇣‹¬Èc (. 學. Ç(. i. ¬Èc⌥∫⌘⌘Ñx“Ó⇡Èc⇥. Ch. Repository #4. y engchi. r1. r2. r3. r4. r5. er. n. User3. F (i, j). Repository #3. sit. Repository #2. al. ⇡‹. ‧. io. User2. Nat. User1. Repository #1. 3.3 (b) ). 1. 0. 1. 0. 0. 2. 0. 3. 0. 2. 0. u3. 1. 0. 0. 1. 2. u4. 0. 1. 0. 4. 0. u1. ui n U. v. User4 Repository #5 (a). (b). 3.3: >§sÑ‹¬≤a ⌥(⇧åi¡Ñ‹¬ÈcI€. 3.3. ˙ º g π y µ ( Content-based Feature ). ( libFM Ñ!ãF∂↵ Í› T N˛ÑHú⌥y' Ù˝ Ñ((⌃„_ hF∂↵o}8eyµÑy'⇥ Â↵i↵✏¿⌘⌘⌃%À9(⌘⌘ÑÂ\-i. Ñ˙ºgπ ( Content-based ) yµ. ⌃% ↵✏ºyµ⌥ ,ÑáWyµ⇥ 9.

(19) ,áWÑyµ«⌦. 政 治 大 H™. ሠREADME.ed. ‧ ⇣áWyµ†e!ã-x“. io. F(>§T\s⌦ Github ÑáW⌦o¯⇤í. al. ⌘⌘ç∫/. sit. 3.4 ) ⇥ ⌥⇡õ1(⇧. ⇣ÑáW⌦o/)(À9i¡ü˝ÑáWî. y. (⇧. Nat. (⌘⌘Ñ«ô∆-. 3.4:. 學. ‧ 國. 立. Ç(. k©Ñ⇥. ‡’⌥èƒÑ⇥ (üÀ«ô⌘⌘. er. 3.3.1. v. n. ≈ H⌥ õ‹⌦ì1MU⌃ªd Çcèh:’ ( Regular Expression ) ªd \(W ( Stopword ) ⌥W9Ñü ( Stemming ) Iπ’⇥ç✏N^; ( Term Frequency,. Ch. engchi. i Un. TF ) ⌥⌃⌘áˆ;á ( Inverse Document Frequency, IDF ) \Æ ^Ñ⌃x ö©∫ tf (t, d) ⇥ idf (t, d) tf (t, d) =. ó TF-IDF ⌦ÕÜv. Ç↵⇢. f (w, d) , max{f (w, d : w 2 d}. idf (t, d) = log. (3.4). |D| , | {d 2 D : t 2 d} |. D ∫«ô∆g=á,∆⇥TF-IDF ⌦Õ/. (3.5). .Kº«ô¢" ( Information Retrieval. ) åáW¢ÿ ( Text Mining ) -8(ц⌦ÄS⇥É/. .q. π’. (ºU0. Æ W^ ºá∆ ↵ûô´- Æ á,ÕÅ↵¶⇥W^ÑÕÅ'⇤®WÉ ˙˛Ñ!x⇣c‘ûw F B⇤®WÉ(á∆-˙˛Ñ;áÕ‘↵M⇥ TF-IDF ⌦Õ8´⌧↵. ŒK( \∫á,⌥(⇧K쯋↵¶ÑU⇢⇥. (⌘⌘ÑÂ\-. ⌥✏N TF-IDF ⌦Õ⌃xª. (á∆gW^Ñ TF-IDF ⌦Õ⌃x. ósG 10. á∆-ÑW^Zíè. &). v\Èxyµ<ÑĪ⇥ ⌥ TF-IDF.

(20) ⌦ÕÿºÄª<Â⌦ÑÜv\⌘⌘ÑáWyµ. ⌥⇡õyµ⌘œ†e!ãx“Ü. –G®¶Pú⇥. ↵✏ºÑyµ«⌦. 立. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. n. al. er. io. sit. Nat. 3.5: ↵✏º (˝✏´Gµ. y. 3.3.2. i Un. v. (⌘⌘Ñv- –˙Üà £Ñπ’˙Àyµªœ⌘⌘Ñ(⇧⌥i¡⇥( >§T\s Github ⌦ ;Å/⌃´(⇧ÍÒÑ∞Î /Ê\ÑüÀº ⌘⌘. Ch. engchi. ç∫⇡õ1(⇧⌃´˙ÜÑüÀº Ëo. –.↵¶⌦_/. ì1⇡õ↵✏û ¡Ñyµ⇥. Ñgπ. ÷6. õ⇡ñÑ<✏⌥P6 ª¿fl(⇧Ñ“c. (⇡⌘⌘ª¿fl˙(⇧(∞Î↵✏û ã⇥ Python / Î. ↵¡. /∫^Ñù⇢û. 7'˝✏´Ñ↵✏û. ¯⇤w. F1º≈. ,áWÙ∫¥9⇥. …dªvZœ(⇧. ⌦Ñ“c. ˝ /i. (⇡·⌘⌘ Python ∫. (∞ÎB˝. ✏N˝✏´Ñ|Î. Ñ„zOL⇥ (⌘⌘ÑÂ\- ⌘⌘)( Python ⇡#ÿ;á(˝✏´Ñy. ' ˜÷œ↵ H-(NÑ˝✏´Ñ;á  Bag of work Ñπ✏˙À↵✏º Ñyµ⌘œ Z∫k©⌘⌘!ãx“Ñyµ«⌦⇥ ⌘⌘. ó«ô∆g@. ˝✏´v⌘⌘Ñ↵✏ºyµ. ˝✏´sG˙˛;áv\ÈxĪ. ⌘xÿºÄªÑ. ç✏N⇡#Ñyµ⌘œªh:(⇧. å⌥⇡.↵✏ºÑgπyµ†e!ã-x“Ü–G!ãx“ÑHú⇥. 11. /i¡.

(21) Library. ;á. pytest re datetime time collections json unittest logging bcbio.pipeline functools. 414 404 368 328 317 310 281 257 219 208. h 3.1: ↵✏ºyµÑ˝✏´˙˛;áq x⁄ Top 10 tf-idf 治weight 政 ycm 448.309 大. Text. io. y. sit. zappa vim schema path aw classdocutil http codeblock. ‧. Nat. 316.834 297.436 243.761 240.300 228.494 214.995 213.378 197.448 189.652. 學. ‧ 國. 立 ndash. n. al. er. h 3.2: áWgπ ó TF-IDF ⌦Õ< Top 10. Ch. engchi. 12. i Un. v.

(22) ,€‡ ÊWPú⌥. 4.1.1. «ôê∆. 政 治 大. 立. ‧ 國. ÊW-ö. 學. 4.1. ÷. ‧. ⌘⌘ÑÊW/û>§T\s - Github1 ⌦6∆Ñ˛Êx⁄«ô⇥ Github / N git ⌥‰2LH,ß6Ñfl‘üÀº„° Ÿs⇥Github ⌥ÍÒ∞ÎÑ. º↵✏ã|⇧/↵. H✏N2Xh ( repository ) ⌥üÀ. y. ã|⇧˝. Nat. 3ü˝sÑs. ↵✏. sit. al. HÑb✏√⌥ã|. n. ã|⇧Ñ. &ÔÂ✏NT\:✏. Ch. ã| &˝d ∞Ñ©;H,⇥. engchi. ÊWÑ«ô∆/Hì1 Git Awards2. er. io. º⌃´(s⌦ ìv÷ã|⇧√⇤ /T\ã| å⇣ H⇥Ê s⌦ Ñ–õÜ ˚⌫ (Ñü˝ ãÇfö fl® U÷⇥ã|⇧ÔÂ✏N⌥;v÷. v. Ü¢ñ⇢⌘ã|⇧√⌥Ü. i Un. Git Awards /. ↵✏N Github ã|⇧í. Ñ≤Ÿ⇥/ùgã|⇧ HÑ Star x✏N ( l✏4.1 ) óU⌃ ç⌥ã|⇧ù 0@ /û ⌃Ä%^ågU⌃íè ⇡· S(u) h:ã|⇧ u ( Git Awards ⌦Ñ U⌃ S(u) =. n X. si + (1.0. i. si ∫ u ã|⇧, i ↵ í. ªd⇠‘DT. HÑ Star x. 1.0 ) n. (4.1). G i = 1, 2, 3...., n⇥ ⌘⌘⌥≤Ÿ⌦Ñ Python. ~˙ Github ⌦ Python (. Lí. Ñ Top 30 ã|⇧ ( ,á-. –0Ñ Top 30 Ü ⇧+⇠‘DT ∫h⇤í ) &⌥⇡õã|⇧v\⌘⌘, «ôÑ.P ( seed ) ✏N Github API v33 ªì÷id(⇧⌥ HÑ«ô⇥, d∫ Git Awards ⌦ Python ( Lí. Ñ Top 30 ã|⇧⌥ã|⇧ÍÒ¡. 1. http://github.com http://git-awards.com 3 https://developer.github.com/v3/ 2. 13. Ñ H.

(23) Repository owner (1st floor). User. Repository #1. Contributor (2nd floor). Repository #2. Repository #3. …… ……. Repository #n. User. Repository #1. Repository #3. Repository #2. ……. …… ……. Repository #n. 4.1: «ôê∆∂À. çû⇡õ Ñ«ô∆g. H-Ñ¢{⇧⌥¢{⇧Ñ ,. 4.1 )⇥ (⌘⌘. 1000 H çû⇡ 1000 ↵ H↵Ñ 治 政 H⇥ t↵«ô∆ q 大 10841 ↵ã|⇧å 55325 ↵ã 立. d Top 30 Ñã|⇧q¡. 10841 ¢{⇧ª,ådÑ | H⇥. ‧ 國. 學. 4.1.2. Ç(. Hv⌘⌘Ñ,åd. ÊW«ô∆. ‧. y. áÑèö⇥∫ÜM. õ. ≈Å⇢⇠Ñ. sit. HÑ«ô&í. Nat. ⌘⌘∫Ü6∆0⇡õ(1 Python Top 30 ã|⇧ \‹¬ó¢{⇧ (M ✏¿ ™ Ü⌘⌘6∆«ôÑπ’⇥F1º Github s⌦ ºX>⌥⌃´(2XhH. ⌘⌘√g1. n. al. er. io. Github ⌦ã|⇧T\Ë/Ñ Awesome Python 4 ⇥⌘⌘⌥ Awesome Python -. ´⌃. v. ´( Github s⌦2Xh-Ñ HÈxâ &ûÈxåÑ Hª‘ X(⌘⌘ ê∆Ñ«ô- H⌥T\ã|⇧⇥(⌘⌘Ñ6∆«ô- qµÀÜ 143 ↵ H   1972 Mã|⇧ ¬Èc. Ch. engchi. i Un. ⌘⌘⌥✏N⇡õ 1972 Mã|⇧⌥ 143 ↵. –õ!ã◆Ù⇥ (⇡ 1972 ã|⇧-. µÀ⌘⌘6∆«ôÑ.P ( Python. Top 30 developer ) ⌥ 143 ↵X>vM Python ±Ä˝✏´Ñ ⇡#6∆«ô⌥ÈxÑπ’ ⌘⌘›YÜ(>§s⌦à •N˛â ’. õ⇢⇠Ñ. (⌘⌘ÑÊW-. H⇥(⌘⌘Â\ÑÕŧ틬 ì. H⇥(↵↵✏¿⌘⌘⌥À9~↵8´((®¶⌦ÑU0π ⌘⌥✏N⇡õU0π’I. ⌘⌘Ñπ’/. ˛⇥ 4. Hª˙À⌘⌘Ñ‹. https://awesome-python.com. 4.2: Awesome Python Logo. 14. ⇤˙rÑh.

(24) 4.1.3. U0⌥⇡. ⌘⌘°(Ü. .‘⇤´8ˇÜU0®¶PúÑπ’⇢M k ↵sGæ∫G< ( Mean. Average Precisioni, MAP ). Ïfiá ( Recall ) å F1 ⌃x ( F1 score ) ⇥. œ↵ã|. ⇧ ‰ P (k) ∫M k ↵æ∫¶ ( Precision @k ) : Pk p=1 P (k) ⇥ ruo(p) AP (u, o) = , I(u) h:i¡ i ( o ⌫h-´íè(, p ↵Mn. £ ( / = 1, & = 0 ) ⇥ M k ↵sGæ∫G<Ñl✏Ç↵⇢ PU AP (u, o) M AP @k = u=1 , U. H i /&. v- U h:ã|⇧Ñ∆ Ñh˛⇥. 政 治 大 h:(®¶æ¶⌦. ⇥ k ↵sGæ∫G<äÿ. 立. Ïfiá/(U0®¶˙ÜÑ. H-. clº´ã|⇧. ‧ 國. £Ñ |. H∆. ⌥®¶Ñ. Nat. H∆. §∆xœ. Ù}. /úaÑx. ⇡✏s⇧®¶˙ÜÑ/ã|⇧. (4.4). ⌃ÕG/(⇧. Êúa. io. sit. Hx⇥ ÿÏfiá. H⇥. (4.3). £Ñ. er. £Ñ. H | \ | ®¶Ñ H | , £Ñ H |. ‧. |. Recall = ⌃P∫(⇧. £. º. 學. œ⇥ ól✏Ç↵⇢. £Ñ. rui h:ã|⇧ u. y. v o(p) = i. (4.2). al. n. iv ( Binary C/hF1 ⌃x /(qU n⌃ê-å26⌃^ Classification ) Ñæ∫¶,œ⇥É✏Næ∫¶åÏfiáÜ óåó0 Ô™ F ¶ engchi F ¶œ. ⌘⌘»1 F ⌃x. œ/æ∫¶åÏfiáÑsG< l✏Ç↵⇢ F1 = 2 ⇥  1 => F1 >= 0⇥1 ∫ }. P recision ⇥ Recall , P recision + Recall. (4.5). G 0 ∫ Ó⇥. (ÊW- ⌘⌘‘⇤≥qÑ®¶π’⌥⌘⌘®¶F∂↵ÑÓp çì1Â⌦ –0Ñ .(®¶⌦8ãÑU0⇡ñ ªI (⌃„_hÑF∂↵†egπyµ å. oÑ–ÿ®¶Pú. ∫˙r⇥. 4.2 > § T \ s  ®¶ ˚ q (,¿-. ⌘⌘⌥Õfi>(À9ÇU✏N>§s⌦Ñã|⇧ÑL∫«⌦ª◆Ù. !ã⇥(ÊW-⌘⌘⌥û. Ñ“¶⌥π’Ü–G®¶ÑPú⇥ 15.

(25) 4.2.1. ˙ºT. (⌘⌘ÊWv-. N˛Ñ®¶ ↵U0ÑÕfi. /⌥⌘⌘(>§s⌦Ñ«ô. Ñπ’Z®¶⇥⌘⌘⌥⌃„_h⌥Â↵i.≥qT (⇧ ( User-based ) ÑT. ✏NT. N˛. N˛Ñπ’2L‘⇤⇢ ˙º. N˛å˙ºi¡ ( Item-based ) ÑT. N˛⇥Â↵œ. ⇡õπ’Ñ;ÅÇıÀÛ⇥ • User-based⇢⇡↵π’/⌥(>§s⌦ ⌦. @. &↵~¯<L∫ѧ‘⌥ã|⇧Ñ∆. ã|⇧|d¯<'2L† ( ã|⇧Kìw. ÿ¯<¶ ). ⇥ É√g¯<ѧ‘ /ã|⇧ª2L⇣, U⌃⇥‰ R(u) /1ã|⇧ u £ HÑ∆ ⇥ã|⇧ u åã|⇧ v ѯ<¶ óÇ↵⇢ R(u) \ R(v) | R(i) |↵ | R(j) |1. , 政 治 大. su,v =. 立. v ↵ 2 [0, 1] ∫øt√x⇥. (4.6). ↵. ‧ 國. óÇ↵⇢. io. (4.7). y. £Ñ∆ ⇥. n. al. º Hi. ↵,. sit. Nat. v- U (i) ∫Íõã|⇧. U (u) \ U (v) | U (i) |↵ | U (j) |1. ‧. su,v =. er. H¯<¶. 學. • Item-based⇢⇡↵π’⌥˙º(⇧ÑT N˛^< F a ⇥É/ ó HKìѯ<' &9⁄ã|⇧Nªú} £Ñ H2LU⌃⇥. i Un. v. 9⁄ MSD (Million Songs Dataset) ⌘0 [1] -ÑPú ⌘⌘⌥˙(⇧ÑT N˛å˙ºi¡ÑT N˛-ö ↵ = 0.5 ⇥ h-⌫˙ÜM k ↵sGæ∫¶ Ïfi áå F ¶œ. Ch. eÑPú⇥Çh@:. N˛Ñπ’<N˝. ⌃. engchi. ⌘⌘ÔÂ↵0dÜ®_Ñ˙ñK. @. T. M k ↵sGæ∫¶˝=( 0.25 0 0.45 Kì⇥û-⌘⌘. ÔÂ|˛ ÷6˙ºi¡ÑT N˛(M k ↵sGæ∫ h˛ ∫Å˙ ⇢Ûÿº ⌘⌘ÑF∂˙ ⌃„_h F⌃„_h(Ïfiá⌥ F ¶œÕ ⇤˙rÑh˛⇥( ⌘⌘ÑÂ\-x«⌃„_h∫⌘⌘ÑF∂˙ Ùπ◆цeM. /QºÉ¯⇤w≥qÑπ’ÔÂ. Ñyµ<«⌦–G®¶Hú⇥(•↵Ü✏¿. _h⇡↵y'ª7 ⌘⌘Ñ!ã. ⌘⌘⌥✏N⌃„. &ó⌘⌘ÑPú ↵¶⌦Ñ–G⇥. 4.2.2 ⌃ „_ h† eá W yµ (,á- ( 3.3.1¿ ) –0Ü⌘⌘(˙ºgπÑáWyµ (⇧Ñ™. ሠ( README.rd ) -ÑáW«⌦Üv\. ⌘«ô∆-@. HÑ(⇧™. áˆ˙ÀwáW" 16. /ê∆ã|⇧. H–õ. HÑáWyµ⇥ ñH⌘ ç✏N". ª˙Àœ↵.

(26) HÑáWyµ⌘œ⇥ T\‹¬ Ù⇥h-. Ü. HÑáWyµ⌘œ. ⌘⌘1˝. ùgœ↵ã|⇧Ñ. ⌥ H⌘œZ†=∫ã|⇧ÑáWyµ⌘œ &†e⌘⌘Ñ!ã-◆ ÔÂ↵0†eáWÑyµ ( s FM + text ) ⇥ Ç ( h 4.1 ) ÊWPú⌘. ⌘ÔÂ↵0 i¡ÑT. †eáWyµå. (. .U0π’↵˝. oÑ–G. N˛⇥ 1dÔã†eM. ÑáWyµ©. *º˙º. /. ©º–G!ã◆Ù⌥. (,á- ( 3.3.2¿ ) –0Ü⌘⌘(˙ºgπÑ↵✏ºyµ. ÂÄ⇤(áWÜ. ®¶Pú⇥. 4.2.3 ⌃ „_ h† e ↵✏ ºy µ. v\gπyµ. /°(ã|⇧(∞Î. ✏´(Ñ“c⌥;á\∫. HN↵-Ñ↵✏º. ⌅(⇧. Hyµ⌘œ⇥ ñH⌘⌘✏Nœ↵. H-. 政 治 大. º˝. ã|⇧∞. Î↵✏º⇠⌅↵ÜÑ˝✏´(ìW˙À HÑyµ⌘œ çùgœ↵ã|⇧T \NÑ H⌘œZ†=∫ã|⇧Ñyµ⌘œ &†e⌘⌘Ñ!ã◆Ù-⇥ û ( h. 立. 4.1 ) ⌦bÑÊWPú⌘⌘ÔÂ↵0. ⇢⌦'EÜ–GÜ 0.16. N˛ 0.13 ↵ÆM⇥(⇡Ë⌃ÊW¶˝ *ºv÷π’Ñ*ph˛ Ê ˛. ⌥⇡.1↵✏º. ⇢ÛÿNÜ˙ºi¡ÑT. ÷/M k ↵sGæ∫¶ Ïfiá⌥ F œ ¯⇤wMbÑáWyµÊW⌘⌘ÔÂ|. ‧. ‧ 國. (M k ↵sGæ∫¶. ⌅↵ÜÑ(⇧ÑL∫“c†e!ã-Ñπ’. (. º!. ⌃„_h†eáWyµ⌥↵✏ºyµ. n. al. Ch. engchi. er. io. sit. y. Nat. ã◆ÙÑU0Pú⌦ ÜÙ}Ñ–G⇥. 4.2.4. FM + code. 學. )å. †e˙ºgπÑ↵✏ºyµ ( s. i Un. v. 1⌦bi↵✏¿ †e↵✏ºyµ⌥áWyµ oÜk©Ü!ãÑ◆Ù⌥x“⇥ ÷/( MAP Reacll / F1 score ÑU0⌦ ¯⇤w ,Ñ FM ⌘⌘˝ ö↵¶⌦Ñ–G›˙(≥q⌦Ñ~.π’⇥(⇡↵✏¿ Ñyµ⌘œ. ⌘⌘⌥⇡i.. †e!ã-◆Ù⇥ ⌘⌘⌫fÑ⌥↵✏ºyµ⌥áWyµ. k© †e. !ã- PúÇ( h 4.1 )⇥⌘⌘ÔÂ↵0 B†eáWyµ⌥↵✏ºyµÑπ’ ( s FM + text + code ) Pú& ∫ Å˙ /Àº⇡i.yµπ’Kì⇥ûÊ WPú. ⌘⌘¿fl0(!ã◆Ù⌦. B⌥i.⌘œ. u†eB. ↵✏ºyµÑ⌘œ. oÑ*ºáWyµ. Ù. óU0ÑPúÀºi⇧Kì⇥(⇡#ÑPú-. ⌘⌘ÔÂ|˛û↵✏º˙Àyµ⌘œÑπ’ (⌘⌘ÑÊW-/. k©Ñ⇥. 1º↵✏º Å⇢NËohM˝ ˜L @Â(∞Î⌦⇤ èƒ P6⇥Ê Õ✓/ ,ÑáW ( GitHub Ñ README î-/⇤í P6Ñ (⇧⇢Û ÔÂ)(. õ⇡fi&_j˝. ó(áWyµÑË⌃¡. H. ⇡#Ñ≈¡⇤–GóáWMU⌃Ñ⌥‹¶. ⇤⇢Ñ‹⌦⇥ ¯⇤w. N⇤¥9Ñ↵✏ºáW«⌦ª. ,áW«⌦. ⌅(⇧L∫/Ù 17. (Ñ. . ⌘⌘ç∫œ⇡#✏. (ÊWPú_I. Ü.

(27) Model. MAP@10. Recall. F1 score. 0.1828 0.2662 0.4532 0.4250 0.5381 0.5867 0.5488. 0.0500 0.1171 0.1053 0.1443 0.1794 0.1967 0.1854. 0.0578 0.1407 0.1260 0.1737 0.2138 0.2344 0.2210. Randomize User-based CF Item-based CF FM FM + text FM + code FM + code + text. h 4.1: t‘ÊWPú º!ã◆Ù/¯v k©Ñ⇥. 4.3. 政 治 大. ¶,f. 立. ⌘⌘(ÊWN↵-. ∫Ü˝. ì⌘⌘π’. tÑ√xZÜ. õO. Ù}Ñh˛. ¶⌦Ñ,f⇥ Â↵⌘⌘⌃⇣i↵✏¿. c⌃„Bѱ⌘œ≠¶ k ( 4.3.1 ) ⌥!ã˜LÙ. x ( 4.3.2 ). ⌘⌘⌥¿fl. er. io. al. ⌘œ≠¶√x k. n. iv qˇ↵¶⇥ û À-öÑ 2 = C 8 ⌘⌘ 2 Ñ!π∫n ↵ÆM h 4, n8 ,16 i U g c,32h,64 √x∫2n vn = 1, 2, 3, ..., 6 ( k = 2, e ) ⇥ ÊWÑ ↵✏ºyµ áWyµ⌥i.. ÑU0Pú w. @–G. 4.3 ) ÷6. F1⇣wE¶Ü¿fl. Ñ. ⌘⌘. a⌃%. ,Ñ. B†eÑπ’ ( Merge ) ⇥. ÔÂ↵0øt√x k Ñ⇣w ÷/. !ã◆ÙÑ qÊWÑm.. 2. ñH MAP ÑË⌃ (. È. sit. ±⌘œÑ≠¶ k. (⇡↵✏¿⌘⌘¿fl FM (ZÈc⌃„Bh:Æ. FM. FM (. y. Nat. 4.3.1. ⌃%. ‧. √xÊW↵U0⌃xÑ⇣w⌥ä’⇥. libFM ÔÂø. ›. 學. ‧ 國. Ê. O. ,Ñ FM. /. oÑk©(⌘⌘. †eyµ⌘œÑπ’˝. oÔ¿fl0¯⇤w. ,Ñ FM. ⇣. †eyµ. ⌘œÑ⇣wE¶⇤ÿ⇥Ê (⌘⌘ †eyµ⌘œÑπ’- û MAP (√x k ÑO ¶,f- ⌘⌘|˛⌥√x k -ö∫ 32 ⌥ 64 (U0Pú⌦÷6 ⇣w F/Óp&. '. Ü!ãÑ⌥‹¶. ⇣wE¶. ÇMbÑ-ö⇥Ê. (⌘⌘ÑÊW-œ↵ÆMKì@. Âû MAP ÑË⌃⌘⌘ÔÂ↵˙⌥√x k -ö( 32 ˝/ }Ñx«⇥ çÜ Recall ( 4.4 ) ⌥ F1 score ( Ú⁄¯⇤wÜ π’-. ⇡i⇧. ⇤¯. /. W. –0√x k zö. ÅÑBì˝⇣. x⇣w. @. ÷/(Bì B⌦ /Pú 4.5 ) ÑË⌃⌥Mb MAP Ñ. ÑÚ⁄⇥ (⇡Ë˝ÊW⌘⌘. Ô¿fl0√x k û 2 0 32 ÑÆM˝. ^8¯<. ( 3.1 ¿. †eyµ⌘œÑ. å⇣wÑÚ⁄⌥ MAP Ë⌃. ÑÓp/(√x k = 32 ÂåãÀ↵—⇥(†eyµ⌘œÑË⌃ 18.

(28) Recall F1 score ⌥ MAP. W^<Ñ⇣wÚ⁄. ,Ñ FM -1. F(. W. oÑ. ⇥⌘⌘ÔÂ↵0( ,Ñ FM - û√x k = 4 Âå1ãÀ⇣eH˛^ Ñ Ú⁄⇥ ÷6Ú⁄ ®W√x k Ñû† ⌘Ü^ ÑE¶ Fû⇡Ë⌃ÑÊW⌘ ⌘Ô¿fl0( Recall ⌥ F1 score ⇡i↵U0π’⌦ µ⌘œÑπ’/⇤ , FM ÜóÙ. û†√x k. º. †ey. k©Ñ⇥. (√x k ÑO ¶ÊW- ⌘⌘ÔÂ|˛( †eyµ⌘œÑπ’ ºû† √x k ÑÆM¯⇤w ,Ñ FM /Ù k©Ñ⇥ Ê .U0π’⌘⌘Ô oÑ ®W√x k Ñû†˝. 1√x k ÑO. ¶,fÑPú. Ó!ã◆ÙÑ. 'ÑH ⇥. –G†eyµ⌘œπ’ÑPú. 立. $v/( k = 32 ⇥. ⌘⌘⌥⌘⌘ÑÊW√x˝-ö∫ k = 32. 政 治 大. ‧. ‧ 國. 學. io. sit. y. Nat. n. al. er. |˛. Ch. engchi. i Un. v. 4.3: ±⌘œ≠¶ k ⌥ MAP U0Ñ‹¬Ú⁄. 19. ⌥˝|.

(29) 立. 政 治 大. ‧ 國. 學. 4.4: ±⌘œ≠¶ k ⌥ Recall U0Ñ‹¬Ú⁄. ‧. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i Un. v. 4.5: ±⌘œ≠¶ k ⌥ F1 score U0Ñ‹¬Ú⁄. 20.

(30) 4.3.2 (M. !ã˜LÙ ↵✏¿⌘⌘›. ∫ 32 ˝ró ö∫ 32. !x √x k ZÜ~↵ÊW. 'ÑH ⇥⌘⌘ˆå⌦. ûÊW-⌘⌘¿fl0⌥√x k -ö. ↵✏¿ÑÊWPú. &⌥Õfi>(!ãÊW-ÑÙ. ÑÙ. !x(U. 0Pú⌦Ñä ⇥Ù -öû 1 25 50 75 100 ... 300 q ÑÊW-ö⇥ (⇡↵✏¿⌘⌘› Ù !x⌥U0PúÑ‹¬Ú⁄ (. ]↵ 4.6 ) 2L. ¿fl⇥. G-⌃%. º]↵. ÑÙ. MAP. !xÑÊW⇥. 6ÇÚ⁄. ÷/Í.U0π’. Ù Ñ✏. (Ù. ºU0PúÜó⇤ O ⇥ 1Ù xøÿ F1¯⇤Ù x 1 ⌥ 50 KìÑ/ oÑ– x-ö( 100 /. sÑ®‚⇥ ⌘⌘ç∫⌥Ù. H Ñ√x⇥. å⌘⌘✏NO. ö∫ 32 åÙ x-ö⇥. x-ö∫ 100 /. 立. ‧. ‧ 國. 學 y. sit. io. n. 4.6: !ãÙ. &. (⌘⌘ÑÊW-⌥√x k 治 政 & H  ˝ |Ó⌘⌘Ñ!ã[õÑ D√ 大. ¶,fÑPúóÂ. Nat. al. ⌃%. xÑÊW-⌘⌘Ô. er. G 100 å1. Ü¿fl(. Recall ⌥ F1 score (√x k = 32 Ñ-ö↵.  oÑ¿fl0¯⇤√x k ó⌘⌘U0PúÑ⇣w/¯ G. !x. ⌥⌘⌘Ñ√x k -. Ch. engchi. i Un. v. !x⌥ .U0π’Ñ‹¬Ú⁄. 21.

(31) 4.4. ÊWPúK9ÑÕÅ'¢, T ¢,88´(Ü‘⇤iD«ô/&. (v⌦. oWÑÓp⇥T ¢,. »1x. t ¢, /1 William Sealy Gosset º 1908 t@–˙(q x⌦ÑG-¢W⇥ ( ⌘⌘ÑÊW- ∫ÜQö⌘⌘Ñπ’œ⇤º‘⇤Ñπ’ oWÑ} (⇡·⌥⌘ ⌘ÑPú(. ⇧U0⇡ñ⌦↵%ZÜ T ¢,⇥. ⇡·⌘⌘‘⇤Ñ. a∫. CF Recall å F1 score ˝/ aí. Óp 6å. ⇧U0-. MAP@10 ∫ Item-based. ÿÑ⌃x. ,ÑFM⇥ ñH˙À[!G-⌘⌘ÑÊWPú⌥‘⇤. ó t <⇥l✏Ç↵⇢ ¯ u0 X t= q. (4.8). S. 政 P治 x 大 ¯= X n 1 n i. 立. i. ‧ 國. 學. (4.9) n ¯ u0 ∫⌘⌘‘⇤ asG XG/⌘⌘ÊWsG n ∫ÊW!x S ∫⇡ñÓ⇥ ó˙ t <çì1Âhó˙ p < ( p  0.05 h:i⇧ÓpoW⇥h 4.4 - ÔÂ↵ 0(⌘Ñœ⇧ÊW˝1T0 p  0.05 oWÓp. ‧. a⇥h 4.2 -. (⌘⌘ÑÊWPúoW*º⌘⌘‘h⇤. U0Pú. ⌘⌘ÔÂó Z ⇤ ⇡⇠∫. p  0.05* MAP@10 Recall@10 0.5381* 0.1794* 0.5867* 0.1967* 0.5488* 0.1854*. al. F1 score 0.2138* 0.2344* 0.2210*. er. io. Features. sit. y. Nat. p  0.05⇥. ‡dû T ¢,-. n. FM + text FM + code FM + code + text. Ch. engchi. i Un. v. h 4.2: T ¢,Pú. 4.5. yµ⌦Õ. (⇡↵‡¿⌘⌘⌥ø(O ¶,fÑ s√x -MPú }Ñyµ⌘œ Library Feature B ⌥( FM !ã◆ÙN↵ºœ.˝✏´yµx“Ñ⌦Õ<2X↵ Ü. &. 20 !ÊW-. ˝✏´yµÑ⌦Õ<†=å÷ Top 10 Ñ˝✏´yµ. ⌃⇣ Contributors ⌥ Project i. Top 10 ⇥û-⌘⌘Ô¿fl0 ✏´. (⌘⌘Ñx“N↵∫Ê¡ û˝✏´yµ⌦Õ⌘⌘↵0 ÷/ Contributor. q. õ‘⇤±ÄÑ˝. ⇤ÿÑ⌦Õ<⇥ õ. £Ñ0π. / Project ÑË˝ 22. ñH⌘⌘Ô¿fl0 ( h4.3 ). ˝ÔÂ↵01 Python ∞ÎÑã>üÀ.

(32) º…(F∂ Django ⇥ ã|≤. ÑF∂ Django. ;Å/ìã|⌥‹Ñ«ô´E’. ≤ äó!Æ É( Python -/^8nM´(Üã|≤ ÑF∂K ⇥Ê ÑÔ Â↵0 œ/(Ü∞Î≤Ô,Ú↵✏Ñ˝✏´ Pyspider ⇥ ºÓM«ô—xÑÏ √|U («ô⌃ê˝✏´. ˝. «ôê∆/^8ÕÅÑ ∞. ◆Ñå⇣⌅.˚Ÿ. _‡∫ Python w åôÑ. («ô⌃ê-ì8´(Ü∞Î,Ú↵✏ê∆. «ô /v\s,Z õ«ôMU⌃⇥ ®W«ô—xÑjn ¡ PÃ˝✏´Ñ Python _/⇣∫«ô—x∂≈ôÑÄ˝ $v/Ò¶x“Ñãê˝✏´⇡J⇥ Ò ¶x“. É/. Keras ˝✏´. .˙º^ì≤Ôˆ8Ñπ’. (⌘⌘Ñ Contributors Top 10 -Ñ. 1/ Python (^ì≤Ô⌦ѱÄÑãê˝✏´K. x“ Ñ 1 Google Brain ⇠äã|Ñ TensorFlow Ò¶x“-±»´ ÷⌥(Ñãê˝✏´⇥ å. (⇡¿ÑÊW-Ô¿fl0. ⇥Ê. ⇡õãê˝✏´˝/ÓM(. õ‘⇤±ÄÑ˝✏´. œ/ Python Ñ≤. 政 治 大 x“N↵∫Ê¡ ⇤ÿÑ⌦Õ<⇥Ê _ÔÂû⇡#π✏ÙØö 立 «ô∆Ñ!ã◆ÙN↵- w qˇõ⌥ÿ⌦Õ<Ñ˝✏´yµ. ã|F∂ Django  ˛(⇤±ÄÑ_hx“⌥Ò¶xÑÑ˝✏´. £ã|⇧ÑÔ˝'⇥. ‧ 國. 學. G H®¶f Ê. ‧. keras.datasets django.db.models phonenumbers BIFFRecords bcbio.pipeline.config utils Contributors numbers pynamodb.models falcon httpie.input django.utils.timezone oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849 signal playhouse.tests.base ycmd.utils vcr.request Project pyspider.database.base.taskdb select django.utils django.contrib.contenttypes.models mock. n. er. io. sit. y. Nat. al. Ch. engchi. i Un. h 4.3: ˝✏⌦Õ Top 10. 23. (Ò¶. v. (⌘⌘Ñ. (⌘⌘ Python ÔÂc∫Ñ–.

(33) ,î‡ P÷ 政 治 大. (,÷á- ⌘⌘–˙Ü . FM (®¶⌦ÑF∂ › T N˛Ñ*‚⌥˙º ⌃„!ãÑP ⇥✏N⌃„_hw o}Ñ8eyµ˙!F∂ ⌥⌘⌘–˙1↵. 立. H^%Ñπ’. ⌘⌥®¶OL(>§T\s⌦2L. †e⌘⌘Ñ!ã-◆Ù⇥Ê. 學. ‧ 國. ✏ºgπÜUIã|⇧“c⌥. )(>§T\s⌦ã|⇧✏N. ‧. Ñ \‹¬ å H(s⌦U⇢ѯ‹«⌦ª˙Àã|⇧ \⌘⌘Ñx“Ó⇡ ⇢N FM Ñ ó ⌘⌘ó0ã|⇧[( )(⇡↵Ècª2L®¶⇥ FM i(º⇢.yµ. H˙À. £Ñ↵¶ &v £Ñ‹¬Èc. ⇡_✏sW⌘⌘ÔÂûÙ⇢Ñ. ⌘⌘. ✏NáWyµ. y. k©Ñ«⌦⇥(⌘⌘ÑÊW-. Nat. b⌘r÷Ù. ⌘. ì1↵✏º. sit. al. er. io. gπUI«⌦Ñyµ⌥P Â⌦i.yµÑπ’⇥Â⌦ .π’⌥≥qÑπ’‘ ⇤ Púh ܆eyµ⌘œÑπ’/ )º–G®¶'˝⇥(⌘⌘ÊW- 1. e!ã◆Ù /˝. n. v ÷/( MAP Recall i n Ch / F1 score ˝ ⇤*¿Ñh˛⇥$v/( MAP ÑU0⌦ Ù‘ Baseline }Ñ i U e h n c g Item-based CF ÿ˙Ü 0.1335⇥ 1dÔã ⌥⌘⌘–˙1↵✏ºUI«⌦Ñyµ† ↵✏ºUI«⌦Ñyµ. ∫˙r. ¯⇤wÂ≥qπ’. HÑ–G®¶Pú⇥. (>§T\s⌦. ã|⇧ÑT\‹¬/. ®¶^8. N>§T\s⌦ã|⇧ÑT\‹¬⌥↵✏ºÑ«⌦ ⌦Ñh˛. F⌘⌘Õ!’⌥i.pÍÑyµ⌘œ. k©Ñ⇥÷6⌘⌘✏ HÑ–GÜ⌘⌘(®¶. †e!ã-k©◆Ù⇥}‘. ⌘⌘Ñ↵✏ºyµ†⌦áWyµÑπ’⇥_1/™ ⌘⌘ *Üì↵✏ºÑy µ«⌦⌥ ,ÑáW«⌦˝ ¯¯⇣ u ˙Ù}Ñ®¶Pú⇥. 24.

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