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An Optimization-based Multiple-Voltage Scaling Technique for Low Power CMOS Digital Design


Academic year: 2021

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World Scientific Publishing Company


YI-JONG YEH and SY-YEN KUO Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

Received 12 April 2002 Accepted 27 June 2002

In this paper, we propose a voltage scaling technique with multiple supply voltages for low-power designs. We adopt the path sensitization technique and release the clustering constraint used by the previous works. Our technique first operates the gates with the lowest feasible supply voltages and then uses an existing path selection algorithm for optimization. Experiments are conducted on all the ISCAS85 benchmarks and the results show that significant power can be further reduced by our technique in comparison with the previous works. Furthermore, the results generated by our technique are close to the optimal values.

Keywords: Low-power; voltage scaling; power minimization; optimization-based.

1. Introduction

Power consumption is one of the most significant parameters in VLSI designs. In a CMOS digital circuit, power consumption is dominated by dynamic power, which is proportional to the square of the supply voltage. As a result voltage scaling is evidently an effective technique in power reduction and was employed by many researchers.

Chandrakasan et al. provided us a simple rule in power reduction, i.e., operate a circuit as slowly as possible with the lowest possible supply voltage.1 The most popular voltage scaling technique is to operate all the gates in a circuit with a reduced supply voltage that is limited by the critical paths. However, the gates that are not on critical paths could operate slower with lower supply voltages. Consequently two or more supply voltages were employed in previous works.

Power consumption was reduced with multiple supply voltages at function level, where the effect of interconnections between entities with different supply voltages was insignificant and could be ignored.2–4At gate level, the power consumption was reduced with two supply voltages, where level converters were inserted to prevent the static current when the gates with lower supply voltages drive the gates with higher supply voltages.5,6 Furthermore, the power consumption was reduced with multiple supply voltages at gate level and no level converters are necessary.7


To reduce the complexity of physical layout with multiple supply voltages, gates of the same supply voltage are clustered at circuit topology. However, gate clustering can be done at the early phase of physical layout. Therefore, in this paper we release the clustering constraint employed by the previous works and propose a multiple-voltage scaling technique to significantly reduce the power consumption at gate level.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, we give some definitions and notations which will be used throughout this paper. Next, we formulate the power minimization problem and propose an algorithm to solve this problem in Sec. 3. Section 4 shows the experiment results of our algorithm on the ISCAS85 benchmarks. Finally, concluding remarks are given in Sec. 5.

2. Definitions and Terminologies

Definition 1 (Path). A path P = (G0, f0, G1, f1, . . . , fm−1, Gm) in a combina-tional circuit is an alternating sequence of wires and gates.

Definition 2 (On-Input). Wire fi, 0≤ i ≤ m − 1, is called an on-input of P which connects gate Gi to gate Gi+1.

Definition 3 (Primary Input Vector). A primary input vector is a vector of logic values at all the primary inputs.

Definition 4 (Dominate). Wire f , which is connected to gate G, is considered to dominate G if the stable value and the stable time of G are determined by those of f .

Definition 5 (Activate). A path is activated by a primary input vector if each on-input of the path dominates its connected gate when the input vector is applied. Definition 6 (Sensitizable Path). A path which can be activated by at least one primary input vector is defined as a sensitizable path.

Definition 7 (False Path). A path which will never be activated by any primary input vector is called a false path.

Definition 8 (Critical Path). The critical paths are the longest sensitizable paths in a circuit.

Definition 9 (Fanin Set). The fanin set of gate G, denoted by Γ−(G), is a set of gates which connect to the inputs of G.

Definition 10 (Fanout Set). The fanout set of gate G, denoted by Γ+(G), is a set of gates which the output of G connects to.


Definition 11 (Stable Time). The time when the output of gate G becomes stable is called the stable time of gate G, denoted as Ts(G). Given the stable time at each primary input, the stable time of gate G can be obtained by Ts(G) = delay(G) + maxv∈Γ−(G)Ts(v).

Definition 12 (Required Time). The required time of gate G, denoted as Tr(G), is the latest time when the output of gate G has to be stable to meet the timing constraint of the circuit. Given the required time at each primary output, the required time of gate G can be obtained by Tr(G) = minv∈Γ+(G)(Tr(v)− delay(v)). Definition 13 (Slack). The slack of gate G, denoted as slack(G), is the maximum delay increase which gate G may have under the timing constraint. When the stable time and the required time of gate G are known, the slack of gate G can be obtained by slack(G) = Tr(G)− Ts(G).

3. Optimization-Based Multiple-Voltage Scaling

After releasing the clustering constraint used by the previous works, we can formu-late the power minimization problem as:

Given a combinational circuit with a timing constraint and a set of supply voltages, assign the supply voltages to the gates in the circuit to minimize the total power consumption of the circuit.

In the following subsections, we first describe the basic idea of the optimization-based multiple-voltage scaling (OBMVS) technique. Next, we give a brief introduc-tion to the path selecintroduc-tion algorithms which play an important role in the OBMVS technique. Then, we propose the OBMVS algorithm followed by an illustration example.

3.1. Basic idea

The basic idea of previous works5–7applies a depth-first search algorithm and then tries to scale down the supply voltage of every visited gates. Such method obviously lacks a global view and could obtain only a local optimal solution.

The basic idea of our algorithm is to operate the gates with the lowest feasible supply voltages according to their slacks. Such voltage assignment evidently obtains the lower bound of the power consumption and the delay of the circuit may be more than the given timing constraint. Therefore, a path selection algorithm is applied to select a set of long paths for performance optimization. According to the selected long paths, we can determine the critical ordering of the gates. Based on the critical ordering, we increase the supply voltages of the gates in order until the delays of all selected long paths are no more than the given timing constraint.


3.2. Path selection algorithms

The actual delay of a combinational circuit is defined as the delay of its longest sensitizable paths instead of that of its longest paths. Therefore, it is pessimistic to reduce the delays of all long paths in a circuit for performance optimization without taking path sensitization into account. Here a long path means that its delay is larger than the timing constraint of the circuit.

Several path sensitization criteria have been proposed to estimate the delay of a circuit including the exact criterion, the loose criterion, the BMCD criterion,8 the DYG criterion,9the PCD criterion,10the viable criterion,11the BI criterion,12 and the dynamic criterion.13 From the timing verification point of view, a path sensitization criterion is considered to be “correct” if the estimated circuit delay is never shorter than the actual delay of the circuit. Certainly, a criterion is more accurate if the estimated delay is closer to the actual delay of the circuit.

The objective of path selection algorithms is to select a set of paths for per-formance optimization techniques. The cost of perper-formance optimization usually depends on the number of long paths selected to be shortened. In general, the more long paths need to be shortened, the more expensive the optimization will be. As a consequence the number of selected paths should be as small as possible.

As illustrated in previous works, most long paths in a complex circuit are actu-ally false. Furthermore, a significant portion of long false paths do not need to be shortened.14We may need only to shorten long sensitizable paths in order to meet the timing constraint. However, when all the long sensitizable paths are shortened, a long false path may become sensitizable. On the other hand, some long sensitizable paths may not need to be selected for optimization. These problems were tackled and two selection algorithms, vector-oriented and path-oriented, were proposed.14 For a circuit with many primary inputs, the vector-oriented algorithm may not be feasible since there are too many input combinations. Consequently, the proposed path-oriented selection algorithm is adopted in the OBMVS algorithm.

3.3. The OBMVS algorithm

According to the basic idea, we propose the OBMVS algorithm in Fig. 1. The given supply voltages are arranged in descending order and are labeled Vdd0, Vdd1, . . . , Vdd(n−1) if the number of given supply voltages is n. Lines 1–3 reset the credits of all gates and operate the gates with their lowest feasible supply voltages. Credit is used to represent the critical order of gates. Line 4 calls the path selection algorithm, POSA FeasibleSet,14 to obtain a set of long paths, F S, for optimiza-tion. Lines 5–8 set the credits of the gates based on the selected paths in F S. Next, the gates with positive credits are inserted into a priority queue, P Q, in line 9. The priority queue arranges a data structure such that the gate with the maximum credit can be easily retrieved. Lines 10–18 optimize the circuit by increasing the supply voltages of the most critical gates until the timing constraint is met.



1 For (each gate G of the circuit) Do 2 credit(G) = 0;

3 Set the voltage of G to the lowest Vddisuch that delay(G, Vddi)− delay(G, Vdd0) <= slack(G); 4 F S = POSA_FeasibleSet( );

5 For (each path P in F S) Do 6 For (each gate G in P ) Do 7 If (voltage of G ! = Vdd0) Then

8 credit(G) + +;

9 Insert the gates with positive credits to a priority queue, P Q; 10 While (F S ! = φ) Do

11 Retrieve a gate G from the top of P Q; 12 Increase the voltage of G;

13 If (the voltage of G ! = Vdd0) Then 14 Insert G back to P Q;

15 For (each path P in F S) Do

16 If (delay(P ) <= timing constraint) Then 17 Decrease the credit of each gate in P ; 18 Delete P from F S;

Fig. 1. The optimization-based algorithm for multiple-voltage scaling.

3.4. Example

Take Fig. 2 as an example and assume that • the given supply voltages are 5 V, 4 V and 3 V;

• the delays of each gate at 5 V, 4 V, and 3 V are 2 ns, 4 ns, and 6 ns, respectively; • the power consumptions of each gate at 5 V, 4 V, and 3 V are 25 µW, 16 µW,

and 9 µW, respectively;

• the delays of level converters are lumped into the delay increase of voltage scaling.

The original circuit is shown in Fig. 2(a) and the critical paths are emphasized by bold lines. Obviously, the path delay of the critical path is 8 ns, and the slacks of G1, G2, and G3 are 4 ns, 4 ns, and 2 ns, respectively. So, the supply voltages of G1 and G2 are scaled to 3 V, and that of G3 is scaled to 4 V in Fig. 2(b). After such voltage scaling, the critical path delay of the circuit becomes 12 ns, which is 4 ns longer than the original one. When a path selection algorithm is applied, four long paths, which are represented by bold lines in Fig. 2(b), are selected for optimization. Based on these four paths, the credit of G2 is set to 4, and those of G1 and G3 are set to 2. Hence, the supply voltage of G2 is scaled to 4 V as shown


(a) G2 G5 G7 G1 G3 G6 G4 (5V, 2ns) (5V, 2ns) (5V, 2ns) (5V, 2ns) (5V, 2ns) (5V, 2ns) I1 I2 I3 I5 I6 I7 I8 I4 O1 O2 (5V, 2ns) w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w9 w10 w7 w8 w12 w11 w13 w14 w15 (b) G2 G5 G7 G1 G3 G6 G4 (3V, 6ns) (4V, 4ns) (5V, 2ns) (5V, 2ns) (3V, 6ns) (5V, 2ns) I1 I2 I3 I5 I6 I7 I8 I4 O1 O2 (5V, 2ns) w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w9 w10 w7 w8 w12 w11 w13 w14 w15 (c) G2 G5 G7 G1 G3 G6 G4 (3V, 6ns) (4V, 4ns) (5V, 2ns) (5V, 2ns) (4V, 4ns) (5V, 2ns) I1 I2 I3 I5 I6 I7 I8 I4 O1 O2 (5V, 2ns) w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w9 w10 w7 w8 w12 w11 w13 w14 w15 (d) G2 G5 G7 G1 G3 G6 G4 (4V, 4ns) (4V, 4ns) (5V, 2ns) (5V, 2ns) (4V, 4ns) (5V, 2ns) I1 I2 I3 I5 I6 I7 I8 I4 O1 O2 (5V, 2ns) w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w9 w10 w7 w8 w12 w11 w13 w14 w15


in Fig. 2(c). There remain two long paths, and the credits of G1 and G2 are 2. Since the power increase of G1 from 3 V to 4 V (7 µW) is less than that of G2 from 4 V to 5 V (9 µW), G1 is scaled to 4 V as shown in Fig. 2(d). Then, the circuit is optimized and the power reduction is 27 µW.

4. Experimental Results

We have implemented our algorithm in C on a Pentium-II 450 PC running Linux (RedHat 6.0) with 128 MB memory, and performed experiments on all the ISCAS85 benchmarks. In addition, we implemented the CVS technique and the CFMV technique for comparison.

The experimental environment is shown in Fig. 3. The control file provides the supply voltages. In our experimental cell library, the length of each MOS is 0.8 µm, the width of each PMOS is 16.8 µm and the width of each NMOS is 8 µm. Using HSPICE to simulate each gate in the cell library, we obtained the parameters for timing and power analysis. The voltage scaling program then takes the netlist, the control file, and the parameter file as inputs to reduce the power consumption with the aid of the power estimator.

For the timing analysis, the rising delay TdLH of a gate is estimated by: TdLH = (rise a0) + (rise a1)× Cout, (1) where Cout is the sum of the output capacitance of the gate and the input capaci-tances of its fanouts. The falling delay is estimated similarly. If the supply voltage of a gate is scaled to Vdd0 , its rising delay is estimated by:

TdLH0 = TdLH× Vdd0 Vdd × (Vdd− Vthp)2 (Vdd0 − Vthp)2 , (2)

where Vthpis the threshold voltage of PMOS.

Cell Library Parameter File Circuit Simulator Result Netlist Control File Power Estimator

Voltage Scaling Program


For the power analysis, the activity factor of each primary input is assumed to be 0.5, and the activity factors of other gates are computed accordingly. Then, the power consumption Pd of a gate with supply voltages Vdd0 , can be estimated by:

Pd = 1 2 × f × α × (V 0 dd) 2 . (3)

To make a fair comparison between the proposed algorithm and the previous works, we first show the characteristics of the OBMVS, the CVS and the CFMV techniques in Table 1.

Table 1. Characteristics of OBMVS, CVS, and CFMV.


No. supply voltages 2 or more 2 2 or more

Clustered No Yes Yes

Level converters Yes Yes No

Voltage difference Unlimited Unlimited Limited

Path sensitized Yes No No

Table 2. Results of OBMVS, CVS and CFMV with 5 V and 4 V.


Circuit name Pwr. Red. Time Pwr. Red. Time Pwr. Red. Time

c432 12.65% 0.02 0.00% 0.010 4.18% 0.02 c499 10.63% 0.02 0.00% 0.010 8.97% 0.08 c880 31.31% 0.44 16.25% 0.100 14.25% 0.10 c1355 6.51% 0.02 0.00% 0.020 5.14% 0.10 c1908 26.97% 15.67 7.15% 0.300 17.36% 0.41 c2670 31.00% 14.95 9.14% 0.900 21.36% 1.59 c3540 28.53% 229.73 3.54% 0.490 16.23% 1.96 c5315 32.92% 311.26 19.78% 5.660 21.72% 5.62 c6288 18.28% 5391.84 0.62% 0.460 8.63% 1.97 c7552 30.92% 3141.26 15.21% 11.540 15.59% 10.45

When 5 V and 4 V are given as supply voltages, we can compare the results of the OBMVS technique with those of the CVS and the CFMV techniques in Table 2. Obviously, the results of the OBMVS technique are all better than those of the previous works. On average, the percentages of power reductions by the OBMVS, the CVS and the CFMV techniques are 22.97%, 7.17% and 13.34%, respectively.

When 5 V and 3 V are given as supply voltages, we cannot make a comparison between the OBMVS technique and the CFMV technique as the voltage difference of the CFMV technique is limited. Therefore, we compare the results of the OBMVS technique and the CVS technique with the loose lower bounds which are obtained in the first phase of the OBMVS algorithm. In Table 3, we can see that the results of the OBMVS technique are all much better than those of the CVS technique and


Table 3. Results of OBMVS, CVS and the lower bound with 5 V and 3 V.

OBMVS CVS Lower bound

Circuit name Pwr. Red. Time Pwr. Red. Time Pwr. Red. Slack

c432 18.88% 0.03 0.00% 0.010 20.46% −47 c499 17.30% 0.22 0.00% 0.010 18.90% −84 c880 43.05% 4.01 17.08% 0.070 54.06% −420 c1355 10.76% 0.38 0.00% 0.030 11.58% −76 c1908 36.72% 62.50 6.53% 0.160 48.89% −2366 c2670 43.06% 107.55 18.58% 0.880 54.95% −1762 c3540 39.72% 581.18 5.67% 0.460 49.97% −6871 c5315 52.07% 1125.43 29.66% 4.820 60.33% −5224 c6288 18.84% 8186.79 1.69% 0.440 54.17% −48268 c7552 42.40% 12456.35 10.57% 5.860 58.48% −13417

are close to the lower bounds in most benchmarks. On average, the percentages of power reductions by the OBMVS and the CVS techniques as well as the lower bound are 32.28%, 8.99% and 43.18%, respectively. In fact, the negative slacks at the seventh column of Table 3 could represent the tightness of the lower bounds. The larger the negative slack, the looser the lower bound.

When 5 V, 4 V and 3 V are given as supply voltages, the CVS technique is not available for comparison since only two supply voltages are allowed in the CVS technique. Consequently, the results of the OBMVS technique are compared with those of the CFMV technique and the lower bounds in Table 4. As expected, the results of the OBMVS technique are even better than those of the CFMV technique and are closer to the lower bounds. On average, the percentages of power reductions by the OBMVS, the CFMV techniques and the lower bound are 34.72%, 17.60% and 44.97%, respectively.

Table 4. Results of OBMVS, CFMV and the lower bound with 5 V, 4 V and 3 V.

OBMVS CFMV Lower bound

Circuit name Pwr. Red. Time Pwr. Red. Time Pwr. Red. Slack

c432 20.26% 0.16 5.07% 0.02 21.86% −62 c499 17.49% 0.88 13.15% 0.15 18.90% −84 c880 48.27% 14.57 21.39% 0.37 56.46% −441 c1355 10.76% 1.73 8.58% 0.29 11.58% −76 c1908 39.42% 268.60 20.56% 0.73 51.22% −2452 c2670 46.69% 379.83 27.56% 5.29 57.05% −1840 c3540 42.59% 2435.34 23.09% 6.48 54.53% −7689 c5315 53.81% 3849.79 30.91% 21.35 61.58% −5904 c6288 22.40% 31062.83 9.11% 4.44 55.87% −48989 c7552 45.51% 40073.60 16.53% 19.13 60.61% −14251


5. Conclusions

In this paper, we released the clustering constraint used by previous works and proposed a voltage scaling technique with multiple supply voltages to significantly reduce the power consumption of combinational circuits. Our technique first oper-ates the goper-ates with their lowest feasible supply voltages and then uses an existing path selection algorithm for optimization.

The main ideas of the proposed OBMVS technique are the identification of the false paths as well as the release of the clustering constraint. Consequently, a signif-icant improvement by the OBMVS technique over previous works is achieved. From the experimental results, we can see that on average the amount of power reduction by the OBMVS technique is about 3.4 times of that by the CVS technique and is about 1.9 times of that by the CFMV technique. Furthermore, the percentages of power reductions by the OBMVS technique are close to the lower bounds.


This work was supported by the National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C., under Grant NSC 90-2213-E-002-113.


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