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(A. The style becomes unpopular. B. The style is out offashion. C. The style is awkward. D. The style becomes popular.)


Academic year: 2021

Share "(A. The style becomes unpopular. B. The style is out offashion. C. The style is awkward. D. The style becomes popular.) "


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I. vocabulary: Choose the best answer that completes the statement or answers the question. 20%

1. If a clothing style is trendy. what happens?

(A. The style becomes unpopular. B. The style is out offashion. C. The style is awkward. D. The style becomes popular.)

2. If Jane wears a conservative dress, this means it is ­ (A. ugly B. unusual C. traditional Diuncomfcrtable) 3. Which of the following would you do consciously?

(A. breathe B. talk in your sleep C. prepare dinner D. daydream.) 4. If Henry does not have stability at work, what does this mean?

_(A. Work is not reliable for him, and it changes constantly. B. Other people do not respect rum at work. C. Henry will not advance at work. D. At work, Henry does not have opportunities to try new things.)

5. If Ann is craving attention, what would she like?

(A. to be alone B. for people to pay attention to her C. to be concentrated on new things D. for someone to give her some advice) 6. Which of the following is mandatory?

(A. reading on the bus B. singing songs in public C. stopping at the red lights D. eating breakfast in class)

7. When would you most likely have an abundant amount of fresh vegetables?

(A. after plentiful sunshine or rain B. just after you plant some seeds C.

during the week D. after a long time with no rain) 8. After seeing a spine-chilling movie, how might you feel?

(A. a little bit cold B. very nervous C. relaxed and happy D. a little bored)

9. What would be the remnants ofa meal?

(A. the salad and sauce B. the soup and bread C. the salt, pepper, butter


Ilghts D. eating breakfast in class)

7. When would you most likely have an abundant amount of fresh vegetables?

(A. after plentiful sunshine or rain B. just after you plant some seeds C.

during the week D. after a long time with no rain) 8. After seeing a spine-chilling movie, how might you feel?

(A. a little bit cold B. very nervous C. relaxed and happy D. a little bored)

9. What would be the remnants ofa meal?

(A. the salad and sauce B. the soup and bread C. the salt, pepper, butter for the meal D. 2 pieces of chicken left after the meal is finished)

10. If there was no unity in a written piece of work, how would it appear?

(A. beautiful B. unorganized C. clear D. interesting)

II. Cloze: Choose the best answer to complete the paragraphs. 20%


An octopus appears to be just a huge head 1 eight long, fearful arms.

Its head is soft and rubberlike. Its eyes stick out on stalks 2 that it can see 3 all directions. "Its mouth IS ·on the underside of its body and has ~ powerful jaws 4 like a beak. The long arms, or tentacles, have double rows. These can fasten onto objects with such suction 5 they can not be pulled off.

1. A. in B. on C. with D. by 2. A. in B. so C. suppose D. but



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3. A. in B, to C. beyond D. with -'1""-


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4. A. shape B. shaped C. to shape D. shaping U. Jii 'P "'J

5. A. where B. that C. as D. so [~ ) ~;JJ;1-1i/


Getting lost can be a 6 experience. Last spring three friends and I

planned to take a camping trip to Kenting Camp-ground. We loaded our camping

equipment and supplies in the car and .started for the campground. The trip was


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supposed to take two hours, but 7 two hours had passed we were still not there. We stopped and asked for 8 . We drove and drove, and we

9 realized we were lost. After a long time, we came to a crossroads that we recognized. We were ten miles from the place we had started! Next time we'll take

a 10 with us.

6. A. exciting B. frustrating C. deadly D. pleasant 7. A. before B. since C. afte_r~. D. because,

8. A. money B. food C. time D. dlrecttons 9. A. flnaily B. hardly C. initially D. happily ,10. A. dog B. torch C. map D.-license

III. Grammar 20%: Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. Emily Post's book Etiquette, _ in 1922, was an immediate success,

. A. was published B. published C. when It published D. that it published 2. Although _ some textile products, it imports many as well.

A. exporting of the United States B. the exports of the United States C. the United States exports D. exporter of the United States

3. Economic goods may take the form _ of material things or of services, . A. either B, because C. as D. or

4, Ragtime is a kind of music _ a strongly syncopated melody and a regularly accented accompaniment.

A. that has B. it has C. has D. that is has'

5, Historically, _ chief material for making furniture has been wood, but metal and stone have also been used.

A. it was the B. there was a C. that the D. the 6. All gases and most liquids and solids expand _ heated.

A. how B. about C. in D. when

7. Abstraction goes into the making of any work of art, _ or not.

A. the artist is being aware whether B. the artist Is aware whether C. whether the

. artist is aware of it D. whether the artist being aware' of


4. Ragtime is a kind of music _ a strongly syncopated meroov ana

d I t:'(S\.llaIlY

accented accompaniment.

A. that has B. it has C. has O. that is has

5. Historically, _ chief material for making furniture has been wood, but metal and stone have also been used.

A. it was the B. there was a C. that the D. the 6. All gases and most liquids and solids expand heated.

A. how B. about C. in D. when

7. Abstraction goes into the making of any work of art, - _ or not.

A the artist is being aware whether B. the artist Is aware whether C. whether the . artist is aware of it D. whether the artist being aware of

8. often added to sauces and soups, is plentiful and relatively inexpensive.

A. An herb, parsley is B, For parsley, an herb to be C. Parsley, an herb that is D.

Parsley, is that herb

9. The best way to control rats is by seeing that they have as _ .

A; possibly little nourishment B. little nourishment as possible C. Nourishment possibly 0 little as possible nourishment

10. _ map dates back to about 3,000 8. C. •

A. The oldest known B. Known to be the oldest C. It was the oldest known D. Known as tl1e oldest

IV. Reading Comprehension 20%: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. I iC ,,\, ,11! i*.

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Writing in an article for-Internet Australasia magazine, psychologist Morris Jones explains

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that, as is the case with all addictions, Internet addiction Is essentially "social" In nature. In other j

words, the needs that underlie the addiction are unmet Interpersonal needs: to be recognized, to

belong; to be powerful, and to be loved. While all addICts are driven by unmet'lnterpe"rsonar

needs, the exact nature of these needs and the rnanner.of-sattsfvtng them seems to vary.


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One variable of interest Is gender. This factor seems to influence both the underlying reasons for the addiction and the types of appllcatlons chosen to feed It, Men tend to seek out feelings of power. status, domInance, and sexual fantasy online. Therefore, men typically become addicted to online sources of Information overload, aggressive interactive games, and sexually explicit materials. Women, {4.}i seem to be motivated by a need to search for supportive

friendships and romantic relatlonshlos. Women welcome the fact that the Internet allows them to hide their appearance while searching for such things. It seems to be a natural conclusion that the stereotypes men and women have in socletv are also played out in cyberspace.

1. Which of the following most accurately reflects MorrIs Jones' opinion about the underlying reasons for Internet addiction?

{A} Internet addiction is essentially variable.

(B) The underlying reasons differ according to one's culture. • (C) Stereotypes cause addiction in cyberspace.

(OJ Internet addiction is caused bvunrnet interpersonal needs.

2. Which of the following words would best fit in the space in the passage marked by the asterisk (OJ?

(A) consequently (8) moreover (C} fortunately (01 however

3. According to the passage, how do female Internet addicts satisfy unmet interpersonal needs?

(A) By accessing sites where they can enjoy friendshIps or find romantic partners (BJ By engaging In violent Interactive games

(C) Through behaving In the same stereotypical way (0) Through not being recognized

4. Which of the followlng is NOT mentioned as a way of feeding men's Internet addiction?

(AI Destructive games (B) Pornography (C) Interpersonal advice (0) Too much information S. From the information in paragraph 2, what can be inferred about female Internet addicts?

(A) They lack confidence. (8) They are unmarried. (C)They are not very attractive.

(0) They all act the same way in cyberspace.


(A) By accessing sites where they can enjoy friendships or find romantic partners (Bl By engaging in violent interactive games

(C) Through behaving in the same stereotypical way (D) Through not being recognized

4. Which of the followlng is NOT mentioned as a way of feeding men's Internet addiction?

(A) Destructive games (B) Pornography (q Interpersonal advice (D) Too much information 5. From the information in paragraph 2, what can be inferred about female Internet addicts?

(A) They lack confidence. (B) They are unmarried. (elThey are not very attractive.

(D) They all act the same way In cyberspace.

Everyone gets a cold at one time or another. In fact, most people get at least one cold every year. So, with the frequency of the common cold, why are there still so many

misconceptions about them?

First, a big misconception is that you can catch a cold jfyou get cold or chilly. How menv

times have you heard someone say, "Wear a hat or you'll catch a cold?" Colds are caused by viruses. You catch a cold by touching a surface that has the virus on it and then touching your eyes or nose or by breathing in drops of a cold virus.

. .

Another misconception about colds is that milk and other dairy products make a cold worse. This is also not true. Milk Is a protein and is broken down In the stomach. It doesn't go to your nose or lungs where cold symptoms are most noticeable.

Finally, people believe that you should eat more to help cure a cold: "Feed a cotd: starve a fever." Although it won't make your cold worse, eating more will neither make your cold better nor help you get over it more quickly.

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6. What Is the best title of this reading? ~u..~Uij_'_r _~iJ

(A) How to Catch a Cold Even When It's Warm


(8) The Frequency of the Common Cold (C) Misconceptions about the Common Cold

(D) Milk, Food, and the Common Cold


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7. In line 3, what does "them" refer tor

(A) The big one (6) Misconceptions (C) Colds (0) People 8. What is the best definition for "misconception" in line 3"7

{A} Number of.tjmes.scrnethtng may happen (B) Medicine or drugs (C) Facts or realities (OJ A mistaken thought or idea '

9. According to the passage,' what is the best advice regarding colds?

(A) Always wear warm clothes and a hat when the weather is chilly.





(B) Avoid touching things that might have viruses on them.

(C) Don't drink milk if you have a cold.

(0) Eat a lot when you have a cold.

10. Which of the following sentences is true?

(A) Milk and dairy products make a cold better.

(B) Colds are caused by viruses. •

(C) You should starve a cold.

(OJ You can catch a cold by touching something cold.

V. Essay Writing: 20%

Your best friend has been chronically late for class (or work), write a letter to advise

him/her to go to school (or the office) on time. *" t.-\, Ilfj if<

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(D) Patients suf fering from a “hot” condition should eat “cold” food to help in ef fecting a cure, and vice versa.. Traditional Chinese nutritional theory linked food with

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