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一、綜合測驗(共15 題,每題 2 分,共 30 分)
說明:下列兩篇短文共有15 空格,為第 1 至 15 題,請依各篇文意選出最恰當的一個選項。
One of the reasons the violin is diff icult to learn to play is that its f ingerboard contains no visual or tactile aids to help the beginner acquire competence in f ingering. 1 the guitar, for instance, the violin has no small metal bars or ridges to guide the f ingers. 2 , the novice must learn exact positions and literally feel his or her way from position to position up the f ingerboard of the
instrument. That precise process is demanding and 3 to the novice, who must contort f ingers and arm into unnatural angles while pressing the 4 at the correct places and with enough force to get a clear tone. 5 the beginner is a hair off, the note will be sharp or f lat. Until the novice develops skill, many notes are 6 out of tune. Even when skill increases, the player may still sound off key 7 he or she has a good ear. Thus, not only 8 the novice suffer, he or she can also torture those listening, as many a stoic parent or sacrif icial sibling can aff irm.
1. (A) Just like (B) Similar to (C) Same as (D) Unlike 2. (A) However (B) Somehow (C) Therefore (D) Also 3. (A) painful (B) pleasant (C) polite (D) possible
4. (A) strings (B) bow (C) f ingers (D) violin
5. (A) Although (B) Even (C) Even though (D) If 6. (A) precisely (B) awfully (C) mainly (D) eagerly
7. (A) because (B) only (C) unless (D) when
8. (A) is (B) are (C) does (D) did
For some time now, medical scientists have noted an alarming increase in diseases of the heart and circulation among people who smoke cigarettes. It has been 9 that the presence of
nicotine in the bloodstream causes blood vessels to contract, thus slowing circulation, a condition which 10 leads to hardening of the arteries. As the arteries stiffen, 11 blood reaches the brain, and the end result of this slowdown is a cerebral hemorrhage, commonly referred to 12 a stroke. 13 , nicotine in the bloodstream reduces the ability of the hemoglobin to release oxygen, resulting in shortness of 14 , thus causing the person to breathe more rapidly. This forces the heart to beat 15 —that is, the pulse rate increases—and in turn accelerates the risk of a heart attack.
9. (A) denied (B) found (C) created (D) doubted
10. (A) magically (B) impossibly (C) eventually (D) hopefully
11. (A) less (B) more (C) much (D) none
12. (A) is (B) for (C) as (D) in
13. (A) However (B) In addition (C) Despite (D) Nevertheless
14. (A) life (B) breath (C) pulse (D) blood
15. (A) stronger (B) longer (C) louder (D) faster
二、閱讀測驗(共15 題,每題 2 分,共 30 分)
說明:第16 至 30 題,請依各篇文章之文意選出最恰當的一個選項。
Once I had a duck that laid six eggs, but she paid no attention to them. I also had a hen that wanted to set, so I placed the duck’s eggs in the hen’s nest. The hen could not tell a duck egg from a hen egg, so she sat on the six eggs. Five of them hatched as fluffy ducklings. Perhaps the hen could not tell a duckling from a chick either. Anyway, she seemed to love them.
One day when I was eating lunch, I heard the mother hen clucking. She seemed to be in great trouble. I thought a hawk might be trying to catch her little ones. I rushed out of the house, at the same time yelling at the top of my voice to frighten the hawk away. Then I burst out laughing. The mother hen was running up and down on the bank of the brook, clucking and scolding while her five baby ducklings were having a merry time swimming and diving in the water!
16. The hen was scolding because _______________.
(A) a hawk was about to catch her chicks (B) the ducklings were f ighting
(C) the ducklings were hungry (D) the ducklings were swimming in the brook 17. When the author rushed out of the house, he _______________.
(A) was annoyed by the clucking of the hen
(B) thought the hen was having trouble with a hawk (C) expected to see the ducklings swimming in the brook (D) was out of his mind
18. According to the passage, how many eggs failed to hatch?
(A) one (B) two (C) three (D) six
19. Which of the following is implied but not stated in the passage?
(A) Ducks are lazy. (B) Hens are industrious.
(C) Chickens are afraid of water. (D) Hens are stupid.
Impressionism is a school of painting that began in Paris in 1863 when the works of Edouard Manet, a French painter and a follower of Gustave Courbet, were not given a place at the Paris exhibition at the Salon. Napoleon III, however, demanded that Manet and his innovative friends have a place to exhibit their works, and they were given a special room which was called the “Salon of Refused Works.” One outstanding picture in this Salon was a landscape by Claude Monet called
Impression: Sunset. The name was adopted for the new style, although Edouard Manet rejected this ter
m.20. The f irst Impressionistic painter was _______________.
(A) Gustave Courbet (B) Claude Monet (C) Edouard Manet (D) Paul Cezanne 21. The painting which gave its name to this school of painting is by _______________.
(A) Gustave Courbet (B) Claude Monet (C) Edouard Manet (D) Paul Cezanne 22. Who rejected the impressionists’ paintings?
(A) the Salon ofRefused Works (B) Edouard Manet
(C) Napoleon III (D) the exhibition authorities 23. How does the author characterize the impressionists?
(A) innovative (B) demanding (C) meaningless (D) outstanding
Course description:
206. American English Phonetics. Fall. 5 hours. Three lectures, two laboratory periods.
Prerequisite: English 205 and Linguistics 210. A study of American English pronunciation designed for advanced international students. Professor Baker.
24. From this course description, we know that the class meets _______________.
(A) two hours a day (B) three hours a week (C) f ive hours a day (D) f ive hours a week 25. In order to take American English Phonetics, it is necessary to _______________.
(A) take English 206 f irst (B) take English 205 and Linguistics 210 f irst (C) have permission from Professor Baker (D) pass an examination
26. Students who take this course should expect to _______________.
(A) study British English
(B) be taught by international students
(C) study English 205 and Linguistics 210 at the same time (D) use the language laboratory two hours a week
When we speak of a poem’s tone, we make a metaphor, speaking of a poem as if it were a person and voiced its own words.
It can help, when studying tone in poetry, to try out the analogy of poems-as-people. If we sometimes misunderstand tone in poems, it is also true that we can misunderstand personal tones of voices, even when we have body and pitch, gesture and eyebrows to help us understand. In everyday life, we interpret people’s tones every hour of the day, without noticing that we do it.
When we are offended by someone, or when we are touched or pleased, it is often the tone that does the offending or the pleasing.
Perhaps, after dinner one night, someone says “I’ll do the dishes.” These four words, depending on their tone, could mean a great many things. They could mean “I want to do the dishes because you look so tired and I am always happy to do something for you,” or they could mean “I’m about to ask a favor,” or “I’ll get points this way.” Or they could mean “when you wash the dishes, they never get clean.”
We receive signals through gestures and through words, and we respond in kind; we communicate by tones.
27. The primary purpose of the passage is to _______________.
(A) describe tones in poems
(B) show how tones affect word meaning
(C) illustrate the difference between prose and poetry (D) illustrate how gestures are interpreted
28. The author provides different interpretations of “I’ll do the dishes” in order to _______________.
(A) describe relationships between people (B) illustrate different types of speech
(C) show how tones provide the real meanings of words (D) reveal a complicated relationship between two people
29. The author implies that poems are like people because _______________.
(A) poems should be read aloud
(B) their meanings are different from reader to reader (C) both communicate by tones
(D) both use f igurative language
30. The style of the passage can best be described as _______________.
(A) instructional (B) poetic (C) dogmatic (D) inquisitive 三、文法測驗(共10 題,每題 2 分,共 20 分)
說明:第31 至 40 題,每題均有四個選項,請選出一個文法正確的選項,以使各題成為完整
31. Ellen was absent this morning because she had her tooth _______________.
(A) f illed (B) to f ill (C) f illing (D) f ill 32. I’m really _______________ to Seattle for the weekend.
(A) hoping go (B) wish to go
(C) looking forward to going (D) anticipating to going
33. The idea for the new machine came to Mr. Lane _______________ to work last week.
(A) while driving (B) while was driving (C) as he drives (D) when he has driven 34. Most foods have more than one nutrient, but _______________ provides all the essential nutrients.
(A) single no food (B) no single food (C) food no single (D) no food single 35. Mary’s father approved of _______________ in the United States for another year in order to
work toward her M.A.
(A) her to stay (B) her staying (C) she staying (D) she to stay 36. If Bob’s wife won’t agree to sign the papers, _______________.
(A) neither he will (B) neither won’t he (C) neither will he (D) he won’t neither 37. Literature _______________ provides only fragments of information about the Anglo-Saxon
(A) recorded in the century tenth (B) in the recorded century tenth (C) in the century tenth recorded (D) recorded in the tenth century
38. The job applicant was worried about the interview _______________ he was well-prepared.
(A) because (B) if (C) unless (D) even though
39. _______________ was not the way the event happened.
(A) What the press reported (B) What reported the press
(C) What reported (D) The press reported
40. _______________, the graduate student who was late every day will still take the test.
(A) You think it wise (B) You think it wise who (C) Whether or not you think it wise (D) Whether it wise
四、文意測驗(共10 題,每題 2 分,共 20 分)
說明:第41 至 50 題共分為四種題型,其作答方式,請詳讀各題型前之說明。
題型一:(第41 至 43 題)下面三篇段落各少一個主題句,請依各段文意選出一個最恰當的選項。
41. Which of the following is the most appropriate topic sentence for the paragraph below?
(A) The population of older people in the U.S. has increased and will continue to increase rapidly.
(B) Health care in the U.S. is without doubt getting better and better for older people.
(C) The increasing population of senior citizens is a serious problem worldwide.
(D) By American standards, a senior is a person who is sixty-f ive or older.
_______________ In 1980, there were approximately 25 million Americans who were
sixty-five or older. By the late 1980s, the number of these seniors had risen to over 30 million. This trend toward an increasingly older population, attributed largely to better health care, is expected to continue. In fact, the U.S. Census Bureau projects that the number of elderly Americans in the year 2020 will reach over 50 million.
42. Which of the following is the most appropriate topic sentence for the paragraph below?
(A) When washing a dog, you should proceed from his head to his tail.
(B) A few steps should be taken when choosing right soap for your dog.
(C) Washing your dog is not an easy task, and it should be done by professionals.
(D) To wash your dog properly, you should follow several steps with care.
_______________ First, you should make sure that your dog knows nothing, in advance, of your plan to wash him. After preparing his tub of lukewarm water, you should plunge him into it tenderly but f irmly. Then, keeping his head above water, you should soap his whole body. Work the soap throughout his hair and skin until it lathers his body. After your dog is completely covered with soap, be sure to rinse him thoroughly.
43. Which of the following is the most appropriate topic sentence for the paragraph below?
(A) All year round, a beach is a place to be with friends and family.
(B) Beaches are fun in summer and in winter.
(C) Many people like to spend time on beaches in hot summer days.
(D) An ideal place to buy a house is near a beach.
_______________ In summer, you can swim and do many other water sports. If you don’t like water sports, you can play beach games with friends or relax on the warm sand. In winter, beaches are less crowded, so they are good places for solitary walks. Also, on a clear winter night, nothing is more fun than sitting with a group of friends around a big bonf ire, talking, laughing, and singing.
題型二:(第44、45 題)下面兩篇段落各少了一個句子,請依各段文意選出一個最恰當的選項。
44. Which of the following can best f it into the blank in the paragraph below?
(A) Patients suffering from a “hot” condition should eat “hot” food to help cure an illness, and vice versa.
(B) Patients should always try to eat a mixture of different vegetables and meats in order to stay healthy.
(C) Patients should always try not to eat hot peppers and ice cream when they are not feeling well.
(D) Patients suffering from a “hot” condition should eat “cold” food to help in effecting a cure, and vice versa.
Traditional Chinese nutritional theory linked food with health and medicine. The Chinese categorize certain illnesses and medical conditions as “hot” condition and others “cold.”
_______________ Eating hot peppers when you have a fever or ice cream when you have a cold will only make you sicker. When serving food to people, Chinese cooks try to create a balance of
“hot” and “cold” ingredients in the various dishes selected.
45. Which of the following can best f it into the blank in the paragraph below?
(A) However, none of these jobs was as bad as my work as a waitress in a restaurant.
(B) Moreover, all the people that I worked with are self ish and lazy.
(C) In addition, the salary of the department store and the post off ice is very low.
(D) To be honest, the only job I like so far is working in a local movie theater.
While working my way through college, I have held some dull and diff icult jobs. I have spent a summer picking tomatoes in hot, endless f ields. I have sold toys to screaming children in the
crowded basement of a department store. I have worked through the night sorting mail in a post office. _______________ The work there was physically hard; the pay was poor; most of all, the working conditions were awful.
題型三:(第46 至 48 題),下面三篇段落各有四個劃底線的句子,每個句子前有選項代碼,
分別為 (A)、(B)、(C)、(D)。請依各段內容,選出一個文意最不連貫的句子,並將 該句子之選項代碼劃在答案卡上。
46. Exams apparently have a marked effect on the blood pressure of the students taking them.
(A) In a recent study, it was shown that the average student’s blood pressure rose from 116 / 57 before the exam to 155 / 112 at the end of the exam. (B) Likewise, some students’ blood pressure went down quite a bit during the exam period. (C) Interestingly, the test anxiety did not go away instantly once the exam was over. (D) Ten minutes after the exam period had ended, the students’ blood pressures were still quite high, averaging 150 / 107.
47. Most travelers retain in their memory different f ine impressions of the place they have visited.
Some are impressed by the hospitality of its people. (A) Some are struck by the scenic beauty.
(B) Some are not attracted to the local scenery and afraid of trying new food. (C) Others fall in love with specif ic local cultures or with the food. (D) All these feelings can be experienced in Taiwan.
48. Geologists are working hard to better understand why volcanoes erupt, so they can warn people in advance. (A) Earthquakes often precede an eruption. (B) In addition, many eruptions are accompanied by heavy rains. (C) However, because the quakes may come months before the blast, or only hours before, they cannot be used for precise forecasts. (D) This is why it is hard for researchers to predict when a volcano like Mt. St. Lorenzo will erupt again in the future.
題型四:(第49、50 題)重組題。下面兩題各有若干句子,請組成文意連貫之段落,選出正確
49. (1) The water can be warm or cold.
(2) This is a little diff icult to do but it usually works.
(3) My father has an interesting method of stopping hiccoughs.
(4) Next, he takes the glass in one hand and pinches his nose with the other hand.
(5) First, he takes a glass and f ills it with water.
(6) Then he bends forward at his waist and drinks the water in very small sips.
(A) 351462 (B) 325416 (C) 354612 (D) 321564 50. (1) How do we know great photos when we see them?
(2) Most importantly, they put smiles on our faces instantly.
(3) While digital cameras make the act of taking lots of pictures simpler, quantity does not necessarily guarantee quality.
(4) They’re the pictures that capture our memories and freeze special moments in time.
(5) Getting those perfect shots, however, is not always easy.
(6) We share them with family and friends and want to be sure they last forever.
(A) 124356 (B) 146532 (C) 126435 (D) 146253