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榮譽第一 ※考試時間請關閉手機,手機鈴響,依規定扣分

國立空中大學 104 學年度下學期期中考試題【正題】05

科目:實用英文 一律橫式作答 3-1 頁

壹、閱讀方法測驗,50%。這門課的教學節目帶、課本的導讀與學訊上的文章都一再的強調學習與閱 讀的方法,請依題目的意思將你認為是正確的答案寫下,建議你先看題目在問甚麼,再去找答案;

另外,這不是考翻譯,所以在看題目時請不要浪費時間在翻譯句子。每題 5 分。

1. 下面四句話中,那一個 V+ing 形式的字不是現在分詞?

(1) Sometimes a road is blocked simply because one person is putting his or her personal convenience above respecting the rules. (劃線的字) 。

(2) The people are moving and they don’t want to take everything with them.

(3) I think the word for this type of gardening is topiary.

(4) I have been waiting for you.

2. 下面四句話中,那一個 V+ing 形式的字不是動名詞?

(1) We learn Chinese from constantly reading, listening, speaking, and writing Chinese.

(2) I was hoping to buy something that says “Made in the United States.”

(3) We can still buy a birthday cake for grandpa and introduce him to some American ways of celebrating birthdays.

(4) I attended a training course in Taipei the past two months.

3. 下面四句話中,那一個 V+ed 形式的字不是過去分詞?

(1) Is this seat occupied?

(2) He tells my grandmother what kind of noodles he wants today and how he wants his pig's feet cooked.

(3) That’s where he first learned to be a riverboat pilot.

(4) Hi! Are you interested in anything?

4. 下面四句話中,那一個 V+ed 形式的字不是過去式?(可以複選)

(1) I remember we went down an alley near the police station and then turned left.

(2) The bridge must have looked like a big parking lot.

(3) Do you know how these idioms began and who first used them?

(4) He also worked on the railroad for a while.


5. I think the word for this type of ____is topiary.

(1) gardening (2) garden (3) gardened (4) gardens 6. I am ____at the beautiful traditional architecture here.

(1) amaze (2) amazing (3) amazes (4) amazed 7. _____ is supposed to be relaxing.

(1) Balloon (2) Ballooning (3) Ballooned (4) Balloons

科目:實用英文 【正題】05 一律橫式作答 3-2 頁

8. Keith: This book says that along Michigan Avenue, called the “Magnificent Mile,” there are lots of places of ____.

Let’s look at the map. What other places of ____ are nearby?


(1) interest (2) interesting (3) interested (4) interests

9. Ah-mei: Here, the only things people look at are the meat, and the fruit and vegetables. The people who


shop at traditional markets are usually really busy. The only thing they have in their mind is getting home and cooking dinner.


10. When I stroll on the paved path and look at the forest around me, I get such a feeling of calmness and peace.

請問,句子中的二個 and 各是連接甚麼?請寫下所連接的每一段話。

貳、閱讀測驗,50%。請依題目的意思將你認為是正確的答案寫下,建議你先看題目在問甚麼,再去 找答案,另外,這不是考翻譯,所以在看題目時請不要浪費時間在翻譯句子。每題 5 分,最後二題 各 10 分。

1. Harry: That was some bus ride! I feel there were more people on the bus than in my hometown.

Parkersburg is a small town in Iowa, you know.

請問,Harry 說的這段話的大意是甚麼?

(1) Parkersburg 好小(2) Parkersburg 的巴士好小 (3)台北的公車好擠 (4)台北比 Parkersburg 大 2. Steven: I haven‘t seen it, but I’ve heard of it. I missed it when it was played in Taiwan.

如果要能正確地解釋 I missed it,一定要先能正確地解釋劃線的字,請問,劃線的字如何解 3. Geoff: No, if it's not safe, we won't go up. It just means we can't plan for sure what we‘re going to see. If

we look at it as an adventure, it should be wonderful.

Keith: It would be a challenge, not an adventure, for me.

請問,Keith 的意思,a challenge 和 an adventure 相比,那一個比較危險?

4. Bob: No, not really. But there are books that give that kind of information. I think the great majority of English-speakers don’t know how particular idioms began; they have just learned the meaning and when to use them.

依據 Bob,大多數美國人是如何學英文的成語?和我們學中文的成語有沒有不同

5. The idea of a free public library is pretty old in this country, perhaps as old as the United States itself. It’s something that is often taken seriously by communities.

請問,第二句開頭的 It 是指甚麼?

科目:實用英文 【正題】05 一律橫式作答 3-3 頁

6. Keith: Have you ever been to Nova Scotia, that northeast part of Canada? When you stand on the cliffs looking out over the Atlantic Ocean on a crisp, clear day, you can almost picture the ships of early explorers approaching over the horizon.

Geoff: Yes, I know what you mean. I wish I could have been with them when they sailed up the St.



(1) 神遊 (2) 比較各自的經歷 (3) 描述各自所見的 (4) 計畫如何旅遊 7. Joy: Did anybody get hurt in your class?

Carol: Yeah, the first day one guy was carried back to the ski lodge on a stretcher. But he wasn‘t following the instructions. He was trying to show off.

請問,(1)這段對話中那一句話和劃線的字有關系,而且可以幫忙解釋他?請抄下那一句話;(2) 請 說明二者間在意思上如何連在一起的(說明因果關係)。


8. Bob: There are no shops along the trail. Our lunch is in my backpack! I hope you like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, potato chips, and trail mix.

Steven: That sounds like an all-American lunch. I still have plenty of water in my canteen to wash down all that good food. When do we eat?

請問,(1) Steven 對這樣子的午餐是怎麼樣的態度?(2) 請從對話中找出至少一個線索來證明你的 看法。

科目:實用英文 【正參】05 一律橫式作答 1 頁


1. 3 2. 2 3. 3 4. 2 5. 1 6. 4 7. 2 8. 1 9. 3

10. (1) stroll… path (2) look…me


1. 3

2. 當它(那部電影)在台灣放映時

3. a challenge,因為前一句中 Geoff 認為 an adventure 是很好玩的 4. 同樣都是只知道意思和何時使用,並不知道來源出處

5. The idea of a free public library,公共圖書館 6. 1

7. (1) But he wasn‘t following the instructions.;(2) 因為想要炫耀,所以沒有遵守規定,以致摔傷 8. (1) 無可奈何地接受;(2) I still have plenty of water in my canteen to wash down all that good food.,食




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