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Academic year: 2021

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臺灣土地銀行 106 年度五職等一般金融人員及 八職等大中華地區法遵人員甄試試題 職等/甄試類組【代碼】:五職等/一般金融人員【K4701-K4702】





本試卷一張雙面,四選一單選選擇題共 50 題,每題 2 分,共 100 分。限用 2B 鉛筆在「答案卡」



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壹、國文【第 1-25 題,每題 2 分,共計 25 題,占 50 分】

【2】1.為了靈活句式,文句中詞語順序和詞意表達順序參差不同,如蘇軾〈赤壁賦〉:「惟江上之清風,與山間之明 月,耳得之而為聲,目遇之而成色」, 此四句的文意可理解為:「江上之清風,耳得之而為聲;山間之明月,












南面/君王 西席/老師 萱堂/父親 菊壇/戲劇界









君子顯而為天下道, 隱而為天下法,故慎獨而為天下法則



人生無常,淡然處之 及時行樂,把握生命 持志奮鬥,追求理想 廣結善緣,關懷人間






見風轉舵/銅臭 見機行事/裝飾 見賢思齊/銅臭 見義喜為/裝飾

【4】8.「劉伶恆縱酒放達,或脫衣裸形在屋中。人見,譏之。伶曰:『我以天地為棟宇,屋室為褌衣,諸君何為入我 褌中?』」以上出自於《世說新語》篇章,依照文意判斷,請問此篇章應屬於:

德行 言語 雅量 任誕








因地制宜 金玉其外 沉魚落雁 東施效顰











【1】13.行文或是成語,常存在整齊中製造變化的效果,如「風霜高潔」其實是「風高霜潔」的意思。下列各組,何者 不屬於此種方式?

斟酌損益 性行淑均 陟罰臧否 志慮忠純


患難之交/莫逆之交 嶔崎磊落/投機取巧 大相逕庭/截然不同 陽奉陰違/口蜜腹劍


譽滿杏林 桃李興悲 春風化雨 功在桑梓


忌諱/蜚然成章 剔除/自鳴得意 煩燥/焚膏繼晷 編纂/堅若盤石


擇里仁為美/安居德有鄰 胸中一副別才/眉下一雙別眼

雖無劉阮逢仙術/只效岐黃濟世心 十二時辰運諸掌上/三千世界盡在眼前


仗義執言 珠聯壁合 誨澀難懂 以偏蓋全


寸陰無停晷,尺波豈徒旋 盛年不重來,一日難再晨

嶺外音書斷,經冬復歷春 光景不待人,須臾髮成絲


昆仲之誼 喬梓之情 同僚之交 聯姻之緣


乘月採芙蓉,夜夜得蓮子 君懷良不開,賤妾當何依

東邊日出西邊雨,道是無晴還有晴 春蠶至死絲方盡,蠟炬成灰淚始乾


「東道主」指主人 「北面」指君臨天下

以「旁門左道」稱不為正統所接納者 稱主張較激進者為「左派」,保守者為「右派」


文窮而後工 哀莫大於心死 雞鳴不已於風雨 死有重於泰山或輕於鴻毛


堂「廡」/「嫵」媚 陪「侍」/對「峙」

「嗆」鼻/悲「愴」 白「幡」/「藩」籬



嚴格崇實 模仿自然 浪漫想像 講究美感



貳、英文【第 26-50 題,每題 2 分,共計 25 題,占 50 分】


【3】26. The salesperson tried hard to _______ my grandpa to buy the smart phone.

 cooperate  declare  convince  discourage

【1】27. With only a _______ income, the couple can just manage to make both ends meet but cannot afford a vacation abroad.

 moderate  disruptive  coarse  nervous

【4】28. When the teacher put his finger on his lips, it was a _______ for his students to be quiet.

 slope  parade  commander  signal

【2】29. I put an _______ on e-Bay so that I could sell my car.

 agency  advertisement  embassy  empire

【3】30. The witness made a _______ description of the robber, so the police were able to catch him in a short time.

 steady  defensive  precise  delightful

【4】31. They gave away free samples to _______ the new product.

 profit  inspect  adapt  promote

【1】32. After Jane moved, it took her a few weeks to get used to her new _______.

 surroundings  illustrations  governments  definitions

【2】33. The _______ of mail has been delayed by the thunderstorm.

 deposit  delivery  origin  region


【2】34. John hasn’t had a good sleep _______ hearing about the air crash.

 with  since  until  from

【3】35. The campus of Fred’s ideal college is five times _______ his brother’s.

 larger  the larger  the size of  as large

【2】36. If there _______ no exams, I would lead a colorful life.

 was  were  has  had

【4】37. Canned food needs _______ before it is served.

 to heat  having heated  being heating  to be heated

【3】38. Tired _______ I was, I yielded my seat to an old lady on my way home yesterday.

 such  so  as  too

【2】39. Only through one’s strong will _____ every frustration and reach one’s goals.

 one overcomes  can one overcome

 one can overcome  one to overcome

【1】40. Those who have studied English as a foreign language know _____ to become fully fluent.

 what a difficult job it is  what difficult it is

 how difficult is it  how a difficult job it is


There is a popular saying in the English language:“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”Well, that is not true. Unkind words, name-calling or even the so-called“the silent treatment”can hurt children 41 being physically hit, sometimes even more so. A recent study of middle school children showed that verbal abuse by other children can harm development in the brain. Researcher Martin Teicher and his team asked the young people 42 their childhood exposure to verbal abuse from both parents and other children. Then the researchers performed imaging tests on the brains of the subjects.

The images showed that the individuals who reported suffering verbal abuse from their peers in mi ddle school had underdeveloped connections between the left and right side of the brain.

The two sides of the brain are connected by a large bundle of connecting fibers called the corpus callosum.

It was the area 43 was underdeveloped. The middle school years are a time 44 these brain connections are developing. 45 , unkind, hurtful comments from children or adults during this period had the greatest effect.

【1】41.  as much as  as many as  as soon as  as long as

【3】42.  rating  rated  to rate  having rated

【4】43.  when  where  what  that

【2】44.  where  when  how  why

【3】45.  Such  Rather  So  Instead


A Post-it note is a piece of paper with some glue on its back. It is designed for temporarily attaching to documents and to other surfaces: walls, desks, computer monitors, and so on. It was invented by 3M’s Art Fry and Spencer Silver.

The process of inventing this tiny note is quite interesting.

Spencer Silver had been trying to invent a strong glue. When he experimented with many different kinds of chemicals, the outcome of the experiment fell short of his expectation. The glue he made was a very weak one. He wasn’t disappointed, instead, he tried to convince others in his company of how important this invention might be.

Meanwhile, Art Fry felt frustrated that his bookmarks kept falling out of his hymn book when he sang hymns during the church service. He wondered if there was a note that could help him mark the right page without damaging the book. Suddenly, he remembered Silver’s invention─the weak glue. He came up with an idea to use the weak glue on a piece of paper. Thus, the bookmarks could attach to his hymn book.

This Post-it note was invented and enjoyed a great success in 1980.

As you can see, the two great inventors get ideas from their own experience. When they faced problems, they always tried hard to solve them. Next time you have a problem, try to come up with some ideas to solve it. You may become a great inventor, too.

【3】46. Which of the following statements about the Post-it note is NOT true?

 It was invented without being planned.

 The weak glue on it was considered a failure by most people at first.

 It is designed to attach to a surface for good.

 It was first used as a bookmark in a hymn book.

【2】47. Who first tried to put the “weak glue” into real use?

 Spencer Silver  Art Fry

 The 3M CEO  A 3M worker

【1】48. According to this article, what is the most important quality of a great inventor?

 The person who always tries to solve problems.

 The person who learns much from experience.

 The person who looks for problems.

 The person who is sensitive and smart.

【3】49. With the weak glue, one can __________.

 keep books from falling apart

 build an airplane

 stick a piece of paper to a surface temporarily

 cheat on exams without being caught

【4】50. What does the phrase “fell short of” in second paragraph mean?

 become less and less

 try hard to meet

 make something worse

 fail to reach a certain level



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