Education Bureau Circular Memorandum No. 106/2022
From : Permanent Secretary for Education To: Supervisors of Kindergartens / Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres and Schools with Kindergarten Classes joining the Kindergarten Education Scheme
- For necessary action Ref : EDB(FINMS)/KG/614(21-22) Date: 28 June 2022
Submission of 2021/2022 Annual Audited Accounts by Kindergartens / Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres and Schools with Kindergarten Classes
Joining the Kindergarten Education Scheme (“the Scheme”)
This circular memorandum requests Supervisors of Kindergartens / Kindergarten- cum-Child Care Centres and schools with kindergarten classes joining the kindergarten education scheme (collectively referred as “KGs”) (including KGs having withdrawn from the Scheme but still receiving government subsidy of eligible students at certain level(s)) to submit their annual audited accounts for the 2021/22 school / financial year within six months after the end date of the accounts.
2. According to Education Bureau (EDB) Circular No. 7/2016, KGs are required to submit to EDB their annual accounts audited by Certified Public Accountants (practising) registered under the Professional Accountants Ordinance. Guidelines on engagement of auditors are set out in EDB Circular No. 5/2014.
Submission Requirements
3. The full set of annual audited accounts to be submitted to EDB should comprise – (a) the School Supervisor’s Certificate;
(b) the Auditor’s Report; and
(c) statements as specified at Annex 1.
To facilitate KGs’ completion of the required statements, KGs should download for completion
and submit the electronic templates through the Common Log-On System at (please refer to Annex 2), followed by a duly signed hardcopy which is
identical to the electronic version to EDB.
4. The full set of annual audited accounts must be forwarded to the following address within 6 months after the end date of the accounts –
Management Services Section, Finance Division,
Education Bureau,
Room 1504, 15/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East,
Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
5. For those KGs receiving subsidies under the Child Care Centre Subsidy Scheme and/or other subsidies for child care services, they should separately account for these subsidies as set out in Statement 3 at Annex 1.
6. For closed KGs, they should submit their final audited accounts covering the period up to and including the last day of school operation no later than four months from the date of cessation of operation.
Points for special attention
7. In preparing the annual audited accounts, School Supervisors are requested to comply with all relevant terms and conditions of the Scheme set out in EDB Circular No. 7/2016 as applicable to the KGs with particular attention to the following –
(a) KGs should submit to EDB annual audited accounts in name of the KGs together with the Auditor’s Reports. EDB will not accept the annual audited accounts submitted by the sponsoring bodies or other bodies and/or Auditor’s Reports of any other accounts.
(b) All the transactions related to KGs’ operation, including but not limited to the income and assets, should be reflected in the audited accounts of the KGs. On the other hand, those transactions related to the sponsoring bodies only should be excluded.
(c) KGs should follow the rules and regulations on collection of fees and trading operations as promulgated in EDB Circular No. 16/2013. KGs should properly report their school incomes (e.g. school fees, income from sale of school items) in the annual audited accounts. Income generated from activities ancillary to KGs’
operation but NOT collected from students should be reported in Note 5 of Statement 7 at Annex 1.
(d) KGs will receive various grants and subsidies under the Scheme. These grants and subsidies should be used solely for the purposes specified in the relevant EDB circulars. A non-exhaustive list of expenditure items chargeable to grants and subsidies is set out in Annex to Appendix 3 of EDB Circular No. 7/2016.
(e) KGs should not transfer any funds, including subsidies and surplus, in whatever form, to any organizations including their sponsoring bodies.
(f) KGs should observe the special accounting treatments for each individual grant
(g) KGs should properly disclose all related party i transactions and their outstanding balances in Note 9 of Statement 7 at Annex 1. Please refer to Annex 5 for definition.
(h) KGs should draw their Auditors’ attention to the strict certification requirements as set out in the reference notes for Auditors at Annex 6 prior to the commencement of audit.
(i) KGs should note that as set out at Annex 6, Auditors are required to send to EDB a copy of the management letter, if any, they issued to their School Supervisors on the weaknesses they observed in the internal control of KGs. EDB may require KGs and their Auditors to provide supplementary information, if necessary.
8. All income and expenditure relating to subsidies and grants received by KGs from other government departments / quasi-government funds, which are managed by government bureau / departments other than EDB, should not be included in Scheme Funds in the audited accounts at Annex 1.
Remuneration Packages for Key Personnel
9. As stipulated in paragraph 8 at Appendix 2 of EDB Circular No. 7/2016 issued on 20 July 2016 regarding the implementation details of the Scheme, on the basis of fairness and reasonableness, the school should put in place a proper and well-defined mechanism to determine remuneration packages for individual staff and the pay adjustment mechanisms. The school should also increase the transparency in their management. Starting from the submission of the 2017/18 audited accounts, KGs joining the Scheme should complete a proforma on remuneration packages of key personnel, signed by the School Supervisor and return separately to the respective Regional Education Office / Joint Office for Kindergartens and Child Care Centres for consideration. The proforma and a completed sample are attached below for action and reference.
10. For enquiries related to annual audited accounts, please contact Accounting Officer II (Management Services)2 at 2892 5950. For enquiries on the proforma on remuneration packages of key personnel, please contact respective School Development Officer or Service Officer as appropriate.
( Victor SO )
for Permanent Secretary for Education
Annex 1
(1) School Number :
3 Branch ID :
(2) Name of School:
(3) Name of Sponsoring Body :
(4) School type :
First year joining KGES :
With / Without non-local classes :
(5) Total number of pages of auditor's report (i.e. the 5th item in the contents) :
(6) Starting date of school year :
KG Section - Local classes (dd/mm/yyyy) : (KGES)
CCC Section (dd/mm/yyyy) :
(7) Period covered by annual accounts : For this submission
From (dd/mm/yyyy) : #
To (dd/mm/yyyy) : #
Part of the period not under KGES :
For last submission From (dd/mm/yyyy) : To (dd/mm/yyyy) :
Note : Editable cells
Editable cells (optional items) Not applicable cells
Non-editable cells
Please read "Procedures/Guidelines For Filling Annual Audited Accounts Electronic Template" in the worksheet "Guide" before filling in the
School number : __________
FOR THE YEAR ENDED ______ 2022
School Information 1
Cover Page 2
Contents 3
4 5
Statement 1: Income and Expenditure Account (Remark 1) 6 - 7
Statement 2: Balance Sheet (Remark 1) 8 - 9
Statement 3: 10
Statement 4A: Statement of Grants provided based on Actual Expenditure (Remark 1) 11
Statement 4B: Statement of Designated Grants (Remark 1) 12 - 13
Statement 5: Statement of Trading Operations 14
Statement 6: Statement of Donation Income 15
Statement 7: Notes to the Accounts (Remark 1) 16 - 26
1. Subsidies / grants under KG Education Scheme should be reported under respective Statements according to their natures as below - a. Subsidies / grants under KG Education Scheme
- Statement 1 : Recurrent subsidies / grants (deficit can be covered by surplus under Other Operating Expenses Related Subsidy) - Statement 4A : Grants disbursed based on actual expenditure of the KG
- Statement 4B :
b. Other subsidies / grants not under KG Education Scheme or from other government departments / quasi-government bodies - Statement 2 :
- Statement 3 : Subsidies under the Child Care Centre Subsidy Scheme and from SWD - Statement 7
(Notes 5 & 6) :
Surplus / deficit of subvented projects should be recorded as "Other Income" or "Other Expenditure".
Balances of the subsidies / grants should be recorded as 'Accounts Payable', if no separate ledgers and bank accounts are maintained for reporting to these bodies.
Statement of Child Care Centre Subsidy Scheme and Other Subsidies for Child Care Services (Remark 1)
School Supervisor's Certificate Auditor's Report
Designated grants ((i) without reserve ceiling requirement; and (ii) deficit can be covered by surplus under Other Operating Expenses Related Subsidy)
Signed by School Supervisor:
Name of School Supervisor:
Name of School:
I hereby certify that information and explanation given in Statement 1 to Statement 7 in the Audited Accounts of the school for the accounting year ended ______ 2022 are true and correct.
Please stamp
School Chop
Signed by Auditor:
Name of Auditor:
[Name of School]
Please stamp
Auditor's Chop
FOR THE PERIOD FROM ______ 2021 TO ______ 2022
KG Scheme Funds (under Kindergarten Education Scheme (KGES)) (Remark 1) School Funds (Remark 1) Total
Local Kindergarten Section ---Optional (Remark 2)---
Premises Related Subsidy Grant for
Teacher Salary (Premises Maintenance Premises Related Subsidy Other Operating Expenses Support to
Related Subsidy Grant related) (Others) (Remark 4) Related Subsidy Non
Half-day session
Whole-day / Long whole- day session
Half-day session
Whole-day / Long whole- day session
Half-day session
Whole-day / Long whole-
day session
Half-day session
Whole-day / Long whole-
day session
-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students
Grant for a Cook
Promotion of Reading Grant
for Kindergartens
Sub-total Local Kindergarten
Child Care Centre Section
Non-local Kindergarten
Sub-total 2021/22 2020/21
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Income (Remark 3)
Unit subsidy - -
Tide-over grant - -
Premises maintenance grant - -
Rental subsidy / rent reimbursement - -
Reimbursement of government rent and rates - -
Grant for support to NCS students - -
Grant for a cook - -
Promotion of Reading Grant for Kindergartens - -
School fee from parents and fee remission -
Subsidy under Child Care Centre Subsidy Scheme 3 - - -
Other Subsidies for Child Care Services 3 - - -
Child Care Centre Special Grant and Child Care Centre Parent Subsidy 3 - - -
Other income 7 - Note 5 - - - - - -
Total Income - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Teacher salary related expenses
Principal and teaching staff salary and related expenses
Salaries and Provident Fund / Mandatory Provident Fund - -
Severance / long service payment - -
Premises related expenses
Depreciation of school premises 7 - Note 3 - -
Major repairs and maintenance of school premises paid by premises
maintenance grant - -
Rental of school premises - -
Rates and government rent - -
Other operating expenses
Non-teaching staff salary and related expenses
Salaries and Provident Fund / Mandatory Provident Fund - -
Severance / long service payment - -
- -
Other expenditure for support to NCS students - -
Salary and related expenses for cook - -
Related expenses on promotion of reading activities - -
Major repairs and maintenance (for items costing $8,000 or above each) - -
Depreciation of fixed assets
Leasehold improvements 7 - Note 3 - -
Furniture/ Equipment/ Fixtures/ Fittings 7 - Note 3 - -
Computer hardware and software 7 - Note 3 - -
Renewable energy facilities (only applicable to schools participating in Feed-in Tariff (FiT) Scheme, excluding depreciation for renewable energy facilities under School Funds which are reported under Note 10 of Statement 7)
7 - Note 3 - -
Others 7 - Note 3 -
Teaching consumables - -
Expenses on regular learning activities for all students - -
Water and electricity - -
Supervisor's remuneration - -
Set up expenses - -
Related expenses on Child Care Centre Special Grant and Child Care Centre Parent
Subsidy 3 - - - -
Other expenditure 7 - Note 6 - - - - - -
Total Expenditure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Salary and related expenses for supporting staff to NCS students
FOR THE PERIOD FROM ______ 2021 TO ______ 2022
KG Scheme Funds (under Kindergarten Education Scheme (KGES)) (Remark 1) School Funds (Remark 1) Total
Local Kindergarten Section ---Optional (Remark 2)---
Premises Related Subsidy Grant for
Teacher Salary (Premises Maintenance Premises Related Subsidy Other Operating Expenses Support to
Related Subsidy Grant related) (Others) (Remark 4) Related Subsidy Non
Half-day session
Whole-day / Long whole- day session
Half-day session
Whole-day / Long whole- day session
Half-day session
Whole-day / Long whole-
day session
Half-day session
Whole-day / Long whole-
day session
-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students
Grant for a Cook
Promotion of Reading Grant
for Kindergartens
Sub-total Local Kindergarten
Child Care Centre Section
Non-local Kindergarten
Sub-total 2021/22 2020/21
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Surplus / (Deficit) from operation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Profit / (Loss) from trading operations 5 - -
Surplus / (Deficit) from FiT Scheme 7 - Note 10 - -
Donation income 6 - - -
Surplus / (Deficit) for the year - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Accumulated surplus / (deficit) brought forward from previous year - -
Prior year(s) adjustments (Remark 5)
Prior Year(s) Adjustments - Clawback (Remark 6) - -
(Please specify the reason) 7 - Note 11 - -
(Please specify the reason) 7 - Note 11 - -
(Please specify the reason) 7 - Note 11 - -
(Please specify the reason)
Deficit for the year transferred to : (Remark 7)
- - - - - - - - - -
- - -
- - -
School Funds - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Deficit from designated grants
Special Anti-epidemic Grant 4B - - -
Special Anti-epidemic Grant (March 2022) 4B - - -
Support Grant / One-off Grant 4B - - -
Website Enhancement Grant 4B - - -
Renovation Grant 4B - - -
Relocation Grant 4B - - -
Gift Book Scheme 4B - - -
Do It Yourself (DIY) Handicraft and Learning Package Scheme 4B - - -
Grant for Procurement of National Flag and Movable Flagpole 4B - - -
Professional Capacity Enhancement Grant 4B - - -
Parent Education Grant 4B - - -
Additional grant for setting up / enhancing the designated webpage
“Resources for Parents” 4B - - -
Grant for Procurement of Ventilation Assessment Service 4B - - -
Grant for Procurement of Air Purifiers 4B - - -
Transfer from / (to) other reserves 7 - Note 7 - -
Surplus / (Deficit) for the year after transfer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Amount to be clawed back by Education Bureau for the year (Remark 8) 7 - Note 8 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Surplus / (Deficit) carried forward to next year 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1. KG Scheme Funds and School Funds mean "income from government subsidies/grants" and "non-government funds" respectively as stated in the Education Bureau Circular No. 7/2016 and related circulars on the Scheme.
2. It is optional for schools to further apportion the income and expenditure items under School Funds to local kindergarten section, non-local kindergarten section and child care centre section.
3. Please input the correct disbursement and adjustment amounts of subsidies/ grants with correct apportionment of these subsidies/ grants into related sessions under KGES according to the Annual Statement on Subsidies/ Grants issued by EDB through the Common Log-On System.
4. Any rental cost exceeding the market rent as assessed by the Rating and Valuation Department, which will be made known to KGs in due course, should not be charged to the subsidies under the Scheme. It should be borne by school funds (other than school fees).
5. Except for "Prior Year(s) Adjustments - Clawback" (Remark 6), KGs should minimise the use of "Prior year(s) adjustments". If "Prior year(s) adjustments" are needed for other reasons, please provide details such as explanation, calculation and other supporting documents for each of the prior year(s) adjustments in Statement 7 - Note 11 for reference.
6. According to the Clawback Notification Letter issued by EDB through the Common Log-On System, if there is any discrepancy in the accumulated surplus/(deficit) carried forward between the audited accounts of your school and the amount assessed by EDB for any subsidy/grant, please report such discrepancy as "Prior Year(s) Adjustments - Clawback" in the forthcoming annual audited accounts of your school.
7. Deficit of respective subsidies/ grants under KGES should be borne by the surplus (if any) from other operating expenses related subsidy (i.e. 40% of the basic unit subsidy) and then by School Funds.
8. The amount shown in this row is for reference only. For the actual "amount to be clawed back by EDB", please refer to the Clawback Notification Letter issued by EDB in due course through the Common Log-On System.
Other Operating Expenses Related Subsidy
Statement 2
2021/22 2020/21
Statement As at ______ 2022 As at ______ 2021
$ $
Non-current Assets
Fixed assets (including FiT Scheme assets)
7 - Note 3- - Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)
- - Current Assets
5- -
Accounts receivable and prepayments
Bank deposits with original maturities over three months Cash and cash equivalents
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)
- - Current Liabilities
School fees received in advance Accounts payable and accruals
Amount payable to Education Bureau
7 - Note 8- - Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)-
- Net Current Assets / (Liabilities) - - Non-current Liabilities
Bank loan Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)-
- Total Assets net of Total Liabilities - -
[Name of School]
Statement 2
2021/22 2020/21
Statement As at ______ 2022 As at ______ 2021
$ $
[Name of School]
Accumulated surplus / (deficit) - non-FiT Scheme #
(Remark 1)- - Accumulated surplus from FiT Scheme *
(Remark 1) 7 - Note 10- - Other reserves
(Please specify) 7 - Note 7- - Other reserves
(Please specify) 7 - Note 7- - Other reserves
(Please specify) 7 - Note 7- - Other reserves
(Please specify) 7 - Note 7- - Other reserves
(Please specify) 7 - Note 7- -
Retained Surplus
Subsidies / grants from Education Bureau
Subsidies / grants under KG Education Scheme
1- - Staff Relief Grant for Staff Taking Paid Maternity Leave
4A- -
Supply Teacher Grant
4A- -
Special Supply Teacher Grant
Special Anti-epidemic Grant
Special Anti-epidemic Grant (March 2022)
Support Grant / One-off Grant
4B- -
Website Enhancement Grant
Renovation Grant
4B- -
Relocation Grant
4B- -
Gift Book Scheme
4B- -
Do It Yourself (DIY) Handicraft and Learning Package Scheme
4B- - Grant for Procurement of National Flag and Movable Flagpole
Professional Capacity Enhancement Grant
Parent Education Grant
Additional grant for setting up / enhancing the designated webpage
“Resources for Parents”
Grant for Procurement of Ventilation Assessment Service
Grant for Procurement of Air Purifiers
- Total Reserves and Retained Surplus - -
1. For reconciliation purpose:
Statement 2021/22 2020/21
Accumulated surplus / (deficit) - non-FiT Scheme # - -
Accumulated surplus from FiT Scheme *
7 - Note 10- -
School Funds - Accumulated surplus / (deficit)
1- -
From ______ 2021 From ______ 2020 Statement to ______ 2022 to ______ 2021
$ $
Subsidy received under the Child Care Centre Subsidy Scheme (Remark 1) 1 Other Subsidies for Child Care Services (Remark 2)
Subsidy for Manpower Enhancement ("SME") Subsidy for Further Manpower Enhancement ("SFME") Subsidy for Operation Enhancement ("SOE") Subsidy for Assistant Supervisor ("SAS")
Sub-total 1 - -
Child Care Centre Special Grant (Remark 3) 1
Child Care Centre Parent Subsidy (Remark 4) 1
Total Income - -
Salary and Provident Fund / Mandatory Provident Fund (Remarks 1 and 2) Child care supervisor's ("CCS's") salaries
Child care workers' ("CCW's") salaries
Related expenses on administrative support of CCCs Related expenses on SAS (Remarks 2 and 5)
Related expenses on Child Care Centre Special Grant (Remark 3) 1 Related expenses on Child Care Centre Parent Subsidy (Remark 4) 1
Total Expenditure - - Surplus / (Deficit) for the period - -
Surplus of Child Care Centre Special Grant brought forward from
previous period -
Surplus of Child Care Centre Parent Subsidy brought forward from
previous period -
Surplus (Remark 6)
Surplus refundable to Education Bureau ("EDB") for the period 7 - Note 8
Surplus refundable to Social Welfare Department ("SWD") for the period - - Surplus of Child Care Centre Special Grant carried forward to next period - - Surplus of Child Care Centre Parent Subsidy carried forward to next period - - Total surplus - -
6. Except for the Child Care Centre Special Grant and Child Care Centre Parent Subsidy, any unspent amount of the allocation will be clawed back by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("the Government") after the review of the annual audited accounts. If the CCC service of the aided KG-cum-CCC is terminated, the entire unspent subsidy based on the audited accounts as at the date of closure will be clawed back by the Government. The surplus from CCCSS and other subsidies for child care services will be calculated on pro-rata basis and returned to EDB and SWD accordingly.
Employer's contribution to Provident Fund Scheme / Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme for CCSs and CCWs
According to EDBC No. 3/2008, the subsidy under the Child Care Centre Subsidy Scheme (CCCSS) should be spent solely on CCS's / CCW's salaries and Provident Fund / Mandatory Provident Fund expenses.
According to SWD's notification letter issued to aided child care centres (CCCs) dated 16 March 2021, the Subsidy for Manpower Enhancement and Subsidy for Further Manpower Enhancement should be spent solely on CCS's / CCW's salaries and Provident Fund / Mandatory Provident Fund expenses while the Subsidy for Assistant Supervisor should be spent solely as the additional allowance to the appointed CCW(s) to provide assistance for the supervisor in the supervisory and administrative work. Subsidy for Manpower Enhancement, Subsidy for Further Manpower Enhancement and Subsidy for Assistant Supervisor have to be spent in the school year to which they are granted. The Subsidy for Operation Enhancement should be spent solely on administrative support or clerical staff's salaries.
According to SWD's letter issued to aided CCCs dated 27 February 2020, 30 September 2020, 28 December 2020, 18 January 2022 and 22 February 2022, the Child Care Centre Special Grant was provided to tide over the financial difficulties faced by CCCs due to suspension of service and ease the financial burden of parents during the epidemic period. The unspent special grant, if any, will be regarded as surplus and to be carried forward to the next period.
Starting from February 2020, SWD disburses the Child Care Centre Parent Subsidy (Parent Subsidy) on quarterly basis through the aided CCCs, which is a direct subsidies for parents to cover part of the service fees and aims at alleviating the financial burden of parents. The unspent Parent Subsidy, if any, will be carried forward for disbursement to parents in the following quarter. SWD will adjust amount of Parent Subsidy to be disbursed quarterly if needed.
The salary of the appointed CCW(s) to provide assistance for the supervisor in the supervisory and administrative work should be excluded.
Statement 4A
Staff Relief Grant for Staff Taking
Paid Maternity Leave
(Remark 1)
Supply Teacher Grant
(Remark 2)
Special Supply Teacher Grant
(Remark 3)
$ $ $
Grant received
Expenditure incurred and covered by the grant
(Remark 4)Balance for the period
(Remark 5)- - -
Balance brought forward from previous period 2
Balance carried forward to next period
(Remark 5)2 - - -
According to EDBC No. 17/2018, the grant is provided to Scheme-KGs for reimbursement of the relevant expenses incurred from employing substitute staff to temporarily take up the duties of the staff taking paid maternity leave under Employment Ordinance (Cap. 57) and for 14 weeks. Expenses related to the non-school portion, child care centre section and non-local curriculum stream of the KG are not included.
FOR THE PERIOD FROM ______ 2021 TO ______ 2022
According to the letter EDB issued to KGs on 29 April 2022 (Ref.: L/M(1) to EDB(KGA2-1)/Grant/7), the grant is provided to Scheme-KGs for reimbursement of the relevant expenses incurred from employing supply teachers to temporarily perform the duties of pregnant teachers working from home under the COVID-19 epidemic. Expenses related to the non- school portion, child care centre section and non-local curriculum stream of the KG are not included.
In general, deficit may exist as a result of timing difference between expenditure incurred and the subsequent receipt of grant. Such deficit may be carried forward and made good by the grant received in next accounting period.
According to EDBC No. 8/2018, the grant is provided to Scheme-KGs for reimbursement of the relevant expenses incurred from employing supply teacher to temporarily take up the duties of the teacher attending the specified training courses on catering for students with developmental needs and specified training courses on supporting NCS students. Expenses related to the non-school portion, child care centre section and non-local curriculum stream of the KG are not included.
Only expenditure covered by the grant, i.e. the reimbursement, should be included. Expenditure not approved by EDB
should not be charged to this statement.
Special Anti- epidemic
Grant (Remark 2)
Special Anti- epidemic
Grant (March
2022) (Remark 3)
Support Grant / One-off Grant (Remark 4)
Website Enhancement
Grant (Remark 5)
Renovation Grant (Remark 6)
Relocation Grant (Remark 6)
Gift Book Scheme (Remark 7)
Do It Yourself
(DIY) Handicraft and Learning
Package Scheme (Remark 7)
Grant for Procurement
of National Flag and Movable Flagpole (Remark 8)
Professional Capacity Enhancement
Grant (Remark 9)
Parent Education
Grant (Remark
Additional grant for setting up / enhancing the
designated webpage
“Resources for Parents”
(Remark 10)
Grant for Procurement of Ventilation Assessment
Service (Remark 11)
Grant for Procurement
of Air Purifiers (Remark 11)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Income Grant received
Total Expenditure - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Surplus / (Deficit) for the period - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Prior year(s) adjustments (Remark 12)
Deficit transferred to Scheme Funds (Remark 13) 1
Deficit transferred to School Funds (Remark 13) 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Amount to be clawed back by Education Bureau 7 - Note 8 - -
Surplus carried forward to next period 2 - - - - - - - - - -
(Remark 1)
(Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify)
FOR THE PERIOD FROM ______ 2021 TO ______ 2022
(Please specify)
(Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify)
Surplus brought forward from previous period (Please specify)
(Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify)
(Remark 1)
FOR THE PERIOD FROM ______ 2021 TO ______ 2022
Grants Our Ref. / CM No. Date of issue Clawback provision
1. Support Grant EDB(KGA)ADM/90/1 28/02/2020 Schools should use the grant on or before 31 August 2021.
2. One-off Grant (under the third round of Anti-epidemic Fund) EDB(KGA)ADM/90/1/IV 05/10/2020 Not applicable
3. One-off Grant (under the fourth round of Anti-epidemic Fund) EDB(KGA)ADM/90/1/VI 30/12/2020 Not applicable
4. One-off Grant (under the fifth round of Anti-epidemic Fund) EDB(KGA)/KE/49/1(9) 18/01/2022 Not applicable
5. One-off Grant (under the sixth round of Anti-epidemic Fund) EDBCM No. 47/2022 17/02/2022 Not applicable
According to EDBCM No. 126/2020, the one-off grant was provided to facilitate KGs in enhancing their school websites. KGs should use the grant on or before 31 December 2021.
This Statement is applicable for EDB grants that meet the following criteria:
- without reserve ceiling requirement; and
- deficit can be covered by surplus under Other Operating Expenses Related Subsidy.
According to EDBCM No. 37/2020, the one-off grant was provided to help schools replenish their epidemic prevention equipment, clean the school premises and pay for the other expenses related to epidemic prevention. Schools should use the grant on or before 31 August 2021.
According to the EDB letters and circulars (see table below) to KGs, the support grant / one-off grant was provided to alleviate KGs' financial hardship due to the COVID-19. Schools must ensure that the grant is used for operating the KG and for education purposes of students. The ambit of this grant covers expenditure items chargeable to government funds in general.
According to EDBCM No. 51/2022, the one-off grant was provided to schools to purchase equipment for epidemic prevention, procure services and items related to cleaning the school premises and pay for the expenses related to student vaccination arrangement.
Schools should use the grant on or before 31 August 2023.
According to EDBCM No. 49/2022, two one-off grants were provided to KGs to procure professional service for ventilation assessment of the school premises; and purchase air purifiers to improve the school' s indoor ventilation situation. KGs should use the grants on or before 31 December 2022.
Please state the adjustments notified by EDB and not yet reflected in previous year's audited accounts in this row.
Deficit should be borne by the surplus (if any) from other relevant government subvention (if applicable) or schools’ own fund.
According to EDBCM No. 127/2020 and No. 119/2021, two one-off grants were provided to alleviate KGs’ financial burden in improving the school environment and relocation. KGs should use the grants within two years from the EDB disbursement date (i.e. on or before 28 February 2023 or 29 February 2024).
According to EDBCM No. 185/2020, two one-off grants were provided to support KGs to provide meaningful and interesting activities for learning at home. Schools should use the grants on or before 31 August 2023.
According to EDBCM No. 114/2021, the one-off grant was provided to KGs to purchase the national flags and movable flagpoles. Schools should use the grant on or before 31 August 2022.
According to EDBCM No. 17/2022, the one-off grant was provided to enhance the capacity and professional development of KG teachers. KGs should use the grant on or before 31 August 2024.
According to EDBCM No. 18/2022, two one-off grants were provided to help schools kick start structured school-based parent education programmes and encourage KGs to set up / enhance the designated webpage “Resources for Parents” on their school websites. KGs should use the grants on or before 31 August 2026.
Statement Textbooks Exercise books
School bus services
uniforms School bags
Bedding items
Activities outside regular school
hours Stationery
Supplementary learning materials
Tea and snacks
Interest classes
(Please specify)
(Please specify)
(Please specify) Total
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Income (Remark 1) -
Cost of Sales
Opening stock 2 -
Add : Purchases -
Others (Please specify) -
Others (Please specify) -
Others (Please specify) -
Others (Please specify) -
Others (Please specify) -
Others (Please specify) -
Less: Closing stock 2 -
Total Cost of Sales - - - - - - -
Profit/ (Loss) for the year 1 - - - - - - -
Any discount or block sum of money received from trading operators / suppliers should be entered into school accounts as income. Parents should be notified in advance of such sum.
According to EDBC No. 16/2013, no profit should be generated from sale of textbooks. The profit from the sale of other school items and provision of paid services should be limited to 15% of total costs involved.
FOR THE PERIOD FROM ______ 2021 TO ______ 2022
Profit / (Loss) as a % of total cost of sales (Remark 2)
Statement 6
From ______ 2021 From ______ 2020 Statement to ______ 2022 to ______ 2021
$ $
Donation Income
(Remark 1)Extra-curricular activities Purchase of teaching equipment Repairs and maintenance Scholarship
Total Expenditure - -
Unspent balance
(Remark 2) 1- -
2. Unspent balance should be transferred to the Income and Expenditure Account.
[Name of School]
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Expenditure which cannot be fully covered by donation should be recognised in the Income and Expenditure Account
(Statement 1).
Statement 7
NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 1. General Information
2. Basis of Preparation
(ii) (iii)
Child Care Centre (if applicable)
Local Kindergarten Classes
: 100% :
Half-day Whole-day/
Long whole-day
: Not applicable (1.6 to 2,please specify)
Identifiable local kindergarten expenses which are not allowable in / chargeable to KGSF are fully borne by SF;
Salaries and related expenses of principal and teaching staff are allocated to KGSF and SF according to their relative duties in different sections and streams as designated by the school. The
apportionment ratio adopted by the school during the year was :
Expenses incurred on a school basis are allocated to KGSF and SF based on yearly [please specify as appropriate] average student enrolments of respective sections and streams; and
All expenses allocated to local kindergarten section are further allocated, if applicable, to different sessions based on respective yearly average student enrolments and the ratio of half-day to whole- day / long whole-day expenditure per student. The ratio adopted by the school during the year was:
Non-Local Kindergarten Classes (if applicable)
[Name of School]
All direct expenses which can be separately attributable to KGSF or SF are fully taken
up and borne by such fund, and recorded directly in the accounts for the related sections, streams and sessions;
The principal activity of the school is to provide kindergarten [and nursery, please delete as appropriate]
educational services.
The school has joined the Kindergarten Education Scheme (“the Scheme”) of the Education Bureau since 2017/18 school year and has undertaken to fulfil the terms and conditions of the Scheme. The school is a non-profit-making kindergarten by being either an approved organisation exempt from taxes under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap. 112) (“IRO”) or an approved subsidiary to an
organisation exempt from taxes as recognised by the Inland Revenue Department (“IRD”) under the IRO as proved by a certificate or confirmation letter issued by the IRD.
This set of accounts has been prepared in accordance with the requirements set out in relevant letters, circulars and guidelines issued by the Education Bureau for the Scheme. All amounts are presented in Hong Kong dollars.
The school has maintained separate books of accounts to record the income, expenditure and transactions of each type of subsidies and grants received under the Scheme (named as KG Scheme Funds (“KGSF”)), as well as those of the kindergarten and nursery (if applicable) operation but not covered by the scheme (named as School Funds (“SF”)). The statements included in this set of accounts are prepared on the basis of these books of accounts and where applicable, report separately the income, expenditure and operating surplus / deficit for different sections (kindergarten and child care centre), streams (local and non-local curriculum) and sessions (half-day, whole-day and long whole-day) as specified by the Education Bureau.
In preparing the statements, the school has strictly followed the principles below :
Statement 7
School premises
Leasehold improvements
Computer hardware and
Renewable energy (RE) facilities under
FiT Scheme
(Remark 2) Total
$ $ $ $ $ $
As at ______ 2021 -
Additions - - - -
(Remark 1)-
Disposals -
Written off -
As at ______ 2022 - - - -
Accumulated Depreciation
As at ______ 2021 -
For assets not under FiT Scheme:
Charged to KG Scheme Funds # - - - - - Charged to School Funds # - - - - - For RE facilities under FiT Scheme:
Charged to KG Scheme Funds #
(Remark 2)- -
Charged to School Funds @
(Remark 2)- -
- - - -
(Remark 1)-
Disposals -
Written off -
As at ______ 2022 - - - -
Net Book Value
As at ______ 2021 - - - - As at ______ 2022 - - - -
Depreciation Rate (%)
Remarks :1.
2. Only applicable to schools participating in FiT Scheme. Please refer to Note 10 of Statement 7.
Depreciation reflected in Statement 1.
for the relevant fixed assets should be charged to the account of FiT Scheme (Note 10 of Statement 7). The depreciation should NOT be reflected in Statement 1.
For the purchase of fixed assets and capital expenditure under FiT Scheme, the relevant assets should be capitalised in Note 3 of Statement 7, while the depreciation
Threshold amount
(Remark 3)This category is only applicable for new join Scheme KGs.
From 2017/18 school year onwards, except for schools participating in the FiT Scheme, fixed assets (including items brought forward or newly acquired items) must be grouped under 4 categories, namely School premises, Leasehold improvements, Furniture/ Equipment/ Fixtures/ Fittings, and Computer hardware and software. Therefore, any items brought forward under the category of "Others" must be transferred to these 4 categories.
Please provide the threshold amount (i.e. if the relevant expenditure is up to or in excess of that amount, the item acquired would be treated as fixed assets) for
each type of assets.
Statement 7
4. Details of Additions of Fixed Assets
Date of From ______ 2021
purchase/ to ______ 2022
commission Cost
$ (i) School premises
(Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify)
- (ii) Leasehold improvements
(Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify)
- (iii) Furniture/ Equipment/ Fixtures/ Fittings
(Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify)
- (iv) Computer hardware and software
(Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify)
- [Name of School]
Statement 7
4. Details of Additions of Fixed Assets
Date of From ______ 2021
purchase/ to ______ 2022
commission Cost
$ [Name of School]
(v) Renewable energy facilities under FiT Scheme
(Remark 1) (Please specify)(Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify)
- (vi) Others
(Remark 2)(Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify) (Please specify)
Total -
Remarks : 1.
2. This category is only applicable for new join Scheme KGs.
From 2017/18 school year onwards, except for schools participating in the FiT Scheme, fixed assets (including items brought forward or newly acquired items) must be grouped under 4 categories, namely School premises, Leasehold improvements, Furniture/ Equipment/
Fixtures/ Fittings, and Computer hardware and software. Therefore, any items brought forward under the category of "Others" must be transferred to these 4 categories.
Only for schools participating in FiT Scheme.
5. Other Income
School Funds
From ______ 2020 to ______ 2021
$ $ $ $
- - - Whole-day /Long
whole-day session
Subsidies from school sponsoring body
Surplus of projects subvented by / allowance received from other government departments, organisations or funds
(Please specify)Application / Registration fee Bank interest income
Half-day session
Insurance compensation Meal charges
Course fee refund to teachers
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)KG Scheme Funds
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)[Name of School]
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)From ______ 2021 to ______ 2022
[Name of School]
6. Other Expenditure
School Funds
From ______ 2020 to ______ 2021
$ $ $ $
Advertisement Audit fee Bank charges Cleaning
Expenses on meal preparation
Printing and stationery
- - - Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Furniture and equipment and teaching aids other than those included in the fixed assets
Transportation fees for school administration purposes
(Please specify)Communication (e.g. telephone, fax line and internet service charges)
First aid and fire safety equipment
Printing materials for school use such as
publications, student handbooks, learning profiles, graduation certificates and student identity cards
Deficit of projects subvented by other government departments, organisations or funds
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)Others
(Please specify)From ______ 2021 to ______ 2022
Bad debts Interest expenses
KG Scheme Funds
Half-day session
Whole-day /Long whole-day session
Minor repair and maintenance (for items costing $8,000 below)
Staff welfare
Statement 7
7. Other Reserves
Other reserves (Please specify)
Other reserves (Please specify)
Other reserves (Please specify)
Other reserves (Please specify)
Other reserves
(Please specify)
$ $ $ $ $ $
As at ______ 2021 -
Transfer from/(to) Income and Expenditure Statement (Statement 1) -
(Please specify the nature)
(Please specify the nature)
(Please specify the nature)
(Please specify the nature)
As at ______ 2022 - - - - - - NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS
[Name of School]
Statement 7
Half-day session
Whole-day / Long whole- day session
Half-day session
Whole-day / Long whole- day session
Half-day session
Whole-day / Long whole- day session
Half-day session
Whole-day / Long whole- day session
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
As at ______ 2021 -
Amount refundable
to Education Bureau - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amount refunded
to Education Bureau - - -
Prior Year(s) Adjustments
- Clawback -
As at ______ 2022 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Grant for
Procurement of Ventilation Assessment
Service Grant for Procurement
of Air Purifiers Other Statements
Do It Yourself
(DIY) Handicraft and Learning Package Scheme Special
Anti- epidemic
Support Grant / One-off Grant
Relocation Grant
Parent Education
Grant Additional
grant for setting up / enhancing the
designated webpage
“Resources for Parents”
Professional Capacity Enhancement
Grant Special
Anti- epidemic
Grant (March 2022) [Name of School]
Total Teacher Salary
Related Subsidy
Premises Related Subsidy (Premises Maintenance
Grant related)
Other Operating Expenses Related Subsidy Grant for
Support to Non- Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students
Grant for a Cook Premises Related Subsidy
Promotion of Reading Grant for Kindergarten
Child Care Centre Subsidy Scheme
Grant for Procurement
of National Flag and Movable Flagpole Gift Book
Scheme Amount Refundable to Education Bureau
KG Scheme Funds (under Kindergarten Education Scheme (KGES))
One-off Start-up Grant
Pilot Scheme on the Promotion of
Reading Grant for Kindergarten
Website Enhancement
Grant Renovation