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A Secure Multicast Protocol with Copyright Protection


Academic year: 2022

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A Secure Multicast Protocol with Copyright Protection

Hao-hua Chu

Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois

at Urbana-Champaign 1304 West Springfield Avenue

Urbana, IL 61801, U.S.A.

Lintian Qiao

Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois

at Urbana-Champaign 1304 West Springfield Avenue

Urbana, IL 61801, U.S.A.

Klara Nahrstedt

Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois

at Urbana-Champaign 1304 West Springfield Avenue

Urbana, IL 61801, U.S.A.


We present a simple, efficient, and secure multicast protocol with copyright protection in an open and insecure network environment. There is a wide variety of multimedia ap- plications that can benefit from using our secure multicast protocol, e.g., the commercial pay-per-view video multicast, or highly secure military intelligence video conference. Our secure multicast protocol is designed to achieve the follow- ing goals. (1) It can run in any open network environment.

It does not rely on any security mechanism on intermediate network switches or routers. (2) It can be built on top of any existing multicast architecture. (3) Our key distribution protocol is both secure and robust in the presence of long delay or membership message. (4) It can support dynamic group membership, e.g., JOIN/LEAVE/EXPEL operations, in a network bandwidth efficient manner. (5) It can provide copyright protection for the information provider. (6) It can help to identify insiders in the multicast session who are leaking information to the outside world. We have imple- mented a prototype system which validates our secure mul- ticast protocol and evaluated it against various performance matrices. The experimental results are very encouraging, but also show where new engineering approaches need to be deployed to conform fully to the design goals.


Multicast security, copyright protection, key distribution, watermark

∗This research is supported by National Science Founda- tion Career Grant NSF-CCR-96-23867, Research Board of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Air Force Grant, Number F30602-97-2-0121. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this ma- terial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. For further author information, e-mail huawang,klara@uiuc.edu


We present a simple, efficient, and secure multicast protocol with copyright protection in an open and insecure network environment. There is a wide range of multimedia applica- tions that can benefit from using our secure multicast pro- tocol, e.g., the commercial pay-per-view video multicast, or highly secure military intelligence video conference. Our se- cure multicast protocol is designed to achieve the following goals:

• Security in Open Network Environment

We assume that group members, who can be either or both senders and receivers, are in an open network environment. This means that the multicast streams may travel through intermediate switches or routers which may or may not have any security mechanism.

Therefore, our secure multicast protocol must not de- pend on any of the intermediate network components for security support.

• Multicast Architecture Independence

Our secure multicast protocol can be implemented on top of any existing multicast protocols: M-OSPF [54], DVMRP [54], CBT [6], or PIM [23]. We achieve this by encrypting or decrypting data on the endpoint hosts before sending it to or after receiving it from the un- derlying multicast protocol.

• Robust Dynamic Membership Support

Lost packets and long network delay are prevalent in any open network environment, e.g. the Internet, where the traffic congestion level and bandwidth avail- ability for members in the same multicast group can vary significantly. As a result, the key distribution protocol must deal gracefully with lossy or long delay unreliable multicast channels.

• Real-time Encryption

In order to provide secure data transmission, it is nec- essary to design encryption algorithms for multimedia data because of their special characteristics, such as their coding structure, large amount of data, and real- time constraints. In particular, we are interested in the secure algorithms for MPEG video streams. The MPEG video encryption algorithm should aim towards efficient and real-time processing so that they can be- come an integral part of the video delivery process and


at the same time preserve the highest security level and compression ratio.

• Copyright Protection

We assume that the content provider needs to have copyright protection for multicast video data, so that the rightful ownership of the video data can be iden- tified. We apply the watermark technique to encode the ownership information into the video data.

• Leakers Identification

It is possible that some legal group members in the multicast session may leak the multicast data to non- members for free or for a profit. The leaking of this multicast stream may cause a security or copyright vi- olation, and the consequence can be severe depending on the type of multicast applications. In case of a military intelligence conference, a spy may gain clear- ance to be a legal group member and then leaks the multicast content to hostile foreign agencies. By em- bedding an unique watermarking sequence inside the multicast stream for different receivers, our multicast protocol enables the content providers and the group leader to identify the leaker(s) after the leaked data is discovered and analyzed.

There are many works in group key distribution[2, 1], real- time video encryption[3, 32, 34, 45, 38], copyright protec- tion[49, 47, 30, 28] and leakers identification[29, 14, 19]. We made the first attempt to integrate the problem of multicast key distribution, real-time video encryption, copyright pro- tection, leakers identification in our previous work [20] by proposing a secure multicast protocol with copyright pro- tection. The major contributions of this paper over our pre- vious work are: (1) We extend the related work in the area of key distribution, real-time encryption and watermarking, (2) We modify the secure multicast protocol by using sym- metric key cryptosystem instead of asymmetric key cryp- tosystem, (3) We apply and enhance the collusion-secure algorithm given by Boneh and Shaw[11] in our multicast watermark protocol to address the collusion problem while in our previous work we only give a brute force solution, (4) We propose a simple real-time encryption algorithm based on permutation operations, and (5) We add real testbed implementation and experimental results, which prove the feasibility of our secure multicast protocol.

We organize the remainder of the paper as follows: section 2 describes the related work; section 3 presents our key dis- tribution protocol; section 4 presents our multicast water- mark protocol; section 5 presents our implementation and experiment; section 6 states our conclusion; and appendix A provides a list of definitions for the various notations used in this paper.


2.1 Multicasting Schemes and Security Issues

The existing multicast security protocols are all focused on the problem of key management. The goal of the key man- agement is to distribute the group key securely to the group members who can then use it to encrypt or decrypt the mul- ticast data. They deal with issues like bandwidth scalability and the number of key messages exchanged with increasing

group size. According to Rafaeli[40], group key distribution can be divided into three main categories: centralized ap- proach, distributed subgroup approach and distributed ap- proach. There is a large body of work in each category, such as the centralized approach in the Group Key Management Protocol(GKMP)[27, 26], Secure Lock[18], Hierarchical Bi- nary Tree[55, 56], One-way Function Tree[4]; the distributed subgroup approach in Iolus[35], Intra-domain Group Key Management[25], Kronos[43], Marks[13]; and the distributed approach in Cliques[48], Octopus Protocol[9], Distributed Hierarchical Binary Tree,[41], Distributed Flat Table[55].

Below we will outline in detail some of the approaches, which have the most impact on our solution.

2.1.1 Core Based Tree Key Distribution

The Core Based Tree (CBT) key distribution by Ballardie [5] is based on the hard state multicast protocol like the Core Based Tree[6] where the multicast routers permanently maintain the state of the multicast tree, e.g. their adjacent routers in the tree. The key distribution algorithm can take advantage of the hard state approach by appending various security information into the hard state of the tree, e.g., the access control list (ACL), the group key, and the key en- crypting key (which is used for re-keying the group key).

The algorithm contains the following steps: (1) the initi- ating host first communicates, via asymmetric encryption, the ACL to a core router, (2) the core router generates the group key and the key encrypting key, (3) when a new non- core router joins to become a part of the multicast tree, the core router authenticates the new non-core router and passes the security information using asymmetric encryption to the non-core router, and (4) as the multicast tree expands, the authenticated non-core router further authenticates other new incoming non-core routers and distributes the security information.

This distributed key distribution approach has an efficiency improvement over a centralized key distribution approach where the group key is distributed to the group members by only one or a few centralized servers. However, the se- curity level of the CBT key distribution scheme is based on a strong assumption that the involved multicast routers can be trusted not to leak the security information. In addition, the key distribution algorithm does not address dynamic membership operations such as JOIN/LEAVE/EXPEL.

2.1.2 Hierarchical Tree Key Distribution

Members 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8

Ka Kb Kc Kd

Ke Kf


Figure 1: Hierarchical tree key distribution The Hierarchical tree key distribution by Wallner [56] is an efficient and scalable approach that supports dynamic group


membership. The algorithm contains the following steps.

(1) Each multicast group contains a key server which main- tains a rooted tree structure, and each leaf node corresponds to a group member as shown in Figure 1. (2) Each node in the tree contains a key–each leaf node holds a pairwise key established between the server and the member (e.g., K1, K2, .., K8), each intermediate node holds a key gener- ated by the server (e.g., Ka, Kb, ...Kf), and the root node holds the group key which is used to encrypt the data (e.g., Kg). (3) The server sends to each group member a sequence of keys on the path from his/her leaf node to the root. (4) Each key is encrypted with the previous key in the sequence to ensure security.

We will illustrate it with the example in Figure 1. Mem- ber 1 first establishes the pairwise key K1 with the server, and it receives the sequence of intermediate and group keys (Ka, Ke, Kg), where Ka is encrypted with K1 ({Ka}K1

1), {Ke}Ka, and {Kg}Ke. To expel a member from the group, intermediate and group keys on the path from the expelled member’s leaf node to root must be changed. For exam- ple, the removal of member 1 from the multicast group requires that the server generates new keys (Ka0, Ke0, Kg0).

Each new key is encrypted using its two immediate child keys: ({Ka0}K2, {Ke0}Ka0, {Ke0}Kb, {Kg0}Ke0, {Kg0}Kf). This new sequence is assembled into one rekey message which is then multicasted to all members using a multicast chan- nel. Upon receiving the rekey message, the members decrypt only those keys that they need and no more. For exam- ple, member 2 can decrypt (Ka0, Ke0, Kg0), members 3-4 can decrypt only (Ke0, Kg0), and members 5-8 can decrypt only (Kg0). Given a group size of N , each membership update op- eration (JOIN/LEAVE/EXPEL) requires one rekey message that contains Log(N ) number of keys. Some improvements can be found in the work by Balenson[4] et al, Canetti[15]

et al, Perrig[36] et al, Banerjee[7] et al, and Hardjono [25, 24] et al.

2.1.3 Iolus

Iolus key distribution by Mittra [35] divides the group into regional subgroups, and each subgroup is managed by a trusted Group Security Intermediary (GSI). Each subgroup is treated almost like a separate multicast group with its own subgroup key and its own multicast channel. The GSI in each subgroup manages its subgroup key distribution and authenticates new members joining/leaving its subgroup.

The advantage is that the subgroup runs independently of each other, and the GSI can perform dynamic member operations efficiently and independently without involving members of other subgroups. To bridge data across the subgroups, the GSIs use another separate multicast chan- nel managed by the Group Security Controller (GSC). As a result, each data transmission requires three different mul- ticasts. The sender first multicasts data in its subgroup channel. When the sender’s GSI receives the data, it mul- ticasts the data to the other GSIs. Then the other GSIs multicast the data to their subgroup members through their subgroups’ multicast channels.

Iolus, similar to the CBT approach, depends on the security

1We will use the common notation {X}K to denote that X is encrypted with K.

level of the various GSIs residing at various locations in the network. Its overhead contains the three multicast trans- missions per data transmission, the management of multiple subgroups, and their multicast channels.

2.1.4 Cliques

Steiner[48] et al described Cliques, which is an extension to the Diffie-Hellman(DH) key agreement protocol. The mul- ticast group agrees on a pairs of primes q and α such that α is primitive mod q. Each group member has a secret number xi. The protocol consists of upflow and downflow stages.

Assuming a group has n members, the first member calcu- lates the first value αx1 and passes it to the next member.

In round i (i ∈ [1, n − 1]) of the upflow stage, the ith mem- ber receives the set of intermediary values, raises them to its own secret number, generates a new set and unicasts to the (i + 1)th user a collection of i values. Of these values, i − 1 are intermediate and one is cardinal. The last mem- ber raises all intermediate values to its secret value. In the downflow stage, the last member multicasts the whole set of intermediate values. Each group member extracts its re- spective intermediate values and can easily calculate the key k = αx1x2...xnmod q.

This protocol achieves secure and efficient key agreement in the context of dynamic peer groups. However, the solution does not scale well to large groups since the size of upflow and downflow messages increases linearly, and the number of exponential operations also increases linearly with the size of group members.

2.1.5 MARKS

Briscoe[13] et al proposed MARKS. It slices the time-length of a multicast session into small portions of time and uses a different key for encrypting each slice. The encryption keys are leaves in a binary hash tree that is generated from a single seed. The key sequence is constructed as follows:

1. The sender randomly generates an initial state seed value s(0, 0).

2. The sender decides on the required maximum tree depth D, which will lead to a maximum key sequence length N0= 2D before a new initial seed is required.

3. The sender generates two left and right first level inter- mediate seed values by applying respectively the left and right blinding functions to the initial seed.

4. The same algorithm is applied to the following levels until the expected depth is reached.

If a receiver is granted access from time slice m to time slice n, the sender unicasts a set of seeds to the receiver.

The set consists of the intermediate seeds closest to the tree root that enable calculation of only the required range of keys, any key outside the range cannot be calculated. This protocol only works if the leaving time of a member is fixed when the member joins the group, and it can not be used in situations when a membership change requires change of the group key.

2.1.6 Kronos


Setia et al [43] proposed Kronos, which is based upon the idea of periodic group rekeying. They showed that in a large, highly dynamic group, the frequency of re-keying on each membership change becomes the primary bottleneck for scalable group re-keying. In Kronos, group re-keys are not driven by member join or leave requests. Instead, all the member join and leave requests that have accumulated dur- ing periodic intervals are processed, and the new multicast traffic encryption key is securely transmitted to the existing members of the group.

2.1.7 Our Approach

We have designed a secure multicast protocol with copyright protection which belongs to the centralized approaches. Our approach relies on a group leader that in synchrony with the sender (1) authenticates group members, (2) verifies the validity of messages, and (3) distributes message keys. More detailed discussion is presented in sections 3 and 4.

2.2 Real-time Video Encryption Issues

There already exist several encryption algorithms to secure MPEG video. The most straight forward method is to en- crypt the entire MPEG stream using standard encryption methods. This is called the naive algorithm approach[3].

The greatest concern about this approach is the speed of processing during playback due to the large size of MPEG files.

Another method to secure MPEG streams is the selective en- cryption algorithm[32, 33], which encrypts only the I-frames of MPEG streams. Agi and Gong[3] have shown that great portions of the video are still visible partly because of in- terframe correlation and mainly from unencrypted I-blocks in the P and B frames. Therefore, selective method of only encrypting I frames may not work.

Meyer and Gadegast[34] have designed a MPEG-like bit- stream SECMPEG that incorporates selective encryption and additional header information, and has high-speed soft- ware execution. But SECMPEG is not compatible with standard MPEG. A special encoder/decoder would be re- quired to view unencrypted SECMPEG streams.

A proposal targeting at integration of compression and en- cryption of MPEG streams into one step is presented by Tang[51], where the basic idea is to use a random permuta- tion list to replace the zig-zag order to map the individual 8x8 blocks to a 1x64 vector. This algorithm adds very little overhead to the video encryption and decryption process.

But changing the zig-zag order to a random order will re- sult in image size increase of about 25% to 60%, which is not tolerable because it defeats the purpose of compression.

Shi and Bhargava[45, 44] have developed fast MPEG video encryption algorithms which use a secret key randomly changing the sign bits of all DCT coefficients and the sign bits of motion vectors.

In one of our previous work Qiao and Nahrstedt[38] have de- veloped the Video Encryption Algorithm(VEA), which uti- lizes the statistical behavior of MPEG compressed video and provides efficient, fast and secure encryption by encrypting

one half of a frame with DES/IDEA, and the other half of the frame with “one-time-pad” generated from the frame.

In this paper, we use a simplified real-time video encryption algorithm which only involves permutation of the video data.

It is much faster than DES and can be used in applications which do not require high security but have a strict real-time constraints.

2.3 Watermarking Issues

During the past few years, a number of digital watermark- ing methods has been proposed. Among the earliest works, L.F. Turner[52] has proposed a digital audio watermarking method which substitutes the least significant bits of ran- domly selected audio samples with the bits of an identifica- tion string (watermark). Similar idea can also be applied to images[53] . There are many other proposals for watermark- ing such as Tanaka’s schemes[50] which use the fact that the quantization noise is typically imperceptible to users, Bras- sil’s methods[12] for textual document images, Caronni’s ge- ometric patterns (also called tags)[16], Steinbach, Dittmann and C. Vielhauer’s PlataJanus for audio watermarking [47].

Some watermark algorithms on digital image and video can be found in the work of Zeng and Liu[57], Barni[8], Koch and Zhao[31], and Hartung[28], Suhail and Dawoud[49], Sridhar, Li and Nascimento[46], Kang, Kim and Han[30].

Craver, Memon, Yeo, and Yeung[22] address an important issue of rightful ownership. They provide an attack (CMYY attack) counterfeit watermarking scheme that can be per- formed on a watermarked image to allow multiple claims of rightful ownerships. They also define so called Non- invertible watermarking scheme. Qiao and Nahrstedt [39]

address and prove the non-invertibility property. Schemes applying to MPEG video stream and uncompressed video stream are designed.

In the multicast environment, the problem is that if all users share the same data with the same watermark, it is impos- sible to identify the user who leaked illegally data to the public.

Brown, Perkin and Crowcroft[14] proposed Watercasting, a distributed watermarking scheme of multicast media. In Watercasting, the source creates n differently watermarked copies of each media packet, where n is greater than the depth of the multicast group tree. Routers at the nodes in the multicast tree forward all but one of those packets out of each downstream interface on which there are receivers, and each last hop router forwards exactly one packet onto the subnet with the receiver. In this way, each receiver can have a stream with a unique combination of watermarked packets.

Problem with this approach is that support in routers like reliable multicast is needed, and the log must keep the state of the entire network during the transmission.

Judge and Ammar[29] proposed watermarking multicast video with a hierarchy of intermediaries, which they called WHIM. It places a hierarchy of intermediaries as end sys- tems in the network and forms an overlay network between them. Watermark is generated based on the receiver’s lo- cation in the network and is inserted into the content in- crementally as it traverses the network. Like Watercasting,


WHIM also adds some additional requirements to the net- work.

Chor et al.[19] proposed to multicast the same data, but to embed different encryption keys into the data. Each user would know where to look for his own key to decode the con- tent. This idea was applied in their Traitor Tracing system for broadcast encryption. The problem with this approach is that some of the users can collaborate and change data in an unauthorized way. We call this problem the collu- sion problem, which was first addressed by Blakley et al[10].

Boneh and Shaw[11] give a collusion-secure fingerprinting scheme for digital data. They ask and answer the following question: if each user receives a different key of length m, and c users collude together to generate a new key, then how do we design the key set for all users such that based on the new key (created through collusion) we can find at least one member in the c-collusion group with error probability less than . Boneh and Shaw proved constructively that if the size of the multicast group is N and the size of the collu- sion group is c, then the generated key length must have the length of O(c4log(N/)log(1/)) to be c-secure with  error.

The problem with this approach is that we need to know the user group size N in advance to decide how many keys to generate. This is an issue in multicast where members can dynamically join and leave as we discuss in section 4. In our approach we apply the Boneh and Shaw’s algorithm to the multicast multimedia environment and allow arbitrary user group size as shown in section 4.2.2.


Our key distribution algorithm is designed to achieve the goals described in section 1: (1) security in open network environment, (2) multicast architecture independence, and (3) robust dynamic membership support.

To startup a new secure multicast group, our key distribu- tion algorithm requires only a group leader to be started.

The group leader has the authority and the necessary in- formation to accept/reject new membership requests. For example, the group leader may be given an access control list (ACL) which it can check if a new member can join it, or it can accept and verify a payment information as a mean for a new member to be admitted into the multicast group. We also assume that the address of the group leader is known to anyone who is interested to join the secure multicast group.

To join a secure multicast group, a requesting member first sends a JOIN request to the group leader using a secure unicast channel. The group leader checks, e.g., its ACL, to decide to either accept or reject the JOIN request. The JOIN request contains the identity of the requesting mem- ber. We assume that both the requesting member and the group leader can properly authenticate each other in the secure unicast channel (e.g., via SSL) by presenting their certificates issued by well-known CAs (certificate authority) who authenticate their public keys. If the JOIN request is accepted, the group leader generates a unique member id uid that identifies the requesting member. The member id is then communicated to the requesting member. In addi- tion to the unique member id, the multicast session needs to establish a symmetric key Kuidbetween the group leader and the requesting member uid for later use in the multicast

session. If the secure unicast channel is setup using Diffie- Hellman, we can use the symmetric session key established between group leader and the requesting member uid. If the secure unicast channel is setup using RSA, the group leader would need to generate a symmetric key Kuid for the re- questing member and transmits it to the new member. The member can now begin to send and to receive data according to the steps described in the following subsection.

3.1 Data Transmission

Data transmission can be divided into three phases as shown in Figure 2: (1) the sending phase when the sender multi- casts an encrypted data message, (2) the verification phase when the group leader multicasts a verification message that contains the key for decrypting the data message, and (3) the receiving phase when the receivers receive both the data and verification messages and decrypt the data. We now describe these three phases in details.

3.1.1 The Sending Phase

The first stage involves the sender constructing a data mes- sage that contains 3 components as shown in Figure 2 (step S1). The first component contains the sender’s member id (suid) and a message id (msgid). Each sender maintains a msgid counter, which is initialized to 0 and is incremented for every new message created. The (suid, msgid) pairs uniquely identify a message in the multicast session.

The second component of the message contains the data encrypted (via symmetric encryption) with a message key Kmsg. The key is used only once for the current message, and a new key is randomly generated by the sender for the next message. The key generation can use any secure key generation algorithms which satisfy the property that keys cannot be predicted from the previous and subsequent gen- erated keys.

The third component of the message contains the message key Kmsg encrypted with the symmetric key Ksuid be- tween the group leader and the sender. Ksuidis established between the sending group member and the group leader when the sending group member joins the multicast session through a secure unicast channel with the group leader. All three components are assembled into one data message. The sender multicasts the following data message in the multi- cast channel:

{(suid, msgid), {suid, msgid, data}Kmsg, {Kmsg}Ksuid}

When the data message is received from the multicast chan- nel, members cannot decode the data yet because they do not have the message key Kmsg. Only the group leader has Ksuidwhich can be used to decode Kmsg.

Note that suid and msgid are repeated in the second com- ponent of the data message, so that an attacker cannot con- fuse the receivers by sending another message with the same (suid, msgid) but with different data. These attacks are de- scribed in section 3.1.4.

3.1.2 The Verification Phase


The second phase involves the group leader as shown in Fig- ure 2 (steps V1-V4). Upon receiving the data message from the sender, the group leader looks up its current member- ship list to check that the sender is indeed a valid group member in (V1). Then it decrypts the third component of the data message using its symmetric key with sender Ksuid

to obtain the message key Kmsg in (V2). It also decrypts the second component of the data message to verify that the (suid, msgid) pairs are the same between the first compo- nent and the second component in the data message in (V3).

This is needed to ensure that Kmsg is indeed corresponding to message msgid from suid.

When both validation checks succeed, the group leader pre- pares a verification message which contains three compo- nents. The first component is the message tag (suid, msgid).

The second component is a V ALID symbol indicating that the data message (suid, msgid) has been verified by the group leader. The third component contains a sequence of slots where each valid member in the current membership list has a corresponding slot. The slot contains the pairs uid and Kmsg encrypted with the symmetric key between the group leader and the corresponding member Kuid , so that only member uid can decrypt Kmsg from reading this slot.

All three components are assembled into one verification message which is then signed with the private key of the group leader (Kglpri). The group leader multicasts the fol- lowing valid verification message in the multicast channel in (V4).

{(suid, msgid), V ALID, (uid1, {Kmsg}Kuid1), (uid2, {Kmsg}Kuid2), .., (uidn, {Kmsg}Kuidn)}Kpri


It is also possible that one of the verification checks fails, e.g., the sender does not belong the group. The group leader pre- pares an invalid verification message containing the message tag (suid, msgid) and an IN V ALID symbol. The verifica- tion message is signed with the private key of the group leader. Since the data message is invalid, there is no need for the receivers to decrypt the counterpart data message.

Hence the message key Kmsg is not included in the verifi- cation message. The group leader multicasts the following invalid verification message:

{(suid, msgid), IN V ALID}Kpri gl

3.1.3 The Receiving Phase

The third phase involves the receiver listening on the multicast channel as shown in Figure 2 (steps R1-R7).

Upon receiving a data message, the receiver separates the data message into three components. Since the receiver may not have received its counterpart verification message which contains the necessary message key Kmsg to decode the data, the receiver stores the encrypted data compo- nent {suid, msgid, data}Kmsg along with the message tag (suid, msgid) in the first component as its lookup index in a data queue in (R2).

Upon receiving a verification message, the receiver decrypts

it with the public key of the group leader to reveal the mes- sage tag (suid, msgid) in (R3-R4). If the verification mes- sage contains the V ALID symbol, the receiver uses his/her assigned uid and searches for his/her slot that contains the message key Kmsg in the verification message in (R5). After the message key is decrypted, the receiver uses the message tag to retrieve the corresponding encrypted data component from the data queue in (R6). Then the receiver can decrypt the data with the message key in (R7). If the verification message contains the IN V ALID symbol, the receiver sim- ply removes the corresponding encrypted data component from the data queue.

Two other scenarios can arise due to the variable network delay or lost messages. (1) The receiver may receive a verifi- cation message before its counterpart data message arrives.

Then the receiver needs to buffer the verification message in a verification queue till its data message arrives. (2) Some data or verification messages may get lost in the network so that some receivers may never receive them. As a result, the counterpart message to that lost message may remain in the queues forever. For example, if a data message is lost but the counterpart verification message is received, the verifi- cation message may remain in the verification queue forever.

The receiver can use a time-out-and-drop or overflow-and- drop policy to maintain a bounded queue size: if a message remains in the queue for more than some time period, it is dropped; or if the message queue exceeds a size limit, the earliest arrived message is dropped.

3.1.4 Attacks

To avoid computational overhead associated with digital sig- nature and asymmetric encryption, data messages are sym- metrically encrypted but not signed. This leads to some possible attacks by sending invalid messages to confuse re- ceivers so that they cannot distinguish if a message is valid or not. We describe these attacks and how our protocol handles them.

In the first attack, an attacker pretends to be suid. The attacker multicasts an invalid data message with the same message tag (suid, msgid) as a valid data message from a valid sender, but with a false data0, Kmsg0 , and Ksuid0 .

{(suid, msgid), {suid, msgid, data0}Kmsg0 , {Kmsg0 }K0

suid} The group leader and group members would receive two data messages with the same message tag (suid, msgid), a valid one from the sender suid and an invalid one from the attacker. Upon receiving the attacker’s data message, the group leader follows steps in verification phase - it lo- cates suid in the message tag, it applies the shared secret key Ksuid to decrypt Kmsg0 from {Kmsg0 }K0suid, and then applies Kmsg0 to decrypt {suid, msgid, data0}Kmsg0 . Since the attacker does not know Ksuid (note that Ksuid0 6=

Ksuid), the group leader gets garbage from decrypting {suid, msgid, data0} which will not match the message tag.

So the group leader would multicast an invalid verifica- tion message on (suid, msgid). When the group leader receives the valid data message from sender suid, it also multicasts a valid verification message on (suid, msgid). In other words, a group member receives two verification mes-


sages corresponding to the same (suid, msgid), one for the attacker’s data message and one for the valid data mes- sage. The question is how a group member can distin- guish which data message is the valid one. Upon receiv- ing a validation message, a group member follows the steps in the receiving phase - it locates the message key Kmsg, and applies Kmsg to decrypt {suid, msgid, data}Kmsg (and {suid, msgid, data0}K0msg) from both valid and invalid data messages. The valid data message yields correct results with matching message tag, whereas the invalid data message yields garbage with incorrect message tag.

The first attack assumes that the attacker does not join the multicast session to become a valid group member, and the attacker cannot get Kmsg. In the second attack, we assume that the attacker is a valid group member. After the attacker receives a verification message corresponding to (suid, msgid), the attacker can obtain Kmsg. Then the attacker multicasts the following invalid data message using the same message key Kmsg as in the valid data message:

{(suid, msgid), {suid, msgid, data0}Kmsg, {Kmsg}K0

suid} In the second attack, the attacker does not have Ksuid. So the group leader can still distinguish if a message is valid or invalid. However, a receiver cannot do so, because both valid and invalid data messages have the same message key Kmsg. A solution is that the group leader can detect if the attack comes from a valid group member or not, by checking if the attacker’s message also has the same message key Kmsg as the valid message. If the attack comes from a valid group member, the group leader multicasts an invalid-all message which tells receivers to discard all data messages with the message tag (suid, msgid).

{(suid, msgid), IN V ALID = ALL}Kgl pri

The above solution does not solve the problem where an attacker can cause valid data messages to become invalid.

A secure solution is that a sender signs all data messages using its private key, so that receiving group members and the group leader can verify the sender of data messages. It is more expensive computationally given that asymmetric encryption is involved.

{(suid, msgid), {data}Kmsg, {Kmsg}Ksuid}Kpriv suid

3.2 Dynamic Membership Operations

Our secure multicast protocol supports three dynamic mem- bership operations: a potential member can JOIN the group, an existing member can LEAVE the group, and the group leader can EXPEL an existing member. For the JOIN op- eration, the group leader allocates a new member id to the new member, and adds an additional message key slot (uid, {Kmsg}Kuid) into the verification messages. For the LEAVE and EXPEL operations, the group leader removes the message key slot corresponding to the leaving or expelled member from the verification messages. These operations are simple without any additional rekey messages or com- putational overhead to the existing group members and the group leader.

Our key distribution protocol can also support a SUSPEND operation which denies access to a group member for a time duration. For the SUSPEND operation, the group leader

temporarily removes message key slots corresponding to sus- pended members from verification messages. This does not require any additional re-JOIN and re-authentication opera- tions. The decision of suspension can be made by the group leader based on credentials (e.g. age) of members. The SUSPEND operation is very useful for a video-on-demand multicast where minors are temporarily suspended from see- ing inappropriate materials.

Dynamic membership operations, including JOIN, LEAVE, SUSPEND and EXPEL, generate simple messages ex- changed through a secure unicast channel between a mem- ber and its group leader. This secure unicast channel must ensure proper authentication of both the member and its group leader. This can be done by using a SSL connection where both the sender and the receiver authenticates each other through well-known CAs.

We will show that our key distribution algorithm is robust and secure in the presence of long network delay or lost mes- sages. Note that a lost message is equivalent to a message suffering an infinitely long delay. We consider the following two scenarios. (1) The group leader does not receive the data message in time, so it will not multicast the counter- part verification message which contains the message key to the data message. As a result, no members can decrypt the counterpart data message and it will be eventually dropped from the members’ data queues according to the time-out- and-drop or the overflow-and-drop policy. Our security pol- icy does not guarantee that all valid messages are received by the members. However, it can guarantee that expelled or non-members cannot decode any data in the presence of long network delay or lost messages. (2) Some receivers do not receive either the data or the verification message in time so that they won’t be able to decrypt that lost mes- sage. However, since our key distribution algorithm uses a new key for every new data message2, a lost message has no adverse effects on the future messages.

We also note that our key distribution protocol does not depend on any intermediate nodes for security. The group members authenticate directly with the group leader through secure unicast connections when they first join. The secure unicast connections can be closed after the authen- tication process and they are no longer used during data transmission. The encryption and decryption are done at the endpoint hosts only. Our key distribution protocol ap- plies encryption on the data before sending it to the under- lying multicast protocol, and it applies decryption on the data after receiving it from the underlying multicast pro- tocol. This means that our key distribution protocol can be implemented on top of any multicast architecture. Our end-host solution is especially applicable to the M-OSPF or DVMRP multicast architecture where the multicast server simply floods the multicast messages across network, and

2In our implementation we apply a new key to a group of data messages, e.g. new key for every 300 frames. We do this to improve the network bandwidth overhead as described in section 3.3. If the key is lost, all 300 frames, corresponding to 10 seconds of video, are not decryptable, hence lost to the viewer. However, we believe that 10 seconds (even up to 40 seconds) of lost frames will not have major adverse effects on 1-2 hours of viewing/conferencing experience.


the multicast messages are available to everyone listening over the network.

3.3 Overhead Analysis

The dominating network bandwidth overhead in our key dis- tribution algorithm is in the verification messages. The size of the verification message grows linearly with the group size N because it contains N copies of message keys, each is encrypted for each group member. The verification mes- sage is multicasted once for every multicasted data message.

Let M be the number of key messages multicasted per sec- ond (or the message rate) and K be the size (in bits) of one slot in the third component of verification message ( (uid, {Kmsg}Kuid) in section 3.1.2), the network bandwidth overhead is O(N ∗ M ∗ K) bits.

The storage requirement at the group member consists of (1) the public keys of all senders and the group leader, (2) his/her assigned member id, and (3) two queues for the data/verification messages. The number of senders is usu- ally very small (a constant) relative to the size of the group, e.g. the pay-per-view video application has only one sender.

The size of message queue is bounded by a constant due to the time-out-and-drop or the overflow-and-drop policy de- scribed in section 3.1.3.

At a first glance, our key distribution algorithm does not seem to be scalable in terms of network bandwidth overhead in comparison with other optimal secure multicast protocols.

But this may not be true considering dynamic group mem- bership. We compare our overhead with the Hierarchical Tree Key Distribution[56] in Table 1.

In the Hierarchical Tree protocol, the dominating overhead is in the rekey message which has a size O(log(N )) ∗ K0bits, where K0 is the key size (in bits), N is the group size and O(logN ) is the number of keys a member holds. The rekey message is multicasted for every membership change. Let p be a percentage of members who are leaving or joining the group per second, the number of membership change per second in a group of size N is p ∗ N . This results in p ∗ N rekey messages generated per second, and the network bandwidth overhead is O(p ∗ N ∗ log(N ) ∗ K0) bits. As for the storage overhead, each member needs to store the keys from its leaf to the root which is O(log(N )) bits.

For the network bandwidth overhead comparison between our protocol and the Hierarchical Tree protocol, it is O(N ∗ M ∗ K) vs. O(p ∗ N ∗ log(N ) ∗ K0). Factoring out the common factor N and the constant K and K0, it becomes M vs. p ∗ log(N ). M is the message rate at which key is changed and it is usually a constant. For example, if a standard pay-per-view MPEG-2 video multicast runs at a message rate of 30 frames per second and key is changed per each data message, then M = 30. On the other hand, if key is changed only once a second, i.e., one per every 30 frames, then M = 1. In our implementation we change keys every 300 to 1200 frames to improve performance. In a multicast group where group members join and leave frequently, p can be assumed to be between 0.1 and 1. Given a reasonably large group size, e.g. N = 1000, p = 0.1, then M = 1 (change the key every 1 second) is as good as p ∗ log(N ).

The storage overhead is small in both protocols.

Another overhead in our protocol is the encryption time overhead which is the time spent in preparing the verifica- tion message. In a group of N members, the group leader uses N message key encryptions and 1 digital signature for each frame.

We can make a tradeoff between the network bandwidth overhead, the encryption time overhead and the security level by reusing the same message key for data messages within some fixed time period of t second(s). This means that (message rate∗t = m) number of data messages shares the same message key for data encryption and decryption.

Therefore, we prepare and multicast only one verification message every m data messages. This translates into m folds reduction in network bandwidth overhead and encryp- tion time overhead with a tradeoff of t second(s) in security vulnerability. We define security vulnerability as follows:

A recently expelled member may still be able to decrypt at most t seconds of video after the time he/she is expelled by using his/her last message key.

This also holds true for a recently joined member who can decrypt at most t seconds of past video before the time he/she joins by using his/her first message key. These few seconds of security vulnerability are acceptable to many ap- plications that do not have stringent security requirements.

We calculate the approximate network bandwidth overhead and encryption time overhead, reusing the same message key on data messages within 40 seconds, for the group size ranging from 100 to 10000 for a MPEG-2 video multicast session in Table 2. Given that the length of a standard secure key is 128 bits and additional 2 bytes (16 bits) are used to encode the member id, the size of the verification message is 144 ∗ N bits. The pay-per-view MPEG-2 video multicast has a bandwidth requirement of 4 Mbps, and it plays at 30 frames per second. If we use DES3 for encryption and RSA for signature, we estimate that it takes 1.6ms to encrypt a message key and the signature rate is 367KB/sec using a 512 bits long signature key[43, 17, 42]. Note that the bandwidth overhead ratio is computed as the network bandwidth overhead over the MPEG-2 bitrate, and the time overhead ratio is computed as the encryption time overhead over the message key reusing time. From Table 2, we can see that it is possible to realize the optimized version of our secure multicast protocol in real time for a reasonably large group.


The copyright protection problem in the multicast environ- ment raises an interesting issue not found in the unicast environment. In the multicast environment, all group mem- bers receive the same multicasted watermark data. When some security-sensitive data is illegally leaked out to the public, which receiver(s) are to be blamed? This is called the leaker(s) identification problem. In the unicast environment, this problem can be solved by the content provider sending a different watermarked copy to each different receiver. When the content provider discovers the leaked copy in the pub- lic, he/she can analyze its watermark to identify the source of the leaked copy: the receiver who is sent that particular


Table 1: Overhead Comparison Between Our Key Distribution Protocol and the Hierarchical Tree Protocol Our Protocol Hierarchical Tree Protocol

Network bandwidth overhead O(N ∗ M ∗ K) O(p ∗ K0∗ N ∗ log(N ))

Storage overhead O(1) O(log(N ))

Table 2: Optimized Overhead for MPEG-2 Video Multicast

Group size 100 1,000 10,000

Network bandwidth overhead 0.36Kbps 3.6Kbps 36Kbps Bandwidth overhead ratio 0.009% 0.09% 0.9%

Encryption time overhead 0.199s 1.99s 19.9s

Time overhead ratio 0.50% 4.98% 49.8%

watermarked copy by the the content provider. However, in the multicast environment, there is no way to differentiate among receivers because they are given the same multicast copy. As a result, there is no way to identify the leaker(s).

Leaker(s) identification can be a very powerful tool to pro- tect copyright in a secure multicast environment. Take the example of the pay-per-view video multicast. A leaker can join the multicast session as a legal customer. Once the leaker receives the data, he/she re-distributes or resells the data to the public. Our multicast watermark protocol en- ables the content provider to identify the leaker(s) in the multicast group when the leaked copy is discovered. This is a preventive method. Knowing that they may be caught, po- tential leakers may think twice before leaking out the data.

Another example is a top-secret video/audio conferencing among military intelligence agents. Some agents may be spies who are selling the video/audio content to hostile for- eign agencies. The leaker(s) identification can help to catch the spies.

Our multicast watermark protocol is a direct extension of our key distribution protocol described in section 3. We present the multicast watermark protocol in a similar fashion as the key distribution protocol. We first describe extension to data transmission, followed by the leakers identification algorithm, and then the overhead analysis of the multicast watermark protocol.

4.1 Data Transmission

The data transmission can be divided into five steps which are described below. Given that it is a direct extension of our key distribution protocol, we simply embed the func- tions of our multicast watermark protocol inside the data transmission of our key distribution protocol.

1. The sender multicasts the stream of video frames de- noted as d1, d2, ..., dn. It applies two different water- mark functions to generate two different watermarked frames, dw0i and dw1i , for every picture frame diin the stream. The watermark generation function can be applied to the video stream prior to any video trans- missions as in the case of a pay-per-view video multi- cast when the video stream is available. Or it can be applied just prior to each picture transmission as in the case of a live video conferencing.

2. The group leader generates a random bit string, de-

noted Buid, for each member (uid) in the group.

Buid= b1uid, b2uid, b3uid, ...bnuid

The length of the bit string (denoted n) is equal to the number of video frames in the stream. In case of a live video, we use a function to generate the bit string on the fly. Each bit bi has a value of either 0 or 1 which means that the member will be able to decrypt either the first or second (dw0i or dw1i ) watermarked frame.

3. During the sending phase, the sender prepares the data message that contains two different watermarked frames, dw0i and dw1i . The format of the augmented data message3 also contains the two corresponding message keys, Kmsgw0 and Kmsgw1 , which are used to de- crypt two watermarked frames.

{(suid, msgid), {suid, msgid, dw0i }Kw0 msg

{suid, msgid, dw1i }Kw1 msg

{Kmsgw0 , Kmsgw1 }Ksuid}

4. During the verification phase, the group leader pre- pares the following augmented verification message 4 based on the random bit strings of group members. If the bit bi(uid) in the random bit string is 0 for the group member uid, then the message key slot corre- sponding to member uid in the verification message contains the bit value 0 and the message key to the first watermarked frame. Member uid will only be able to decrypt the first watermarked frame dw0i but not the second watermarked frame dw1i .

{(suid, msgid), V ALID, (uid1, {biuid1, Kb


msguid1}Kuid1), (uid2, {biuid2, Kb


msguid2}Kuid2), .., (uidn, {biuidn, Kb


msguidn}Kuidn)}Kpri gl

We will illustrate with an example of a group size of 4 with their member ids uid1, ..uid4. The group leader generates the following random bit strings for the group members:

3The original data message for our key distribution algo- rithm is described in section 3.1.1.

4The original verification message for our key distribution algorithm is described in section 3.1.2.


frame number 1 2 3 4 5

Buid1 1 1 1 0 0

Buid2 1 0 0 1 1

Buid3 0 1 0 1 0

Buid4 0 0 1 0 1

The verification message corresponding to the 2nd data frame is as follows.

{(suid, msgid), V ALID,

(uid1, {1, Kmsgw1 }Kuid1), (uid2, {0, Kmsgw0 }Kuid2), (uid3, {1, Kmsgw1 }Kuid3), (uid4, {0, Kmsgw0 }Kuid4)}Kpri


5. During the receiving phase, the receiver decrypts its slot in the verification message to reveal the bit value and the corresponding watermark message key. Then the receiver can decrypt the data message to reveal either one of the watermarked data frame.

4.2 Leakers Identification

The leakers identification algorithm requires an input of a partial or complete leaked watermark data stream. It also requires the cooperation between senders, who can read the watermark to produce the embedded bit string of the leaked data stream, and the group leader, who has the randomly generated bit strings of all the group members. We first as- sume that there exists only one leaking member. However, there is a possibility of a collusion if more than one mem- ber cooperate together to generate a leaked stream using a combination of their watermark streams. We first describe the algorithm for the simple case without collusion, then we describe an improved algorithm for detecting collusions.

1. The leaked watermark data stream is given to sender(s) who analyze the watermark in the leaked stream to produce its bit string (Bleaked). For exam- ple, if the first frame in the illegal stream is encoded with the first watermark, then the first bit is marked with 0 (b1leaked= 0). If some frames are missing in the leaked stream, that bit is noted as missing ’−’.

2. Bleaked is communicated to the group leader. The group leader performs matching between Bleaked and the random bit streams of the group members Buid. Assuming no collusions, if one member’s Buidexactly matches the Bleaked, he/she must be the leaker.

The bit string matching algorithm requires on average 2 ∗ N number of bit comparisons, where N is the size of the group.

Because we use random number generator to generate the bit strings, on average half of the Buids will not match Bleakedon a bit comparison. Assuming no collusions, mem- bers with Buids that do not match the Bleaked cannot pos- sibly generate the leaked stream; therefore we can remove these Buids from the list of possible candidates for the leaker.

The number of bit comparisons is calculated as follows:

N + N/2 + N/4... + 1 = 2 ∗ N

We illustrate the matching algorithm with the following ex- ample. It has the bit strings of a leaked stream and 4 group

members (N = 4). After the first bit comparison, we can remove uid3 and uid4 from the list of candidates because their first bit values do not match that of Bleaked. After the second bit comparison, we can further remove uid2from the list of candidates because its second bit value does not match that of Bleaked. This leaves only uid1 who is identified as the leaker.

frame number 1 2 3 4 5

Bleaked 1 1 - - -

Buid1 1 1 1 0 0

Buid2 1 0 0 1 1

Buid3 0 1 0 1 0

Buid4 0 0 1 0 1

4.2.1 Collusion Detection

A collusion is defined as a behavior where more than one group member cooperate together to generate a new leaking stream. If we consider the possibility of a col- lusion in the previous example, members (uid2, uid3), or (uid2, uid3, uid4) can cooperate together to generate the first two bits in Bleaker.

To detect a collusion, we need to analyze more bits in Bleaked. Let c be maximum number of members involved in a collusion. We use the bit strings from the following example and we also assume that c = 2.

frame number 1 2 3 4 5

Bleaked 1 1 1 1 1

Buid1 1 1 1 0 0

Buid2 1 0 0 1 1

Buid3 0 1 0 1 0

Buid4 0 0 1 0 1

The leakers identification algorithm first generates a list (de- noted L) consisting of all possible 2-combinations from the set of members:

L = {(uid1, uid2), (uid1, uid3), (uid1, uid4), (uid2, uid3), (uid2, uid4), (uid3, uid4)}.

After the first bit comparison, we can remove the combi- nation (uid3, uid4) from L because uid3 and uid4 cannot possibly come up with the watermarked frame dw11 . Ap- plying the same logic repeatedly, we can remove the com- bination (uid2, uid4) from L after the 2nd bit comparison, (uid2, uid3) after the 3rd bit comparison, (uid1, uid4) af- ter the 4th bit comparison, and (uid1, uid3) after the 5th bit comparison. Now L has only one combination left (uid1, uid2). We have identified (uid1, uid2) as the coop- erating leakers assuming c = 2.

We generalize the leaker(s) identification algorithm to c- collusion detection given N members. The algorithm first initializes L to contain a list of all possible c-combinations among the N members. After every bit comparison, we re- move from L all c-combinations that cannot produce the


Bleaked bit value. The main question in the leaker identi- fication problem is what is the minimum number of bits in the bit string per user to generate a c-collusion free solu- tion. There exists a theoretical solution to this question as discussed in next subsection.

4.2.2 Collusion-free Selection

Let us consider the above example of four users, where two users collude and generate a new stream with new Bleakedbit string as shown in the following table. From this example, we can see that not all random bit strings Buid can be used to uniquely identify collusion members.

frame number 1 2 3 4 5

Bleaked 1 1 1 1 1

Buid1 1 1 1 0 0

Buid2 1 0 0 1 1

Buid3 0 1 0 1 0

Buid4 1 0 1 0 1

We can easily see that both (uid1, uid2) and (uid3, uid4) can be in the collusion group. In order to correctly identify the leakers, we need to use collusion-secure bit strings in- stead of randomly generating them as was first described in step 2 of our multicast protocol in section 4.1. Dan Boneh and James Show’s collusion-secure fingerprinting scheme[11]

can be used to generate collusion-secure bit strings. This solution presents a constructive algorithm to generate N c−secure bit strings with probability of detection error , where the length of each bit string is O(c4log(N/)log(1/)), c is the collusion group size, and N is the overall group size.

One problem with Boneh’s algorithm is that the c−secure bit string is too long for large group size and large collusion group. In the following table we give the lengths of collusion- secure bit string for different user group size N and collusion group size c with  = 0.01.

From Table 3, we can see that for two hour MPEG video stream that has 216,000 frames, the collusion-secure finger- printing scheme[11] is only practical for a collusion group of size two.

In some applications with less strict security requirement, we can use a shorter collusion-secure bit string by allowing a larger detection error , as can be seen from Table 4. So if we are willing to tolerate a detection error of 10%, for a user group size of 100 and no more than three group members collude, we can generate a collusion-secure bit string which can be used in two hour MPEG video.

We can further decrease the length of collusion-secure bit string by using more than two differently watermarked video streams. As shown in Table 5, by using eight differently watermarked video streams, we can shorten the length of collusion-secure bit string to 1/3 of the length of that by using two eight differently watermarked video streams. Thus we are able to generate a collusion-secure bit string which can be used in one hour MPEG video for a user group size of 10,000 and collusion group size of three. The problem of this approach is that, in order to decrease the length of collusion-secure bit string to 1/n of that required in using

two differently watermarked video streams, we need to use 2ndifferently watermarked video streams.

From the above discussion, we can see that by adjusting the detection error  and the number of differently watermarked video streams, we can generate practical collusion-secure bit string for small collusion group. Next, we discuss how to in- corporate Boneh and Show’s collusion-secure fingerprinting scheme into our secure multicast protocol.

The multicast process is divided into four parts: the Join Part, the Begin Part, the Critical Part and the End Part.

Duration of each part is pre-decided by the group leader.

The four parts division of a multicast process is very natural in the case of video-pay-per-view and video conference. For example, in video-pay-per-view, there is always a Join Part during which people can pay to watch the movie, a Begin Part during which some movie preview is aired, a Critical Part during which the movie is played, and an End Part.

Join Part Begin part Critical Part End Part

In each part, the five steps of data transmission described in section 4.1 previously are used. The only difference in these parts is the generation of bit string Buid. The group leader uses a random bit string Buidr1 for the Join Part and the Begin Part, during which information of less importance and requiring less security is sent out and the group leader keeps track of the number of people in the multicast group.

In the Join Part, people can join and leave the multicast group freely. In the Begin Part, people are not allowed to join the multicast group, but they are free to leave. Thus the group leader knows at most how many people are in the multicast group. Assuming collusion group of size two, the group leader generates a collusion secure bit string Bsuidfor each member (uid) using the collusion-secure fingerprinting scheme[11]. He also generates a random bit string Buidr2 for each member (uid), the length of Buids plus that of Br2uid equals the number of frames being multicasted in the Criti- cal Part. The group leader concatenates these two bit strings and does a permutation P to the resulting string, generates a new bit string Bsruid. The permutation is kept as a secret of the group leader. The generation of Buidsr is done during the Begin Part and Buidsr is used in the Critical Part. Finally, in the End Part, the group leader uses a third random bit string Buidr3.

When an illegally leaked data stream is found, the group leader gets the Bleaked from the sender. From Bleaked, the group leader first extracts the substring Buidsr , corresponding to the Critical Part, then he does permutation P−1 to Bsruid and gets Buids and Buidr2. By using Dan Boneh and James Shaw’s Algorithm[11], at least one member in the collusion group can be identified from Buids .

4.3 Overhead Analysis

Our multicast watermark protocol puts two copies of data in the data message. Therefore, the network bandwidth overhead is approximately doubled. The storage overhead and the encryption overhead remain unchanged.



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