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Solutions of Equations in One Variable


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Tsung-Ming Huang

Department of Mathematics National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan

October 13, 2014




1 Bisection Method

2 Fixed-Point Iteration

3 Newton’s method

4 Error analysis for iterative methods

5 Accelerating convergence

6 Zeros of polynomials and M ¨uller’s method




1 Bisection Method

2 Fixed-Point Iteration

3 Newton’s method

4 Error analysis for iterative methods

5 Accelerating convergence

6 Zeros of polynomials and M ¨uller’s method




1 Bisection Method

2 Fixed-Point Iteration

3 Newton’s method

4 Error analysis for iterative methods

5 Accelerating convergence

6 Zeros of polynomials and M ¨uller’s method




1 Bisection Method

2 Fixed-Point Iteration

3 Newton’s method

4 Error analysis for iterative methods

5 Accelerating convergence

6 Zeros of polynomials and M ¨uller’s method




1 Bisection Method

2 Fixed-Point Iteration

3 Newton’s method

4 Error analysis for iterative methods

5 Accelerating convergence

6 Zeros of polynomials and M ¨uller’s method




1 Bisection Method

2 Fixed-Point Iteration

3 Newton’s method

4 Error analysis for iterative methods

5 Accelerating convergence

6 Zeros of polynomials and M ¨uller’s method



Bisection Method


Iff (x) ∈ C[a, b]andf (a)f (b) < 0, then∃ c ∈ (a, b)such that f (c) = 0.



Bisection method algorithm

Given f (x) defined on (a, b), the maximal number of iterations M, and stop criteria δ and ε, this algorithm tries to locate one root of f (x).

Compute u = f (a), v = f (b), and e = b − a If sign(u) = sign(v), then stop

For k = 1, 2, . . . , M

e = e/2, c = a + e, w = f (c) If |e| < δ or |w| < ε, then stop If sign(w) 6= sign(u)

b = c, v = w Else

a = c, u = w End If

End For



Let {cn} be the sequence of numbers produced. The algorithm should stop if one of the following conditions is satisfied.

1 the iteration number k > M ,

2 |ck− ck−1| < δ, or

3 |f (ck)| < ε.

Let [a0, b0], [a1, b1], . . .denote the successive intervals produced by the bisection algorithm. Then

a = a0≤ a1 ≤ a2 ≤ · · · ≤ b0= b

⇒ {an} and {bn} are bounded

⇒ lim

n→∞an and lim

n→∞bn exist



Let {cn} be the sequence of numbers produced. The algorithm should stop if one of the following conditions is satisfied.

1 the iteration number k > M ,

2 |ck− ck−1| < δ, or

3 |f (ck)| < ε.

Let [a0, b0], [a1, b1], . . .denote the successive intervals produced by the bisection algorithm.Then

a = a0≤ a1 ≤ a2 ≤ · · · ≤ b0= b

⇒ {an} and {bn} are bounded

⇒ lim

n→∞an and lim

n→∞bn exist



Let {cn} be the sequence of numbers produced. The algorithm should stop if one of the following conditions is satisfied.

1 the iteration number k > M ,

2 |ck− ck−1| < δ, or

3 |f (ck)| < ε.

Let [a0, b0], [a1, b1], . . .denote the successive intervals produced by the bisection algorithm. Then

a = a0≤ a1 ≤ a2 ≤ · · · ≤ b0= b

⇒ {an} and {bn} are bounded

⇒ lim

n→∞an and lim

n→∞bn exist




b1− a1 = 1

2(b0− a0) b2− a2 = 1

2(b1− a1) = 1

4(b0− a0) ...

bn− an = 1

2n(b0− a0) hence

n→∞lim bn− lim

n→∞an= lim

n→∞(bn− an) = lim



2n(b0− a0) = 0.


n→∞lim an= lim

n→∞bn≡ z.

Since f is a continuous function, we have that

n→∞lim f (an) = f ( lim

n→∞an) = f (z) and lim

n→∞f (bn) = f ( lim

n→∞bn) = f (z).




b1− a1 = 1

2(b0− a0) b2− a2 = 1

2(b1− a1) = 1

4(b0− a0) ...

bn− an = 1

2n(b0− a0) hence

n→∞lim bn− lim

n→∞an= lim

n→∞(bn− an) = lim



2n(b0− a0) = 0.


n→∞lim an= lim

n→∞bn≡ z.

Since f is a continuous function, we have that

n→∞lim f (an) = f ( lim

n→∞an) = f (z) and lim

n→∞f (bn) = f ( lim

n→∞bn) = f (z).




b1− a1 = 1

2(b0− a0) b2− a2 = 1

2(b1− a1) = 1

4(b0− a0) ...

bn− an = 1

2n(b0− a0) hence

n→∞lim bn− lim

n→∞an= lim

n→∞(bn− an) = lim



2n(b0− a0) = 0.


n→∞lim an= lim

n→∞bn≡ z.

Since f is a continuous function, we have that

n→∞lim f (an) = f ( lim

n→∞an) = f (z) and lim

n→∞f (bn) = f ( lim

n→∞bn) = f (z).




b1− a1 = 1

2(b0− a0) b2− a2 = 1

2(b1− a1) = 1

4(b0− a0) ...

bn− an = 1

2n(b0− a0) hence

n→∞lim bn− lim

n→∞an= lim

n→∞(bn− an) = lim



2n(b0− a0) = 0.


n→∞lim an= lim

n→∞bn≡ z.

Since f is a continuous function, we have that

n→∞lim f (an) = f ( lim

n→∞an) = f (z) and lim

n→∞f (bn) = f ( lim

n→∞bn) = f (z).



On the other hand,

f (an)f (bn) < 0

⇒ lim

n→∞f (an)f (bn) = f2(z) ≤ 0

⇒ f (z) = 0

Therefore, the limit of the sequences {an} and {bn} is a zero of f in [a, b]. Let cn= 12(an+ bn).Then

|z − cn| = lim


2(an+ bn)

= 1 2


n→∞lim an− bni + 1

2 h

n→∞lim an− ani

≤ max lim

n→∞an− bn ,


n→∞an− an

≤ |bn− an| = 1

2n|b0− a0|.

This proves the following theorem.



On the other hand,

f (an)f (bn) < 0

⇒ lim

n→∞f (an)f (bn) = f2(z) ≤ 0

⇒ f (z) = 0

Therefore, the limit of the sequences {an} and {bn} is a zero of f in [a, b].Let cn= 12(an+ bn). Then

|z − cn| = lim


2(an+ bn)

= 1 2


n→∞lim an− bni + 1

2 h

n→∞lim an− ani

≤ max lim

n→∞an− bn ,


n→∞an− an

≤ |bn− an| = 1

2n|b0− a0|.

This proves the following theorem.



On the other hand,

f (an)f (bn) < 0

⇒ lim

n→∞f (an)f (bn) = f2(z) ≤ 0

⇒ f (z) = 0

Therefore, the limit of the sequences {an} and {bn} is a zero of f in [a, b]. Let cn= 12(an+ bn).Then

|z − cn| = lim


2(an+ bn)

= 1 2


n→∞lim an− bni + 1

2 h

n→∞lim an− ani

≤ max lim

n→∞an− bn ,


n→∞an− an

≤ |bn− an| = 1

2n|b0− a0|.

This proves the following theorem.



On the other hand,

f (an)f (bn) < 0

⇒ lim

n→∞f (an)f (bn) = f2(z) ≤ 0

⇒ f (z) = 0

Therefore, the limit of the sequences {an} and {bn} is a zero of f in [a, b]. Let cn= 12(an+ bn). Then

|z − cn| = lim


2(an+ bn)

= 1 2


n→∞lim an− bni + 1

2 h

n→∞lim an− ani

≤ max lim

n→∞an− bn ,


n→∞an− an

≤ |bn− an| = 1

2n|b0− a0|.

This proves the following theorem.



Theorem 1

Let{[an, bn]}denote the intervals produced by the bisection algorithm. Then lim

n→∞anand lim

n→∞bnexist, areequal, and represent azerooff (x). If

z = lim

n→∞an= lim

n→∞bn and cn= 1

2(an+ bn), then

|z − cn| ≤ 1

2n(b0− a0) . Remark

{cn}convergestozwith therateofO(2−n).



Theorem 1

Let{[an, bn]}denote the intervals produced by the bisection algorithm. Then lim

n→∞anand lim

n→∞bnexist, areequal, and represent azerooff (x). If

z = lim

n→∞an= lim

n→∞bn and cn= 1

2(an+ bn), then

|z − cn| ≤ 1

2n(b0− a0) . Remark

{cn}convergestozwith therateofO(2−n).



Example 2

How many steps should be taken to compute a root of f (x) = x3+ 4x2− 10 = 0 on [1, 2] with relative error 10−3? solution: Seek an n such that

|z − cn|

|z| ≤ 10−3 ⇒ |z − cn| ≤ |z| × 10−3. Since z ∈ [1, 2], it is sufficient to show

|z − cn| ≤ 10−3. That is, we solve

2−n(2 − 1) ≤ 10−3 ⇒ −n log102 ≤ −3 which gives n ≥ 10.



Example 2

How many steps should be taken to compute a root of f (x) = x3+ 4x2− 10 = 0 on [1, 2] with relative error 10−3? solution: Seek an n such that

|z − cn|

|z| ≤ 10−3 ⇒ |z − cn| ≤ |z| × 10−3. Since z ∈ [1, 2], it is sufficient to show

|z − cn| ≤ 10−3. That is, we solve

2−n(2 − 1) ≤ 10−3 ⇒ −n log102 ≤ −3 which gives n ≥ 10.




Page 54: 1, 13, 14, 16, 17



Fixed-Point Iteration

Definition 3

xis called afixed pointof a given functiongifg(x) = x.

Root-finding problems and fixed-point problems Find x such that f (x) = 0.

Let g(x) = x − f (x). Then g(x) = x− f (x) = x.

⇒ xis a fixed point for g(x).

Find x such that g(x) = x. Define f (x) = x − g(x) so that f (x) = x− g(x) = x− x= 0

⇒ xis a zero of f (x).



Fixed-Point Iteration

Definition 3

xis called afixed pointof a given functiongifg(x) = x.

Root-finding problems and fixed-point problems Find x such that f (x) = 0.

Let g(x) = x − f (x). Then g(x) = x− f (x) = x.

⇒ xis a fixed point for g(x).

Find x such that g(x) = x. Define f (x) = x − g(x) so that f (x) = x− g(x) = x− x= 0

⇒ xis a zero of f (x).



Fixed-Point Iteration

Definition 3

xis called afixed pointof a given functiongifg(x) = x.

Root-finding problems and fixed-point problems Find x such that f (x) = 0.

Let g(x) = x − f (x). Then g(x) = x− f (x) = x.

⇒ xis a fixed point for g(x).

Find x such that g(x) = x. Define f (x) = x − g(x) so that f (x) = x− g(x) = x− x= 0

⇒ xis a zero of f (x).



Example 4

The function g(x) = x2− 2, for −2 ≤ x ≤ 3, has fixed points at x = −1and x = 2 since

0 = g(x) − x = x2− x − 2 = (x + 1)(x − 2).



Theorem 5 (Existence and uniqueness)

1 If g ∈ C[a, b] such thata ≤ g(x) ≤ bfor all x ∈ [a, b], then g hasa fixed point in [a, b].

2 If, in addition, g0(x)exists in (a, b) and there exists a positive constantM < 1such that|g0(x)| ≤ M < 1for all x ∈ (a, b). Then the fixed point isunique.



Theorem 5 (Existence and uniqueness)

1 If g ∈ C[a, b] such thata ≤ g(x) ≤ bfor all x ∈ [a, b], then g hasa fixed point in [a, b].

2 If, in addition, g0(x)exists in (a, b) and there exists a positive constantM < 1such that|g0(x)| ≤ M < 1for all x ∈ (a, b). Then the fixed point isunique.





If g(a) = a or g(b) = b, then a or b is a fixed point of g and we are done.

Otherwise, it must be g(a) > a and g(b) < b. The function h(x) = g(x) − xis continuous on [a, b], with

h(a) = g(a) − a > 0 and h(b) = g(b) − b < 0.

By the Intermediate Value Theorem, ∃ x ∈ [a, b] such that h(x) = 0. That is

g(x) − x = 0 ⇒ g(x) = x. Hence g has a fixed point xin [a, b].





If g(a) = a or g(b) = b, then a or b is a fixed point of g and we are done.

Otherwise, it must be g(a) > a and g(b) < b. The function h(x) = g(x) − xis continuous on [a, b], with

h(a) = g(a) − a > 0 and h(b) = g(b) − b < 0.

By the Intermediate Value Theorem, ∃ x ∈ [a, b] such that h(x) = 0.That is

g(x) − x = 0 ⇒ g(x) = x. Hence g has a fixed point xin [a, b].





If g(a) = a or g(b) = b, then a or b is a fixed point of g and we are done.

Otherwise, it must be g(a) > a and g(b) < b. The function h(x) = g(x) − xis continuous on [a, b], with

h(a) = g(a) − a > 0 and h(b) = g(b) − b < 0.

By the Intermediate Value Theorem, ∃ x ∈ [a, b] such that h(x) = 0. That is

g(x) − x = 0 ⇒ g(x) = x. Hence g has a fixed point xin [a, b].





If g(a) = a or g(b) = b, then a or b is a fixed point of g and we are done.

Otherwise, it must be g(a) > a and g(b) < b. The function h(x) = g(x) − xis continuous on [a, b], with

h(a) = g(a) − a > 0 and h(b) = g(b) − b < 0.

By the Intermediate Value Theorem, ∃ x ∈ [a, b] such that h(x) = 0.That is

g(x) − x = 0 ⇒ g(x) = x. Hence g has a fixed point xin [a, b].





If g(a) = a or g(b) = b, then a or b is a fixed point of g and we are done.

Otherwise, it must be g(a) > a and g(b) < b. The function h(x) = g(x) − xis continuous on [a, b], with

h(a) = g(a) − a > 0 and h(b) = g(b) − b < 0.

By the Intermediate Value Theorem, ∃ x ∈ [a, b] such that h(x) = 0. That is

g(x) − x = 0 ⇒ g(x) = x. Hence g has a fixed point xin [a, b].





Suppose that p 6= q are both fixed points of g in [a, b].By the Mean-Value theorem, there exists ξ between p and q such that

g0(ξ) = g(p) − g(q)

p − q = p − q p − q = 1.

However, this contradicts to the assumption that

|g0(x)| ≤ M < 1for all x in [a, b]. Therefore the fixed point of g is unique.





Suppose that p 6= q are both fixed points of g in [a, b]. By the Mean-Value theorem, there exists ξ between p and q such that

g0(ξ) = g(p) − g(q)

p − q = p − q p − q = 1.

However, this contradicts to the assumption that

|g0(x)| ≤ M < 1for all x in [a, b]. Therefore the fixed point of g is unique.





Suppose that p 6= q are both fixed points of g in [a, b]. By the Mean-Value theorem, there exists ξ between p and q such that

g0(ξ) = g(p) − g(q)

p − q = p − q p − q = 1.

However, this contradicts to the assumption that

|g0(x)| ≤ M < 1for all x in [a, b]. Therefore the fixed point of g is unique.



Example 6

Show that the following function has a unique fixed point.

g(x) = (x2− 1)/3, x ∈ [−1, 1].

Solution: The Extreme Value Theorem implies that min

x∈[−1,1]g(x) = g(0) = −1 3, max

x∈[−1,1]g(x) = g(±1) = 0.

That is g(x) ∈ [−1, 1], ∀ x ∈ [−1, 1].

Moreover, g is continuous and

|g0(x)| =

2x 3

≤ 2

3, ∀ x ∈ (−1, 1).

By above theorem, g has a unique fixed point in [−1, 1].



Example 6

Show that the following function has a unique fixed point.

g(x) = (x2− 1)/3, x ∈ [−1, 1].

Solution: The Extreme Value Theorem implies that min

x∈[−1,1]g(x) = g(0) = −1 3, max

x∈[−1,1]g(x) = g(±1) = 0.

That is g(x) ∈ [−1, 1], ∀ x ∈ [−1, 1].

Moreover, g is continuous and

|g0(x)| =

2x 3

≤ 2

3, ∀ x ∈ (−1, 1).

By above theorem, g has a unique fixed point in [−1, 1].



Example 6

Show that the following function has a unique fixed point.

g(x) = (x2− 1)/3, x ∈ [−1, 1].

Solution: The Extreme Value Theorem implies that min

x∈[−1,1]g(x) = g(0) = −1 3, max

x∈[−1,1]g(x) = g(±1) = 0.

That is g(x) ∈ [−1, 1], ∀ x ∈ [−1, 1].

Moreover, g is continuous and

|g0(x)| =

2x 3

≤ 2

3, ∀ x ∈ (−1, 1).

By above theorem, g has a unique fixed point in [−1, 1].



Example 6

Show that the following function has a unique fixed point.

g(x) = (x2− 1)/3, x ∈ [−1, 1].

Solution: The Extreme Value Theorem implies that min

x∈[−1,1]g(x) = g(0) = −1 3, max

x∈[−1,1]g(x) = g(±1) = 0.

That is g(x) ∈ [−1, 1], ∀ x ∈ [−1, 1].

Moreover, g is continuous and

|g0(x)| =

2x 3

≤ 2

3, ∀ x ∈ (−1, 1).

By above theorem, g has a unique fixed point in [−1, 1].



Example 6

Show that the following function has a unique fixed point.

g(x) = (x2− 1)/3, x ∈ [−1, 1].

Solution: The Extreme Value Theorem implies that min

x∈[−1,1]g(x) = g(0) = −1 3, max

x∈[−1,1]g(x) = g(±1) = 0.

That is g(x) ∈ [−1, 1], ∀ x ∈ [−1, 1].

Moreover, g is continuous and

|g0(x)| =

2x 3

≤ 2

3, ∀ x ∈ (−1, 1).

By above theorem, g has a unique fixed point in [−1, 1].



Let p be such unique fixed point of g. Then p = g(p) = p2− 1

3 ⇒ p2− 3p − 1 = 0

⇒ p = 1 2(3 −√




Fixed-point iteration or functional iteration

Given a continuous function g, choose an initial point x0 and generate {xk}k=0by

xk+1 = g(xk), k ≥ 0.

{xk} may not converge, e.g., g(x) = 3x. However, when the sequence converges, say,

k→∞lim xk= x, then, since g is continuous,

g(x) = g( lim

k→∞xk) = lim

k→∞g(xk) = lim

k→∞xk+1= x. That is, xis a fixed point of g.



Fixed-point iteration or functional iteration

Given a continuous function g, choose an initial point x0 and generate {xk}k=0by

xk+1 = g(xk), k ≥ 0.

{xk} may not converge, e.g., g(x) = 3x.However, when the sequence converges, say,

k→∞lim xk= x, then, since g is continuous,

g(x) = g( lim

k→∞xk) = lim

k→∞g(xk) = lim

k→∞xk+1= x. That is, xis a fixed point of g.



Fixed-point iteration or functional iteration

Given a continuous function g, choose an initial point x0 and generate {xk}k=0by

xk+1 = g(xk), k ≥ 0.

{xk} may not converge, e.g., g(x) = 3x. However, when the sequence converges, say,

k→∞lim xk= x, then, since g is continuous,

g(x) = g( lim

k→∞xk) = lim

k→∞g(xk) = lim

k→∞xk+1= x. That is, xis a fixed point of g.



Fixed-point iteration or functional iteration

Given a continuous function g, choose an initial point x0 and generate {xk}k=0by

xk+1 = g(xk), k ≥ 0.

{xk} may not converge, e.g., g(x) = 3x. However, when the sequence converges, say,

k→∞lim xk= x, then, since g is continuous,

g(x) = g( lim

k→∞xk) = lim

k→∞g(xk) = lim

k→∞xk+1= x. That is, xis a fixed point of g.



Fixed-point iteration or functional iteration

Given a continuous function g, choose an initial point x0 and generate {xk}k=0by

xk+1 = g(xk), k ≥ 0.

{xk} may not converge, e.g., g(x) = 3x. However, when the sequence converges, say,

k→∞lim xk= x, then, since g is continuous,

g(x) = g( lim

k→∞xk) = lim

k→∞g(xk) = lim

k→∞xk+1= x. That is, xis a fixed point of g.



Fixed-point iteration

Given x0, tolerance T OL, maximum number of iteration M . Set i = 1 and x = g(x0).

While i ≤ M and |x − x0| ≥ T OL Set i = i + 1, x0 = xand x = g(x0).

End While



Example 7 The equation

x3+ 4x2− 10 = 0

has a unique root in [1, 2]. Change the equation to the fixed-point form x = g(x).

(a) x = g1(x) ≡ x − f (x) = x − x3− 4x2+ 10

(b) x = g2(x) = 10x − 4x1/2

x3 = 10 − 4x2 ⇒ x2 = 10

x − 4x ⇒ x = ± 10 x − 4x




Example 7 The equation

x3+ 4x2− 10 = 0

has a unique root in [1, 2]. Change the equation to the fixed-point form x = g(x).

(a) x = g1(x) ≡ x − f (x) = x − x3− 4x2+ 10

(b) x = g2(x) = 10x − 4x1/2

x3 = 10 − 4x2 ⇒ x2 = 10

x − 4x ⇒ x = ± 10 x − 4x




Example 7 The equation

x3+ 4x2− 10 = 0

has a unique root in [1, 2]. Change the equation to the fixed-point form x = g(x).

(a) x = g1(x) ≡ x − f (x) = x − x3− 4x2+ 10

(b) x = g2(x) = 10x − 4x1/2

x3 = 10 − 4x2 ⇒ x2 = 10

x − 4x ⇒ x = ± 10 x − 4x




Example 7 The equation

x3+ 4x2− 10 = 0

has a unique root in [1, 2]. Change the equation to the fixed-point form x = g(x).

(a) x = g1(x) ≡ x − f (x) = x − x3− 4x2+ 10

(b) x = g2(x) = 10x − 4x1/2

x3 = 10 − 4x2 ⇒ x2 = 10

x − 4x ⇒ x = ± 10 x − 4x




(c) x = g3(x) = 12 10 − x31/2

4x2 = 10 − x3 ⇒ x = ±1

2 10 − x31/2

(d) x = g4(x) =

10 4+x


x2(x + 4) = 10 ⇒ x = ±

 10 4 + x


(e) x = g5(x) = x −x33x+4x2+8x2−10

x = g5(x) ≡ x − f (x) f0(x)



(c) x = g3(x) = 12 10 − x31/2

4x2 = 10 − x3 ⇒ x = ±1

2 10 − x31/2

(d) x = g4(x) =

10 4+x


x2(x + 4) = 10 ⇒ x = ±

 10 4 + x


(e) x = g5(x) = x −x33x+4x2+8x2−10

x = g5(x) ≡ x − f (x) f0(x)



(c) x = g3(x) = 12 10 − x31/2

4x2 = 10 − x3 ⇒ x = ±1

2 10 − x31/2

(d) x = g4(x) =

10 4+x


x2(x + 4) = 10 ⇒ x = ±

 10 4 + x


(e) x = g5(x) = x −x33x+4x2+8x2−10

x = g5(x) ≡ x − f (x) f0(x)



Results of the fixed-point iteration with initial point x0 = 1.5



Theorem 8 (Fixed-point Theorem)

Let g ∈ C[a, b] be such thatg(x) ∈ [a, b]for all x ∈ [a, b].

Suppose that g0 exists on (a, b) and that ∃ k with0 < k < 1such that

|g0(x)| ≤ k, ∀ x ∈ (a, b).

Then, for any number x0 in [a, b],

xn= g(xn−1), n ≥ 1, converges to the unique fixed point x in [a, b].



Theorem 8 (Fixed-point Theorem)

Let g ∈ C[a, b] be such thatg(x) ∈ [a, b]for all x ∈ [a, b].

Suppose that g0 exists on (a, b) and that ∃ k with0 < k < 1such that

|g0(x)| ≤ k, ∀ x ∈ (a, b).

Then, for any number x0 in [a, b],

xn= g(xn−1), n ≥ 1, converges to the unique fixed point x in [a, b].



Theorem 8 (Fixed-point Theorem)

Let g ∈ C[a, b] be such thatg(x) ∈ [a, b]for all x ∈ [a, b].

Suppose that g0 exists on (a, b) and that ∃ k with0 < k < 1such that

|g0(x)| ≤ k, ∀ x ∈ (a, b).

Then, for any number x0 in [a, b],

xn= g(xn−1), n ≥ 1, converges to the unique fixed point x in [a, b].



Proof: By the assumptions, a unique fixed point exists in [a, b].

Since g([a, b]) ⊆ [a, b], {xn}n=0 is defined and xn∈ [a, b] for all n ≥ 0. Using the Mean Values Theorem and the fact that

|g0(x)| ≤ k, we have

|x − xn| = |g(xn−1) − g(x)| = |g0n)||x − xn−1| ≤ k|x − xn−1|, where ξn∈ (a, b).It follows that

|xn− x| ≤ k|xn−1− x| ≤ k2|xn−2− x| ≤ · · · ≤ kn|x0− x|. (1) Since 0 < k < 1, we have

n→∞lim kn= 0 and

n→∞lim |xn− x| ≤ lim

n→∞kn|x0− x| = 0.

Hence, {xn} converges to x.



Proof: By the assumptions, a unique fixed point exists in [a, b].

Since g([a, b]) ⊆ [a, b], {xn}n=0 is defined and xn∈ [a, b] for all n ≥ 0. Using the Mean Values Theorem and the fact that

|g0(x)| ≤ k, we have

|x − xn| = |g(xn−1) − g(x)| = |g0n)||x − xn−1| ≤ k|x − xn−1|, where ξn∈ (a, b). It follows that

|xn− x| ≤ k|xn−1− x| ≤ k2|xn−2− x| ≤ · · · ≤ kn|x0− x|. (1) Since 0 < k < 1, we have

n→∞lim kn= 0 and

n→∞lim |xn− x| ≤ lim

n→∞kn|x0− x| = 0.

Hence, {xn} converges to x.



Proof: By the assumptions, a unique fixed point exists in [a, b].

Since g([a, b]) ⊆ [a, b], {xn}n=0 is defined and xn∈ [a, b] for all n ≥ 0. Using the Mean Values Theorem and the fact that

|g0(x)| ≤ k, we have

|x − xn| = |g(xn−1) − g(x)| = |g0n)||x − xn−1| ≤ k|x − xn−1|, where ξn∈ (a, b).It follows that

|xn− x| ≤ k|xn−1− x| ≤ k2|xn−2− x| ≤ · · · ≤ kn|x0− x|. (1) Since 0 < k < 1, we have

n→∞lim kn= 0 and

n→∞lim |xn− x| ≤ lim

n→∞kn|x0− x| = 0.

Hence, {xn} converges to x.



Proof: By the assumptions, a unique fixed point exists in [a, b].

Since g([a, b]) ⊆ [a, b], {xn}n=0 is defined and xn∈ [a, b] for all n ≥ 0. Using the Mean Values Theorem and the fact that

|g0(x)| ≤ k, we have

|x − xn| = |g(xn−1) − g(x)| = |g0n)||x − xn−1| ≤ k|x − xn−1|, where ξn∈ (a, b). It follows that

|xn− x| ≤ k|xn−1− x| ≤ k2|xn−2− x| ≤ · · · ≤ kn|x0− x|. (1) Since 0 < k < 1, we have

n→∞lim kn= 0 and

n→∞lim |xn− x| ≤ lim

n→∞kn|x0− x| = 0.

Hence, {xn} converges to x.



Proof: By the assumptions, a unique fixed point exists in [a, b].

Since g([a, b]) ⊆ [a, b], {xn}n=0 is defined and xn∈ [a, b] for all n ≥ 0. Using the Mean Values Theorem and the fact that

|g0(x)| ≤ k, we have

|x − xn| = |g(xn−1) − g(x)| = |g0n)||x − xn−1| ≤ k|x − xn−1|, where ξn∈ (a, b). It follows that

|xn− x| ≤ k|xn−1− x| ≤ k2|xn−2− x| ≤ · · · ≤ kn|x0− x|. (1) Since 0 < k < 1, we have

n→∞lim kn= 0 and

n→∞lim |xn− x| ≤ lim

n→∞kn|x0− x| = 0.

Hence, {xn} converges to x.



Corollary 9

If g satisfies the hypotheses of above theorem, then

|x − xn| ≤ knmax{x0− a, b − x0} and

|xn− x| ≤ kn

1 − k|x1− x0|, ∀ n ≥ 1.

Proof: From (1),

|xn− x| ≤ kn|x0− x| ≤ knmax{x0− a, b − x0}.

For n ≥ 1, using the Mean Values Theorem,

|xn+1− xn| = |g(xn) − g(xn−1)| ≤ k|xn− xn−1| ≤ · · · ≤ kn|x1− x0|.



Corollary 9

If g satisfies the hypotheses of above theorem, then

|x − xn| ≤ knmax{x0− a, b − x0} and

|xn− x| ≤ kn

1 − k|x1− x0|, ∀ n ≥ 1.

Proof: From (1),

|xn− x| ≤ kn|x0− x| ≤ knmax{x0− a, b − x0}.

For n ≥ 1, using the Mean Values Theorem,

|xn+1− xn| = |g(xn) − g(xn−1)| ≤ k|xn− xn−1| ≤ · · · ≤ kn|x1− x0|.



Corollary 9

If g satisfies the hypotheses of above theorem, then

|x − xn| ≤ knmax{x0− a, b − x0} and

|xn− x| ≤ kn

1 − k|x1− x0|, ∀ n ≥ 1.

Proof: From (1),

|xn− x| ≤ kn|x0− x| ≤ knmax{x0− a, b − x0}.

For n ≥ 1, using the Mean Values Theorem,

|xn+1− xn| = |g(xn) − g(xn−1)| ≤ k|xn− xn−1| ≤ · · · ≤ kn|x1− x0|.



Thus, for m > n ≥ 1,

|xm− xn| = |xm− xm−1+ xm−1− · · · + xn+1− xn|

≤ |xm− xm−1| + |xm−1− xm−2| + · · · + |xn+1− xn|

≤ km−1|x1− x0| + km−2|x1− x0| + · · · + kn|x1− x0|

= kn|x1− x0| 1 + k + k2+ · · · + km−n−1 . It implies that

|x − xn| = lim

m→∞|xm− xn| ≤ lim

m→∞kn|x1− x0|





≤ kn|x1− x0|



kj = kn

1 − k|x1− x0|.



Thus, for m > n ≥ 1,

|xm− xn| = |xm− xm−1+ xm−1− · · · + xn+1− xn|

≤ |xm− xm−1| + |xm−1− xm−2| + · · · + |xn+1− xn|

≤ km−1|x1− x0| + km−2|x1− x0| + · · · + kn|x1− x0|

= kn|x1− x0| 1 + k + k2+ · · · + km−n−1 . It implies that

|x − xn| = lim

m→∞|xm− xn| ≤ lim

m→∞kn|x1− x0|





≤ kn|x1− x0|



kj = kn

1 − k|x1− x0|.



Example 10

For previous example,

f (x) = x3+ 4x2− 10 = 0.

For g1(x) = x − x3− 4x2+ 10, we have g1(1) = 6 and g1(2) = −12, so g1([1, 2]) * [1, 2].Moreover,

g10(x) = 1 − 3x2− 8x ⇒ |g10(x)| ≥ 1 ∀ x ∈ [1, 2]

• DOES NOT guarantee to converge or not



Example 10

For previous example,

f (x) = x3+ 4x2− 10 = 0.

For g1(x) = x − x3− 4x2+ 10, we have g1(1) = 6 and g1(2) = −12, so g1([1, 2]) * [1, 2].Moreover,

g10(x) = 1 − 3x2− 8x ⇒ |g10(x)| ≥ 1 ∀ x ∈ [1, 2]

• DOES NOT guarantee to converge or not



Example 10

For previous example,

f (x) = x3+ 4x2− 10 = 0.

For g1(x) = x − x3− 4x2+ 10, we have g1(1) = 6 and g1(2) = −12, so g1([1, 2]) * [1, 2]. Moreover,

g10(x) = 1 − 3x2− 8x ⇒ |g10(x)| ≥ 1 ∀ x ∈ [1, 2]

• DOES NOT guarantee to converge or not



Example 10

For previous example,

f (x) = x3+ 4x2− 10 = 0.

For g1(x) = x − x3− 4x2+ 10, we have g1(1) = 6 and g1(2) = −12, so g1([1, 2]) * [1, 2]. Moreover,

g10(x) = 1 − 3x2− 8x ⇒ |g10(x)| ≥ 1 ∀ x ∈ [1, 2]

• DOES NOT guarantee to converge or not



For g3(x) = 12(10 − x3)1/2, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5], g30(x) = −3

4x2(10 − x3)−1/2< 0, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5], so g3 is strictly decreasing on [1, 1.5] and

1 < 1.28 ≈ g3(1.5) ≤ g3(x) ≤ g3(1) = 1.5, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5].

On the other hand,

|g03(x)| ≤ |g03(1.5)| ≈ 0.66, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5].

Hence, the sequence is convergent to the fixed point.



For g3(x) = 12(10 − x3)1/2, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5], g30(x) = −3

4x2(10 − x3)−1/2< 0, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5], so g3 is strictly decreasing on [1, 1.5]and

1 < 1.28 ≈ g3(1.5) ≤ g3(x) ≤ g3(1) = 1.5, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5].

On the other hand,

|g03(x)| ≤ |g03(1.5)| ≈ 0.66, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5].

Hence, the sequence is convergent to the fixed point.



For g3(x) = 12(10 − x3)1/2, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5], g30(x) = −3

4x2(10 − x3)−1/2< 0, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5], so g3 is strictly decreasing on [1, 1.5] and

1 < 1.28 ≈ g3(1.5) ≤ g3(x) ≤ g3(1) = 1.5, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5].

On the other hand,

|g03(x)| ≤ |g03(1.5)| ≈ 0.66, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5].

Hence, the sequence is convergent to the fixed point.



For g3(x) = 12(10 − x3)1/2, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5], g30(x) = −3

4x2(10 − x3)−1/2< 0, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5], so g3 is strictly decreasing on [1, 1.5] and

1 < 1.28 ≈ g3(1.5) ≤ g3(x) ≤ g3(1) = 1.5, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5].

On the other hand,

|g03(x)| ≤ |g03(1.5)| ≈ 0.66, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5].

Hence, the sequence is convergent to the fixed point.



For g3(x) = 12(10 − x3)1/2, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5], g30(x) = −3

4x2(10 − x3)−1/2< 0, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5], so g3 is strictly decreasing on [1, 1.5] and

1 < 1.28 ≈ g3(1.5) ≤ g3(x) ≤ g3(1) = 1.5, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5].

On the other hand,

|g03(x)| ≤ |g03(1.5)| ≈ 0.66, ∀ x ∈ [1, 1.5].

Hence, the sequence is convergent to the fixed point.



For g4(x) =p10/(4 + x), we have r10

6 ≤ g4(x) ≤ r10

5 , ∀ x ∈ [1, 2] ⇒ g4([1, 2]) ⊆ [1, 2]


|g04(x)| =

√ −5

10(4 + x)3/2

≤ 5

√10(5)3/2 < 0.15, ∀ x ∈ [1, 2].

The bound of |g04(x)|is much smaller than the bound of |g30(x)|, which explains the more rapid convergence using g4.



For g4(x) =p10/(4 + x), we have r10

6 ≤ g4(x) ≤ r10

5 , ∀ x ∈ [1, 2] ⇒ g4([1, 2]) ⊆ [1, 2]


|g04(x)| =

√ −5

10(4 + x)3/2

≤ 5

√10(5)3/2 < 0.15, ∀ x ∈ [1, 2].

The bound of |g04(x)|is much smaller than the bound of |g30(x)|, which explains the more rapid convergence using g4.



For g4(x) =p10/(4 + x), we have r10

6 ≤ g4(x) ≤ r10

5 , ∀ x ∈ [1, 2] ⇒ g4([1, 2]) ⊆ [1, 2]


|g04(x)| =

√ −5

10(4 + x)3/2

≤ 5

√10(5)3/2 < 0.15, ∀ x ∈ [1, 2].

The bound of |g04(x)|is much smaller than the bound of |g30(x)|, which explains the more rapid convergence using g4.




Page 64: 1, 3, 7, 11, 13



Suppose that f : R → R and f ∈ C2[a, b], i.e., f00exists and is continuous.If f (x) = 0and x= x + hwhere h is small, then byTaylor’stheorem

0 = f (x) = f (x + h)

= f (x) + f0(x)h + 1

2f00(x)h2+ 1

3!f000(x)h3+ · · ·

= f (x) + f0(x)h + O(h2).

Sincehissmall, O(h2)is negligible. It is reasonable to drop O(h2)terms. This implies

f (x) + f0(x)h ≈ 0 and h ≈ −f (x)

f0(x), if f0(x) 6= 0.


x + h = x − f (x) f0(x) is a better approximation to x.



Suppose that f : R → R and f ∈ C2[a, b], i.e., f00exists and is continuous. If f (x) = 0and x= x + hwhere h is small,then byTaylor’stheorem

0 = f (x) = f (x + h)

= f (x) + f0(x)h + 1

2f00(x)h2+ 1

3!f000(x)h3+ · · ·

= f (x) + f0(x)h + O(h2).

Sincehissmall, O(h2)is negligible. It is reasonable to drop O(h2)terms. This implies

f (x) + f0(x)h ≈ 0 and h ≈ −f (x)

f0(x), if f0(x) 6= 0.


x + h = x − f (x) f0(x) is a better approximation to x.



Suppose that f : R → R and f ∈ C2[a, b], i.e., f00exists and is continuous. If f (x) = 0and x= x + hwhere h is small, then byTaylor’stheorem

0 = f (x) = f (x + h)

= f (x) + f0(x)h + 1

2f00(x)h2+ 1

3!f000(x)h3+ · · ·

= f (x) + f0(x)h + O(h2).

Sincehissmall, O(h2)is negligible. It is reasonable to drop O(h2)terms. This implies

f (x) + f0(x)h ≈ 0 and h ≈ −f (x)

f0(x), if f0(x) 6= 0.


x + h = x − f (x) f0(x) is a better approximation to x.



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