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Research of the Effect of GOCO on Employee’s Work Morale-For Example of the 302nd Military Factory 胡大偉、朱寶青


Academic year: 2022

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Research of the Effect of GOCO on Employee’s Work Morale-For Example of the 302nd Military Factory


E-mail: 9315922@mail.dyu.edu.tw


  Looking back 50 years into history, military factories have been carrying out the missions of military logistic support and ordnance production under the national security, that played an indispensable role in maintaining peace at Taiwan strait. However, the globalization competition has resulted in the privatization is well established globally to meet this challenge. Thus, government departments take essential steps which lead to reform organization, expecting new generation organizations with higher

efficiency.Currently, achieving enterprise reengineering, the GOCO pattern is efficiently utilized on military factories has become an important subject.   The topic of this research mainly is based on the aspect of the organization modification theory to investigate the employees’ working morale status of the 302nd Factory after the GOCO (Government Owned, Contractor Operated)

modification. Due to this case is the first Military Factory modification of the GOCO execution, the effect of the employees’

working morale change is an investigative subject. At the beginning, by means of the qualitative interviews to understand what are the interior changes of the organization after GOCO modification, it is concluded that three major configurations are influenced mostly, which are the changes of subordinate relationship, salary structure, and operational regulations. Then through the method of the configuration verification and the thorough interviews to verify the relationship between the three configurations and the

working morale, the research has the following conclusions: 1.For the change of the subordinate relationship, the working  morale of the high-level supervisors is both positively and  negatively affected. 2.For the change of the subordinate relationship, the working  morale of the piece-working employees is negatively affected. 3.For the change of the subordinate relationship, the working  morale of the time-working employees is negatively affected. 4.For the change of the salary structure, the working morale    of the high-level supervisors is toward positively affected. 5.For the change of the salary structure, the working morale  of the piece-working employees is tremendously negatively  affected. 6.For the change of the salary structure, the working morale  of the time-working employees is toward negatively affected. 7.For the change of the operational regulations, the working  morale of the high-level supervisors is not relatively  affected. 8.For the change of the operational regulations, the working  morale of the piece-working employees is tremendously  negatively affected. 9.For the change of the operational regulations, the working  morale of the time-working employees is tremendously  negatively affected.

Keywords : Organization modification theory ; GOCO ; Work morale Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書………iii 中文摘要………

………iv 英文摘要………vi 誌謝………

………viii 目錄………ix 圖目錄………

………xi 表目錄………xii 第一章 緒論…

………1  第一節 研究背景………1  第二節  研究動機………4  第三節 研究目的………7   第四節 研究方法與流程………8 第二章 文獻探討………

…10  第一節 軍工廠國有民營之政策………10  第二節 工作士氣定義與理論………

………16  第三節 組織變革………32  第四節 影響工作士氣之因素…………

………40 第三章 研究方法………54  第一節 研究架構………

………54  第二節 資料蒐集方法………55  第三節 資料分析方 法………57 訪談題綱………58 第四章 結果 分析………59  第一節 從屬關係改變對工作士氣之影響………60  第 二節 薪資結構改變對工作士氣之影響………67  第三節 工作規章改變對工作士氣之影響………

…72 第五章 結論與建議………77  第一節 研究結論………

………77  第二節 研究建議………80  第三節 後續研究………

………81 參考文獻………82  中文文獻………


………82  英文文獻………90 附錄一………

………98 圖目錄 圖1-1 研究步驟流程………9 圖2-1 士 氣假想模式………29 圖3-1 研究架構………54 表 目錄 表2-1 國內碩博士論文士氣實徵研究現況摘要表………19 表2-2 測量工具表………

…………23 表2-3 組織變革的概念………33 表2-4 個體觀點工作士氣定義彙整表…………

………41 表2-5 組織承諾定義一覽表………42 表2-6 組織承諾的分類………

………44 表2-7 國內對工作滿意的研究整理………49 REFERENCES

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volume suppressed mass: (TeV) 2 /M P ∼ 10 −4 eV → mm range can be experimentally tested for any number of extra dimensions - Light U(1) gauge bosons: no derivative couplings. =>

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