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Theory of Computation Lecture Notes


Academic year: 2021

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Theory of Computation Lecture


Prof. Yuh-Dauh Lyuu

Dept. Computer Science & Information Engineering and

Department of Finance National Taiwan University


Class Information

• Papadimitriou. Computational Complexity. 2nd printing. Addison-Wesley. 1995.

– The best book on the market for graduate students. – We more or less follow the topics of the book.

– More “advanced” materials may be added. • Check

www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~lyuu/complexity/2003 for last year’s lecture notes.


Class Information (concluded)

• More information and future lecture notes (in PDF format) can be found at

www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~lyuu/complexity.html • Please ask many questions in class.

– The best way for me to remember you in a large class.a

• Teaching assistants will be announced later.


“[A] science concentrator [...] said that in his eighth semester of [Harvard] college, there was not a single science professor who could



• No roll calls. • No homeworks.

– Try some of the exercises at the end of each chapter. • Two to three examinations.

• You must show up for the examinations, in person. • If you cannot make it to an examination, please email

me beforehand (unless there is a legitimate reason). • Missing the final examination will earn a “fail” grade.


A Brief History (Biased towards Complexity)

1930–1931: G¨odel’s (1906–1978) completeness and incompleteness theorems and recursive functions. 1935–1936: Kleene (1909–1994), Turing (1912–1954),

Church (1903–1995), Post (1897–1954) on computability. 1936: Turing defined Turing machines and oracle Turing


1938: Shannon (1916–2001) used boolean algebra for the design and analysis of switching circuits. Circuit

complexity was also born. Shannon’s master’s thesis was “possibly the most important, and also the most


A Brief History (continued)

1947: Dantzig invented linear programming simplex algorithm.

1947: Paul Erd˝os (1913–1996) popularized the probabilistic method. (Also Shannon (1948).)

1949: Shannon established information theory.

1949: Shannon’s study of cryptography was published. 1956: Ford and Fulkerson’s network flows.


A Brief History (continued)

1964–1966: Solomonoff, Kolmogorov, and Chaitin formalized Kolmogorov complexity (program size and randomness). 1965: Hartmanis and Stearns started complexity theory and

hierarchy theorems (see also Rabin (1960)).

1965: Edmonds identified NP and P (actual names were coined by Karp in 1972).

1971: Cook invented the idea of NP-completeness.

1972: Karp established the importance of NP-completeness. 1972–1973: Karp, Meyer, and Stockmeyer defined the


A Brief History (continued)

1973: Karp studied PSPACE-completeness.

1973: Meyer and Stockmeyer studied exponential time and space.

1973: Baker, Gill, and Solovay studied “NP=P” relative to oracles.

1975: Ladner studied P-completeness.

1976–1977: Rabin, Solovay, Strassen, and Miller proposed probabilistic algorithms (for primality testing).

1976–1978: Diffie, Hellman, and Merkle invented public-key cryptography.


A Brief History (continued)

1977: Gill formalized randomized complexity classes. 1978: Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman invented RSA. 1978: Fortune and Wyllie defined the PRAM model. 1979: Garey and Johnson published their book on

computational complexity. 1979: Valiant defined #P. 1979: Pippenger defined NC.

1979: Khachiyan proved that linear programming is in polynomial time.


A Brief History (continued)

1980: Lamport, Shostak, and Pease defined the Byzantine agreements problem in distributed computing.

1981: Shamir proposed cryptographically strong pseudorandom numbers.

1982: Goldwasser and Micali proposed probabilistic encryption. 1982: Yao founded secure multiparty computation.

1982: Goldschlager, Shaw, and Staples proved that the maximum flow problem is P-complete.

1982–1984: Yao, Blum, and Micali founded pseudorandom number generation on complexity theory.


A Brief History (continued)

1983: Ajtai, Koml´os, and Szemer´edi constructed an O(log n)-depth, O(n log n)-size sorting network. 1984: Valiant founded computational learning theory. 1984–1985: Furst, Saxe, Sipser, and Yao proved

exponential bounds for parity circuits of constant depth. 1985: Razborov proved exponential lower bounds for

monotone circuits.

1985: Goldwasser, Micali, and Rackoff invented zero-knowledge proofs.


A Brief History (continued)

1986: Goldreich, Micali, and Wigderson proved that every problem in NP has a zero-knowledge proof under certain complexity assumptions.

1987: Adleman and Huang proved that primality testing can be solved in randomized polynomial time.

1987–1988: Szelepsc´enyi and Immerman proved that NL equals coNL.

1989: Blum and Kannan proposed program checking. 1990: Shamir proved IP=PSPACE.

1990: Du and Hwang settled the Gilbert-Pollak conjecture on Steiner tree problems.


A Brief History (concluded)

1992: Arora, Lund, Motwani, Sudan, and Szegedy proved the PCP theorem.

1993: Bernstein, Vazirani, and Yao established quantum complexity theory.

1994: Shor presented a quantum polynomial-time algorithm for factoring.

1996: Ajtai on the shortest lattice vector problem. 2002: Agrawal, Kayal, and Saxena discovered a


I have never done anything “useful.” — Godfrey Harold Hardy (1877–1947), A Mathematician’s Apology (1940)


What This Course Is All About

Computability: What can be computed? • What is computation anyway?

• There are well-defined problems that cannot be computed.


What This Course Is All About (concluded)

Complexity: What is a computable problem’s inherent complexity?

• Some computable problems require at least

exponential time and/or space; they are intractable. • Some practical problems require superpolynomial

resources unless certain conjectures are disproved. • Other resource limits besides time and space?

– Program size, circuit size (growth), number of random bits, etc.


Tractability and intractability

• Polynomial in terms of the input size n defines tractability.

– n, n log n, n2, n90.

– Time, space, circuit size, number of random bits, etc. • It results in a fruitful and practical theory of complexity. • Few practical, tractable problems require a large degree. • Exponential-time or superpolynomial-time algorithms

are usually impractical. – nlog n, 2√n, 2n


Growth of Factorials

n n! n n! 1 1 9 362,880 2 2 10 3,628,800 3 6 11 39,916,800 4 24 12 479,001,600 5 120 13 6,227,020,800 6 720 14 87,178,291,200 7 5040 15 1,307,674,368,000 8 40320 16 20,922,789,888,000


Most Important Results: a Sampler

• An operational definition of computability. • Decision problems in logic are undecidable.

• Decisions problems on program behavior are usually undecidable.

• Complexity classes and the existence of intractable problems.

• Complete problems for a complexity class.

• Randomization and cryptographic applications. • Approximability.


What Is Computation?

• That can be coded in an algorithm.

• An algorithm is a detailed step-by-step method for solving a problem.

– The Euclidean algorithm for the greatest common divisor is an algorithm.

– “Let s be the least upper bound of compact set A” is not an algorithm.

– “Let s be a smallest element of a finite-sized array” can be solved by an algorithm.


Turing Machines


• A Turing machine (TM) is a quadruple M = (K, Σ, δ, s). • K is a finite set of states.

• s ∈ K is the initial state.

• Σ is a finite set of symbols (disjoint from K). – Σ includes F (blank) and  (first symbol).

• δ : K × Σ → (K ∪ {h, “yes”, “no”}) × Σ × {←, →, −} is a transition function.

– ← (left), → (right), and − (stay) signify cursor movements.


A TM Schema



“Physical” Interpretations

• The tape: computer memory and registers. • δ: program.

• K: instruction numbers. • s: “main()” in C.


More about δ

• The program has the halting state (h), the accepting state (“yes”), and the rejecting state (“no”).

• Given current state q ∈ K and current symbol σ ∈ Σ, δ(q, σ) = (p, ρ, D).

– It specifies the next state p, the symbol ρ to be written over σ, and the direction D the cursor will move afterwards.

• We require δ(q, ) = (p, , →) so that the cursor never falls off the left end of the string.


The Operations of TMs

• Initially the state is s.

• The string on the tape is initialized to a , followed by a finite-length string x ∈ (Σ − {F})∗.

• x is the input of the TM.

– The input must not contain Fs (why?)!

• The cursor is pointing to the first symbol, always a . • The TM takes each step according to δ.

• The cursor may overwrite F to make the string longer during the computation.


Program Count

• A program has a finite size. • Recall that

δ : K × Σ → (K ∪ {h, “yes”, “no”}) × Σ × {←, →, −}. • So |K| × |Σ| “lines” suffice to specify a program, one line

per pair from K × Σ.

• Given K and Σ, there are

((|K| + 3) × |Σ| × 3)|K|×|Σ| possible δ’s (see next page).

– This is a constant—albeit large.


(| K | + 3) Χ | Σ | Χ 3



The Halting of a TM

• A TM M may halt in three cases.

“yes”: M accepts its input x, and M (x) = “yes”. “no”: M rejects its input x, and M (x) = “no”.

h: M (x) = y, where the string consists of a , followed by a finite string y, whose last symbol is not F,

followed by a string of Fs.

– y is the output of the computation. – y may be empty denoted by .


Why TMs?

• Because of the simplicity of the TM, the model has the advantage when it comes to complexity issues.

• One can develop a complexity theory based on C++ or Java, say.

• But the added complexity does not yield additional fundamental insights.


The Concept of Configuration

• A configuration is a complete description of the current state of the computation.

• The specification of a configuration is sufficient for the computation to continue as if it had not been stopped.

– What does your PC save before it sleeps? – Enough for it to resume work later.

• Similar to the concept of Markov process in stochastic processes or dynamic systems.


Configurations (concluded)

• A configuration is a triple (q, w, u): – q ∈ K.

– w ∈ Σ∗ is the string to the left of the cursor (inclusive).

– u ∈ Σ∗ is the string to the right of the cursor.

• Note that (w, u) describes both the string and the cursor position.



• w = 1000110000.



• Fix a TM M .

• Configuration (q, w, u) yields configuration (q0, w0, u0) in one step,

(q, w, u) −→M (q0, w0, u0),

if a step of M from configuration (q, w, u) results in configuration (q0, w0, u0). • (q, w, u) M k −→ (q0, w0, u0): Configuration (q, w, u) yields configuration (q0, w0, u0) in k ∈ N steps. • (q, w, u) M ∗ −→ (q0, w0, u0): Configuration (q, w, u) yields configuration (q0, w0, u0).


Example: How to Insert a Symbol

• We want to compute f(x) = ax.

– The TM moves the last symbol of x to the right by one position.

– It then moves the next to last symbol to the right, and so on.

– The TM finally writes a in the first position.

• The total number of steps is O(n), where n is the length of x.



• A string is a palindrome if it reads the same forwards and backwards (e.g., 001100).

• A TM program can be written to recognize palindromes: – It matches the first character with the last character. – It matches the second character with the next to last

character, etc. (see next page).

– “yes” for palindromes and “no” for nonpalindromes. • This program takes O(n2) steps.


A Matching Lower Bound for palindrome

Theorem 1 (Hennie (1965)) palindrome on


The Proof: Setup


x yr

Communication: at most log2 | K | bits

P(x, y)




The Proof: Communications

• Our input is more restricted; hence any lower bound holds for the original problem.

• Each communication between the two halves across the cut is a state from K, hence of size O(1).

• C(x, x): the sequence of communications for palindrome problem P(x, x) across the cut.


The Proof: Communications (concluded)

• C(x, x) 6= C(y, y) when x 6= y.

– Suppose otherwise, C(x, x) = C(y, y).

– Then C(y, y) = C(x, y) by the cut-and-paste argument (see next page).

– Hence P(x, y) has the same answer as P(y, y)! • So C(x, x) is distinct for each x.


x xr y yr x yr

b b


The Proof: Amount of Communications

• Assume | x | = | y | = m = n/3.

• | C(x, x) | is the number of times the cut is crossed. • We first seek a lower bound on the total number of




| C(x, x) |. • Define


The Proof: Amount of Communications (continued)

• There are ≤ | K |i distinct C(x, x)s with | C(x, x) | = i. • Hence there are at most

κ X i=0 | K |i = | K | κ+1 − 1 | K | − 1 ≤ | K |κ+1 | K | − 1 = 2m+1 m distinct C(x, x)s with | C(x, x) | ≤ κ.

• The rest must have | C(x, x) | > κ.

• Because C(x, x) is distinct for each x (p. 42), there are at least 2m 2mm+1 of them with | C(x, x) | > κ.


The Proof: Amount of Communications (concluded)

• Thus X x∈{0,1}m | C(x, x) | ≥ X x∈{0,1}m, | C(x,x) |>κ | C(x, x) | >  2m 2 m+1 m  κ = κ2mm − 2 m .

• As κ = Θ(m), the total number of communications is X



The Proof (continued)

We now lower-bound the worst-case number of communication points in the middle section.

x i xr m


The Proof (continued)

• Ci(x, x) denotes the sequence of communications for

P(x, x) given the cut at position i.

• Then Pm

i=1 | Ci(x, x) | is the number of steps spent in

the middle section for P (x, x). • Let T (n) = maxx∈{0,1}m


i=1 | Ci(x, x) |.

– T (n) is the worst-case running time spent in the middle section when dealing with any P (x, x) with | x | = m.

• Note that T (n) ≥ Pm


The Proof (continued)

• Now, 2mT (n) = X x∈{0,1}m T (n) ≥ X x∈{0,1}m m X i=1 | Ci(x, x) | = m X i=1 X x∈{0,1}m | Ci(x, x) |.


The Proof (concluded)

• By the pigeonhole principle,a there exists an 0 ≤ i∗ ≤ m, X


| Ci∗(x, x) | ≤

2mT (n)

m .

• Eq. (1) on p. 46 says that X x∈{0,1}m | Ci∗(x, x) | = Ω(m2m). • Hence T (n) = Ω(m2) = Ω(n2). a Dirichlet (1805–1859).



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