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All phenomena on earth : 張麗秋創作論述 張麗秋、李元亨


Academic year: 2022

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All phenomena on earth : 張麗秋創作論述 張麗秋、李元亨

E-mail: 346540@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This research is used the unique design pattern that convey the concept of the multiplicities of life, presenting the performance images that showing childish, simple, interesting, wide-angle, multi-dimensional feeling, and so on meanings of create. The creator takes the compounding-media and the oil painting as the main material. Part of works using three-dimensional ready-made installment art, and the black and white black color's spatial distribution of sketch let the human be unable to put down; in the process of clay modeling, feeling the thickness and the texture of clay realizing another vastness domain. Throughout personally experiences and inner reflection feelings to project the work, so as to unfold many invariable factors and creates one’s own artistic creation of life image. The artistic creation was rooted from the deeply heart and to the mind; those idea came from creation is caring the people, understanding people, caring the life, and understanding life; tracking back to the truly feeling and reflection of the creation’s original intention, based on the childish impression, layer upon to be moved and experience, the creator present the introspection artistic with ruminate, return to the simplification, the independent, the diversity, the pleasure, the clear, with the purest thoughts to see the mediocrity and bustle of the life path, pursues the creation the most primitive sound. Seize numerous immediately life form which bringing many vitalities with pleasure, anger, sorrow, and happiness, all are the author’s creating inspiration. “All phenomena on earth” including four series: “black cover and white tooth”, “animals’ love”, “the varicolored world”, and “Stands is clear” total summed up 90 works displays showing the persistent creating intention of the creator. The creator annotates from some kinds of imagination space by the different angles, showing the infinite possibility of creation.

Keywords : all phenomena、installment art

Table of Contents

目錄 封面內頁 簽名頁 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 iv 誌謝 v 目錄 vi 圖目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究 範圍與方法 2 第二章 創作學理基礎 第一節 超現實主義的異想世界 5 第二節 十九世紀末當代西方藝術家 16 第三節 近代國 內畫家的影響 27 第三章 創作理念與形式 第一節 創作理念 37 第二節 創作形式 39 第四章 作品論述 第一節 黑皮與白牙系列 44 第二節 動物有情天系列 62 第三節 花花世界系列 157 第四節 立見分曉系列 168 第五章 結論 181 參考文獻 183


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