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All-IP 網路上以預算為基礎之品質管理研究-子計畫四:All-IP 網路End-to-End 品質管理之研究(II)


Academic year: 2021

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行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫 成果報告

子計畫四:All-IP 網路 End-to-End 品質管理之研究(II)

計畫類別: 整合型計畫

計畫編號: NSC92-2219-E-004-004-

執行期間: 92 年 08 月 01 日至 93 年 07 月 31 日

執行單位: 國立政治大學應用數學學系

計畫主持人: 陸行

報告類型: 完整報告

處理方式: 本計畫可公開查詢

中 華 民 國 93 年 8 月 18 日


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MathematicalModels of Pareto Optimal Path Selection on All-IP Networks

: NSC 92-2219-E-004-004 : 920801930731  :  Æ

1 Abstract

We present an approach for the fair resource allo-cation problem and QoSroutingin All-IP networks thato ermultipleservicestousers. Theobjectiveof theoptimizationproblemistodeterminethe amoun-tofrequiredbandwidth foreach linkand eachclass to maximize the sum of the users' utility. In this work, wefocuson approachesthat, while allocating bandwidth,attempt to provide aproportionallyfair treatmentofallthecompetingclasses. First,wewill showthatanachievementfunctioncanmapdi erent criteria subject to various utility onto anormalized scale. It may be interpreted as a measure of QoS (Quality of Service) on All-IP networks. Using the bandwidth allocation model, we can nd a Pareto optimalallocationof bandwidthonthenetwork un-der a limited available budget. This allocation can provide the so-called proportional fairness to every class, that is, thisallocationcanprovide thesimilar satisfactiontoeachuser. Next,wepresentarouting schemeunderconsiderationofthedelay. Suchan op-timal path provides the end-to-end QoS guarantees to each user. Finally, a numericalexample is given toillustrate howtosolvethefairresourceallocation problemandhowto modifythenonlinearparts. (Keywords: multiple-objectiveproblems,routing, achievementfunction,proportionalfairness,delay, Paretooptimal,orderedweightedaveragingmethod, fairbandwidthallocation)

e]hi  Æ   ÆÆ  !All-IPÆ"#$%&Æ'( )*+,-./Æ01 2&3456 789) :)*;<=>?@ABCD=> E+FGHIJKLMNÆEO&PQ All-IPÆ&RS)*;<TUFVWXYZ [\]^_`"aKLbc+de fgh(i - jk(achievement function)lm0!no N pqrst\uvwTUxt!nFV+y z {|A}~€l‚ƒAll-IPÆ„… …(end-to-end)†‡ˆa‰Š‹=>+Œ ‡†\ fgŽ}DZ ‘’“”Q•– xt—˜+w“”Q™š?pq%&Æp (›œžjŸ  :¡–xt—˜p(› Œ‡.Ÿt†+fg"¢£€¤¥¦…… ;<§0 "¨©p(›EªB œ«žj+ (jkl: !"m nopqnrsn tu#vwxyzn{x#|}~n€n ‚ƒ„{xn…†‡ˆ‰) 2 Introduction

Packet switchednetworks su er threemajor quality problemsin o eringtime-sensitiveservices: long de-laytime,jitter,packetloss. TheUniversalMobile T-elecommunicationsSystem(UMTS) [1]hasspeci ed


[Š1: UMTSServiceClasses

Traffic Classes


of Applications


to Jitter


to Delay


to Packet Loss












WWW, Telnet





E-mail, FTP

very low



fourdi erenttraÆcclassesaccordingtotheirquality of service (QoS) requirements for di erent applica-tionsasTable1shows. Di erentpeoplehavedi erent expectationstothenetworkQoS.Thereareanumber of characteristics that qualify QoS, including mini-mizing delivery delay, minimizing delay variations, providingconsistentdatathroughputcapacity.

QoSrouting concernsthe selection of apath sat-isfying the QoS requirements of a ow. The path selected most likely is not the traditional shortest path. Dependingonthespeci csandthenumberof QoSmetricsinvolved,computationrequiredforpath selection can become prohibitively expensive asthe network size grows. The path selection process in-volvestheknowledgeofthe ow'sQoSrequirements and characteristics and (frequently changing) infor-mationon the availability of network resources (ex-pressedin termsof standard metrics, e.g., available bandwidthanddelay). Resourceallocationdecisions areconcernedwiththeallocationoflimitedresources soastoachievethebest systemperformances.

In a multi-objective decision-making situation in theabsenceof uncertainty weoftensearchfor Pare-to optimal solutions. One scheme for dealing with multi-objective models that permits more balanced handlingoftheobjectivesissimplytocombinethem in aweightedsum. Multiple objectivefunctions can becombinedintoasinglecompositeoneto be max-imized bysumming objectiveswith positiveweights onmaximizing and negativeweightson minimizing. Ifthecompositeistobeminimized,weightson max-imizing objectivesshould be negative, and those on minimizingshouldbepositive. Signsorientall objec-tivesin thesamedirection,andweightsre ecttheir relativeimportance. Ifasingleweighted-sum objec-tive model derivedfrom amulti-objective optimiza-tionproducesanoptimalsolution,thesolutionisan

Inthiswork,weusethemethodofweightedsumsto solveourproblems.

We dealwith the problem of dimensioning band-widthforelasticdataapplicationsinpacket-switched communication networks, which can be considered as a multiple-objective optimization model. In our work,wewillfocusonthefollowingsubjects: (i)How do we transform the di erent criteria measurement onto anormalizedscale? (ii)Howdo weallocate re-sourceswithproportionalfairnessand ndarouting schemeonAll-IPcommunicationnetworks? (iii)How dowemodifythenonlinearmultiple-objective prob-lemsassolvableMixed-Integerprogrammingmodels?

3 Achievement Function

Inordertotransformthedi erentmeasurements on-to anormalizedscale, weconstructtheachievement function 


for each criteria i which can be viewed as an extension of the fuzzy membership function in terms of a strictly monotonic and concave utili-ty function as shown in Figure 1. We assume that the decision maker speci es requirements in aspira-tionandreservationlevelsbyintroducingdesiredand requiredvaluesfor several outcomes. Depending on thespeci edaspirationandreservationlevels,a

i and r


, respectively, weconstruct ourachievement func-tionofz i asfollows:  i (z i )=log z i r i ; where = a i r i : (1) Formally,wede ne i

()overtherange [0;1),with 


(0)= 1and 0 i

(0)=1. Dependingonthe spec-i ed reference levels, this achievementfunction can be interpreted asa measure of thedecision maker's satisfactionwith the value of thei-th criteria. It is astrictly increasingfunction of z

i ,havingvalue1if z i = a i , and value 0 if z i = r i . The achievement function canmap thedi erentcriteriavaluesontoa normalizedscaleofthedecisionmaker'ssatisfaction. Moreover,thelogarithmic achievementfunction will beintimately associatedwiththeconceptof propor-tionalfairness(see[6]and[8]). Wewillformulatethe mathematicalmodelofthefairbandwidthallocation byusingtheachievementfunction.









‹1: TheGraphofanAchievementFunction i

(z i


4 Formulation of the Band-width Allocation Model with Proportional Fairness

Given a network topology G =< V;E >, where V andE denotethesetofnodesandthesetoflinksin the network respectively. There is given a set S of m classes, i.e., jSj = m. We denote by S


aset of sessions in class i. There is also giventhe maximal possiblenumberK


ineachclassi,thatisjS i

j=K i

. Wewillgetthefollowingmathematicalmodel(MP1):

Maximize m X i=1 w i i Subjectto X e2E  e x e =B X i X j  i j (e) i j =x e ; 8e2E X i (K i c i + i )=B  i j b i ; 8j2S i ; fori=1;:::;m x e U e ; 8e2E i =it i m X k =1 d k i ; 8i=1;:::;m t i d k i f k (x); 8i; k=1;:::;m d k i 0; 8i; k=1;:::;m  i j  X e  e  i j (e)=c i ; 8j2S i ; fori=1;:::;m  i 1 = i 2 == i K i ; 8i=1;:::;m x e 0; 8e2E  i j 0; 8j2S i ; fori=1;:::;m  i j (e)=0or1; 8e2E; t i unrestricted,8i=1;:::;m; wherew m = m ,w i = i  i+1 fori=1;:::;m 1,  i

2(0;1)is givenforeachi, and P m i=1  i =1. The individualfunction i

isthe rstisumoftheordered multipleobjectivefunctions


intheallocation pat-ternx=fx


je2Egandthebandwidth i

allocated toclassi. Here,weletK


in(MP1)bea xednumber forthediscussionunder deterministicassumptionof feasibilityof(MP1). Ingeneral,K


mayberandom which isbeyond scopeofthethesis.

5 Modi cations of Nonlinear Parts


Maximize m X i=1 iw i t i m X i=1 m X k =1 w i d k i subjectto X e2E  e x e =B X i X j A i j (e)=x e ; 8e2E X i (K i c i + i )=B x e U e ; 8e2E d k i 0; 8i; k=1;:::;m A i j (e)+b i M i j (e); 8e2E; 8j2S i ; fori=1;:::;m A i j (e)M(1  i j (e)); 8e2E; 8j2S i ; fori=1;:::;m


e  e A i j (e)=c i ; 8j2S i ; fori=1;:::;m t i d k i z i 1 ^ f i (0)+z i 2 ^ f i (b i;1 )+z i 3 ^ f i (1) +z i 4 ^ f i (b i;2 )+z i 5 ^ f i (b i;3 ) z i 6 ^ f i (10) z i 7 ^ f i (b i;4 ) z i 8 ^ f i (M i ); 8i; k=1;:::;m  i =z i 2 b i;1 +z i 3 +z i 4 b i;2 +z i 5 b i;3 +10z i 6 +z i 7 b i;4 +z i 8 M i ; fori=1;:::;m z i 1 y i 1 ; fori=1;:::;m z i k y i k 1 +y i k ; 8k=2;:::;7; i=1;:::;m z i 8 y i 7 ; fori=1;:::;m P 8 k =1 z i k =1; fori=1;:::;m P 7 k =1 y i k =1; fori=1;:::;m y i k =0or1;8k=1;2;:::;7; i=1;:::;m z i k 0;8k=1;2;:::;8; i=1;:::;m x e 0; 8e2E  i j (e)=0or1; 8e2E; 8j2S i ; fori=1;:::;m A i j (e)0; 8e2E; 8j2S i ; fori=1;:::;m t i unrestricted,8i=1;:::;m; wherew m = m ,w i = i  i+1 fori=1;:::;m 1,  i

2(0;1)isgivenforeachi, and P m i=1  i =1. 6 Conclusions

Inthiswork,wepresentanapproachforthefair re-sourceallocationproblemandQoSroutinginAll-IP networksthat o ermultiple servicestousers.Users' utilityfunctionsaresummarizedbymeansof achieve-mentfunctions. First,we ndthat theachievement functioncanmapdi erentcriteriaontoanormalized scale. Theachievementfunctionalsocanworkinthe Ordered WeightedAveragingmethod. Moreover,it may be interpreted as a measure of QoS on All-IP networks.Usingthebandwidthallocationmodel,we can ndaParetooptimalallocationx

ofbandwidth onthenetworkunderalimitedavailablebudget,and this allocationcanprovidetheso-called proportion-al fairness to everyclass i. That is, this allocation canprovidethesimilarsatisfactiontoeachuserinall classes. Wealso ndthebandwidthallocatedtoeach classi. Moreover,weobtainthemaximalrate,which the link can o er to each class. Next, we present arouting scheme under considering thedelay. This schemeaimsatseekingapathforwhichtheresidual

maximalrate(i.e.,afterestablishingthenew connec-tion) of its bottleneck link is maximal. This opti-mal path provides the End-to-End QoS guarantees toeachuser.

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