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in the English Language


Academic year: 2022

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Catering for Learner Diversity in the English Language

Curriculum through Effective Use of e-Learning Resources

and Developing Students’

Self-directed Learning Capabilities

Workshop Developer and Presenter Paul Sze (paulsze@cuhk.edu.hk)


Workshop Objectives

• In this workshop, participants will:

1. find out about the role of information technology in catering for learner diversity (CLD) and promoting self-directed learning (SDL) 2. sample some digital learning resources and activities, and

understand their strengths in supporting CLD and SDL

3. try out some I.T. tools and activities for creating learning resources that support CLD and SDL

4. learn about some e-learning strategies for planning and

implementing CLD and SDL activities in the English Language classroom.


Workshop Rundown

• Part 1: Introduction: CLD & SDL as current curriculum emphases and the role of I.T. in supporting CLD & SDL

• Part 2: Digital Learning Resources that Address Learner Diversity

• Part 3: Edtech Tools and Activities that facilitate CLD & SDL

• Part 4: e-Learning Teaching and Learning Strategies for CLD & SDL


Workshop Rundown

• Part 1: Introduction: CLD & SDL as current curriculum emphases and the role of I.T. in supporting CLD & SDL

• Part 2: Digital Learning Resources that Address Learner Diversity

• Part 3: Edtech Tools and Activities that facilitate CLD & SDL

• Part 4: e-Learning Teaching and Learning Strategies for CLD & SDL


https://www.edb.gov.hk/en/curriculum-development/kla/eng-edu/references- resources/resource%20pri_LD.html


2017 ELE Curriculum Guide


ELE References and Resources on CLD & SDL

(see Workshop Handout)

Related curriculum documents (e.g., Learning Progression Framework; Handbook on Remedial Teaching; 2017 ELE CG, 2014 Basic Education CG)

Relevant sections in curriculum document (e.g. Section 4.3 in 2017 CG)

SEED projects


PD events


2017, ELE CG, Section 4.3.1 (p.



Learner Diversity:

Curriculum Planning

• Effective strategies should be devised to support the development of the less able students and to maximise the potential of the more able ones in learning English, for example, by

• …

• …

• incorporating e-learning to address the learning needs of students with diverse abilities and

learning styles, engage students in active and self-paced learning and create more

opportunities for co-operative learning.


What role can information

technology play …

in catering for learner diversity and promoting



2017 ELE CG




Teaching and Assessment Strategies

• ….

• ….

• Suggestion 10: engaging students in active and self-directed learning through the use of IT (e.g. e-platforms, “Flipped Classroom”

strategy) to enhance learner autonomy and allow students to learn at their own pace


Information technology can

greatly enhance the effectiveness of CDL and SDL in the English

Language classroom.


Workshop Rundown

• Part 1: Introduction: CLD & SDL as current curriculum emphases and the role of I.T. in supporting CLD & SDL

• Part 2: Digital Learning Resources that Address Learner Diversity

• Part 3: Edtech Tools and Activities that facilitate CLD & SDL

• Part 4: e-Learning Teaching and Learning Strategies for CLD & SDL


• motivation,

• Learning styles,

• preferences,

• needs,

• interests and,

• Abilities

• Gifted Learners

• SEN students

• ……





Learning Resources that cater for:

Different language abilities, e.g., more able vs less able learners

Different interests in learning content, e.g., fictional vs informational

Learning styles, e.g., visual vs aural

learners vs kinaesthetic learners


eRearning Resources

for Different Language

Abilities and Interests:


Reading A to Z: https://www.readinga-z.com/

Actively Learn: https://activelylearn.com/

Read Theory: https://readtheory.org/

Epic: https://www.getepic.com/educators



Storyline Online: https://www.storylineonline.net/


Types of eReading

Resources that cater for

Different Learning Styles:


A1: Reading and Listening A2: Reading and Viewing

A3: Reading and Listening and Viewing B: Visual Reading Materials

C: Multimodal Reading Materials


Example eReading resources that combine Reading with Listening and/or Viewing

• Naxos Spoken Word Library

• “PEER”: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/listen- watch

• Storyonline.net

• BBC Learning English


Visual Reading

Materials: Examples

• Comics: e.g., comic books collections in HKPL OverDrive

• Infographics:

infographics collections in Pinterest

• https://www.storylineonline.net/b ooks/zombies-dont-eat-veggies/

• Reading + Listening + Viewing


Types of eReading Resources

that cater for Different

Learning Styles:


• A1: Reading and Listening

• A2: Reading and Viewing

• A3: Reading and Listening and Viewing

• B: Visual Reading Materials

• C: Multimodal Reading Materials


Multimodal Texts:



Google Lit Trips:



Your Plan and Your Planet from Google:

https://yourplanyourplanet.sustainabili ty.google/

Multimodal Lessons/Book

Reports (in Glogster, Genially, etc.)


Some tools for creating Multimodal Reading


Nearpod Sutori


Workshop Rundown

• Part 1: Introduction: CLD & SDL as current curriculum emphases and the role of I.T. in supporting CLD & SDL

• Part 2: Digital Learning Resources that Address Learner Diversity

• Part 3: Edtech Tools and Activities that facilitate CLD & SDL

• Part 4: e-Learning Teaching and Learning Strategies for CLD & SDL



eLearning Tools and Activities

Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/latest

WordWall: https://wordwall.net/

Choose your own adventures: Google Forms/Google Slides

Tiered Interactive Tasks/Worksheets

Creating Multimodal Writing


Example 1: Vocabulary learning

Students use an online dictionary to look up new words and create

own word list with Kidsmyth

Students study

teacher-created/self- created vocabulary flash cards in different

modes in Quizlet


Example 2:

Interactive learning tasks

Instructor Demonstration: A word wall task in

different modes


OTHER tools for creating differentiated Vocabulary/Grammar tasks

• - LearningApps.org

• - Bookwidgets

• - Educaplay

• - GoConqr

• -


Strategies for creating/using differentiated Vocabulary/Grammar Tasks

1. Clone a ‘standard’

task that you have created (as many times as you like).


2. Modify the cloned versions.


3. Or use the same standard task but students use in different modes.



Example 3: Creating Differentiated

Listening/Reading Resources

• 2 Examples

• Differentiated

GoFormative Reading Tasksheets

• Differentiated Edpuzzle listening/viewing tasks




How to create a differentiated

GoFormative Reading Comprehension worksheet (http://goformative.com/ )

How to create a differentiated Edpuzzle Listening/Viewing task

(https://edpuzzle.com/ )


Some Tools for creating differentiated/tiered worksheets









Google Forms/Slides:

Choose your own adventure


Strategies for creating/using differentiated Worksheets

1. Clone a ‘standard’ worksheet that you have created (as many times as you like).

2. Modify the cloned versions

to cater for learner diversity.


Example 4: Students Creating Multimodal Writing

• Example Writing Tasks for Students:

• Comic strips with captions

• Posters, brochures, etc., with pictures

• Infographics

• Text-based digital stories

• Multimodal book reports


Example Tools for Students to Create Multimodal Texts

• Canva, Google Slides; Google Drawings, Keynote (Everyone can create), Thinglink, Glogster, Genially, Adobe Spark Post/Page/Video, Canva,

Lucidchart, Script (IOS), Video creation tools (Animoto, Animaker, Explain Everything, Powtoon, Clips (IOS), Screencasting apps); Mindmapping apps (Bubbl.us, Coggle, Mindmeister, etc.), Book Creator, Storyboardthat, mystorybook.com, ……


Workshop Rundown

• Part 1: Introduction: CLD & SDL as current curriculum emphases and the role of I.T. in supporting CLD & SDL

• Part 2: Digital Learning Resources that Address Learner Diversity

• Part 3: Edtech Tools and Activities that facilitate CLD & SDL

• Part 4: e-Learning Teaching and Learning Strategies for CLD & SDL


Example Teaching Strategies

• Self-Paced interactive lessons

• Learning Paths

• ePortfolios

• Guiding project-

based/cooperative learning

• Using e-rubrics for SDL


Tools for Creating

Self-paced interactive lessons



Pear Deck:

https://www.peardeck.com/googleslides Nearpod: https://nearpod.com/

Quizizz lessons: https://quizizz.com/


Tools for Creating Learning Paths

Classcraft: https://www.classcraft.com/

GoConqr: https://www.goconqr.com/en- US



Symbaloo Learning Path:


Google Forms:



4.3: ePortolios

From 2017 ELE CG, Section 5.2.2


TOOLS for Creating ePortfolios

• Seesaw: https://app.seesaw.me/

• Class Dojo:


• A blogging tool (e.g., Blogger)

• Other possibilities, e.g., Google Sites, Notion, Adobe Spark Page, …


4.4 Guiding Project- based/Cooperative Learning

2017 ELE CG: Section 4.3.1


4.4 Guiding project-based/cooperative learning

• Padlet

• Shared Google Slides/Documents

• Jamboard

• Sutori

• …




4.5 Using e- Rubrics for CLD and SDL

• “The benefits of rubrics to students can be significant. Quality rubrics can provide

students with clear targets. They can help students become more self-directed, and feel a greater sense of ownership for their learning.”

• Centre for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition, University of Minnesota:

https://web.calstatela.edu/faculty/jshindl/teaching/typesofrubri cs.htm


Some Tools for Creating e-Rubrics

• https://www.educatorstechnology.co m/2018/01/5-of-best-rubric-making- tools-for.html

• https://www.teach-


• https://www.profweb.ca/en/publicati ons/articles/grading-made-easy-


• Tip: Google-search for ‘e-rubric’



Information Technology greately enhances CLD and SDL effectiveness.

There are existing learning resources that cater for different learning abilities, styles and interests.

Teachers can easily create differentiated learning resources/tasks for CLD and SDL.

There are e-learning strategies that teachers can use in catering for learner diversity and promoting self-directed learning.



← This allows teachers to adapt the school-based English Language curriculum and devise learning/teaching materials that better suit the diverse abilities, needs

• A narrative poem is a poem that tells a story. Narrative poems can come in many forms and styles. They can be long or short, simple or complex, as long as they tell stories.

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Speakers on a team must work together effectively to present arguments and examples that support the team’s stance, and rebut the opposing team’s arguments to the greatest

With learning interests as predictors, the increases in mathematics achievement were greater for third- graders and girls than for fourth-graders and boys; growth in learning

Resources for the TEKLA curriculum at Junior Secondary Topic 1 Accounting Equation Strategies and Management – Extension Learning Element1. Module E4

*Teachers need not cover all the verbal and non-verbal cues in the list. They might like to trim the list to cover only the most commonly used expressions. Instead of exposing

modify Clone and modify interactive tasks Vary Vary the task interaction formats Create Create tiered worksheets. Select Select diversified e-learning resources.. Some Principles