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Replacement of Appendix 2 and Appendix 4 to the Code of Aid for Special Schools


Academic year: 2022

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With the full implementation of the all-graduate teaching force policy starting from the 2019/20 school year, the ratio of graduate teacher posts in the primary section and secondary section of public sector special schools has been increased from 65% to 100% and 85% to 100% respectively. In other words, from the 2019/20 school year onwards, all teaching posts on the approved establishment of public sector special schools are graduate teacher posts. Schools and teachers are required to refer to the roles and functions of teachers in different ranks of the graduate grade as appropriate.

Under the all-graduate teaching force policy, newly-joined teachers appointed in aided schools within the approved establishment (regular teachers) from the 2019/20 school year onwards should possess a local bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) and satisfy all the entry requirements and standing conditions set out for graduate teachers in the Code of Aid. Besides, all non-graduate regular teachers currently appointed in aided schools holding a local bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) may be regraded as graduate teachers in the corresponding rank.

If serving non-graduate teachers choose not to be regraded as graduate teachers of their own accord, or their qualifications cannot meet the requirement for regrading, they may stay in their serving aided schools as non-graduate teachers.

In addition, the promotion mechanism for the non-graduate grade will cease to operate. Schools should, as early as possible, orderly work out promotion related arrangements for teachers currently acting in the non-graduate grade in accordance with their school-based mechanism.

Details about the staff establishment and qualifications required for the appointment of teachers of different ranks in the graduate and non- graduate grade in aided special schools prior to the 2019/20 school year are available in the attached Appendix 2 and Appendix 4 to the Code of Aid for Special Schools (version as at 31 August 2019) for reference purpose.

1 September 2019 


Appendix 2

For the abbreviation in this Appendix, please refer to “List of Abbreviation” at the end.

Staff Establishment


1. Teaching Staff Establishment (a) Staffing Ratios

Basic Provision

(i) Upon the implementation of the New Senior Secondary (NSS) academic structure from the 2009/10 school year, the staffing ratios for primary classes and junior secondary classes are 1.7 teachers per class, and the staffing ratio for senior secondary classes is 1.9 teachers per class. These staffing ratios have embedded the Additional Teachers for All Special Schools1. With effect from the 2012/13 school year, the staffing ratio for senior secondary classes of special schools offering the ordinary curriculum will be 2.0 teachers per class. The teaching posts provided under the teacher-to-class ratios above are referred to as the Basic Provision.

Additional Provision

(ii) Starting from the 2017/18 school year, the above teacher-to-class ratios are increased by 0.1 teacher per class, i.e. Additional Provision. The additional teaching post(s) so created in the secondary section is/are at Graduate Master/Mistress (GM) rank and not included in calculating promotion posts and graduate teacher ratio. For the primary section, the additional teaching post(s) so created is/are at the rank of Assistant Primary School Master/Mistress (APSM) and not included in calculating the promotion posts and ratio of graduate teacher posts in the teaching staff establishment.

(iii) The number of teachers will be calculated separately for the primary and secondary sections. Any decimal teacher entitlement arising from the calculation of the foregoing staffing ratios will be provided as GM and APSM in the secondary and primary sections respectively. Schools may keep the fractional teacher posts, which will not be counted towards the calculation of promotion posts or graduate teacher ratio, in the teaching staff establishment. Alternatively, schools may opt for encashing the fractional teacher posts calculated at the mid-point salary of GM and APSM respectively.

(Updated on 1 September 2017)

1 Additional Teachers for All Special Schools include Resource Teacher for Supportive Educational Programmes, Teacher Librarian and teacher for split-class teaching.


(b) Head of School

In schools with more than 3 classes, the calculation is exclusive of the post of the Head of the school. For grading of the Head of School, please refer to Attachment A.

(c) Senior Teachers

Senior Teachers for the primary section are included in the teaching establishment. The rank of a Senior Teacher will be Senior Primary School Master/Mistress (SPSM), Primary School Master/Mistress (PSM) or Assistant Master/Mistress (AM). Senior Teachers will be required to undertake specific duties in addition to class teaching. In a primary special school or special school with primary section with 12 – 23 equivalent ordinary primary classes, one PSM post will be re-ranked to the SPSM rank for the deputy head, and in a primary special school or special school with primary section with 24 equivalent ordinary primary classes or more, two PSM posts will be re-ranked to the SPSM rank for deputy heads. For special schools with both primary and secondary sections, they are allowed to opt for the provision of deputy heads either at the secondary level or the primary level, but not both. The option once made is irrevocable. All teachers in the PSM or AM rank may be appointed by promotion or direct appointment to take up the deputy head posts. (updated on 1 September 2008)

(d) Part-time Teachers

To determine the appropriate fraction for a part-time teacher, the following formula should be used :

1.5 x Number of periods taught by teacher per week Total number of periods taught per week

(e) Teachers Assisting in Speech Therapy (TAST)

A school for children with hearing impairment (HI) may appoint TASTs at the ratio of 1 for 3 classes of which one post must be offset by a speech therapist.

The number of TASTs should be calculated for the school as a whole. Where fractional staff results, this will be rounded up when it reaches 0.5, otherwise it will be rounded down. The resulting number will then be apportioned between the primary and secondary sections of the special school in accordance with the number of classes in each section, in such a way that no fractional staff for either section will result. TASTs will form part of the non- graduate teaching establishment of the school.


(f) Mobility Instructors

A school for children with visual impairment (VI) or school for children with visual impairment cum intellectual disability(VI cum ID) may appoint 0.5 mobility instructor per class.

Mobility instructors will then be apportioned between the primary and secondary sections of the schools in accordance with the number of classes in each section and be included in the calculation of the teaching establishment for the relevant section before the rounding up or down of fractional staff. Mobility Instructors will be reckoned as members of the non-graduate teaching establishment of the school.

(g) Resource Teachers (RTs)

(i) Resource Teachers for Children with Visual Impairment

A school for children with VI may appoint RTs to teach students with VI (those with total blindness, severe low vision or moderate low vision) who are registered under the Resource Support Programme (RSP) and attending ordinary schools or special schools other than those for children with VI, at the ratio of 0.5 RT to 3 students (braille users) and 0.5 RT to 5 students (non-braille users).

RTs for students of ordinary secondary schools and for students pursuing ordinary curriculum in the secondary section of special schools will be reckoned as members of the graduate teaching establishment of the secondary section while those for students of ordinary primary schools and for students of the special schools other than those pursuing the ordinary curriculum will be reckoned as members of the non-graduate teaching establishment of the primary section.

The number of RTs under the RSP included in the staff entitlement is capped. Any additional RTs incurred on top of the capped entitlement would be provided in form of cash grant, i.e. the Staff Encashment Grant. The Education Bureau may review the cap as and when required. School should refer to relevant circular letter currently in force for the entitlement of the RTs and the amount of the Staff Encashment Grant incurred.

(updated on 1 September 2018)

(ii) Resource Teachers for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) A school for children with mild intellectual disability (MiID)

and/or moderate intellectual disability (MoID) and school for children with MoID and severe intellectual disability (SID) may appoint 1 additional non-graduate RT in its primary section for children with ASD, at the following provision ratio:


No. of children with ASD

#No. of RTs provided Every 6 requiring remedial teaching

programme 0.5

# The additional teaching post is approved on the understanding that the operation of remedial teaching programme for autistic children is justified by the actual enrolment of students with ASD in the school. The post will be clawed back when it is no longer justified. Any fractional RT posts arising from the calculation will be provided as Certificated Master/Mistress (CM) in its primary section.

(updated on 1 September 2017)

(iii) Resource Teachers for Enhanced Support Service (ESS) for Students with Hearing Impairment

A school for children with HI may appoint:

(a) additional non-graduate RT in its primary section to provide support to students with HI who are attending ordinary primary schools and in need of additional support, at the ratio of 1 teacher for 1 unit. The size of a unit is 1-25 students.

(b) additional graduate RT in its secondary section to provide support to students with HI who are attending ordinary secondary schools and in need of additional support, at the ratio of 1 teacher for 1 unit. The size of a unit is 1-20 students.

(c) additional non-graduate RT in its primary section and additional graduate RT in its secondary section to provide support to students with HI who are attending aided special schools and in need of additional support, at the ratio of 1 teacher for 1 unit. The size of a unit is 1-50 students.

(d) one senior teacher at Senior Graduate Master/Mistress (SGM) rank to undertake the duties of planning, development and monitoring of ESS for ordinary and special schools, which mainly include –

 planning, developing and implementing the support services for ESS students;

 overseeing the professional advice, counselling and guidance, and training for teachers and parents in centre-based and/or school-based support services;

 enhancing the support of ESS students in need of sign language to assist communication and learning, and providing support for teaching staff in ordinary schools the ESS students enrolled; and

 planning and coordinating the professional development for RTs.


The number of RTs under the ESS included in the staff entitlement is capped. Any additional RTs incurred on top of the capped entitlement would be provided in form of cash grant, i.e. the Staff Encashment Grant. The Education Bureau may review the cap as and when required. School should refer to relevant circular letter currently in force for the entitlement of the RTs and the amount of the Staff Encashment Grant incurred.

(updated on 1 September 2018)

(h) Teacher for Senior Secondary Support Programme

Hospital School may appoint 1.5 teachers at GM rank for each Senior Secondary Support Programme. The additional teacher posts will not be counted towards the calculation of promotion posts or graduate teacher ratio. The School may keep the fractional teacher post in the teaching establishment or opt for a cash provision calculated on the basis of the mid-point salary of GM. (Updated on 1 September 2009)

(i) Low-vision Training Teacher

A school for children with VI or school for children with VI cum ID may, subject to the needs identified, appoint not more than 1 additional non-graduate teacher in its primary section for delivering low-vision training programme. The school may be entitled to 0.5 or 1 additional non-graduate teacher should the workload of the low-vision training service be below or over 50%

of the workload of a full-time teacher respectively.

(j) Additional Senior Teacher Posts of English

An additional Senior Teacher post, to be offset by a post in the rank of CM or APSM as appropriate, is provided to each primary special school/special school with primary section that operates six or more primary classes and adopts the ordinary school curriculum to provide curriculum leadership in the teaching of English to improve co-ordination, planning and methodology. The conditions for appointment to the additional post are at Appendix 5.

(k) Primary School Curriculum Leader

With effect from the 2007/08 school year, an additional Primary School Curriculum Leader post at the PSM rank is provided for a special school with 12 or more approved primary classes; and for a special school with less than 12 approved primary classes, the post is at the APSM rank. (updated on 1 September 2017)


(l) Expansion of Graduate Posts in Special Schools with a Secondary Section For higher teaching standards, a special school with a

secondary section may upgrade a maximum of four non-graduate teaching posts to graduate teaching posts. With effect from 1 September 2008, this provision of graduate posts upgraded from non-graduate posts is subsumed under the enhanced graduate teacher ratio. (updated on 1 September 2008)

(m) Graded Posts within the Establishment

The number of posts in each grade shall be determined by making reference to the following attachments :

Attachment B Teaching Staff Establishment for Primary Classes in Special Schools

Attachment C Teaching Staff Establishment for Secondary Classes in Special Schools

(updated on 1 September 2009)

(n) Flexibility in Teaching Staff Structure

In view of the varying needs of different categories of special schools, Heads and the School Management Committee may propose, for the approval of the Permanent Secretary, teaching staff structures for the secondary sections of their schools with a higher proportion of non-graduate posts than in the standard manning scales, subject to the following conditions :

(i) No serving teacher’s service may be terminated for the purpose of taking advantage of this provision; and

(ii) When a teaching staff structure of a school has been approved and implemented which involves additional AM or Senior Assistant Master/Mistress (SAM) posts, it will only be possible to raise the proportion of graduate posts when the AM and SAM posts fall vacant. It will not then be possible to replace a departing CM with a GM.

2. Laboratory Technicians (LTs)

(a) LT II/III for science laboratories may be appointed on the following scale :

Number of Laboratories Number of LTs

1 1

2 2

3 3

(b) In schools for children with HI with up to 17 classes, an additional LT II/III may be appointed for the maintenance of audiological equipment and hearing aids. A second additional LT may be appointed in schools for children with HI with 18 classes or more.


(c) In special schools with five or more laboratories in the secondary section, one of the LTs may be appointed at the LT I level.

(d) In a school for children with HI with more than 17 classes, one of the LTs appointed for the maintenance of audiological equipment and hearing aids may be appointed at the LT I level.

(e) In a school for children with VI (school for children with VI cum ID excluded), a LT II/III may be appointed for the maintenance of special equipment/technical aids, and for providing technical assistance in setting up and operating the equipment.

3. Special School Social Workers

(a) Special schools with 60 or fewer approved capacity will be provided with 1 school social worker, and subsequently 0.5 school social worker for every 30 students. However, where a sponsor operates two or more special schools, the ratio of provision may be applied to the combined capacity of the schools as if they were a single school.

(updated on 1 September 2018)

(b) Special school social workers should, in general, be ranked at the Senior Social Work Assistant (SSWA) level.

(c) Social workers in the following categories of special schools should be ranked at the Assistant Social Work Officer (ASWO) level, if graduate social workers are employed; or at the SSWA level if the posts are filled by non-graduate social workers;

(i) schools for social development (SSD);

(ii) schools with senior secondary classes; or

(iii) schools where there are three or more professional disciplines (e.g. speech therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and nurses) in addition to teachers and social workers, and where the social workers are given the additional responsibilities of a rehabilitation co-ordinator.

4. Speech Therapists (ST)

(a) Schools for children with VI, schools for children with HI, schools for children with VI cum ID, schools for children with physical disability (PD), and schools for children with ID as well as SSD may appoint STs on the following scale:

Type of School No. of Classes No. of ST (i) VI cum ID, PD, MiID,

MoID, Combined MiID and MoID, and Combined MoID and SID

1 – 5 6 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20 21 – 25 26 – 30

1 2 3 4 5 6


Type of School No. of Classes No. of ST

(ii) SID 1 – 5

6 – 10 11 –15 16 – 20

1 2 2.5


(iii) HI 1 ST by offsetting 1 of the TAST posts

(iv) VI and SSD 1 ST

(updated on 1 September 2017)

(b) School for children with HI may appoint additional ST under the ESS for students with HI attending ordinary schools on the following scale:

No. of units in ESS* No. of ST

1-4 1

5 and above 2

* The number of approved units in the ESS for students with HI attending ordinary primary schools and ordinary secondary schools.

The size of a unit is 1-25 students for ESS for primary schools and 1-20 students for ESS for secondary schools.

(updated on 1 September 2018)

5. Physiotherapists (PT) and Artisans

(a) Schools for children with PD and schools for children with SID may appoint 0.5 PT for every 15 pupils and one artisan to support every two PTs.

(b) The Staff Structure for PTs should be as follows :

No. of PTs entitled Ranking of staff


1 1 -

1.5 1 0.5

2 1 1

2.5 1 1.5

3 1 2

3.5 1 2.5

4 2 2

4.5 2 2.5

5 2 3

5.5 2 3.5

6 1 2 3

6.5 1 2 3.5

7 1 2 4

7.5 1 2 4.5

8 1 3 4

8.5 1 3 4.5

9 1 3 5


No. of PTs entitled Ranking of staff


9.5 1 3 5.5

10 1 4 5

(updated on 1 September 2009)

6. Occupational Therapists (OT) and Occupational Therapy Assistants (OTA) (a) Schools for children with PD, schools for children with SID and

#schools for children with MoID and SID may appoint 0.5 OT and 0.5 OTA for every 15 students.

# Only children with SID will be counted for the provision of OT and OTA

(updated on 1 September 2017)

(b) The Staff Structure for OTs should be as follows:

No. of OTs entitled Ranking of staff


1 1 -

1.5 1 0.5

2 1 1

2.5 1 1.5

3 1 2

3.5 1 2.5

4 2 2

4.5 2 2.5

5 2 3

5.5 2 3.5

6 1 2 3

6.5 1 2 3.5

7 1 2 4

7.5 1 2 4.5

8 1 3 4

8.5 1 3 4.5

9 1 3 5

9.5 1 3 5.5

10 1 4 5

(updated on 1 September 2009)

(c) Starting from the 2017/18 s.y., schools for children with MiID, schools for children with MoID, schools for children with MiID and MoID, schools for children with MoID and SID, schools for children with VI, schools for children with VI cum ID and schools for children with HI may appoint OTs and OTA on the following scale.

Type of School No. of Classes No. of OT II

No. of OTA (i) MiID, MoID, VI,VI cum

ID,and HI

6 or more 1 1


Type of School No. of Classes No. of OT II

No. of OTA (ii) Combined MiID and


6 or more (MiID classes

and MoID classes will be

counted separately)

1 1

(iii) Combined MoID and SID 6 or more (only for MoID

classes will be counted)

1 1

(updated on 1 September 2017)

7. Educational Psychologists (EPs)

(a) Sponsoring bodies operating a minimum of 30 special school classes (except hospital schools) may appoint school-based EPs. While each EP may serve more than one special school under a particular sponsor, he/she will be employed by and stationed at one of the schools and considered as a member of the non-teaching specialist staff of that school. Provision ratios for EP to be employed by special schools are as follows :

No. of Classes

Operated by the Same Sponsor Provisions of EP(s)

30 – 59 1

60 – 99 2

100 – 139 3

140 – 179 4

(b) Special schools under different sponsoring bodies that could not benefit from the above EP provision may be allowed to group together and employ school-based EP by a school in the group in accordance with the provision ratios stipulated in the above paragraph 7(a). Each appointed school-based EP will serve all the schools in the group.

(updated on 1 September 2017)

(c) The EP posts created in aided special schools are combined establishment, with the ranks of EP I and II. Candidates having fully met the entry requirements for EP I, with at least 3 years of satisfactory service as an EP II, can be considered for direct appointment to EP I. Candidates not fully meeting the above criteria may be appointed as EP II, should they meet the entry requirements for this rank. Guides to appointment of EP I and II are stipulated in Attachments J(i) and J(ii) of Appendix 4, and conditions for promotion of EP are stipulated in Appendix 5. (updated on 13 June 2013)


8. School Nurses (RNs)

Schools for children with PD, schools for children with ID, school for children with HI, school for children with VI and school for children with VI cum ID may appoint full-time RNs on the following scale:

Type of School No. of Pupils No. of School Nurses (i) PD, SID or Combined

MoID and SID

40 – 129 130 or more

2 3 (ii) MiID, MoID, Combined

MiID and MoID, or VI cum ID

40 or more 2

(iii) VI or HI 40 or more 1

(updated on 1 September 2018)

9. Clerical Staff

Special schools may appoint clerical staff on the following scale, which shall also apply in calculating the amount of the Administration Grant payable to it :

Capacity at Full

Development No. of Clerical Staff

up to 49 1 Clerical Assistant

50 - 99 1 Clerk Class II/

Assistant Clerical Officer

100 - 149 1 Clerk Class II/

Assistant Clerical Officer and 1 Clerical Assistant

150 or more 2 Clerk Class II/

Assistant Clerical Officers 10. Brailling Staff

Schools for children with VI operating RSP for students with VI may appoint brailling staff at the ratio of :

No. of Students with VI (Braille Users) registered under

the RSP Provision of Brailling Staff

9 2

The number of Brailling Staff under the RSP included in the staff entitlement is capped. Any additional Brailling Staff incurred on top of the capped entitlement would be provided in form of cash grant, i.e. the Staff Encashment Grant. The Education Bureau may review the cap as and when required. School should refer to relevant circular letter currently in force for the entitlement of the Brailling Staff and the amount of the Staff Encashment Grant incurred.

(updated on 1 September 2018)


11. Workshop Attendants

Special schools may appoint one workshop attendant for each approved workshop.

12. Janitor Staff

The following scale shall apply in calculating the amount of the Administration Grant or the Revised Administration Grant payable to the school:

(a) One third janitor staff may be allowed for every operating class and approved special room.

(b) In schools for children with PD and schools for children with SID, 0.75 janitor staff may be allowed for every operating class and 0.5 for every approved special room.

(c) In schools for children with MoID and SID, one third janitor staff may be allowed for every operating MoID class, 0.75 janitor staff may be allowed for every operating SID class and 0.5 for every approved special room.

(Updated on 1 September 2017)

Fractional staff will be rounded up after summation.

13. Motor Drivers

(a) Schools for children with VI, schools for children with PD, schools for children with MoID, schools for children with SID, schools for children with HI and SSD may appoint motor drivers for registered special school buses.

(b) Drivers who are required to drive a registered school bus with 30 or more seats will be appointed as Special Drivers. Those who are assigned to drive registered school buses with fewer than 30 seats will be appointed as Motor Drivers.

14. Teacher Assistants (TAs)

(a) TAs may be appointed in the following categories of special schools at the ratio of 1 TA per class :

(i) schools for children with SID;

(ii) #schools for children with MoID and SID;

(iii) school for children with VI cum ID;

(iv) schools for children with PD; and (v) psychiatric units in hospital schools.

# Only SID classes will be counted for the provision of TA.


(b) TAs may be appointed in the following categories of special schools at the ratio of 1 TA per 2 RTs for children with ASD. When fractional staff results, it will be rounded down to the nearest 0.5:

(i) schools for children with MiID;

(ii) schools for children with MoID;

(iii) schools for children with MiID and MoID; and (iv) schools for children with MoID and SID.

(Updated on 1 September 2017)



All special schools with an approved boarding section subvented by the Education Bureau may be provided with the following staff :

1. Wardens

(a) Special schools may appoint one warden for the boarding section.

(b) The warden should, in general, be ranked at the ASWO level.

(c) As an alternative rank for the warden grade, the post can be filled by non-graduate social workers at the Chief Social Work Assistant (CSWA) level for a boarding section with a capacity of 50 boarders and above, or the SSWA level for a boarding section with a capacity of less than 50 boarders.

2. Assistant Wardens

An assistant warden may be appointed among the approved establishment of houseparents and programme workers. The assistant warden should be ranked at the SSWA level for a boarding section with a capacity of 50 boarders and above, and at the Social Work Assistant (SWA) level for a boarding section with a capacity of less than 50 boarders.

3. Houseparents-in-charge

For a boarding section with a capacity of 50 boarders and above, a houseparent-in-charge may be appointed amongst every 4 posts of houseparent. The houseparent-in-charge should be ranked at the SWA level.

4. Houseparents

Houseparents at SWA level may be appointed on the following scale :

Categories of boarders Week-day ratio

Week-end & Sunday ratio

(in addition to the week-day provision) HI or VI 2 for 15 boarders 1.4 for 15 boarders

MoID 2 for 12 boarders 1.4 for 12 boarders

PD, SID, or VI cum ID 2 for 8 boarders

1.4 for 8 boarders (Updated on 1 November 2014)


5. Programme Workers

Programme workers at SWA level may be appointed on the following scale :

(Updated on 1 November 2014)

6. Nurses

Nurses may be appointed on the following scale :

Categories of boarders Week-day ratio

Week-end & Sunday ratio

(in addition to the week-day provision) HI, VI or MoID 1 RN for 20 or

more boarders

0.7 RN for 20 or more boarders

PD, SID, or VI cum ID 1 RN or EN for 25 boarders

0.7 RN or EN for 25 boarders

Where fractional staff results, this will be rounded up to the next whole number.

For boarding sections of schools for children with MoID, schools for children with SID, schools for children with PD or schools for children with VI cum ID, the minimum provision will be one nurse at any one time during the operational hours of the boarding section irrespective of its size.

(Updated on 1 November 2014)

7. Clerical Assistants (CAs)

One CA may be appointed for each boarding section. This shall also apply in calculating the amount of the Administration Grant payable to the school.

8. Cooks

Cooks may be appointed on the following scale :

Number of boarders For week-days

For week-ends & Sundays (in addition to the week-day provision)

39 or less 2 1.4

40 - 79 3 2.1

80 or more 4 2.8

(Updated on 1 November 2014) Number of boarders For week-days

For week-ends &

Sundays (in addition to the week-day provision)

60 or less 1 0.7

61 - 120 2 1.4

121 or more 3 2.1


9. Watchmen

Two Watchmen may be appointed for each boarding section.

10. Janitor Staff

The following scale shall apply in calculating the amount of the Administration Grant or the Revised Administration Grant payable to the school:

Categories of boarders Week-day ratio

Week-end & Sunday ratio (in addition to the week-day provision)

HI One for 20 or

fewer boarders

0.7 for 20 or fewer boarders VI or MoID One for 15 or

fewer boarders

0.7 for 15 or fewer boarders PD, SID, or VI cum ID One for 10 or

fewer boarders

0.7 for 10 or fewer boarders (Updated on 1 November 2014)

11. Calculation of Part-time Staff for Houseparents, Programme Workers &

Janitor Staff

In calculating the number of staff, individual fractions of these three grades will be added together and the fraction resulting, if any, will be rounded up to the next whole number. Posts created after summation and rounding up of the fraction may be appointed as houseparent / programme worker / janitor staff at the discretion of the school to meet operational needs.


Appendix 2/Attachment A

Ranking of Heads of Special Schools

A. Special schools with combined levels or junior secondary classes only

1. The ranking of Heads of aided special schools with combined levels or junior secondary classes only is determined on the basis of the number of equivalent full-streamed ordinary secondary classes worked out according to the following weighting system and relativity ratio :

(a) Weighting system

(i) 1 special primary class = 0.6 full-streamed special secondary class

(ii) 1 special junior secondary class = 0.8 full-streamed special secondary class

(iii) 1 special senior secondary class = 1 full-streamed special secondary class

(b) Relativity of headship ranking between special schools and ordinary schools :

A school with 18 equivalent full-streamed special secondary classes

= a school with 24 ordinary secondary classes

2. The converted number of equivalent ordinary secondary classes, with fractional numbers rounded down, will determine the headship rank for a special school in accordance with the following scale :


Number of equivalent full-streamed

ordinary secondary classes Headship rank

24 or more Principal II (Pr II)/** Principal I (Pr I) 15 to 23 Principal II (Pr II)

14 or less Principal Graduate Master/Mistress(PGM)

Where fractional class results, this will be rounded down.

** Pr I post will only be provided for special schools operating senior secondary class(es) with 24 or more equivalent full- streamed ordinary secondary classes.

B. Primary special schools

1. The ranking of Heads of aided primary special schools is determined by the number of equivalent ordinary primary classes worked out according to the following relativity ratio :

A school with 18 special primary classes = a school with 24 ordinary primary classes

2. The converted number of equivalent ordinary primary classes, with fractional numbers rounded down, will determine the headship rank for a special school in accordance with the following scale :

Number of equivalent ordinary primary

classes Headship rank

24 or more Headmaster/Headmistress I (HM I) 12 to 23 Headmaster/Headmistress II (HM II) 11 or less* Senior Primary School

Master/Mistress (SPSM)

(updated on 1 September 2008)

* The teaching establishment is inclusive of the Head of the school (SPSM level) with four equivalent ordinary primary classes.


Appendix 2/Attachment B Teaching Staff Establishment for

Primary Classes in Special Schools

Total Staff Entitlement # Number of Posts in Each Rank

(Excl. Head) * AM CM

1 - 1

2 - 2

3 1 2

4 1 3

5 1 4

6 1 5

7 2 5

8 2 6

9 2 7

10 2 8

11 3 8

12 3 9

13 3 10

14 3 11

15 4 11

16 4 12

17 4 13

18 4 14

19 5 14

20 5 15

21 5 16

22 5 17

23 6 17

24 6 18

25 6 19

26 6 20

27 7 20

28 7 21

29 7 22

30 7 23

31 8 23

32 8 24

33 8 25

34 8 26


Total Staff Entitlement # Number of Posts in Each Rank

(Excl. Head) * AM CM

35 9 26

36 9 27

37 9 28

38 9 29

39 10 29

40 10 30

41 10 31

42 10 32

43 11 32

44 11 33

45 11 34

46 11 35

47 12 35

48 12 36

Note : * In a primary special school or special school with primary section with 12 – 23 equivalent ordinary primary classes, one PSM post will be re-ranked to the SPSM rank for the deputy head, and in a primary special school or special school with primary section with 24 equivalent ordinary primary classes or more, two PSM posts will be re-ranked to the SPSM rank for deputy heads.

For special schools with both primary and secondary sections, they are allowed to opt for the provision of deputy heads either at the secondary level at PGM rank (see Appendix 2/Attachment C) or at the primary level at SPSM rank, but not both. The option once made is irrevocable.

# The respective numbers of Senior Teachers and teachers by rank (i.e. SPSM, PSM, AM, APSM and CM) entitled by a school shall be determined in accordance with the grade structure it has adopted or as endorsed by the Education Bureau as appropriate, subject to the total number of graduate teacher posts entitled the by school not being exceeded.

(updated on 1 September 2008)

(1) The recommended grade structure is as follows –

(a) 65% (from the 2017/18 school year onwards) of the senior teacher posts excluding the headship and the deputy headship posts should be graduate teacher posts; and

(b) The remaining graduate teacher posts should be allocated to the basic rank teacher level.

(updated on 1 September 2017)


(2) Notwithstanding (1) above, a school has the flexibility to determine an alternative grade structure, and the following should apply :

Grade structure with the number of PSM posts exceeding the prescribed percentage of the senior teacher posts :

(i) The sponsor/School Management Committee should consult all the teaching staff and obtain their consensus before determining the grade structure.

(ii) The headship and the deputy headship posts should remain at the graduate level.

(iii) Flexibility may be allowed in determining the percentage of graduate posts in the senior teacher rank and the basic rank, subject to the total number of senior teacher posts, graduate teacher posts and the staff entitlement in each school not being exceeded.

(iv) The sponsor/School Management Committee should forward the proposed grade structure with justifications to the Education Bureau for endorsement. It should also consult all the teaching staff and obtain their consensus before proposing any subsequent changes to the grade structure adopted six months in advance. Prior consent from the Education Bureau should be obtained before implementation.

(updated on 1 September 2016)


Appendix 2/Attachment C Teaching Staff Establishment for Secondary Classes in Special Schools

(The number of posts in the table below includes teachers provided according to the teacher-to-class ratios as specified in Appendix 2 Section A Part 1, i.e. Basic Provision.) (updated on 1 September 2017)

Total Staff Entitlement (Excluding Head)

No. of Posts in Each Rank

Graduate Non-Graduate

SGM GM Sub-total SAM AM CM Sub-total

1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

2 1 1 2 0 0 0 0

3 1 2 3 0 0 0 0

4 1 2 3 0 0 1 1

5 2 2 4 0 0 1 1

6 2 3 5 0 0 1 1

7 2 4 6 0 0 1 1

8 3 4 7 0 0 1 1

9 3 5 8 0 0 1 1

10 3 5 8 0 1 1 2

11 4 5 9 0 1 1 2

12 4 6 10 0 1 1 2

13 5 6 11 0 1 1 2

14 5 7 12 0 1 1 2

15 5 8 13 0 1 1 2

16 6 8 14 0 1 1 2

17 6 8 14 0 1 2 3

18 6 9 15 0 1 2 3

19 7 9 16 0 1 2 3

20 7 10 17 0 1 2 3

21 7 11 18 0 1 2 3

22 8 11 19 0 1 2 3

23 8 12 20 0 1 2 3

24 8 12 20 1 1 2 4

25 9 12 21 1 1 2 4

26 9 13 22 1 1 2 4

27 10 13 23 1 1 2 4

28 10 14 24 1 1 2 4

29 10 15 25 1 1 2 4

30 10 15 25 1 1 3 5

31 11 15 26 1 1 3 5

32 11 16 27 1 1 3 5

33 12 16 28 1 1 3 5

34 12 17 29 1 1 3 5

35 12 18 30 1 1 3 5

36 13 18 31 1 1 3 5

37 13 18 31 1 2 3 6


Teaching Staff Establishment for Secondary Classes in Special Schools Total Staff

Entitlement (Excluding Head)

No. of Posts in Each Rank

Graduate Non-Graduate

SGM GM Sub-total SAM AM CM Sub-total

38 13 19 32 1 2 3 6

39 14 19 33 1 2 3 6

40 14 20 34 1 2 3 6

41 15 20 35 1 2 3 6

42 15 21 36 1 2 3 6

43 15 22 37 1 2 3 6

44 15 22 37 1 2 4 7

45 16 22 38 1 2 4 7

46 16 23 39 1 2 4 7

47 17 23 40 1 2 4 7

48 17 24 41 1 2 4 7

49 17 25 42 1 2 4 7

50 17 25 42 2 2 4 8

51 18 25 43 2 2 4 8

52 18 26 44 2 2 4 8

53 19 26 45 2 2 4 8

54 19 27 46 2 2 4 8

55 20 27 47 2 2 4 8

56 20 28 48 2 2 4 8

57 20 28 48 2 2 5 9

58 20 29 49 2 2 5 9

59 21 29 50 2 2 5 9

60 21 30 51 2 2 5 9

61 22 30 52 2 2 5 9

62 22 31 53 2 2 5 9

63 22 32 54 2 2 5 9

64 22 32 54 2 3 5 10

65 23 32 55 2 3 5 10

66 23 33 56 2 3 5 10

67 24 33 57 2 3 5 10

68 24 34 58 2 3 5 10

69 25 34 59 2 3 5 10

70 25 34 59 2 3 6 11

71 25 35 60 2 3 6 11

72 25 36 61 2 3 6 11

73 26 36 62 2 3 6 11

74 26 37 63 2 3 6 11

75 27 37 64 2 3 6 11

76 27 38 65 2 3 6 11

77 27 38 65 3 3 6 12

78 27 39 66 3 3 6 12

79 28 39 67 3 3 6 12


Teaching Staff Establishment for Secondary Classes in Special Schools Total Staff

Entitlement (Excluding Head)

No. of Posts in Each Rank

Graduate Non-Graduate

SGM GM Sub-total SAM AM CM Sub-total

80 28 40 68 3 3 6 12

81 29 40 69 3 3 6 12

82 29 41 70 3 3 6 12

83 30 41 71 3 3 6 12

84 30 41 71 3 3 7 13

85 30 42 72 3 3 7 13

86 30 43 73 3 3 7 13

87 31 43 74 3 3 7 13

88 31 44 75 3 3 7 13

89 32 44 76 3 3 7 13

90 32 44 76 3 4 7 14

Note :

1. With effect from 1 September 2009, the ratio of graduate teacher posts will be 85%. The 85% graduate post entitlement of a school will be worked out based on the total number of teaching posts provided under the revised teacher-to-class ratios under the new senior secondary (NSS) academic structure as announced in the Report on “The New Academic Structure for Senior Secondary Education and Higher Education”. (Updated on 1 September 2009)

2. A special school operating a secondary section and with 15 or more equivalent full- streamed ordinary secondary classes will continue to be entitled to two deputy heads at PGM rank to be offset by an equivalent number of SGM posts.

3. The arrangements in 3(a) and 3(b) below have ceased since 1 September 2008 upon the enhancement of the graduate teacher ratio:

(a) upgrading one Principal Assistant Master/Mistress (PAM) post as deputy head for every two SAM posts with the PAM post offset by the deletion of one SAM post, if the number of SGM posts is insufficient to allow the provision of PGM posts to the maximum number entitled in case of Paragraph 2 above; and

(b) upgrading one SAM post to a PAM post for a special school operating a secondary section with 24 or more equivalent full-streamed ordinary secondary classes.

Note: (i) With effect from 1 September 2008, serving PAMs with a recognised degree plus teacher training (or equivalent) may apply for regrading to SGMs.

(ii) Upon successful regrading or natural wastage of a serving PAM, the existing practice of upgrading an SAM post to a PAM post will cease with immediate effect. If a serving PAM does not apply for regrading to SGM, he/she can continue to be accommodated in his/her existing rank of PAM to hold against an SGM post created under the enhanced graduate teacher ratio accordingly. The respective proportions of SAM, AM and CM posts will not be affected by the cessation of this practice.


(iii) Exceptions to the arrangement spelt out in (ii) above are allowed during the two-year transition period from 1 September 2008 to 31 August 2010. If a PAM post is vacated due to natural wastage or other reasons (excluding regrading to SGM), the school may consider promoting a serving SAM to fill the vacancy and an SGM post created under the enhanced graduate teacher ratio should be held against accordingly. In case the PAM incumbent is regraded to SGM.

4. One post in the rank of GM is upgraded to SGM in an aided special school operating 15 or more equivalent full-streamed ordinary secondary classes.

5. Among the graduate teaching posts, the proportion of SGM and PGM posts should not exceed five-twelfths. This proportion excludes one GM post upgraded to SGM in an aided special school operating 15 or more equivalent full-streamed ordinary secondary classes. Among the non-graduate teaching posts, the proportion of SAM posts should not exceed one-quarter; and the combined proportion of SAM and AM posts should not exceed one-half.


List of Abbreviation in Appendix 2

Certificated Master/Mistress CM

Assistant Master/Mistress AM

Senior Assistant Master/Mistress SAM

Principal Assistant Master/Mistress PAM

Assistant Primary School Master/Mistress APSM

Primary School Master/Mistress PSM

Senior Primary School Master/Mistress SPSM

Headmaster/Headmistress II HM II

Headmaster/Headmistress I HM I

Graduate Master/Mistress GM

Senior Graduate Master/Mistress SGM

Principal Graduate Master/Mistress PGM

Principal II Pr II

Principal I Pr I

Chief Social Work Assistant CSWA

Senior Social Work Assistant SSWA

Social Work Assistant SWA

Social Work Officer SWO

Assistant Social Work Officer ASWO

Registered Nurse RN

Enrolled Nurse EN

Autism Spectrum Disorders ASD

Visual Impairment VI

Hearing Impairment HI

Intellectual Disability ID

Mild Intellectual Disability MiID

Moderate Intellectual Disability MoID

Severe Intellectual Disability SID

Physical Disability PD

Schools for Social Development SSD

Resource Support Programme RSP

Enhanced Support Service ESS


Appendix 4

Qualifications Required for Grades of Appointments in Aided Special Schools

A. Teaching Staff

1. Pr I / Pr II / PGM / SGM / GM / PAM / SAM / AM / CM / HM I / HM II / SPSM / PSM / APSM

The guides to appointment in respect of the grades and ranks, Principal I, Principal II, Principal Graduate Master/Mistress, Senior Graduate Master/Mistress, Graduate Master/Mistress, Principal Assistant Master/Mistress, Senior Assistant Master/Mistress, Assistant Master/

Mistress, Certificated Master/Mistress, Headmaster/Headmistress I, Headmaster/Headmistress II, Senior Primary School Master/Mistress, Primary School Master/Mistress and Assistant Primary School Master/Mistress are at Attachments A to J. (updated on 1 September 2017)

With effect from the 2004/05 school year, aspiring Principals are required to attain Certification for Principalship in addition to complying with the appointment conditions in force at the time before they could be considered for their appointment to principalship.

2. Teacher Assisting in Speech Therapy (TAST)

2.1 To be eligible for appointment as TASTs in schools for children with hearing impairment, candidates must :

(a) meet the qualifications for appointment as a Certificated Master/Mistress;

(b) be assessed to have normal hearing and be free from speech impediments; and

(c) be fluent in Cantonese.


2.2 The duties of a TAST are as follows :

(a) to provide informal assessment and individual and group therapy as prescribed by a speech therapist to school children with articulation defects and retarded speech and language development;

(b) to work in close co-operation with speech therapists and classroom teachers on speech/language treatment programmes;


(c) to perform such other duties as may be required.

3. Mobility Instructor

3.1 To be eligible for appointment as Mobility Instructors, candidates must :

(a) meet the qualifications for appointment as a Certificated Master/Mistress;

(b) be fluent in Cantonese; and

(c) have completed or be prepared to undergo a training course for mobility instructors recognised by the Permanent Secretary.

3.2 The duties of a Mobility Instructor are as follows :

(a) to provide training in orientation and mobility instruction to pupils with visual impairment; and

(b) to perform such other duties as may be required.

4. Resource Teacher (updated on 1 September 2010)

4.1 Resource Teacher for Children with Visual Impairment

(a) To be eligible for appointment as resource teachers for children with visual impairment, candidates must meet the qualifications for appointment as a Graduate Master/Mistress or Certificated Master/Mistress as appropriate.

(b) The duties of a resource teacher for children with visual impairment are as follows:


(i) to provide remedial teaching and resource support to the visually impaired studying in ordinary schools and special schools other than those for the visually impaired;


(ii) to perform such other duties as may be required.

4.2 Resource Teacher for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (a) To be eligible for appointment as resource teachers for children

with autism spectrum disorders, candidates must meet the qualifications for appointment as a Certificated Master/Mistress.

(b) The duties of a resource teacher for children with autism spectrum disorders are as follows :

(i) to provide remedial support to children with autism spectrum disorders assessed to have such a need in special schools for the mildly and/or schools for children with moderate intellectual disability; and (ii) to perform such other duties as may be required.

4.3 Resource Teacher for Supportive Remedial Service

(a) To be eligible for appointment as resource teachers for supportive remedial service, candidates must meet the qualifications for appointment as a Certificated Master/Mistress or Graduate Master/Mistress.

(b) The duties of a resource teacher for supportive remedial service are as follows :

(i) to provide remedial support to children with hearing impairment admitted in ordinary schools; and

(ii) to perform such other duties as may be required.

5. Low-vision Training Teacher

5.1 To be eligible for appointment as low-vision training teachers, candidates must:

(a) meet the qualifications for appointment as a Certificated Master/Mistress;

(b) be fluent in Cantonese; and

(c) have completed or be prepared to undergo a training course on low-vision.


5.2 The duties of a low-vision training teacher are as follows :

(a) to provide low-vision training for children with visual impairment; and

(b) to perform such other duties as may be required.

B. Laboratory Technicians

1. Laboratory Technician III

To be eligible for appointment to the grade of Laboratory Technician III, a candidate must have:

(a) Level 2 or above attained in five subjects, including English Language and two science education subjects (i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Combined Science Note 1) in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE), or equivalent; OR

(b) Level 2Note 2/ Grade E or above attained in five subjects, including English Language and two science subjects (e.g. Physics, Chemistry or Biology) in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent.


1. For the purpose of appointment of Laboratory Technicians in aided schools,

‘Level 2’ or above in both components of the Combined Science subject in the HKDSEE can be counted as two science subjects. Applicants should also possess four other subjects at ‘Level 2’ or above, or equivalent.

2. For the purpose of appointment of Laboratory Technicians in aided schools,

‘Grade C’ and ‘Grade E’ in Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) in the HKCEE before 2007 are accepted administratively as comparable to ‘Level 3’ and ‘Level 2’ respectively in Chinese Language and English Language in the 2007 HKCEE and henceforth.

(updated on 1 September 2017)

2. Laboratory Technician II

This is a promotion post for Laboratory Technician III. The conditions for promotion are set out at Appendix 5.

3. Laboratory Technician I

This is a promotion post for Laboratory Technician II. Such posts will only be established, however, in large special schools and in a special Schools for children with hearing impairment with more than 17 classes at the discretion of the Permanent Secretary. The conditions for promotion are set out at Appendix 5.


C. Non-teaching Staff Specialist Staff

1. Special School Social Worker

1.1 To be eligible for appointment to the grade of special school social worker ranked at the Senior Social Work Assistant level, a candidate must have :

(a) registered under the Social Workers Registration Ordinance, Chapter 505;

(b) (i) a Diploma in Social Work awarded by the Hong Kong Polytechnic/Polytechnic University, or equivalent; or (ii) a Certificate in Social Work awarded by the Academic

Board of the Institute for Social Work Training, Hong Kong; or

(iii) a Diploma in Social Work awarded by a recognized post-secondary college issued after the date of its registration, or equivalent;

(c) English Language (Syllabus B) and Chinese Language at Grade E or above in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, or equivalent [Note];

(d) five years’ recognized post-qualification experience in social work; and

(e) the ability to speak fluent Cantonese.

1.2 To be eligible for appointment to the grade of special school social worker ranked at the Assistant Social Work Officer level, a candidate must have :

(a) registered under the Social Workers Registration Ordinance, Chapter 505;

(b) (i) a local degree in Social Science majoring in Social Work, or equivalent; or

(ii) a local degree, or equivalent, and has successfully completed a one-year post-graduate course in Social Work at an approved institution; or

(iii) a local degree, or equivalent, and has successfully completed an approved two-year post-graduate course in social study/social work; or

(iv) a local degree, or equivalent, and a Master degree in Social Work obtained at an approved institution;


(c) English Language (Syllabus B) and Chinese Language at Grade E or above in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, or equivalent [Note]; and

(d) the ability to speak fluent Cantonese.

2. Educational Psychologist I and II

The guides to appointment in respect of the grade of Educational Psychologist I and II are at Attachment J.

3. Speech Therapist

To be eligible for appointment to the grade of Speech Therapist, a candidate must :

(a) have a degree in Speech and Hearing Sciences from a local university, or equivalent;

(b) have English Language (Syllabus B) and Chinese Language at Grade E or above in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, or equivalent [Note]; and

(c) be able to write fluent English and Chinese, and can speak fluent English and Cantonese.

4. Physiotherapist II

To be eligible for appointment to the grade of Physiotherapist II, a candidate must:

(a) (i) have a professional Degree/Diploma in Physiotherapy issued by the Hong Kong Polytechnic/Polytechnic University, or equivalent;


(ii) have a Certificate of Registration (Part Ia or Ib) and a valid Practising Certificate issued by the Physiotherapists Board, Hong Kong;

(b) have English Language (Syllabus B) and Chinese Language at Grade E or above in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, or equivalent [Note]; and

(c) speak fluent Cantonese.


5. Physiotherapist I

Promotion rank for Physiotherapist II.

6. Senior Physiotherapist

Promotion rank for Physiotherapist I.

7. Occupational Therapist II

To be eligible for appointment to the grade of Occupational Therapist II, a candidate must :

(a) (i) have a professional Degree/Diploma in Occupational Therapy issued by the Hong Kong Polytechnic/ Polytechnic University, or equivalent;

(ii) be registered in Hong Kong in Part I or II of the Register of Occupational Therapists under the Register of the Supplementary Medical professions Ordinance Chapter 359;

(iii) have a valid Practising Certificate issued by the Occupational Therapists Board;

(b) have English Language (Syllabus B) and Chinese Language at Grade E or above in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, or equivalent [Note]; and

(c) speak fluent Cantonese.

8. Occupational Therapist I

Promotion rank for Occupational Therapist II.

9. Senior Occupational Therapist

Promotion rank for Occupational Therapist I.

10. Occupational Therapy Assistant

To be eligible for appointment to the grade of Occupational Therapy Assistant; a candidate must :

(a) have completed an apprenticeship or a course of study in an appropriate trade, or be able to furnish evidence that he has had at least 5 years’ experience in an area of work acceptable to the Permanent Secretary, e.g.


(i) Carpentry

General techniques, with knowledge of cabinet- making;

(ii) General

Skills or activities which may be applied as t reatment media, with knowledge of handicrafts;

(iii) Metal Work

General techniques, with knowledge of electrical welding and use of bench latches;

(iv) Rattan-work

With knowledge of light and heavy rattan-work, including furniture making;

(b) preferably have teaching experience in the appropriate field; and

(c) be able to speak fluent Cantonese and write Chinese.

11. School Nurse (Registered Nurse)

To be eligible for appointment to the grade of School Nurse (Registered Nurse), a candidate must :

(a) have the Certificate of Registration (Part I) issued by the Nursing Council of Hong Kong or equivalent;

(b) have a valid Practising Certificate issued by the Nursing Council of Hong Kong;

(c) have English Language (Syllabus B) and Chinese Language at Grade E or above in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, or equivalent [Note]; and

(d) be fluent in Cantonese.


12. School Nurse (Enrolled Nurse)

To be eligible for appointment to the grade of School Nurse (Enrolled Nurse), a candidate must :

(a) have the Certificate of Enrolment (Part I) issued by the Nursing Council of Hong Kong or equivalent; and (b) have a valid Practising Certificate issued by the Nursing

Council of Hong Kong;

(c) have a knowledge of both Chinese language and English language at Secondary 4 level; and

(d) be fluent in Cantonese.

13. Warden

13.1 To be eligible for appointment to the grade of Warden ranked at the Assistant Social Work Officer level, a candidate must have:

(a) registered under the Social Workers Registration Ordinance, Chapter 505;

(b) (i) a local degree in Social Science majoring in Social Work, or equivalent; or

(ii) a local degree, or equivalent, and has successfully completed a one-year post-graduate course in Social Work at an approved institution; or

(iii) a local degree, or equivalent, and has successfully completed an approved two-year post-graduate course in social study/social work; or

(iv) a local degree, or equivalent, and a Master degree in Social Work obtained at an approved institution;

(c) English Language (Syllabus B) and Chinese Language at Grade E or above in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, or equivalent [Note]; and

(d) 3 years’ experience in residential care; and (e) the ability to speak fluent Cantonese.


13.2 To be eligible for appointment to the grade of Warden ranked at the Chief Social Work Assistant level, a candidate must have :

(a) registered under the Social Workers Registration Ordinance, Chapter 505;

(b) a recognized social work diploma or certificate in social work;

(c) at least five years’ experience at the SSWA rank;

(d) English Language (Syllabus B) and Chinese Language at Grade E or above in Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, or equivalent [Note]; and

(e) the ability to speak fluent Cantonese.

13.3 To be eligible for appointment to the grade of Warden ranked at the Senior Social Work Assistant level, a candidate must have :

(a) registered under the Social Workers Registration Ordinance, Chapter 505;

(b) (i) a Diploma in Social Work awarded by the Hong Kong Polytechnic/Polytechnic University, or equivalent; or (ii) a Certificate in Social Work awarded by the Academic

Board of the Institute for Social Work Training, Hong Kong; or

(iii) a Diploma in Social Work awarded by a recognized post-secondary college issued after the date of its registration, or equivalent;

(c) English Language (Syllabus B) and Chinese Language at Grade E or above in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, or equivalent [Note];

(d) five years’ recognized post-qualification experience in social work; and

(e) the ability to speak fluent Cantonese.


14. Assistant Warden

14.1 To be eligible for appointment to the grade of Assistant Warden ranked at the Senior Social Work Assistant level, a candidate must have :

(a) registered under the Social Workers Registration Ordinance, Chapter 505;

(b) (i) a Diploma in Social Work awarded by the Hong Kong Polytechnic/Polytechnic University, or equivalent; or


a Certificate in Social Work awarded by the Academic Board of the Institute for Social Work Training, Hong Kong; or


a Diploma in S o c i a l Work awarded by a recognized post-secondary college issued after the date of its registration, or equivalent;

(c) English Language (Syllabus B) and Chinese Language at Grade E or above in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, or equivalent [Note];

(d) five years’ recognized post-qualification experience in social work; and

(e) the ability to speak fluent Cantonese.

14.2 To be eligible for appointment to the grade of Assistant Warden ranked at the Social Work Assistant level, a candidate must have :

(a) registered under the Social Workers Registration Ordinance, Chapter 505;

(b) (i) a Diploma in Social Work awarded by the Hong Kong polytechnic/polytechnic university; or equivalent; or (ii) a Certificate in Social Work awarded by the Academic

Board of the Institute for Social Work Training, Hong Kong; or

(iii) a Diploma in Social Work awarded by a registered post-secondary college issued after the date of its registration, or equivalent;

(c) English Language (Syllabus B) and Chinese Language at Grade E or above in Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, or equivalent [Note]; and

(d) the ability to speak fluent Cantonese.


15. Houseparent-in-charge

To be eligible for appointment to the grade of Houseparent-in- charge, a candidate must have :

(a) registered under the Social Workers Registration Ordinance, Chapter 505;

(b) (i) a Diploma in Social Work awarded by the Hong Kong polytechnic/polytechnic university; or equivalent; or

(ii) a Certificate in Social Work awarded by the Academic Board of the Institute for Social Work Training, Hong Kong; or

(iii) a Diploma in Social Work awarded by a registered post-secondary college issued after the date of its registration, or equivalent;

(c) English Language (Syllabus B) and Chinese Language at Grade E or above in Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, or equivalent [Note]; and

(d) the ability to speak fluent Cantonese.

16. Houseparent/Programme Worker

To be eligible for appointment to the grade of Houseparent/

Programme Worker (ranked at the Social Work Assistant level), a candidate must have :

(a) registered under the Social Workers Registration Ordinance, Chapter 505;

(b) (i) a Diploma in Social Work awarded by the Hong Kong Polytechnic/Polytechnic University; or equivalent; or

(ii) a Certificate in Social Work awarded by the Academic Board of the Institute for Social Work Training, Hong Kong; or

(iii) a Diploma in Social Work awarded by a registered post-secondary college issued after the date of its registration, or equivalent;

(c) English Language (Syllabus B) and Chinese Language at Grade E or above in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination, or equivalent [Note]; and

(d) the ability to speak fluent Cantonese.


17. Brailling Staff

17.1 To be eligible for appointment to the grade of Brailling Staff, a candidate must :

(a) have 5 subjects, including Chinese Language, English Language (Syllabus B) and Mathematics at Grade E or above in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination; and (b) have completed an appropriate course of training in braille.

17.2 The duties of a Brailling staff for the resource support

programme for pupils with visual impairment attending ordinary schools and special schools other than those for the visually impaired are as follows :

(a) Brailling, printing and binding of notes, supplementary learning materials and examination papers;

(b) Transcription of the pupils’ assignments, homework, papers etc. into normal writing/print;

(c) Embossing ink diagrams into tactile diagrams;

(d) Repair of books; and

(e) Performing such other duties as may be required.

[Note] : The school may conduct the language proficiency test for those suitable candidates who do not possess the language qualifications. Provided that the school is satisfied with the candidates’ language ability for carrying out the required duties, appointment can be offered.



An additional senior teacher post, to be offset by a post in the rank of Certificated Master/Mistress or Assistant Primary School Master/Mistress as appropriate, is provided to

An additional senior teacher post, to be offset by a post in the rank of APSM, is provided to each primary special school/special school with primary section that operates six or

(ii) “The dismissal of any teacher who is employed in the school – (a) to occupy a teacher post in the establishment of staff provided for in the code of aid for primary

An additional senior teacher post, to be offset by a post in the rank of APSM, is provided to each primary special school/special school with primary section that operates six or

This is to inform kindergartens and primary schools of the “Library Cards for All School Children” scheme and the arrangement of bulk application for library cards of the

An additional senior teacher post, to be offset by a post in the rank of CM or APSM as appropriate, is provided to each primary special school/special school with

An additional senior teacher post, to be offset by a post in the rank of CM or Assistant Primary School Master/Mistress (APSM) as appropriate, is provided to each primary

The basic ranks of teachers in aided secondary schools are Certificated Master/Mistress (CM) for non-graduate teachers and Graduate Master/Mistress (GM) for