• 沒有找到結果。

A ,..., A incolumnorder,andwritesthedatatoatextfile. fprintf ( fid , format , A ,..., A )appliesthe format toallelementsofarrays . Recallthat fprintf ( format , A ,..., A )formatsdataanddisplaystheresultsonthescreen fprintf


Academic year: 2022

Share "A ,..., A incolumnorder,andwritesthedatatoatextfile. fprintf ( fid , format , A ,..., A )appliesthe format toallelementsofarrays . Recallthat fprintf ( format , A ,..., A )formatsdataanddisplaystheresultsonthescreen fprintf"


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Recall that fprintf(format, A1, ..., An) formats data and displays the results on the screen1.

fprintf(fid , format, A1, . . . , An) applies the format to all elements of arrays A1, . . . , An in column order, and writes the data to a text file.

format: Format of the output fields, specified as a string.

A1, . . . , An: arrays.

1Recall disp.


Recall that MATLAB reserves fid s 1 and 2 for standard output on the screen, and standard error, respectively.

fprintf(1, ’This is standard output!\n’);

fprintf(2, ’This is standard error!\n’);

sprintf(formatSpec, A1, ..., An), similar to fprintf but returns the results as a string.



fprintf can print multiplenumeric values andliteral text to the screen.

1 A=[9.9 8.8 7.7; 9900 8800 7700];

2 format='X is %4.2f meters or %8.3f mm\n';

3 fprintf(format,A) % print on the screen

1 >>


3 X is 9.90 meters or 9900.000 mm

4 X is 8.80 meters or 8800.000 mm

5 X is 7.70 meters or 7700.000 mm

%4.2f specifies that the first value in each line of output is a floating-point number with a field width of four digits, including two digits after the decimal point.

Can you explain %8.3f?


Escape Characters

%%: Percent character

\\: Backslash

\b: Backspace

\n: New line

\t: Horizontal tab



Integer, signed: %d or %i Integer, unsigned

%u: Base 10

%o: Base 8

%x: Base 16 Floating-point number2

%f: Fixed-point notation

%e: Exponential notation, such as 3.141593e+00 Characters

%c: Single character

%s: String

Note that the % can be followed by an optional field width to handle fixed width fields.

2SeeIEEE 754.


Example: grep in UNIX/Linux-like Systems

findstr(S 1, S 2) returns the starting indices of any occurrences of the shorter of the two strings in the longer.

1 function grep(filename, pattern)

2 fid=fopen(filename, 'r');

3 line number=1;

4 while feof(fid)==0

5 line=fgetl(fid);

6 matched=findstr(line, pattern);

7 if ~isempty (matched) % tell if matched is ...

empty array

8 fprintf('%d: %s \n', line number, line);

9 end

10 line number=line number + 1;

11 end

12 fclose(fid);


1 >> grep('grep.m','matched')


3 6: matched=findstr(line, pattern);

4 7: if ~isempty (matched) % tell if matched is ...

empty array



Write a short table of the exponential function to a text file called “exp.txt”, which looks like:

1 x exp(x)

2 0.00 1.00000000

3 0.10 1.10517092

4 0.20 1.22140276

5 0.30 1.34985881

6 0.40 1.49182470

7 0.50 1.64872127

8 0.60 1.82211880

9 0.70 2.01375271

10 0.80 2.22554093

11 0.90 2.45960311

12 1.00 2.71828183


1 clear all;

2 clc;

3 % main

4 x=0:.1:1;

5 A=[x', (exp(x))']; % recall that ' is a ...

transposition operator.

6 fid=fopen('exp.txt', 'w');

7 fprintf(fid, '%6s %12s\n', 'x', 'exp(x)');

8 fprintf(fid, '%6.2f %12.8f\n', A);

9 fclose(fid);

10 dos('start exp.txt'); % Open exp.txt

dos(0command0), for Windows systems, calls upon the shell to execute the given command .

Try dos(’start www.facebook.com’).



A=fscanf(fid , format, size) reads data from the file specified by file identifier fid , converts it according to the specified format string, and returns it in matrix A.

fscanf populates A in column order.

fscanf can be used to skip specific characters in a sample file, and return only numeric data.



1 clear all;

2 clc

3 str={

4 ['78' char(176) 'C'];

5 ['72' char(176) 'C'];

6 ['64' char(176) 'C'];

7 ['66' char(176) 'C'];

8 ['49' char(176) 'C']};

9 % char(176) is the symbol of degree

10 fid=fopen('temperature.txt', 'w');

11 for i=1:length(str)

12 fprintf(fid, '%s\n', str{i});

13 end

14 fclose(fid);

15 % main

16 fid=fopen('temperature.txt', 'r');

17 [A, count]=fscanf(fid, ['%d' char(176) 'C'])

18 fclose(fid);


1 >>


3 A =


5 78

6 72

7 64

8 66

9 49

10 11

12 count =


14 5


Binary Files

fread(fid ,size,precision) interprets values in the file according to the form and size described by precision.

fwrite(fid , A, precision) translates the values of A according to the form and size described by precision.


Valid entries forsize are:

N: read N elements into a column vector.

inf : read to the end of the file.

[M, N]: read elements to fill an M-by-N matrix, in column order.

Valid entries forprecision are:

’uchar’: unsigned integer, 8 bits.

’int64’: integer, 64 bits.

’uint64’: unsigned integer, 64 bits.

’float64’: floating point, 64 bits.

Note that “64” can be replaced by 8, 16, and 32.



Create a binary file containing a 3-by-3 magic square, whose element is stored as 4-byte integers.

1 clear all;

2 clc

3 % main

4 A=magic(3)

5 fid = fopen('magic3.txt', 'w');

6 fwrite(fid, A, 'int32');

7 fclose(fid);

8 fid = fopen('magic3.txt', 'r');

9 fread(fid, [3 3], 'int32'); % try [3 1]?


Access to Internet

urlread(URL, Name, Value) returns the contents of a URL as a string.

1 contents = urlread('http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/...

2 ~d00922011/matlab.html');

3 fid=fopen('matlab.html','w');

4 fprintf(fid,'%s', contents);

5 fclose all;

6 dos('start matlab.html')

Try sendmail, ftp.


Yahoo Finance API

Current market and historical data from the Yahoo!data server

Blog: 研究雅虎股票API (Yahoo finance stock API) Google: yahoo-finance-managed

Historical Stock Data downloaderby Josiah Renfree (2008)



Suppose that a system of 3 linear equations is stored in a text file.

Write a program that retrieves the coefficients and the constant from the specified text file, such as:

1 3 2 -1 1

2 1 -1 2 -1

3 2 -1 2 0

Call gaussSolver(filename) to solve this system andappend

“The solution is (x , y , z) = . . .” in the original file.


1 function gaussSolver(str)

2 % main

3 fid=fopen(str,'r');

4 k=1;

5 temp(3,4)=0;

6 while k<4

7 temp(k,:)=str2num(fgetl(fid));

8 k=k+1;

9 end

10 fclose all;

11 A=temp(:,1:3); b=temp(:,4); % init A and b

12 [y s]=gauss(A,b);

13 if s==1 % a flag to tell if succeeded

14 fid=fopen(str,'a');

15 fprintf(fid,'\nThe solution is (%f,%f,%f).',y);

16 fclose all;

17 show=['start ', str];

18 dos(show);

19 disp('Done.')

20 else


21 disp('Failed in Gauss Elimination.')

22 end

1 function [y s]=gauss(A,b)

2 % s is a flag to indicate the success of Gauss ...


3 ...



Suppose that the text file contains the following content:

3x + 2y − z = 1 x − y + 2z = −1 2x − y + 2z = 0

In order to organize the coefficient matrix A and constant vector b, we need to separate the numbers from the variables x , y , z and the equality sign =.



gaussSolver1 cannot deal with the strings like 3x + 2y − 1z = 1.

So, let’s find a way out.

1 function gaussSolver2(str)

2 % main

3 fid=fopen(str,'r');

4 k=1;

5 temp=cell(3,1);

6 while k<4

7 temp{k}=fgetl(fid);

8 k=k+1;

9 end

10 fclose all;

11 [A,b]=init matrix(temp) % deal with the strings

12 [y s]=gauss(A,b);


13 if s==1 % a flag to tell if succeeded

14 fid=fopen(str,'a');

15 fprintf(fid,'\nThe solution is (%f,%f,%f).',y);

16 fclose all;

17 show=['start ', str];

18 dos(show);

19 disp('Done.')

20 else

21 disp('Failed in Gauss Elimination.')

22 end


Assume that we are solving a system of linear equations with 3 unknowns and 3constraints.

1 function [A b]=init matrix(temp)


3 delete char=['x','y','z','='];

4 A=zeros(3,4);

5 loc=zeros(1,4); % indicators for deleting characters

6 for i=1:3

7 temp conversion=temp{i}; % Notice that temp ...

is a cell array.

8 j=1;

9 k=1;

10 while j<length(temp conversion) && k<5

11 if temp conversion(j)==delete char(k)

12 loc(k)=j;

13 k=k+1;

14 end

15 j=j+1;



17 A(i,:)=[str2num(temp conversion(1:loc(1)-1)),...

18 str2num(temp conversion(loc(1)+1:loc(2)-1)),...

19 str2num(temp conversion(loc(2)+1:loc(3)-1)),...

20 str2num(temp conversion(loc(4)+1:...

21 length(temp conversion)))]

22 end

23 b=A(:,4);

24 A=A(:,1:3);

In the exercise,parsing is a very tedious task.

You can imagine more examples in daily life.


Code Style

A more clear source code could be like this:

1 function [y s]=gaussSolver3(str,var)

2 % main

3 temp=read(str,var);

4 [A,b]=init matrix(temp)

5 [y s]=gauss(A,b);

6 write(str,y,s);

7 end


9 function temp=read(str,var)

10 varnum=length(var);

11 fid=fopen(str,'r');

12 k=1;

13 temp=cell(varnum,1);

14 % while feof(fid)==0

15 while k<varnum+1



17 k=k+1;

18 end

19 fclose all;

20 end


22 function write(str,y,s)

23 if s==1

24 fid=fopen(str,'a');

25 fprintf(fid,'\nThe solution is (');

26 for i=1:length(y)-1

27 fprintf(fid,'%f,',y(i));

28 end

29 fprintf(fid,'%f).',y(length(y)));

30 fclose all;

31 show=['start ', str];

32 dos(show);

33 disp('Done.')

34 else

35 disp('Failed in Gauss Elimination.')


36 end

37 end


Exercise (Upgraded)

New features:

1 Able to solve a system of n linear equations.

2 Able to convert x + y − z = 0 to [1 1 − 1 0].

1 function [y s]=gaussSolver4(str,var)

2 % main

3 ...

4 [A,b]=init matrix 1(temp,var)

5 ...


1 function [A b]=init matrix 1(temp,var)

2 delete char=[var,'='];

3 varnum=length(delete char)-1;

4 A=zeros(varnum,varnum+1);loc(1:varnum+1)=0;

5 for i=1:varnum

6 temp conversion=temp{i};

7 j=1;

8 k=1;

9 while j<length(temp conversion) && k<varnum+2

10 if temp conversion(j)==delete char(k)

11 loc(k)=j;

12 k=k+1;

13 end

14 j=j+1;

15 end


17 for j=1:varnum+1

18 if j==1

19 A(i,j)=str2num(temp conversion(1:loc(j)-1));

20 else if j==varnum+1


21 A(i,j)=str2num(temp conversion(loc(j)+...

22 1:length(temp conversion)));

23 else

24 A(i,j)=str2num(temp conversion(loc(j-1)+...

25 1:loc(j)-1));

26 end

27 end

28 end


30 end

31 b=A(:,varnum+1);

32 A=A(:,1:varnum);


Check List

Before the end of this short class, you should check whether or not you have been familiar with:

1 (Problem Formulation) Make a clear definition of problem.

Inputs Outputs

2 (Algorithm)Organize the resource and steps to reach the goal.

3 (Implementation) Implement the algorithm using a programming language, such as MATLAB.

4 (Debugging)There are always bugs in the program. Ready to fight?

5 (Complexity Analysis) Improve the program if the computation cost is unacceptably high.

6 (Generalization) Make your program more flexible.


Practice Makes Better

Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Michael T.

Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, and David M. Mount, 2/e, 2011 Introduction to Algorithms, Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E.

Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein, 3/e, 2009 高中生程式解題系統



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