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Ki-Seng Tan


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國立臺灣大學 數學系 預印本 Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan University

www.math.ntu.edu.tw/ ~ mathlib/preprint/2013- 02.pdf

Selmer Groups Over Z p d -Extensions

Ki-Seng Tan

January 30, 2013



Abstract. Consider an abelian variety A defined over a global field K and let L/K be a Zdp- extension, unramified outside a finite set of places of K, with Gal(L/K) = Γ. Let Λ(Γ) := Zp[[Γ]]

denote the Iwasawa algebra. In this paper, we study how the characteristic ideal of the Λ(Γ)- module XL, the dual p-primary Selmer group, varies when L/K is replaced by a intermediate Zep-extension.

1. Main Results s:intro

Let A be a g-dimensional abelian variety defined over a global field K and let L/K be a Zdp- extension, unramified outside a finite set of places of K, with Gal(L/K) = Γ. For each finite intermediate extension F/K of L/K, let Selp(A/F ) denote the p-primary Selmer group (see

§2.5) and set

Selp(A/L) = lim


Selp(A/F ).

We endow Selp(A/L) (resp. Selp(A/F )) with the discrete topology and let XL (resp. XF) denote its Pontryagin dual group. The main aim of this paper is to study how the characteris- tic ideal of XL over Λ(Γ) := Zp[[Γ]] (the Iwasawa algebra) varies, when L/K is replaced by an intermediate Zep-extension L0/K. Our result has many applications. In particular, it leads to a structure theorem of ZL, the Pontryagin dual of lim

−→FQp/Zp⊗ A(F ) (see §1.6).


1.1. Notation. Let S denote the set of places of K ramified over L/K. For an algebraic extension F/K and a place w of F , let Fw denote the w-completion of F . If w is a non-archimedean place, let Ow, mwand Fw(or OFw, mFwand FFw) denote the ring of integers, the maximal ideal and the residue field of Fw. Also, denote qw= |Fw|. We fix an algebraic closure K of K and let Ks⊂ K denote the separable closure of K, and the same for Kv.

For an abelian group D, let Dp(resp. Ddiv) denote the p-primary (resp. p-divisible) part of Dtor, the torsion subgroup. For a locally compact group G, let G denote its Pontryagin dual group.

In this paper, we always have G= Homcont(G, Qp/Zp) as G will be either pro-p or p-primary. If O is the ring of integers of a finite extension Q of Qp and G is an O-module, we endow G with the O-module structure by setting a · ϕ(g) = ϕ(a · g), a ∈ O, ϕ ∈ G, g ∈ G. As O-modules, G is cofinitely generated if and only if G is finitely generated, and denote corankO(G) := rankO(G).

If G is a Zp-module, write OG for O ⊗ZpG. Then we can identify (OG) with OG by introducing a non-degenerate pairing [ , ] : OG × OG −→ Qp/Zp as follow. First choose a generator δ ∈ O of the different of the filed extension Q/Qp and set Tr(x) = TrQ/Qp−1· x) for x ∈ Q. If a ∈ Q/O is the residue class of some y ∈ Q modulo O, let T(a) ∈ Qp/Zp denote the residue class of Tr(y) modulo Zp. Then Q : O × Q/O −→ Qp/Zp given by Q(x, a) := T(xa) is a non-degenerate pairing. Let < , >: OG×OG−→ Q/O be the O-pairing given by < g, φ >= φ(g),

Acknowledgement: This research was supported in part by the National Science Council of Taiwan, NSC97- 2115-M-002-006-MY2, NSC99-2115-M-002-002-MY3.



for g ∈ G, φ ∈ G. Then define [α, β] = T(< α, β >). Let e1, ..., em be a Zp-basis of O. If β =P

iei⊗ φi, φi∈ G, satisfies [OG, β] = 0, then for all x ∈ O, g ∈ G, 0 = [x ⊗ g, β] = T(x ·X


ei⊗ < g, φi >) = Q(x,X


ei⊗ < g, φi>).

Since Q is non-degenerate,P

iei⊗ < g, φi>= 0, and hence < g, φi >= 0 for all g. Consequently, φi= 0 for every i, whence β = 0. Similarly, if α ∈ OG satisfies [α, OG] = 0, then α = 0.

If G is a Γ-module, let Γ acts on G by γϕ(g) := ϕ(γ−1g). The identification (OG) = OG depends on the choice of δ. However, it alters neither the O-module structure nor the Γ-module structure (if exists) on (OG).

Let µpmdenote the pmth root of unity and write µp =S

mµpm regarded as a discrete subgroup of Q×p. Let bΓ denote the group of all continuous characters from Γ to µp and let Gal(Qp/Qp) act on it via the action on µp. Thus, bΓ = Γ as topological groups, while Gal(Qp/Qp) acts non- trivially on bΓ but trivially on Γ. If ω ∈ bΓ with the image Im(ω) = µpm, write Oω= Zppm] ⊂ Qp. If O contains Oωand G is an O-module with a continuous action of Γ, write (for the ω-eigenspace)

G(ω):= {g ∈ G | γg = ω(γ) · g}.

For a finitely generated Λ(Γ)-module W , let χΛ(Γ)(W ) denote its characteristic ideal (see §2.1).

Denote Γ0 = Gal(L0/K), Λ(Γ0) = Zp[[Γ0]]. Our result also covers the d = 1 case in which Γ0 = 0, Λ(Γ0) = Zp, and we define χΛ(Γ0)(W ) = χZp(W ), the usual characteristic ideal of Zp-module.

Let A[pm] denote the kernel of the multiplication by pm on A viewed as a sheaf on the flat topology of K and denote A[p] =S

mA[pm]. In particular, A[p](K) = A(K)p. Let At denote the dual abelian variety.


1.2. A local condition. It is well known that if K is a number field, then the following question has an affirmative answer (see below).

Is XLf initely generated over Λ(Γ)?

In general, the answer could be obtained via the following local criterion.

p:iwasawa Proposition 1.2.1. The Iwasawa module XL is finitely generated over Λ(Γ) if and only if at each place v ∈ S, the local cohomology group H1v, A(Lv)) is cofinitely generated over Zp.

The proof, based on results in [Tan10], is given in §3.5. The condition of the proposition holds if K is a number field (Corollary 2.4.2), or if at every ramified place, A has either good ordinary reduction or split-multiplicative reduction [Tan10, Theorem 5]. However, if char.(K) = p and the reduction of A at a place v ∈ S is an abelian variety without non-trivial p-torsion points, then the condition fails to hold (Theorem 3.6.1).


1.3. The specialization data. For the rest of this paper except §3.6, we shall assume that every v ∈ S is either good ordinary or split-multiplicative, and hence XL is finitely generated over Λ(Γ). Also, for simplicity, we assume that char.(K) = p, if K is not a number field. Write ΘL= χΛ(Γ)(XL). Extend the canonical map Γ −→ Γ0to the continuous Zp-algebra homomorphism (the specialization map) pL/L0 : Λ(Γ) −→ Λ(Γ0). Then the following question arises:

W hat is the relation between pL/L0L) and ΘL0?

To illustrate our answer, some simplification and notation are in order. First, by choosing a sequence L0 ⊂ L00 ⊂ · · · ⊂ L(i) ⊂ · · · ⊂ L(d−e) ⊂ L with each Gal(L(i)/K) ' Ze−1+ip , we can write pL/L0 = pL00/L0 ◦ · · · ◦ pL(i+1)/L(i) ◦ · · · ◦ pL/L(d−e), and hence answer the question for pL/L0 by answering that for every pL(i+1)/L(i). Therefore, without loss of generality, we may assume that e = d−1. We shall make such assumption and then fix a topological generator ψ of Ψ := Gal(L/L0).


1.3.1. The global factor. Let K0/K be a Zp-extension and let σ be a topological generator of the Galois group. If 1, ..., lare eigenvalues, counted with multiplicities, of the action of σ on the Tate module TpA[p](K0). Then the product Ql

j=1(1 − −1j σ) ⊂ Zp[[Gal(K0/K)]] is nothing but the characteristic ideal of TpA[p](K0) over Zp[[Gal(K0/K)]], and in particular, the ideal

wK0/K :=




(1 − −1j σ)(1 − −1j σ−1)

is independent of the choice of σ (See Proposition 2.3.5). If K0/K is a Zep-extension with e ≥ 2, set wK0/K = (1).

d:glfactor Definition 1.3.1. Define the Λ(Γ0)-ideal

%L/L0 =

(wL0/K if d ≥ 2;


|A[p](K)T A[p](L)div|2 if d = 1.

1.3.2. Local factors at unramified places.

d:badunram Definition 1.3.2. For each v, let Πv denote the group of the connected components of the closed fiber (over Fv) of the N´eron model of A/Kv and let πv denote the Zp-ideal (|ΠGal(Fv v/Fv)|).

1.3.3. Local factors at good ordinary places. Suppose that A has good ordinary reduction ¯A at v. Then eigenvalues of the Frobenius endomorphism Fv : ¯A −→ ¯A over Fv are, counted with multiplicities,

α1, ..., αg, qv1, ..., qvg,

where α1, ..., αgare eigenvalues of the (twist) matrix u of the action on the Tate module of ¯A[p] by the Frobenius substitution Frobv∈ Gal(Fv/Fv) ([Maz72, Corollary 4.37]).

d:goodord Definition 1.3.3. Suppose A has good ordinary reduction ¯A at v and L0/K is unramified at v with the Frobenius element [v]L0/K ∈ Γ0. Define





(1 − α−1i · [v]L0/K) ×




(1 − αi−1· [v]−1L0/K) ⊂ Λ(Γ0).

1.3.4. Local factors at split multiplicative places. Suppose A has split multiplicative reduction at v. This means there is a rank g lattice Ωv' Z × · · · × Z sitting inside the torus T = (Kv×)g so that T /Ωv is isomorphic to the rigid analytic space associated to A (see [Ger72]). In particular, e:desplit

e:desplit (1) A(Kv) ' (K×v)g/Ωv.

Consider the composition Ωv−→ (Kv×)g R


−→ (Γv v)gwhere Rv: Kv×−→ Γvis the local reciprocity map, and extend it Zp-linearly to


e:mcrv (2) Rv: ZpZv // (Γv)g.

d:splitmul Definition 1.3.4. Define wv= χZp(coker[Rv]).


1.4. The main theorem. Here is our main theorem. Recall that Ψ = Gal(L/L0).

t:compatible Theorem 1. Suppose d ≥ 1 and assume the above notation. Then we have ΘL0 · ϑL/L0 = %L/L0· pL/L0L),

where ϑL/L0:=Q

vϑv with each ϑv an ideal of Λ(Γ0) defined by the following conditions:

(a) Suppose v 6∈ S. If Ψv6= 0, then ϑv= πv; otherwise, ϑv = (1).


(b) Suppose v ∈ S and A has good ordinary reduction at v. If v is unramified over L0/K, then ϑv= fL0,v; otherwise ϑv = (1).

(c) Suppose v ∈ S and A has split-multiplicative reduction at v. Then




Λ(Γ0) · wv, if Γ0v= 0;

(σ − 1)g, if Ψv ' Zpand Γ0vis topologically generated by σ;

(1), otherwise.

The proof will be completed in §5.2. The tools, local and global, for the proof will be established in §2, §3, and §4. See §1.5 for the application of the theorem to the Iwasawa Main Conjecture.

Here is an immediate application.

t:otr09 Theorem 2. Suppose char.(K) = p and L contains the constant Zp-extension of K. Then XL is torsion over Λ(Γ).

See [MaRu07] for examples of non-torsion XL in the number field case, while examples in characteristic p can be found in [LLTT13, Appendix].

Proof. Let Fq denote the constant field of K and let L0= KFqp∞ be the constant Zp-extension over K with Γ0 = Gal(L0/K) topologically generated by the Frobenius substitution Frobq : x 7→ xq. The theorem is already proved in [OTr09] for the L = L0case. This means ΘL0 6= 0. By repeatedly applying Theorem 1 (d − 1 times), we deduce

pL/L0L) · wL0/K = ΘL0·Y



Since Γ0v 6= 0, for all v, the factor ϑv equals one of (1), (Frobdeg(v)−1)g, or fL0,v. In particular, ϑv6= 0, for all v. Therefore, pL/L0L) 6= 0, and hence ΘL6= 0.  su:imc

1.5. The Iwasawa main conjecture. Possibly, Theorem 1 could be useful for determining an explicit generator of χΛ(Γ)(XL). Assume that an explicitly given element θ0L ∈ Λ(Γ) is already known to be a generator of the characteristic ideal of a submodule XL0 of XL, and we want to see if actually


e:actually (3) ΘL = (θL0).

In addition, assume that there exists an intermediate Zep-extension L0of L/K such that ΘL0, the characteristic ideal of XL0 over Λ(Gal(L0/K)), is explicitly given. Then by applying Theorem 1, we can obtain an explicit expression of pL/L0L) in terms of ΘL0 and other factors. Thus, by checking the explicit expressions, we would be able to determine if


e:able (4) pL/L0L) = (pL/L00L)).

The point is that Equations (3) and (4) are indeed equivalent. To see this, we only need to write ΘL= (θ0L· θ00), for some θ00∈ Λ(Γ)

and observe that θ00 is a unit of Λ(Γ) if and only if its image pL/L000) is a unit of Λ(Gal(L0/K)).

In the function field case, L0 could be taken to be the constant Zp-extension, since an explicit expression of ΘL0 is already given in [LLTT13] (for semi-stable A). We can also apply the theorem in the reverse direction: if (3) is already known then we can use the theorem together with (4) to determine an explicit expression of ΘL0. In [LLTT13] this method is used in the case where char.(K) = p and A is a constant ordinary abelian variety.



1.6. The zero set of ΘL and the structure of XL0. Our theory is useful for determining the Λ(Γ)-modules structures of

YL:= (lim


Selp(A/F )div), ZL:= (lim


(Qp/Zp) ⊗ A(F )), and

XL0 := ([


(Selp(A/L)Gal(L/F ))div)

as well. In general, we have the surjections XL0 // // YL // // ZL due to the maps (Qp/Zp) ⊗ A(F ) // Selp(A/F )div

resF // (Selp(A/L)Gal(L/F ))div .

The above inclusion is from the Kummer exact sequence, it is an isomorphism if the p-primary part of the Tate-Shafarevich group of A over F is finite. Thus, if this holds for all F then ZL= YL. In contrast, by the control theorem (see e.g. [Tan10, Theorem 4]) if L/K only ramifies at good ordinary places then the restriction map resF is surjective for every F , and hence YL= XL0. 1.6.1. The zero set. The structures of XL0, YL and ZL are related to the zero set of ΘL. For θ ∈ Λ(Γ) define the zero set

θ:= {ω ∈ bΓ | pω(θ) = 0},

where pω : OωΛ(Γ) −→ Oω is the Oω-algebra homomorphism extending ω : Γ −→ O×ω. Note that for each ω ∈ bΓ, the eigenspace (OωSelp(A/L))(ω) is cofinitely generated over Oωas it is the Pontryagin dual of the finitely generated Oω-module OXL/ ker [pω] · XL.

d:rs Definition 1.6.1. For each ω ∈ bΓ, denote s(ω) := corankOω(OωSelp(A/L))(ω). We have the inclusions

((OωSelp(A/L))(ω))div⊂ ((OωSelp(A/L)ker[ω])div)(ω)⊂ (Oω



(Selp(A/L)Gal(L/F ))div)(ω), where the left term is just the p-divisible part of the term. Hence,


e:news (5) s(ω) = corankOω(Oω[


(Selp(A/L)Gal(L/F ))div)(ω).

t:root Theorem 3. A character ω ∈ bΓ is contained in 4ΘL if and only if s(ω) > 0.

This theorem is proved in §5.3. Let θ ∈ Λ(Γ) be an element vanishing on ∆ΘL. By this, we mean that pω(θ) = 0 for every ω ∈ ∆ΘL. Since the OωΛ(Γ)-structure of (OωSelp(A/L))(ω)factors through OωΛ(Γ) pω // Oω, we must have θ·(OωSelp(A/L))(ω) = pω(θ)·(OωSelp(A/L))(ω) = 0 for every ω ∈ ∆ΘL. On the other hand, Theorem 3 says if ω 6∈ ∆ΘL then (OωSelp(A/L))(ω) is finite. Thus, θ · (OωSelp(A/L))(ω) is always finite for all ω ∈ bΓ.

For each finite intermediate extension F of L/K, denote Γ(F ) := Gal(F/K) and choose O so that it contains Oω for every ω ∈ bΓ(F ) := Hom(Γ(F ), µp) regard as a finite subgroup of bΓ.

Consider the elements eω:=P

γ∈Γ(F )ω(g)−1· g ∈ O[Γ(F )], ω ∈ bΓ(F ), which are |Γ(F )|-multiples of idempotents. Multiplying any finite O[Γ(F )]-module W by eω’s, we can form a homomorphism


ω∈bΓ(F )

W(ω)−→ W


of finite kernel and cokernel. In particular, by taking W = ((O Selp(A/L))Gal(L/F ))and by the duality, we have a homomorphism


e:amorphism (6) O Selp(A/L)Gal(L/F )−→ M

ω∈bΓ(F )

(O Selp(A/L))(ω)

of finite kernel and cokernel. Then by multiplying both sides of (6) by θ we see that e:thetazero

e:thetazero (7) θ · (Selp(A/L)Gal(L/F ))div = 0

as the left-hand side of the equality is finite and p-divisible. By [Grn03, Proposition 3.3] (see [Tan10, Corollary 3.2.4] and the discussion in §3.3 of the paper for the characteristic p case), if

resL/F : H1(F, A[p]) −→ H1(L, A[p])Gal(L/F ) denote the restriction map, then


e:kerreslf (8) | ker resL/F | < ∞,

and e:cokerreslf

e:cokerreslf (9) | coker resL/F | < ∞.

Then (7) and (8) imply θ · Selp(A/F )div = 0 as it is also finite and p-divisible. We have proved:

c:vanishingtheta Corollary 1.6.2. If θ ∈ Λ(Γ) vanishes on ∆ΘL, then θ annihilates (Selp(A/L)Gal(L/F ))div, Selp(A/F )div and (Qp/Zp) ⊗ A(F ), for all F . Hence θ · XL0 = θ · YL= θ · ZL= 0.

1.6.2. A theorem of Monsky. Now we recall a theorem of Monsky ([Mon81, Lemma 1.5 and The- orem 2.6]). A subset T ⊂ bΓ is called a Zp-flat of codimension k > 0, if there exist γ1, ..., γk ∈ Γ expandable to a Zp-basis of Γ and ζ1, ..., ζk∈ µp so that

T = Tγ1,...,γk1,...,ζk := {ω ∈ bΓ | ω(γi) = ζi, i = 1, ..., k}.

Theorem 4. (Monsky) If θ ∈ Λ(Γ) is non-zero, then ∆θ6= bΓ and is a finite union of Zp-flats.

Note that for a given θ ∈ Λ(Γ), if T ⊂ ∆θ then σT ⊂ ∆θ for all σ ∈ Gal(Qp/Qp), as ∆θ is invariant under the action of the Galois group. Also, if Tγ,ζ ⊂ ∆θ with ζ ∈ O then γ − ζ divides θ in OΛ(Γ), and vice versa (see [LLTT13, Lemma 3.3.3] and its proof). In this case, γ −σζ also divides θ.

d:simple Definition 1.6.3. An element f ∈ Λ(Γ) is simple, if there exist γ ∈ Γ − Γp and ζ ∈ µp so that f = fγ,ζ := Y


(γ −σζ).

If ζ is of order pn+1 and ti = γi − 1, i = 1, ..., d, where γ1, ..., γd is a Zp-basis of Γ, then fγ1 is nothing but the polynomialPp−1

i=0(t1+ 1)ipn that is irreducible in Zp[t1]. Hence, a simple element is irreducible in Λ(Γ) = Zp[[t1, ..., td]]. Obviously, ∆fγ,ζ = S


σTγ,ζ. In particular, two simple elements f and g divide each other if and only if ∆f = ∆g. On the other hand, if T = Tγ1,...,γk1,...,ζk, k ≥ 2, then we can find two relatively prime simple elements both vanishing on T , for example, fγ11 and fγ22.


1.6.3. The structure of XL0. If W is a torsion Λ(Γ)-module then θ := χΛ(Γ)(W ) 6= 0 and there exists an pseudo-isomorphism


e:Msim (10) ι : (Λ(Γ)/(f1b1))a1⊕ · · · ⊕ (Λ(Γ)/(flbl))al




Λ(Γ)/(ξi) −→ W.

where a1, ..., al, b1, ..., blare positive integers, f1, ..., flare all the relatively prime simple factors of θ, and ξ1, ..., ξm ∈ Λ(Γ) are not divided by any simple element (l = 0 or m = 0 is allowed). The product φ = f1· · · flvanishes on every codimension one Zp-flat of ∆θ. By the above argument, we can find two products ε = g1· · · gm and ε0 = g01· · · gm0 0, relatively prime to φ and to each other, of simple elements so that both ε and ε0vanish on every Zp-flat of ∆θof codimension grater than 1. Then both φε and φε0 vanish on ∆θ. Note that ι is actually injective as its domain of definition contains no non-trivial pseudo-null submodule (see §2.1).

If XL is torsion then by taking W = XLin (10) we obtain the exact sequence e:xlsim

e:xlsim (11) 0 // Lli=1(Λ(Γ)/(fibi))ai⊕Lm

j=1Λ(Γ)/(ξi) // XL // N // 0 , for some pseudo-null N . Let φε and φε0 be as above. Let ∼ denote pseudo-isomorphism.

t:x0 Theorem 5. Suppose XL is torsion over Λ(Γ) and assume the above notation. Then both φε and φε0 annihilate XL0, YL, ZL and (Selp(A/L)Gal(L/F ))div, Selp(A/F )div, (Qp/Zp) ⊗ A(F ) for all finite intermediate extension F of L/K. Moreover, XL0 is pseudo isomorphic to XL/φ · XL. Namely, if a1, ..., al are as in (11), then

XL0 ∼ (Λ(Γ)/(f1))a1⊕ · · · ⊕ (Λ(Γ)/(fl))al.

Proof. The first assertion follows from Corollary 1.6.2. Consequently, φ · XL0 is pseudo-null, being annihilated by relatively prime ε and ε0. Thus, XL0 ∼ XL0/φ · XL0. By taking W = XL0 in (10) we obtain the exact sequence

0 // Ll

i=1(Λ(Γ)/(fi))ci ι // XL0 // M // 0 ,

for some non-negative integers c1, ..., cland some pseudo-null M . By comparing this exact sequence with (11) using the fact that Λ(Γ)/(φ, ξi) is pseudo-null, we see that XL/φXL∼ XL0 if and only if ci = ai for each i. We shall only show c1= a1, as the rest can be proved in a similar way.

First choose a ξ ∈ Λ(Γ) that annihilates M and is relatively prime to φ. Let Eωdenote the field OωQp and via Λ(Γ) pω // Oω ⊂ Eω we consider the map ιω:= EωΛ(Γ)ι for an

ω ∈ ∆f1− (∆f2∪ · · · ∪ ∆fl∪ ∆ξ∪ ∆ξ1∪ · · · ∪ ∆ξm).

Now the Eω-vector space EωΛ(Γ)M = 0 as it is annihilated by pω(ξ) 6= 0. Similarly, as pω(fi) 6= 0 for i ≥ 2, EωΛ(Γ)Λ(Γ)/(fi) = 0 . On the other hand, as pω(f1) = 0, EωΛ(Γ)Λ(Γ)/(f1) = Eω. Also, ker[ιω] = 0 as it is annihilated by pω(ξ). Therefore, ιω is an isomorphism between Eωc1 and EωΛ(Γ)XL0. Hence

rankOωOωΛ(Γ)XL0 = dimEωEωΛ(Γ)XL0 = c1. Then we deduce s(ω−1) = c1by using (5) together with the fact that




(Selp(A/L)Gal(L/F ))div)−1)= (OωXL0/ ker[pω] XL0)' (OωΛ(Γ)XL0). Similarly, by tensoring the exact sequence (11) with Eω, we get a1= s(ω−1), whence a1= c1. 

By Theorem 5 there are non-negative integers a01, ..., a0l, a001, ..., a00l with a00i ≤ a0i ≤ ai, so that YL∼ (Λ(Γ)/(f1))a01⊕ · · · ⊕ (Λ(Γ)/(fl))a0l and ZL ∼ (Λ(Γ)/(f1))a001 ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Λ(Γ)/(fl))a00l.



1.7. Algebraic functional equations. Let ] : Λ(Γ) −→ Λ(Γ), x 7→ x], denote the Zp-algebra isomorphism induced by the involution γ 7→ γ−1, γ ∈ Γ. For each Λ(Γ)-module W , let W] denote the Λ(Γ)-module with the same underlying abelian group as W , while Λ(Γ) acting via the isomorphism ]. For a simple element f we have (Λ(Γ)/(f ))] = Λ(Γ)/(f ). Thus, if XL is torsion, the we have the functional equations XL0] ∼ XL0, YL] ∼ YL and ZL] ∼ ZL as well. Taking the projective limit over F of the dual of

0 // Selp(A/F )div // Selp(A/F ) //X(A/F )p/X(A/F )div // 0, where X(A/F ) denote the Shafarevich-Tate group, we obtain the exact sequence

0 // aL // XL // YL // 0, where

aL := lim


(X(A/F )p/X(A/F )div).

Then by using the Cassels-Tate pairing on each X(A/F )p× X(At/F )p, one can actually prove the pseudo-isomorphisms a]L ∼ aL and XL] ∼ XL. The proof is given in [LLTT13], in which the content of Theorem 5 actually plays a key role.

1.7.1. aLis torsion. The following is proved in [LLTT13] by using Theorem 3, while if every v ∈ S is a good ordinary place, then it can be proved by the control theorem.

t:a1 Theorem 6. The module aL is finitely generated and torsion over Λ(Γ).


1.8. When is XM torsion? For convenience, call an intermediate extension M of L/K simple, if Gal(M/K) ' Zcp, for some c. For such M , by repeatedly applying Theorem 1, we deduce e:d-c

e:d-c (12) pL/ML) · % = ΘM· ϑ,

where % 6= 0 and ϑ is a product of local factors obtained from those ϑv’s in Theorem 1. It is easy to see that ϑ 6= 0 unless M is fixed by the decomposition subgroup Γv of some split-multiplicative place v ∈ S. Thus, the following theorem is proved by taking

T= {LΓv | v ∈ S is a split-multiplicative place}.

t:nontor Theorem 7. Suppose XL is non-torsion. If L/K only ramifies at good ordinary places, then XM is non-torsion, for every simple intermediate extension M . In general, there is a finite set T consisting of proper simple intermediate extensions of L/K, such that XM is non-torsion unless M ⊂ Mj for some Mj∈ T.

By (12), if ΘM = 0, then pL/ML) = 0. Put TM := {ω ∈ bΓ | ω(γ) = 1, for all γ ∈ Gal(L/M )}, the Zp-flat of codimension d − c determined by M . Then pL/ML) = 0 if and only if TM ⊂ ∆ΘL, or equivalently, TM ⊂ Tj for some j if ∆ΘL = Sν

j=1Tj. Let Mj be the maximal simple intermediate extension of L/K, so that TMj ⊂ Tj. Then the following theorem is proved by setting

T= {Mj | j = 1, ..., ν}.

Theorem 8. Suppose XL is torsion. Then there is a finite set T consisting of proper simple intermediate extensions of L/K, such that for each simple intermediate extension M outside T, XM is torsion.

Hence, if d = 2 and XL is non-torsion (resp. torsion), then XM is non-torsion (resp. torsion) for almost all intermediate Zp-extensions M .



1.9. The growth of sn. Let Kn denote the nth layer of L/K and write In for the kernel of Λ(Γ) // //Zp[Γ(Kn)] . Then Selp(A/L)Gal(L/Kn) is the Pontryagin dual of XL/InXL, whence cofinitely generated over Zp. Let sn denote its corank. Theorem 9 below gives an asymptotic formula of sn. The following lemma as well as its proof is by I. Longhi. Denote En = Qppn), En= pn(d−2), for d ≥ 2; En= 1, for d = 1. Let J be an ideal of Λ(Γ).

Lemma 1.9.1. (Longhi) If J = (fγ,ζm) for some positive integer m and δζ := [Qp(ζ) : Qp] then l:longhi


e:assytoticf (13) rankZpΛ/(In+ J ) = δζ · pn(d−1) for n  0 .

If J = (f ), f not divided by any simple element, or (f, g) ⊂ J , for some relatively prime f , g, then e:assytoticfg

e:assytoticfg (14) rankZpΛ/(In+ J ) = O(En).

Proof. Write Γn= Γ(Kn) and Vn := EnZp(Λ/In). Then

rankZpΛ/(In+ J ) = dimEnEnZp Λ/(In+ J ) = dimEn(Vn/J Vn) . One has a decomposition of En-vector spaces

Vn= ⊕ω∈bΓ


Moreover dimEnVn(ω)= 1 because Vn ' Enn] is the regular representation. Obviously J Vn(ω)=

(0 if pω(J ) = 0 Vn(ω) if pω(J ) 6= 0 . Denote ∆J= {ω ∈ bΓ | pω(J ) = 0}. Then

dimEn(Vn/J Vn) = |{ω ∈ bΓn: pω(J ) = 0}| = |∆J∩ bΓn| = |∆J[pn]|

(the last equality comes from bΓn = bΓ[pn]). Here G[pn] denotes the pn torsion subgroup of G.

Monsky’s theorem yields ∆J=S Tj, where the Tj’s are Zp-flats. Besides, by [Mon81, Lemma 1.6],

|Tj[pn]| = pn(d−kj) for n  0,

where kj denotes the codimension of Tj. If J = (fγ,ζm), then every Ti is of codimension 1. Hence dimEn(Vn/(fγ,ζm)Vn) = |∆(fm

γ,ζ)[pn]| = δζ· pn(d−1) for n  0 .

To show the second assertion we observe that every Ti should be of codimension greater than 1, because if some Tj = Tγ;ζ, then ∆fγ,ζ⊂ ∆J, whence fγ,ζ divides all elements of J . Thus,

dimEn(Vn/J Vn) = |∆J[pn]| = O(En).

 t:mw Theorem 9. There exists a non-negative integer κ1 such that

(15) sn= κ1pnd+ O(pn(d−1)).

XL is torsion if and only if κ1= 0, in this case there exists a non-negative integer κ2 such that e:kappa2

e:kappa2 (16) sn= κ2pn(d−1)+ O(En).

XL0 is pseudo-null if and only if sn= O(En).


Proof. Suppose W is a finitely generated Λ(Γ)-module. Then (10) gives rise to the exact sequence 0 // Lli=1(Λ(Γ)/(fibi))a1⊕Lm

j=1Λ(Γ)/(ξι i) // W // M // 0

for some pseudo-null M . Then we tensor the exact sequence with EnZpΛ(Γ)/In. Since M is annihilated by some relatively prime f and g, both M/InM and TorΛ(Γ)(Λ(Γ)/In, M ) are quotients of some direct sums of finite copies of Vn/(f, g)Vn. Hence, formulae (13) and (14) imply


e:assytoticw (17) rankZpW/InW = dimEnEnZpW/InW =X


δipn(d−1)+ O(En),

where δi = δζi if fi = fγii. If XL is torsion, then we take W = XL to prove (16). In this case, XL0 is pseudo-null if and only if l = 0 (see Theorem 5) which meansP

iδi= 0.

Suppose XL is non-torsion. Then ∆ΘL = bΓ, whence by Theorem 3, s(ω) > 0 for all ω. Since (6) is of finite kernel and cokernel, we have

rankZpXL0/InXL0 = corankZp(Selp(A/L)Gal(L/Kn))div ≥ pnd.

By (17), XL0 is non-torsion, and hence not pseudo-null. Let x1, ..., xκ1 ∈ XL form a basis of the vector space generated by XLover the field of fractions of Λ(Γ). Then we have an exact sequence

0 // PiΛ(Γ) · xi // XL // W // 0,

where W is a torsion Λ(Γ)-module. Then we tensor the exact sequence with EnZpΛ(Γ)/In.  Remark 1.9.2. By a similar argument, one can prove that: (1) There exists a finite number of Zp-flats T1, ..., Tl so that s(ω) = κ1 for each ω 6∈S

iTi. (2) If XL is torsion, then for each Zp-flat T ⊂ ∆ΘL, there is a finite number of proper Zp-flats T10, ..., Tν0 ⊂ T so that s(ω) is a constant for each ω ∈ T −S

iTi0. (3) There is a bound of s(ω) for all ω ∈ bΓ.

Also, Theorem 9 generalizes [MaRu03, Proposition 1.1], as we have sn = rank A(Kn) if L/K only ramifies at good ordinary places and X(A/Kn)p is finite.

2. preliminary s:pre

In this section, we assume that Γ ' Zdp, with d ≥ 0, except in Lemma 2.1.1 and Lemma 2.3.1, where we assume d ≥ 1. If d = 0, we set Λ(Γ) = Zp; otherwise, Gal(L/L0) = Ψ ' Zp is topologically generated by ψ. Let F denote a finite intermediate extension of L/K.


2.1. The characteristic ideal. Let W be a finitely generated Λ(Γ)-module. Recall that W is pseudo-null if and only if there are relatively prime elements f1, ..., fn, n ≥ 2, in Λ(Γ) so that fi· W = 0 for every i. If W is non-torsion over Λ(Γ), then

χΛ(Γ)(W ) = 0.

If W is torsion, then there exist irreducible ξ1, ..., ξm∈ Λ(Γ), and a pseudo-isomorphism φ :Lm

i=1Λ(Γ)/ξiriΛ(Γ) // W, [Bou72, §4.4, Theorem 5]. In this case, the characteristic ideal is

χΛ(Γ)(W ) =




i)ri 6= 0.


[W ] =






Since each non-zero element in [W ] cannot be simultaneously annihilated by relatively primes ele- ments in Λ(Γ), there is no non-trivial pseudo-null submodule of [W ], and hence φ is an embedding.

We shall fix a exact sequence (with N pseudo-null):


e:pseu (18) 0 // [W] // W // N // 0.

l:coco Lemma 2.1.1. Suppose M is a Λ(Γ)-module and Γ0 is a closed subgroup of Γ such that the composition Γ0  // Γ // // Γ0 is an isomorphism. If M considered as a Λ(Γ0)-module is finitely generated and torsion, then

χΛ(Γ0)(MΨ) = χΛ(Γ0)(M/(ψ − 1)M ).

Proof. It follows from the exact sequence of Λ(Γ0)-modules:

0 //MΨ // M ψ−1 // M // M/(ψ − 1)M // 0.


2.2. The Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence. In this subsection, let K be any field. Let S be a sheaf of abelian groups on the flat topology of K and let F /K be a finite Galois extension with G = Gal(F /K). Then there is the Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence


e:spect (19) E2p,q = Hp(G, Hq(F , S)) =⇒ Hp+q(K, S), and in particular (see [Mil80, p.105]), the exact sequence


e:infres (20) 0 // H1(G, S(F ))

infF /K1

// H1(K, S)

res1F /K

// H1(F , S)G


ssgggggggggggggggggggggggggg H2(G, S(F ))

infF /K2 // kerhres2F /Ki

// H1(G, H1(F , S))

d1,1F // H3(G, S(F )), where for each i, infF /Ki : Hi(G, S(F )) −→ Hi(K, S) and resiF /K: Hi(K, S) −→ Hi(F , S) denote the inflation and the restriction maps.

l:spc Lemma 2.2.1. Suppose K ⊂ E ⊂ F and E /K is Galois with Gal(F /E ) = H. Then we have commutative diagrams:


e:spcoh1 (21) H1(K, S)


// H1(E , S)G/H d

0,1 E //

res0,1F /E

H2(G/H, S(E ))

infF /E2

H1(K, S)

res1F /K

// H1(F , S)G


// H2(G, S(F )), and


e:spcoh3 (22) kerh



H1(G/H, H1(E , S))



res1,1F /E

H3(G/H, S(E ))

infF /E3


res2F /Ki

// H1(G, H1(F , S)) d


F //// H3(G, S(F )), where

resi,jF /E : Hi(G/H, Hj(E , S)) −→ Hi(G, Hj(F , S))


is induced by the restriction map Hj(E , S) −→ Hj(F , S) that respects the actions of G/H (on the left-hand side ) and G (on the right-hand side ).

Proof. Recall that if the complex C is an injective resolution of S (in the category of sheaves on the flat site of Spec K) and the bi-complex I is a fully injective (Cartan-Eilenberg) resolution of C(F ) (in the category of G-modules), then the spectral sequence (19) is obtained from the bi-complex IG (with (IG)pq = (Ipq)G, the part of Ipq fixed by G). Let the bi-complex J be a fully injective resolution of C(E ) (in the category of G/H-modules) that gives rise to the spectral sequence

E2p,q= Hp(G/H, Hq(E , S)) =⇒ Hp+q(K, S).

Since an injective G/H-module is also injective as G-module, we have a G-morphism J −→ I. The commutative diagrams are obtained from the induced morphism JG/H −→ IG.  We are mostly interested in the case where G is cyclic. Denote g = |G|, h = |H|. We fix a generator of G and choose its H-coset as a generator of G/H. Then we have the commutative diagram (see [Ser79, VIII.4]):

H2(G/H, Z)


Hom(G/H, Q/Z) Z/hgZ

H2(G, Z) Hom(G, Q/Z) Z/gZ,

where the right down-arrow is induced by the homomorphism Z −→ Z, 1 7→ h. Let δG∈ H2(G, Z) be the class corresponding to 1 (mod gZ) in the above diagram. Then we have the induced commutative diagram:


e:inf2 (23) S(K)/ NG/H(S(E ))

Hb0(G/H, S(E )) // H2(G/H, S(E ))

infF /E2

S(K)/ NG(S(F )) Hb0(G, S(F )) // H2(G, S(F )),

where the upper and lower right-arrows are, respectively, cup-product with δG/H and δG, and the left down-arrow is induced by the multiplication by h on S(K). Similarly, we have the commutative diagram


e:inf3 (24) H1(G/H, S(E )) //

H3(G/H, S(E ))

infF /E3

H1(G, S(F )) // H3(G, S(F )), where the left down-arrow is the h multiple of infF /E1 .


2.3. Cohomology groups of A[p]. In this section let D be a discrete p-primary abelian group cofinitely generated over Zp.

2.3.1. Assume that Γ acts continuously on D.

l:cofito Lemma 2.3.1. Suppose DΓ is finite. Write C1 = H1(Ψ, D), C2 = DΨ. Then C1 is finitely generated over Zp and

χΛ(Γ0)(C1) =

Λ(Γ0)(C2), if d ≥ 2;

χΛ(Γ0)(C2/C2∩ Ddiv), if d = 1.


Proof. Denote Ψ(n) = Ψpn and Ψn = Ψ/Ψ(n). Every x ∈ D is fixed by Ψ(n), for some n. If x is of order pm, then, for l ≥ n + m, the norm NΨl(x) = 0, and hence x determines a class in H1l, DΨ(l)). Therefore, C1= D/(ψ − 1)D and consequently, C1 = (D)Ψ. On the other hand, C2= D/(ψ − 1)D. If d ≥ 2, then the lemma follows from Lemma 2.1.1, as D, being finitely generated over Zp, is torsion over Λ(Γ0) for any choice of Γ0. If d = 1, then Ψ = Γ and DΨ is finite. It follows that Ddiv −→ Ddiv, x 7→ (ψ − 1)x, is surjective. Thus, the snake lemma for the multiplication of (ψ − 1) on the exact sequence

0 −→ Ddiv −→ D −→ ¯D −→ 0 gives rise to the exact sequence

0 −→ DΨdiv −→ C2−→ ¯DΨ−→ 0 as well as the isomorphism

C1' ¯D/(ψ − 1) ¯D.

Since ¯D is torsion over Λ(Γ0) = Zp, for Γ0= 0 = Γ0, Lemma 2.1.1 and the above exact sequences imply χZp(C1) = χZp( ¯DΨ) = χZp(C2/C2∩ Ddiv). Now, C1' C1, as C1is finite.  c:chicoh1 Corollary 2.3.2. If d ≥ 3, then H1(Ψ, A[p](L)) is pseudo-null over Λ(Γ0). In general,

χΛ(Γ0)(H1(Ψ, A[p](L))) =

Λ(Γ0)(A[p](L0)), if d ≥ 2;

(|A[p](K)∩A[p|A[p](K)|](L)div|), if d = 1.

Proof. The second assertion is immediately from Lemma 2.3.1. Since A[p](L0)is finitely gener- ated over Zp, it is pseudo-null over Λ(Γ0), if d ≥ 3, whence the first assertion follows.  c:cofito Corollary 2.3.3. Suppose Γ ' Zp and D is finite. Then

| H1(Γ, D)| = |DΓ|.

2.3.2. Next, consider the case where a topological group C ' Zp acts continuously on D. We are going to discuss some associated modules over Λ(C) := Zp[[C]] as well as their characteristic ideals.

Denote C(m) = Cpm and Dm = DC(m) for m = 0, 1, ..., ∞. Also, denote Gmm0 = C(m)/C(m0) for m0= m, ...., ∞. Define M := lim←−mDm, with the limit taken over norm maps NGm0

m : Dm0 −→ Dm. Define N := D, the Pontryagin dual of D, and T := lim←−nD[pn], the Tate-module of D.

Let c be a topological generator of C. Let 1, ..., m, counted with multiplicities, be the eigen- values of the action of c on T. Note that 1· · · m= det(c) is a p-adic unit, and hence so is each

i. Also, j= 1 for some j if and only if D0= DC is infinite.

p:torcomp Lemma 2.3.4. We have χZp((D0∩ Ddiv)) =Qm

j=1(1 − j) =Qm

j=1(1 − −1j ).

Proof. Let N0 denote the Zp free part of N. Then (D0∩ Ddiv) = N0/(c − 1)N0 whose p-adic valuation is the same as that of the determinant (of 1 − c acting on QpZpN0)

det(1 − c) =




(1 − −1j ) = ±




−1j (1 − j).

 p:torcomp1 Proposition 2.3.5. Suppose Dmis finite for each m. Then M ∼ T as Λ(C)-modules, and

χΛ(C)(M) = χΛ(C)(T) = (




(1 − −1j c)),



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