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Groups . . . 2103


Academic year: 2022

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Volume 28, Number 4, 2000


Reciprocity Laws for Simple Algebras over Function Fields of

Number Curves . . . 1657 V. I. Guletskil and V. I. Yanchevskii

The Automorphism Group of the Derived Category for a

Weighted Projective L i n e . . . 1685 H. Lenzing and H. Meltzer

Semi-invariants of Actions of Multiplier Hopf A l g e b r a s . . . 1701 L. Delvanx and A. Van Daele

Enumeration of Subgroups in the Fundamental Groups of

Orientable Circle Bundles over Surfaces... 1717 V. Liskovets and A. Mednykh

Picard Groups for Graded Coalgebras . . . 1739 J. Cuadra, J. R. Garcia Rozas, and B. Torrecillas

On the Topology of a Generic Fiber of a Polynomial Function... 1767 E. Artal, I. Luengo, and A. Melle

Irreducible Representations of Finite Exceptional Groups of Lie

Type Containing Matrices with Simple Spectra . . . 1789 I. D. Suprunenko and A. E. Zaiesskii

A Triangularity Result for Associated Varieties of Highest

Weight Modules... 1835 W. M. McGovern

Morphisms of Double Frobenius Algebras. I . . . 1845 M. Koppinen

On the Monotonicity of the Hilbert Function of the Sally

Module . . . 1861 L. Rodriguez Doering and M. Vaz Pinto

On Some Examples of Simple Quantum G r o u p s . . . 1867 C. Hoffman



viii CONTENTS On Groups with rf-Generator Subgroups of Coprime Index . . . 1875 A. Lucchini

The Trace Formula for Braided Hopf Algebras . . . 1881 Y. Doi

On the Order of the Unitary Subgroup of a Modular Group

A l g e b r a . . . 1897 V. Bovdi and A. L. Rosa

On Generalized Stable Rings . . . 1907 H. Chen

On Quasi-duality M o d u l e s . . . 1919 K. R. Fuller and W. Xue

Computing 2-Cocycles for Central Extensions and Relative

Difference Sets . . . 1939 D. L. Flannery and E. A. 0 'Brien

Near-Dedekind Rings . . . 1957 A. W. Chatters

Normal Ideals of Graded Rings . . . 1971

S. Faridi

Field Theory for the Function Field of the Quintic Fermat

C u r v e . . . 1979 K. Miura and H. Yoshihara

Tresse et Structure Entiere sur la Categoric des Representations

de SL/^ Q u a n t i q u e . . . 1989 A. Bruguieres

Clifford Theory of B i m o d u l e s . . . 2029 A. Marcus

Injective Comodules for 2 x 2 Quantum M a t r i c e s . . . 2043 W. Chin and L. Krop

Symmetric Powers of Modular Representations, Hilbert Series,

and Degree Bounds . . . 2059 /. Hughes and G. Kemper

Lifts of Quantum Groups in Prime Characteristic . . . 2089 A. Brown and R. Fioresi

Arrangements of Ideals in a Commutative Algebra . . . 2097 S. Itoh


CONTENTS ix One Point Stabilizers in Almost Simple Sharp Permutation

Groups . . . 2103

D. P. Brozovic

On Free Partially Associative Triple S y s t e m s . . . 2131 M. Bremner

Finitely Cotilting M o d u l e s . . . 2147 L. Angeleri Hugel

Espaces Homogenes Generiquement T r i v i a u x . . . 2173

A. Leyssens

More on B-Injectors of Sporadic Groups . . . 2185

M. I. M. Alali, Ch. Hering, and A. Neumann

Une Classe d'Algebres Ponderees de Degre 4 . . . 2191

C. Mallol andA. Suazo

Finite Subcategories and Heredity Chains . . . 2201

B. Deng



algebra with applications to modular invariant theory of finite groups 4689 Jean-Louis Tu, Groupoid cohomology and extensions 4721 G.. Dranishnikov, A Hurewicz-type

A new critical pair theorem applied to sum-free sets in Abelian groups 208 Elduque, A. Quaternions, octonions and the forms of the exceptional simple classical

A Correspondence Between Conjugacy Classes and Irreducible Characters of Finite

Use existing knowledge of chars, Deligne-Lusztig theory, and the theory of dual pairs and Weil characters of classical groups to construct explicitly irreducible characters

ix Twisted Group Algebras Satisfying a Generalized

Bruno, B., Dalle Molle, M., and Napolitani, E: On finitary linear groups with a locally nilpotent maximal subgroup.. 401 Honold, T.: Characterization of finite

Recursion Formulas for Some Abelian Knot Invariants 413

Normal Hopf subalgebras in cocycle deformations of finite groups 501