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The Relationships between Spatial Environment and Feng Shui Taboo of University Student Rental Housing 謝一嘉、黃俊熹


Academic year: 2022

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The Relationships between Spatial Environment and Feng Shui Taboo of University Student Rental Housing


E-mail: 9707861@mail.dyu.edu.tw


In the geomancy theory operation system tradition divides into two main parts, which are the school of Luan Tou and the school of Li Chi. But process urbanization, modernized vicissitude, housing space appearance already entirely different, the geomancy development also has the transformation, two school of theory mutual influences interlock. In recent centuries, Feng Shui is nearly complete formula in verse, the taboo list item by item, in order to the wind naval forces and the populace all may remember, may bang-bang the upper opening. The geomancy theory and the folk custom have had the interaction relations, but these taboos form idee fixe, directly from master to disciple, thus plant the will of the people deeply, has affected the environment mold imperceptibly.

This research compiles each house method taboo idea by cultural heritage review, and converts it into more reasonable grade point data, according to with carry on observing grade point to the environment of the university outside of school accommodation space, from as a result win election fit live and have imperfection to need to take in to improve or isn't suitable for to live suggestion to as soon as possible move to leave of case. The accommodation space pattern scope of research is to row housing, apartment, single house, single-storied home,4 types such as hospital or the first floor an one-storied house etc..Use scientific instrument first to aim at indoor physical environment factor (NO2, VOC, CO2, relative humidity, indoor temperature) to carry on measuring a ratio rightness. Connect down the outside of school accommodation of the university neighborhood the student is to the big leaf the interview of the enforcement questionnaire, the cent is carried on with 4, such as health, luck in making money, studies and relationship...etc. and the collection is visited a student to is subjected to the condition that the environment influences .Finally comprehensive above of inquisition and questionnaire result, the exploitation crosses form connection analysis and judge four types of above study accommodation space environment and be subjected to a house method taboo influence of health, luck in making money, studies, relationship...etc. are four types of connection strength, find as a result, together pattern accommodation the space good and bad case of the score fall bad more the big, it health, luck in making money, studies, relationship etc. four types of connection strengths are more high.

Keywords : Feng Shui ; Feng Shui Taboo ; Student Rental Housing ; Factors of Physical Environment Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書iii 中文摘要iv 英文摘要v 誌謝vii 目錄viii 圖目錄xiii 表目錄xviii 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究緣起動機 1 第二節 研究目的、內容 2 第三節 研究流程圖 5 第二章 文獻回顧 第一節 國內外學者對中國風水之評述 6 第二節 住宅環境 科學 13 第三節 風水起源與歷史 22 第三章 傳統陽宅風水觀的主要流派 第一節 流派與代表人物 29 第二節 形勢派思想 31 第 三節 理氣派思想 41 第四節 形勢派與理氣派之比較 53 第四章 風水文獻之陽宅理論 第一節 風水宅法禁忌的整理 55 第二節 風水文獻之評述 56 第三節 禁忌內容文獻整理 67 第五章 研究方法 第一節 研究對象及範圍 91 第二節 調查工具 92 第三節 調查方法 96 第四節 研究變數的探討 97 第五節 操作架構 114 第六章 風水案例調查與分析 第一節 連棟式宿舍案例介紹與統 計分析 115 第二節 公寓案例介紹與統計分析 161 第三節 獨棟案例介紹與統計分析 205 第四節 中式獨院或一樓平房案例介 紹與統計分析 248 第五節 四類型住屋型式數據整合統計分析 291 第七章 結論與建議 參考書目 322 附錄一 宿舍環境問卷 調查表 325 附錄二 風水評分表 326


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