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(b) Let e1(p) and e2(p) be the vectors in Tp(R2) defined by v1(p


Academic year: 2022

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1. Homework 11

(1) Let U = {(x, y) ∈ R2: y > 0}. Then U is an open subset of R2. Let p = (x0, y0) ∈ U be any point. On Tp(R2), we define

(1.1) h(a, b)p, (c, d)piTp(R2) = ac + bd y20 for any (a, b)p and (c, d)p in Tp(R2).

(a) Prove that h·, ·iTp(R2) defines an inner product on Tp(R2) for each p ∈ U.

(b) Let e1(p) and e2(p) be the vectors in Tp(R2) defined by v1(p) = (y0, 0)p, v2(p) = (0, y0)p.

Show that {v1(p), v2(p)} forms an orthonormal basis for Tp(R2) with respect to the inner product defined by (1.1).

(c) Let {θ1(p), θ2(p)} be the dual basis to the basis {v1(p), v2(p)} defined in Problem 1b. Express θ1(p) and θ2(p) in terms of {dxp, dyp}.

(d) We obtain two one forms {θ1, θ2} on U by considering p 7→ θi(p) for i = 1, 2.

Compute dθ1 and dθ2.

(e) Prove that there is a unique one form ω on U so that dθ1 = ω ∧ θ2, dθ2 = −ω ∧ θ1. Compute ω and dω.

(f) Since {θ1(p), θ2(p)} is a basis for Tp(R2) which is the dual basis to {e1(p), e2(p)}, in class, we learned that {θ1(p) ∧ θ2(p)} forms a basis for Λ2Tp(R2). Since ω is an one form, dω is a two form. Find the unique number K(p) so that

(dω)(p) = −K(p)(θ1(p) ∧ θ2(p)).

(2) Let (y1, y2, y3) be the coordinate functions on R3 and (x1, x2) be the coordinate functions on R2. Let f : R2→ R3 be a smooth function, where

f (x1, x2) = (f1(x1, x2), f2(x1, x2), f3(x1, x2)), (x1, x2) ∈ R3. (a) Express fdy1 and fdy2 and fdy3 in terms of dx1 and dx2. (b) Compute f(dyi∧ dyj) for 1 ≤ i < j ≤ 3.

(3) Let f : Rn→ Rm be a smooth function. Assume that η a smooth r-form and ω be a smooth s-form on Rm.

(a) Prove that ds(fω) = f(dsω). Here dsω is the derivative of ω.

(b) Prove that f(ω ∧ η) = (fω) ∧ (fη).

(4) Prove that dr(dr−1ω) = 0 for any smooth r − 1 form ω on Rn. (5) Let η a smooth r-form and ω be a smooth s-form on Rn. Prove that

dr+s(η ∧ ω) = (drη) ∧ ω + (−1)rη ∧ (dsω).




Since f ′(c) is the slope of the tangent line at the point (c, f(c)), the Mean Value Theorem, in the form given by. Equation 1, says that there is at least one point P(c, f(c)) on

Department of Mathematics, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, fjmliou@mail.ncku.edu.tw

Since B is open and connected, by coincidence principle (identity theorem), g must be the zero function, i.e. In other words, p is an accumulation point


Since p is an arbitrary chosen point of U and p is an interior point of U, U is open.. We see that p is never an interior point

In fact, the statement is true if p &lt;


Let P be a point on the line segment that join B to the origin.. Find the position of P that minimizes the sum of distances between P and the three vertices of the