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On SDP and ESDP Relaxation of Sensor Network Localization


Academic year: 2022

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Paul Tseng

Mathematics, University of Washington Seattle

7th Int. Conf. Num. Optim. Num. Lin. Algeb., Lijiang August 9, 2009

(joint work with Ting Kei Pong)


Talk Outline

• Sensor network localization

• SDP, ESDP relaxations: properties and soln accuracy certificate


Talk Outline

• Sensor network localization

• SDP, ESDP relaxations: properties and soln accuracy certificate

• A robust version of ESDP to handle noises

• Log-barrier penalty CGD method


Talk Outline

• Sensor network localization

• SDP, ESDP relaxations: properties and soln accuracy certificate

• A robust version of ESDP to handle noises

• Log-barrier penalty CGD method

• Numerical simulations

• Conclusion & Ongoing work


Sensor Network Localization

Basic Problem


• n pts in <2.

• Know last n − m pts (‘anchors’) xm+1, ..., xn and Eucl. dist. estimate for pairs of ‘neighboring’ pts

dij ≥ 0 ∀(i, j) ∈ A with A ⊆ {(i, j) : 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n}.

• Estimate first m pts (‘sensors’).


Sensor Network Localization

Basic Problem


• n pts in <2.

• Know last n − m pts (‘anchors’) xm+1, ..., xn and Eucl. dist. estimate for pairs of ‘neighboring’ pts

dij ≥ 0 ∀(i, j) ∈ A with A ⊆ {(i, j) : 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n}.

• Estimate first m pts (‘sensors’).

History? Graph realization/rigidty, Euclidean matrix completion, position estimation in wireless sensor network, ...


Optimization Problem Formulation

υopt := min




kxi − xjk2 − d2ij


Optimization Problem Formulation

υopt := min




kxi − xjk2 − d2ij

• Objective function is nonconvex. m can be large (m ≥ 1000).

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• Problem is NP-hard (reduction from PARTITION).

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• Local improvement heuristics can fail badly.

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Optimization Problem Formulation

υopt := min




kxi − xjk2 − d2ij

• Objective function is nonconvex. m can be large (m ≥ 1000).

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• Problem is NP-hard (reduction from PARTITION).

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• Local improvement heuristics can fail badly.

6. .


• Use a convex (SDP, SOCP) relaxation (& local improvement).

Low soln accuracy OK. Distributed computation preferred.


SDP Relaxation

Let X := [x1 · · · xm]. Y = XTX ⇐⇒ Z =  Y XT


 0, rankZ = 2


SDP Relaxation

Let X := [x1 · · · xm]. Y = XTX ⇐⇒ Z =  Y XT


 0, rankZ = 2 SDP relaxation (Biswas,Ye ’03):

υsdp := min




yii − 2xTj xi + kxjk2 − d2ij

+ X


yii − 2yij + yjj − d2ij s.t. Z =  Y XT



Adding the nonconvex constraint rankZ = 2 yields original problem.

But SDP relaxation is still expensive to solve for m large..


ESDP Relaxation

ESDP relaxation (Wang, Zheng, Boyd, Ye ’06):

υesdp := min




yii − 2xTj xi + kxjk2 − d2ij

+ X


yii − 2yij + yjj − d2ij s.t. Z =  Y XT


yii yij xTi yij yjj xTj xi xj I

  0 ∀(i, j) ∈ A, i < j ≤ m

0 ≤ υesdp ≤ υsdp ≤ υopt. In simulation, ESDP is nearly as strong as SDP, and solvable much faster by IP method.


Example 1

n = 3, m = 1, d12 = d13 = 2



0 = min


|kx1 − 1

0 k2 − 4| + |kx1 − −1

0  k2 − 4|


SDP/ESDP Relaxation


0 = min



|y11 − 2α − 3| + |y11 + 2α − 3|


y11 α β

α 1 0

β 0 1

  0

If solve SDP/ESDP by IP method, then likely get analy. center y11 = 3, x1 = h

0 0



Example 2

n = 4, m = 1, d12 = d13 = 2, d14 = 1



0 = min


|kx1 − 1

0 k2 − 4| + |kx1 − −1

0  k2 − 4| + |kx1 − h

1 3

ik2 − 1|


SDP/ESDP Relaxation


0 = min



|y11 − 2α − 3| + |y11 + 2α − 3| + |y11 − 2α − 2√

3β + 3|


y11 α β

α 1 0

β 0 1

  0

SDP/ESDP has unique soln y11 = 3, x1 = h

0 3



Properties of SDP & ESDP Relaxations

Assume each i ≤ m is conn. to some j > m in the graph ({1, ..., n}, A).

Fact 0


• Sol(SDP) and Sol(ESDP) are nonempty, closed, convex.

• If

dij = kxtruei − xtruej k ∀ (i, j) ∈ A “noiseless case”

(xtruei = xi ∀ i > m), then

υopt = υsdp = υesdp = 0 and

Ztrue :=  Xtrue I T

 Xtrue I 

is a soln of SDP and ESDP (i.e., Ztrue ∈ Sol(SDP) ⊆ Sol(ESDP)).


Let tri[Z] := yii − kxik2, i = 1, ..., m. “ith trace”

Fact 1

(Biswas,Ye ’03, T ’07, Wang et al ’06): For each i,

tri[Z] = 0 ∃Z ∈ ri(Sol(ESDP)) =⇒ xi is invariant over Sol(ESDP) (so xi = xtruei in noiseless case) Still true with “ESDP” changed to “SDP”.


Let tri[Z] := yii − kxik2, i = 1, ..., m. “ith trace”

Fact 1

(Biswas,Ye ’03, T ’07, Wang et al ’06): For each i,

tri[Z] = 0 ∃Z ∈ ri(Sol(ESDP)) =⇒ xi is invariant over Sol(ESDP) (so xi = xtruei in noiseless case) Still true with “ESDP” changed to “SDP”.

Fact 2

(Pong, T ’09): Suppose υopt = 0. For each i,

tri[Z] = 0 ∀Z ∈ Sol(ESDP) ⇐= xi is invariant over Sol(ESDP).

Proof is by induction, starting from sensors that neighbor anchors.

(Q: True for SDP?)


Proof idea


• If (i, j) ∈ A and xi, xj are invar. over Sol(ESDP), then tri[Z] = trj[Z]

∀Z ∈ Sol(ESDP).

• Suppose ∃i ≤ m such that xi is invar. over Sol(ESDP) but tri[ ¯Z] > 0 for some ¯Z ∈ Sol(ESDP). Consider maximal ¯I ⊂ {1, . . . , m} such that xi is invar. over Sol(ESDP) and tri[ ¯Z] > 0 ∀i ∈ ¯I.

• Then xi is not invar. over Sol(ESDP) ∀i ∈ N (¯I).

So ∃Z ∈ ri(Sol(ESDP)) with xi 6= ¯xi ∀i ∈ N (¯I).

• Let Zα = α ¯Z + (1 − α)Z with α > 0 suff. small.

Can rotate xαi ∀i ∈ ¯I and Zα still remains in Sol(ESDP). ⇒⇐


In practice, there are measurement noises:

d2ij = kxtruei − xtruej k2 + δij ∀(i, j) ∈ A.

When δ := (δij)(i,j)∈A ≈ 0, does tri[Z] = 0 (with Z ∈ ri(Sol(ESDP))) imply xi ≈ xtruei ?


In practice, there are measurement noises:

d2ij = kxtruei − xtruej k2 + δij ∀(i, j) ∈ A.

When δ := (δij)(i,j)∈A ≈ 0, does tri[Z] = 0 (with Z ∈ ri(Sol(ESDP))) imply xi ≈ xtruei ? No!

6. .


Fact 3

(Pong, T ’09): For δ ≈ 0 and for each i,

tri[Z] = 0 ∃Z ∈ ri(Sol(ESDP)) 6=⇒ xi ≈ xtruei . Still true with “ESDP” changed to “SDP”.

Proof is by counter-example.


An example of sensitivity of ESDP solns to measurement noise:

Problem data: m = 2, n = 6;

d12 = p4 + (1 − )2, d13 = 1 + , d14 = 1 − , d25 = d26 = √

2 ( > 0)

Thus, even when Z ∈ Sol(ESDP) is unique, tri[Z] = 0 fails to certify accuracy of xi in the noisy case!


Robust ESDP

Fix any ρij > |δij| ∀(i, j) ∈ A (ρ > |δ|).

Let Sol(ρESDP) denote the set of Z =  Y XT



|yii − 2xTj xi + kxjk2 − d2ij| ≤ ρij ∀(i, j) ∈ A, i ≤ m < j

|yii − 2yij + yjj − d2ij| ≤ ρij ∀(i, j) ∈ A, i < j ≤ m

yii yij xTi yij yjj xTj xi xj I

  0 ∀(i, j) ∈ A, i < j ≤ m

Note: Ztrue =  Xtrue I T

 Xtrue I  ∈ Sol(ρESDP).



Zρ,δ := arg min




− ln det

yii yij xTi yij yjj xTj xi xj I



Zρ,δ := arg min




− ln det

yii yij xTi yij yjj xTj xi xj I

Fact 4

(Pong, T ’09): ∃ η > 0 and ¯ρ > 0 such that for each i, tri[Zρ,δ] < η ∃|δ| < ρ ≤ ¯ρe =⇒ lim

|δ|<ρ→0xρ,δi = xtruei

tri[Zρ,δ] > 10η ∃|δ| < ρ ≤ ¯ρe =⇒ xi not invar. over Sol(ESDP) when δ = 0 Moreover,

kxρ,δi − xtruei k ≤ p

2|A| + m q

tri[Zρ,δ] ∀ |δ| < ρ.


Log-barrier Penalty CGD Method

Efficiently compute Zρ,δ? Let ha(t) := 1

2(t − a)2+ + 1

2(−t − a)2+ (|t| ≤ a ⇐⇒ ha(t) = 0) and

fµ(Z) := X


hρij(yii − 2xTj xi + kxjk2 − d2ij)

+ X


hρij(yii − 2yij + yjj − d2ij)

+µ X


− ln det

yii yij xTi yij yjj xTj xi xj I


• fµ is partially separable, strictly convex & diff. on its domain.

• For each fixed ρ > |δ|, argminfµ → Zρ,δ as µ → 0.


• fµ is partially separable, strictly convex & diff. on its domain.

• For each fixed ρ > |δ|, argminfµ → Zρ,δ as µ → 0.


: Minimize fµ approx. by block-coordinate gradient descent (BCGD). (T,

Yun ’06)


Log-barrier Penalty CGD Method


Given Z in domfµ, compute gradient ∇Zifµ of fµ w.r.t.

Zi := {xi, yii, yij : (i, j) ∈ A} for each i.

• If k∇Zifµk ≥ max{µ, 10−7} for some i, update Zi by moving along the Newton direction −



Zifµ with Armijo stepsize rule.

• Decrease µ when k∇Zifµk < max{µ, 10−6} ∀ i.

µinitial = 10, µfinal = 10−14. Decrease µ by a factor of 10 each time.

Coded in Fortran. Compute Newton direc. by sparse Cholesky.

Computation easily distributes.


Simulation Results

• Compare ρESDP as solved by LPCGD method with ESDP as solved by Sedumi 1.05 Sturm (with the interface to Sedumi coded by Wang et al).


Simulation Results

• Compare ρESDP as solved by LPCGD method with ESDP as solved by Sedumi 1.05 Sturm (with the interface to Sedumi coded by Wang et al).

• Anchors and sensors xtrue1 , ..., xtruen uniformly distributed in [−.5, .5]2, m = .9n. (i, j) ∈ A whenever kxtruei − xtruej k ≤ rr. Set

dij = kxtruei − xtruej k · |1 + σ · ij|, where ij ∼ N (0, 1).


Simulation Results

• Compare ρESDP as solved by LPCGD method with ESDP as solved by Sedumi 1.05 Sturm (with the interface to Sedumi coded by Wang et al).

• Anchors and sensors xtrue1 , ..., xtruen uniformly distributed in [−.5, .5]2, m = .9n. (i, j) ∈ A whenever kxtruei − xtruej k ≤ rr. Set

dij = kxtruei − xtruej k · |1 + σ · ij|, where ij ∼ N (0, 1).

• Sensor i is judged as “accurately positioned” if

tri[Zfound] < (.01 + 30σ)davgij .



n m σ rr cpu/map/errap cpu(cpus)/map/errap 1000 900 0 .06 7/662/1.7e-3 182(104)/669/2.1e-3 1000 900 .01 .06 5/660/2.2e-2 119(42)/720/3.1e-2 2000 1800 0 .06 26/1762/3.1e-4 1157(397)/1742/3.9e-4 2000 1800 .01 .06 20/1699/1.4e-2 966(233)/1746/2.4e-2 10000 9000 0 .02 77/7844/2.3e-3 16411(1297)/6481/2.5e-3 10000 9000 .01 .02 63/8336/1.0e-2 16368(1264)/8593/8.7e-3

• cpu(sec) times are on a HP DL360 workstation, running Linux 3.5. ESDP is solved by Sedumi; cpus:= run time for Sedumi.

• Set ρij = d2ij · ((1 − 2σ)−2 − 1).

• map := # accurately positioned sensors.

errap := maxiaccurate. pos. kxi − xtruei k.


900 sensors, 100 anchors, rr = 0.06, σ = 0.01, solve ρESDP by LPCGD method. xtruei (shown as ∗) and xρ,δi (shown as •) are joined by blue line segment; anchors are shown as ◦.


60 sensors, 4 anchors at corners, rr = 0.3, σ = 0.1. xi (shown as ∗) and xρ,δi (shown as

•) are joined by blue line segment; anchors are shown as ◦. Left: Soln of ρESDP found by LPCGD method. Right: After local gradient improvement.

−0.5 0 0.5





−0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

−0.5 0 0.5





−0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5


Conclusion & Ongoing work

SDP and ESDP solns are sensitive to measurement noise. Has soln accuracy certificate under no noise only (though it works well enough in simulation).

ρESDP solns are more stable. Has soln accuracy certificate under low noise (which works well enough in simulation). Needs to estimate the noise level δ to set ρ. Can ρ > |δ| be


SDP, ESDP, ρESDP solns can be further refined by local improvement. This improves the rmsd when noise level is high (e.g., σ = 0.1).

Approximation bounds? Extensions to handle lower bounds on distances (e.g., (i, j) 6∈ A imply kxtruei − xtruej k > rr)?

Thanks for coming!

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