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Academic year: 2021

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΋ǵ଼நᡏ፾ૈޑۓက ௲ػ೽Ȑ2009ȑගрᡏ፾ૈȐphysical fitnessȑޑۓကǴёຎࣁيᡏ፾ᔈғࢲǵ୏ᆶ ᕉნ Ȑٯӵǹྕࡋǵ਻ংᡂϯ܈ੰࢥ฻ӢનȑޑᆕӝૈΚǶᡏ፾ૈၨӳޑΓӧВதғ ࢲ܈πբύǴவ٣ᡏΚ܄ࢲ୏܈ၮ୏ࣣԖၨ٫ޑࢲΚϷ፾ᔈૈΚǴԶό཮ᇸܰౢғੲമ ܈ΚόவЈޑག᝺Ƕ

Лખࡏک݅຦ᅽȐ2007ȑϷ Whaley, Kampert, Kolh, ȿ BlairȐ1998ȑࡰрᡏ፾ૈޑाન ύǴ΋૓ϩࣁԖ਼፾ૈǵԼԺ፾ૈǵࢋ೬ࡋϷيᡏಔԋѤε໨Ƕऍ୯ၮ୏ᙴᏢᏢ཮ ȐAmerican College of Sports Medicine, ACSM, 2006ȑ׳ࡰр଼நᡏ፾ૈ܌఼ᇂޑाન ύǴᔈх֖Јޤфૈǵࢋ೬ࡋǵԼԺ፾ૈϷيᡏಔԋ฻Ѥ໨ाનǶ Б຾ໜȐ1993ȑࡰрᡏ፾ૈ΋૓ёϩࣁᝡמᡏ፾ૈک଼நᡏ፾ૈǴ଼நᡏ፾ૈΏࢂ ΋૓Γ܈Ꮲғߦ຾଼நǵႣٛ੯ੰکவ৒ᔈбВதғࢲ܌ଓ؃ϐᡏૈǶБ຾ໜȐ1995ȑ ׳ࡰрᡏ፾ૈ΋૓҇౲΋ғ܌ሡाଓ؃ޑ଼நᡏ፾ૈǴࢂ׆ఈᏱԖၨӳޑғࢲᆶπբޑ ፾ᔈૈΚǴڀԖၨ٫ϐੰࢥಒ๵ܢלΚǴԶόܰғੰǵགߵ܈ᑡ஻ၮ୏όىੱȐhypokinetic diseasesȑǶ Βǵ଼நᡏ፾ૈޑෳໆБԄ ᙁਦரȐ2006ȑࡰр଼நᡏ፾ૈޑૈΚࡰ኱ᔠෳБԄࣁيᡏ፦ໆࡰኧȐbody mass index, ᙁᆀ BMIȑǺаᕕှيᡏಔԋǹ֤࠮ᡏ߻៻Ǻෳᡍࢋ೬ࡋǹ΋ϩដۙጣһޮଆ֤Ǻ ෳᡍဎԼϐԼΚޑԼऐΚǹҥۓၢᇻǺෳᡍᕓ໔ᛈวΚǹ 800 Ϸ 1600 ϦЁາوǺෳᡍ ЈޤऐΚǶԶ BMI ޔ܌և౜ޑيᡏಔԋჹྣதኳԭϩКٯΨ൩ࢂε౲܌ᒏޑيᡏऔዧ ำࡋǶ


߄΋ ଼நᡏ፾ૈѤεाનϐϩᜪϷۓက ໨Ҟ ۓက يᡏಔԋ ᡏϣિެᆶߚિެ(ߚિެ೽ՏӵମᓝǵԼԺ฻)ჹᡏख़܌՞ޑКٯǶ Јޤ፾ૈ ঁΓޑޤ᠌ᆶЈ᠌Ǵவޜ਻ύឫ஥਼਻Ǵ٠ஒ਼਻ᒡଌډಔᙃಒझ уа٬ҔޑૈΚǶӢԜЈޤ፾ૈёаᇥࢂঁΓޑЈ᠌ǵޤ᠌ǵՈᆅǵ ᆶಔ ᙃಒझԖ਼ૈΚޑࡰ኱Ƕ ԼԺ፾ૈ ЬाࢂࡰԼΚᆶԼऐΚǶԼऐΚࢂࡰԼԺᆢ࡭٬ҔࢌᅿԼΚਔǴૈ ࡭ុҔΚޑਔ໔܈ϸᙟԛኧǶ



ࢫᄆᗶǵ᝵ᄪ୷ǵଯЎඦȐ2009ȑǶᡏ፾ૈᕴࡰ኱ǶҶ໕ߥ଼යтǴ1Ǵ233-244Ƕ ௲ػ೽Ȑ2009ȑǶ2006-2009௲ػ೽ᡏ፾ૈᆛઠǶύ๮҇୯ᡏػᏢ཮Ƕ ݅ߎើǵകలীǵ໳හޱǵ׵ܴᏦȐ2009ȑǶიᡏԖ਼ၮ୏ჹࢌᙴଣζ܄঩π଼நᡏ፾ ૈϐԋਏǶៈ౛ᄤ଼நྣៈࣴزǴ5Ȑ1ȑǴ3-10Ƕ ഋߎੇǵЦࡿঙǵߠల࣓ǵֆᐪ຦Ȑ2008ȑǶΜΒຼ଼ي܊ፐำჹ଼நᡏ፾ૈϐቹៜǶ ߏᄪၮ୏Ҷ໕ᏢтǴ2Ǵ46-57Ƕ Ֆ۸᎔ǵच໦໥ǵڬၗ౲Ȑ2008ȑǶ୯ύғፐࡕံಞჹيᡏࢲ୏ໆᆶ଼நᡏ፾ૈޑቹៜǶ ၮ୏௲ግࣽᏢǴ11Ǵ81-90Ƕ Лખࡏک݅຦ᅽȐ2007ȑǶيᡏࢲ୏ໆǵᡏ፾ૈНྗᆶжᖴቻংဂޑᜢ߯Ƕύ๮ᡏػۑ тǴ21Ȑ2ȑǴ33-41Ƕ ௲ػ೽Ȑ2007ȑǶ௲ػ೽זࢲीჄǶѠᡏ(΋)ӷಃ 0960108965 ဦǴᆵчǺ௲ػ೽Ƕ ೾ᓉᓉȐ2007ȑǶ଼நᡏ፾ૈ333ၮ୏ϐ௢ቶǶ௲ػ೽ᡏ፾ૈᆛઠǶ ஭ల࣓ǵ൹✎ΓȐ2007ȑǶଯե໘ఊԖ਼ჹ଼நᡏ፾ૈޑߦ຾ࣴزǶᇶϘεᏢᡏػᏢтǴ 6Ǵ127-136Ƕ БలঙȐ2007ȑǶזوၮ୏ჹ୯λޥऔᏢ଼ูநᡏ፾ૈϐቹៜǶ҂рހᅺγፕЎǴࡀܿ ௲ػεᏢǺࡀܿᑜǶ ᙁਦரȐ2006ȑǶόӕޑيᡏಔԋჹᡏ፾ૈϐቹៜǶчᡏᏢൔǴ14Ǵ95-105Ƕ Ѡчѱࡹ۬ፁғֽȐ2006ȑǶ଼நᡏૈߦ຾ǶڗԾ http://www.health.gov.tw/Default.aspx?tabid=405&mid=971&itemid=7273Ƕ ቅዎᑫȐ2004ȑǶೕࡓԖ਼ၮ୏૽ግჹ୯λၸख़Ꮲ଼ูநᡏ፾ૈϷՈિެቹៜϐࣴزǶ ҂рހᅺγፕЎǴࡀܿ௲ػεᏢǺࡀܿᑜǶ ഋށӵȐ2003ȑǶࢋ೬ࡋǶၮ୏ғ౛ຼૻǶಃ148යǶڗԾၮ୏ғ౛ᏢᆛઠǴ http://epsport.ccu.edu.tw/epsport/week/show.asp?repno=148&page=1Ƕ Ц҅໩Ȑ2000ȑǶ଼நᡏ፾ૈ--ԼԺ፾ૈǶၮ୏ғ౛ᏢᆛઠǶ2009/11/26 ڗԾ http://www.epsport.idv.tw/epsport/fitness/show.asp?repno=47&page=1Ƕ Б຾ໜȐ1995ȑǶᡏ፾ૈᆶӄΓ଼நǶύ๮ᡏػǴ9Ȑ3ȑǴ62-69Ƕ Б຾ໜȐ1993ȑǶ଼நᡏૈޑ౛ፕᆶჴሞǶѠчѱǺᅇЎрހޗǶ

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5.體能活動與體適能 (Physical activity and fitness) 6.心理健康與心理失調 (Mental health and

* Attained: Accumulated at least 420 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activities across the week (60 x 7 = 420 minutes). 本星期體能活動總時間:

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