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The Comparison of Selected Pictures between English Extensive Reading Materials for Senior High School Students 吳慧蓮、曾賢熙


Academic year: 2022

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The Comparison of Selected Pictures between English Extensive Reading Materials for Senior High School Students


E-mail: 372664@mail.dyu.edu.tw


For the time being, English is the very important language by which we may get the latest information and knowledge in order to connect the world. In Taiwan, the authorities concerned also spare no effort to promote English learning . In addition to limited learning hours at school, teachers also try hard to make students cultivate the ability to study on their own. The best approach to increasing students’ vocabulary capacity is to encourage them to study extensive reading materials. However, most English extensive reading books designed for senior high school students on the market place too much emphasis on the spread of information. Word-filled pages put students under much stress, let alone attract their interest in reading them. In order to make learning more efficient, adding illustrations and pictures to the reading materials is a very effective learning strategy. Illustrations or pictures are generally divided into five categories: decorative pictures, representational pictures, organizational pictures,

interpretational pictures and transformational pictures. Decorative pictures make reading materials more artistic, but they usually have nothing to do with the context of them; representative pictures visualize abstract descriptive words , making them concrete and real;organizational pictures make structures of descriptive words, procedures and steps presented in diagrams;interpretational pictures may clarify intangible as well as abstract concepts, and explain them through analogical and allegoric pictures

;transformational pictures decode the critical information into more concrete and systematic pictures which are easier for students to memorize. Pictures added are indeed to make learning more efficient. This study focuses on the five types of pictures and compares them in many aspects with a test and a survey carried out by giving the students questionnaires inquiring them questions about drawing attention, inducing interest, helping comprehension and assisting in their recollection of the context. The research is aimed to offer teachers some alternative elements for reference when they are trying to choose extensive reading materials for students, and hope that publishers can brainstorm further to give birth to more reading materials added with beneficial pictures.

Keywords : reading materials、types of pictures

Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 iv 誌謝... vi 目錄... vii 圖目錄... ix 表目錄... xi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與 動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 閱讀認知歷程 7 第二節 視覺、圖像與學習的關係 11 第三節 圖 像的分類與功能 17 第四節 圖像的功能分析 28 第三章 研究方法與設計 30 第一節 研究架構 30 第二節 研究工具 31 第三節 研究對象 34 第四節 研究流程 35 第四章 結果及討論 36 第一節 基本資料分析 36 第二節 學生對於測驗文本隨機所附圖像的 看法 40 第三節 五個圖像的整體意見調查 53 第五章 結論與建議 58 第一節 結論 58 第二節 建議 60 參考文獻 61 附錄... 67

? 圖目錄 圖2-1 訊息處理心理歷程圖示...8 圖2-2 Gagne閱讀歷程模式 10 圖2-3 由下而上的理 解模式 10 圖2-4 雙代碼理論 15 圖2-5 裝飾性插圖 18 圖2-6 裝飾性插圖 18 圖2-7 表徵性插圖Vincent Van Gogh Starry Night 19 圖2-8 表徵性插圖Harry Porter 電影海報/ J.k. Rowling 20 圖2-9 組織性插圖FastErp結合PDM圖文管理 21 圖2-10 組織性插 圖滅火器的使用 21 圖2-11 詮釋性插圖 皮膚結構圖 22 圖2-12 詮釋性插圖 鐵基超導體中超導電性 22 圖2-13 轉化性插圖 23 圖2-14 轉化性插圖幸福 彩虹樹 - 基隆市政府中正公園遊客服務中心 24 圖3-1 研究架構 31 圖3-2 裝飾性圖像 32 圖3-3 表徵 性圖像 33 圖3-4 組織性圖像 33 圖3-5 詮釋性圖像 33 圖3-6 轉化性圖像 34 圖4-1 英文成績分布圖 38 圖4-2 引起注意力 53 圖4-3 引起興趣 54 圖4-4 美感設計 55 圖4-5 理解文章 55 圖4-6 回憶文章內容 56 ? 表目錄 表4-1 性別比例 37 表4-2 英文成績 38 表4-3 對trans fat 的認知 39 表4-4 英文成績與性別 40 表4-5 測驗文本成績 41 表4-6 純文字閱讀的接受度 42 表4-7 圖像可 以增加閱讀趣味 43 表4-8 受測圖像與注意力 44 表4-9 受測圖像與興趣 46 表4-10 受測圖像與美感 47 表4-11 受測圖像與理解 48 表4-12 受測圖像與回憶內文 49 表4-13 修正項目總和統計量 50 表4-14 信度分析 50 表4-15 同意純文字閱讀者與增加圖像 的關係 51 表4-16 同意圖像增加閱讀興趣與本測驗圖像的關係 52


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