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Aided Primary Schools

Education Bureau August 2021

This guide intends to provide schools with reference in assessing the salaries of staff who are remunerated under the Salaries Grant in aided schools. Schools should also refer to the Codes of Aid and relevant circulars when assessing salaries. Please note that in case the salary assessment made by an aided school is determined to be incorrect, the SMC / IMC should be responsible for the arrangement of rectifying any overpayment or underpayment with the staff concerned. The subsidy on the Salaries Grant payroll to an aided school is based on the salary assessment made by EDB, which is final.


Guide to Salary Assessment for Aided Primary Schools



1. General Principles 1

1.1 Basics of salary assessment 1

1.2 Qualifications 2

1.3 Teaching experience 3

1.4 No-pay leave 4

1.5 Mark-time arrangement 4

1.6 Break in service 4

1.7 Salary bar / capped experience not counted for increments 5

1.8 Incremental date 6

1.9 Reference (Delinked) / Increment (Adjusted) pay scale 6 1.10 Discontinuation of the delinking arrangement and abolition of

the reference pay scales


2. Salary Assessment for Teaching Staff 7

2.1 Salary assessment for PSM grade teachers 7

2.2 Salary assessment for CM grade teachers 8

2.3 Salary arrangement for non-graduate teachers regraded to graduate level


3. Salary Assessment for Non-teaching Staff 11 3.1 Salary of non-teaching staff upon transfer to aided schools 11 3.2 Granting of ICEs for non-teaching staff upon transfer with a

break in service


3.3 Salary assessment for clerical staff 13

4. Conversion Arrangement for Affected Serving Staff 13

4.1 Normal conversion arrangement 13

4.2 Special incremental award for qualification 14 Appendix 1A

Appendix 1B

Flow Chart for Salary Assessment (for Teachers) Flow Chart for Salary Assessment (for

Non-teaching Staff)

15 16 Appendix 2A

Appendix 2B Appendix 2C

Non-local Qualifications

Non-local Qualifications for Appointment to Graduate Teaching Posts

Guiding Principles in Vetting Non-standard

17 18 20



Appendix 3 Teaching Experience 21

Appendix 4 Development in PSM Salary Scales 24

Appendix 5 Development in CM Salary Scales 26

Appendix 6Ai Appendix 6Aii

Salary Scales of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff in Aided Primary Schools Effective before 1.4.2000 Salary Scales of Non-Teaching Staff in Special Schools Effective before 1.4.2000

27 28 Appendix 6Bi

Appendix 6Bii

Salary Scales of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff in Aided Primary Schools Effective from 1.4.2000 to 31.7.2007 Inclusive

Salary Scales of Non-Teaching Staff in Special Schools Effective from 1.4.2000 to 31.7.2007 Inclusive



Appendix 6Ci Salary Scales of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff in Aided Primary Schools Effective from 1.8.2007 to 30.9.2010 Inclusive


Appendix 6Cii Salary Scales of Non-Teaching Staff in Special Schools Effective from 1.8.2007 to 30.9.2010 Inclusive


Appendix 6Di Salary Scales of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff in Aided Primary Schools Effective from 1.10.2010

33 Appendix 6Dii Salary Scales of Non-Teaching Staff in Special

Schools Effective from 1.10.2010


Appendix 7 Abbreviations used in Appendix 6 35

Appendix 8 History of CM Salary Scales in Aided Primary Schools

36 Appendix 9 Points to Note in the Appointment of CA and ACO

in Aided Schools

39 Appendix 10A Pay Arrangements on Appointment to the Three

Teaching Grades of CM, PSM and GM in Aided Schools


Appendix 10B Special Arrangement for Pay on Appointment to Three Teaching Grades in Aided and Government Schools (Effective from 1.4.2000 to 31.7.2007 Inclusive)


Appendix 10C Pay Arrangements for Non-teaching Staff Paid by Salaries Grant upon Appointment/Transfer to the New Post (Effective from 1.8.2007)


Appendix 11 Delinked Pay Scale (D) and Adjusted Pay Scale (A) 46 Appendix 12 Experience Counted for Incremental Purpose under

Different Fund Sources



Appendix 13 List of Changes in Salary Assessment with effect from 1.9.2006


Appendix 14 Sample – Certificate of Service 53

Appendix 15 Identification of Affected Staff in Aided Schools 54 Appendix 16 Rules for Determining Pay Point after Normal




Guide to Salary Assessment for Aided Primary Schools 1. General Principles

1.1 Basics of salary assessment

1.1.1 The entry salary of new appointees should normally be offered at the prevailing minimum pay point of that rank commensurate with the prescribed entry qualification and/or experience.

Additional increments may be offered for appointees possessing relevant post-qualification experience in excess of the minimum entry requirement for the new appointment. (Details of ‘Salary Assessment for Teaching Staff’ and ‘Salary Assessment for Non-teaching Staff’ are at Sections 2 and 3 respectively.)

1.1.2 Basic steps of assessing entry salary of a new appointee are:

a) confirm about the rank of the new appointee;

b) identify the entry qualification(s);

c) identify the appropriate pay scale (see relevant parts of Appendix 6D);

d) determine the salary bar (if any);

e) calculate the incremental credit for experience (ICE) in terms of years and months by counting the relevant post-qualification experience after deducting the capped experience (if any);

f) calculate only the experience acquired with valid Registered Teacher / Permitted Teacher status (details are in Appendix 13);

g) determine the incremental credit for qualification (ICQ);

h) add the number of years of ICE (if any) and the number of ICQ (if any) to the minimum pay point of the appropriate pay scale;

i) determine the incremental date by means of the effective date of appointment and the number of residual months of ICE (if any);

j) confirm about the salary particulars including the entry salary point and the date of next increment.

1.1.3 A teacher paid under the Salaries Grant transferring from an aided school to another aided school at the same substantive rank and same full time equivalence of his/her former post with continuous service and without taking no-pay leave could normally retain the salary particulars he/she received in the former post.


1.1.4 For those teaching and non-teaching staff who had been subject to the reduced starting salaries effective from 1 April 2000 and were still serving on the entry ranks as at 1 August 2007, their salaries should be adjusted in accordance with the conversion arrangement as detailed in Section 4.

1.1.5 With effect from 1 August 2007, the “carry-forward” arrangement will apply to all serving teachers upon transfer (within the same rank or between comparable ranks) between public-sector schools without a break in service. The salary as determined under this arrangement will prevail over the calculation of salary based on the new starting salaries plus incremental credit for experience (ICE). (The details are in Appendix 10A)

(The steps of salary assessment for teaching and non-teaching staff are summarized in Appendices 1A and 1B respectively.)

1.2 Qualifications

The date of recognition of a qualification should normally be the date of obtaining the qualification, i.e. date of announcement of result or date of issue of certificate/diploma.

1.2.1 Local qualifications

Unless otherwise specified, entry qualifications contained in Appendix 6 refer to qualifications awarded by local institutes with self-accrediting status.

1.2.2 Non-local qualifications

For holders of non-local academic/teacher training qualifications, they should normally approach the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) for qualification assessment. (A list of some typical non-local qualifications and their recognition status is in Appendix 2A.)

1.2.3 Non-local qualifications as listed in EDB Circular No. 41/1998 For the non-local qualifications as listed in paragraph 2 of the EDB Circular No. 41/1998 on ‘Non-local Qualifications for


Appointment to Graduate Teaching Posts’, the holders may approach the respective Regional Education Offices if they wish to ascertain whether the Education Bureau still accepts such qualifications for appointment / regrading to graduate teaching posts in aided / caput schools. An extract of the Circular is in Appendix 2B.

1.2.4 Guiding principles in vetting non-standard qualifications

The Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualifications (ACTEQ) has endorsed a set of guiding principles in vetting non-standard qualifications for appointments in aided schools. The guiding principles take effect on 1.3.2010. The details are in Appendix 2C.

1.2.5 Teacher training qualifications

Schools should study carefully the transcripts from the applicants in considering their qualifications to ensure that they possess the teacher training as required. They should in particular pay attention to their practicum. Generally speaking, programmes on primary education have practicum in primary schools, and programmes on secondary education have practicum in secondary schools. If in doubt, the school should ask the applicant to seek clarification from the awarding institution, and seek advice from EDB. Schools should also note that APSM must possess teacher training in primary education.

1.3 Teaching experience

1.3.1 All claims of teaching/working experience must be supported by official record/certificate of service (sample in Appendix 14) with at least the following information:

a) length of employment with exact dates (dd/mm/yy);

b) nature of employment: rank, full-time or part-time (in fraction of full-time equivalence) , source of funding; and c) number of days of no-pay leave taken (if any).


1.3.2 Relevant post-qualification experience in excess of the minimum required for appointment may be considered for the purpose of incremental credit. (Details of consideration of teaching experience are in Appendix 3)

1.4 No-pay leave

Serving teachers taking a no-pay leave of more than 15 days and less than or equal to 45 days consecutively will have their incremental dates (ID) deferred by one month; a no-pay leave of more than 45 days and less than or equal to 75 days consecutively deferred by two months; and so on. Their ID will remain unchanged if the no-pay leave taken is less than or equal to 15 days consecutively.

1.5 Mark-time arrangement

With reference to ASGC No. 14/1991 dated 20.3.1991 on appointment of CM holding non-standard qualifications, mark-time arrangements at the initial salary point(s) for untrained non-graduate teachers were abolished with effect from 1.1.1991 (pre 1.1.1991 experience should be counted for mark-time arrangements) (see Appendices 6Ai, 6Bi, 6Ci and 6Di for pay scales with mark-time arrangement).

1.6 Break in service

1.6.1 Before 1.9.2006, for the purpose of salary assessment, including the special pay arrangement after 1.4.2000, a break between the former and the new teaching appointment will be considered as a break in service if the break exceeds 45 consecutive days. With effect from 1.9.2006, a break exceeding one year will be considered as a break in service for the purpose of salary assessment of teachers. (Details of the change effective from 1.9.2006 are in Appendix 13)

1.6.2 Before 1.9.2006, teacher’s service not in the public sector schools may constitute a break in service. With effect from 1.9.2006, relevant working experience in Education Bureau (EDB) and education faculties of recognized local tertiary institution will not be considered as break in service for salary assessment purpose.

However, teachers’ service in other non-public sector schools is


still regarded as a break in service. (Details of the change effective from 1.9.2006 are in Appendix 13)

1.7 Salary bar / capped experience not counted for increments

1.7.1 Assistant Primary School Master/Mistress (APSM) appointed with effect from the 1994/95 school year and Certificated Master/Mistress (CM) appointed on or after 1.1.1991 (effective date for implementing the barring is 1.4.1991) are barred at specific salary points (details in Appendices 4 and 5) beyond which untrained teachers are not allowed to proceed.

1.7.2 The salary bars have been changed over the years. With effect from 1 August 2007, the salary bars would be set at five pay points above the prevailing starting salaries and would be adjusted automatically whenever there is a change in the starting salaries.

The adjusted salary bars would apply to newly recruited untrained teachers.

1.7.3 The salary bars at different times since 1991 are listed as follows:


before 1.4.2000 27 19

effective from 1.4.2000 22 17

effective from 1.8.2007 22 19

effective from 1.10.2010 20 19

1.7.4 With effect from 1 August 2007, serving untrained teachers on transfer or within the same school, without change in rank/grade and without a break in service are also subject to the prevailing salary bars of the respective rank or subject to the highest salary bar that he / she has experienced in the appointment to the respective rank, whichever is the higher.

1.7.5 Capped experience refers to the post-qualification teaching experience acquired when the salary is frozen at the respective salary bar point. Such experience is not counted for incremental credits.


1.8 Incremental date

The incremental date (ID) of new teacher is determined by the date of assumption of full duties. If the date falls on or between the 1st and the 15th day of the month, the ID is the first day of the month. If the date falls on or between the 16th and the end of the month, the ID is the first day of the following month.

1.9 Reference (Delinked) / Increment (Adjusted) pay scale

With the implementation of revised starting salaries that took effect from 1.4.2000, delinking arrangements applicable to all new recruits were also introduced on the same date. “Adjusted” (now referred as

“Increment”) pay scale means a pay scale that is subject to the annual pay trend adjustment mechanism. And “delinked” (now referred as

“reference”) pay scale means a pay scale that is delinked from the annual pay trend mechanism. (Some illustrative examples are in Appendix 11) 1.9.1 All newly appointed teachers of basic rank, except those who are under the special arrangement for pay as stipulated in categories (a) to (c) in Appendix 10B, are to enter the revised salary scale on delinked pay point.

1.9.2 Teachers belonging to categories (d) and (e) in Appendix 10B appointed to the basic ranks should enter at the delinked pay point of the revised salary scale plus incremental credit for experience (ICE) and incremental credit for qualifications (ICQ), if applicable.

1.9.3 Subject to the provisions in the Codes of Aid on granting of annual increment on the ‘Incremental Date’ (ID), teachers on delinked pay scale will move to the adjusted pay scale on their next incremental date and progress along the corresponding adjusted pay scale.

1.9.4 Newly appointed teachers on maximum pay point on delinked pay scale will move to the adjusted pay scale when they reach their service anniversary, subject to satisfactory performance.


1.10 Discontinuation of the delinking arrangement and abolition of the reference pay scales

1.10.1 The starting salaries implemented with effect from April 2000 had been delinked from the annual civil service pay adjustment resulting from the pay trend survey. This was implemented through the creation of a set of reference pay scales which are frozen at fixed dollar values until the next Starting Salaries Survey (SSS) except for special circumstances. New appointees were remunerated on the reference pay scales until they received their first annual increment during which they would revert to the

‘standard’ pay scales.

1.10.2 In the light of the periodic and frequent conduct of SSSs, the delinking arrangement has been discontinued and the reference pay scales abolished with effect from 1 August 2007. All serving teachers and non-teaching staff remunerated on the reference pay scales on that day have been migrated to the corresponding pay point of the relevant ‘standard’ pay scales. All new recruits appointed on or after 1 August 2007 should be remunerated on the respective ‘standard’ pay scales.

2. Salary Assessment for Teaching Staff

The basic ranks of teachers in aided primary schools are Certificated Master/Mistress (CM) for non-graduate teachers and Assistant Primary School Master/Mistress (APSM) for graduate teachers. APSM is the basic rank of the Primary School Master/Mistress (PSM) grade that has been created in aided primary schools with effect from the 1994/95 school year. The development in PSM and CM salary scales are in Appendices 4 & 5.

2.1 Salary assessment for PSM grade teachers

2.1.1 Salary assessment of new appointees should follow the prevailing salary scales as laid down in relevant parts of Appendix 6:

Effective date Prevailing salary scales in

before 1.4.2000 Appendix 6Ai

1.4.2000 – 31.7.2007 Appendix 6Bi

1.8.2007 – 30.9.2010 Appendix 6Ci

from 1.10.2010 Appendix 6Di


2.1.2 The salary scales are applicable to all new recruits of the above respective effective periods. Schools should also refer to Appendices 10A and 10B when applying the above salary scales.

2.1.3 With effect from 1.9.2006, post-qualification teaching experience in the PSM grade and in the other teaching grades of primary and secondary schools can be counted for incremental purpose for the new appointment of APSMs in aided primary schools.

2.2 Salary assessment for CM grade teachers

2.2.1 Salary assessment of new appointees should follow the prevailing salary scales as laid down in relevant parts of Appendix 6:

Effective date Prevailing salary scales in

before 1.4.2000 Appendix 6Ai

1.4.2000 – 31.7.2007 Appendix 6Bi

1.8.2007 – 30.9.2010 Appendix 6Ci

from 1.10.2010 Appendix 6Di

2.2.2 The salary scales are applicable to all new recruits of the above respective effective periods. Schools should also refer to Appendices 10A and 10B when applying the above salary scales.

2.2.3 For CM appointed prior to 1.1.1991, their salary particulars may be explained by the salary history in Appendix 8.

2.2.4 In general, the starting salary of a CM is one point lower than the normal salary if the teacher training does not match the school level. The starting salary for a degree holder without appropriate teacher training appointed as a CM in a primary school is also at one point lower than the normal salary.

With effect from 1.9.2006, the starting salary of a CM who is appointed to take up teaching duties in both primary and secondary levels of a school, such as a through-train or a special school with both primary and secondary levels, will not be one point lower than the normal salary for reason of teacher training not matching the school level.

(Details of the change effective from 1.9.2006 are in Appendix 13)


2.3 Salary arrangement for non-graduate teachers regraded to graduate level

The salary particulars of a serving non-graduate primary school teacher regraded to the PSM grade that includes the rank of APSM, PSM, HMII and HMI are determined as follows:

2.3.1 Salary point

a) A serving CM, upon regrading to APSM, is allowed to retain his/her substantive salary before regrading and to proceed normally along the APSM pay scale, provided his/her substantive salary before regrading is not higher than the maximum of the APSM pay scale (i.e. ‘fit-in’

salary treatment).

b) An AM, SAM or PAM, upon regrading, should enter the respective PSM grade in the rank of PSM, HMII or HMI at the minimum salary point of the new rank.

Starting from 1.9.2001, teacher is no longer be granted one increment or advancement in incremental date for having served at the maximum salary point of his/her former post for over one year at the time of regrading.

2.3.2 Salary bar point

The arrangements regarding the salary bar of a serving untrained teacher upon his/her regrading from a non-graduate rank to the rank of APSM on or after 21 February 2002, are as follows – (i) If the pay point of the teacher, on appointment to the rank of

APSM, is below the prevailing salary bar of his/her new post, he/she can progress along the pay scale to the new salary bar point. Subject to the acquisition of acceptable teacher training qualification, he/she can proceed beyond the salary bar point to the maximum point of the pay scale.

(ii) If the pay point of the teacher concerned on appointment to the rank of APSM is at or above the prevailing salary bar of his/her new post (due to, for example, the retention of his/her existing pay in the former non-graduate post under the pay on appointment arrangements), his/her salary will


be frozen at that pay point. Progression beyond the frozen pay point is subject to his/her acquisition of acceptable teacher training qualification, provided that the maximum point of the pay scale is not exceeded.

2.3.3 Incremental credits for qualifications

Starting from 1.9.2003, an untrained teacher regraded from a non-graduate rank to the rank of APSM, who subsequently acquires appropriate teacher training qualification, will:

(i) be eligible for the award of two additional increments if he/she entered at the minimum point of the APSM pay scale prevailing at the time he/she was regraded (e.g. MPS point 15 effective from 1.10.2010), provided that the maximum point of the pay scale is not exceeded; or

(ii) be eligible for the award of one additional increment if he/she entered at one point above the minimum point of the APSM pay scale prevailing at the time he/she was regraded (e.g. MPS point 16 effective from 1.10.2010), provided that the maximum point of the pay scale is not exceeded; or (iii) not be eligible for the award of any additional increment if

he/she entered at two or more points above the minimum point of the APSM pay scale prevailing at the time he/she was regraded (due to, for example, the retention of his/her existing pay in the former non-graduate post under the pay on appointment arrangements).

The above arrangements are in line with relevant civil service practices. Schools should note, in particular, that the new arrangements will affect teachers who do not acquire appropriate teacher training qualification before 1 September 2003 and who entered the respective pay scales at or above the entry points for trained teachers appointed at the time they were regraded (with the higher entry point offered for reasons other than the possession of appropriate working experience).


2.3.4 Incremental date

With effect from 1.9.2001, the incremental date of a non-graduate teacher upon his/her regrading to graduate level should be the date of regrading. If the date of regrading falls on or between the 1st and the 15th day of the month, the incremental date will be taken to be the first day of that month. If the date of regrading falls on or between the 16th day and the end of the month, the incremental date will be taken to be the first day of the following month. (Before 1.9.2001, the incremental date after regrading depended on the effective date of regrading, the incremental date before regrading and whether the teacher was already at the top of the CM pay scale)

3. Salary Assessment for Non-teaching Staff

The revised salary scales for non-teaching staff which take effect from 1.10.2010 are in Appendix 6Dii and the salary scales effective in different time periods are in Appendices 6Aii, 6Bii and 6Cii.

3.1 Salary of non-teaching staff upon transfer to aided schools

3.1.1 Upon transfer within the aided school sector, the salaries of the following non-teaching staff are determined by the

“carry-forward” arrangement:

a) All non-teaching staff paid by the Salaries Grant upon their deployment to the same rank from one aided school to another under the same sponsoring body; and

b) Serving non-teaching staff paid by the Salaries Grant on the Master Pay Scale (MPS) upon their transfer to the same rank without a break of service, i.e. within a period of 45 days, between aided schools, including monthly paid temporary non-teaching staff paid by the Salaries Grant and non-teaching staff employed on contract terms paid by the Salaries Grant who are to renew a further contract in aided schools or on transfer between aided schools.

The salary calculated under this arrangement should prevail over the calculation of salary based on the prevailing starting salaries


plus incremental credits for experience (ICEs). For those non-teaching staff who had been subject to reduced starting salaries effective from 1 April 2000 but were not in service on 1 August 2007 (i.e. reference date for normal conversion of salaries of affected staff), the salary should be determined as if they have undergone normal conversion (if applicable) on the first day of appointment.

3.1.2 The pay arrangements of non-teaching staff paid by the Salaries Grant upon appointment/transfer to the new post are listed in Appendix 10C.

3.1.3 The arrangements set out in 3.1.1 (b) above do not apply to:

a) clerical and janitor staff paid by the Administration Grant, Revised Administration Grant or other non-Salaries Grants in aided schools;

b) non-specialist staff on Model Scale I, including workshop attendants, teacher assistants, watchmen and janitor staff paid by the Salaries Grant;

c) non-teaching staff transferring from the civil service or other subvented sectors to aided schools; and

d) school executive officers paid by the School Executive Officer Grant in aided schools, school administrative executives in government schools under a non-civil service contract, school executive officers in caput schools and DSS schools and school executive officers hired by service providers to station in aided schools/caput schools/DSS schools with effect from 1.9.2019.

The salaries of these non-teaching staff should be assessed on the basis of prevailing starting salaries plus ICEs, if applicable.

3.2 Granting of ICEs for non-teaching staff upon transfer with a break in service

3.2.1 The recognised experience of laboratory technicians, school executive officers/school administrative executives and some specialist staff should be counted towards incremental credits for


experience on the revised pay scale upon transfer with a break in service. These specialist staff comprise occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech therapists, educational psychologists, nurses and staff at the social work officer or social work assistant grade.

3.2.2 Other non-teaching staff paid by the Salaries Grant should be paid the prevailing starting salaries on the revised pay scale without ICEs upon transfer with a break of service.

3.3 Salary assessment for clerical staff

3.3.1 Clerical Assistant (CA) and Assistant Clerical Officer (ACO) are clerical staff paid out of the Salaries Grant in schools opted Revised Administration Grant.

3.3.2 Details of points to note when assessing entry salaries of clerical staff paid out of Salaries Grant are listed in Appendix 9.

4. Conversion Arrangement for Affected Serving Staff 4.1 Normal conversion arrangement

4.1.1 As the new starting salaries effective from 1.8.2007 are higher than the starting salaries effective from April 2000, there is a need to adjust the pay of those serving teaching and non-teaching staff who were appointed to the entry ranks of these grades prior to the implementation of the increased starting salaries, i.e. 1.8.2007, and are still serving on the entry ranks on 1.8.2007. This is because a serving (and therefore more senior) staff should not be paid less than his/her junior in the same entry rank (unless for very special reasons such as the award of additional increments for relevant previous experience). For these affected staff, a normal conversion arrangement is proposed to adjust their salaries accordingly.

4.1.2 The pay of the affected teaching and non-teaching staff should be adjusted in accordance with the normal conversion arrangement, viz.


a) where the pay of an affected staff is lower than the revised starting salary for his/her rank on 1.8.2007, his/her salary should be brought up to a level equal to the new starting salary; and

b) where the pay of an affected staff is equal to or higher than the revised starting salary for his/her rank on 1.8.2007, his/her pay should be brought up to the next higher pay point (including omitted point, if any), subject to the maximum pay point of his/her rank and the salary bar, if applicable.

4.1.3 The incremental date of an affected staff should be re-aligned to 1 August if his/her pay point before 1.8.2007 is two or more pay points below the new starting salaries. These staff whose incremental date has been re-aligned to 1 August will earn their next annual increment one year after 1.8.2007, provided that they have not reached the maximum point of the pay scales of their ranks.

4.1.4 For the rules for identifying affected staff and the rules for determining pay after the normal conversion, please see Appendices 15 and 16 respectively.

4.2 Special incremental award for qualification

4.2.1 The teaching grades are the only ones in the whole civil service with the general grant of incremental award for qualification (IAQ) plus a barring arrangement for failure to acquire a specific qualification. In view of its unique nature, additional pay point(s), as a special arrangement, have been granted to affected teachers in government and aided schools, on top of the normal conversion, upon the implementation of the new starting salaries. An award of two additional IAQ pay points have been granted to affected APSM with appropriate Post-graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) or equivalent in aided primary schools on top of the normal conversion arrangement.

4.2.2 The special IAQ arrangement is also applicable to CM in government and aided schools. All affected CM with appropriate teacher training should receive one additional pay point on top of the normal conversion.


Appendix 1A Flow Chart for Salary Assessment (for Teachers)

Confirm the appointed rank

Basic rank

Refer to item (9) of Appendix 13 to determine the salary

No, promotion rank

Serving in public sector school(1)


Break in service Same or comparable rank as former post

Determine the salary by carry-forward arrangement(2) (see Appendix 10A for details)

Identify the entry qualification(3) and the appropriate pay scale (see Appendix 6 for pay scale and Appendix 10A for other related arrangement)

Teacher training

Determine the appropriate salary bar (see Section 1.7 for details)

Determine the

incremental credit for qualification (ICQ) (1 or 2 increments), where appropriate

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No Yes


Calculate the incremental credit for experience (ICE) (by counting relevant post-qualification experience (see Section 1.3) in terms of years and complete months, excluding capped experience (see Section 1.7.5)

Add ICE (if any) and ICQ (if any) to the minimum point of the pay scale to determine the salary point

Determine the incremental date, and date of next increment by considering the residual months of ICE (if any)


(1) For the purpose of salary assessment in this document, public sector schools refer to government schools, aided schools and schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme.

(2) The teacher’s incremental date may be deferred if the new appointment is not continuous from the former one. For example, the ID would be deferred by one month if there is a gap of 16 to 45 days between the new and the former appointment (by drawing reference to the arrangement for no-pay leave, see Section 1.4 for details).

(3) For non local qualification, please see Sections 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 for necessary actions.


Appendix 1B Flow Chart for Salary Assessment (for Non-teaching Staff)

Confirm the appointed rank(1)

New appointee to aided sector

Break in service(2) No

(1) Deployed to the same rank in aided school under the same sponsoring body; or

(2) Paid by Salaries Grant on Master Pay Scale and transferred to the same rank

Determine the salary by carry-forward arrangement (see Section 3.1.3 for inapplicable cases) No


Identify the entry qualification(3) and the appropriate pay scale (see Appendix 6).



Calculate the incremental credit for experience (ICE)(4) (by counting relevant post-qualification experience in terms of years and complete month).

Add ICE to the minimum point of the pay scale to determine the salary point.

Determine the incremental date, and date of next increment by considering the residual months of ICE (if any).



(1) For Clerical Staff (in primary schools) / Laboratory Technician (in secondary schools), please refer to Section 3.3 for further details related to their salary assessment.

(2) For non teaching staff, a break in service refers to a period exceeding 45 consecutive days.

(3) For non local qualification, please approach Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic &


Appendix 2A

Non-local Qualifications

The following typical non-local qualifications are listed for reference:

1. Non-local degree holders with appropriate local PGCE will be eligible for appointment as APSMs in aided primary schools irrespective of whether the non-local degree is equivalent to a local degree. On new appointment as APSMs, they enter at two pay points above the minimum point of the APSM pay scale (i.e. at MPS Pt. 19 on/after 1.8.2007 and MPS Pt. 17 on/after 1.10.2010).

2. Holders of diploma awarded by the Taipei Physical Education College ceased to be recognized as a qualified teacher in public sector schools with effect from November 1989. Serving teachers appointed before November 1989 should not be affected by the change, provided that they continue to teach in the aided schools without a break in service, or with a break approved by the former Education Department.

3. Holders of the following qualifications acquired through the Non-graduate Teacher Qualifications Assessment (NGTQA) Scheme are eligible for appointment only in primary schools in the aided sector:

a) Candidates passing Part I & II

i) will not be allowed to proceed beyond the prevailing salary bar for CM without acquiring ICTT(P); and

ii) no additional increment on completion of ICTT(P).

b) Candidates passing Part I, II & III

i) will not be allowed to proceed beyond the prevailing salary bar for CM without acquiring either the NGTQA Certificate or ICTT(P);

ii) award of one increment on acquiring the NGTQA Certificate; and

iii) no additional increment on completion of ICTT(P).


Appendix 2B

Non-local Qualifications for Appointment to Graduate Teaching Posts (Extracted from the EDB Circular No. 41/1998)

1. On the basis of the latest advice from the accreditation authorities, the following non-local qualifications have been assessed as not meeting the entry requirements for appointment to graduate teaching posts :

Non-local Qualifications Awarding Institutions

B Teaching Australian Catholic University

B Phil (Ed) University of Birmingham

B Ed (Hons) In-service University of Brunel B Ed

B Sc

Cheltenham & Gloucester College of Higher Education

B A (Ed) University of Hull

B Ed (Hons) Two Centre Programme University of Nottingham B Ed

B Ed (Hons)

University of Wolverhampton / Wolverhampton Polytechnic

2. The above list is compiled by reference to past cases of non-local qualifications held by applicants which have been submitted to the accreditation authorities for assessment for appointment to graduate teaching posts. In determining eligibility for appointment to graduate teaching posts, the following will be taken into account by the Director of Education.

(a) The information contained in the list is indicative only and is not a comprehensive or exhaustive list of non-local qualifications which has been assessed as not meeting the entry requirements for appointment to graduate teaching posts.

(b) Assessment of the cases on the list is based on the independent advice and assessment of accreditation authorities on the academic comparability of non-local qualifications with local ones for appointment to graduate teaching posts. The list is compiled for reference in relation to appointment to graduate teaching posts only and does not relate to any general recognition or accreditation by the Government.

(c) The list includes only to the qualifications and the awarding institutions.

Other particulars and details of the cases have been omitted. The assessment of qualifications on the list in the context of individual cases may vary on account of individual awarding circumstances or particulars


of the qualifications (e.g. credit exemptions granted in recognition of prior qualifications). Cases involving non-local qualifications on the list will still be subject to individual assessment.

(d) The acceptance of those non-local qualifications awarded before 31 December 1998 in accordance with paragraph 1 above is subject to the awarding circumstances and particulars of qualifications being comparable to those cases accepted for appointment to graduate teaching posts previously.

3. For candidates whose non-local qualifications have previously been accepted for appointment to graduate teaching posts, if they apply again for graduate teaching posts, their qualifications need not be reassessed.

4. Subject to paragraph 2 above, those non-local qualifications that have previously been accepted for appointment to graduate teaching posts will continue to be accepted as eligible for appointment to graduate teaching posts provided that they are awarded before 31 December 1998.

5. Subject to paragraph 2 above, for individual applicants who have successfully completed such programmes on or before 31 December 1998 but are awarded the non-local qualifications only in early 1999 due to administrative arrangements of the awarding institutions, such non-local qualifications will also be accepted as eligible for appointment to graduate teaching posts.


Appendix 2C

Guiding Principles in Vetting Non-standard Qualifications (Effective from 1.3.2010)

The Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualifications (ACTEQ) has endorsed the following principles in vetting non-standard qualifications for appointments in aided schools:

(i) A non-local higher degree (usually a Master’s degree) should not be accepted automatically in its own right for meeting the qualification requirement for appointment as Graduate Master/Mistress (GM) / Assistant Primary School Master/Mistress (APSM) / Certified Master/Mistress (CM) in aided schools. Note 1

(ii) A non-local higher degree plus a local Post-graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) could be accepted as comparable to a local first degree for appointment as GM / APSM / CM in aided schools. Note 1 (iii) A recognised Master’s degree (whether non-local or jointly offered

by a local and an overseas university) plus a recognised post-secondary qualification from a post-secondary college Note 2 or equivalent could be accepted as comparable to a local first degree for appointment as GM / APSM / CM in aided schools.

(iv) The qualifications awarded by local institutes with self-accreditation status should be accepted for appointment as GM / APSM / CM in aided schools irrespective of whether the study is on full-time or part-time basis. Note 3

(v) For the non-local qualifications as listed in Appendix 2B, EDB would continue its existing practice by making reference to the precedent cases when assessing the candidates with these non-local qualifications for appointment to graduate teaching posts.

Note 1: Principles (i) and (ii) are also applicable to local higher degrees.

Note 2: It refers to a Diploma / Higher Diploma / Honours Diploma / Senior Diploma conferred by approved post-secondary colleges (i.e. former Hong Kong Baptist College, former Hong Kong Shue Yan College and former Lingnan College) or equivalent.

Note 3: The qualifications in principle (iv) refer to bachelor and higher degrees only.

When principle (iv) is applied to a higher degree, principles (i) to (iii) should also be taken into consideration.

(Updated in August 2012)


Appendix 3 Teaching Experience

A. For appointment to basic rank

1. Teaching experience is counted on a complete month basis. For example, teaching experience from 12.9.1996 to 28.2.1998 on full-time basis attracts an incremental credit of 1 year and 5 months. The residual period of 17 days should be discarded.

2. Part-time post-qualification experience may be compressed to full months for incremental credits. No incremental credit for part-time service below 0.5 should be granted before 1.4.1973.

3. Before 1.9.2006, teaching experience as CM/APSM/GM paid under the fund sources provided by EDB/former EMB/former ED may be considered for incremental purpose. With effect from 1.9.2006, teaching experience as CM/APSM/GM paid under funds of public sector schools, irrespective of source of funding, may be counted for incremental purpose. (Details of the change effective from 1.9.2006 are in Appendix 13)

4. Teaching experience in private primary and secondary schools before 1.9.1971 is counted 2 years as 1 year.

5. Teaching experience overseas and in Others (Day Schools offering formal curriculum courses to own registered full-time students) will be considered on an individual basis.

6. Pre-qualification experience should not be counted for incremental credits.

7. Post-qualification teaching experience capped by salary bar should not be counted for incremental credits as untrained teachers are not allowed to proceed beyond the salary bar.

8. Incremental credits will not be granted to newly appointed teachers for their post R10 experiences unless they are appointed as R10 in aided primary schools without a break in service.

9. Daily paid and hourly paid teaching experience should not be counted for incremental credits.


10. Teaching experience in evening schools should not be counted for incremental credits.

11. With effect from 1.9.2006, post-qualification teaching experience in a school for which registration of teachers under the Education Ordinance is not exempted should be acquired with valid RT/PT status. Otherwise, the teaching experience will not be counted for incremental purpose. (Details of the change effective from 1.9.2006 are in Appendix 13)

B. For appointment to promotion rank

12. With effect from 2002/2003 school year, a school head appointed by direct appointment to a head post in another aided school at the same substantive rank of his/her former post without a break in service is allowed to retain the salary pay point he/she received in the former post. If there is a break in service, he/she should be remunerated at the minimum point of the pay scale for the rank.

13. Before 1.9.2006, teachers directly appointed to promotion ranks (i.e. AM/ PSM/ SGM, etc.) in aided schools of a different sponsor, regardless of whether there is a break in service or not, will be remunerated at the minimum point of the appropriate scale.

14. With effect from 1.9.2006, upon transfer from an aided school to another aided school to take up a teaching post of promotion ranks (i.e. AM/ PSM/ SGM, etc.), irrespective of the sponsors, the teacher will be remunerated at the salary point determined as follows:

(a) If the teacher is appointed to a promotion rank, without a break in service, at the same or above the substantive rank of his/her former post, irrespective of sponsors, will be remunerated at the salary point as if the appointment / promotion is in the same school;

(b) If the teacher is appointed to a promotion rank of the same grade but below the substantive rank of his/her former post without a break in service, he/she will be remunerated at the starting point of the new post, plus incremental credit for experience acquired while serving at the promotion rank which is at or above the new rank. The new salary is capped by the maximum point of the new post.


(c) If there is a break in service, he/she should be remunerated at the minimum point of the pay scale for the rank prevailing at the time of appointment.

(See Note 8 of Appendix 13 for other conditions.)


Appendix 4 Development in PSM Salary Scales

1. With the implementation of recommendations arising from the 1999 Review on Civil Service Starting Salaries on appointments offered on or after 1.4.2000, the starting pay point of Assistant Primary School Master/Mistress (APSM) was revised from MPS Pt. 17 to MPS Pt. 12.

The salary bar has been revised correspondingly from MPS Pt. 27 to MPS Pt. 22.

2. Before 1.9.2001, a CM would be granted one increment or advancement in incremental date for having served at the maximum salary point of his/her former post for over one year at the time of regrading. The incremental date after regrading depended on the effective date of regrading, the incremental date before regrading and whether the teacher is already at the top of the CM pay scale.

3. With the implementation of the findings of the new Starting Salaries Surveys conducted by the Civil Service Bureau in 2006, the starting pay point of APSM has been revised from MPS Pt. 12 to MPS Pt. 17 for appointment on or after 1.8.2007 and the salary bar is set at five pay points above the prevailing starting salaries, i.e. MPS Pt. 22.

4. With effect from 1 September 2008, a new Senior Primary School Master/Mistress (SPSM) rank for deputy heads in primary schools, remunerated at the MPS Pt. 34 – Pt. 35, would be created in the PSM grade.

5. With effect from 1 September 2008, the minimum pay point of the HMII rank would be raised from MPS Point 34 to MPS Point 35. The following normal conversion arrangements would be applied to serving school heads of the HMII rank:

(i) brought up to the new minimum at MPS Point 35 if their existing pay is below it on 1 September 2008; or

(ii) adjusted to the next higher pay point if their existing pay is equal to or above the new minimum at MPS Point 35, subject to not exceeding the maximum pay point of the HMII rank at MPS Point 39 on 1 September 2008.

(Extracted from EDB Circular No. 8/2008 on ‘Creation of a Senior Primary School Master/Mistress Rank for Deputy Heads in Aided Primary Schools’)


6. With the implementation of the findings of the new Starting Salaries Surveys conducted by the Civil Service Bureau in 2009, the starting pay point of APSM has been revised from MPS Pt. 17 to MPS Pt. 15 for appointment on or after 1.10.2010 and the salary bar is set at five pay points above the prevailing starting salaries, i.e. MPS Pt. 20.


Appendix 5 Development in CM Salary Scales

1. The triennial increment at Point 19 (old MPS Pt. 23) and biennial increments at Pt. 20 and 21 (old MPS Pt. 24 and 25) were abolished w.e.f. 1.7.1982 upon the recommendation of the Standing Commission’s Report No. 8.

2. Before 1.1.1991, one additional increment was only granted to holders of Approved Post Secondary Colleges (APSC) diplomas on completion of the relevant ICTT course.

3. In addition to the cessation of mark-time arrangements, the following practices were implemented for the appointment of CM holding non-standard qualifications as stated in ASGC No. 14/1991 dated 20.3.1991:

a) one additional increment to be awarded to those untrained teachers upon their successful completion of the appropriate ICTT or PGCE, i.e. CMs in aided primary schools on completion of ICTT(P)/PGCE, provided that they have not reached the maximum point or have not been paid at sub-point on first appointment;

b) one additional increment for holders of ICTT(S) teaching in primary schools for completing the appropriate conversion course;

c) a salary bar to be introduced at MPS Pt. 19 beyond which untrained teachers will not be allowed to proceed (the effective date for implementing the barring is 1.4.1991); and

d) untrained teachers are not allowed for promotion.

4. With the implementation of the recommendation arising from the 1999 Review on Civil Service Starting Salaries on appointments offered on or after 1.4.2000, the standard starting pay point of CM was lowered from MPS Pt. 14 to MPS Pt. 12 and the salary bar from MPS Pt. 19 to MPS Pt.


5. With the implementation of the findings of the new Starting Salaries Surveys conducted by the Civil Service Bureau in 2006, the standard starting pay point of CM has been revised from MPS Pt. 12 to MPS Pt. 14 for appointment on or after 1.8.2007 and the salary bar is revised to MPS Pt. 19 (i.e. five pay points above the prevailing starting salaries).



An additional senior teacher post, to be offset by a post in the rank of Certificated Master/Mistress or Assistant Primary School Master/ Mistress as appropriate, is provided

An additional senior teacher post, to be offset by a post in the rank of CM or Assistant Primary School Master/Mistress (APSM) as appropriate, is provided to each primary

An additional senior teacher post, to be offset by a post in the rank of CM or Assistant Primary School Master/Mistress (APSM) as appropriate, is provided to each primary

An additional senior teacher post, to be offset by a post in the rank of Certificated Master/Mistress or Assistant Primary School Master/Mistress as appropriate, is provided to

An additional senior teacher post, to be offset by a post in the rank of APSM, is provided to each primary special school/special school with primary section that operates six or

(ii) “The dismissal of any teacher who is employed in the school – (a) to occupy a teacher post in the establishment of staff provided for in the code of aid for primary

An additional senior teacher post, to be offset by a post in the rank of APSM, is provided to each primary special school/special school with primary section that operates six or

An additional senior teacher post, to be offset by a post in the rank of CM or APSM as appropriate, is provided to each primary special school/special school with