中一級 中國歷史科 教學設計示例(供收錄非華語學生的學校參考使用) 孔子及其時代
一. 建議教節:1-2 節 二. 預期學習成果:
1. 認識孔子的生平。(知識內容)
2. 了解孔子的政治思想與時代的關係。(知識內容)
3. 認識孔子的教育思想與實踐─「有教無類」。(知識內容)
4. 透過閱讀文字資料、地圖、圖像、影片等,分析史事。(知識內容、技能) 5. 學習尊重不同的文化。(情意、態度)
三. 教學建議:
1. 因應非華語學生的中文能力,工作紙較多圖像,部分題目輔以英文,協 助學生理解內容。
2. 題型包括選擇、圈示、短答等,思考題可以口語回答。
3. 教師可按學生學習情況加入討論環節,以增加學生之間的互動。
4. 教師教授課題時,除教授相關史實外,亦須指導學生認識中國的文明和 文化,促進他們認識中國文化的特質。
5. 教師可因應學生的程度而選取適合的部分或教學活動施教。
四. 教學方案:
內容重點 流程
課節一 (1-2 節):
1. 講解關鍵詞;
2. 透過地圖及其他資料,帶出以下重 點:
- 孔子的生平;
- 孔子的政治思想與時代的關係;
- 孔子的教育思想與實踐─「有教 無類」。
1. 學校可參考本教材,並按學生的需要,以調適課程;
2. 可因應學生的中文程度刪去或減少當中的英文句子或詞彙;
3. 可同時參考課程發展處所出版的其他教材或為本調適課綱準備的其他示 例;
4. 可考慮向學生提供更多全方位學習的經驗如到內地考察、參觀博物館等 等。
XXX 中學
中一級 中國歷史科課堂工作紙 孔子及其時代
(Confucius and his Era) 姓名 Name:
成績 Grade:
班別 Class:
__________________( )
批改日期 Date of Marking:
1. 認識孔子的生平 (The life of Confucius)
2. 了解孔子的政治思想與時代的關係 (The relationship between Confucius ideology and the time period)
3. 認識孔子的教育思想與實踐─「有教無類」 (Confucius educational ideology and practice: “Education for everyone, regardless of background”) 一. 本節關鍵詞 (Key Terms)
英文詞彙 中文詞彙/粵語拼音 中文詞彙/普通話拼音
1 Confucius 孔子(hung2 zi2) 孔子(kǒng zi) 2 The Period of
Spring and Autumn
春秋時期(ceon1 cau1 si4 kei4)
春秋時期(chūn qiū shí qī)
3 The Period of Warring States
戰國時期(zin3 gwok3 si4 kei4)
戰國時期(zhàn guó shí qī)
4 Feudal system 封建制度(fung1 gin3 zai3 dou6)
封建制度(fēng jiàn zhì dù)
5 King / Son of Heaven
天子(tin1 zi2) 天子(tiān zǐ) 6 Feudal lord 諸侯(zyu1 hau4) 諸侯(zhū hóu) 7 Grand master 大夫(daai6 fu1) 大夫(dài fu) 8 Low ranking
士(si6) 士(shì)
9 Commoner 庶民(syu3 man4) 庶民(shù mín) 10 Annex 兼併(gim1 bing3) 兼併(jiān bìng) 11 Division 分裂(fan1 lit6) 分裂(fēn liè) 12 “Education for
everyone, regardless of background”
有教無類(jau5 gaau3 mou4 leoi6)
有教無類(yǒu jiào wú lèi)
13 Analects 論語(leon6 jyu5) 論語(lún yǔ)
二. 本節概要 (Key Points of the Chapter)
1. 孔子是儒家思想的開創者。 Confucius was the founder of Confucianism.
2. 春秋戰國時期是中國歷史上一個 大分裂的時代。
Periods of Spring and Autumn and Warring States were periods of great division in Chinese history.
3. 儒家思想強調每個人都要做好自 己的本分,這樣天下才能太平。
Confucianism emphasizes that all
people have to focus on doing their own part. This can lead to stabilization of the world.
4. 孔子設立學校,學生不論背景,
Confucius set up a school himself where, regardless of background, all could study.
課節一:孔子及其時代 (Confucius and his Era) 一. 孔子的時代 (The Era of Confucius)
(A) 古代三大思想家 (The Three Great Ancient Thinkers)
資料一:古代的三大思想家 (Source A: The Three Great Ancient Thinkers) (600-400BC)
1. 猜到下表中的人物是誰嗎?請將他們的名字寫在空格內 (Can you guess who they were in the table below? Please write their names in the spaces provided.)
2. 活動:你的族裔有什麼傑出的哲學家/思想家?你知這位思想家有什麼 主張嗎?請你向同學簡單介紹這位人士。(Activity: Are there any famous philosophers/thinkers in history from your ethnicity? Do you know what these thinkers advocated? Please briefly introduce this person(s) to your classmates.)
A 希臘(Greece) 我出身貧窮,但成為了古希臘的哲學 家。我認為最高的知識,就是了解到 自己的無知。(I was born in poverty but became an ancient Greek philosopher. I believe it is of the utmost importance to understand your own ignorance.)
蘇格拉底 (Socrates)
B 印度(India) 我是印度王子,生活不成問題。我一 直苦思有什麼辦法解決生老病死的問 題,最後開創了佛教。(I am an Indian prince and life is not difficult for me. I have always wondered how to solve the problems of life, old age, sickness, and death. In the end, I founded Buddhism. )
釋達多/釋迦 牟尼
(Siddhartha Gautama/
Gautama Buddha)
C 中國(China) 我是儒家思想的開創者。春秋時代,
中國到處戰亂,我認為若果每個人都 能夠安分守己,天下便可以得到太平。
(I am the founder of Confucianism.
During the Spring and Autumn Period, war was everywhere in China. I believe if everyone could just be happy with their lives, we can achieve peace.)
資料二、三、四:約 800-400BC 的中國(春秋時期,770-476BC)、印度(600BC) 及希臘(431-404BC) (Source B, C, D: China (The period of Spring and Autumn, 770-476BC), India (600BC) and Greece (431-404BC) in approximately 800-400BC)
想一想 (Please consider):
3. 這些偉大思想家身處的地方,有什麼共同的地方?(What did the home states of these great thinkers have in common?)
- 都是在(統一/分裂 的狀態)(They were all (unified/divided)) 4. 這種政治狀況怎樣有助產生思想家?(可選多於一項) (How did this
political situation help to create more philosophers? (You may choose more than one))
A. 人口多容易產生思想家。(Larger populations tended to produce philosophers more easily.)
B. 分裂混亂使人尋求救世方法。(Division and chaos made people
think of ways to save the world.)
C. 國與國競爭,容易激發新思維。(Conflicts between states
created new ways of thinking.)
D. 思想家喜歡混亂。(Philosophers liked chaos.)
中國春秋時期 (The period of Spring and Autumn in China) (770-476BC)
印度 (India) (600BC)
希臘 (Greece) (431-404BC)
(B) 孔子生平 (The Life of Confucius) 資料五:孔紇 (Source E: Kong He)
(圖片仿畫自周春才《漫畫孔子》,頁 9) 資料六:顏徵在 (Source F: Yan Zhengzai)
(圖片仿畫自周春才《漫畫孔子》,頁 9)
我姓孔,名紇,周朝魯國人,當官。我在 60 多歲 時多娶了一位不足 20 歲的年輕太太,她叫顏徵 在。結婚不久,她便替我添了一個兒子。我是貴族,
這種家族社會地位,在重視社會等級的周朝,對孩 子的成長和發展都是非常重要的。(My surname is Kong (孔)and my name is He(紇). I am from the state of Lu in the Zhou dynasty. I am an official and over 60 years old. I married a young woman under 20. Her name is Yan Zhengzai. Soon after we got married, she gave me a son. I am a nobleman. The social status of nobility is very high in the society of the Zhou dynasty, and also has important benefits for the growth and development of children.)
我的兒子是在公元前 551 年於魯國出生 的。由於我在尼丘山向神明禱告之後懷 孕,我們便改他的名字做孔丘。(My son was born in 551 BC in the state of Lu. I got pregnant after I prayed to the god at the hill
‘Ni Qiu’, so we gave him the name Kong Qiu.)
資料七:孔丘的出生證 (Source G: The birth certificate of Kong Qiu) 孔丘就在這種政治狀況下出生了,他爸爸媽媽要替他拿出生證,請你幫 他們把資料填上去:(Kong Qiu was born into this exact political situation.
His parents wanted to get his birth certificate. Please help them fill in the information:)
夫子」。英文著作中的 Confucius 便是孔夫子的拉丁音譯。在中文的書籍 中,一般簡稱「孔子」。(In ancient times, people who were experienced and knowledgeable were called “Fuzi”. When Kong Qiu grew up, he was called
“Kong Fuzi”. Confucius is the Latinized form of Kong Fuzi (also Kong Zi;
Master Kong) whose real name was Kong Qiu. In Chinese publications, we would call Kong Qiu as “Kong Zi”.)
孔丘 (Kong Qiu) 男 (Male)
公元前 551 年 (551 BC) 魯國 (State of Lu)
周朝(Zhou dynasty)
孔紇 (60 多歲)(Kong He (over 60 years old))
顏徵在 (不足 20 歲)(Yan Zhengzai (under 20 years old))
資料八:孔子的一生 (Source H: The Life of Confucius)
5. 觀看了「孔子的一生後」,你會如何形容孔子,請圈選合適的形容詞:(After having seen“The Life of Confucius”, how would you describe Confucius?
Please circle the appropriate words to describe him:) 自大
容易放棄 (Easy to give
好學 (Studious)
意志堅強 (Determined)
好勝 (Eager to
win) 出生
公元前 551 年,孔子出生,父親是 官員,不過母親是妾侍身份,在家 庭的地位不高。(In 551 BC,
Confucius was born. His father was an official but his mother was a concubine. As a result, his status in the family was quite low.)
小孩 (Childhood)
孔子三歲的時候父親去世,母子二 人被正室趕走。他們孤苦無依,最 後在魯國曲阜定居下來。(When Confucius was three years old, his father died. Mother and son were both driven out of the noble family quarters. Lonely and helpless, they finally settled in Qufu, in the Lu state.)
少年 (Teenager)
孔子的祖先雖是貴族,但因為母親 的地位和窮困,常被魯國的上流社 會看不起。有一次,孔子去參加一 個宴會,被守著門口的僕人擋住,
說他不夠資格。(The ancestors of Confucius were aristocrats. But, because his mother was a
concubine, he was often looked down upon by the upper class of Lu. Once, Confucius attended a banquet and was stopped by a guard at the door who said he was not qualified to enter.)
青年 (Young Adult)
孔子沒有因為出身問題而氣餒,他 仍然不斷努力學習。他曾經這樣形 容自己:正是因為出身不好,更加 需要好好讀書裝備自己。
(Confucius was not discouraged by his social position. He still studied hard. He once explained himself like so, “it is precisely because my family background is not good that I need to study and prepare
myself.”) 中年
(Middle age)
孔子終於成為了春秋時期最偉大 的思想家,各個諸侯國的年輕人,
都跑去曲阜跟他學習。(Confucius became the greatest philosopher in the Spring and Autumn Period.
Young people from all states went to Qufu to learn from him.)
(圖片來源:周春才,《漫畫孔子》,頁 9-10, 15, 20, 28)
(C) 孔子的政治思想 (The Political Ideology of Confucius) 資料九:孔子 (Source I: Confusius)
(圖片來源:江政啟,《漫畫中國通史故事:1 遠古至春秋》,頁 73) 資料十:《春秋》(Source J: Spring and Autumn Annuals)
春秋時期是因為孔子寫了一部《春秋》而得名。(The Spring and Autumn Period was named after Confucius had compiled the book of Spring and
Autumn Annuals.)
(圖片來源:江政啟,《漫畫中國通史故事:1 遠古至春秋》,頁 73)
要了解我的想法,必須先知道春秋時期(約 前 770-476)的政治形勢。(To understand my thinking, you must first understand the political environment of the Spring and Autumn period (around 770-476 BC).)
資料十一:周朝 (Source K: Zhou Dynasty)
周朝分為西周和東周。(Zhou Dynasty was divided into Western Zhou and Eastern Zhou.)
(圖片來源:江政啟,《漫畫中國通史故事:1 遠古至春秋》,頁 72) 資料十二:春秋和戰國時期 (Source L: Periods of Spring and Autumn and Warring States)
東周為周朝的後半部分,可分為春秋和戰國兩個時期。(The Eastern Zhou was the second half of the Zhou Dynasty. It was divided into two periods: the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States.)
(圖片來源:江政啟,《漫畫中國通史故事:1 遠古至春秋》,頁 72)
西周和東周的分界線(The timeline of Western Zhou and Eastern Zhou)
(Western Zhou) (Eastern Zhou)
公元前 770 年 (770BC)
資料十三:封建制度 (Source M: Feudal system)
春秋時期,周朝(東周)的政治制度仍是西周以來的「封建制度」,有 以下重點:(In the Spring and Autumn Period (Eastern Zhou), the political system was still the "feudal system" (fengjian zhidu) left behind by the Western Zhou. It had the following key features:)
i. 所有土地都是周天子的。(All land belonged to the King of Zhou Dynasty, known also as the Son of Heaven.)
ii. 由周天子開始,土地層層分封下去。(The king divided his territory and granted the establishment of vassal states in accordance with kinship and military glories.)
iii. 獲得土地的,需要效忠上級,以及交稅,和戰爭時派遣軍隊作出支援。
(In return, vassals were required to obey orders of the king and pay tributes to him. They were responsible for defending the territories during peacetime and leading armies to fight in wars under the command of the Son of
6. 請把這些身份填在圖表內。(Please write the correct names in the chart.) 周天子
(King of the Zhou)
大夫 (Grand master)
庶民 (Commoner)
諸侯 (Feudal lord)
士 (Low ranking
A 我是周朝的「王」,人們也稱我做「周天子」。
(People call me the “Son of Heaven”.)
周天子 (King of the Zhou)
B 周天子把天下分成不同的小國,我是其中一
國的君主,被稱為「諸侯」。(I am lord of a vassal state granted by the King.)
諸侯 (Feudal lord)
Distributing lands
Distributing lands
Distributing lands
Distributing lands
Paying tributes
Paying tributes
Paying tributes
Paying tributes
C 我是諸侯國中的高級官員。(I am a high ranking official in one of the vassal states.)
大夫 (Grand master) D 我是諸侯國中的初級官員。(I am a low
ranking official in one of the vassal states.)
(Low ranking official) E 他們都是貴族,我是農民。(They are all
nobles, I am just a farmer.)
庶民 (Commoner)
資料十四:春秋初期的諸侯國 (Source N: The vassal states of the early Spring and Autumn Period)
7. 活動:請在資料十四找出周天子管轄的地區。(Activity: Please find the area that the King of Zhou directly governed in Source N.)
資料十五:分封土地的大原則 (Source O: The theory of land division) 8. 課堂提問 (Questions):
i. 這樣分封下去,周天子自己控制的土地變得愈來愈大/小?(Would the land under the control of the King of Zhou become larger or smaller if one continued to divide the land like this?)
ii. 為什麼周天子把同姓(姬姓)諸侯放在王畿的周圍?(Why did the King of Zhou place so many feudal states with the same surname of Ji near the
- 保護周室(To protect the imperial capital)
資料十六:周天子管轄的地區 (Source P: The area which the King of Zhou governed)
(The area which the King of Zhou could directly govern became smaller and smaller. Many places were actually controlled by feudal lords.)
(圖片來源:江政啟,《漫畫中國通史故事:1 遠古至春秋》,頁 73)
周 同姓諸侯 異姓諸侯
蠻族 蠻族:Barbarian tribes
異姓諸侯:Vassal states with lords of different surnames
同姓諸侯:Vassal states with lords of same surname
周:Zhou (Surname: Ji)
(I can only govern a small piece of land!)
9. 請你把代表這三個標題的英文字母,配對到合適的漫畫上:(Please match the following labels to the appropriate images:)
A 那些強大起來的諸侯國之間,也經常因利益而發生爭鬥,並兼併對
方的土地。(These powerful vassal states also frequently fought with each other for their interests and even annexed each other's land.)
B 因此,春秋時期是中國歷史一個大分裂的時代。(Therefore, the Spring and Autumn period was a period of great division in Chinese history.)
C 到了春秋時期,諸侯王愈來愈不聽周天子的命令,周王室已經不能
控制全國的局勢。(In the Spring and Autumn Period, feudal lords became less and less obedient to the King of Zhou. The Zhou imperial family could already no longer control the situation in the country.)
這是周天子給您的命 令。(This is an order from the King of Zhou to you.)
(I am not in a good mood today. I will not look at it.) C
(圖片來源:江政啟,《漫畫中國通史故事:1 遠古至春秋》,頁 73)
過了界我就打!(If you cross the border, I will fight!) 我就過界試試!(I will try to
cross the border!)
戰火紛飛,天下開始大 亂了。(The war is raging.
The world is becoming chaotic.)
資料十七、十八:春秋初期及後期的諸侯國地圖 (Source Q, R: The map of vassal states in the early and late Spring and Autumn Period)
10. 比較這兩張諸侯國地圖,反映出什麼問題?(Compare these two maps of vassal states. What contemporary problems did the maps reflect?)
i. 諸侯國的數量愈來愈多/少?(The number of vassal states was increasing/decreasing.)
ii. 這是因為戰爭愈來愈多/少?(This is because there were more/fewer wars.)
iii. 老百姓的生活愈來愈富裕/困苦?(The life of ordinary people got more prosperous/harder.)
春秋初期的諸侯國地圖 (The map of vassal states in the early Spring and Autumn Period)
春秋後期的諸侯國地圖 (The map of vassal states in the late Spring and Autumn Period)
資料十九:以下犯上導致天下大亂 (Source S: Defying the superiors would lead to chaos)
孔子相信如果要天下太平,每個人都要做好自己的本分。當官員的,便 做個好官員,不要做一些以下犯上的事情;當國君的,則要施行對百姓 有益的政策,單靠刑法是不能使人信服的。(Confucius believed that if people would like to stabilize the world, they all have to focus on doing their own part. If one is an official, one needs to be a good official and not defy their superiors and start rebellions. If one is the lord of a state, one must implement policies that are beneficial to the people. No one can gain the trust of the people by only relying on penalties.)
I am the king of the Zhou. I am so sacred!)
我是「諸侯」,也想做「王」。(I am a lord from a vassal state, but I want to be the king)
我是「大夫」,但想做「諸侯」。 (I am a high ranking official, but I want to be the lord in my vassal state.)
我是諸侯國中的初級官員,被稱為「士」。(I am a low ranking official from a vassal state.)
我是老百姓,亦稱為「庶民」,耕田的。(I am a commoner. I farm in the fields.)
二. 孔子的教育思想與實踐—有教無類 (Confucian Educational Ideology and Practice—“Education for All, Regardless of Background”) 資料二十:孔子與他的學生 (Source T: Confucius and his students)
i. 孔子的時代,學校只收貴族子弟。孔子於是自己設立學校,不論背景,
都可以讀書。(In the era of Confucius, schools only accepted the sons of nobility. Confucius therefore set up a school himself where, regardless of background, all could study.)
ii. 孔子一生教過三千個學生,公冶長(坐過牢)、子貢(商人)、子路(武術家)
及顏回(窮人)是跟隨孔子多年的學生,其中出身貧窮的顏回最得孔子欣 賞。(In Confucius’ lifetime, he taught 3,000 students. Gongye Chang (once imprisoned), Zigong (merchant), Zilu (martial artist) and Yan Hui (poor person) were those who studied under him for many years. One of them, Yan Hui, who was born in poverty, was the favourite student of Confucius.)
公冶長 (Gongye Chang)
子貢 (Zigong)
子路 (Zilu)
顏回 (Yan Hui)
孔子 (Confucius)
資料二十一、二十二:《論語》及孔子像 (Source U, V: Analects and the statue of Confucius)
孔子在公元前 479 年去世,學生把他的思想言行記錄下來,編成《論 語》,流傳後世。(Confucius died in 479 BC. His students recorded his thinking and behaviour, creating the Analects.)
後世將孔子的學問稱為「儒家思想」。信奉儒家思想的讀書人,則被稱 為「儒生」。(People who studied the Analects and other classics advocated by the Confucius were called Confucian scholars. These Confucian scholars formed a school of Confucianism.)
11. 課堂提問:資料二十一的照片在孔子的故鄉拍攝的,請問孔子的故鄉目 前是在山東的什麼地方?(Question: The photo in Source V was taken in the hometown of Confucius. Where in Shandong was the hometown of Confucius?)
- 曲阜市(The city of Qufu)
12. 課後活動:請觀看一段有關孔子的動畫。然後回答下列問題: (注意:每
題的正確答案可以多過一個)(Please watch this cartoon about Confucius.
Then, answer the following questions. (note: there can be more than one right answer in each question.))
01_can_sd.mp4 (中文版)
(Chinese version)-
01_eng_sd.mp4 (英文版) (English version)
i. 齊國為什麼會妒忌魯國?(Why would the Qi state be jealous of the Lu state?)
魯國的土地較齊國大。(The land of the Lu state was larger than that of the Qi state's.)
魯國有較多美女。(The Lu state had more beautiful women.)
魯國重用孔子後強大了。(The Lu state became stronger after relying
on Confucius.)
ii. 齊、魯兩國國君會面,孔子為什麼要魯君離開會場?(When the leaders of the Qi and Lu states met, why did Confucius want the leader of Lu to leave the meeting place?)
齊國宴會的食物太難吃。(The food at the Qi state banquet was too unpalatable.)
齊國提供的表演太低俗,不合禮儀。(The performance hosted by the
Qi state was too vulgar and not good etiquette.)
魯君身體不舒服。(The leader of Lu was feeling unwell.) iii. 齊國用什麼方法使魯君疏遠孔子?(What methods did the Qi state use to
alienate the Lord of Lu from Confucius?)
齊國送美女、駿馬給魯君,使他沈迷享樂。(The Qi state sent beautiful women and horses to the Lord of Lu, making him lose himself in his enjoyment.)
齊國將孔子的醜聞告訴魯君。(The Qi state told the Lord of Lu about the scandals of Confucius.)
齊國通知魯君孔子將會篡位。( The Qi state informed the Lord of Lu that Confucius would usurp his throne.)
iv. 孔子去楚國的途中被圍困 7 日,學生埋怨為什麼做好人也會有這些遭遇
時,孔子怎樣回應?(On the way to the Chu state, Confucius was besieged for seven days. His students complained, why did good people suffer these kinds of bitter experiences? How did Confucius respond?)
饑餓、沒錢時不應降低對自己的要求。(When one is hungry and without money, one should not lower their expectations for
遇到困難仍然要盡力做好自己的本份。(When difficulties are
encountered, you still have to do your best to do your part.)
這是人生的考驗。(This is a test in life.)
v. 孔子在楚國辭官後從事什麼工作?(What work did Confucius do after leaving the Chu state?)
做商人買賣古董。(Became a merchant and traded in antiques.) 周遊列國旅行。(Traveled the world.)
編訂古代典籍。(Compiled books.)
資料二十三:孔子書籤 (Source W: The bookmark of Confucius)
13. 手工製作—孔子書籤設計 (Handicrafts: Bookmark of Confucius quotes)
以自己在網上搜尋)在書籤上。(The following maxims are all from the
Analects. Students may copy a saying which they like (or search for one on the
internet) onto a bookmark.)1. 有教無類。(不管什麼人都可以受到教育。)(Education for all, regardless of background.)
2. 己所不欲,勿施於人。(自己不願意做的事情,不要強迫他人去做。)
(If you do not want to do something, do not force someone else to do it.) 3. 三人行,必有我師焉。(三個人走在一起,一定有人值得我學習。)(When
three people are together, there will definitely be one that I can learn from.)
4. 人無遠慮,必有近憂。(人沒有長遠的考慮,一定會出現眼前的憂患。)
(People who do not consider the long term will find problems in front of them.)
5. 學而不思則罔。(只學習而不思考會迷惑而無所得)(To learn without thinking is blindness.)
黃浩明先生(erichmwong@edb.gov.hk; 35406829)或 羅嘉恩女士(lokayan@edb.gov.hk; 28925882)