The Density Attack for primes
Witnesses to compositeness
of n
All numbers < n
The Density Attack for primes
1: Pick k ∈ {1, . . . , n} randomly;
2: if k| n and k ̸= n then
3: return “n is composite”;
4: else
5: return “n is (probably) a prime”;
6: end if
The Density Attack for primes (continued)
• It works, but does it work well?
• The ratio of numbers ≤ n relatively prime to n (the white area) is ϕ(n)/n.
• When n = pq, where p and q are distinct primes, ϕ(n)
n = pq − p − q + 1
pq > 1 − 1
q − 1 p.
The Density Attack for primes (concluded)
• So the ratio of numbers ≤ n not relatively prime to n (the grey area) is < (1/q) + (1/p).
– The “density attack” has probability about 2/√
n of factoring n = pq when p ∼ q = O(√
n ).
– The “density attack” to factor n = pq hence takes Ω(√
n) steps on average when p ∼ q = O(√ n ).
– This running time is exponential: Ω(20.5 log2n).
The Chinese Remainder Theorem
• Let n = n1n2 · · · nk, where ni are pairwise relatively prime.
• For any integers a1, a2, . . . , ak, the set of simultaneous equations
x = a1 mod n1, x = a2 mod n2,
x = ak mod nk,
has a unique solution modulo n for the unknown x.
Fermat’s “Little” Theorem
aLemma 55 For all 0 < a < p, ap−1 = 1 mod p.
• Recall Φ(p) = {1, 2, . . . , p − 1}.
• Consider aΦ(p) = {am mod p : m ∈ Φ(p)}.
• aΦ(p) = Φ(p).
– aΦ(p) ⊆ Φ(p) as a remainder must be between 1 and p − 1.
– Suppose am = am′ mod p for m > m′, where m, m′ ∈ Φ(p).
– That means a(m − m′) = 0 mod p, and p divides a or m − m′, which is impossible.
aPierre de Fermat (1601–1665).
The Proof (concluded)
• Multiply all the numbers in Φ(p) to yield (p − 1)!.
• Multiply all the numbers in aΦ(p) to yield ap−1(p − 1)!.
• As aΦ(p) = Φ(p), ap−1(p − 1)! = (p − 1)! mod p.
• Finally, ap−1 = 1 mod p because p ̸ |(p − 1)!.
The Fermat-Euler Theorem
aCorollary 56 For all a ∈ Φ(n), aϕ(n) = 1 mod n.
• The proof is similar to that of Lemma 55 (p. 437).
• Consider aΦ(n) = {am mod n : m ∈ Φ(n)}.
• aΦ(n) = Φ(n).
– aΦ(n) ⊆ Φ(n) as a remainder must be between 0 and n − 1 and relatively prime to n.
– Suppose am = am′ mod n for m′ < m < n, where m, m′ ∈ Φ(n).
– That means a(m − m′) = 0 mod n, and n divides a or m − m′, which is impossible.
aProof by Mr. Wei-Cheng Cheng (R93922108, D95922011) on Novem- ber 24, 2004.
The Proof (concluded)
a• Multiply all the numbers in Φ(n) to yield ∏
m∈Φ(n) m.
• Multiply all the numbers in aΦ(n) to yield aϕ(n) ∏
m∈Φ(n) m.
• As aΦ(n) = Φ(n),
m = aϕ(n)
mod n.
• Finally, aϕ(n) = 1 mod n because n ̸ | ∏
m∈Φ(n) m.
aSome typographical errors corrected by Mr. Jung-Ying Chen (D95723006) on November 18, 2008.
An Example
• As 12 = 22 × 3,
ϕ(12) = 12 × (
1 − 1 2
) (
1 − 1 3
= 4.
• In fact, Φ(12) = {1, 5, 7, 11}.
• For example,
54 = 625 = 1 mod 12.
• The exponent of m ∈ Φ(p) is the least k ∈ Z+ such that mk = 1 mod p.
• Every residue s ∈ Φ(p) has an exponent.
– 1, s, s2, s3, . . . eventually repeats itself modulo p, say si = sj mod p, which means sj−i = 1 mod p.
• If the exponent of m is k and mℓ = 1 mod p, then k|ℓ.
– Otherwise, ℓ = qk + a for 0 < a < k, and
mℓ = mqk+a = ma = 1 mod p, a contradiction.
Lemma 57 Any nonzero polynomial of degree k has at most k distinct roots modulo p.
Exponents and Primitive Roots
• From Fermat’s “little” theorem, all exponents divide p − 1.
• A primitive root of p is thus a number with exponent p − 1.
• Let R(k) denote the total number of residues in Φ(p) = {1, 2, . . . , p − 1} that have exponent k.
• We already knew that R(k) = 0 for k ̸ |(p − 1).
• So ∑
R(k) = p − 1 as every number has an exponent.
Size of R(k)
• Any a ∈ Φ(p) of exponent k satisfies xk = 1 mod p.
• Hence there are at most k residues of exponent k, i.e., R(k) ≤ k, by Lemma 57 (p. 442).
• Let s be a residue of exponent k.
• 1, s, s2, . . . , sk−1 are distinct modulo p.
– Otherwise, si = sj mod p with i < j.
– Then sj−i = 1 mod p with j − i < k, a contradiction.
• As all these k distinct numbers satisfy xk = 1 mod p, they comprise all solutions of xk = 1 mod p.
Size of R(k) (continued)
• But do all of them have exponent k (i.e., R(k) = k)?
• And if not (i.e., R(k) < k), how many of them do?
• Pick sℓ.
• Suppose ℓ < k and ℓ ̸∈ Φ(k) with gcd(ℓ, k) = d > 1.
• Then
(sℓ)k/d = (sk)ℓ/d = 1 mod p.
• Therefore, sℓ has exponent at most k/d < k.
• We conclude that
R(k) ≤ ϕ(k).
Size of R(k) (concluded)
• Because all p − 1 residues have an exponent, p − 1 = ∑
R(k) ≤ ∑
ϕ(k) = p − 1
by Lemma 54 (p. 430).
• Hence
R(k) =
ϕ(k) when k|(p − 1) 0 otherwise
• In particular, R(p − 1) = ϕ(p − 1) > 0, and p has at least one primitive root.
• This proves one direction of Theorem 49 (p. 416).
A Few Calculations
• Let p = 13.
• From p. 439, we know ϕ(p − 1) = 4.
• Hence R(12) = 4.
• Indeed, there are 4 primitive roots of p.
• As
Φ(p − 1) = {1, 5, 7, 11}, the primitive roots are
g1, g5, g7, g11 for any primitive root g.
The Other Direction of Theorem 49 (p. 416)
• We show p is a prime if there is a number r such that 1. rp−1 = 1 mod p, and
2. r(p−1)/q ̸= 1 mod p for all prime divisors q of p − 1.
• Suppose p is not a prime.
• We proceed to show that no primitive roots exist.
• Suppose rp−1 = 1 mod p (note gcd(r, p) = 1).
• We will show that the 2nd condition must be violated.
The Proof (continued)
• So we proceed to show r(p−1)/q = 1 mod p for some prime divisor q of p − 1.
• rϕ(p) = 1 mod p by the Fermat-Euler theorem (p. 439).
• Because p is not a prime, ϕ(p) < p − 1.
• Let k be the smallest integer such that rk = 1 mod p.
• With the 1st condition, it is easy to show that k | (p − 1) (similar to p. 442).
• Note that k | ϕ(p) (p. 442).
• As k ≤ ϕ(p), k < p − 1.
The Proof (concluded)
• Let q be a prime divisor of (p − 1)/k > 1.
• Then k|(p − 1)/q.
• By the definition of k,
r(p−1)/q = 1 mod p.
• But this violates the 2nd condition.
Function Problems
• Decision problems are yes/no problems (sat, tsp (d), etc.).
• Function problems require a solution (a satisfying truth assignment, a best tsp tour, etc.).
• Optimization problems are clearly function problems.
• What is the relation between function and decision problems?
• Which one is harder?
Function Problems Cannot Be Easier than Decision Problems
• If we know how to generate a solution, we can solve the corresponding decision problem.
– If you can find a satisfying truth assignment efficiently, then sat is in P.
– If you can find the best tsp tour efficiently, then tsp (d) is in P.
• But decision problems can be as hard as the corresponding function problems.
• fsat is this function problem:
– Let ϕ(x1, x2, . . . , xn) be a boolean expression.
– If ϕ is satisfiable, then return a satisfying truth assignment.
– Otherwise, return “no.”
• We next show that if sat ∈ P, then fsat has a polynomial-time algorithm.
• sat is a subroutine (black box) that returns “yes” or
“no” on the satisfiability of the input.
An Algorithm for fsat Using sat
1: t := ϵ; {Truth assignment.}
2: if ϕ ∈ sat then
3: for i = 1, 2, . . . , n do
4: if ϕ[ xi = true ] ∈ sat then 5: t := t ∪ { xi = true};
6: ϕ := ϕ[ xi = true ];
7: else
8: t := t ∪ { xi = false};
9: ϕ := ϕ[ xi = false ];
10: end if 11: end for 12: return t;
13: else
14: return “no”;
15: end if
• If sat can be solved in polynomial time, so can fsat.
– There are ≤ n + 1 calls to the algorithm for sat.a – Boolean expressions shorter than ϕ are used in each
call to the algorithm for sat.
• Hence sat and fsat are equally hard (or easy).
• Note that this reduction from fsat to sat is not a Karp reduction (recall p. 237).
• Instead, it calls sat multiple times as a subroutine and moves on sat’s outputs.
aContributed by Ms. Eva Ou (R93922132) on November 24, 2004.
tsp and tsp (d) Revisited
• We are given n cities 1, 2, . . . , n and integer distances dij = dji between any two cities i and j.
• tsp (d) asks if there is a tour with a total distance at most B.
• tsp asks for a tour with the shortest total distance.
– The shortest total distance is at most ∑
i,j dij.
∗ Recall that the input string contains d11, . . . , dnn.
∗ Thus the shortest total distance is less than 2| x | in magnitude, where x is the input (why?).
• We next show that if tsp (d) ∈ P, then tsp has a polynomial-time algorithm.
An Algorithm for tsp Using tsp (d)
1: Perform a binary search over interval [ 0, 2| x | ] by calling tsp (d) to obtain the shortest distance, C;
2: for i, j = 1, 2, . . . , n do
3: Call tsp (d) with B = C and dij = C + 1;
4: if “no” then
5: Restore dij to old value; {Edge [ i, j ] is critical.}
6: end if
7: end for
8: return the tour with edges whose dij ≤ C;
• An edge that is not on any optimal tour will be eliminated, with its dij set to C + 1.
• An edge which is not on all remaining optimal tours will also be eliminated.
• So the algorithm ends with n edges which are not eliminated (why?).
• There are O(| x | + n2) calls to the algorithm for tsp (d).
• Each call has an input length of O( x |).
• So if tsp (d) can be solved in polynomial time, so can tsp.
• Hence tsp (d) and tsp are equally hard (or easy).
Randomized Computation
I know that half my advertising works, I just don’t know which half.
— John Wanamaker I know that half my advertising is a waste of money, I just don’t know which half!
— McGraw-Hill ad.
Randomized Algorithms
a• Randomized algorithms flip unbiased coins.
• There are important problems for which there are no known efficient deterministic algorithms but for which very efficient randomized algorithms exist.
– Extraction of square roots, for instance.
• There are problems where randomization is necessary.
– Secure protocols.
• Randomized version can be more efficient.
– Parallel algorithm for maximal independent set.b
aRabin (1976); Solovay and Strassen (1977).
b“Maximal” (a local maximum) not “maximum” (a global maximum).
“Four Most Important Randomized Algorithms”
a1. Primality testing.b
2. Graph connectivity using random walks.c 3. Polynomial identity testing.d
4. Algorithms for approximate counting.e
aTrevisan (2006).
bRabin (1976); Solovay and Strassen (1977).
cAleliunas, Karp, Lipton, Lov´asz, and Rackoff (1979).
dSchwartz (1980); Zippel (1979).
eSinclair and Jerrum (1989).
Bipartite Perfect Matching
• We are given a bipartite graph G = (U, V, E).
– U = {u1, u2, . . . , un}.
– V = {v1, v2, . . . , vn}.
– E ⊆ U × V .
• We are asked if there is a perfect matching.
– A permutation π of {1, 2, . . . , n} such that (ui, vπ(i)) ∈ E
for all i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n}.
A Perfect Matching in a Bipartite Graph
Symbolic Determinants
• We are given a bipartite graph G.
• Construct the n × n matrix AG whose (i, j)th entry AGij is a symbolic variable xij if (ui, vj) ∈ E and 0 otherwise.
Symbolic Determinants (continued)
• The matrix for the bipartite graph G on p. 464 is
AG =
0 0 x13 x14 0
0 x22 0 0 0
x31 0 0 0 x35
x41 0 x43 x44 0
x51 0 0 0 x55
. (6)
Symbolic Determinants (concluded)
• The determinant of AG is det(AG) = ∑
∏n i=1
AGi,π(i). (7)
– π ranges over all permutations of n elements.
– sgn(π) is 1 if π is the product of an even number of transpositions and −1 otherwise.
– Equivalently, sgn(π) = 1 if the number of (i, j)s such that i < j and π(i) > π(j) is even.a
• det(AG) contains n! terms, many of which may be 0s.
aContributed by Mr. Hwan-Jeu Yu (D95922028) on May 1, 2008.
Determinant and Bipartite Perfect Matching
• In ∑
π sgn(π)∏n
i=1 AGi,π(i), note the following:
– Each summand corresponds to a possible perfect matching π.
– All of these summands ∏n
i=1 AGi,π(i) are distinct monomials and will not cancel.
• det(AG) is essentially an exhaustive enumeration.
Proposition 58 (Edmonds (1967)) G has a perfect matching if and only if det(AG) is not identically zero.
Perfect Matching and Determinant (p. 464)
Perfect Matching and Determinant (concluded)
• The matrix is (p. 466)
AG =
0 0 x13 x14 0
0 x22 0 0 0
x31 0 0 0 x35
x41 0 x43 x44 0
x51 0 0 0 x55
• det(AG) = −x14x22x35x43x51 + x13x22x35x44x51 + x14x22x31x43x55 − x13x22x31x44x55.
• Each nonzero term denotes a perfect matching.